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Kurdish leader fears reprisal

          5/27/2011 Article - Untitled Article
          Publication: Guardian 1821-2000; Date: Jul 30, 1979; Section: None; Page: 5
          From Router in Tehran
          The spritual leader a! frau's
          3.5 eslilioza Kurds mid y
          day that bared a con-
          frontation between the Army
          and the Kurda as the Iranian
          military ... to re25
          trot of Kurclish areas on the
          casntry' a border.
          Slseikh Kereotin Itocacini in-
          sisted that the Ktsrda should
          be grenled arlf-ru —
          The dispatch of the Army
          and talomic Revolutionary
          Guards In Kurdiston is a great
          saistake end I.. .L...ted against
          all ihe peoples of Iran, the
          Sheikh said by plstfrom
          lila headquarters In the north.
          western town of Mahabad.
          The government has been
          sending releforeenienta, leirlud-
          log armoured units, into Kur-
          dish troable spota since July”4ee
          ltenspt to take back areas
          abandoned when Ihe Shah's
          armed forest disintegrated in
          the revolution.
          The sheikts sent a message
          to the people of the Kurdisla
          town of Kamysran wh see.
          preaenlest a column of 13
          tanks resehsng the provincial
          capital of Kurdittan. Sasands).
          hv staging — ..t L. ,,rotest on
          the roads.
          Sheikti Erradan Ia a Sunai
          Cloalem. like saost Kssrds. The
          majorIty of traalan g to
          the Shi'ite t tolam, like
          Ayatollah Khemelnl. Sheikh
          Fesedia believes that tile
          future Coessilutlen of the Pats-
          nile Republic should clearly
          grant autenemy to the Kurds
          sod other ethnic nsinortti
          An aaae,nbly of cenetits-
          tiunal esperta Ia Is he elected
          on Augset 3, but the draft
          which they will have one
          month to approve does not
          issenlion atatononsy for any of
          Iran's regions.
          F!T Deputy Premier Muatafa
          Chararan. said In an interview
          published at the weekend that
          the Goreremeet wan deter.
          an iced to reestablish Ito author.
          tv lit Kurdish areas with the
          One terget mentioned by Dr
          Chamran was the reacrupation
          or time mil llary hsae at Islaha-
          had. Mafloboct wan she capitol
          ‘if a rttert.lived Kurdish repub-
          lic pracloarard Soviet
          ousparro at the end of the
          Sreoad World War.
          Kurdlob guerrillas raided
          M garrlano during the
          February upriniog and cap-
          bred mary wenpooa. some of
          which were reported to have
          been ueed when Kstrds pinned
          down the 28th tr )ivisien
          at us garrison i Coardiasao
          provincial capital of a _ ., _ . _ a.. ;
          Is Marsh.
          The Kurt rlainaed to have
          rapturr tanks earlier this
          utootto when they intercepted a
          osutitory convoy trying to re-
          oeen a border post at Sero. art
          the Tarkiati frostier, to — re-
          store law sod order and pre-
          vent smuggling.' Some of the
          trenton troops were forced to
          through Turkey.
          archive.guardian.co.uk/.../getFiles.asp?... 1/2
          5/27/2011 Article - Untitled Article
          Ayatollah lfhomeiatl regeited
          at the weekend a personal note
          of apology from the Chinese
          Communist Party 's elialrmaa
          Bus Gttofeng far visiting Ir an
          in the cloning mootho of lhe
          deposed reportn 3 Lrdav SOldand Media Limited
          that the note was dehit'e'red to
          the ayatollah on Saturday by
          the visiting Pakistani Foreign
          Minister, Agaha Shahi, who
          wet him at Qent.
          The press also reported yea-
          terday that a team of Islamic
          guordo in Qam. Ayatollah Kho.
          itteini't home town, wilt punish
          anyone eating in the daytime
          doring the Moslem faatlng
          month or Ramadan. The
          Tehran newspaper Bamdad
          said tranogrennnco wauld be
          punished in public, bat did net
          indicate the type of puaioh-
          • Iranian nationals end fnr•
          cigia travellers may no lunger
          lake Persian carpets with them
          when leaving iran, the caslomo
          department ruled yesterday.
          Pamenger carrying carpets
          have been stopped at Tehran'n
          eirpnrt lately in a drive coin-
          ciding with curbs On the
          eeport of doreigrs exchange.
          archive.guardian.co.uk/.../getFiles.asp?... 2/2

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