Aadel Collection
Kurdish Rebellion Poses Severe Challenge to Khomeini
ICu rclislz He be I lion roses Serere Clia lie nae to iaonae mi ]3y William ]3ranigin ‘as)flngton E'ost st aff WriLer Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini is fac- ing his toughest .test since coming to power six months ago as he tries to impose his authority in the turbulent mountain region df Iranian ICurdistan. Having committed his prestige to a hard-line effort to crush a rebellion by Kurdish tribesmen seeking autonomy, Khomeini £ a c e s the prospects that a nascent guerrilla war in the rugged Iranian northwest will in ten- sify the strains in his already none- too-reliable armed forces and strengthen political opposition from other sources. They are prospects that could spell - Khomeini's undoing. Already the ICurdish rebellion has proved to be a source of opposition to IChomeini that is not as easily crushed as the liberal and leftist political groups he banned in Tehran earlier this month and the autonomy-minded Iranian Arabs who were put down — — at least temporarily — by government forces in Iran's southwestern oil-prod- ucing region. More nu merOus, better armed and more determined than less cohesive oppositioii groups, the Kurds are not as susceptible to Khomeini's threats of massive force against them as are other disgruntled parties and ininori- ties. Moreover, the ICurds are capable of waging a damaging and protracted guerrilla war against Khomeini's forces, which rely primarily on Revolu- tionary Guards from outside the area. In the latest incidents in the region, I cardish guerrillas attacked an Army base and at least two more [ Curds were reported executed yesterday af- ter summary trials by Islamic revolu- tionary courts. The new fighting and executions came as the outlawed ICurdistan Den- Ne u 's 24 na iys is ocratic Party, the main rebel organiza- tion, rejected a call for surrender from Khomeini, who has declared himself commander in chief of the armed forces in his effort to crush the ICurdish movement. The latest flare-up scuttled an unof- ficial cease-fire that took effect after government forces overran the ICurd- ish towh of Saqqez Sunday, ending five days of heavy fighting. The armed forces and elite Revolu- tion ary Guards under Khomeini's command may be able to continue routing the ICurdish guerrillas from their cities and towns in northwestern Iran, analysts here say, but those troops would likely take a beating in any ensuing clashes in the mountain- ous terrain that traditionally has served as the ICurds' redoubt. Renowned as tough mountain warriors, the ICurds might be hard pressed to defend urban areas, but they can raid government outposts and installations in the region almost at will. That is what happened Tuesday night when, according to the govern- ment, ICurdish guerrillas hit an Army barracks at the village of Jaldian with artillery, mortars and inceildiary bombs and sabotaged the garrison's water and power supplies. Gove ? i- ment sources said one Iranian ser- geant was killed. Although they are more vulnerable in urban areas to the government's helicopter gunships, artillery and IJ.S.-supplied P4 Phantom fighter- bombers—used in the battle for Saqqez—the K urds seem determined to fight for Mahabad, the main ICurd- ish stronghold and the capital of a short-lived ICurdish republic after World War IT “Mre have decided to defend our- selves and we Will fight,” a Kurdistan Democratic Party official in IViahabad was quoted by news services as say- ing. His vow came after Khomeini re- jected IC lrdish pe'ace proposals and announced tough c oñditions for end- ing the conflict, demanding the sur- render of the rebel tribesmen and the punishment as traitors of Kurdistan Democratic Party leaders. Fearing an attack by a column of tanks parked about 20 miles outside Mahabad, iCurdish fighters are hold- ing hill positions commanding the roads into the city. The ICurds claim to be equippped with tanks, antiair- craft guns, antitank weapons and some artillery, most of it presumably looted from Iranian Army posts. Iranian Interior Minister 1-lashem Sabbaghian said an agreement had been reached to allow Iranian troops into Mahabad but this was denied by ICurdish spokesmen in the city. Pursuing its apparent policy of con- trolling cities and towns in the region, the government yesterday warned vil- lages near the scene of •the latest Kur- dish raid that they would be attacked by air and ground forces if they shel- tered rebels. The official Pars News Agency meanwhile said tsvo ICurds were exec- uted in the town of Zanjan. Islamic firing squads have shot at lèást 77 per- sons, most of them alleged rebels, in the ECurdish region in the past two weeks. Kurdish sources told reporters that 57 ICurds were executed in Saqqez Tuesday, but there was no other confirmation of that report. Although the ICurds have been res- tive since government authority broke down during the revolution against Shah Mohammed Reza Pahiavi, Kbo meini app ears to have contributed - largely to the current unrest in the ICurdish region. After a Kurdish up- rising in the town of Paveh was quelled two weeks ago, Khomeini or- dered a full-scale mobilization and clis patched forces to crush an alleged ICurdish rebellion in the iCurdistan provincial capital of Sanandaj, which was quiet. The mobilization, aimed as much at rallying the support of an increasingly disenchanted Iranian public as countering a ICurdish threat, helped to create the rebellion that Khomeini had conjured up. Part of the trouble also is that -the government is skeptical—perhaps with reason—of the ICurds' Insistence that they are agitating only for re- gional autonomy, not an independent Kurdish state.