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Kurds lose mountain stronghold

          Article - Untitled Article
          Publication: Guardian 1821-2000; Date: Aug 25,1979; Section: None; Page: 5
          Kurds lose
          From Ráuter tn'Tehran
          Iranian Goventmerat (ones
          la4r!i!kt recaptured the Nut-
          dish guerrilla stron4hold t
          t ez liter i three-daybattle.
          the official Pars news agency
          reported. -
          The agency quoted the coin-
          mender of the 28th infantry
          division based in Sanandaj as
          saying the town felt to a relief
          There was no iesdepensteait
          confirmation of the report ae
          telephone operators reported alt
          lines to the hill town were cut.
          The Pars report Indicated the
          column first retievod a stranded
          army garrison on the edge of
          town which had been under
          heavy mortar and light artillery
          fire Irons Kurdish guerrillas.
          l lelicopffl!ifatrlps pounded
          the town with rockets and
          machine gun fire throughout the
          day, according to eye-witnesses.
          There wan no relishlo esti mate
          of casualttea available. Kurdtah
          guerrillas, under the leadership leader angry:' No! they must
          of the banned Kurdish Demo- be punished. ThiS'ia no g3aee
          cratic Party. aSeld the for them hare. They omit leo n e.
          northern stronghold of litahsbsd ‘The revolution. in ' as Lalansie
          although a battle between army one and everyboe%ywhä chooses
          tanks and guerrillas using another - ‘p a th mu at be
          rockets and artillefy was repor- suppressed.”
          ted to be ragIng 20 miles outaide The HIP leader, Abduirab-
          the town: yesterday, man Qaesemiou, said in Mali.-
          The battle halted at nightfall bad that the' Kurde were
          when the tanks were as longer prepared to negottii ith the
          able to snake uae of roconnass- centeai Government if four
          sauce helicopters tO pinpoint conditions were met Mr Qsa-
          guerrilla emplacements. semlou. dressed -in trsotttienal
          In a speech ihe mark the end Kurdish baggy' trousers ansi
          of itasnadon. the nornislly most- imlt esa top with a pistol on
          crate Tehrsn religious leader, his hip, listed the conditions
          Ayatoilsh Mshnsoud Taleghani, as: suspension of further troop
          cursed the HIP and branded its reinforcements to the Kurdish
          memhers as Communists. Using region; the release of pu lSeS
          a Persian curse, he said: “Dust prboners; the freeing of sit
          en their beads. The name of the iturdish hostagea: so end to
          NUt' brIngs back very bad etions of Kuids alleged to
          memories” have takers paus the fight'
          leg. Thy Kurdish leader said
          In a reference to Ayatollah that If the-ueSttsons ware not
          Ichemelni. he said: “The
          leader of the Revolution himself met his side would continue
          asked me why are you defend- tlghtieg.
          log these people, and now you Istahabad' was completely in
          see hew they have made the Kurdisis hands and the guer.
          © Guardian News and Media Limited
          • n it s t nghold
          lies' -!ere armed .with.-G'I.
          l{alsshsisksv; lit-i; and eseohoslo-
          vsk-msde Berno :‘ ‘automatic
          rifles. Old men: reussoing the
          administration nt . *ho' ‘KDP
          offices all carried pistols.
          State radio yeterday broad-
          cast half-hourly appdala to the
          people of Saqqee not to help
          what it described as rounterre'
          volulloosry elements which
          load entered the town asset wore
          attacking the garrison with
          morre. The radio- laid thst
          soldIers in the garrison did not
          wsnt to fight in order to avoid
          bloedshed. It aatd that three
          officers, sire sergesnte, and
          seven privates at the garrison
          bad been killed.
          The army had untta at Mlsn-
          dowab, northeast of. Mohubsd,
          but Nerds held the road be-
          tween—tim two towns sad had
          built sandbeg emplacements
          along somo stretches: Thn
          geerrillas were using raptured
          army jeeps and lorrtae for
          Kenneth ltfecKeorie odds
          frosts itakqro With reports of
          growing political unrest tic pro..
          vinces of south-eaatern Turkey.
          the Minister of the Interior.
          ME Boson Fehmi Guoee, has
          cleated a 10-day tour of investi-
          gation of the moat aesstttve
          a mos. -
          In tire past two weeks politi-
          cal violence has increased, de-
          aptie governanenial claims to
          the eostnry.
          The authorities are primarily
          worried about reports of eeea-
          lottsrg unrest is south-eastern
          Turkey psrtscuisrly in Un a
          pnavlnee, where a local pro-
          Kurdish group has perpetrated
          a series of terresisi outrages,
          including the murders of pro-
          notnent Right-wIngera and the
          wounding of a justice party
          depuiy. The autboritlea arc
          alarmed that the secessionist
          orgsnisetlen — led by a Left-
          wing faction known as the
          Apoists — may he sttensptin
          to set up “liberated zones.'
          Ayatollah Taleghasai
          5/27/2011 Article - Untitled Article
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