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Kurds threaten to abandon Iranian citizenship unless demands are met
Publication: Guardian 1821-2000; Date: Jun 22, 1979; Section: None; Page: 7 Kurds threaten to abandon Iranian ëiliiénship unless demands aWillét From Liz Thurgood in tehran More than 12,00D Kurdish re- fugces have tliVCp l v d to abandon their Iranian citizen- ship and march inLu Turkey OL Iraq if the Government does not allow them to return to their homes in safety. The ultimatum was delivered yesterday by the Kurdi Pi rein- gee committee which waS Let up after ft httng in The wes- inn towit of Nagliadeli two months ago. According to a committee spokesman, 12,473 Kurdish men, wonton, and cl flJt CL I were made homeless by the fighting and are now wandering from town to town In search of help, frightened to return home. The Kurds have also Lssue.j a, flYC r at list of demands which 1 they saY. must ,be Eu!. filled before they wilt return 1(1 Naghadch. these range from the prosecution of “members of the Shah 's r e - gime” now serving on the Jnlan Konittelis. 11w replace- ment of the Komitebs (made up of Persian J, with councils of Kinds and Turks 4 control of llirtjral gendarnieric. and Government compensation for damaged property The Thirdiich action appar i'ntly follows repeaLed elfou'ts In try to negotiate a- ett1eutont - with the Govcrmnent. the cOin- iniUte cabled the Prime Minis- ter'a office warning that: it would seèi political asylum in either iraq or Turkey it their demands were iiol met The deadline espires at midnight on Monday. “If neither the Iraqis nor the Turks wilt give us a home, we will ask other countrIes such as Afghnnisja , Kuwait, o” Pakistan,” said Mulnmnmiad Morad Rassouli, one ol' five committee itienibers visiting Tehran to try to see Dr Mebdi Bazargan. the Prime tlnIster. The ICurds have been told Ib M. a meeting cannot be arranged for at least two months. The demands coincide with fresh reports of Kurdish 1 1 1k- luippiness with the u wi, - re- leased draft Constitution. The Kui-ds. and Ii'a 's other rei ttess such as the Turkoinans and Arabs, h id been hoping that the 1M- article—document-- would offer the m autononty But the only concession the Guvernntent appears ready to make is greater participation in running their own affairs and the right to linguisti c -and cultural freedoms, - The refugees were made homeless when fierce fighting broke out between the Kurds and Turks two montbs—ite The Ira ni an Army moved In whit nd helicopters and the Kinds claimed that 200 of thei. aple died in the ensu- ing battle. The Ku.trd.s claim that the Gov ei t has offered no help. Meanwhile. Sheikh Sadeeli Khatkkall. reputedly close to the religious leaders, has put i price of S131,000 on the Shah/ head. “Anyone who OHMS- slnaies the hal' .will receive • hero's welcome,' the Slieikh told Iranian newspapers yester- l i L l Y. I1 I I La L1IC Wilt glitter Ifl i i i tory.” Earlier, the Sheukim, who re- cently upset many Iranians by proposing the Persi O ll be Tenanmed the Islantie Gulf, din- closed that three gunmen had been seal to Mexien 10 kill ilie Shah. The Sb h's wile. Livipress Fara, could return home freely, he said. shoukl slw either kill the Shah her- self, or help in his assassins- tion. Avotalhth Khomeini's special envoy in The holy city of Najaf, Iraq. Ayatollah fle vani, has reporiedly been seized by the Ha'alhist regime in a con- honing wave of arrests, © Guardian News and Media Limited archive.guardian.co.uk/..,/getFiles.asp?. . - 1/2
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