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Long sentence for Iran-US scholar

          BBC NEWS World Middle East Long sentence for Iran•US scholar Ittp://newsvote.bbc.co ,uk /n 'papps/pagetools/print /i ws.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/nt..
          Long sentence for Iran-US scholar
          An Iranian-American academic has been sentenced to more than 12 years in prison for his role in protests following a disputed election in
          Klan TaJbakhsh was among thousands of people detained in the aftermath of the presidential election and had appeared at a mass trial in Tehran.
          Charges against him reportedly included espionage, contacting foreign elements and acting against nationai security.
          The United States had repeatediy demanded the reiease of Mr Tajbakhsh.
          His lawyer told a state news agency that the iaw prohibited him from giving more information than the approximate duration of the sentence.
          Critics have dismissed the trials that foliowed the Iranian demonstrations as show triais, arguing that any confessions that foiiowed are without vaiue.
          Mr Tajbaksh had previousiy spent four months in Iranian prison in 2007 on charges of endangering national security.
          The news of the sentence comes days after Maziar Bahari, an Iranian-Canadian journalist working for the US magazine Newsweek, was released on bali
          after allegediy being arrested during an opposition protest.
          Massive street demonstrations foilowed the re-election of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in which at ieast 30 protesters were kilied in clashes and
          thousands were arrested.
          Protesters beileve that the election result was rigged.
          Story from BBC NEWS:
          http: //news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/2/hi/middle_east/8316624.stm
          Published: 2009/10/20 14:05:52 GMT
          © BBC MMIX
          1 of 1 10/20/2009 12:55 PM

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