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Maryam Malek Released after 5 days

          Change for Equality
          Face to Face I Tribune I
          Interview I News I On the
          I One Million I Report
          FarsilFran yais ICermani
          Italian I Spanish I
          In the same
          Four Hundred
          Iranian Activists
          Issue Statement
          Expressing Grave
          Concern about the
          Health of
          Prisoners of
          Conscience on
          Hunger Strike
          Parvin Ardalan
          Campaign Activist
          Receives Hel lman
          Hamet Award
          Karami's Remains
          in Prison, Despite
          Call for the
          Release of a Group
          of Seventeen
          Iranian Political
          Prisoners on
          Hunger Strike
          Court Hearing for
          Fatemeh Masjedi
          and Mar-yam
          Bidgoli, Camapaign
          Activists in Qom
          Prisoners at Evin
          on Hunger Strike
          and in Solitary
          Nasim Sarabandi,
          Campaign and
          Student Activist
          Summoned to
          N a raes
          Maryam Malek Released After 5
          Days Detention
          Tuesday 28 April 2009
          Maryam Malek Released on Third Party Guarantee
          Change for Equality: April 29, 2009: Maryam Malek, a
          member of the Campaign who was arrested on April 25,
          2009 was released from Evin Prison on Wednesday
          April 29, after 5 days in detention. On April 28,
          members of the Mothers Committee submitted a letter
          to the Judiciary protesting the recent pressures on
          campaign and demanding that the bail order of 20
          million Tomans (roughly $20,000) issued in the case of
          Mar-yam Malek, demanding that the bail be reduced to a
          third party guarantee. The day before her release,
          Maryam was transferred to section 209 of Evin prison,
          where she was interrogated once again. Mar-yam was
          arrested on Saturday 25 April, following summons to
          report to the Revolutionary Courts for interrogation.
          She was initially transferred to Vozara detention center
          and later to Evin prison. She has been charged with
          “actions against national security” through the
          spreading of propaganda against the state and
          membership in the One Million Signatures Campaign.
          Maryam MalekTransfered to Evin Prison
          Change for Equality: April 26, 2009: Maryam Malek a
          memberof the One Million Signatures Campaign, was
          transferred to Evin Prison on April 26, 2009. On the
          morning of April 26, 2009 Maryam Malek who was being
          detained at Vozara Detention center, was transferred
          to the Security Police Station, and after several hours
          of interrogation was transferred to Security Branch 2 of
          the Revolutionary Courts.
          Mr. Heydari Fard, the investigative judge in charge of
          ContactUs ICam pai ners I RELEASE ON THIRD PARTY GAURANTEE
          campaignforequality.info/. . ./spip.php?...
          Mohammadi Was
          Hospitalised after
          Being Released
          from Prison
          Urgent: Zeynab
          Jalalian faces
          Danger of
          Bahareh Hedayat &
          Milad Asadi
          Sentenced to Long
          Prison Terms
          Change for Equality
          t ue case, by citing articles 499 and 500 ot t he Penal
          Code, charged Maryam with the spreading of
          “Propaganda Against the State” and a new charge of
          “membership in the One Million Signatures Campaign.”
          Mar-yam has denied the charges against her. A bail
          order in the amount of 20 Million Tomans was issued in
          this case. Maryam has explained to court officials that
          neither she nor her family has the ability to post this
          amount of bail. As a result, she was arrested and
          transferred to Evin Prison. Judge Heydari Fard has
          announced that the case is in the investigative stages
          and that interrogations of Mar-yam are ongoing.
          Maryam Malek is a 26 year old college student and a
          memberof the One Million Signature Campaign. She
          has written extensively about the difficulties women
          face in family court due to discriminatory laws. From a
          religious family herself, she has fought hard to obtain
          her rights as well. Her involvement in the Campaign
          stems from her personal experiences of being denied
          equal opportunities. This is the first time that a
          member of the Campaign has been officially charged
          with being involved in the Campaign. The charge infers
          that the Campaign is an illegal organization. Like
          Mar-yam, all members of the Campaign deny that their
          activities are illegal and strongly contend that they are
          acting within the law and their basic rights as citizens
          to have their voices and objections heard by other
          citizens and their representatives in Parliament.
          Read some of Mar-yam's reports from the Family Courts
          and Campaign meetings, as well as an account of her
          experience in collecting signatures in support of the
          Campaign's petition, which demands changes to laws
          that discriminate against women.
          Two Generations Working Side-by-Side to Coiled
          [ http://www.rampaignforequality.info/engiish/spip. php?
          A Microcosm of Life Under Discriminatory Laws
          [ http://www.campaignforeguality.info/english/spip. php?
          article 194]
          Writing about Discriminatory Laws Does not Constitute
          Disruption of Public Opinion
          [ http://www.campaignforequality.info/english/spip. php?
          article2lO] , by Mar-yam Malek and Aida Saadat
          campaignforequality.info/. . ./spip.php?...
          8/10/2010 Change for Equality
          Ebadi: The Demands of the Campaign have Penetrated
          [ http://www.campaignforegualty.Info/english/spi p. php?
          articIe2 lR ]
          campaignforequality.info/.../spip.php?... 3/3

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