Aadel Collection

Report of the Special Rapporteur on violence against women

          NATIONS E
          ‘ • Economic and Social DSr
          . Council
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Aci±l
          I X March2005
          rct flrst session
          Item 12(a) ofthe Fo 1sloraIagenth
          PER ECTIVE
          Rc ortoftI &hlRapporteur onvMenceagab stwome '
          ifs causes and coI quenc. VakinErtllrk
          Conmrnnicaffors to and from Gjwnmients
          The Fesent document is being circWated li i — languages ofsubrnission ordyas it greatly
          exceeds — rage linütaffor cmientIyimre dbythe iele mnt era1As mbIyresoIuffc s.
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 2
          &mmlar y
          At its s ffeth ssiorç — ConupjssiononHmuan Pight in its re jluffon2004M
          enffiled trnuthationoftolence agair twomerC ercouragedtre SrecialRarTefleur to resrend
          efrecthtelyto reliable fr&onuahjnthatccmesbefore herand iecjuests all Gjwnmients to
          coorerate withand assist — SrecialRarTefleur inthe reffonuance of her mandatedtasks —
          duffes, to sWyall fr&onuaffonrecriested. includir with iegardto implementaffonof her
          recommendatior andto resrend to — SrecialRarTefleur's dsits andconmrnnicaffor ;
          The Fesentrereflcontair , ona countiyb coun basis, jmmaiies ofgeneral —
          indMdual allegaffor , as well as urgent arTeals frar niitted to Gownmients bet een I January
          to 31 r cember 2004, as well as rerdies receiwd durir the same reiiod. Gjsen itior made by
          theSrecialRarTefleurhawabJbeenincludedwhere arTdicable.
          Die to res icffor oflengthofthe rerelt the SrecialRarTefleurhasbeen thligedto
          nmua±e — detai]s ofall conesrendence ntand receiwd. The Srecial RarTefleurvdshes to
          emplias e thatthe ornissionofa relfrularcourdlyortenitolyshouldnotbe inteipetedas
          indicafing that there is no Foblem oftolence agath6t menth that coun or tenitoiy
          Dirir — reiiodunderretew, — Srecial RarTefleurfrar nütted 113 conmrnrcaffor
          onbehalfof338 reople to — Gjwnauents of countiies: Algeiia. Angola Bangladesh .
          Bunndi. Cambodia . Canada . Crdle, Crana, Colorthia. Costa Pjca. Cote d'Ivoire, Democrafic
          People's P public ofKorea. r mocraffc P public ofO ngo, Eg pt, Eflüorda. France,
          Guatemala . Honduras,'ndia, Indonesia . Iran . Kuwait, Lao's People P public, Malari a .
          Nhld ,e Mauritarda. M muai Nerel, Nigeiia, Paldsta4 Russian Federafforç Rwanda, Saudi
          Arabia . Srthr Slo Ida. Sn Lanka . Sudan . Swterland. Thailand . Togo, Turkey, Urdted
          Kingdom, Uzbeldstan. Zin abwe. The Srecialab nt aconmiunicaffon to — UNlnteiim
          Nh ioninKosovo (UNNIIK). 49 resrer es to t} conmiunicatior ere recS,edas well as 20
          replies to communicaffor franittedbythe Srecial RarTefleurowrthe rest ars.
          T}t ar has been r a rked an irc reased c o D re muon with TJNHCR headcjuane rs and
          fleldoflicesthrelationtocasesof menatSkofbeir derefledtocount iiesvtheretheymay
          be subjected to tolence. Tre Srecial Ragefleur looks for rd to pursuing this cooreraffon J
          as to sfrengthenefrecthenessofjointFotecuw acfior .
          The names ofscme ofthetctims wrose cases are Fe rdedthtrds rerefihawbeen
          replacedbyirdffa* inorderto resrecttheirrStacyand to gewntfmThertctimJzaffon. The full
          namesofalltcffrns havebeenFotded to — Gjwnmientconcerned. Withthetewto
          Feselve — ge impffctofiraiocence, — 1me Focedme hasbeenadoptedbytre Srecial
          RarTeflem with regard to — alleged reirefrators wbj names were frar rnittedto —
          Gjwnmient. Tre majoiityofthe ca1 s inthis lerelt are regardir wome4 therefore, orJywhen
          — ca s concern a man, will — x be indicated.
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 3
          Paragraphs Page
          Algeña. 1-3 5
          Ar oIa. 4— 18 6
          Bar Iadesh 19—3 1 7
          Eunuc h 32—47 10
          Caithodia 48—53 13
          Canada 54—55 14
          Crale 56—60 14
          Othm 61-82 15
          CoIor jia 83—95 28
          Costa Pica 96— 107 32
          Coted Ivofre 108—Ill 34
          r mocraffc PeopIe sP puhlicofKorea 112—113 35
          r mocraffc Th puhlic ofthe Cor o 114—136 36
          E q i 137—157 41
          Ethiopia 158—160 45
          France 161 —168
          Guatemala 169-171 48
          Honduras 172—180 49
          Ird ia 181-191 51
          Irdonesia 192 —208 53
          Iran(IsIamicP pu} Iicof) 209—231 56
          Kuwait 232—236 61
          La&sPeo 1 les(Democraffc P puhlic) 237—239 62
          N hIa ia 2 C-2 63
          Nhlthws 247—252 64
          Nhuritatha 253-256 65
          N )dco 257-258 66
          Nerel 271 -288 68
          Nigeña 289-292 73
          Palditan 293—3 74
          RussianFederaffon 347—371 85
          R mida 372-376 89
          SaudiAra}jia 377-379 89
          Sr n 380-386 90
          SI ,akia 387-395 92
          SñLanka 396—415 94
          Sudan 416—435 98
          Swterlard 436—438 103
          Tha i land 439—410 104
          Tc o l —414 104
          Turkey 5 — 8 105
          UnitedKingdomofGreatEñtain andNoiThemlreland 9 —471 III
          Uzbeldstan 472—482 112
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 4
          Zàthahwe . 23— 25 114
          Conuuunicaffon ntto — UrdtedNaffor Irdeñm
          AdirdpjsfrationNktoninKosovo 26—5O4 115
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 5
          A eria
          I.e 7ju 04 ,laRarTefleu sTéciale aer To unarTelurgent conjorntementavec le
          tce-Fésident duGroure ± fravailsurla détenffonathifraire, I c RarTefleur sTécials&a
          Fomoon et Ia Fotec on du d jit ala hbeflé d'opinion et d 'exFe iorc Ia P Fésentante
          sTécialeduSecregénéralcctcenntlasituaffon±sdéfer eursdesdrotdel 'honuue etle
          RarTefleur srécial ar Ia tc ture , conceniant Ia siffiaffon des rer Jrthes cjm auraaent été anêtées
          Four avofr manifesté dar Ia region des Aurés. ‘Ia ete rarTefle qu'i]s auraient etC cctduits dar
          desverdcules niilitaires a l'ancieraie p soncolordale, heude cantoraiementde Ia gendanueñe de
          Tko , oi l Us auraie nt etC dCshabillCs et alignS avant d'être sompjs àdes agressior sexuelle
          ir ultes et cours de mafraques. Ceflair auraient eu les merthres bñ s et le tage balafrC jite
          aui cours que leur aFaient rofiCs les gendanues. r s menaces de tol ar les scars et méres
          des dCtenusauraient CgalementCtC FofCrCes. Plusieursdiz ines de merthres dumowement
          cito n de Tkout qui auraient fui rem se rCfugier dar les montagnes er ,irorthantes , aumient
          etC confraints detvre dans Ia clandestirdtC enrai jn± Ia suiwijlance dordleurscbmiciles
          feraient l'objet. Les 24 et 31 mai 20J4, 29 des jeunes hommes anêtCs, I (F. , E L, Alt, DL,
          AM, V.A., tS, L.A V.A., LA., C.K, SR., BA., KS, KML, (K., GA., BE., VS
          MJX,B.A,IXIX,V.M,KT.,AA. T.L,B.A., Lt,etz.A. auraientccmrandevantle
          ibunal d'An s et auraient etC condanmes, rem atfrourements, incitation a athourement
          diffusion de fracts et atteintes aui bier d'authñ, ides Fines ± 3 mois II an
          d'emp sorthement. I.e 7jthn 2004, un inreflant dJsresifff relicierCtait toujours en place dar le
          tilage de Tkout. Les rarents et membres des famines des re orales a rd fui faisiient
          FCtendmuent “objet de menaces et d'inffniidatior ycomp s de menaces de tol sur les
          r(thle 5.
          Repouse d ii Cnvermment
          2. Par lethe en date du 16 juillet 2004, le Gjweniement a indique q les cethflcats
          mediraux Ctab]is Far les mCdecfr au tenue de lagarde ime des Fevenus ne menfiorthent
          nu ilement crae ces Fevenus FCsentaierd une quelconque frace de tolence sur leur co lTs. ScIon
          le Gjweniement l'allCgationde mawaistraitements n'ajamais etC FS ntCe rarles gCwnus
          lors de lemFesentaffondevant le F ocuremde Ia P publique, th même a l'occasionde Ia
          Fenre audierce dflibuna]. alors même cjue ceux.cietaienta istes d'avocats. Malgre tout
          une enquête a ete ordorSe Far Ic Mirjsfre de lajusffce. Cette encraête n'a res concluila
          veracite des allegaffor de mawais fraitements.
          3. La RarTefleu1 sréciale voudraitremercierle Gowemementalgenenreur i rerer e et
          juhaiteraitobterdrdes fr&onuaffor a lementafres surl'enquête menee. Parailleurs, Ia
          RarTefleuse sréciale voudrait remercier Ic Goweniement rem l'fr ,itaffon cra'il lth a fait
          rarierdr, 13 jar tier 2005, de titerle ra — cadre de n mandat.
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Ai goh
          Alkgathn letter
          4. Byletter dated 13 Septer er 2004, sentjoinilywith — Srecial RarTQteur on toitire,
          — Srecial RarTefleurnofffledthe Gownmient that she radrece ,edthe follovdngallegaffor .
          5. MV., Tern No ,Necuto cor une. ai2 Januaiy2003, she was raredby ldiers of
          — ll5thBathlion.Shewasfoundl & nakedonthefloorinblood- jakedsheets.She diedthe
          follovdng week.
          6. M. de F.LIC, aged 16, SIC, aged l ardj.ICM., aged 12, Muaranillage. 0n20
          Febmaiy J03 at3 p.m., — three girls ere retmi r from Buco-1,uvthen they eie
          quesffonedbyfoursoldiers elongir tothe AnnedForcesofAr ola (FAA) fi mtheKata
          Buar abanacI . The soldiers stole — gir]if moneyandthe items theyhad acquired inBuco-
          1,u. then gagged and rared them.
          7. J.M., a55- ear-oldfrathtiona1 reale; Ntsacatllage. 0n2 March2003, she wasbeaten
          and iinpii ned ha pil ±br three th at the nülitai 3 ts sTecial Pe]j2e mdt. She s accused of
          reffonrdr Fa rs for — Front for tre Liberation of the Cabinda Enclaw (FLEC). C i —
          fomTh da ç — s forced to dress th anFAP urdfonn to selve as a guide to lead — aimyto her
          brothers, v,ro ere rerefled1ymer ers ofFLEC. / nsre refu d . anofficerslarTedher8o
          h ines on the hand with the side ofamachete. She was relea d shofilythereafler.
          8. A. deM., aged l Caio Ngualatllage, Buco-1,u. On IS Nh h2003, — was raredby
          FAA jldie rs in the ] lage.
          9. CM., aged 29, MT., aged 41, KG., aged 36, P.M., aged C, V.M., aged 33, A.J., M.Q,
          andM.R, aged 39, Tando-Zirae tllage. 0n9 Apil 20J3 — women ere fravellir inatnck
          can3ng woodandcharcoalvthentheywere storTedbyFiscal Police Imçectors at acheckreint.
          (he oftheimçectorsthaggedM.P. fromtre thEkand iedtorare hers ra1metiesa y.
          When she iesisted. — inçector flied s ra1 shot tole her clothes, ard beat her. The other
          inçectors diewtheirgur , fo edthe wcmento lie donon — ground. andbeat themwith
          10. £M.CB., aged 16. On 6 May2003, she was beatenbya coireral fiom — 708
          Bathlion(who name ImontotheSrecialRageflem). She rerefled1y entto ethe
          coireral ±br ra mient forpurchases he hadmade. He dethedincm* anydebt andbeatherwith
          — n i le butt. He warned that aiqJne who tied to inteiwne wouldbe shot, and ordystorTed
          beaffr her vthenhe radimocked her uncor cious.
          II. T. , aged 10, Conde-NUondatllage, Buco-1,u. 25 May2003, — s raredbyan
          FAA officer (vthose name is Imonto — Srecial RarTeltem) in the tllage.
          12. AM., aged II, Par a Mngo lage. ai3l May2003, she was raredbyFAAsoldiers
          near the lage.
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
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          13. CP., aged 16, Necuto corthiune. a 23 June 2003, as — s leaving — Catholic
          Nh ionPaShSchoo] . she was cc ffrontedbyfoursoldiers ofthe ll5 Baffalio4 vtho accu d
          herofbeir relatedto a FLEC merther. One soldierloadedrds gunand threateredto kuiher if
          — didnot cor&ess. Another jltherofrered herfreecbm li i exchange fc x. / n — refu d .
          — s eaten uncor ious. WhenC.P. recowred. — sawthat — soldier had mredher, then
          leflhernakedandbleed ir .Shesffllexreiiencesreinandfindsbloodinrerur ine.
          14. £N.,aged IX, Buco 1,u. On I D August 2003, as she swasrdng clothes in the Lmli
          P ,er, an FAA coireral ofthe 704 Battalion stationed in Buco Zautr ew her into — ter and
          attempted to dronher. He trendraggedherto tre bankandraredher. / n llagers
          attemptedto inteiwne, soldiers fireds ral srots inthe air to di ,e them anyard thenfled.
          15. CC, aged IS, Cata-Buanga. Buco-1,u. at ii August 2003, as she went to arch ±br
          bananas, she was detainedandheldat — Cata-Buangadetacrauentbythe conmtandir captain
          (wrose rame is knon to — Srecial RarTeltem), and rared.
          16. M.P., aged 33, Sevo da Bualatllage, Necuto corthiune. a 2 October 2003, FAA
          jldiers ath,edather r ome archofher }u band. ardbeat herwithtreinifle butts when
          theywere muble to find Mm.
          17. The SecialRarTelteurwouldlike to reitente rerinterestinreceMngareplyfromthe
          Gjwnmtent in regard to the allegaffor submitted.
          IX. The Srecial RarTefleurcor iders it arFo}rate to drawafferdionto — concen
          exFes dbythe Conmiittee on tre HimnaffonofDiscñnünaffonagafr tWomen thou —
          attiffide I ]aw eIorcement officers towards women who rerUn cases oftolence, vdiich results
          inwomentchmsbeir reluctant to rerefisuch cases ofabu (AI59138, (rara. 152). The
          Ccmmittee a]so exFessed its concentat — exploitaffon of pi sffffites, esTecially ung girl
          — — lackoffr&onuaffonabout — efrofls to corthat this r enomenon (iljid, rara. 156).
          B augla desk
          Alkgation letter
          19. Byletterdated9 August 2004, ntjointlyvdththe SrecialRarTefleuron toitre,the
          Srecial RarTefleF nofffiedthe Gjwnauent that she hadrece tedallegaffor conceniing three
          Hirilu womenofBiswanathpurtllage. On 5 Jay2003, a gang ofmen attacked — homes of
          Hindu families inthe ]lage of Bis rnathpF inthe sth-thstñct of Kaligaonj, Satithira. Inthe
          attack, three wcmenwere raredard wral rouses were ±sfro d. Theywere relea d frcm —
          hosTdtalon2l July. Tre tctlir — not mde one an officialmedialexaniinaffon. The re]ice
          waniedthetchms not to do so — threatenedhanu to tre tchms husbands iftheydid.
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Covenunentrc ly
          20. Byletterdated I I August 2004,the Gjwnmient rerefledthatallegaffor ofrare ofthe
          t}uee wcmen hafleen found to be ba less — ur&ounded. The incident was a land dJsputed
          beb een b o th,al grours — tre law er&orcement authoñffes remaii d seized ofthe matter.
          Alkgathn letter
          21. Byletter dated 29 Septer er 20J4, nt jointlywith the Srecial RarTQteur on toflure,
          — Srecial RarTefleur noiffied the Gownmient that she had rece ,ed fr&onuaffonconcenüng
          N . aged 26, from Srolna. S re s rerQtedlyarested 01128 Apil 2004 at Dhamuctdi
          Trauma cerdre, Dhaka. andtakenblirdfoldedbyallegedofficers ofRamnareice stationto an
          unhon place vthere she was intenogated and toitjredunffl 30 Apil 2004. She sIdckedon
          herlegs andbeatenwith a he sffckard nile. She was subjectedto elec ic shocks anda pin
          was pushed into her finger. She was brought before a comt 0111 May2004 and ‘emanded for
          oneday. Howewr,fl eliceare dtohavekeptherincustodyforb oda . Itisallegedthat
          — dchm was targetedbecause I her reitical beliefs. A complaint s filed agair t the reice
          ir ,oWed int1 incidentbut no actionwas rerefled1ytakentobth the reiretrators to jusffce.
          Alkgathn letter
          22. Byletterdated29 Septer er2004, tre SrecialRarTefleF a&, sedthe Gownmient that
          — hadrecStediIonuaffoncctcenüng thesituatiorsoftre follo *
          23. G.R.B. a l5- earoldHindugifl , fromPerojpur. Accord ing to ir&onuaffonrece ,ed . she
          s gang-mredbys n merç whose names are knonto tre SrecialRarTefleF. The inci nt
          occmied on 20 May2004, at about 8a.m., vdiile she was goir to Perojpur ton vdth her
          ungerbrother. Onherway, she was forcil lytaken to — houi ofa manin SilTiarNhffickof
          PerojpurSadarP.S Dis ict-Perojpur, vthere shewasgang-raredandtoflmed. G.RBA staken
          to PerojpurSadar Hosrdtal formedialexanünaffon. Tre doctors allegedlyFoducedafalse
          rerQt, allegedlyvdththe intenfict IFotecung one of the reirefrators. aithe same day, acase
          me s cTeredbythe relice. At — — — ir&oimaffon was recS,ed. the inci ntwas under
          ir tesffgatiorc tesffmordesfrom vdthesses havir beenrece ,ed. The officerin charge ofthe case
          at Bali Babla. Nathpur relice staffonhad Fotded as Jrances that the reirefrators u1dbe
          anested. However, concen were exFessedtrat — tctim nugrd face djsciiminaffoninthe
          legal Foceedir s because she belonged to a reor Hindu rninoiityfamily.
          24. J.T., aged I9and herb o co ir , R.T. andiCt, three Jung womenfrom a low-caste
          Hirdu family. Accordir to ir&onuaffct received. theywere gang-raredon severaloccasior by
          live merç — names of three beir knonto — Srecial RarTefleur. The inci nts occmied in
          Fatemabadtllage, under L ]mohanrelice stationof rord Hardir e inBholaDis ict of
          Bangladesh.The reice were allegedto have nottaken arqacffon. The casesare as follo s.
          25. J.T. was gang-raredbytrds groupofmenduring b o da inSepter er2002. Follow
          — lare, her husband lefi her. R.t was v siffng rerrarents with her hus andinCharhañs}i
          ]1age, in the dis ict ofBhola. in Januaiy2003 wren — s forcibly taken frcm — bedside of
          herhus andand later gang-mredbythe 1me meninllisra, inBhola. Fearir socia1di grace,
          herhusbandthandonedherfollow theinci nt. KT.wasraredon4june 20J3 earlyinthe
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 9
          moniing, wrdie — was on her nyto tre — near her home. The rare took place in the houi
          ía man ir ,oWed in — otherincident inthe tllage marketBabFhat near — c . It is
          rerQtedthat — man wbj directed the group is quite ellknon intre locality for rapir girls.
          swascordhnedbymem ersofrdsfamily. S.T.,fatherofK.t,andRT. entto
          Chaifashon relice station to register a complaint. Howewr, it is alleged that — cThcer in charge
          refused to register the case. Oiió June 2004, howewr, an officer went to — locality to inqthre
          into the raresbut didnot conductany iious ir testigaffct andaskedthe familyto g e ram
          26. A. a32- ear-oldwomanfrom Srdnirail, Ko±a rlistiict, Brarauartharia. Accordir to
          ir&onuationreceiwd. — s ierefledlyp}i callyandmentallytoitredinFebnaiy2004by
          her huthand, vtho is a reice cor table. Her rojsband then med for d ,orce — took their b 'o
          aged I D ard 6 vdth r am. s .A. med a ca agair t her huthand on 23 Febnrny2004with
          Kosba relice staffon mder — Women — Crdlthen F ewnffon IP Fe ion Act but at —
          hine — ir&onuationwas rece ,ed . no acffonhadallegecflybeen taken. FmThenuore, her huthand
          threatenedthatthere wouldbe thre cor equences for rer ifsre medacase agair t —. E a]so
          rerefledlyrdred Jmeone v,k regularlysentherdeaththreats.
          Foflo % topredouslyfrausmftted coum 'imkafio '
          27. Byletter dated 17 Febnaiy J04 , the Gownmient resrerded to a letter dated 17
          Se ier er2003 , sentjoinilyvdththe Srecial RarTefleurontoltre,concenhing three Jumma
          men ET., St — K t (EJCN.400041661Add.l, ran. IX). The Gownanent lerefled that
          itis widelybeliewdthatinretaliaffon fc the anest of b rTeflers of the ibal group —
          Pahari Crthafra Parishad (FCP) for illegal toll collecfforç PCP rTeflers hought allegatior of
          rareonbehalfofthree ibalwomenandofstabbir al- ear-oldcrdldto antagord2e — local
          repulaffon agair tthe any. The inci ntsandallegaffc of rare andattackbrought agath6t —
          anywere vddelycowredbytre media. Ho ewr , accordir to — Gowniment — media
          ir tesffgatedard found that the allegaffor were not thie.
          28. Byletterdated24May2004, the Gownimentresrended to a communicationof
          5 Nowr er2003 sentjoinilywiththe Srecial RarTefleurontoltre,concenüng B.B.
          (FJCN.400041661Add.l, rara. 19). According to — Gjwnuuent on 16 October 2003 the
          Officer-in-Charge ofBagmara relice stationfound B.B. — a man ma comFomising
          resition and anested them on charges ofengagir in immoral aciftifes in a public place
          undersecifon S4ofthe Crinünal Procedure Code. During intenogafforc B.B. admitted havir
          an illicit relaffor rdp with the man. They ere brought before a magishate — same ewrdng,
          pleadedguiltyandwere flned200 taka each. On 17 October2003, the Chairmanofthe
          Hatgangorara Urdon Council went to the Bagmara reice station and alleged that the man
          hadbeen relea dbythe constables on the way to the comt — pretous ewrdng. The
          constables thenraredB.B. B.B. was idtobe undergoir freathient atRajshard Medical
          College Hosrdtal. The Assistant Sureiintendent ofpolice conducted an immediate inquiiy.
          The Sureiintendent ofPolice, in — meanfime, sawB.B. atthe hosrdtal. Ii sffgaffor canied
          outfoundallfluee m eng t yofh mredBB.onfl rdgrdofl6Ottherctthe ybackfrom
          — comt. Accorclir to — Gjwniment, tre a]legaffor thattre relice cc stablesraredB.B.
          uIomded. Ho ew; anindererdentincrthywas corductedintothe allegaffc ard , inc derto
          erslme — neufralityandimralffalityIthe inquis — OWicer-ir Charge —— cor tableswere
          frai fened f ' m the relice staffoR The Gjwniment ieiterated that as a state renyto a]most all
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page I D
          majorfrdemaffonalhmuaniights iia auents, t} State isdeepIycorscio ofitsconmüthierd to
          menndrerdgtagaanytoIaffctofthe hmuanngrdsof men.
          29. The Srecial Ragefleur uld like to t}mth the Gjwnmient fonts resTerses toFe qoUsIy
          frnüftedconuuurdcaffor andexpies dher interest inreceMng areplyfrom — Gownmient
          in regard to all — allegaffor submitted in 2004.
          30. Conceniir the ca ofthe tr ee Hindu women (see raras. I X and 19 abow), — Srecial
          RarTefleur thanks — Gjwnmientfor its resrer . Ho ewr, sre wouldarFeciate recepTlr
          more detailedin&omiaffonabout — in estigation conducted.
          31. The Srecial RarTefleun con idens it arFo ate to draw attention to t} concen
          exFessedbythe Conmiittee onthe Ernrdnaffonofrli thrdnaffonAgainst Women thatdesTdte
          — adopifon ofthe Pnewntion ofWomen — Craidnen Th Fession Act, 2000, the Acid Confrol
          Act 2002,and — AcidCñme ConfrolAct, 2002,tolence agaJi t menç incIudir domestic
          tolence, rare, acid fluo * , dow yreIatedtoIence, fat -ir ffgatedtoIence, — raal
          harassment in — worIq Iace confinue to exist. The Committee aiso exFes d conceniabout —
          conifroing Fe lence of tmfficldng th menandgfrIs inthe coun andthe factthat although
          manyrer Jr havebeenaccu dorare on ial forfrafficldng-ielatedcñmes, ordya fewhave
          been cor ,icted (AI 9I38, rara. 243).
          B uruml I
          Letfre d'aflégathus
          32. Parlettre endate du ID mai2004, Ia RarTefleu1 sréciale, conjointementavec Ic
          RarTefleur srécial r Ia tc ture, a ir&onué Ic Gowemement cju'eIIe a tt recu les
          rer eignements surtants
          33. F.etsasc ar Gaumientcjuittéle caupderer esdé1acéesdeKa mniu dar
          Bujmthura-njrg oüellestvthent, reurallerchercherde Ia nomñthre dar ‘curs chamrs siffiés
          surIacoI]ir de Muyire, Ic 15 mai2002. En ath,mit des yauraientvudes mi l iteires. PSe de
          ranictue, G. auraitche hé a fthret unmilitaire I'auraitalo t e rarballe. F. auraitététolée
          ranI'undesnresdugnre.Elleaur a itrerduabonda 1muerdson 1ngetn 'auraitété
          refrowée cjuele Ierdemainrardesger cjuiI'auraientaidéeirenfreraucamp.Elle n'auraitres
          ibi Ic test de dépistage duVIH.
          34. E. a, âgée de IS ar aFaitété anêtée, forcée iallerdar desbuJs jr , ettolée rarmi
          nnilitaine a Bisinde, Jne de Ru dgi, en septer ne 2003, alons cju'elle nenfraitdu manché. Le
          nnilitaine Iui aunait dit de naconter cju'elle avait été tolée ran ml menth e du Con eil nafictal
          remIadéfen de ladémocraffe -Forces reunla défen e de ladémocratie (CNDD-FDD
          35. L.N,âgéede I6an ,newnaitd'unmañage ulechezelle,Ionsqu'elle aunaitcnoisé une
          rafrouille de mi]itaines a Bisinde, zone de Ru dgi. enseptembre 2003. HIe aumit été tolée ran
          ceux-ci. L.N. aunait déjà été tolée trois mois auram nt rar ml com attant du CNDD-FDD
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page II
          (NkUnJI Z,) cjui se serait inthjduit dar son domicile encomragrde de sept aufres homines Four
          réclamer de I'argent. A cette occasiorç les membies ± sa famine et elle-même auraient été
          bath E.
          Letfred'aIIégath '
          36. Par une letire en date du 21 octobre 2004, Ia RarTofleu1 sTéciale, conjorntement avec le
          RarTofleursrécialsurla toitre, aiIonué le Gjwenlemerd cju lle a ttrecu ±s
          rer eignements seIonIescp ]s Iesfenuuesbunndai s conffnueraient d'êfre tctimes de tolence
          sexuelle et de tmitements dégradants. D'arSs les fr&onuaffor lecues, I'arSe 2003 aurait été
          marcjuée Far ml fofi accroissement du nor re de to's. 41 cas de to' amaient été er egistrés ,
          Ia 1ureita nteulieudar Ia municira]ité de Bujmthuraoü seWementó4femmes aurajent
          rofléplainte.38casdetolaumientéga lementété recer ésdar IaFo t e deBubara,.4des
          tcffmes auraient été âgées de moirs ± I D ar , et srn ces 38 cas, 15 seraient athibués aui
          memhesdesforces anuées. Rite maiet aoüt J03 , 60 cas detol de femmes de 9 177 ars
          arnaient été fraités I I'hoFdtal de Ia Fo t e de Ru dgi. II a égakment été mFTelté cjue les
          auterns de to]s seraientdar Ieurgrande majoñté des mer res des forces anuéesbunmdaises et
          de grouFes Feificlues anués. Rn 2003, des centaines de femmes arnaient été tolées Far des
          cor attants duCNDflFDD, le plussowentaucours dJFéraffor de pifiage. Lesto]s ne se
          ]imitemient Fes aui régior Ies plus touchéesFarles afrrontements. Dar ceflainesrégior du
          Fa ,I 'ampIeurdesto]stendraitIindiciuerm sfratégiedélibéiüdesbeffigérantscjui
          cor istemit I thser le tjl et d'autres t3 es de tolence sexuelle confre les fenmles corrthle
          aine deguene FcnmerIateneurauseindeIaFepWaffoncMIe ,I tetI 'hmuther.Panrd
          les femmes les pIus m]nérabIes fi reraient: les fenmles nonacccmFagnée les wwe les
          mêrescéli ataiie les Fosffffiée les réfugiées, les dé 1 lacées de guene II 'intéñeurduFa , les
          détenues , les handicaFées F l iques ou mentale les Fetites fines non gardées, les écoliêres, les
          adolescentes et les er&ants 1acés dar des famines nomñciêres. L'impmité cbnt jouiraient les
          forces de sécuiité Four les to]s et autres atteintes aui droits hmuair conmiis Far lerns merthres
          serait le plinciFel facteur explicjuant Feurcjuoi les to]s et aufres fonues de tolerce sexuelle
          atteignent des rtheaE auit alanuants. L'inacffon FSnuée des autoñtés conduirait pluren
          des fenmlestcffmes de tolences senilesi ne Fes chercherIobterdrréFaraffon. Unmancjue
          de ñgueur cjuant au fraitement des plaintes aurait été obse ivé et des fr testigaffors ne seraient cjue
          rarement conduites, les Feliciers se miatant I recueillir I c témoignage des tchmes et de leurs
          témoir . E r ceflair cas, Ia Felice refuseraitpurementetsimplement d'ornirune encjuête.
          Ceflafr Festes de Felice, etnotamment ceui de chefs-lieE de Jnes et ± cor mle
          exigeraient des tctimes cjue les femmes Feient les fraJs d'incarcéraffon de leurs agre eun faute
          de cjuoi ceux-ci seraient libérés. Ila également été raFTeflé cjue des Feiciers et des magistrats
          auraientñdicuhsé ethmrd]ié des fenmlescjui se seraient Fésentées I eui. Dar ml cas, ml
          magisfratauraitmême enjoint lune tctliue d'a]lerdéliwerelle-même lacitafict IcomFaraifre I
          Jn qoIeur é nué.
          37. S'agSantduMirJstêre public,ilneferaitFesusIgede to sesFewoirsFernIutter
          confre lestolences sexuelles; ceIth-cia ntIe monoFele de I'acffct publicjue, Iatchme ne
          Feunait se cor tiffier Feile ci dIe cju'une fois I'acffonpublicjue engagée. Quandlatchme ne
          corthait Fes ses agresseurs, dIe ne Femlait Fefler plainte. Faute d 'a istance judiciaire, les
          fenmles tcffmes de tolences sexuelles n'auraient aucune frIluerce sur le déroWement de Ia
          Focédure. Les fernmes seraient en outie frés sowent inhmidées Far leurs agresseurs au corns de
          Ia Focédure et aucune me re ne serait p se Fern les Fotéger d'éwnffielles reFésailles. ‘Ia
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 12
          égalementété rarTené cp cc i àsjugesexigeraientuncethflcatmédicalétahlirarunmédecin
          duGowemement Ififre de Fewe, alors même cjue les fenmies auraient sowentdesthfficWtés a
          rendre a temrsdar les centres médiraux et cjue les médecir isceptil les de Fotre ces
          ceflificats lie seraient ras toujours disTerdbles. N me thr les siffiatior oi l le coureble est
          condanmé, latcffme n'thtiendrait cjue rarementréraraffon.
          38. Cnatre lessécjuelles riques de cesbn alités —ble ures, gro esse fr&ectior dues au
          VIH-sida et aufres maladies—, les tchmes de to' Scjueraient d'être exclues de Ia société
          ahandorthéesrarleurFcFe famille.Lesseitcesdesanté ientdoésd'unbudgetir ufY]sant
          et s'avêreraient inacce iljles dar de nombreu s pi inces, reiticuhérement rem les femmes
          cjunwentloindes dJsrer ifres oudar les Jnes de cothlit. II ath,emit auitcjue, tout
          simplement les médicaments lie JientrasdisTerdbIes.
          39. E r cc contexte, les RarTefleurs sréciaux ont été fr&onués des cas indi ddue]s su ,ants
          C. £N.,oñginairede Ia coffine de Gire}ie, commune de Giheta, aurait res froismoisa
          l'hordtal arSs avofr été tolée a plusieurs rep ses en awil 2003. Des mer res de groures annés
          raent Fésentés a sct domicile et Iui auraient demandé de I'a ent. Conmie dIe n'en avait
          re1 Us I'aFaient fi gée au tige et — dos avec leurs fusis avant cjue neufdes homines
          F ntsne latolent.
          41. R.N.,âgée de l3ar *antaRu}lngo,dar IaFcwincede Ru gi auraitététoIée
          dar Ianuitdu3ma J03. D'aFês les ir&onuaffor recue Ia ±3jktte rait réwfflée cette
          ntht-Ia enrajsonde Ia plrce iithahituelle au domicile familialde nor reuses rersomles. Ule
          auraitassisté au doIde imêre rardeE honmiesavantd'êtie eIIe-même desrabrnée,emmenee
          a I'extéñeur, menacée de mo net tolée rar deux honmies.
          42. I t H., me fenmie de Bujmr na-img vewe depths 1999, aurait été tolée enmars
          2002 rar deux mi]itaires alors cju'elle se thjwaitdar uncampde rersomles déplacées, ages
          avofrétéforcéede criifter icoffine.
          43. U, âgée de 42 ar , aurait été tolée rar ml rnilitaire en J02 alors cju'elle cjuittait Ic camp
          de déplacés oüelle *ait, — Bujmthura-nral. Ir&onué dccc to]. son man I'aumit
          a}jandoraiée avec ses er&ants.
          4. Les RarTefleurs sTéciaux ont rarafflems iecudes ir&c naffc s scIon Iescjuelles uJs les
          locaux de Ia relice judiciaiie des rarcjuetsetde Ia relice murdcirele de Bujmthura dJsrcseraient
          de cellWes réseivées aui fenmie les aufres restes de relice de zones et des corrthlmles du ra
          n'a nt aucml erdroit aménagé a cet efret. S ‘agis int des p sor e Ia p son de Ngoñ ± rait
          me nette raraffct enfre les qua1 ers réseivés aui honmies et ceui réseivés aui fenmies et aui
          er&ants. Dar les autres p Jr , les er&ants resteraient au contact des adWtes. Quant aui
          fenmie cues ne seraient eflècffwment a I'écait des honmies cjue durant Ia ntht.
          AppeIur eut
          45. Le 5 mars 2004, Ia RarTefleuse sTéciale, conjointement avec Ic RarTefleur srécial sm
          Iawnte d'er&ants, Ia Fosfiffiffon d'er&ants et Ia renic rarthie imrdicjuant des er&ant aer o
          ml arTel u ent sur des cas deviolde fe'nmes S d'eu&nts. Entre nowr re 2003 et mars 2004,
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 13
          70 cas de to' confre des fenmies et des er&ants auraient été er egisfrés. Les rarTefls font
          également état de frois er&ants de 4 ar qui auraient été tolés Far des c &s. Cesto]s auraient
          arTaremment été conupjs Far des rebelles, des désefleurs des forces anuées bunndajses et des
          bandes anuées ci es. Dar Murair des fenmies Wes seraients ténffquemenhdoIéesi
          Iator ée de Ia nufl rarunebande anuée cjthseraitcomme de larepWation. Plutot cjue de rester
          Wes chez cues et d'êfre agres es , ces femmes ser lent obligées de regrourer dar des
          endroits sürs Four yFes r Ia nufl avant de retomner chez cues au mafiR Ceflair de ces to 's
          raent conmis en reFésailles ala nor concIuthon de manages son, les fiatu math se
          wngeant sur les femmes qu'i]s auraient düéreuser. Une grande majc ité ±s coureblesde tels
          actes raient toujours en liljeflé, ceflair d'enfre euc étant fofi bien comlus de Ia rq Waffct. En
          oufre, les ±htmies raient memcées de reFésailles sides reflentplainte.
          . Viwmerd Féoccurée Far les ir&onuaffor qu'elle confinue de recevoir s 'agis int des
          tolences faites aui femmes dar Ic Far, Ia RaFTefleuse sréciale réitêre sonirdérêt irecevoir
          des fr&onuaffor de Ia Felt du Gjweniement r les fr tesffgaffor menées relaffwment Ices
          cas et r les mesures p ses er /ne de Féverdr et de punir de te]s actes.
          47. La RaFTelteuse sréciale juhaite en oufre attfrer l'attenffon sur ml communiqué ±
          es publié, Ic I X aoüt 2004, conjointement avec Ic RaFTelteur sTécial sur les fonues
          contemFerainesde racisme, de djscthrdnaffonraciale, de xénoF iobie et d'intolérance quiyest
          as Jciée , ltxrefl inc Fendant sur ‘a siffiation des droits de l'honmie au Emundi. Ic Rageiteur
          sTécial r Ia Fomofion et Ia Fotection du droit ala liljeité d'opinion et d 'exFession et
          Cor iller sTécial du Secrétaire général sur Ia Févenifon du genocide, Far lequel les eqeits ont
          *emerd condanme Ic mas 1cre qui aeu lieu thr la nufl du 13 aoütdar Ic campde refugiesde
          Gathitha auBunndi. FS5 de lafrontiêre avec laP pthlique democratique du O ngo.
          C mJiodh
          Alkgathn letter
          2. Byletterdated l4Decer er2004sentjoinilyvdththe Srecial RarTelteurontrafficldng
          inFe or , esFecially menard cr&therç — SrecialRarTelteurnofffledthe Gownmient that
          — hadrecS,ed fr&c naffonthat araidwas cathedoutonthe HotelChayHour II inTuj lKok
          on7 r cer er2OJ4bythe MirJs yofthe Intenor's Ant Humar fraWicIdr andjwerdle
          F otecfionr Faltuerd inconjunctionwiththe NGOAFESIP(Agfrreurles Fenmiesen
          SiffiaffonF ecaiie). Follo * anagreementwith — Ant TmflicIdr r Fe±uent X3women
          rIur as Fostiffites inthe hotelwerebrougrd to anAPESW shelter. Twoconmiune Felicemen
          sta d outside tre shelter to Fotde Fotecuon for tre womer but theyreFeltedlylefl later that
          49. In — moniir of8 Decerther 2004, a group of about 30 men and womerç some ofthem
          ele anuedvdthhandgur broke oFentre shelter's gate.
          50. P Fefled1y , as — gate oFene — gfr]s ran out li i — commotion. (he AFESIPstafr
          member vtho iedto Fewnt — gfr]s from leavir had her rafrgrthbedbyamanwro aiso
          attempted to slap her. There were aiso shouted threats agair tAFESIP. Itis finTherreFelted that
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 14
          before — raid, some ofthe men had exFes d fears that — oner ofChai Hour ” hotel
          uldcome totakethenbashe swiyreweifl.P refledly ,the three relicemenffomthe
          AitTrafficldng r re±uent — hadbeenassignedto Fotde Fotec on ±brthe shelter that
          moniir were not able to confrol — thffiaffor Police reir&orcements rerefledlyathwd ordy
          vthen allthe gir]s had aireadylefi — shelter A total ofYl wcmen(83 fromthe rotelandx fi m
          other cases) Md lefi — shelter. Some lefi in some three to live wr les tffr outside wrdje
          others simplyran away Ordyone gir], who Md in the afluoo was rerefledlylefi at — shelter
          51. Inthe rdstre municirelrenalrolice cMefandtheTuolKokdJs ictrelice cMef
          rerefledbeir unawareofthe i ncidentandthattheraidhadnotbeenrerefledtothem.Alleged ly ,
          — Head&the AitTrafficIdr Dereftuent whose officer had taken Fe lt in the oreraffonon
          7 r certher to release — frafficked mel aiso rereited notbeing aware ofthe incident.
          52. Cctcen ere exFes s edforthe pli ic a l andmerdal integñtyofthe wcmenwho lefi —
          shelter, as theynüghthave beencoerced into leavir or rer aadedto do so under threat.
          Ojncen were abj exFe ed aboutthe security&AFESIP staff.
          th seinfion
          53. The SrecialRarTQteurreiterates rer interestinrecei dng areplyfromthe Gjwnmierd in
          regard to — allegaffor sthmitted.
          C anal a
          Foflni topre,iouslyfra ' mftted coum'imkathn
          54. Byletter dated IS Septer er 2004, the Govenmient Fotded ir&onuation conceniir a
          lettersentjointlywiththe SrecialRarTQteuronthe sale &crdldrerç crdldFostiffitionandcrdld
          remogmpliyregardàg fraudulent adopffonFacticesandtolerce agair twomen
          (FJCN.40003t751Add.2, raras. 20- 25). Tre Gownmient indicated that in Decer er 200 it
          hadiIonuedthe SrecialRarTefleursthatro ir tesffgaffonwoWdbe ressil le withoutthe
          corsent ofthe tctims. The Gjwnmient Mdbegun eaminahjn ofthe substance of Cit's
          a]legatiors,butas csrath hadnotrecStedanycc sent fromthe otherb o indMdua]s itcould
          rotlookfmTherintothe allegaffor .
          a servation
          55. The Srecial RarTelteurthar sthe Govenmient thr — ithbnuaffon jbnütted andits
          vaffingness to ccorerate with — nundate. Sre uldarFeciate beir kept ir&onuedonthe case
          C I
          LIamam uto urgente
          56. Hl2de ma de 2004,laP latoraEsTecialjuntamenteconelP latorEqecial Jbre Ia
          Fc uoci6ndeldelechoalahbefladde opini6nydeexFeth6ner ñ6unllamamientourgente
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 15
          jbre lasiffiacionde U k ex-p sionera remica enCr&e, cjuienhtia sido condenada For
          difamacion cthrdnal(injuñas ycalmnrdas) rena Cc te de Arelaciones de Sanifago ci 26 de abiiI
          de 2004. SegunIas fr&onuaciones recibidas, 0. A. htia sido condenath auna renade p si6n
          renütida± dosmeses.Pc ofraralte,htiarecilJidounamWtade$l,000ydosnüllonesde
          rescs (agoximadamente US $3,350) en daibs. Sus abogados habilan areiado Ia decision.
          57. Se alegacjue enjWio de 2003.0. A. htiamardfestado enunaentre ttade teie ti6n
          cjueeIdirctordeIaPoliciade Ir tesffgacionesdeCrdie ,N.M. ,iahabnasometidoaabu s
          xua1es nüenfras esbwo deterdda rerelejército craleno en noterthre de 1973, en iaE ueia de
          MffleiiadeIejército en unares , lugar Crie htia sido usicb como cenfro de intenogacion
          desinés±igoire rnilitarde 1973,ydondese htianmanterdcb acasitodosiosdeterddos
          mcomumcados ysomeidosa tofluras con rathciraciOn de nüerthros de ia Policiade
          Ir tesffgaciones en ios intenogatoños. H 26 de abñi de 2003, eijuez L. C., de ia Cone de
          Arelaciones de Sanifago, htiaexFe 1do Crie 0. A. no htiaFesentado p'aebas aflcientes
          rara stenersusdenuncias,yrere seiiacu1rebie dedifamacionenconfradeN.M
          RepuestadeiGob rno
          58. Porcanacct± chade l9dema de 2004,eiGobienoForerciono lassigmentes
          r&O mac lone
          59. H2ódeabmiide 2004,eiMrdstroIr tnctordict6iasenterciadeflrdthade p mera
          ir tanciacondenando aiaSra.V.comoautoradeideitode fr uñasgrawsaunarenade óOdias
          de p si6nen a grado müimo ya raga1 rerconcepto de indemrdz,cionde remjuicio iasmua
          de dos rniliones de resos. H Gjbiemo estima absolutamente imFocedente laFesunta
          mJiieraci6ndeiderecro deia]i enadde exFesi orcrercuantoiosdeitosde fr uria calmurdas
          o difamacionno se encuenfran anrarados For d derecho antesenunciado. LaSra. V. im nt6
          ibrM. iaconüsi5n± undeito thnarenarrdgunffredepnebascjue renthtieranestimarcjue
          Ste efecth mente habia tethdo lugar.
          O h s ely acnn
          60. La Rilatora Esreciaiagra±ce eiGjbiemo rorsurespuesta. No obstante, cjujsiera
          recordaraiGjbiemo suobligaci On de fr tesffgarias alegaciones detoienciaconfraiam er.
          Alkgathn letter
          61. Byletter dated 10 June 2004, sentjoinilywith — Srecial Rageiteur on — 1e of
          cr&dre4 cr&d Fosfiffiffon and cr&d remograr iyand the Srecial ParTemteur on toiture, —
          SreciaiRarTomteura&Tisedthe Gownmientthatshe adreceiwdfr&onuation concenüng LV.,
          4 - ar -oid. It is alleged that on I Januaiy2004 she was taken from her hcme in Zitctg tov ç
          Tongnancomity, Chongcjfr citybyfourrelice officers from — TongranCountyNaffonal
          SecurityTeam.Thereliceofficera]legedtohawbeenincharge ofthe cTemffonislmontotre
          Srecia1RarTemteu .ItisreremtedthatbothofZY.'srarents, flLandW.V.,hadbeenanested
          Fetousi c alleged1ybecau theyare Facififoners ofFalun Gong. InFebnaiy2002, it]s
          allegedthat rerfathe; ZH., s nt to Xishanrdng LthoF Cang vthere he yes tomtredand
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 16
          jfferedabrokenno ,nii fr teethandfr Fedübs.He isnowrerefledtobe detainedatan
          undjsclosed locaffon. It is alleged that 01123 Decer er 2003, Z.Y.'s mother was taken into
          deterdionandtoitred. She was rerefledlyielea d aflerbefr on rojr ers ae for54da . Itis
          rerefled trat uren release she began to search for her daughter W.Y.'s curent vthereabouts are
          rerefledlyurdmon. mtew&ZY. 'sageand terthUfl 3 senousconceniseq e edfor
          her ph ic a l and mental frdegñt 3 and in rathcular that she nüghtbe atthkoftoltFe or other
          fc ms ofi]r freatment, or ofbefr frafficked.
          Alkgathn letter
          62. Byletter dated 20 July2004, the Srecial RarTefleur a&,ised the Gownmient that —
          had receiwd ir&onuation onthe follow indMdual cases.
          63. QV, born in l96 s an engineer and Vice-r ector ofthe Basic Cor thacffon Sectbn
          ofa food comranyin Gu ditct Tangshan city, Hebei Fo t e. She was a Falun Gor
          Facifoner — was ordered inJulyl999byaTar shancityrelicemanarda local reny
          conurd ioner(who name is knon to — Srecial RarTefleur) to renounce FalunGor . at
          thesame day,sre wentto Beijir vdthherhusband W.J.,toarTe a ltotheGownuuentto stop
          therer cuffonofF a lunGong. Their8- ar-old- jnremainedalone athome. They eie
          anested at the bus stafict — escofledback to — Tangsran cityrelice staffon. Urenbeir
          relea dandretuming home, theyfoundtheirhou hadbeen mr ickedandallthe FalunGong
          mateña]s taken. a 19 Febnaiy2000, Nk W. was againdetained. althoughhe was notcharged.
          Nfrs. Q. andanother FalunGongFactiflonenrnd to Beijir — same dayto arTeal again to —
          Gjwnmterd. The next moniing, wrdie theywere doing their exercises in TiamuenScjmre, they
          ere attackedbyre]ice vthobeatthemanddmggedthem to a neaibyreice station. A fewhou
          later — was again escofled tack to Tangshan ci13 an ,ir at rdght. At tre relice staflor —
          shandcufredto anironrele ouUoor inthe cold.where — remainedfors ralhours. She
          s thenirdenogatedbyreice officia* includir — Directorofthe First rli siorç who kicked
          heronherleflthde.Anotherdirctorslagedherfaceso raidthatitbecame ollen.Shewas
          thenboundvdtharore,heraimsthanuprdghbehndherbackinareir&ulrcsition.The next
          moniing, 21 Febnai 3 a reliceman (vthose name is knonto tre Srecial Rageflem) andothers
          ent toNks. Q.'s rome, rerefledlyto cord]scate her g0refi3 but they found that — house had
          aireadybeen rar icked. Theyretmmd later for a more inter ,e search — corIinted Falun
          Gong books — mateiia]s that had been rathen in the coal storage. Theyab took — tel sion
          andVCR. InFotest —. Q. eganahungerstiãe on24Febnaiy. Thataflernoorç she was
          ntencedvdthsome 20 otherFalunG ng Faciftioners andsent to adetenfloncentre, where she
          conflroaedher hunger s ãe. She s nffiallysent to Mthang Hosrdta]. where she was kept
          fledtoherbedtoFwntherfromdoingherF a l Gongexerci s.Onl8Aug tshe was
          releasedwithout charge. Durir her detethorç she was exrelled fi m — CcmmurJstPaityand
          fired from herjob. On I X Septer er 2000 Ms. Q. was anested again and nt to — Hebei
          (Kaipir ) LthourCamp. In Oto er, herhusbandwas rdenced to b o of±brcedlathur
          fc ciimes he did rot commit. Begiming in mid-Januaiy200l, rersecuflonofFalunGong
          Factoners intre labour camp increa d. Eveiyhme —. Q. iedto do her exercises, — was
          punishedbybeir made to stand outside in — snow or fled up for half a day. a 21 Febnai 3
          — stakento anoffice andtc tuiedbya campguaid (vthose name is knon to — Srecial
          RarTofleF) — others. She was g tenelect± shocks, aflerwr hshe ent into cor ni]sior
          andstorTedbreatrdng. She was sentto hosTdtal ±br emergencyfreatment. Althoughsre
          recowre there wasrenuanentdamagetoherneivous tem. She coughedbloodandhad
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 17
          difficulty thir . On24Api]. she was againnishedto tre hosrdtal follovdng fmTher
          rnisfreathient incom cffon vdthher iefus l to tcha mote defamfr FalunGctg. Her
          rical condiffonconffnuedto deteñorate, andonl2 Nhyshe s flnally ntto anoutside
          hosptal vthere — was keptunder conffnuous suiwifiance the 5l0 Crnce”. Enarir this hine,
          herhuthard was smith — labour camp andhersonwas li t withherelderlyrarents. Asa
          resultofthesfresNhs.Q. jfferedamentalbreakdonandwanndto arsyta ic rosratal
          vtheie sheremainedfc sixmonths.The 5l0Office”wouldnotallowherfamilytotake her
          home.ailsJanuaiy2002,she s nttoabmth s}ür centie vthere she remained for
          anothersix month vthenshe was released.Mrs. Q.'s rafrbned vdiite wrdje — s detained
          She is mentallycor&u d. — an inegularheanbeat andhas froublebreathir . Herhands
          fremble. Desrdte herdebilitated condiñorç arelice officer(whcse name is knonto — Srecial
          RarTofleF) sf11 goes to her r ome to rai ss her.
          64. LV., aged 2, was anemplo e ata nibberplard inZrangjialDu city Hebei pro dnce.
          She ]Md thGor rercdncun . Qiaoxidis ict Zrangjiakou city In 1998,she was diagnosedwith
          late-stage l miplioid cancer. It is rerefled that afler — began Fachsir Falun Gong, she
          recowredandwasableto resmueher rk. 20 July1999, ZY.tookhermedicalrecordsto
          Beijiis hopir to showthe Gjwnmierd thatFalunGong could — resthte effects. The Beijfr
          relice anestedher, andlateroideredreice frcmThangjiakoucityto pickherup.Aflerher
          rebnto Zhangjiakoucity shewasdetainedandflred.She waslaterieleased butreliceofficers
          frcm Beixincunrelice stafonccttthued sfng her home andwcàplace to harass her. She was
          detained on numerous occasior and sent to brainwasrdng clas s. On — rdght of 17 Febnaiy
          2004, Nk Z. sarested atherhcme byofficersfrom — E jfr menrelice stafonand ntto
          Srd irdir tentioncentre. She began ahungers ike to Fotestthe detenfon. Thenshe was sent
          toShalingñpianthregalSchoolvtheie shewasrerefledlytoitred.Innud-Apil2004,wrenher
          family sited her, theyfound to be in a state ofmental cor&usion. The relice refused to relea
          her or Fotde anyfreathient for her. She died ct 4 Nhy2004 The Dajingmen Police
          r raituent did not no ffyMs. Z.'s thrnily that she was cñticallyffl until afler she had died.
          65. L , aged 37, a resi nt ofLuarajan county Hebei pi tnce, hasbeen anested and
          beatenmanytimesforbefr aFalun Gong Faciffoner. Whenshe ent to Beijfr to arTeal to
          — Gownmientto stopthe rersecutionofFalunGong, re]ice frcm — TianarauenScjuare relice
          stafonarestedheranddetainedherforfr,e months.Atthe — ofheranestsre wasb ,o
          months Fegnant. Enarir herdetenforç she was kept inshacIde herhands attached to her feet
          j thatshe was unable to stard up The roice toituiedherew dayand vthen rerfoeths was
          wnmonths old andtable, they±brcedherto have anabothon. Sre was thensent home,but
          b 'o eeks later — was anested again and sent to abrainwasrdng centie, vthere she began a
          hunger tke to Fotestthe detenfon. Becau it s less than cte month afler — forced
          thothorç her mothercame to — cenfre to lookaflerher. Hermother arTealedto — county
          gowilmient for rer daughter's relea , vdiich was granted live da later.
          66. In July 1999, aJ., wro is in her Cs, from Gucheng, Qiammo tov ç Suizhong county
          Huludao cit ç Liaordng Fo t e, ent to Beijing to arTeal for Falun Gong, but was intercepted
          byre]ice andescofledbacktoherhome ton. JnAugustl999,SJ.againwenttoBeijirfl
          arTealto endthe rersecution. She was anestedand takento — Suizhong DetenifonCentie,
          vthere — re]ice allegedlytook 2 00 ylan in cash fi m her. On 31 October 1999,S .J. was again
          anestedand nttotheMasanjiaLthwFCamp.She waslaterfrarIenedto Zhangs}iiLabour
          Cang a ruth conecifon facifity and then frar fened again to — Longshan IA ourCamg
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page I X
          Shercdn IA ourCamg Dabei Pii jnandother 1ace where — ssubjected to toitre.
          Guards (wk names are Imonto — SrecialRarTefleursX allegedlyfollow orders, pushed
          S.J. s head cbnand sthffed hermouth vdthato el so — couldnot le a m. Thentheyjabbed
          herflngerswithneedlesandshockedhervdthfluee elec icbator .Theysentherto an
          un±rgiomid ho italinShen ngcit 3 vthere — sforciblyfr ected vdthdngs. Onanother
          occasio4 she was forced to djsrthe — shocked with elec ic bator all over herbodyfor an
          enifre rdght. The next dayher face was cowredvdthlargeblSer badys llenandbniised.
          She s a]so s relybeaten and forced to squat for extended re±ds. One day — reice took
          Nk S. to an cThce where — was shockedwithelec ic bator andtiedto abedrest. Treykept
          hertherefort da andonerdghtvdthoutallrn* herto eatsleen c go tothe toilet. / n
          — s flnallyrelea wral reople hadto canyher as — could rotwalk. Durir the2002
          Chne Newyea; Ms. S. s familyrecSteda nofice from — labwFcamprequesffng ara mient
          ofl J0 mantocowr medicalexrersesTheforetheycouldtake NkS.home.Once home,
          Nk S. familyfoundher tobe mentallytmmuahzedas a resultofrerexreiierces. She had
          mthealedwoundsaromid hergerdta]s andneecfle punreson rerbody. The enifre familyhas
          fferedflanciallyandemoffonallybecau ofthe mentalandpl ical ir unessufreredbyNk
          S., vtho newiTheless confinues to be hara edbythe authoiiffes.
          Alkgathn letter
          67. Byletter dated 15 October 2004, sentjoinily vdth — Special RarTefleur on
          exhajudicig surthlalyor aibifraiyexecuffor the Srecial RarTefleur on freedom ofreligion or
          belief — Srecial RarTefleuronthe inderendence ofjudges andlav rs, — Srecial
          RarTefleuron — Fomotion and Fotection of the iightto freedom of opinion and exFesthorc
          — SrecialRarTefleuronthe iightto — raghestattainable standardofpl ical andmental
          healthandthe SrecialRarTefleurontorthre, — Srecial RarTelteurs exFes dtheirconcemat
          rerUns of semic reFession agair t the Falun Gong and other heretical orgarJzaffor&'
          ( j o zuzhi' . O,er — rast live ar hundreds ofca s ofalleged tolaffor of — human
          iights ofFalunGong Facififoners havebeenbroughtto — atterdionofthe SrecialRarTefleurs.
          Nhnyofthe a]legaffor hawbeenrerefledbackto — Crdne authoiiffes ard are reflectedin
          rerUns ofthe Srecial RarTefleurs to tre Conmii iononHumanPJghts. The Srecial
          RarTefleursare concemedthatrerefls ofanest, detenfforç i]rfreathlent toitjre, ±rülof
          adequate medjalfreathient sexualtolence, deaths, andur ialofmer jersof j-ca]led
          hereffcalorgardzatior f, inrathcularFalun Gong Fac toners, are mcreaslng. Theyare
          conceimdthat these a]legaffors mayreflect adeliljerate — irsffffiffona]i2edrelicyofthe
          authoiities to target sTecific group suchasthe FalunGong. Accordir to ird naffon rece ,ed .
          on I D June 1c99 the Central Committee oftre Cranese Commupjst Pait estab]ished an office
          fordealingvdththe FalunGc ,commorJyrefenedtoasthe 5l0Oflice”(forthe date &its
          establisrauent), — officiallylater as — State Council Crnce for the Prevention — Handlir of
          Cults.Thisir tiffiffon rerefledlywasg tenamandate to reFe FalunGctg andotrerhieieffcal
          orgarJzaffor& and is oreraffr outside — — of law. P refls indicate that Falun Gong was
          officiallybarated on 22 July1999 tr owh a decision ofthe MrdstiyofC & Affairs and since
          thens raldecisioor , notice regulatior andotherja]icial inteipetaffor havebeenis aedby
          — Gjwnmient andjudicialauthoiiffes to legifinte — official reFessionagair t hierefical
          orgarJzaffor& includir tre FalunGong. In addifforç accoriing to rerelts amedia camraign
          slaunchedagair tthe FalunGongandFalunGjngFacfftionersinJune l999.It i sbei d
          that this camreign follo ed a Fotest gatheth in Beijir on 25 Apil 1999, ir ,oht more than
          l0,00J Falun Gctg pmcffffoners. FmTher rerUns indicate that in Febnaiy 2001, — Cenfral
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 19
          Conmiittee ofthe Conmrnpjst Panycalledfora Cenfral WorkCor&erence ofrdgh-l lreit
          officials. T}iepmre ofiltmeeffng srerofledlyto adoptaplancallingforthe ±bnuaffonof
          local antFcult task ±brceC in all mth,ersiffe State enteipi sardsocialorgarJzaffor to
          reir&orcethe 6l0Office andsfrengthenlocalconfrolowrtheFalunGong.Ananal thsof
          rerUns rece tedbythe Srecial RarTefleurs indicates tratthe alleged humanñghtstolatior
          agath6t FalunGong Faciftioners, includii temaffc anestanddetenfforç are reitofa ratteni
          ofreFessionagairst merthers lilt group. Most ofthose anestedare rerefledlyheavilyflned
          andreleased butmanyaredetainedandi]rfreatedinorderto ±brce themto ±bnuallyrerounce
          FalunGong. Those who refuse are sentto re-educationiluoughlabom' camrt vthere
          rerefledlytoitre is used routinel ç resulfing inmanydeaths. The Srecial RarTefleurs are fmther
          conceniedatrereits thatfewFalunG ng Facififonersare Fosecuted. / ncharges are laid
          theyrerefledlyinclude allegatior machas dJsthibing jcial ordef as mbling to dJsnpt
          public order, stealir orlealdng State cretC or 5 jsir a herefical orgarJzaffon to undenidne
          — implementaffonofthe law”.Acccdingto tie ir&onuationrecS ,ec thoseFosecutedhave
          beenur&airly iedand manyhave rece tedlengthyp i sonsentences. In this resrect it is rerefled
          that oii5 No v ember 1999. a rofice i uedbytre SuFeme People 's Comt ir tnrted all local
          comts to do theiCrelifical dut 3 r inbth fr to ialandpunisrdng s relftho charged
          vdthiiereffcal c gardzatior cñmeC, eiticularlyFalunGong' andto hancfle the cases
          5mder — leadership ofthe Pait conmiitteeC.
          Urgent appeal
          68. a 8 Januaiy2004, — Srecial RarTefleur sent a joint urgent arTeal with — Srecial
          RarTefleur on — Fomotion and gotecifon ofthe iight to freedom ofordrdon and exFession
          andtheSrecialRarTefleurontoltre ,regardir Caa6l- ar-oldresithntofSheraecount 3
          Shijiaziuangcli 3 Hebeip tnce ,whowasrerefledlydetainedintheSrdjiazhuar LthoF
          Campbecause she allegedlyFactises FalunGong. a 8 Apil200l, she was rerefledly
          fraraned to — Gao ng LthoF Camp in Hebei Fo t e. it is alleged that as — went on a
          hungers ãe to Fotestthe freathientrecS,ec — sforce-fedhmuan excremerd onthree
          rarate occasic s , — afleiwards s reredfromseiious dianhea. As aresult, — srerefledly
          ntto — Gao ng CountyHosrdtalforemergencyfreathient. The attendiaig doctorallegecfly
          reinted out that feedir a rerson human excrement in that cjmnfftycan cau1 death. Urenbefr
          rdback to — WJwFcamg she was allegedlyconffnuouslybeatenbythe guaris, who are iid
          tohave cnishedherrdpple shockedherwithelec icbator wrdle reurir nterontoher, u d
          rdiers to pir hher flesrç andbuiiedherin snowunrn — res d out. 0n8 Januaiy2004, —
          rerefledlysffll detainedin — WJoFcamg wrere she sbei dtobe at Skofbefr
          ibjected to áuilar freathient.
          Urgent appeal
          69. a IS Nh h 2004, the Srecial RarTefleur sent ajoird urgent arTeal vdth —
          Chthrersor RarTefleurofthe Working GrouponAthifraiyr tenfforc — SrecialRarTefleur
          on — Fomo on and gotection ofthe iight to freedom ofopinion and exFestho4 and —
          Srecial RarTefleurontoltre, regardir Vt, a37- ar-oldFalunGong pmcffffonerfn —
          Zuhaisubmb of Guangzhou ci13 Guangdong Fo t e. a 23 Febnaiy2004, Y.T. is saadto
          have been taken fiom her home follov& an applicaffon for a re1 refl. Her husband was
          rereflecMyal inten gated incom cffonvdth herressreflarTdicaffonanddetainedfor le-
          educaffon at — Chutou LawSchool, in Guangzhou Bai mn dJs ict. On I D Nhrch 2004,
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 20
          fr&onuaffonwas rece ,ed that Y.T. s healthcctdiffonwas cñffcal. She wassaidto havebeenon
          hungers ãeforl7 th toFotestherdetention. Herthn&yhadarTealedtothe relice in
          Guangzhoucityto have an fr tesffgaffoninto — legalityofher detenffoi — was callir forher
          iimuediate ielea . Allegedl c no acffonhadbeentaken as ofl5 Nhrch2004. It E e]i dthat
          Y.T. was detainedincorajection withher FalunGor beliefs. P reits indicated that — had
          beendetainedFetously, includir fc a flee- arreñodforre-educaffc c forthis rea Jn.
          Enarir this hine, she was rereflecMysuk ectedto r icalandr hological toitre. Itis
          rerefledthatte to — ilLfreathientindetenffc ç herlegnere ir uredandshewas umble to
          ffi. Intewofthe a]legeddetenffonofY.T. andallegaffor oftoiture — ffl-freathientvdüle
          — s pietouslyindetentiorc concenlwas exFessedforher rical andrsyiliological
          integñty. Concern was abj expie ed for her famil ç vtho has allegedlybeen told thatthey
          should rot rerUn the ca to the internaffonal conmimity
          Coverinent reply
          70. Byletterdated I D June 2004,the Gjwnmient rerefledthat inApil 20J2, Y.T., a37-
          par-old female Falun Gong Faciftioner from HaJzhu dJs ict in Guangzho was orderec in
          accordance vdthtre la to undergo labour re-etcaffon for havir b dce dJsmpted public order.
          InAugust2003, she was releasedfromre-educaffon. In Febmaiy2004, tre loal wnmient
          ughtto re-educate Y.t,but — resistedbyundeflaldng a ror er stiike. Accordir to —
          Gjwnuuent the locala hoñffes acthelyendeavouredto save herli± . Theya]so statedthat
          Y.T. was in excellent health.
          Urgent appeal
          71. a 30 Apil 2004, the Srecial RarTefleur nt ajoint urgerd arTeal with — Srecial
          RarTefleuronthe iight to freedomofopinionandexFesthorc — Srecial RarTefleuronthe
          ñgM to — raghestattainable standaid of rical — mentalhealfib — — Srecial RarTelteur
          ontoflure, regardir LM., aged3ó, resithntofDonggang ci13 Uaordng Fo t e. She was
          rerefledlyheldinDabeiPSoninShen ngcityail0March2004,arelathte vtho sitedrer
          rerQted that — was canied to — siffr room eath a large gau2e mask, and that sre was
          exfremelyweakandthin. It is rerefledthatthe guardsinmlediatelystorTedthe meetfr when
          — iidthatshe wasd & , andsince the4no fr&onuaffoncthersiffiationhadbeenavailable.It
          is rerefledthat LM — rerhuthand ere anestedon9 Apil 2002 andsentencedto 13 pars in
          p JnforFoducir anddistiibuffng matenalsabouttre alleged rer cuffonofFalunGong.
          Since heranestanddetenffonatthe E ndor CityPolice Statiorç andsubsecjuentlyat —
          E ndor r tenffonCenfre andlaterE beiF i jrç LM radrerefledlybeenthtredinan
          attemptto force her to g e upFalunGong. The methods oftoitre andill-treathientalleged
          inclaje elec ic shocksallowrthebodyardbeaffngsonherheadwithhardplasffcbaton
          handles. It was fmTher alleged trat — hadbeen derded a±cjuate medical attenifon and as a
          cor cjuence — had jffered, among other things, ragh fevers vdiich had thmaged her lungs.
          Her realthhadrerefledlyconffnuedto deteiicnte. Intewofthe allegatior oftoitre ——
          rerefledstate ofrerhealth, concernwas exFes dforthe ricalandmental integiityofLM
          if she did notrecS,e Fompt anda±cjuate mediralattenifon.
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 21
          Urgent appeal
          72. a 15 July2004, the Srecial RarTefleur nt ajoint urgent arTeal with tre Srecial
          RarTefleurontre iightto freedom ofopinionandexFessiorc — SrecialRarTefleuronthe
          1 1gM to the raghest attainable standard &rical andmentalhealth. andthe Srecial RarTefleur
          cttoflure,regardiaigG.J., CV., V. a . GB. andSV. Accordir to the fr&onuaflonrecS,ed. in
          2000,G.J.,aresithntofLuozhuang hamlet Crengbo dllage,Mengzhoucit 3 HeranFo t e,
          sanestedat home andtakento adetenfloncentre, togetherwith her8-mont}Foldchld.bythe
          6l0 CftriceinMengzhoucityandofficersfromthe N ngzhoucityPoliceStation(wrose
          names ale knon to — Srecial RarTefleurs). Sre is said to have beenane s tedbecau — s a
          Falun Gong Factificter. a 25 Nhy2002, afler N . G.'s release, reice officers (whcse names
          are knonto — SrecialRarTofleurs) took herto — reice staflorç without a nant. Ms. G.
          s again Fegnard at — t e. It is alleged that — reice officers forced her to have an abothon
          j thatshe couldbe nttoalabourcamp.Theyare idtohawforcil lyg tenheranfr ecflon
          to irduce — abothorç watched the pi ceduie — mocked her vthen — s inreir Then she
          ssent to a detenflctcentre in Jiac ao ci13 Henan Fo t e. Later, sre was frar fenedto —
          Shba]ihe LthourCampvthere she was sf11 detainedon IS July2004. FmThemiore, it was
          rerefledtratMs. G.'s father, G.X., her mother, aG., eldersister, GX, andbrother, GIL, had
          a]sobeendetainedmanytimesbecau theypmchsedFalun Gong.
          73. In Apil 20J1, C V. aged ¾ resident ofXiaohaisii in Tianjin cityHexi distiict, s
          taken fi m her home — ntenced to b 'o of ±brcedlathur at the Tianjin CityJiarccin
          Wo m en sForcedLthourCampNo.3Squadr c toftheNo.6B iigade,whereshe w asto it ired.
          a 13 May2002, Nk C. Facfl dF a lunGJng exercises in — labourcampand. as pmüs}mient
          — camp relice cordinedherto asmaildath rocm where treybeat herandframpledonher am .
          Then theyhandcuffed each I her am to abed. stretcrdng her out sFead-eagled. She remained
          handcuffed this nyfor23 th . Onó Apil 2003, C.Y. — another Falun Gong pmcflfloner tore
          don the an Falun Gong slogar rested ir ide — Squadron. As aresult, — guards dragged
          them into a room where theys irTed them don to their underclothes ard fled up their hands.
          Thenthe aardsdraggedthem into the hallnyandorderedthem to Imeeldow r / nthey
          refu d. six reicemen(includir officers vthose names are knonto — Srecial RarTefleFs)
          u d six elec ic bator simultaneouslyon C.Y. One reiceman used the electS baton on her
          gerdtalia for2 o nün es. Then theydid — 1me to — otherfemale pisorer. Theythensrocked
          N . C. again with elec ic ator all over herbody, to — roint that her teethbecame lojse. For
          more than one month afler rW, her iight arm was raral ed. On IS July2004, rer whereabouts
          ere unhon.
          74. V.a, inrer50 was airestedbythe Tianjincity, Hepir thstiictThjblic SecurityBFeau
          inNowr er2000because she refusedto g e upFalunGong. She was taken to arelice staflon
          vthere relicemen tolenilyslarTed rer face. She was sentenced to 2% pars offorced labour —
          detained at — No. 4 Biigade ofthe Banqiao Women s Forced Labour Camp in Tianjincity. at
          I June 2001, Nk V. was tmrIenedto tre Tianjinci Jiar inWomen sForcedLaboF Camp
          No.3Squathonofthe No.óBiigade. Because she rethsedtorenounce FalunGor , the female
          camp guards derSted her ofsleeg allov& her as lime as b hour ofsleep r day. In Fotest
          N . V. went on a hunger s ãe for 12 da . Sthsequenily, the camp extended her tenu of
          detention. On I Apil 2003, the No.3 Sqmdron attempted to brainwash Ms. V. T camp
          relice mendraggedMs.V.into aflny,darkroomandrdtherallowrherbodywithebcts
          bator . Theyexre dNk V.'sbodyinfrontofthe campus male dJscipline ir thactors to
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 22
          demor frate their elec icbatontoitjre. ThentheycordhedMs. V. to a 1.6 fix I fix 5
          odencage vtheie the s-foot-7-inchtallNky. was fc cedintoacrouchedrethflon.Ms. V.
          s ibjectedtofltfreathientforeightda .Afie iwardsshehadsipüflcantmuscularand
          skeletalFoblerns. On IS July2004, rervtheieabouts ere unhon.
          75. B., inher3os, aresident ofTong a dis ict, Tianjincit 3 was anestedbythe relice vtho
          fled rer upandsuk ectedher to ricalpunis}uuentbecause she refusedto read an Falun
          Gong athcles. Theythen cordmed her to a wooden cage for more than a month. Ms. G. went on a
          hungers ãe for 37 da to Fotest this rersecuflon. Enarir her hunger s ãe — was
          randcuffed and lied ug ard afieiwards she was put in litaiy cordinement for mole — a
          month. Smi refusir to abandon Falun Gong, relice handcuffed her to a radiator, then
          handcufièdher ead-eagledbeb eenb o radiators. Smilater, — re]ice hathcuffedher —
          isrendedrerbyherw ists,andsubjectedhertofmThertoitre. a l Apil2003,the rolice
          shocked Nk G. with wral elec ic bator simultaneously. Thentheyputher ha oden cage
          for wralda .Onl5July2004,rerwrerethouts ere milmow r
          76. C IA I IS, 2002 aV., aresi nt ofLianjiangkou. Jianut ci1 3 Heilongjiang Fonce,
          sanestedat herbrother's rousebylocal re]icebecause she was aFalun Gong Fac toner.
          She was sent to UanjiangkouDetenlionCentie andt weeks later frarIeredto — Jiamusi
          IAjour Camp. Urct hera latJiamusi. — s toitjred and forced to undergo brai srdng.
          In Jay2002, — labour camp guaris forced her to sit on a small stool and tch an Falun
          G ngtdeos. Wrenshe refu dto watcrç aguaid (vthose name is luonto — Srecial
          RarTefleurs) dragged her dov tairs and handcuffed herto a bed. She be gana hunger stiãe to
          Fotesttre freathierd recS,ed. so tre guards force-± dhern&kvdth ilt wr hwas exhemely
          reir&ul. They ibjected her to this tieathient for seven da . In Nowr er 2002, guards forced
          Nk S. to sit on a stool with shaip biangular iidges acrcss its smiace for more than 10 hours a
          day. They made her p both hands on her flugr and did not a]low her to move. Everdually, —
          sldnofherbuttocks tore andbegantobleed. N anv 1iile, she was mordtoredbys ralguards
          brandJsrdng elec icbator . Each thue she mow theyshocked andbeather simultaneously.
          / nsherefu dtoreadanan FalunG ngathcle, they eatheragain. Attheerdof
          Nowr er 2002, because Ms. S. sm l refused to tch — tdecs, a guard (whcse name is Imon
          totre SrecialRarTefleurs)cuffedhertoabedinanawk 4 as muetñcalrethliorcherhands
          lied to b 'o different steel bars. She was cuffed in — same resilion for t weeks. The
          condilic s in Jiamusi LaboF Camp ale w ur ardtal3 and fora long lime Nk S. s rot
          allo ed to bathe. ByFebnaiy2003, she had dewlored scabie vdiich Fe v ented her from
          sleerdr . Atone reinttre guards spm dher vdtha chemical that causedher vere crest reir
          andrendered herunable to mcwe herheadorhands. One moniing inMay2003, Ms. S.beganto
          Fact cc — Falun Gong exercises. As soon as she was erç b 'o guards (vthose names are
          Imon to — Srecial RarTefleurs), rounded up some other imuates — theyallbeat her
          together. Then theydragged her to — cond floor, where theyforced her to sit on a cold
          cemerd floorwith herhands cuffedberdrd herbackforten da . The rdghts werebittercold. and
          — s±rStedofsleep.Onthetenthda c guards(whosenamesarelmontotheSrecial
          RarTefleurs) cuffedherhands ha forcedbackbendresilion (one aim is reachng don theback
          berdndthe headandthe otherhandmeeir itfl mthelowerback).She ssubjectedtoflt
          freatment fc 13 da . AfierherhanW were relea d . — sunable to move heranns — could
          barely walk. In Jm 2003, a 2aard (vthose name is Imon to — Srecial RarTofleurs) slarTed
          herface j raldthatshetemrerarilylostherrearfr .Ms. S. wasnotrelea dafierhertenu
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 23
          expfred.Onl5Juy2004 ,sre ssffllbefr detainedinthelabourcamp andherhealthwasin
          a cntical conthuon.
          Urgent appeal
          77. at 12 Otober 2004, the Srecial RarTefleur nt ajoint urgent arTeal with — Srecial
          RarTefleuron — Fomotion and Fotection of the iightto freedom of opinion and exFesthorc
          andtheSrecialRarTefleurontoltre, regardingM.ILAccordir to — a]legafforsreceiwd she
          was cunenilydetainedin — Shar haiWomenP -educaffontrrughIA ourCamp located lit
          ShanghaiQingpudistiict where she hadbeenffedug isrended fromtre cefling and wrely
          beaten. On 20 Apil 2004, she was nt theie byrelice in Shar hai . to undergo I X months of
          re-educaffontr ough lthourThecau ofher rersistence inretiffcàng — authoiities about a
          labourdi jute — — heathtentshe radsufreredatthe handsofthe relice.M.H.wasdetained
          wral hmesonaccount ofthese acth,iffes, andforcil lycord5nedth rs tiic units vthere she
          sforcedtoundergo shocktherapy.Herdaughte.bothutherthe ageofl8, ere a]so
          rerefledlydetainedrereatedlybyreice andcjuesffonedabout — isa isffng thefrmotherwith
          herretiffor . M.H. was dJsmis dfromherjob li i 1988, whenshe refusedto mdergo anabothon
          intolaffon &the State's familyplarwing relicies.
          Foflo % to previously frausmftted couunimkafioi
          78. Byletter dated 12 Jaroaa 2004 , — Gjwnmtent Fotded fr&onuation on the follow
          ca s cordained in a letter dated 8 July2003, ntjoinily vdth — Srecial RarTelteur ontoitre
          (FJCN.4t2004166 1Add.l).
          (a) Conceniing J.4 (ibid., rara. 25), the Gjwnmtent stated that lit Nhrch 2000 sre s
          placedinsecuiitydetenffon for IS da , inaccordance vdththe ]aw, fordJsthibir socialorder.
          While lit ±tenfforç — concealed her Fegnancy — went on a hunger s âe , re ilfing in slgr
          ofa mi aniage. The public securityauthoiities then took rer to — hospital to be checked ard
          heated. Accordir to — Gownmtent 3.1 her ]fhadexFes dindignationat — libelous
          statement that — public secuiityauthoiiffesbeat heruntilshe ntcanied
          (13) Conceniing LV. (iljid., rara. 26), — Gjwnmtent mdi ated that in Febnaiy2000 —
          s placedinciimmnal deterdionbythe public cuiityauthoiities onsusTdcionofusir a
          hereffcalorgarJzaffontoundenrdne — lawofthe State andccmnütciimes. / nitwaslater
          djscowred that she was Fegnant — was released onbail. In July2000 she gave biflh to a soR
          Accordmr totheGownmtentmotherandcrdldare rowcmienilydoing ell.Tre allegation
          thatLY.wasfo edto haveanabothoncbesnottallywiththe facts;
          (c) Conceniing W.a (iljid., ran. 28X tre Gownmtent statedthat mnJuly2000 she was
          placedmncthrdnaldetenffonon ispicionofdJsthibir — jcial order. Wrdle lit custod çshe
          rniscaniedand — public securityauthc iffesreleased reronbai]. lit accordarce with — law.
          Accordmr to the Gownmtent W.S. s rot ±brcedto have an abothonwrdle litcustody,
          (c Conceniing W.X. (iljid., rara. 29), the Gownmtent litdic atedthat mnFebnaiy2000, —
          sorderedbythe labourre-educationcomrnittee mnBameng , IraterMongolia. to selve
          ars labourre-educaffon ±br djsthibir — jcial c der. At — t e ofhermedical examinaffon
          urct enteth — facflity , W.X. 'scondiffonsho ednothing unusual. On 13 July2000 she
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 24
          complained ofareininherabdomerc vthereuren — mcdi al cenfre of the Irajer Mngolia
          FjnAdmirdstmffondetenrdnedthatshe was Fegnant. Inaccordance vdththe rele mntlaws
          andregulaffor , — labourre-educaffonfacflityplacedW.X. under — sureMsionofthe
          Bamer public cuñtyauthoñffes inLiithe on3l July J00. In Se ier er2000 — gave binh
          toababyboy.Merherde]Ms — enttootherreitsofthe coun toengage inacth,ities
          that djsthibedthe socialorder. a 6 March2001 — was placedincthrdnaldetentionbythe
          Xinchengbranchoffice of the Horthotpublic curityauthoñffesonsuspicict of orgardtng —
          uthngahereffcalorgardzationtounder dnethe lawandconmütcñmes;on3l July2001 the
          Xincheng Dis ict Peopl&s Procuratorate in Hcthhot upheld the anest — — was ibsecjuenily
          relea d onbail vdth res icted libeit . On 25 Septer er 2002 W.X. s capthredbythe Baotou
          public curityauthoñffes aflerfflegallylea t herplace ofresidence. Became heracifon
          tolatedtre CthrdnalLawofthe Peopl&s P public of Crana — — Explaraffonof the SuFeme
          Peo 1&s Comtandthe SuFeme Peopl&sProcuratorate regarding Qaestior relafing to —
          Concrete AwlicaffonofLawsinHancMir Cthuinal Ca s ofctgardñng andUsir Heretical
          Ctgardzaffc s(2) ,she wassentencedinaccorthnce vdththe lawto ven a imp somuent.
          m ir tesffgaffonsrowed that vd&e W.X. was sent her ntence, — labourre-education
          authoñties ranthe facflityin as ictlyscienffflc andcMh2edmarther;theyn rbeat heror
          ibjected her to ilLfreathlent and there was no injection ofabothfacient drags;
          (e) Conceniing G. (iljid., rara. 30), the Gjvenmient inthcated that on I Septerther 2001
          — soderedtoseive three eard labourre-educationforhavir gcte toBeijir tocau a
          djsthibance andthsn 1 i the jcialorder. Enarir thjsffmeshebecame ob edvdthahereffcal
          orgarJzaffon and her health ±teñc ated. On 28 Decer er 20J1 — conecifonal facflitysent her
          onanemergencybasis to — hosTdtal to see adoctor. However, she would not coorerate vdthtre
          freatme* and her condiffon rsened. Pursuant to an authoñz,ffon i ued on 3J Januaiy2002,
          — with her sister as guarantc , 1G. s admitted to — local hosTdtal for treathient. On 24
          Apil 2002she junired fiom — buildir to herdeath inthe Fe rce ofherfamiymer ers.
          The allegaffon in — letter trat 1G. was subjected to such fc ns oftoitme as elec ic shocks and
          beatir s does not tallywith the facts;
          ( 0 Conceniing yR (iljid., rara. 31X — Gjvenmient stated that in March 2000 she was
          taken into custoc bythe naffonalpublic securityauthoiiffes inBeijir fordJsthjbir — jci a l
          order. Aflerthe public securityauthoiiffes djscoveredthat V.P. was Fegnard theytookthe
          neces 1lysters to have her released onbai], inaccordance vdththe law. AcccSir to —
          Gjvenuuentshe wasnotforcedto raveanabothonwrdle incustody
          (g) Conceniing W. (ibid., rara. 32), the Gjvenmient inthcated that in Febnaiy200l
          Z.W. s huthand, W.D., s rdencedbythe ChangzhoulaboF re-education conmiittee to re
          b ars labourre-educaffon forhaving engaged, together vdth lW., inacth,iffes that
          djsthibedthe socialorder. The judicial authc iffes tookinto cor nifon — fact that 1W. was
          Fegnant and did not sentence her Accordir to the Govenmient the allegaffon that — was
          ±brced to have an abothon is a fab iicat ion;
          (r Conceniing B.L (iljid., rara. 33X — Gjvenuuentindjcated that — was orderedto 5cr/c
          ore afs labour re-etcaffon for djsthibir — social order. Because RL. s behaviour s
          relathelygood, she was giwnan earlyrelease fiom labourre-educaffcton2o November2000.
          Accordir to the Govenmient, the allegationthat sre sueredill-tieathientand entdeafwrdle
          inthe labourre-etcaffonfacimydoesrottallyvdththe facts;
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 25
          Conceniing B. (iljid., rara. 33X — Gjwnmient stated that in March 2000 she was
          or±redto mde o labourre-educationforone arforha dng rei*iratedin — acth,ities ofa
          heretical orgarJzaffon — disbabing — social order. a 20 Nowr er 2000 she was gwen an
          earlyrelease. Follovdng herrelea , lB. was orderedto re a fmtherthree ars labourre-
          educationfordjsthibfr — jcialorder. Because rerbehaviourvdule inlaboFre-educaffon
          s relathtelygood. sre was gwen an earlyrelease 0118 Nowm er 2002. Accordir to —
          Gjwnuuent the allegaffon that she was subjected to ifi-freatment is pure fabñcaffon;
          Conceniing L.N. — WX (iljid., ran. 35X tre Gownmient indicated that inJuly2000
          theywere anestedin Beijing forasser ling andcreaffng adistu*ance, andfollo * re-
          educationthey ere relea d. Accorclingtotre Gcwenmienttre b owomenwere notsubjected
          to ffl-frea rent wtdle in custodyas alleged;
          (10 Conceniing LV. (iljid., rara. 36), the Gownmient indicated in October J00 that she
          splacedincñnünal detenifonbythe naffonalpublic securityauthoñffe inaccordance with
          — law, for havir gone to Beijir to create a djsthjbance. While — s in detenifon the public
          cuñtyauthoñffesdi owredthatL.V. was Fegnant whereuron theyreleasedlieron ail.
          Accordir to the Gownmient, the allegaffon that LV. s rered ill-tieathient vd&e indetenifon
          doesnottallyvdththe facts;
          W Conceniing V.J. (iljid., rara. 37), — Gownmient indicated that in October 2000 she was
          anestedbythe raffonal public securityauthoiities — sreleased follow re-educaffon.
          Enarir this Focess — public curityofficers cor istentlyer&orcedthe lawina c &i2ed
          marajerandinaccordance vdththe law;at no t e was V.3. ibjectedto degradir freatment or
          ifi-treathie nt;
          (m) Conceniing L. (ibid., rara. 38), — Gownmient stated that in r cer er 2000 she s
          anestedforgoir to Beijir to as r le andcreate a djsthibance. Sre was orderedto selve one
          afs re-educaffon through labourbythe Beijir municirellabourre-educaffonconmiiftee. She
          — sirce been relea d — her health is good. Accordir to — Gjwnuuent — a]legaffon that
          — was subjected to ill-freatment vd&e in labour re-education does not tally vdth — facts;
          (r Conceniing G.E (iljid. rara. 43), the Gjwnauent indicated that in Otober 2000 she was
          anested for djsthibir — jcial order. Because she was nursir a ne *onl ir&ant her rk müt
          tookherback ±brre-educaffon. She ibsequentlygrewobses dvdtha heretical orgarJzafforc
          became mentallyunbalanced and dJsarTeared. Merbeir fomid byrelathes she was sent to —
          hosTdtal ±br freatment for thee months. Afler leaving — hosTdtal G.P. rebnedto reroiiginal
          rkurdt. AcccSir to the Gownmient, — allegaffor that — sgiwnelect± shocks —
          ibjectedto merdal harassmentaie pure thbiicaffon;
          (0) Conceniing CV. (iljid., rara. 4), — Gjwnmient stated that in Ard 2000 she was
          or±red to lve one a s labour re-educaffon for havir reifrirated in the illegal acth,iffes ofa
          heretical orgarJzaffon — disbabing — social order. Aller enteth the labour re-education
          faci]ity, — createda djsthibance andhertemi ofre-educationwas extendedbyó montrs and27
          da inaccordance vdththe law.ai9Septerther200l — sreleased atwr hhme her
          health s good. An ir tesffgationrewaledthat — lthourre-educaffonfactht 3 s rjn ina
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 26
          c &i2ed manner, inaccordarce withthe la andthat C.Y. s rot sthjectedto anyelec ic
          shocks or otrer ifi-freathierd orpunisrauent;
          (} Conceniing WE (iljid., rara. 45), the Govenmient indic atedthat injune J0l she was
          placedin cthrdraldetenffonbythe naffonalpublic secuntyautronffesforengagir inactMties
          that djsthibedthe socialorderinrarahou. / nthe piblic curityauthoñties leaniedthat —
          s Ireplant theyhadher placedunderhou anest. She Ms since retumedto heroñginal rk
          mat. According to — Govenmient tre allegaffonthatshe was forcedto have anabothondoes
          not t ally vdth t he fac
          (c Conceniing V.0. (iljid., rara. a — Govenmient stated that in Oto er200l — was
          or±redbythe Jingzhou labour re-education conmiittee in Hubei Fo r e to selve one afs
          labour re-etcaffon for dJsthibir — social order. On II October 2002, she completed her tenu
          &re-educaffonandshe srelea d; — reopl&s reice atthe labourre-educaffonfacflityran
          — thcthtyinaci tedmartheratallffmes,inaccordance vdththe law. AcccSir tothe
          Gjwnuuent at no hine did theybeatorwthallyham Y.D. orirdlict coireral punisrauent or
          ifi-treathie nt;
          Conceniing J. (ibid., rara. 2), — Gjwnmient stated that inotober200l she was
          or±redbytre Jir menlabourre-educationconmiittee inHu eiFo t e to re one afs
          labourre-educaffon. Throughout her re-etcafict — reopl&s relice ran — faci]ityin acit]ized
          manner, inaccordance vdththe lawatnoffme thdt} ybeatorwthallyharassZ.J.,ird1ict
          coiremI punisrauent or subject her to ilLtreatment. 13. completed her tenu I labour re-
          educaffonon II October2003.
          79. As no detaJ dir&onuaffct iegardir LX (il id.,rara. 24X L.M. (iljid., rara. 27), ER.
          (il i±,rara.4OX LX (ibid., rara. 41), G.X(il id.,rara.42), W.V. (il id.,rara.47),D.J.(il id.,
          rara.34),Xu(ibid.,rara. ) and SM(iljid., rara. 39) was Fotdedin the lette; the Cram se
          Gjwnmient — been muble to look irdo their cases desrdte havir conducted many arches.
          80. Byletterdated I X March2004, the Gownmient Fo ddedir&onuaffonconcenüng L.Q
          (FJCN.400041661Add.l, rara. 50). From Septer er 2003 onward, she engaged wantordyin
          hereticalForagandaacthñffes,bu & a computer, a nthueogmp}i, ararer-cuthr macrane, etc.
          and dow iloadir , creatir , dJs ibutir — mailir Foragarda mateñal. At the same hine, she
          s a]so g tir other heretical elements witrdn — coun flnancial s Tefl for conducir
          ffleg a lacfftffes.Hercondrtbeir inheachofChne la theCrdne lawer&orcement
          authoñties detained her for ii stigaffon on 2 Nowr er pur aant to aiticle 300 (l) ofthe Penal
          Code, andsecffon2 ofthe inteipetaffonbythe SuFeme People's Comtand — SuFeme
          People's Procuratcnte ofceflainquesffor regardir — sTecific lawto ar lyto — ofrencesof
          nirwing, estab]isrdng ard exploitir hereffcalorgardsaffor . Herresidence was searchedin
          accordance with the la and large cjuanffties of heretical mateiial ere fomd. Enarir the
          frTesffgaffc bL.Q.co1e edtoallofherffleg a lacff dffes.Asshe hadcoredhercthuesand
          dJspla d a good atiftuW, — law er&orcement authoiities decided, on — bass ofthe relevant
          la s, rot to Fess charges, and on 22 December 2003 — ir tesffgaffon into LQ. was clcsed.
          Xl. Byletter dated IX March 2004, tre Gjwnmient gotded ir&onuaffon conceniing cases
          contained in an urgent arTeal ntjoinilywith — Srecial RarTelteur on toiture on 14
          Nowrdjer2003 (FJCN.400041661Add.l):
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 27
          (a) V.F. (ibid., rara. 51). Accordir to — Govenmient, she s assignedto one par's re-
          education through labour in Otober 2000 for travellir to Beijing and collecthtelycreaffng
          frouble anddJsnpffng — jcial order. Wrdle she was attre re-edraffonfacimythe People's
          Police gave heraraffent, reir taldng educaffonandn remplo d pl icalabu ortoitjre.
          Y.F. s di harged in June 2001.111 November 2002, she was detainedby — local public
          curityorgar inaccc dance with — la forir ,oWementvdth — Falun Gong heieffcal
          movement and on susTdcion of conmiittir a cthue, s educated and t free. Since the4 —
          public curityorgars have not taken anyfmThercoerc te actionagair t her, andvdiile in
          custodyY.F. was revertofluied. The claims inthe conmiunication that she was bntallybeaten
          andreidbail tobe released . etc. are sheerfticatior ;
          (13) Her l6- ear-olddaughter(ibid.) DL, aged 19. The Gownmient statedthat she s
          detained in October 2000 on sicion ofir ,oWement in — exploitafict ofa rerefical
          orgardzationto obsthactthe er&orcement ofthe law, andrelea d aflereducaffon. She was
          detained again in r cer er 2003 on su icion ofexploifing a heretical orgarJzation to obsthact
          — enforcement ofState law. DL. was assignedto t pars' re-educaffonthroughlabouronó
          Januaiy 2004;
          (c) T.L. (ibid.). The Govenmient stated that in Febnaiyand June 2000 she tvdce went to
          Beijir andcollecffvelycreatedfrouble, dJsnpffng the socialorder, and ssubjected to public-
          cuñtyrenalffesbythe public securityorgar . InNhy2002, calling her ]fHctg Fa (Theat
          Lav' , she cau dathsthibance in apublic place, s relydJsnpffng tre jcial order. / n
          mimonedtocomtbythe publicsecmityorgar inaccordance vdththe la she threatenedto
          lull herse]fbyjumpir out ofthe vdrdowbefore beir successfullyresfrained. While the public
          curityorgar eie ir tesffgaffng her,T.Ltookflpisonstafrbysmpiseand±liberately
          angedherheadinto theground.thussufreth aconbton&the cenic a lareaandraral s.
          She is nowcor tale ñng at home. Durir tre handling of this ca1 , — public curityorgar
          have rever ithlicted any kind ofbeaffng or toitjre uren IlL. Accordir to — Gjvenauent —
          claimtratshewas ibjectedtotoflme is fab ;
          (c C V. (iljid.). Accordir tothe Gownmient on8May2003 she drnniloadedalarge
          quanffty&FalmiGong Foraganda fromthe FalunGong veb site wr hshe circulatedathhool
          — inher reigmourrood; — pthlic cuütyorgar detained rem accordance with — lawon
          ispicion ofexploifing a heretical orgarJzaffon to obsthact — er&orcement of — law. While
          underir tesffgafforc C.Y. bthce went onhungers ãe, reaching a reintwhere — was ph ically
          verely eakened. Onmethcal a&,ice, — public cuñtyorgar decidedon 13 Octoberto
          releaseheronbailanddeferthe Foceedir s. AccoriingtotheGovenmient C.Y. isslillatrome
          andherpli ic a lconthffon i snownonual.The claimthatshewastoitiredv 1&eincusto y i snot
          th seinfion
          82. The Srecial RarTefleur wjuld like to thankthe Govenmient fonts resror es. Ho ever,
          — Srecial RarTefleur exFesses her cctcen over the numerous allegaffor wrdrh conffn to
          be received ofi]r freatment ofFalun Gong Factiffoners in detenifon. She would like to remind
          — Gjvenmientthatithas a dutyto Feventtolence agair t womerç ir estigate — allegaffc s,
          Fo cute — reiretrators andFOtde comrer afionto tre
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 28
          C rtadeakgaciones
          83. Por cana con fechade 25 de ma1 J de 2004 , Ia Rilatora Esrecia]Juntamente con ci
          P iator Esrecial sthre Ia toitira notificó al Gjbiemo cjue habia reciljido fr&onuacionsthre los
          casos mthwduales siguientes:
          84. KM. htiasidotoiadaei 16 de diciembie de 2002 cmndo eiwrdcwo en d cjue
          tajaba con a farnilia desde iawreda La Pa dta racia ci casco mbano dci municipio de
          Saravenajiereitamentode Arauca htiathdointerceptacb rerdoshor resanuadosycon
          rsimontafis.Enin naeniaciuehtianocmñdoioshechos iacathreinanente Ia
          Fesencia dci Ejército cjue pi tege ci oleoducto Caito Lim6r Cowfias , yno htia guenrna rd
          deircuencia.Loshor resainadoshtianobligado aiosresajerosade erderdeiwMcWoy
          atenderseenei aeiobocabajoyieshtianrobadotodas isreflenencias.EM rabilasido
          uerazadademuefleconunanua,foi adaaa1ejarsedeignreytoiada.Seaiegacp dos
          jidados enconfrabanenunatienda pthximaa donde se htia Foducido Ia agrcsion. Estos
          hechos htian sido denunciados ante iaFiscaliadc Saravena. Dos jidados dc rathifiaquc
          estaban e dia enia Jna habilansido capthrados ydctcrddos eneiBatall6nP véiz Piz no. Sc
          htiaredido a las rersonas agrcdidas cjuc fucrana reconocerios, rero éstas htianncgado
          For temor a ser ith nifficados For los jidados dci Batallon.
          85. M.LM.R.rabiiasidogoircadarcreffdamentc rorunosrombieswstidosdccM].
          apucstamcntc acomrafiados For agentes roliciales, cjuc habilan inmupido en su casI en ci
          municipio de Fian± dereitamento dci Tolima. e16 de febrero de 2003. Htia sido goireada
          eniosrecho ieh ianregadoc iiacWatadcmiapistoiaeniaca ez ieht iandado
          ratadas yla rthrian estirado dci cabello. r spues htia sido infroducidaen unwrdcao
          rerficular cct cinco agentes yle habilan colocado unabo]sa en Ia cabeza. Al ifemro cjuc Ic
          habilan aFetado iathi i a Ia aithra dci cuello, Ia habijan goircado en ci estomago. MS tarde,
          habilan conectado ml cable en ci encendedor eiéctñco yse lo habijan arJicado en ci tórax ybajo
          las atlas. Posteñonucnte, Ic htiani nntado iabiusaydcsabrochado eirantalorc tocado los
          ros ylos gerdtaks yamenazado con doiaria. Bajo arenazas de muefle, habit cor&esado ser
          unaguenillera. Habilasido cond1rida afr talaciores dciSeitcio de Inteigencia de laPolicia
          (SIJIN), donde Ia habijan amenazado con haceria dcsararccerjunto a su famijia si no
          colaboraba. Nlis tarde, los agentes Ic habijan ofrecido acogerse al Fograma de rcir rci6n y
          icariadcirais.Drantceip mcrdiadc dctcnciorchtiasidorSadadcbeberycomcry
          habit ra ido Ia pimera noche en una silla esTosada aunabaranda. 27 dias dcspués de su
          dctcncion habit — trasiadadaa mia cárcei.
          86. Cuafro ml eres de SanBerdto Thad. Sucre, thiiansido chmasdc toiaci6n xua1
          ForFe it de raramilitares de las Autodcfer as Urdths de Coiorthia (AUC). Lcs hechoshabijan
          ocmñdo ci 23 ± agosto de 2002, cuando mlgr o de aFoximadamente 60 raramilitares habilan
          incursado en eica o mbano de estarobiaciony, tras inffniidara susrobiadorc htiantoiado
          a cmfro mujeres en Fesencia de js rajos. En los rnjsmos hechos habijan causado hciidas a ml
          ntucro mdctenmnado de camFesinos yhabiiansacjucado las ffendas yt dendas de Ia
          robiacion. Estos hecros habiiancausido ci dcspiazaniicnto foi ,cb de aFoximadamente 50
          familiai. H Ir ffffito de Bienestar Famfliar htia er ,iado unacornisionrarawiiflcarios
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.i
          Page 29
          acontecimierdos y}itia enconfrado cjue Ia reblacion enconfra a en ml estado de F&unda
          cthis rsicológica. esfrés resframuáfico yar iedadgeneralizada.
          RepuestadelGob rno
          87. Porcana de fecha ide Sepfierthre de 2004elGobieno gorerciono las siguierdes
          r&0 mac io nes:
          (a) Enrelaciona KM . elGobienjo ir&onuo de cjue laFiscaliade Samwnairdcio Ia
          ir tesfigaci6nde los hechos denunciados, asaber, hmto calificado yagia do yacceso carnal
          tolento agra do. H nüsmo Ejercito Nacionalfacflito elfr&onue jbre elcjue iricio Ia
          r tesugaci6ny±brto a jldadosvoluntanos rerFesunta reitciracionenlos rechos.
          Posteñonuente fueronpuestcs a dJsresicionde laFiscalia don± fuerone uchados endiligencia
          de irdagatoña. Haycor tancia de las denuncias realizadasrer reifrWares yenfre dos Ia
          afectada. ResTecto a los nülitares deterddoslasiffiacionfue resulta irnrerdéncbles detencion
          ante lafl a]ia
          r legada. los goce idos theronpuestos enlibeitad ymediante re jluci6ndel 19 de Agosto de
          2003 Ia Fiscalia dJsp o ca]iflcarelmemito delsmuaño yFecluirla fr tesfigaci6rc decisioncjue
          enla acffialithd se encuenfra en f5nue.
          (13) EnrelacionaM. L. M. R., el Gjbienio fr&onuo de cjue se irdciaron las conesTendientes
          tareas dewmiflcacionante Ia Fi a]ia de U ag yno se enconfro denunciaalgunaal resrecto.
          (C) arelaci6nalca j del corregim nto de Santhgo Apostoldelumnk de San
          Benho Abad. el Gjbiemo fr&onuo de cjue se irdcio elFoce J a ca o WIFiscal F imero
          Esrecia]izacb flue enla acffialidad encuenfra enfa de fr tesfigaci6n reta. End rnismo
          nose regisha rdse hace mencion ala resible tolacion ± cuatro ciudadaras. Todas las
          ithagaciones efecffiadasrerelFiscal através de las ir recciones de relicia, Fi a]ias locales
          el manuscmito ailegado Ford rersonero murdcirel hanobterddo resultados regath s encuanto a
          cjue no existe cor tancia de Fe mtas agresiones sexuales come fits For rene de las
          autode± r is el 23 de Agosto de 20C3. Se pucb cor tatar cjue con todas las autoñdades cjue los
          hechos fr tesfigados concieniena los delitos de hmto yamenazaa Ia roblacion c &, rero no ala
          tolacion sexual de Ia cjue Fesuntarnente fueron dcfimas cuatro mujeres omiundas de e 1
          rthlaci on.
          C rtadeakgaciones
          88. Por caita con fechade 25 de ma1 J de 2004, Ia Relatora Esrecia]Juntamente conel
          RelatorEsrecialsobre Ia Fomocion yFotecciondel derecho ala li efladde opinionyde
          exFesn yel Relator Eqecial sthre Ia tomtra. nofiflco al Gjbieno cjue habia recibido
          fr&onuacionsegunlacualM. C, integmnte delPaiftio Commiista yniilitante de Ia Urdon
          Pa i6fica (UP), htia — vicima ± malfratoswthales yfisico asi ccmo detolencia raal
          lode diier re de 2002 cuando n*iendaenBogotáhabmiasido allanada rorunos8O
          hordjres Fesuntarnente niierthros de Ia Policia Mefroroitana. Sus rajos tarnbiénhabmiansido
          cfimas de malfratoswthales yfisicos.
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 30
          Respuestas deicobierm
          89. Por canas con fec}ias de 24 de junio y 27 de juiio ± 2004, ci Gobienjo contesto Crie ellX
          de diciembie de J03 , iair estigaci6nrerFesunto allananüento ilegal asuresidenciafue
          renütaiaFiaBenlahieiaNaci6n.LaUigercstoda 4aseenccttrabanenetarade
          mdagaclonFeiumnar, ran eie iarecumento de ios hechos ydetenidnaria Fesunta
          rei ciraci6nde Mdores p&licos.
          c rtadeakgaciones
          90. Porcana de fecha5 de ma J ± 2004, li P iatomEsrecia]Juntamente coneiP iator
          Esrecial sobie ia siffiación de ios derechos hmuanos y ias iiljeflades fundanentajes de ics
          indigena iaP iatora Es eci sobre ejecuciones extmjudiciaje smuañas 0 aibifrañas yei
          P iator Es eci sobre iatoitra, noffflcó aj Gobienlo cjue reciljio ir&onuaci6n guniacuai a
          F . unamenorde 16 altos de edad. qthen encontmbaen estado de er ara J , htia sido
          toiadayasesinadaei5 den de2003eniaimçecci6nde reliciade Beto sdeimunicipio
          de Tame, Arauca. Tambiénie htianexfraido eifeto de seis me desmerthrándoio
          anojándoio aiño junto a eiia. En ios nüsmos hechos rabilan sido ejecutados ios indigenas 0. L.
          a(m),N.D(m)ys L.S(m).AsimJsmo,M.LD.yN.F.htiansidoheñdosyMF. V
          ofrasdos rdltastoiadas. Los Fesuntos autores de ios hechos seiiannüerthros WiBatall on
          Navas Paido, ad iito a ia BiigadaXvlll deiEjército Nacionai. Tras incidentes como este, —
          de500rer nasde ias rebiaciones de Beto FiorAmañllo y santo Dornir o yde ias
          comumdades indigenas de Rokercs, Paneros II, Veiazcp rosyJulieros habilan despiazado
          haciaSaravenayiaCa iInthgenade Tame,iacu htiasidoobjetodeflhuaciones er
          nüer ros deiGnre Mecardz,do Th véiz Pizano ±iEjército, cjuienes rabiianregisfrado a ias
          rer nasde iacasairdigena.
          RepirstadeiGob rno
          91. Por cana con fecha de 23 septierthre de 2004, ci Gjbiemo Forercon ias sigmentes
          ir&onuaciones: H despiazanüento foi ,do estáii stigado reriadfr cci6n ccioraide li
          f5 a]ia de Cucuta. Ademásse jlicit6 al comando deiejército nacional adoptar medidas ±
          guñdadque renthtieraneirestabiecimiento deiordenp&iico enesaregión. Lamuefle deN.
          D.estáenetaradeil sffgaci6nFeinünareniaunidadde ia ccioraide Oacutade iaFiscalia.
          Lair tesffgaci6nde iamuefle den L.S.demuesfracjue nohabiafroradeibatalionNavasPardo
          cuando ocmño romicidio flue existe ml confroi nguroso de ios mo ithentos diaños de ia
          frora. No haredido ubicarei raradero de ios caditeres de tas ge mtas cthua como 0.
          F. yD. L. S. ysu existencia. arde ia falta de regishos oficiajes de identidad Se ifindamenta en ias
          deciaracionesjuradas de tos habitantes de ia Jna . cite cpiienes no existe tamreco
          müfomlidadSobre io ocmñdo. Lair estigaci6n apunta aics thwr js hecrostoientos fueron
          Foducto deireso de ias k odefer as rerBetc 5 s a jcor&ffrconguenille js.
          c rtadeakgaciones
          92. Porcanadefecha5de ma J ± 2004,hP iatomEsTecia]JuntamentecctiaP iatora
          Esrecialsobre ejecuciones extrajudiciales, jmañas 0 aibifrarias yeiP iatorEsTecial jbre ia
          toitra. noffflcó al Gobienlo cjue habia recibido iIonuacion gun ia cualF. G (m) htia —
          asesinado rer ml soidado ci 2 de ocHre de 2002 en su ca 1 en iawreda L s Bancas, mmücipio
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 31
          deAraucriita.Sumujer,I.P.P.,habiiasidoobligadaaresirlarochejunto alcadi,erde
          mañdo de jués de sertoladabajo amenaz s de muefle rorel ldado.Loshechoshtiansido
          denunciadcs ante laFiscalia Urdcaseccional Saravena. H jlthdo quien apuestamente comeffó
          los demos htia sido trasladado a Un recinto rnilitar de donde htia e arado a los rocos
          LIamam nto urgente
          93. H24de agosto ± 2004, Ia RelatoraEsTec4 juntamente conel Relator Eqecial sthre Ia
          wnta de rditos, Ia Fosfifficion iIantl yla ufflizacion de rditos en Ia romografia. yelRelator
          Esrecial Jbrelatoltra.el! i6unllamamientoenrelaci6ncon dosniflasde löyllaflosdel
          murdcirdo de Sar 64 dereitamento de Anffocjuia. Las dos thitas htian sido ahordadas ror
          nüer ros±lrersonaln&itaratñtoalaIVBñgadadelEjércitoNacionalel I sdejuiiode
          2004. Los niilitares les htiantarado laboca. cogido de los pies ylas mano lashtian
          lithoducido dolentamente enlacamionetaycontcido en unlugardesToblado. All las habilan
          desnudado, abusicb xmhuente ytolado.Tras denunciar Ia agresiorc una de las — }iaMa
          sido objeto de amenazas e liihmidaciones. Taithiénse htiainteip stouna denunciaen
          relacion con estas amenaz s e liihmidaciones. D acuerdo con las ir&c nacictes ieciljith
          Comandante de launidadn&itaracardonadaenSarsónhtia mard± stado cjue haMatomado Ia
          detenrdnacion de destithir a ml soldado Fofesior l Crie rei*irá en Ia agresion flue terda bajo
          fr tesffgaci6n a siete jlthdos regulares. H Comandarde ofrecio indenmjz,r alas cffmas con
          unasmuaW l50.000resosmer ualesduranteunreñododeochomeses.
          RepuestadelGob rno
          94. Por cana con fecra de 8 de dicierthre de 2004, el Gjbiemo Fororciono las sigmentes
          fr&onuaciones: H 30 de agosto 2004, Ia fr tesffgaci6nhtia sido reniiffda abs Fiscales
          Esrecia]izados de Ia ccionSeccional de Medel]in. Lair estigaci6nrorlos hechosalegados
          adelantajia actua]mente bajo eldesracro delFiscalEsrecializado Destacado ante elGaula
          ajente. Asimismo el r reitamento Admithstrath,o de Segmidad DAS, encor ideraci6na cjue
          los hechos deniados fueronFe mtamente comeffths rormiemb s mflitares de Ia Bñgada
          IV WlEjercito Nacicta]. htia dado traslado de jliciffid ala Oficina de DerechosHmuaros
          de Mipjsteño de Defer aNacional eló de 1 iiembre 2004. ElGobienjo Fororcona también
          ir&onuacion al resrecto de los elementos acffia]mente conterddos en Ia reffción como, enfre
          ofros, las denuncias fonnuladas el óde agosto 2004ante eldespcho, los reconocimientos
          médiccs de las dosrditas, unithbnue su iito rode M. W. Rr lV. reflriéndose al rersonal de
          jldados cjue se enconfraba en elca o uthano de este Mmicirdo el 15 de julio de 2004, Ia
          resoluciondel3o de agosto del 20J4 c denando Ia rernisionde Ia fr tesffgaci6na laFiscalia
          Esrecializada. Fina]mente,elGobiemoaflnuaque guiráatento a lresultadodelas
          fr testigaciones cp adelanterç resTecto de lo cual fr&onuará oroltunamente al Relator
          95. La Relatcn Esrecialagmdece elGobiemo rorsusre ue s tas. Siner a o , quisiera
          obtenerir&onuacionadicional jbre las fr te s tigaciones en curso.
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 32
          Costa Rka
          C rta de aiegaciones
          96. Por caita cct fecha de 7 de julio de 2004, Ia P iatora EsTecial conjuntamente con ci
          Reiatc Esrecial sthre Ia with de thfics, Ia Fosiftucian mfeairn yiautdnciande rditos en Ia
          reniogiafia marifestaron suaro J ala liüciathm ± leyrara liuredir los mas de
          rersonasmenoresde l5aitosde ed4Fo ctoque,segtliaOflcinadeIrdciathmPopulardei
          Congie , ocuraei iugar88 delordendel dia end Pienaijo Legisiatho. Paraiosreiatore ci
          hecho de cjuc Ia icg siaci6ncostanicer e renrdta cjuc unabusicbr xuaicontraiga matiimordo
          conunathitamenorde 15 fio rcgc ntaunrethlioicgalrenuisivoyunawntajacjucios
          cñminalcspucdcnaFowchar. SeguneiP gisho C & de Costapjca. enelaito 2001 habñan
          rcgishado C ma imordosdcesteffre.HCóiigoPcnaldc CostaPicacastigalasrelaciones
          xualcs con urn rersona menor de IS aitcs. Erdonces, una fonna de ettar Ia cárcei redila r de
          casan con Ia rdita.
          97. Lcs rciatorcscor idcrancjuc es im reflante agih7 ria aFobacion de ese Fo cto de icy.
          SeráunafonuadcFotegeraiardfic;rero taithiénunmccarJsmoraradcsrejaraios
          abusidoies de una henamienta legal cjuc ics renrdtc ac t uar con impmidad.
          98. Pore j , los relatores pidieronel are J deiPresidente de iaA ir icaLegisiath idc
          Costa Rn auna irdciaffva cjuc, ademS , coma con ci resreldo de nücr ros ± todos los reitios
          rditicos rcFc ntados en ci Cor€rcso dmante ci reñodo 1998-2002.
          Lhmam nto urgente
          99. H 13 de agosto de 2004, P iatoraEsrecialjuntamcnte con ci P iator Esrecial jbrc Ia
          wnta de rditos, Ia Fostiffician fr&anrn yla uff ciónde rdfios eniaroniografia. yla Rilatora
          Esrecial sobie los derechos romianos de los nügrantcser tiaronuniiamamicnto urgente sobre
          siffiación± cuatro menores ecuatoñanos, de ethdcs comFendidas entie los I D y 17 altos,
          cjuicncs rabnansido trasiadados a mcdiacbs de julio de 2004 al Pahonato de Ia Ir&ancia(P MI)
          has serdetectados rorias autoñdadcs de nügraci5nFcsentes en las jnasdc Caltas Guanacaste
          yConedores Purdarenas. Contando conia a mda ± agentes dci háflco de imuigrantc los
          menores habilanwajado en a d6n hasta Panama yse cree crac Fctcndian confinuar For ifena en
          ccion a los Estados Urdcbs.
          100. Segun Ia fr&onuacian recibida. en ci pimer semestre de 2004 se habilan detectado en Ia
          frorderayenel Aeropueflo Intenucional de JuanSantamajia ohos cuatro gnrcs de rdltas y
          rdfios ecuatoñanosenro si6n de docmuentacian fa]sa. cjuc cree htia sido FoForclc ada
          For agentes dci tráflco de imuigrantes. En 2003, se habñan rcgistmdo casos similares de rdltas
          ymitos aatemaltccos.
          RepirstadeiGob rno
          101. Por cana con fecha de 27 de sepffcr rc de 2004, ci Gjbicmo contcsto Fororcionando Ia
          sigmente ]r&ormacion
          102. N. CU.,ecuatoñana. l7altosdc edad. rabiaingrc idoeneiP MI,ei2l dejuiiode
          2004 yderoflada e118 de agosto de 2004; M. J. A. C, ecuatoñano, 16 altos de edad. habit
          EJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 33
          fr rcsadoeneiP MIei6dcagostodc J04 ,ydcrenadoei3dc i iicmbrcdc2004;KLM.
          C., ecuatoñana. 17 altos de edad. htia fr resado en eiP MT ci 6 de agosto de 2004,
          dereflada eliX de agosto de 2004. Enia Fo ttha de Puntarenas (Conedores) todos ios menores
          htianncgado a Fcstarcuaiqthcrffre de coia}nacionconias autoiidadc se habilan negado
          aithbnuar For qué estaban en Costa PJca. como ilegaron al rai donde se hosredaron durante su
          estanciaeneireis, de dondcwrdan. cjuicncs coiaboranen a frasiado hasta ci rais, cual erasu
          desfino final. Los menores rthiiansido deroflados luego de coordinar cone' cor ulado de
          Ecuadorraraciuc sele framitamniosdocmucntosdc i nffdadrecesaños yqucfucranrccil idcs
          en d acropueflo rorfamfliarcs Fetamente calificados 0 rorci homoiogo deiPANI endicho
          reis. T M antcñor denotajia cjuc ios menores rthrian sido entrenados en cuanto a cual debla r
          rcaccion ante una dctcncion e indicajia cp rersonas incscnpulosas urnizan ci reis como
          puente eneifrasiado de ilcgalcssFame±anos. Lasd ,cmisir tifficioncs rcic mntcs dci reis
          estajian coordinando acciones rara atacar este Fobiema ywiar For ci bicrestar de ios menores
          dcedadqucsewanir toiucracbs.
          103. Nlisallá de ia Fotecciónotorgada. ia rccomendaciontécrdcadci PMII rabilasido de
          coiaborarentodoiorothbicconiair tcsffgaci6nrolic4 ycoordthareiasuntoconiar ccci6n
          Oencral± ffigraci6nyRfrar eiiayconeiCor iiladodciEcuachenCostaPJca afmdc
          rcra iar a ics menoles con ml recurso familiar, io antes rosil ie. Rn este Foceso de
          coordinació4 htia intciwrdcb unreFesentante de ia r fersoiia dci Thacbio dci Ecuador, en
          condiciondc Abogado dci Cornisionado de ios r rcchos Hmuanos rara ios Nacionales en
          MuéñcadciNone,coneircsr ldodciCor u ladodciEcuadc ydcunrodcroto adororios
          radresde ios rdlto jlicitardo cp ios menoles ic fiacranentiegadosafmdcii nriosdcmcita
          aEcuador. Endicho momento ci PMII no htia autoñzado ia enfregade ios menores, enrazón
          de una dfrcc iz eniiffda For ia Fiscalia General de iaP publicayrostcñonucntc enrazóndc una
          ordcndciTübunalPcnaldciPthucrCircthtoJuthcialdcSanJosé.Ard asautoñdadcsjudicialcs
          htian cor i±rado cjuc no rc jltaba pudente cjuc ios rdfios abandonaran eiraIs, niicrdras no
          hubicra cmurJido con ci anticiro jur i sdicionalde p'acbacjuc ics fucra Feitnente y
          detenuinara cicrdificamcntc ia ith nffdad real de js radres.
          104. Hl4dcjuiiodc J04, mlavcz cjuc ias acciones mencionadas hubicrct sido rcaliz,da ia
          Fiscaliahtia jiicitado eijuczPenaidci F imcrCfrcthto Judicial de SanJo , cjuc Focedieraa
          enfregar a ios rdltcs. Sin er argo, ci 22 de juiio de 2004 ci Juzgado Pcnai habila emifido una
          rcsoiuci6nordcnando tas gestiones Focesales adicioraics ynegardo ciredido de dcvoiucion
          de ios rdfios. Dicha ie jiuci6nhtia sido areiadarorei PANT. Nhenfras ci recurso de areiacion
          indicado estaba toda,4a en frániitc, ci PMII htia — rotificacb cjuc ci P Fcsentante de ia
          r fer jiia dci Thacbio dci Ecuadorhabiaintcip sto mirecurso de Habeas Ccpis ante ia Saia
          Cor tifficional de ia Cone Sugema de Jusficia. Ri 24 de agosto de 2004 ia Sala Cor fftucional
          habit oidcnado ci i nntairdcnto de ias mcthdas de Fotccciondictadas afavorde ios rdfios
          dci inredimento de ilida dci reis, yhabila ordc aiJuzgado Pcnai dci Piimcr Circuito
          Judicial dc SanJosé cjuc raciem enfregaimuediatade ios menores, a aquellarersonaciuc bwicm
          autoiidadyquc ofrecicra garantiade rcFcsentaciondciRstado Ecuatoijano, aefecto cjuc ios
          menores fucron trasiadados a su reis.
          105. RncmurJimcntocon iaordcndc iaSalaCor tifficionalyconiarcsoiuci6nthctadaenei
          2 dc pffcmbrc dc 2004 r ci Juzgado Penal dci Pñnicr Circuito Juthciai dc San José, ci PANT
          habit Foseguido, ci 3 sepffer rc dc 2004, a hacer ia enfrega fomial dc ios rdltos
          reFesentante dc iaDefersoiia dci Pucbio dc Ecuador, como arodcrado dc ios radres dc ios
          EJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 34
          menores, ydel reFesentarde del Estado de Ecuador. El4de ptierthre de 2004 Ics menores
          htiansido frasladados enatonaQuito donde seijanrecibidos rerelDirectorGeneraHe
          Are abs ecuatoñanos en d Exteñoryrer Ia F imera E ma del EcuadoryF esidentadel
          lr ffffito NacionaHe laNiltez yal FamthaONNFA).
          106. Eneste caso exisffuia mlFoce Jjuthcialrerel delito de tráflco ± menore cjue
          enconfraiiaenfase de fr tesffgaci6rc siendo cjue enelmismo htia rersctas deterdcM yla
          macpiinaña del ente estatalacusadorestaiia reaEz,ndo los esfuei js reflineites rararecabar
          todap'aeba nece iiia yfonuWarun acu ici6n debidamente fundamentada crae renrdtacrearun
          Fecedente y pl cesar a las rersonas fr ,olucradas en este fraslado de menc es.
          107. L s fr&onuaciones Forercioradas For ci Gjbiemo en relación a los otros rditos Se
          puedenencontrarenelithbnue delP latorEsTecial jbre lawntade rditos, Ia gosiftucion
          fr&anrn ylautilizacionde rditos en Ia roniografia (EJCN.40005t781Add.3), yel ir&c ne de Ia
          Rilatora Esrecial jbre los derechos hmuanos de los migrantes (EfCa .4O005t85IAdd.l).
          Cote dlv oire
          Letfred'aIIégafio '
          lOX. Par lethe en date du 26 mars 2004. Ia RarTofleu1 sTéciale, cctjointement avec Ic
          RarTofleur srécial r Ia Fomoffon et Ia Fotecifon du droit ala libeflé d'opinion et
          d xge iorc Ic RarTofleur sTécialsurles exécuffor exfrajudiciaires , sonmiaires ouathifraires,
          I c RarToflemsTécialsurles fonues contemrorainesde racisme, de dj thrdnaffon raciale, ±
          xénopliobie et de l'intolérarce cjui yesta ociée et Ic ParTofleursrécial surla toitre, a r&onué
          Ic Gjweniement cju'elle a tt recudesrer ignements lonlescjue]s , Ic 25 ma 2004, de
          tolentes mardfestaffc s a Abidjan. avec d'un coté les mardfestants de l'orTosiffon et de Fate
          les forces ± l'ordre et les rnilices Fogowemementales, auraientfaitde nor reu stcffmes
          rend les merthres de l'ogosiffonet les forces de l'ordre. Unetngtaine de rersorales aumoir
          aurait été ffiée des fenmies et ±s ±3Jleftes aumient été tolée et ±s exactior a caractére
          ethrdcjue auraient eu lieu. r s migrants auraient été anêtés et mient maintenus au secret. Les
          exrefls de Ia Ojmrnjssion des droits de l'honmie out également fait ran de leurs incjuiétudes
          cjuant au Scjue de Folifémffon d'anues, suite aui ithbnuaffor scion lescjuelles des mardfestants
          raient emrarés d'anues arTeitenant aic forces de l'orcfre. r s manifestaffor aFaent
          également eu lieu & Yamoui ouhro , Bouaké et Korhogc d'aufres étant Fé es Ic 26 mars 2004.
          Les exrefls ontexp mé leurcrainte cjue d'autres cor&rontaffor tolerdes n'aient lieu
          c uununi 1 u edepresse
          109. Le IS nowr re 20J4 , laRarTQteu sréciale a publié, conjointementavec
          RarTofleur srécial r Ia Fomoffon et Ia Fotecifon du droit ala libeflé d'opinion et d 'exFe ion
          et Ic RarTofleur sTécial r les fonres contemroraines de racisme, de djscñnünaffon raciale, de
          xénopliobie etde l'intolérance cjuiyest as jciée , unconmrnrdcjué de ge e afmd 'exp merleur
          plus e Féoccuraffon face ala recnde ence des tolences en Cote d'lvoire depths Ic 4
          nowr )re 2004.
          Les Ragofleurs sTéciaux sord notanmient déclarés rathculiêrementinquiets des fr&onuatior
          Icurraiwnant fajsantétat de plusicurs moits et de nor reE bIcs s lors de mardfestatior
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 35
          xénor iobes cjui s étaient déroWées les jours rScédents a Ab idjan et de tolences xuelles
          confre des fenmies et desjeunes fines cjui auraient eu lieu aussi dar cette cardtale.
          I 10. Par lethe en date duX décer re 2004 , Ic Goweniement a rérent cjue des encjuêtes
          étaient en coun cbnt les résWtats étaient attendus. Le Gjwernement a également rérendu cjue
          I c conmrnmcraé de Fe e comreflaatdes ir inuatior cjuireflaient lamarcjue etla mesure
          I 'ir thnuentali iffondes droitsde l'honmie — Ia guene cjue subit Ia Cote d'Ivoire ±puis deux
          ar . ScIon Ic Gowemement des Fewes inéfutables attestent Crie les moits et les blesses ne se
          comptentras dar les rangsdes ciljles des mardfestatior xCnopliobes maJs plutotdar ceui
          des mardfestants, ratiiotesetracificjue surleque]s onttiré les soldats de l'oréraffon Licorne,
          remtant 1acCe sousmandat de I'ONU. Le Gowernementa indicjué Crie lesFenüers auteurs de
          tolatior graves des droitsde Ia rer Jrale jnt les soldatsde l'oréraffonLicorne. S'agissantdes
          actescjui aumientCté dirigCs contre des Changers, Ic Goweniementn'exclutrascjuelques
          dCrarages mais indicjue crfi]s n'Ctaient res nCce airement caractCthticjues de mardfestaffor
          xCnopliobes. Le Gjwernementa Cgalemerd harsniis aui RarTefleurs sréciaux undossierde IS
          rages intithlC Violaffor desthoits de fliomme enCote d'Ivcdre rar l'anuCe frar aJse depths
          Ic 6 nowrthre 2004
          Ill. La RarTefleuse sréciale remeitie I c Gjwernement rem rCrer . Ule souhaiterait
          nCamuoir obterdr des fr&onuatior plus FCci s arles encjuêtes menCes sur les a]1Cgaffor
          har mises, en reifruiier les a1lCgatior detols etde tolence sexuelle.
          Democrafic People's Rc ithlk of Korea
          Urgent a ppeal
          112. a 20 Septerther 2004, the Srecial RarTefleur nt ajoint urgent arTeal with — Srecial
          RarTefleurontoflure regardàg K-SJ., a 24 ar-old. nationalofthe P public ofKorea.OnX
          August2004, she was abtcted fourplainclothes cuiity Mcesrer Jrthel ofthe
          r mocraffc Peopl&s Th public ofKorea nearBudoindilage, H iyong city, Namp ngjirc Jilin
          ofCrdna. She was caniedawayina large ickfromthe Cranese side ofthe Tmuen
          P ,erto — Korean siW to anurdmon locaffoR Herhuthand managed to escare and has
          aftem 1 ied to locate rer, vdthout ccess. In ew ofher alleged abducifon and detenifon in an
          unimown locafforç concern s exFes d that she might be at Sk I toitre or other thins of
          ifi-treathient. Mjreowr, g tenthat K-S.J. wasrerefledlyFegnant concern seq e edfor
          herph calandn nta1 integiityifshe did notrecS,e Fomptandadecluate medialattention.
          Covermnent reply
          113. Byletterdated2l October2004, — Govenmierd resrendedthat accordir to an
          fr tesffgatiorc neithersuch inci nt rorarqother slinilar act — occmiedin — r mocraffc
          Peopl&s P public ofKorea-Crdnaborderareabefore, during c afler8 August2004.
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 36
          DemocnficRc iii& ofCougo
          Let ed'aIIégafio '
          114. Par lethe en date duX juillet 2004, Ia RarTefleuse sréciale, conjointemerd avec Ia
          RarTefleuse sréciale r les exécutior exfrajudiciaires, sonmiaires ou aibitraires et le
          RarTefleur srécial r Ia tofime, a ir&omlé Ic Gowemement cju'elle avait recu des
          rer eignementsseIonIescrae]s B. M. (m), agñcWteur, K I t (m), N. N. (m), A. B., GM. (m) et
          X N. (m) aumient été toitrés Far des agents de Ia Direction génémle des nügraffor (DGNO en
          jar ñer2003 aucours de IeurdétenffonIBunagana, dar le tenitoire de Rutshunj. Fo t e du
          Nord-K m. P.M. et N. N. raient décédésdessuitesdes fraitements recus. B. M. auraitété roué
          decoursetonlthauraitarTdicjué IpIusiemsrep sesunferchaudsurIe dcs.Ilauraitmdes
          co lTs d'honmies êfre exhaits de Ia cavité jutenaine dar Iacjuelle les détenus étaient incarcérés.
          A.B.auraitétéenffêrementdévêtue.OnIuiauraiter uite dére delareudreicanonsurla
          reth ie, Ilacjuelle onauraitmis le feu. en ajoutant duplasficrie fondureurinter iflerIa doWeur.
          Sesonglesauraient été anachés. G.M. aurait également euunferchaudarTdiqué r le do
          unelourde piene acc jchéeI s tesffcWes. X. N. aurait été rouédecour aftachéetsusTenduIa
          tête enbas. Les r?*ants auraient été détenusju 1 u 'en mai 2003 sar avoir été jugés. Tous
          auraient été accuses de collaborera v ec des orTesants au Rai embIement congolais rem Ia
          d emocratie - Gcma (RCflGjma). Une plainte officielle conceniantdesactesde toitire aurait
          ete deresee confre les Fesmiles tc tiorthaire mais de hauts resrer abIes duRCflGjma
          auraientblocjue toute encj&te. Les rer Jrales mentiomiees c ± us a nt nvecu 11cm
          detenffonsoufrthaientdepiis lors de graves Foblémes de inte.
          Let ed'aIIégafio '
          115. Parlethe en date du J juillet2004, er To e conjointementavec Ic ParTeflem sTécial
          r Ia toitire, Ia RarTefleuse sréciale air&onue Ic Goweniement cju'elle a tt recudes
          ir&onuatior r les cas ind ,idue ]s su ,ants
          116. BE., âgee de 13 ar itidanti Nhoko, tenitoire de Fizi. Fo t e duSud-K nj . aumit
          ete tolee Ic 13 aviil 2004 Far ml niilitaire du 92 bataillon de Ia circor iipffon de Mjoko.
          D'agês les ir&onuaffor recue Ia fillette aurait ete irdelrellee, alors cju'elle rewnait ± “école
          auc er ,irc s de l4heures, Far cc mflitaire, dord IesRarTQteurs ST caux corthaJs rd Ic nom.
          Le —— auraitdemarde Ilafillettedepuiserde I'eauetde rama erreurIuidesfeuillesde
          mardo, et I'auraitcctduite dar Iabrous oüil I'auraittolee. L'agresthon xuelle auraitete
          cord5nuee rarunird5nnierducerdrede irdede Mjeke oülaflllette auraiteteexamineejuste
          arSs les jUts. La fillette, I'ird5nuieretle rnilitaire aumient ete enterdus surles faits, et des
          F0ês-wthaux de cesaudiffor auraient ete rediges. Cerendant, aucune actionn'auraitete
          enfrep se contre Ic Fesmile resrer ibIe dutol. En ote, des mi]itaires auraient commence a
          remvhas r Ia fillette et I'ird5nnier cjui auraient ete confraints de fiñr a Kigoma en Tara,rde.
          117. P. F., 17 ar , aurait ete tolee Far deux soldats a Kalemie (Fo t e du Katanga) en
          marge de Ia rande rnilitaire orgarJsee Ic 8 mars2004dars cette Ie. D'arSs les ir&onuaffor
          recues, laConmiSionPaix et Jusfice de Iatlle aurait arTefle des jir mediraux et
          r roIogiques a lajeune mle. Cerendant les autoiites rnilitaires etjudiciaires n'auraierd
          enfrepis aucune acffonjuscju'au 17 mar date a lacrielle I'undes FesmuesresTer abIesamait
          ete anête sur odre duconmiandantde Ia 69 igade. Le 22 mars, des soldats auraientrent
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 37
          site ala tctime et I'auraient accusée d'être resrer ible des goblémes causes a Icurs
          collégues. En oufre, Us I'aumient menacCe si cue ne faisait res en sofle cjue les charges retenues
          confre euc soientreffrées. Le 23 man rarcrainte de rerSsailles, lajeune fenmie aurait fiji. Au
          moment oi l ces iIonuaffor ont etc recues, Ia jeune file etait renfree dar ]lage. L'undes
          jIdats serait toujours en etat d'anestaffon et Ic dossier, en fr tncffon a I'auditorat rnilitaire,
          aurait etc frarsnus au rarciuct cMI.
          118. Peu de cas de tolence sexuelle raient efrecth,ement reites devant Ic ibuna1 du
          tenitofre ccmrétent en Ia maffêie. En outre, mêmc cjuand cc tübunal est sajsi. ces cas ne seraient
          res p s en cor ideraffon ou feraient “objet d'un réglement amiable en echar e d'une
          comrer ation flnanciêre.
          119. Air i, 7jal! ier2004, unhomme aurait etc anete reuravoirtole me fiflettede 14
          aI — Ia Ie d'Ubundu Deuxjoms arSs, il auraitete relache mo raiant comrer iffon
          flnanciê deIa dchmeetde ifamilIe.
          120. E rs Ia Ic d'Ubmth. Icstctimcs de doIcnce sexuelle se thjwcraicrd dar unc
          siffiaffon d'exfrême Fecarite en raison de I'orFobrc dctt dIes feraient I'objet au seth de Ia
          jciete, et cc dufait cju'ellcs rnicnt rejetees rar Icurs FoFes famines. D'arSs Ics fr&onuaffor
          rccucs, aucunc mesure n'aumit etc p rem cjuc ces fenmies aicnt accés a unc a istance
          medicale et r hoIogiquc.
          Let ed'aIIégafio '
          121. Parlethe endate du2l juillet 2004, Ia RarTeflcuse srécialc, conjothtemcrd avec Ic
          RarTeflcur sTécial sur Ics executior exfrajudiciaircs, sonmiafres ou aibifraires et Ic RarTeflcur
          sTécial sur Ia toitrc, a fr&onue Ic Gowcmcmcnt cju'ellc avaitrcculcs ier igncments j i nts:
          122. I.e 27 mai 2004 a Bukavu. des soldats arTencnant ala dixiêmc region mi]itairc auraient
          attacjue des agences thtcniationaks. Les soldats auraicnt renefre dar I'encethtc de I'unc des
          o ar itiors, thant ml honmic ettolant unc ±htmic.
          123. N.N. unc fenmic dutilage de Lurengo, rait c cedee Ic l9fewicr2oJ4±s jites
          de I'agrc ion sexuelle cju'eIIc aurait jbie de Ia raft d'un mcr rc de Ia rolice. D'apiês Ics
          fr&onuatior rccucs, Ic 7 fewier, N. N.M. auraitetebatme ettolee rarunmembre de lareice
          qui I'aumit er jitc IaJs e gñêwmcnt bIcs e sur Ic bord de Ia route, 1 wssie a nt etc
          reffoi e. Ir&onues de I'thci nt s deux fijs aumient rcfrowe Ic re]icieret I'auraicnt frarTé.
          Qanta jnmai il raitalle auconu Jssañatdcreicedc LubaorarTeflcrlcsfaits. Au
          conmiSariat son thcarcerauon aurait etc iimuediatcmcnt ordorajee au mofffcju'iI aurait etc
          I'fr ffgatcur des cows refles au relicier. Le 9 fewier, a nt etc fr&onue de I'ancstaffon et ± Ia
          detenuon de Jn mali. sa femme se serait renduc au comnt iñat de reice rem temoigner A
          Jn ain,ee, cue aurait etc anetee et empiscniee avec son man . sar qu'aucunc charge ne soit
          retenuc contre cue, et cela en derat d'un etat de intc ciiffcjuc occasioraje rar l'agrcssion
          nllc. I.e I D fewier, son etat de intc se c gradant cue aurait etc relachee. I.e 13 ±htcr,
          conmiandantdc relicedcLubaoamaitdcmandeaumndcra r5000frar sCFArem
          rewoir êtrc libere. Faute de rewofr ra r, il aurait etc mathtcnu en detenuon. I.e 16 fewier, N.
          N.M.a u raitetctrar fereeal'hordt a lgerer a ldc Lubao,oüellc raitmoit froisjomsplustard
          des jitcs des blc urcs causees rar tol. Son man aurait ak s etc inmiediatement liljere etc
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 38
          relicier accuse de l'agression confre N. N. M., anêté. II aurait ete contune depths ala
          ndffiderénale areiretthte etl'Etatawr rer tfronl 'equ talentde l0000dollarsalafamille
          dela qctme.
          Letfre ad eâlaMb ' fredehcomIffionl mbteetdelafrmffle
          124. Le 17 aoüt 2004, Ia RarTefleuse sréciale a adresse une lettie ala Mipjsfre de Ia condiffon
          feminine et de Ia famine conceniant Ic message officiel cjue Ia Mirjsfre a tt fait rartethr le 12
          juillet 2004 aui autoiites locale Icur demandant de Foceder ala collecte d 'ir&onuaffor sm les
          cas de tolences xuelles conmii s smlemtcnitoire. LaMirisfre avtht soflicite cjue soient
          elabcses des ]istescontenant les nor etFenorns destchmes detolences sexuelles, leursâge
          adres. air i cjue les nor des auteurs Fesmues dccc lyre d'agression. II ser lerait cjue les
          uisthacfior aientete ñgomeusementsuMesrarles autoñteslocales c p A , dar ceitair ca
          amaientdemande aui ONG fravafflantsurle tenainde founürdesir&omiaffors rStees etjou
          cordidentielles sm les tchmes. La RarTelteuse sréciale a esffme cjue, Men cjue cette irdifafiw
          rene d'unebomieirdenfforçiletaitacraindre cju'elle puis refleratteinte alarersteedes
          tctimes de to]s, et cjue Vah nce de cordidenffalite — I c fraitemerd des doraieespui e methe
          en dar er les tchmes. La RarTefleu sTéciale s'est egalement in jietee du fait cjue cc t e de
          Faclue remiaitdJs aaderlestchmesdetolence n]lc d 'allercor ulterunmedecir . clime
          d'thterdrles jir adecpnt et d'engager des rem iites contre lems agressems.
          Let ed'aIIégafio '
          125. Parme lelire datee du l septerthre 2004, laRarTefleu sTéciale, conjointement avec
          Ic RarTeflemsrécialsmla toitre, air&c ne Ic Go emement cju'elle avaitrecudes
          rcr e] nemen sm les cas indduels sui mn
          126. N. B., IS ails, habitant Ic craather ± Mulor€we a ta, amaitete anetee Ic 31 jui]let
          2004 amidi rar unrnilitaiie dontle ibm est comm des Ragefleu sréciaux rem avo]r
          Fetendmuentvole des vêtements ± sonvoisin. La jeune fine aFait en fait seulement declare
          avoirmquelcju'unaumarche cjui reflait lesvêtementsvoles. N. B. aFait ete detenue rendant
          plusiemshemesdar uncachotclandestinal'inteiiemducampmi]itaire dThiraauquelle
          rnilitaire etait afrecte. Ce deniier amait place des figes d'aibre cite les doigts de lajeme fine en
          tarant r s mair placees sur me chai aim ± lui faire avoucrlc vol de vêtcments et lui faire
          denoncer s evcnffic]s comrdices. Ve I X hemes, cor tatant cjuc les mafr de Ia jeunc file
          avaicnt cor iderablemcnt gorIle et cju'ellc ne ces iit de plemer de doulcm, Ic mflitaire amait
          decide de Ia libercr afin cjuc ses rarents Ia fas nt soigner. 111th amait cerendant indicjue cju'il
          rctcrdraitremsuthc l'encjuêtc. N. B. amait rccudcssofr d'une orgarJsationnon
          go enicmentalc locale cjuil'amait egalcmcnt aidee a engagerdes remsuites confre mi]itaiie.
          127. K t, unc agñcultñce d'unc cincjuantainc d'araiees t nt a Foximite d'un camp
          militaire a N r€arn pies de latlle de Berd(Fo t e duNord-IcivuX amait ete tolee ason
          domicile rar ml soldat *ant dar camp mi]itairc, lccjucl serait infroduit chcz cue, Ic 16 mai
          2003, tarddanslasoiree. Le lendcmair. K. M amait rerte plainte et amait denonce les faits
          auFs dusurencmrderarcrdcjuc du ldatqth lui amaitordorthe d'indcrnriserlatchme a
          hautem d'er ,iron 2 ou 3 eu Js, cc cjuc Ic soldat amait refuse de faire. K.M mit alors
          adrcs eaugowcmcmdudJs ictquiluiamaita mequc jncannaiteffidie,luiamait
          cor eille de renfrer chcz dIe, mais n'aurait ts aucunc mesme rem a mcr sa secmite. Le soldat
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 39
          raitalorsrendusurIestenesdeK.M. ,aCcomragnéd 'ant;ilsl'auraientaftaChéeetrouée
          de COUFS, Ce c p u Iui aurait lu mie dent cas e et une blessme ala mâChoire. us re se seraent
          anêtés cjue lorqu'une aufre fenmie les auraitmenaCés aveC une aine afeu E tenrdnée a ne res
          lai erinhmider , K. M. aurait de noweau. rené plairde, malgré les Fessior du gowenleur
          cpuiluiauraitCor eilé deserétraCter.Leshonuues raierdalc srewnusetlthauraienter&orcé
          unebaiom tte dar lewnfre.
          128. D'arSs les iIonuaffor rec de nordjre es fenmies etfillettes auraient été tolée
          murnées et taées 1rs cjue les resrensibles n'aientété traduits enjustiCe. Les difrérentes re1 es
          au CorIlit auraient reCoUrs au dol de mas eta d'autres fonues de tolenCe xuelle. S ‘agis ird
          de Ia pi t e du Sud-Ienu. cjuelcjue 5000 femmes auraient été tolées erdre oCtobre 2002
          féwier2003, jitune mo mle de C rarjour. E rsbien±sCas ,lestChmesdeto]sseraient
          délibérémentble ées outuées. r s rnilliers de fenmiesetde fillettesaumient été erdevées ou
          Confraintes rar une extreme re1neté a dewrdr des e laves sexuelles ou des Combattantes
          er o es enFen re ligne des aifrontements. Soufrrant de m ilaffor gérdtales ouContanhinées
          rar le *Js du sida. les fenmies et les fillettes n uraient aCCÔ5 a arml Jirç les tmitements
          méthCa etrhologicjuesétantcjuauerdinexSantsdar Ie rap.
          Letfre d'allégafious
          129. Par une letire datée dull oCtobre 2004, Ia RarTefleu1 sTéCiale, Conjorntement aveC I c
          RarTefleur sréCial r Ia tofime, a ir&omlé I c Gowemement cju'elle avait recu des
          rer eignements selonleque]s aumoir 119 feum'es, renuilequelles des fenmlesenCeinfl
          des rnineures et des mlettes — dont rune âgée de 9 ar — ont été tolées durant Ia nuit du 21
          déCembre 2003 a Bor andar€a eta Sor€o NPjo ml grourement de I D tilages sits sur le
          tenitoire de Bor anthr€adar Ia Fo t e ± I'Equateur.
          130. Les auteurs de Cesto]s mient des jIdats du 9 batafflon de Ia base de Songo. Ce
          batafflonarTeltenantaux ForCesanuées de IaTh publicjue démoCraticjue duCongo (FARDS)
          serait Comresé de S Comragrdes reFésentard untotalde 478 jIthts. Furieux de ne res avoir
          reculeursalaire depuisdes mois et susreCtant leur Conmiandant d'enavofr détomné mie rerife a
          Jn gofit, lessoldats auraient orgarJsé une muffreñe ,tc les dérôts d'anues ettolé les
          fenmies ou ConCubines de Ceflair offiCiers avant de piller les tilages, attacjuer leurs habitants
          FoCéder autol témaffcp des fenmies. Les attacjues aFaient deijuté aSongo Mo aui
          er ,iror de 21 heuies avant d'atteinthe Bongandanga. et n'auraient p s fin cju'a II heures I c
          131. Les ]lageois auraient été déres dés de leurs habits, de leurs Chaussure de leurs
          *zTes , de leurs apjmaux, de leurs ir tnmients de Cujsine, de leur matéñel ag±ole, air 6i cjue de
          leurs éCononhies. Ceflaines femmes auraient été tolées rarplus de dix jIdats. E r plusieurs
          Cas, les do]s auraient eu lieu Jus les ui ±s math des tChmes. Les fenmies cp A se seraient
          orTe es a leurs agre eurs auraient été frarTées a I'aide de C jsses de pistolet et menaCées de
          mofl.A&ngandangaB.V. (m)auraitété — rouravoirtentéde r o t éger ifenuue.Les Idats
          auraientégalementdélibérément piéffné mnourr sondefroismois.
          132. r p uis leur ani e dar region en 1999, les soldats du 9bataillon se seraierd ]thés
          frécjuemment aupillage desbier des Civ ]s cjue northre de fenuiers auraient déCidé de mett le ml
          tenue a IeuraCthfité agñCole, cju'i]s n'auraientrepiise cju'arSs le déren dubataffict. C'est
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page C
          récsémentenraisondeIeurIongueFSrnCedar Iaréglonque IestChmesn uraienteu
          auCml — a ideniffler leurs agle eurs , et Ce d autant plus cjue ceflaines femmes avaient déjà fafl
          Fobjet rarle ressé de harcélement xueIde larafide ceflair jIthts. Les norr ousmnorr de
          78 rnilitafres Fésmués avor pis ran aui wo]s colleciffs out air ipu êfre roltés ala
          corthaissar e desRaprorteurs sTéciaux.
          133. Nombre de dcffmes dérouilléesde leFsvêtements auraientété confraintes detwe dar
          Ia ±brêt;celles encore coweflesde vêtements decrdres auraient n conffnueri * ,ie dar les
          lages. Laplurendesfenuues, soufrrantde *ieux Foblémes g cologiques , n auraienteu
          accés ides soir qu en mai 2004 grace a ml Fojet médical iü]Jsé Far une orgarJsaffon non
          gowemementa le et jutenu Far Ia Thsthon des Naffor Urdes au Congo (MONUC).
          134. PIus de IOU plaintes rourtol et 86 plaintes Four pillage auraient été dérosées aurSs de
          6 membres de Fauditorat rnilitaire de Nhandakacjui raient rendus r les heux accomragnés
          Far une délégaffon du Nhrdstêre congolaJs des droits hmuair . Cerenda* et en dérdt de Ia
          Fécisiondes témoignages et de Fidenifficationdes FésmuésresTor able l fr tesffgaffon
          n aurait toujours res été rour iite a Ce jour. Les soldats auraient été déplo t a Basanku a Ic 25
          décembre, emroflanta v ec e lesbier pillS sar êtie rd nwillés , rd intenc és. D'arSs les
          fr&onuatior recues, il n'yaurait ace jour aucune as rance cjue ces soldats ne jient res
          déplacés de Ba irdwsua mntque des fr tesffgaffor comrJêtes ne soient menées.
          135. Le8 décer re 2004, Ia Raprofleuse sréciale apublié, conjointement avec l'Exrefl
          indérendant sur Ia situafict des droits de l'honmie en P publicjue démocraffcjue du Congo etc
          RarTofleur sTécial r les fonues cordemroraines de racisme, de Ia djscthuinaffonraciale, de Ia
          xénopliobie etde l'intolérance cjuiyest as jciée, unconmuaiicjué de ple e rarlectuelils ord
          exp mé leur Féoccurationface ala montée des tersior en Th publicjue démocraffcjue duCongo
          et aui fr&onuaffor r laFS nce dar Ic ra de froures r ndaises. Les exrelts jnt
          notamment déclarés rel*uiiêremerd incjuiets des fr&onuaffor fai intétatde graves exacffor
          conmiSs confre les ropuiatior c &es et Ic rer Jrthel hmuardtaire Fésent dar Ia region et ord
          engage toutes lesrathes conceniees a s'absterdr de faire usage de force et des a mes, de
          methe untenue auxtolaffor des droits de l'honmie etdudroit hmuardtaire, etnotammuentaux
          ciimes de guene et aui Climes contie l'hmuardte cjue cc sffment les tolences sexuelles contie
          les ropulaffor cMles.
          136. La RarTolteuse sréciale lemercie Ic Go emement roursalette datee du s jar ñer 2004
          cadre±sctrndatAu delagr des tolencesfaitesa u xfenuuesdar lera la
          RarTofleuse sréciale regrette n eamuoir cjue Ic Go emement de Ia PDC n'ait res ete en
          mesure de fount des fr&onuaffor sur les ir estigaffors enfrep ses et r les me res p ses
          Four mettre Im a l'impunite dont ser lent jouir les resror thles de ces qolences et Four
          indenirjser lestchmes et leurs familles.
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 41
          F wt
          Alkgathn letter
          137. Byletter dated 8 Septer er 2004, sentjoinilywith — Srecial RarTQteur on tolbFe, —
          Srecial RarTefleur notified — Gjwrmuent that she radrecs,ed — follo * allegaffor .
          138. LM. A.,a 2- ar-old housevdfe fromSuez. On 16 Januaiy2003, she — rerhuthand
          ere anestedard takento the Cairo Secuiityreraituent. Heiore]is andNasrCityrli tior
          chargedthemwith 12 counts ofrobbei 3 ç to wr hthey ere forced to cor&ess. She sbeaterç
          forcedto take ofrherclothes, andsexuallyassaultedbyofficers. She sustained aninjmyto —
          ñghtindex flr er ,bnji s to — chest andback. ands ellir inthe lefi Imee — ±bot.
          139. aM.LM. ,a37- earoldhousevdfe fromAl Sharabe . a 15 June 2003 merthers of
          — Shaibe elice forcebroke intoherhou andtookrerto thereice staffon.There herwil
          sremowd. She sblindfolded. beatenand ir jlted. Afler b 'o da sre s taken to ashop
          calledAlSha mtaawhere areliceofficer(who name islmontotheSrecialRarTefleur)beat
          andirsulted her.
          l C. M.LM.,a 60-par-old hou vdfe fromKafrElSheiñ. On 16 Septerther2003 officers
          fromthe KafrShoIarelicestaffonerderedherhou inc dertoanestrer jn. / ntheycould
          not find ra , she was wr4Ted and kicked . — taken to — relice staffon vthere — s again
          vdiigedandldcked. She was charged vdthrddir her jnandas uiilffng a guard. andsent to tre
          ThJblicPro cutofscftr ice.ShewaslatertakentoKafrSrolaHosrdtal ,whereshewasfreatedfor
          herir uüesforfr ,e da . She iffered llfr andbniising aroundbothe sandhead.and
          fr uñes from — vdüpping to her shoulders and thigr .
          141. rtrbna' NoI Nehad, Nou)Ta andN.LILB. allfromZav Hanra. a 17
          r cember2003 , officersfrom — Sharabe reice staffonb jke into thefrhome in archof
          theirbrother. The sisternere assaulted.causing — follrn* injuñes:Nathuan ifferedan
          fr mytothe lefle e;Nehad. thowasinthefirst imesterofhergegrancy ,suflèredbniisesto
          herhands andifiness;Nohasust ined}rji sto herbackandabrasior to — head;and
          NA.H.B. sufreredbnjises to herlefihard andabrokenfingeronher lefi rand. No fr te s tigation
          radbeen canied out.
          Coverinent rt ly
          142. Byletter dated II Nowr er 20J4, — Gownmtent nt — follow resrer :
          (a) aM.LM. is — sister-ir lawofRF.SA. , forvthom — Deraituent ofPthlic
          F osecuffor issuedananest venant as asusrect inthe shoofing ofF.A. al-H.I. on IS Jm
          2003.Merthe manwasanested.inres ionoftre wearenusedto conmiitthe offence,
          S .MAM. filed a nmther ofcomplaints, vdiich ere Fowd to be basele. in abid to induce —
          ir ,est atir authoñties to release the accused;
          (13) LM.A. andherhuthard S.U.A. fonueda gang srecia]thng in stealing women 's
          hanc ags. The factswere cordhnedbyareiceir te s tigaffonandtre b owereane s tedand
          detainedbyorderoftre r re±uentofThiblic Prosecutior . Ir tesffgatior are continuing;
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 42
          (c) M.LM. is — mother &arersct mited inKafrShahrciiminal case No. 2745 of2003
          for conmiittfr aggravated robbeiy ct 17 Septer er 2003. She as iulted and injuied a
          relicemanvtho was to anest her Jr The Dereitment &Thjblic Prcsecuffor launchedan
          fr tesffgation and the ca me was registered as ofrences case No. 5395 of2003. When the
          wjmanwas questioned, she clairnedthatshe hadbeentc tmedbya relice officer fi m Kafr
          Shah. The dthe estotheircident ere ab quesffctedandtheysaidthatthewomanrad
          as iultedtre offices ard hadheiredhersonto e are. The ca1 is smibefore — comts;
          (c i) rtrbna' Noha, r4lnd, Nou)Ta andN.LILB. are — sister ofamancalledB.A. al-H.
          Nfr. ALH. ssusrectedofconuuiftfr as iultandbatteiyinSharthi a , ofrencescase
          No. 14212 of2003, and the Dereftuent I Thjblic Pro cuffor issued a wanant for — arest.
          / nlawer&orcementofficers attempted to anest ram, theywere ai aultedbyrds sisters —
          tied to stopthem frommahir — anest. The manwas anestedandisbeir ir te s tigatedbythe
          r re±uent ofPublic F osecuffor .
          143. Accordir to — Gownmient ir tesffgaffor are conffnuir — — legal mea jresthat
          eretakenereowrseenbytheDere±uentofPublic P secthor abranchofthejudiciaiy
          The r puitment ofPthlic F osecuffc s is the national bock to wr h dchrns maysubmit
          complaints — it guarantees treir legal iights — Fosecutes rer Jr v,k conmüt acts that are
          legallydesignated as cthrdnal ofrerces.
          Urgent appeal
          l . ail2March2Ockl, theSrecialRarTefleur rdajofrdurgentarTealvdth theSrecial
          RarTefleF onthe Fomoffon andFotecffct ofthe iightto freedom ofopinionandexFe ion
          — — SrecialRarTefleuronthe sale of crdldrerç crdldFosfftuffonandcrdldremograrhy
          regardir cases ofabducifon ofCra sffan men and gir]s.
          145. ai2O October J03 , ‘Law. was rerefledlyabducted frcm her r ome tonofSarnalut
          NhthaGowniorate. W., aged 19, was last enonthe campus of H Nliniaurthtersityvthere —
          is a sffident. Familymer ers rerefled W.'s tIrTearance to tre local reice, but ere told that
          — hadcoi itedto Islarnandwere wanted rot to inteiwne fmTher. The familyhas met
          rereatedydthreliceofficia]srecp stir thatarFopiateacffor be takentoflndNkW.In
          resror e to their inquirie — thrnilyhas rerefledlybeen threatened with anest. Follo * her
          dJsarTearance, eight ofW.'s familymer ers began a hur er s ãe, demandir rer rebn. In
          resror e to tre family's sub quent hos 1 italiz,fforç a meeffr with State Securityofficia]s, —
          familyand — daughter s rereitedlyanar ed. It is rerefled that the meeffr s later
          cancelledwith no reasor g tento — family. W.'s abtctoris rerefledlylmonto the relice.
          l . at27Septer er2003, KE.N.rerefledlywentoutandn rrethrnedhometoher
          fatherandbrotherinCairo.WhenNkN.'sfather,Mr. EN.S.,wenttotherelice staffontorerefi
          — daughter's dJsarTearance he was rerefledlydetained ownüghton accusatior of 3 & to
          thtefferewithrdsdaughter 'sallegedcor tersionto Islam.Ms.N.'sabductorisrerefledlyluon
          to — reice. It is rerefled that Nk N. was fo edontre seconddayofherabductionto
          announce rer cor ,ersion at a relice staffon vdth — help of her abductor's lav r. a 29
          Septer er2003,the GizaStateSecurityDirectoratererefledlyheldahearir onNkN. 'sca
          vdüchNk N. attendeddres dthanIslamicwilandallegedlyarTearing emotionallyur table.
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 43
          at I X 0tober2003, b 'o Coplic piests were Fe nt at asecondhearir to — Nk N. abo her
          decision to cor ,efl to Islam but Ms. N. did not attend — meeffr .
          147. t2 July2003, M.SB. was rerefledlyabductedinthe dllage ofAbouTsht Qirtha
          Gjwmorate lit UrTer E pt. She was rerofledlyreleasedlaterb her abductors were newr
          FCS cc e d.
          l 2. at30 June 2003, N. was rerefledyabductedbyre or ina ressing car,accordingto
          ane vdtre.firnu litfiordofher hoolinAlexanthia.AreicererQtwasrnecU)utno efroits
          have rerofledlybeenmade to iebnher.
          149. a 12 Apil2003, N.M.K s abducted fi m — ]lage ofSamalut Nhrda.
          Coverinent reply
          150. Byletterdated29 Apil 2004 the Govenmierd sent areplyconceniing — followir
          as e
          151. Conceniir ‘Law., — Gjvenmtentindicatedthat ft emergedfrom — ir testigaffonthat
          — radgone to MMharaLShariftodeclare hercor ,ersiontoIslam inaccodancevdthher
          onvdshes andbeliefs, — thatshe hadobtainedacethflcate tesfff & to hercor ,ersion.
          A.F.H.hadnothirfl dovdthhercor ,erthontoIslam. There i snothir tothe relaffor }ip
          beb een — b 'o than the thct that theyare both sffidents at — 1me faculty
          152. Conceniir l EN., — Govenmient stated trat on 27 September 2003, she arTdied to —
          comretent authoñffes fc ren Jssion to cor ,efl to Islam lit accordance vdth her onbeliefin —
          Islamic religion. Durir that reñod. — had fonued asenhmental attacrthtent to aMuslim man
          and Md arthounced her intenifon ofman 3 & r am as soon as — cor ,ersion Foce was
          completed. Althoughtr ee religious cour ellir sessior were held vdth rer inthe Fe nce of
          three Crthstianclerg mtenandherthn&y(hermotrerandhersister), — ir istedthatshe nted
          to cor ,eflto Islam.
          153. Conceniir M. Th, — Gownanent indicated that on I July2003 she went together with
          aNbjshmman to — Naja Himadi relice and, togethe; theyir&onuedthe relice oftheirdesire
          to manyonce — g ui hadcor ,efledto Islam. The girl MdalieadyarTearedbe±bre — Fab
          Conmiittee ofMMhar aLSharifon3o Jm 2003 anddeclaredherdesire to cor ,eflto Islam.
          However, she Mdbeen umble to complete — Focedure. 0n2 July2003 areligiouscour ll]r
          ssion sreldwiththe cathsffangirlatthe ThuTas}utcenfre,intheFe nceoftr ee
          Crstianclerg mtenand me merthers ofherfarnily. Accoriing otthe Goveniment she
          explained that — reason for her w srdr to cor ,efl to Islam was that her family was to
          fore her, agair t her wil]. to manya rx n wbj was aCra sffan. The required cThcial rerUn was
          Ferared. — — gin was handed over to her thmilyinexcknge fora pledge that her we]fare
          uldbe guaranteed.
          154. Conceniir N.aa, — Gjveniment indicated that on2 July2003 a Cra stianmanrneda
          rereflwiththe Pamalre]ice i nAlexandiiathathsdaughterwasmi ir andthathesusrected
          that — hadbeen abducted afler tahir anexaniinatior for her seconda w hool cethflcate. He
          cm not blame alqJne for the dJsarTearance. From tre ir tesffgaffon itemerged that — gin had
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          gone to — Azhari dJs ictofSamuha inAlexandiiawith a ewto irdffatfr — Focedure for
          her cor ,ersion to Islam. Howewr, her arTJicaffct hadbeen rejectedbecause she was too
          There is no etderce as to — girl's Fesentwhereabouts, noris there anyetdence to
          allegaffon that — s abducted.
          155. Conceniing N.M.K, — Gjwnmient lerefled that 01113 Apil 2003 rer mother med a
          rerefi with — Samalutrelice in the Gjwniorate of Mina that her daughter had been missing
          fromhome since 12 Api12003. She accuseda Nbjshm ofbeing resror il le forthe
          dJsarTeararce, because he had fonued a senfimental aftacranent to her daughter.Thar s to —
          efrofls ofthe curityfc ces, — vthereabouts ofthe missing Cra sffan girlwere fracedto Cairo.
          She s handedowrto herfarnily, inthe Fe nce ofaCra sffan clerg miarc inexchange fora
          pledge that herwe]fare uldbe aamnteed.
          Ur eut appeal
          156. at s July2004, the Srecial RarTefleur nt ajoint urgent arTeal with tre Srecial
          RarTefleuronthe sale ofcrdldrerç crdldFosfftuffonandcrdldrentographyandthe Srecial
          RarTefleurontoflure, corceniing ILS,a l7- earoldCopffc girlwb srerefledlythducted
          in Cairo onó Apil 2004. a 7 Apil, — thrnily rerefled the dJsarTearance to the RodU Farag
          relice staffonandtoldthe reice thata30- ear-old Nbjslim mancouldbe er ,oWedas she had
          complainedthatre hadththeredheronthe ytoschool.Later,the relice toldthe familythey
          had ±bmtd HS. — that — familycould come — collect her. Tre father s allowed to meet
          H.S. — talkto her,but he foundheragitatedandwthallya gress te as ifsre was underthe
          effect ofdngs. She said she ‘ s afraid ofgoir back to rer family. Then — reice took
          H.S.andherfathertothe magisfrateatthe NaffonalSecuiityOwice,where — scraestioned
          aboutthe susTected relrefratc . She claimed that he was herhusbandand that — radcor ,efled
          toIslam.Sre w asthentaken acktot r erelicestation.a t8Apilj iS. w asbroughtbacktoher
          familyandon l4Apil, — familymowd to Alexandria, fearing fortheir ifety 0n2 June, H.S.
          dJsarTeared again. — — farnilyhas recS,ed ro re s from rersince. Tre re]ice did rot take
          anyacifonto ir tesffgate — allegaffor ofabtcffonor fo edmaniage andrerefledlydidnot
          Fo dde — familywith Forer Fotecuon — secunty.
          Coverinent rt ly
          157. Byletter dated 20 Septer er 2004, the Gownmtent rerofled that on 7 Apil 2004, H.S.'s
          fatherrerefled to tre RawdaLFaj re]ice stationthat — daughter hadgone missir onó Apil
          afler lea t home. He indicated a ressible Jsrect vtho s cjuestionedbythe reice — vtho
          derded anyir toWement inher dJsIrTearance or havir ithbnuaffonakeut her vthereabouts.
          AccordingtotheDaibaL auarrelice staffonrereflof7Apil,HS.hadgone tothe staffonto
          g e a statement in vdiich she declared that on the Fetous day, she had lefi hool and gore to
          ALMEar in order to complete — Focedures for fonual cor ,ersion to Islam. She hadbeen
          askedtogotothe relice s taffontoreg i sterrerdecithon.Shederdedtratan ne had iedto
          irIluence her, orrer aade orfo e herto cor ,efl. She was therefore not thductec butleflon rer
          on accord, and ‘ s not fc ced to manya Nbjshm or change her religion. She hadbeen sent
          vdthacopyofthe rerefltotheRa daLFaijrelice s taffon jthatshecoWdbede]Mredinto her
          rarents'care.On7Api], rerfathen ssmmuonedandataround9p.m H.S.wasran±dowr
          to her father, aflerthe familyFotded anundeflahing that they Wd not ha n her. At
          11.30 p.m H.S. and her father, accomraniedbya reicemai rethimd to — station. The
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 45
          reliceman rerefled that the gin had arTealed for help afler her relathes tied to force her agar t
          her will to enter a church. She cord5nued — reliceman's statement. She was handed to her
          familyfora cctd — vdthan mi±flaking thatthey uld not hanu rer The rolice ifilly
          thscharged their resTer ilJUiffes, having de]iwred the girl into her family's care, in — Fe nce
          ofaCrthsffanclerg mian. 0n3 June 2004, herrelath,es again made irquiiies about her
          1thouts.Ir tesffgaffor raw faJ dto establishthemandare confinuing. Itisclearthatthe
          girl's habit ofnirwing anyfi m home is due to — ilLfreatment irdlictedbyherrelathtes
          because of her cor ,ersion.
          Ur eut Appeal
          158. a 28 May2004, the Srecial RarTefleur sent a joint urgent arTeal with the Srecial
          RarTefleuronexfrajudicial, immaiyorathifraiyexecutior , — SrecialRagefleuronthe
          siffiaffonofhmuaniights — fmidamentalfreedorns ofindigenous reo}le, ard — Srecial
          RarTefleurontoflure, regardir — rapidlydeteiioraffng siffiaffoninthe njralaieas of
          Gar ella. Durir the reliodbeb enl3andlrncem er2003, 4Aimak erererctedly
          IdiledbyEthiopian G wnmienttro rs inunifonualong with local reople fromrdgrdandareas
          inAbobc ‘tang, Gog andGaithella ton inthe Gaithellaregion. The pietext forthese
          massacres is rerefledto hawbeenanattackona mncan 3 & eightUrdtedNaffor —
          EflücTdan Govenmient refugee officials on 13 Decer er 2003, vdiich was blamed, without
          conclus ,e evidence, onmer ers ofthe Anmketraic group. Durir t ds fluee-dayreiiod, in
          addiffontotre 424 reople v,ro ele rerefledtohavebeenkilled, owr200werewoundedand
          arFoximately8 sreople remainunaccountedfor.TheSrecialRarTQteurs ere deeply
          concemedat lerefis indicafing that killir s andotheractsofet}uüc clear ir were cordinuing.
          Indeed, according to the iIonuaffonrecS,ed, some 1,100 rer r belongir to — Anuak
          reople ere killed, a]legedlybyEflüordanfroors. P refls indicatedtraterdire dllages hadbeen
          burnt to — ground, somefimes with the occurants sUll intheirhome and that — Anuak's
          crop hada]sobeendesfro d. Many ]lagers hadrerefledlybeen±brcedto flee, andtrousands
          radfravelledto arefugee campinPochalla,SouthernSudan.r stmcffon s iidto e
          vddeswad, withhundreds ofhomes andflelds havir beenset ablaze, leavir thousands of
          rer Jr without shelter c food There ere seño cctcen that, due to the urcomir rainy
          asorç flie rersor veuldbe exresedto djsease andstariaffonunless immediate hmuathtarian
          acict is taken. Ir&onuaffon recS,ed indicated that around 5,OJO Ethiopian hooFs hadbeen
          engaged in flghffng agair t Anuak faimers at Tedo village since 10 Apiil 2004 — hadbmned
          donallofthe ]lage's houses andcrors. There were concen trat theyrthghtbe mo dng
          towards Pochalla refugee camp in order to aftack — refugees.Accordir to — ir&onuaffon
          received, ceflaingrours ere a]legedlybeir sreciflcallytargeted: Anuakwomenard giils had
          been s tematicallyrared. A relice officer s said to have recorded 138 ca1 s of men vtho
          ere rared inGaithella ton inDecer er2003,before beir orderedto stoprecordir ca s.
          There ere abj indicaffor accordir to vdiicheducatedmen erebeir ibjectedto selecthe,
          re]iffcallymothatedextmjudicial exector . Several hundredrersor including conmiurdly
          leaders, radrerofledlybeenaibitraiilyanested, manyofwhom erebeir detained
          incommunicado — a llegedlysuk ected to toflure.
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          159. The SreciarnarTefleurwowd like to reiterate her intelest in leceMngaresTer e from
          theGownmientinregardto — a]1egaffor subnüfted.
          160. TheSrecia1RarF teurtJ cor ldersitarFonate todrawattentionto thecctcenis
          eq e edbythe Committee onthe EhminaffonofDisciiminationagafr tWomen about —
          inci±nce ofrare inthe commy. The Committee scctcernedabout — increasing nmtherof
          Ethiordanwomenmigraffng to othercoun ies insearch of rnk andflndir trem lws i n
          siffiaffc s where they are nerthle to ñous fonns oftolence, exploitaffon and fraffiching
          (A159138, ran. 265). The Committee abj exFes dconcenlat — rersistence ofenfrenched
          frathffonalthscñnünatolyFactice including ± gerdtal murnaffon undergonebyXO Fr
          centofgfr]s andwome4 andirtheñtance ofa vddowwith all rerForelty(iljid., rara. 251). The
          Committee s concerned that no sTecific legislaffon hadbeen enacted to cor attolence
          agar t mer ]ncla]ingdomesffc tolence, andatthe lack & temaffc data collecifonon
          tolence agafr t mercrathcWarlydomesffctolence. The Committee s abj concerred
          that wrdie abducifon hafleenrecogrd2edas acñme underthe EflüordanCthuinal Code, —
          implemerdaffonofthe law was weak andabducffor tendedtobe re Wedfluough
          djnnunatoiycustomaiylaws andFactices (iljid., rara. 255).
          Let ed'aIIégafio '
          161. Par lethe en date du IS octobie 2004, Ia RarTefleuse sréciale a ir&omlé Ic Gowernement
          cju'elle avait recu des rer eignements lon lequel du 29 juin au 29 aoüt 2004, au moir 29
          fenmies raient mofles Jus les cours de 1cm conjoint e man, concubin ou ex-comragnorc
          jit une fenmie tousles deux jours au cours de l'été 2004. En 2000, 192 femmes seraient
          décédées jite idestolences cor uga1es. Plus généralement une fenmie décêderait tous lesS
          ouójours des suites de tolences conjugaks. II a égakment été mrTelté cjue les homicides de
          fenmies seraientbanali s ettoujours relégués aurang de faitsdiwrs locaux ou de drames
          162. Nh] ré l'ampleurdestolences domesffq aucunchifrre Fécis ne serait djsrenible, en
          l Json pmirelement del ab nce d orgarasme crarge de comptthth r ces honucides. La
          créaffon d'une telle sthrtme, dont l'existence relmettralt reunant de mieux cerner Ic
          pliénomêne destolerces domesfictuesetrarli même de mieux les corthatte etles F er ,
          aurat été rScordsée en200l dars ml mrTQt rédigé rarunmer re ± l'Académie ± mé±cme
          a l'ithtiath,e du Mipjstêre de Ia sante cju juscju'i aujourd'hui. serait reste lethe moite.
          Repouse d ii Cnvernement
          163. Parlethe en date t l0jar tier2004 Ic Gowernementa indicjue a irp s lamesuie du
          plienomêne de tolence aucp l les femmes sont cor&rontees et fait de Ia lutte confre les tolences
          conjugales Fune de ses pioñtes. Le Gowernement a egalement fait savofr cjue les statisffcjues
          r les tolences er /ers les femmes etaient encore ra ellaires. En cc cjui conceme plus
          reifruiiêrement Fete 2004, Ic Goweniement ne dJsre ras Ice stade d'fr&onuaffor Fecises
          arle nor re de decés cjuiseraientsmvenus durantcette réñode dar Ic cadre de tolences
          R ICH .412005(72/Add.!
          Page 47
          conjugales. Toutefois, le zeci.til au thveau institutionnel cit stalisliques s écificpies aux violetres
          conire its femrnes indique une augiuentationde 157. des pmcéduzes liées a desviolences
          conjugales, en Ile-de-France, en lre 2001 et 2 ( 1 )3. Les condamnations cxizninelles et
          conectionnelles a l'encontze des auteui cit violences conjugales ont égalexnent connu wit
          progression, aucours tie cetle tode, dens cette i gion. Pthoccu  jnrcette ptstion, le
          (Jouvenienient, apths avoir diligenté l'enquête nalionale sir lesviolences enveis les fentnies en
          Fnnce (ENVEFF) en 2000, cjui a donS ties elements sir l'ampbur du phénoméne ties
          violences, aprisun en rnb1e tie rnesuzesetdevnitdénuais tiisp rd'infontia1ions plus
          précis s sir ce phénoméne. 10 V. ties fernrnes intenogées sont tiéclazüsviclimes tie violences
          au seth tie itur couple. Le (Jouvemement a saisi it Conseil national de l'information statistique
          afin que its seivices statistiques ties administrations concemées se mobili s ent i:our que des
          données plus pz ci s es sir ce st!et sient dispnilbles rar s exe. D'aulze rert le Gouvemement a
          tiácidé, clans it cadre du 1an global tie lutte conire lesviolences, présenté it 24novembze 2004
          enConseil ties ministies, de prendre un ensemble tie rnesures tie nature &Femtethe
          d'approfozrlir nos connais rces en ce domaire 1) Ure mission sen menée pur itienlifie; a
          partir ties stalistiques tiispnibles tie la jxlice, tie la gendannerie, tie lajwlice et ties services
          hospita1ier sur quelques tethtoires circonscrits, le nombre tie tiécès tie fenimes du fait ck
          vioitnces conjugales, surune ririotie d'un an; 2) L'O}servatoiie national tie la tiélinquance, créé
          en octobre 2003 au sein tie 1'Inslitut national ties Mutes etudes tie sécurité (INHES), tievn
          également élaborer ties statistiques par sexe sir its violences contre its femnies. La production,
          clans it cadre ties tnvaux tie cet Cbservatoize, d'instrunients tie stalistiques par sexe sur its
          violences con lre its femnies, coruralibles entie l'ensemble des sewices, çennetha d'avoir une
          vision claire et évolulive ties situations tie violence; 3) Une étude sir it coüt économique global
          ties violences au seth du couple sen conduite. Les conditions tie lancement tie cette étude et sDn
          ca}iier des charges sont en coin's d'examen.
          164. LaComniissionnationale contie lesvioitrres envers its femmes réunit toutes its
          administrations concemées etles asscibons sous lapr sitience tie laMinistie tie la parité et tie
          l'égalité professionnelle. La protection ties victinies engénén l, etties femmesvictimes tie
          vioitnces conjugales en parliculier, a élé intégrée c hr is tie nombreux textes législalifs rtents,
          notaniment en cc qui concerne la mesuie d'éviction du conjoint vioitnt garantsant a l'épuse
          victime nmSntienaudomiciit conjugal. Le Gouvemements'estnotammentdonné pur
          objectifd'améliorer its conditions d'accueil ties vic times tie violences conjugales ainsi que le
          traitementjudiciaiie tie ces infractions.
          165. Surle plan tal, it Mnistère tie lajustice aélaboré, en sejiembre 2004 enpartenariat
          avec its autres ministires et services concernés, tat guide tie l'actionpubliqw tie lutte conlie its
          vioitnces au seth du couple, tiont l'objectif est d'accrtsItre l'efIicacité tie la répnse rénait
          apprtée a cc typa d'infractions tout en tenant compte ties srécificités tie cc contentieux. Ce
          guide vientd'êtze atizes àl'ensembit ties juridictions françaises. Un second guide, al'usage
          ties as ciaticms d'aitie aux victimes, qui jxale sur la pise en charge et it suivi ties victimes tie
          violences conjugales par le secteur associatii est en cows de ftnali tion. Il existe 168
          assciations d'aitie auxvictimes, conventiorinées j r its cours d'appl, qui reuvent être
          mandatées par it Procuieur tie la République ties it debut tie l'enquéte rénale afin tie prop ser
          aux vic limes un soutien matéSl et jcycFclogique.
          166. S'agSant tie itur indemrd tion, its victimes tie vioitnces conjugalespauverd saisir,
          us certaines conditions, laCommissiond'indemnisation ties victiniesd'infractionsetobtenir
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 4 S
          air iune indenud ifforçwrsée rade Fords de garanife des tchmes des actes de tenoiisme
          d aufres irdiactior cjuel cjue soit Ic dewrdr de Ia plainte déresée, des lors cjue les faits
          F ntent les élémerds matéñels crune fr&raction.
          167. Enfi 4 le Plan global de Ithe confre les tolences faites aui femmes doit tmer ml élan
          noweau ala reificrie de lutte confre les tolences er Ters les fenmies. Ce plan com rofle dLx
          mesures rem Fa ononüe des fenmies cjui cor,ient Fer emble du rarcours des rerscnles
          cor&rontées ides siffiatior de tolence. Enme d afteindre le Fenüer objeciff cor istant a
          methe en cewre des rérer s jciales et écorcmicjues et d as rer une meilleure cuSaffon
          juñdicjue des fenmiestctliues de tolence F1anFore des me res reurfaci]iter
          rheijergement et l ccês de ces fenmies a ml logement de droit cor un . d'améliorer leur
          fr&onuaffonsurleFs droits en maffére de Festaffor , de renuethe leuraccomragnement
          Fo±iorthel, de facijiter 1cm accés ala justice et d 'ai urer 1cm Fotecifon. Un deuxiême volet
          de me res d a modenter l'acffon pthlicjue rarle rer&orcementdes raitenañats et une nii
          en coherence des inteiwntior . E r cc cache, l'accent a etC mis r Ic rerérage des sitmffor de
          tolence rar les Fofessiorale]s de Ia sant e , Ic rer&orcement du juffen financier auc associatior
          du renenañat enfre les difrerents inteiwnants, Ia communicaffon en dli cifon du grand public
          et laser iljili iffonde l'er emble desFofessiorale]s concernS, Ia mesme ducoütde la dolence
          et laFewnffondestolences des l'ecole.
          168. La RarTQteu sTéciale saif gr e au Gjweniementde i r erer e detaillee, etse felicite
          des refonues legislathes et de l'adopffonde me res srécifiques remcor atte latolence faite
          aui femmes.
          c rtadeakgaciones
          169. Por cana con fecha de 15 de juiio de 2004, Ia Pelatora Esrecial juntamente con el P lator
          Esrecial sthre lawnta de rdibs, Ia Fostifficion fr&anrn yla uff ciónde rdfios enla
          rwiograr, yla P ge ntante Esrecial del Secretaño General rara los defer ores de los
          derechos hmuanos nofffico al Gjbiemo crae reciljió fr&onuación en relacionconlcs h os de M.
          E L yJ. KJ.,ambosmiembrosacffvosdelsindiratode FincaMaiiaLomdes.Hsindicatode
          FincaMajia Lourdes wla rer Ics derechos de los trabajadc es crae htiansido hostigados rerla
          dli ccionde laplardacionfras Fe ntaruna denuncia en 1992 rerel des 1 ido ilegalde 47
          170. D acuerdo con las fr&onuacictes recibida h a, de l5a os ± edady a I rmano,
          del3aiisdet&estabanla mndororacercade acasarerlatardedel6dejuliode2004
          cuando dcs hortes conel rostro cubieflo rerresamontafias loshabijanatacado yanastmdo a
          puntade pistolaauncafetalcercano,don± loshtianatacb conlarorade lospi rdcsrdks.A
          conffnuació4 uno de los hor res htiatolado ala — niienfras el ofro monta a guardia. Los
          frabajadores de laplantaci6nquebusca ana losrdfios de irarecidoslos htianenconfrado
          aFoxmladamente una horn de u es. Los dos rditos htian sido golreacbs. El 7 de julio de 2004,
          los radres de los rditos htian Fesentado mia denuncia ante el Mrdsteño P&lico yla
          F ocmadmia de los Derechos Hmuanos. Ensutestlinordo, Ia thita htia ith nifficach al horthre
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 49
          cjue esbwo montando guardia como ci director de Ia Flitca Nkia Lourdes, For SU rora ysu
          comroflamiento. E l 8 de juiio de 2004, ci médiro forer local htia cord5nuado cjue Ia rdita
          htiasicbtoiada.Aunro htiadictadordr unaordendedetenci6nenreiaci6nconeste
          atacjue. Se teme cjue estatoiaciónputherafonuarreite de las tácticasde liiffnüdacion
          emprendidas For ia ccionde Ia piantación confra los acth, stas sliidicaies cjue habñan
          emFendixio acciones legales confra ia piantacion. En ma1 J de 2004, ci dli ctor de Ia piantación
          htia ofrecido una recorqer a acuaicjuierade ios guardias pi dos de segmñadde ia
          piantacioncjuetoiaraaunamujerreiacionadaconeisindicato.H8dejuiiode 2004 ios
          abogados cjue reFe ntanaiaFinca N iaLomdeshab nac ,ethdo a ofros nüembrosdei
          sinthcato de cjue seilan detethdos si liurJicaban ai dli ctor de ia piantación enia denuncia de
          as ely acnn
          171. La PeiatoraEsTecial cjujsiera reiterar litterS enreciljiruna respuestadeiGobiento
          jbre ias aiegaciones er ,iaths.
          c rtadeaiegacioms
          172. Porcaitade ± cha lóde pfferthre de 2004, li PeiatoraEsrecia]Juntamente conei
          Peiator Esrecial sthre ia toitra, noffflcó al Gjbiemo cjue reciljio ir&omtación jbre ios casos
          slgme ntes:
          173. J. L C. 3 altos, unatmwst trabajadoracomercial deisexo, habilasido goireada For
          goires recibido rabiiaFe ntado hematomas e ranchazonenias pientas, ci rostro yei dor j, y
          conthsiones en iosbra js. Dumnte adetenci6rç no ie htia sido renthffdo comunicar consu
          abogado rd comunicar connadie. Este caso se htiaFesentacb ante eiComisionado Nacionai
          de Derechcs Hmuanos yremifido alderaflamento de a mtosintentos de iarolicia. Aiconciuir
          quehuboabusode autoñdadyiesionesrorreite deiosnüertosde iaratni]la± rolician
          Ml - 19 , ci exrediente Se reniiffo ala Fiscalia ± Derechos Hmuanos enjuho de 2003. La Fi al
          asignada alcaso htia sido frasiadadade puesto yei Foceso estaiaFcucamerde rara hzado,
          apuestamente rorfaltade lecjueththento rrae cuariasfrte figacictesrorreite deia
          Finlia yiaDireccionGeneraide Ir testigaci6nCththnal(DGIC . re cjue htiaFesentado
          i±nuncia. 1,f]ro rabijasido objeto de amenaz s rorrafle de nüerthrosdeiarolicia.
          174. a R. Z, una frabajadoracomercial deisexo travesfi ± 20 altos, htja sido agredidaen
          junio de 2003 en Ia Estacion de Policia ntuero 4 de Coma gueia For dos agentes cjue Ic habijan
          exigido tener iaciones xualesconellos.Ainegar ,hthñasicb goireadaeniacamyei
          cue irocctroras.Losagentesiehtiandadopuntapiesyhtianabusadodeella
          xuthuente. Como cor ecuencia de esta agresion habit Fesentado hematomas e rdncha 5n en
          las pienu eirosfro yel dor j yconthsiones eniosbrazos.
          175. K UA. G,21 afics,unafravest frabajadoracomercialdeisexo,hthñasidoagredida
          rordosagentesde iaPoliciaPrewnth,a± iaEstaci6ndePoliciantuero4deCon gueiaen
          febrero de 2004 cuando se enconfraba frabajando en Ia Calie Peal ± Ia ciudad. Los agentes Ic
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 50
          htianexigido tenerrelaciones xuales condos acar io de re±r guirfra ajando. Al
          negarse, htia sido golreadaenla cara. linda al aelo yrataleada. Le htiananancado rene
          de suwshmenta. gñtándole ob erddades yechándole gas lacñmogeno enla cara. Segthdamente
          pistolas. Después de esta agresiorc Maijoñe htia Fesentado hematomas e rdnchazonenlas
          pienias, rosho ydor , conthsiones en los brazos e initación en Ics ojos. Habit sido marderdda
          endetenciondurante 12 horas sinacceso a unabogado rd unmédico.
          176. M.M.M., 20 aito una fravesfi, frabajadoracomerciahielsexo, habilasido agredidarer
          dosagentes de relic ía del Nhncherç de Tegucigalre. el 19 de ma1 J de 2004, mienfras Se
          enconfraba frabajando en Zcta Hotel Honduras Nh a , en Tegucigalra. Los agentes le rabnan
          exigido manterer relaciones sexuaks con dos a cambio de ±jarle frabajar yle habilan
          intentadocpiitartodoeldineroque lle baencima.Alnegar ,hthñasidogolreadaenlacaray
          rataleada. Le htian anancado — de suwslimenta, ir Wtándola yamenazándola conla
          cWatade Js ainas. Unos dias mS tardes, unos agentes de reicia wstidos de ci dUe htian
          djsrarado en lacara. Habit sido imuediatamente inteniadaenel HosrdtalEscuelade
          Tegucigalraconunabalathcristada enlagarganta. No habit Fe ntado una ±nmriafonual
          rer temor a reFesalias.
          177. J. R. ER., 25 aMo miatrabajadoncomercialdelsexo frawst habilasido hosligada.
          golreath , fr lu j concWatas de iifles, yamenazada rer agentes de guñdaddel Estado Mawr
          ConjuntoenComa guela.ell6de abñlde 2004.Seguidamente,habiiasidodeterdda.Los
          golresrecil idos le habijan Fovocado hematomas e rdnchathnen el rosho, dorso ybrazos.
          178. V.L.M.L23afio unafravesfi,frabajadoracomerci a ldelsexo ,yfresfravesfismS,
          Noelia. Lumy C roThn, habilansido agredidas reragentes de laPolicia F ewnth,a de Ia
          Estacion de Policia ntuero 4 de Coma guela el IS de agosto de 2004, cuando Se encontraban
          en Ia Calle Th a1de Ia ciudad. Los agentes las htianirsWtado ygolreado cons renas ylas
          cWatas de js ainas, anancado reite de jswslicbs. PaulinahtiaFe ntado hematomas
          ranchazon enlas pienias, el rosho yel do o yconthsiores enlosbrazcs yhtiasar rado de Ia
          179. UA. Z.,34afios,unafravest frabajadoracomercialdelsexo,htiasidogolreada.
          incl o conrenasycWatasde pistolas, reragerdes de laPoliciaPrewnthade laEstacion de
          Policia ntuero 4 de Coma guela el IS de agosto de J04. Habila sido conducidaala
          mencionadaestacionde reliciadonde htiarenuanecido hasta latarde del niismo dia. sth
          redercomunicar connadie rd ratenthtrerrdngun médiro. Tras Ia agresiorc htia
          Fe ntado hematomas e rdncha 5nen las pienu elrosfro, el dor j ylosbra s, flehe ydolor
          de cabeza. Leonelahabila — moflalmente apuitalada el 6 de seplier re de 2004. Se alegacjue
          fue asesinada rer ml gnre de rersctas hcmof&jicos.
          as ely acnn
          180. La P latom Esrecial cjthsierareiterar a interes enreciljfruna respuestadel Gobienjo
          jbre las alegaciones er ,iaths.
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
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          I t
          Alkgathn letter
          181. Byletter dated 8 June 2006 sentjoñitlyvdththe Srecial RarTefleur oncontemreraly
          fonns ofracisnb racial thscthrdnaffc ç xenophobia andrelated intolerance, — Srecial
          RarTefleura&zi dthe Gjwnmientthatshe had receiwdfr&onuaffonaccordir to vdüch a
          group of200 reople attacked a EWit fflement in Kalarattitllage ofCoimbatore district Tarnil
          Nadu. Intha on 16 May2004. It is rerefled that — Dalit& homes were attackedby Ter-caste
          tllagers usir s rnds — otherwearer . Theyrerefledlypushedthe Dalits to — groundand
          uedonthenwthallyfr thembyuthngdegradir castenames.Theya]legedly
          xmllya aultedwomenandaftemptedto — ofrtheirsaris. It is rerefledthatduring —
          attackonthte fflement an8-mont}Foldbabyboywho ssleepir in acradle wastr on
          agair ta l]. a75- ar-oldman — was rethniir from rnkto thetllage saftackedwhen
          he got Sr the bus, a woman aged 45 pars was rat ct her head andstaitedbleedir bacMyvthen
          — entto re ue her Jn. ManyDalits are idto have tiiedto e arebut ere Fevented fiom
          lea t — fflement. NhnyE lit rouses were rerQtedlybmnt moneyandjewe]s were stolen
          andForeflydamagedorsetonflre. The reiretrators a]so allegedlyldlledcaffle ownedbythe
          EWits. As a cor ecjuence ofthe attack. wr h took place beb een 6.30 ard 8.30 pm. on 16 May
          2004, nearlyloo Ewit hou swere burnt to the ground. Manyreople ]Mr inthe fflement
          jstainedserious injuries — l4Dalits ere admittedto the Coimbatore N dical College
          Hosrdtal. Fears have been exge ed for their security.
          Alkgathn letter
          182. Byletter dated 16 Au jst 2004, ntjoinilyvdththe Srecial RarTefleurontoltire, —
          Srecial RarTefleF nofffledthe Gjwnauent that she radrecs,ed — ±bllovdr allegaffor .
          183. R.C, aged42 ear NoflhSfreet, Thanjamr, ThanjamrdSrict TamilNadu . V., her
          daughter, — aa, rernephew. It is allegedthat incoraiecffonvdthcomplaints ofharassment
          agair t relicemen ofthe Thanja mr West relice statiorç on 2 Febnaiy2002, the Ir rector of
          Police — — Head Cor table ofthe relice station (vthose name is Imon to tre Srecial
          RarTeflem) ent to her house. Firdir reronthe wrandaofa neigMourir hou , — Head
          Cor tablebeatheronherback. He dragged rer towards awr lebyhersar andtr eatenedto
          Ithkherifsheorenedhermouth. V.wasrdtonherhandsbythe HeadCor tablewhenshe
          inter,ened. 0n24Apil2002, — Sub-Imçector, — HeadCor table andb o female rolice
          officersaniwdat I a.mto iwR.C.vdthananestwanant.The HeadCor table ke her
          nepre rat ram . andtookrdmto — relice staffon. 5.5. was relea dat 5 p.m — nextday. At
          I a.ra on s June 20J2, — Sub-ImcectorofThanja mrNoflhreice stafforç accomrardedby
          three re]icemen (whose names are Imonto — SrecialRarTQteur), forced R C. to remove tre
          ean swon ibyherdaughterM.andhersSerICUrenrefusir ,theSub-Irsrectorandoneof
          — relicemenpulled offhersar ard fo edher to signblard pieces ofrarersa dr that — rad
          stolenthe jewelleiy The re]icemenplacedgoldjewelleiybroughtfrom e]sewhere —
          photogmphed and ddeotared her with it. She was taken to — Tranja mr Women s re]ice stafict
          at2 a.ra was tauntedtratthis was a pmis}mient for — ccm 1aints she had med. and s toldto
          stop makir complaints. R.C sbroughtbefore — JMI comt at 6p.m., ‘emanded in custoc
          for IS da at — TiichyCenfral F i jrç and s ielea d onbail on 12 June 2002.
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 52
          184. KS, aged4 s, ofPazha Thenj . Katffiraramaduth, Paramakudi TaluI
          Ramanathanpuram distñct Tamil Nadu. Attre Paramakuditon relice stalion from
          25 Nowrther 2002 at about 2.45 p.m until her death 01130 Nowrther, she was shackled to a
          tthledcked.andbeatendthP vCrdresandlafltonherheadckjdrsandlegs. K.S.was
          piercedwithneedles onherflr ethp andwthallyabused. She wasbeing cjueslionedin
          corajectionwitha tla fr tesligation. Dming — reñodofher ±tenliorç — s rot gwen
          acce to legal assistance, andcould conmrnrdcate withherdaughterandtr ee otherrelaliws
          bñefly. at i r cer er, arest-moflem examinationat — GownmtentHos dtg Paramakud].
          rewaled cordusior bnjises ard other injuñes on tre back side ofthe iight hand. iight urTer
          ar iight shoulder, lefi leg, lefi anlde, berand tre lefi foot iight knee, ard frctt iight side ofher
          head. To date no fr tesligalion Ms been canied out.
          185. TM., aged32, ofEamonKampu. ImrhalEast dis ict, Nhrdpur. On II July2 0 04froors
          ofthe l7 A am Rjaes forcil ly entered her home at midnight dragged her out ofbed. andbeat
          mer ersofrerfamilywho iedtoirdeiwne.Theythenlockedtre doorofthe houi fromthe
          outside, blindfolded andbound her hands and feet andbeat her. At annd 3.30 a.m., — family
          was g ena memo ofanest signedbythe C3enemlDutyofthe Assam Rifles, — b other
          official rer Jr (whose names are knonto the SrecialRarTefleur). Accordir to — memo, no
          incthuinalir etdence was fomd onTM. at the lime of her anest. The familywas aiso forced
          to signsome rarers vdiichtheydidnotunderstand. andwere toldbythe anuyrer Jrthelthatshe
          uldbehardedowrtothe Iiilbur reice inthe moniir .ThebodyofTM. wasfoundat
          aromidS p.m.by llagers atKethao WangkhemRoad. near Ngari nMarir tllage, 4Iau
          fi m — famil home. Thebody s rot fullyclothed.bore scratches, a luife woundto —
          nght thgr ndbullet wounds on rerback. urTerbuttock and gerdtals. A rest moflem was
          conductedon II Julyat — Ragional Ir liffite ofMedialSciences, Impltal,butthe family
          a]leged that it was not conducted accordir to — Nalictal HumanRights Comntsion s
          guidelinesandhaw calledforan inderendent rest moflem. The sTekesman of 9 SectorAs im
          Rifles said on II July that TM was a mer er ofthe barated Peoples Liljeration Anuy(PLA),
          and was shot dead when she iedto flee wrdje leadir — As im Rifles to a PLA rade out. It
          sa]so stated that she was found vdtha vdieless —, a hand grenade ard incththralir
          documents at — hine ofher anest contraiyto the anest memo.
          Alkgathn letter
          186. Byletter dated 20 Septer er 2004, sent jointlywith the Srecial RarTefleur on — iight
          to freedomofordrdonand exFesthorc — SrecialRarTefleurontc tme, andthe Srecial
          RarTefleur onthe siffialionofhumaniights — fmdamentalfreedorns ofirdigenous reople, —
          Srecial RarTefleF nolifledthe Gjwnauent that she hadreceiwdallegatior conceniing —
          siffialionofthe Nhrdpuriirdigenous conmiurdlies in Jme areas ofNhrdpurState.
          187. Accordir to — iIonualion receiwd. on II July2004, T.M.D., anindigerouswoman
          frcm — Implial East dis ict in Mardpur, was rared and killed. It is a]leged that the reirefrators
          ere mer ers ofthe l7thAs m Rifles. The boy srereitedlyfoundwith wnbullets,
          Fobablyfiredat reint-blankrar e. The a or cothnuedtMtshe hadbeenraredpiorto her
          death. It i ssaidthattheinci nt i sacc secjuence ofher isrected]in svdththePLA.
          188. Follovdng tre inciderd, a nmuberofdemor fralior tookplace where anmtherofreople
          Fotestedagair thermurderard recjuesteda Fompt and fair fr tesligation. Durir —
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 53
          demor fratior wral reople rerefledly iffereddue to — teargasusedbythe relice andone
          rer Jrc 1 CM. , died as a result.
          189. In this context, — Srecial RarTefleurs exFes d the]' extreme concern over —
          rerefledhmuanñghtstolaffor suflèredbyirdigenous reople inNhrdpur. The Srecial
          RarTefleurs al j exge ed their concern regardir — allegaffor ofexcessiw use offorce and
          inffniidationbythe reice andothern&ftaiyrerscnieldurir — abow-menifored
          demor fraffor . FmThenuoie, — Srecial RarTefleurs rne conceniedfollrn* recentrerelts
          regardir mass anests ofindigenousFotesters intre course of rnious reacefuldemor traffor .
          Concenis have been exFes d over — waythe anests were canied out as ell as at — basis
          forthe charges agairst tho detained. Tre anests have rerefledlybeencaniedout accordii to
          cffor 1211121-A1124-Aofthe IndianPenalCodeandthe S nCthrdnalLawAmendment
          Actofl93r, establisrdr — death renaltyorimpi muentforlife ofanyrersors ngir or
          attemptir to wage rnagair tthe Govenmientoflndia.
          Urgent appeal
          190. a I X June J04, the Srecial RarTQteur sent an urgent arTeal joinilyvdth — Srecial
          RarTefleuronthe sale ofcrdldrerç crdldFosfftuffonandcrdldrernograpllyandthe Srecial
          P Fesentaffw ofthe Secretaiyaeneralon — sitmifon &humaniights defenders. On IS June
          2004, K , an acth,ist for — aboliffon ofcrdld labour and Cha iirerson ofthe Global March
          Agair t Crdld Labour — — Global Camreign for Educaffoi accompaniedby thur rarents
          — claimedtrattreirdaughterswere beir held inbondage inthe GreatRoman Circus in
          Colonel ganj tov ç Gjnda dithict Uttar F adesrç met — Sub-DMsionalMagistmte, — Police
          Sureiintendentandmedia reFesentath/es inorderto conducta rescue oreraffonattre cir us.
          Accordir to ir&onuaffon recS,ed. — circus exreits crdldlathur, esTeciallygilI v,k are kept
          inbondage. It is rerefledthat inthe Fesence ofthe magistrate andthe relicemanthe circus
          onerthreatenedK.S. atgur reirdard , with othermer ers ofthe circus, Foceededto attack
          rthuandthe ±ThFraren t swithinbarsandkr Tes.Theyrerefledlymaragedtoescare ,±sTdte
          attemptsbythe circus oners ard — mer )ers ofthe local admipjsfraffonto stop then K S.
          s ierQtedlytakento hcsrdtalin Lucknowvthere he was treated for head ir uries and is
          rerefled to be in stable condiffon. It is rerefled that desrdte corthnuaffon from tre
          admirdsfraffonofuftarPradeshthattreywouldundeflake acifonto releai — crdlthenfromthe
          circusarddesTdte the Fesence ofmerthers &the admirdstmffonduring — re ue orera orç no
          acuon has teen taken.
          191. The Srecial RarTefleurwould like to reiterate her intelest in leceMngaresTer e from
          theGownmientinregardto — a]legaffor subniitted.
          In done s i a
          A]Iegafion letter
          192. Byletter dated 25 May2004 sentjoinilywith — Srecial RarTofleur on — ile of
          crdldrerç crdldFosfftuffonandcrdldrernograp}l c — Srecial RarTefleurs expie ed their
          conceniaboutthe frafficIdr ofwomenandthe ile ofcrdldrentahir place intheregion.
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 54
          Accordir to fr&onuationrecS,ed. reor wung Jndonesianwcmenare befr fraffickedto
          N hla ia. It is rerefledthat there are a]so ca s ofgegnantlndonesian menbefr frafficked
          to Mala a forthe pmrese ofsellfr their cradrenafler theyare boniforfflegal adopffor . The
          fr&onuationrecS,ed onthe d tanücsofthe r ienomenonrewalthatagents ofthe frafficldng
          neb orkarFoach roJr merç rerefledlyofrerthema small amount ofmoney, ca]led n&k
          monet (Rp l50 000 ecjualto US$17). The moneyis u d tobuymilkand otherneeds fortre
          mothers.Thentheagentsrerefledlytake the abiesfromthefrmothersandputtheminahouse
          vdthoutallow the mothers to breasffeed them. The babies are thenallegedlyfrar reltdto
          JohorbysTee Jcat oflenrackedinf5shboxes. Other merthersofthe trafficking neb ork tt li i
          Johorhaibour.Aflerhousfr the abiesforaday , theya]legedlyanange a ueeffr vdth
          FosTecTe rarents. For one hip to Sfr areie withbabies for sale , — trafficking neb ork
          rerefledlyrece tes aroundUS$ 3,000 -3,500 andto Malaria . arFoximatelyUS$ 9,530.
          Accord ing to the Mala ianand Jndonesianreice, there were 179 cases ofsuchfrafficking li i
          2001 and 155 cases in2002.
          193. Some sreciflc siffiaffor hadbeenbrought to — attenifon ofSrecial RarTefleurs.
          194. Inthe — b 'o pars tre Mala ian rolice are said to — uncowredatleast2 o ca1 s I
          babysellfr inSara a E stMala ia. InMay2002 reice allegedlystonueda home inJalan
          Sekama. inKucrang. Theyrerefledlyfound live Fegnant wcmerç one manvtho hadjust
          g Tenbil b andfourbabiesjusta few eeh old. Laterthatsame par, relice rereflecMyir taded
          hou sinLawas , Miriard Sibu. vthere more Fegnantwomen andbabieswere lbund. InSilju
          — relice rerefledlylbund eightbabies and four women.
          195. In Septerther 2003 a fishing that from — Indonesian island of Tanjung Balai Kajmun
          s a]legedlyintercepted heading towards Nhla ia. Accordir to fr&onuationrecS,ed. eight
          babies were found on this boat racked li i St 3 ofoam in f5shboxes pur ffired in order to allow
          — babies to breath.
          196. a 17 Septerther 2003, a 22-year-oM womanfrom Cenfral Java . Indonesia . s lured
          from Indonesia to Malaria with — Fcsrect ofa goodjob, b1 she became atcffm of
          frafficking. Herta konggo- een)forcedhertoworkinarestaurantinSil uandkepther
          ilaiy. He thena]legedlysaid thatifsre didnot ntto rkasa Fostiffite, re wouldsell rer
          babyvthen it was born. Trat same thy she ran a yfrom rer tathN g @o-bet een) — reached
          — Indonesiancor ulate inKucrang. The woman was more thanlive months Fegnant.
          Alkgation letter
          197. Byletter dated 16 Au jst 2004, ntjoinilyvdththe Srecial RarTefleurontoltre, —
          Srecial ParTefleurnotifiedthe Gjwnmient that she recS,edthe follow i r allegaffor .
          198. Tlweelum peoplefromonesettIemeutareainPiI were thrcedbylndonesian
          Naffonal Any (THI) ard — Police Mobile Biigade (Biimob) rersoratel to gather on 13 June
          2003. They ere ordered to line up — re±nu r ical exerci for at least 4* hoFs. Among
          those forcedto reffonu rical exerci ere 90- ear-oldmerç and merç andcrdldren.
          Nhnyofthem ere rerefledlys relybeaten. As aresult 72 reople were ibsequenilytaken to
          — public hosrdtal inSigli. U.B.U. aged32, andM.A. aged2l, wbj ere susTected ofbelong]r
          tothe FieeAcehMjwment(GMII),were ierefledlyldiledonthe sTet. Itisrerefledthatthree
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 55
          eeI later inanotherjoint TNI-Bñmob oreraffon — menere ]imdup, questioned. — rat
          vdth nile butts. Sewn women were accused ofbeir merthers ofthe GMII women s w , and
          rerefled1yfc cedto tpinpublic.
          Alkgathn letter
          199. Byletter dated 16 Nowr er2004sentjointlyvdth — SreciarnarTefleuronthe 1e of
          crdkherç cr&dFostiffiffonandcr&d ronlograr ly , the Srecial RarTTefleurithbnuedthe
          Gjwnmientthatshe radrece ,edird naffon that rare was s tematicallyusedbythe TNT ard
          — Pohi (Indonesian Police Forces) as a mear to tenoñze — repulaffon ofAceh. The Srecial
          RarTefleurhadrece Tedthe follow mre ca s a]legedlyrelrefratedbylndonesiansecuüty
          fc ces in Acehbeb een June and August 2004.
          200. MIt, aged2l, fi m Meunasahramrehtllage, Bireuenregency, was allegedlyraredin
          frord ofher ththerby aNT soldier I Yordf 301 d sion. The alleged reiretrator's name is
          Imon to — Srecia].RarTefleur. Accordir to fr&onuaffonreceiwd. Ms. H sraredat a
          militaiyrostvthenshe enttoreroflanearlierincidentofrare.SheissaidtobeFegnantasa
          cor equence ofthe attack.
          201. NA., aged l fi m SeuneubokLhongtllage, was forcedto cor Jme anunimon
          b rageandthengang-mredbyTNIsoldiersatarnilitaiyrestrearhertllage.
          202. SIt, aged 22, a midwife from Paloh Pan r tllage, Gandapura dJs ict Bireuen
          regenc gisrerefledtohavebeenrared ecauseshe ssusrectedofheliingGMIlmer ers
          vdthmedical freathient, andwiththeirvdws'de]Miies.
          203. Rosm vat aged 23, from Meunasah Blang Guroi Ganda 1 nra dJs ict is rerefledto
          have beenordeiedto stiipand then gang-mredbyflll soldier. Accordfr to rerUns she was
          thn&arly edbythe Th u andPohi rer Jrthel at difrerentnulitaiyrests threatenedvdthdeathif
          — iethsed.
          204. aHaged 12, from Ja Bmigong lage , Samalanga, was rerenedlyraredbysoldiers.
          205. VAR., aged2 o , from Gamrer Hagutllage, Samalanga, is rerefledto — teen
          206. Ffrewome. agedbeb een IS and22, fromMewaborç West Acherç were rerefledly
          raredbet eenJWyandSepter er 2OJ4byTNI andBñmob rersoratelrostedinTiala n g —
          N Wab oh.
          Foflo % to previously frausmifted coum 'imkafio '
          207. Byletterdated8 Septer er 2004, the Gownmierd rerJiedto aleffer ntjoinilywith —
          Srecial Rar neFonexfrajuthcia]. smmuaiyand aibifraiyexecuffor regardir a — a
          (FJCN.40004I66, rara. 69). The Gjwnmient rerefledthat A.RD. hadmeda v ittenrerofl at
          — Ben' hrelice staffonaboutthe kidnapping ofrds b 'o daughters, S. andS. , a1legedlybyt
          Elosraa. Durir tre course ofthe ii stigafforc S. , — ungerdaughter , was released.
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 56
          However, — olderdaughterconfinued incapthtity Boththe accusedwere anested. M.A.W.
          Fesenilyinc todyunderthe Public SafetyAct while MM.M is inrelice custody.
          208. The Srecial RarTefleurthan s — Govenmierd fonts resror e andwouHarFeciate
          receiv1r r&onuaffon on anyFosecuffor mideflaken agair t — alleged reirefrators.
          Iranflslamk Rc ith& 00
          Alkgathn letter
          209. Byletter dated II June 2004, sentjointlyvdththe SrecialRarTefleurontc tme, —
          SrecialRarTefleura&zisedthe Gownmientthatshe hadrecS,ed fr&omiaffon onthe fonuation
          of theHeadciufl toF e-emptandCcmbatSrecialOffence?. Itisrerefledthatdifrerent
          agencies, machas the raramilitaiyPa ij fore ofthe P volutionaiyGuard — State Security
          Force — Headcjuaiters to Enjoinviitae andProhbitvice”and otheragencies vtho actas
          judicialethbrcers are tojoin this newir fftuffon. It is rerefled that newmea Jres agair t wcmen
          uldbe infroducedfor cor affng tce andimForerwiling , — sTecial agencies to crack
          dononwomenwho are frar gressir socialnonus have exranded. Inaddifforçtre
          Ctgardzaffon&State-SancffonedmmJsrauer* vdiichissaidtobe officiallyresTer ilJle for
          public floggir s andsimilar pmis}uuent arajounced that it radestablishedthe flrstbranch of
          EState punisranents fc men inlrardanKurdjstanto is ae verdicts for Wrences rerefledin
          corajectionwith wcmen (Jomhouri Idami Thi , I June J04). The SrecialRarTefleu
          exFe ed their concern in regard to — rereflednew measures — arTealedto — Gjvenmient
          to take all arFopiate measures to e]jmmate djscthrdnaffct agair t womenand guarantee their
          not to be subjected to toitjre or to cne]. ithmuan or degradir freathient or punisranent.
          Covermnent reply
          210. Byletterdated29 June 20J4, the Govenmient rerefledthat — conmiunicafict chesnot
          contain anytolaffon ofhmuan iights. Theystated trat establishing an orgarJzaffonal sthacthre
          doesnotsubstanifate human rights tolatiors.Theyexplained thatState-Sancffonedmmjsrauent
          is rththrallyestabhshed for goods and conmiodiffes pices contaimuent and Fevenmg
          inaffonalii sin p ices.T}usenff t yrasnotrdngtodo vdth jcialmafters,i.e.dealir vdth
          imForerveil]r of men. Accordir to ft Johou Islami Thi ofl June 2004, the first
          branch ofthe State-Sancifoned Pupjsrauent orgarJzaffon has been dedicated to tho ca s of
          piice-ielated i ss sofv 1üchat least one side is female to Fevent anydjscnmmafionagan t
          meninb ine acth,ities, wr haie mosilymale-dorninated. Thisshouldbe regardedas a
          step to maintain women's iights.
          Alkgathn letter
          211. Byletter dated 17 Septer er 2004, sentjoinilywith — Srecial RarTQteur on
          exhajudicig smmuaiyoraibitraiyexecuffor andthe SrecialRarTefleuron tc ture, — Srec l
          RarTefleurnofffledtre Govenmientthat sre hadiecSteda]legaffor concenmg
          AR., 16 old, vtho srerQtedlypubliclyhangedon IS August J04ona sheetinthe city
          centie ofNeka. in — nofiheni Iranian Fo dnce of N zandaran. She hadbeensentenced to death
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 57
          arFoximatelyfluee monthsbefore bya lo ercomtinNekafor acts incomratil le vdth
          chaslit tç follo * analleged xualrelaliorsrdp outside maniage. The case rerefledly
          attractedthe attenlionofthe read&thejudicia rMazandarrtnce,whoallegedly
          er uredthat — ca1 s Fompilyheardbythe SuFeme Comt, v 1üchur ieldthe death
          ntence. Ithasbeenbrowht to the Srecial RarTefleur's attentionthat A.R was notmentally
          com retent. It is indeed alleged that — ‘ s mentally il both at — hine ofthe iri±nt and
          durir rertiial It is fmTherrerefledthat sre was notreFesentedbya law rat anystage ofher
          ial — that — cor ecjuenilydefended her W Beside although her nalioral ID card stated
          thatshe was 16 pars old. tre Nhz,ndaran judiciaiyaraiomredat herexeculionthat — sin
          fact22. Herco-defendant vthose name is notimonto the Srecial ParTQteur s lereitedly
          ntencedto 100 lashes ard releasedaflerthe sentence was canied 0th
          Coverinent rt ly
          212. Byletterdated2l October2004, — Gownmient ierefledthatA.R. was anested ±br —
          fomth lime on 2 Nhy2004 — crarged with acts incomratil le vdth chaslit 3 f'. Based en her
          cor&essiors, she was sentenced to death accordir to athcles 63-70 and 90 &the Penal Code.
          The senterce was ur ieldbythe SuFeme Counand scanied o on IS August 2004. The
          Gjwnmient stated that she had legal cour ltrrughoutthe Foceed]I s — that etdence had
          been infroducedindicatfr tratshe was 22 pars ofage. No etdence &rk icalormental
          incomretence was merdioned triaig — Foceeding.
          Alkgathn letter
          213. Byletterdated I D Nowmber2004sentjointlyvdththe Srecial RarTefleuronthe
          Fomoon andFoteclionoftre iightto freedom ofcTdrdonandexFesthorc the Srecial
          RarTefleurat dthe Gjwnmientthatshe hadrece ,ed — follow fr brnlior
          214. MA., editor of Fnzan h, a magazine on men s is aes. Accordir to — fr&onualion
          rece ,ed. she was anested and detained on I Nowrther J04 uron her return from abroad
          Police rerefledly archedherhome inthe ca} al,cord]scatedhercomputerandotheriterns. It
          is fmTherrerQtedthatthe nathie ofthe acc atior bnght agairst thejouma]istwas not clear.
          215. F.G., wbj wol s forthe dailyEt m 1dandwñtes athut men s is aes. Accordir to
          fr&onualion rece ,ed. — was anested on 28 Octoberbythe Te}ran moralityscjmd (Edar h
          hna n) vthenshe aro ,ered asF mor to arTearbefore — NinthCrardjerofthe Ternn
          F osecutor-Oenerars-Office. Authoiilies thdnotFotde anyfr&onualionaboutwhyshe s
          anested or where she was befr held, but it is rerefled that her anest maybe lirked to her
          actMlies in tre field ofwomen's iights. In 2001, F.G. note a letter to — Irardan authoiilies in
          vdiich she ciilicized the tolalion of men s iights in the county — called for — release of
          AN., a man vtho hadbeen sentenced to death.
          Urgent appeal
          216. aisFebnrny2004,the SrecialRarTefleur rdanurgentarTealcorcenIingM.N-
          KM., aged2 s. Acccding to — ir&onuationrece ,ed . M.N-K.M. was anestedinSepter er
          200 follrn* anir testigalioninto themFderofM.K.,amansre hadallegedlyplarthedto
          mar,afierherthvo ehadbeenfina]ized.Inrelicecustodyshe rerefledlycor&e edand s
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 58
          Jbsequenilycha edvdthFemeditated murderandseiwdvdthanofficialanest wanantbythe
          Ter an Qiniinal Comt. It is a]leged that — did not have a law r Fesent at the lime of her
          interogalionandcor&ession. At hertñal, inFebnaiy2003, M.N-K.M. refractedthe cor&ession
          andir isted that — was iraloent sa & that aflerheranestshe was afraid anddidnot h w
          vthatshe was The ordysurTcsede vdthess a]so retractedrds statement incñminaling
          217. MN-K.Mrerefledlygave astatementthatshe radseenher}u bandshootM.K. ,afler
          he foundoutthatshe plamiedto manyrdni aflertheird ,orce. Neitherhe, noranyothersusTect
          inthe case, wasir tesligated. MN-K.M'sfatherhasrerefledlybeefl 3 & toarTealfora
          re ia]. — — lodged a complaint with the Athcle 90 Ojmntsiorç arfluentaiythdy
          resrc sil le for ir estigaling indMdual public complaints about rarliament — execuliw or the
          judiciaiy. MN-K.M was ntenced to deathinFebnaiy2003 forthe Femeditatedmurder of
          MK. Hisheirshave demandedthedeathrenalt 3 as e ibulioninIdnd”.
          218. Herdeath ntence hasbeencorIinuedbytre SuFeme Comt andres dto — Ter an
          CthrdralComt Urdt forEr&orcement ofjaigements. Afier eir cc finuedbythe SuFeme
          Comt, death sentences inresed for murder can ordy e commuted ifthe tctñ's heirs fo o
          their iight to e ibulion in Idnd (qisas- n fs) — ask ir tead for — ra mlerd ofblood money
          ( > h);orifthe headofthejudiciaiyir tc&eshsrewertorevoke afina]i2edwrditifitis
          flawed . andrefersthe case to another comtThe SrecialRarTofleurexFe ed herconcemstrat
          MN-K.Mnugrd e executedatanytime.
          Urgent appeal
          219. a 30 Apil 2004, tre Srecial RarTQteur sent an urgent arTealjoinilywith — Srecial
          RarTefleuronexfrajudicial, immaiyorathifraiyexecutior — — Srecial RarTefleF onthe
          inderendence ofjaigesandlaw rs conceniing KR., aged23, who s rerefledlyatiisk I
          iimuinentexeculionbyhangir . She hadrerefledlybeendetainedinEv i n F sonin Ter an fc
          3* ar 20 months ofthe hine saidto havebeenondeathrow. Accordir to ithbnualion
          rece ,ed. K.R was anestedinNowr er2000, detained andintenogatedvdthoutacce to a
          law r, — ibsecjuenilycor ticted Ilntenlionalmurdef' ofhermoflier-irlaw a dsolelyon
          a cor&e ion obtained in — th nce of legal cour el. Ho ewr, accordir to ir&onuation
          receiwd. — incident leading to — dcim 's death was neither Femeditated rorir ligatedby
          K.R It is fmTher rerefled that the judge sa]so — ir tesligator and arFoved the charges as
          — Fosecutonse cc s a]legedlysusTen±dat — t e ofthis ca1 . There is concenithat
          — tug wr h was closed to — public afler the first hearir , did rot comply vdth
          intenulionallyrecogrd2edstandards ofdue Focess andfair ial.
          220. Accordir toir&onuationrecS,ed . the readofthe Iranianjudiciaiyhasthe rewerto
          revoke hercol! iclion; however, it is alleged that tre judicial authoiities have cord5nuedthat all
          legal Foceedings in K.R s ca are completed — that — ntence can ordybe commuted if —
          tctim s heirs forgo their iight to re ibution and ek ra mlent ofblood money (diy h ) ir tead. It
          is rereited that afler a death nant ±br K.R. thiled to be canied out on I Januaiy2004, due to
          tecraiical enor — readofthe judiciaiyagreedto atemreraiyrepi ofherexeculiorç
          granling herashofitime to ageal to — tcim's heirs. Ho ewr, rerUns indicate that —
          tctim's heirs contacted — judicial authoiilies on 12 and 13 Apil 2004, to again ir ist on K.R
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 59
          Urgent appeal
          221. a 1 J Otober2004,the SecialRarTefleur ntajointurgentarTealvdththeSrecial
          RarTefleuronextrarxhclal, smmuaiyoraibitraiyexecutior , — SrecialRarTefleuron
          freedom&religionorbeliefandtheSreciaRarTefleurontoltre,regardàgj.I.,agedl3. She
          s sentenced to death bystcàng in Mai ,an ±br adultei 3 and is at — ofiimrdnent exe cuffon.
          Accordir tothe a llegaffor rece ted;she sraredbyherl5- aroldbrotherandbecame
          Fegnant. Sre gavebitoherbthyineaflyotober.ItisrerefledthatJ.I.vdllnothavethe
          ressil thtyto arTealthe ntencewrh i s uidtobecaniedoutintheccmfr da .Herbrother
          s rdencedto 100 lashe inaccordance with Islamic law. He is cmienilyin pi nin Ter an
          awaifing — purusrthle nt.
          Coverinent rt ly
          222. Byletterdated28 October2004, — Gownmient ierefledthatJ.I. andherb jtherhad
          beenacqthftedofadulte becau they eie nünc s. The sentence ofdeathbystordr is
          at e g o S a fly derded.
          Urgent appeal
          223. a 16 Nowmber2004,the SrecialRarTeflenrdajointurgerdarTealvdththe
          Chthrersor RarTefleurofthe WorIth GrouponAthifraiyr tenfforcthe SrecialRarTeflem
          onthe inderendence ofjaigesandlaw rs, — Srecial RarTefleurontc tme, — — Srecial
          P Fesentaffw ofthe Secretaiyaeneral onthe sitmffonofhmuaniights defendersregardiaig
          MA., a womel s iights acthtt and editor of Farzan h, and r ector ofthe NOD Trairir
          Cenfre. She was aireadythe ibject ofa letter dated 10 Nowm er 2004 nt jointlywith —
          Srecial RarTefleur C t — gomoffonand Fotectionofthe iight to freedomofopinion —
          exFe ion(see rara. 214 abow).
          224. Accordir tothefr&onuaffonrecS ,ed . MA. sanestedatherhome on l Nowrther
          2004 on — order ofthe Pro cutor General oflran. Since her aiiefl — has rerefledlybeen
          detained and reldirconmrnnicado. To date, no fc n a l charges — rerefledlybeenbrowht
          agair t herbut — is befr intenogated athut her Fe ntaffor at inteniafforal meeffng
          includir her athress to the Asia Pacific Women's Watch Beijfr +l0 NOD Fonan in July2004,
          andhercontactswith intemaffonal women's iights acth, sts. Intewofheralleged
          inconmiunicado detentioi concenjis eq e edthatshe maybe atthkoftofluie orother fc ns
          ofi]rfreathient. Morowr, cctcenl is exFes d that — anest ofMA. maybe Sued at
          Fewnung her from confinuing to sreak out and pub]ish on women s iights in Inn.
          Coverinent rt ly
          225. Byletterdated2o Decer er 2004, the Gownuuentrerefledthat MA was detained for
          heracth,iffes agair tthe State andir pirir iimuoralacts in ciety She yes releasedonbail.
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 60
          Urgent appeal
          226. a 3 Decer er 2004, the Srecial RarTefleur sent an urgent arTeal joinilyvdth —
          S eclalRa efleuronexfrajuthcig smmuaiyoraibitraiyexecuffc s, — SrecialRarTefleuron
          freedomofreligionorbeliefard — SrecialRarTefleurontoltre iegardir ILK aged35 and
          mother&t , andR.M.G. aged2 frcm — ton &Jolth. Accordir to — a]legaffc s
          receiwd. theywere at Skofiimuinent execuffon. On 16 Januaiy200J, H.E. was sentencedto
          deathbyhar fr — 3rd Branch ofthe Pthlic Comt ofjolfa for aduflei 3 for assisffr in —
          FemeditatedIdTh gofherhusband. RM.G.trenagedl7,wassentencedto rangforrdsrole.
          The 37thBranchofthe SuFeme Comtofjustice lateramendedthe ntence agair t H.E. to
          stcàr , wr& h' s scheduled to be canied out on I Septerther 2004. Follow an arTea]. —
          SuFeme Comt ofjusffce ur ield the sentence. The sentences were exrected to be canied out
          vqtmnthe next fluee eeks.
          Coverinent reply
          227. Byletter dated 13 Januaiy2005, the Govenmient indicated that H.E was chargedas an
          acccmrdice to her huthand's murder and s ntenced to death. Uren rejection ofher arTeal by
          — SuFemeComt,she recjuestedtobe rardoned. Herrecjuestwasundercor iderationardher
          rdence hadbeen isrended.
          Urgent appeal
          228. a 13 r certher 2004, the Srecial RarTefleur sent an urgent arTeal with the Srecial
          RarTefleur on exhajudicig surthialyor aibitraiyexecuffor , — Srecial RarTefleur on
          freedom ofreligionorbeliefand — Srecial RarTelteur on toitre conceniing L.M., aged 19,
          vtho s facfr iimrdnent execution for morahtyrelated ofrences. She s to be flogged
          before she is executed. Concern was exFes d that — radbeen sentenced to death for ciimes
          — wouldallegedlyhave coimrdttedwhenshe was under I X pars old.
          229. a 28 November 2004, she s sentenced to deathbya comt in Arak vthen she was I X,
          on charges of acts confraiyto chasffty includir nraiing abrothel, havir intercourse with
          blood relath,es — gMr binh to a crald out of edlok. It is rerofled that IQ tests have
          revealedthat — — — mental age ofan 8-par-old. However, she — ar arenilyn rbeen
          examinedbythe couflarTeinteddoctors, andwas rdenced to death lelyonthebasis ofher
          exrJicit cor&essic s, without cor iderationofherbackgroundormental health. She was
          rerefledlyforcedirdo Fostiffiffonbyhermotherat — age ofeight andbore s ralcrdldren as
          aresult. She s a]so rereatedlyrared. soldinto maniage, and ibsecjuentlyforcedinto
          Fcsfftuffonbyher sreu1 s.
          Foflo % topredouslyfrausmftted coum 'imkafio '
          230. Byletter dated II June J04, the Govenmient resren±d to a letter dated 24 November
          2003, ntjoinilywiththe Srecial RarTefleuron — iight to freecbm ofopinionandexpie ion
          andthe Srecial RarTefleurontoltre, concenüng se,enwomen(FJCN.400041661Add.l, ran.
          100 ). The Govenmient rerofledtMtfourmenandt women ere accu d &behaviour
          repugnantto the public. Acifon was takenbythe Fotncialcomt —— accusedwere
          rdenced to lashes. The sentence hadnot t eencaniedout.
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 61
          231. Follovdr her officiah sit to — comthy(29 Januaiy —6 Febnaiy2005), the Srecial
          RarTefleurreconmlends that — Gownmierd of the Islamic Peptic &Iran: pioñthe ]aw
          refonuto amendalldi iirninatoiylaws andbth them into cor&onrdtyvdththe Cor liffilion
          andintemalictalhmuaniights ir thjmerds to wr hthe Islamic Pepthlic of Iran is a
          er ule framçarency, ircludir tr ough — Fo sionofdates andFocedure, forthe
          implementalict ofmea iresforjudicialrefomi thataie cmientlybeing dJscus d to imFow
          admirdstralion ofjustice for men; rk towards alteniathe fonus of punisrauent oiientated
          towards Fewntion and rehabilitation rather than revenge, and in this context abolish the death
          renalt3c unrn therç follovdr credible rerUns oftolalic s of the iight to fair ial and
          dJscñminalionagair t merç carefullyretew the etdence agair t all detairees ntencedto
          death; acbpt efrecth,e mea Jres to er ure — obsenmce ofsafeguards to rotect — iights of
          detainees; fr tesligate allegalior oftoflure, punish — culpits — take mea Jres to pievent its
          recmience;adopta nalional aclion plan ±br Fomotion and Foteclion of human iights with
          sTecial emrhasison — ebjidnalict oftolerce agair twomen; conduct awareness-raising
          camreigr , includir fluough nitten andt al media, to pi mote resithe images of women
          andeducate — repulalionabout human iights — — e]iminationoftolence agair t merç
          engage in culturalnegoliation at all lew]s of cietytobth out — resithte elements in
          culthre and fradition and discourage — negaliw ones; pi mote — reiticiralion of women in
          cietyandincrea — nmtherofwomen indecisior mahing resitior inallsectc s.
          Kmv aft
          Urgent appeal
          232. a 15 July2004, — SrecialRarTofleursentan urgentarTealjoinilywiththe Srecial
          RarTefleur oncontemreraiyfoims ofracis racial djsciiminaliorç xenophobia andrelated
          intolerance conceniing A.M.AID., aged27 andmalebybiiflc — undeiwent sex-change
          irgeiyin200l andchangedrds name fromArauedto a men's name. She vdshes tobe
          addre ed inaccordance vdthherfemale staths. It is rerefled that the sthject causedcorstant
          fiicict — cordlict vdth her family. She s asked to leave Kuwait Urth,ersit g was subjected to
          cor tantharai merd andnot allo ed to work. She rerefledlyFe nts cla icals miptoms of
          gender Henlitydisorder, with rs hosocial shessors including familydifficulties, shess at work
          andstudyel! ironentanddifficWliescordngvdthsocietal Fes Jre. mtewofthe
          circumstance sre tiied to conmiit suicide three limes. It is rerefled that — ent to court
          regardir herlegalstathsfollov& rersexchar e.She waslatertoldthatherlav r Md
          conducted anirdeitew with — local media regardi her ca vdthouthercor ent. Sre is iid
          to M w taken the newsprers to comt regarding — negaliw rerUns pub]ished about her.
          However, agrouprerefledlyrnedarectuest onbeha]fofsocietyandonreligious grounds that
          — ca1 be rejected. a 23 June 2004the judge is id to Mw restroned — final judgement
          urdil 7 Septerther 2004. In this context, ± ars have been exFessed for her ph ical secuntyand
          acce tojuslice owing to djsciiirdnalionon thebasis ofher x.
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 62
          Coverinent reply
          233. Byletterdated9 Septer er2004 , tre Gcwenmient rerofledthatkM.AFD.A. Fesented
          a request to — judiciaiy on7 June 2003 trat has sex change be recogrd2ed. The comt arFowd
          rdsrequestandcc nnuedrdsnghttochange rdssex inadecisiondated24Apil2004.The
          Gjwnmientstatedthat — decision cord5nns — faJnie ofthe Ku tffjudiciaiyand its
          üiderendence, allowing a rer Jn to exerci their iight to change x — notbe subjected to any
          dj iinünaffct.
          234. Inregardto the allegatior intre letter ntbythe Srecial RarTefleurs that A.M.Al.D
          shmuthatedanddJscthuinatedagair t at work. leadir to his dJsniissa — Gjwnmient
          afrmuedtrat tre d ism issal was not based on djsciinünaffonbut was in accordance vdthla s
          gowniing public seitce in Kuwait. In regard to — allegaffor that he sufreredham merdby
          rdsfamily, theystatedthatitis rotressil le forthe Gcwenmienttointer,ere insuchis aes.
          235. The Srecial RarTefleurtrar s — Gownmient fonts le er e ard uld like to exple
          her safisfacifon conceniing — comt's nilir .
          236. The Srecial RarTefleurcor iders it arFc ate to drawatterdionto — concen
          exFes dbythe Committee onthe HimiraffonofDisciiminaffon agafr tWomen (A159138,
          rara. 78) at — lack of fr&onuation about — Fe lence — fonns of tolence agairst
          men — g]r]s, ircludir domestictolence, andabout — Fograr es — lvices
          available to dchmsoftolence inKuwait).
          Lao People's Democratic Rc uJilk
          Allegation letter
          237. Byletter dated IS Septer er 2004, sentjoinilywith — Srecial RarTQteur on
          exhajudicig smmuaiyoraibifraiyexecuffor , — SrecialRarTefleuronthe siffiaffonofhmuan
          iights — fundamental fieedorns ofindigenous reople — — Srecial RarTefleurontoltre,the
          Srecial RarTefleF nofffiedthe Gjwnauent that she hadrecS,ed — ±bllovdng a]legatior
          conceniing four girl M.L, aged 14, her sister CL, aged 16, C l i, aged 14, EL., aged 14, and
          herbrothe; T.L., aged IS, allindigenous rersc s. On 19 May2004, the live crdltherç vtho eie
          arcrdngforfoodcloseto theircamgwere attackedandkifledby3o- Cet}mic Laosoldiersin
          — Xai jr joune militaiyzone. The gir]s were raredbefore beir killed. M.L. was srot ineach
          breastard — otrerbodies were murnatedbyshots fired atclo range. One ofthe girls was
          djs e — owe fled.
          Covermnt rc lies
          238. Byletters dated 19 October, 10 and I X Nowr er2004, — Gjwnmient rerofledthat —
          aflegaffc s were found tobe gioundless — that no achincithnthad occmied. 0n6 October
          2004, the tdeo footage dated 19 May2004, — source oftre aflegatior was carefullyanal ed
          bythe authoiiffe vthofoundmanycordlicffng roirds. Theystatedthatthe a]legaffor were not
          matchedbytre contents ofthe fi]m lbr, among other things, there was no rdcthre &thetchms
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 63
          being m ilated. ro etdence of rare, lack &etdence of a n beir used . ro movement of
          jlthers , fewrelath,es ofthetchms rne cl3& , no rndofanyfr toWement & jlther ro
          indicaffon& vthere — incidentacffiallyoccmied. It scorcludedthatthe ddeo hadbeen
          ± bñcated. No complaint has beenbrought to — concerned authoñties at anylew]. including
          — CommanderinCrdefofthe Lao Peo 1e's Annyinthe Xai jrthoune Srecial Zjne c —
          G veniorofXiengIthuang Pro tce ,ththofvthom are indigenousrersor thernseWes. T}
          allegaffor oftolatior &hmuanñghtsagair tthe indigenous re or (the Hmong) ere
          fticatedwith — aim &dJscrediffr — good image ofLaosinthe internaffonal arera. They
          emphasi2edthatHmong, as re jltofcor thacthe vermuent relicyaJmfr at reaceful
          coexistence ofetrwic grourt playan imreflant role in tre counWs social — economic
          239. The Srecial RarTefleurtrar s — Govenmient fonts re er e. Ho ever , she wouldlike
          to remindthe Govenmient of its dutyto trorougrdyfr tesffgate — a]legaffor oftolence
          agair t women ewn in the ab rce ofafonual complaint.
          Malay s i a
          Alkgathn letter
          2 C. Byletter dated I X Nhy 20J4 nt jointlywith the Srecial RrTefleur ct — sale of
          crdldrerç crdld pi sffffiffon and child reniography, tre SrecialRarTofleurs exFessed deep
          concern at ithbnuaffon rece ,ed about frafficking ofwomen and sale ofcrdldren taking place in
          — region. Accordir to fr&onuation recS,ed. reor Jung Indonesian men are befr
          fraflickedto Malaria. The details are descñbedin raragraph 192 above.
          241. Some srecific situaffor have been brought to — attention ofSrecial RarTefleurs.
          242. Inthe — b 'o pars tre Mala ian rolice are said to — uncoveredatleast2O ca1 s I
          bthy llfr inSara a E stMala ia. The detai]s are descübedinraragraph l94above.
          243. In Septerther 2003 a fishing that from — Indonesian island of Tanjung Balai Kajmun
          headir towards Nhla ia s allegedlyinterceptedcan 3 dngeightbabies rackedinSt 3 ofoam
          ( e rara. 195 above).
          2 . a 17 Se ierther 200 awoman from Cenfral Java. Indonesia. was luredto Malaria
          anflecameatcffmoftrafficIdng( erara. l9óabove).
          Foflo % topredouslyfrausmfttedcouunukaflo '
          245. Byletterdated4Nhrch2004, the Go enuuentresrendedto aletter nt onó Nover er
          2003joinilyvdththe SrecialRarTefleuronthe iight to freedomofopinion andexFessionand
          — Srecial P Fesentathe onthe situafict ofhuman iights defenders ( e
          FJCN.4120041661Add.l). The Govenmientrerefledthat LF. s foundguiltyofma]iciously
          pub]isrdng faise ne s — sentenced to one sear's imp somuent. However, the comt allo ed a
          stayofexecuffon rendir herarTeal to — HighComtandgrantedbail inthe amountofP il
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 64
          3,000 vdth one irety. In 1996, when Mrs. F. s first charged, the comt oidered her to
          inenderherra reit a routine Focedure inca swhere there isa Skofflight.Ms F.'s
          rei refl has since laped, and her ap 1ication fora new resspJfl has been dethed on — gromds
          that — ca is sUll abjudice.
          2 . The Srecial RarTelteurtharths tre Gownmient ±br its replyconceniir I.F. Howewr,
          — uldarFeciate rece ,ir adthffonal ir&onuaffonon — outcome ofthe legal Foceedings
          before — High Comt. She uld a]so like to receiw iIonuaffon on — allegaffor jbnütted to
          — Gownmient this par.
          Urgent appeal
          247. a 6 Otober 2004, the Srecial RarTefleur nt an urgent arTealjoirdlywith —
          Chthrersor RarTefleurofthe Working GrouponMbifraiyr tentiorc — SrecialRarTefleur
          onthe inderendence ofjudges ard law rs , — SrecialRarTelteuronfreetu ofopinionand
          exFe ionard — SrecialRarTelteurontoflme regarding LA. andj.L., resrecthelyemplo es
          ofatele tioncomranyandtdeo film Fothrer,bothofvthom havebeenwctng to draw
          attenlion to human iights concen .
          2 2. Accordir tothe ir&onmalionreceiwd,I.A.vtho isa]soanacthtistfortheremical
          orTesitio4 was anested at — home at around 10p.m. on 17 Septer±er 2004 and was beir
          heldwithoutcra e andvdthoutaccess to a law r. He sbeir queslionedaboutorgardñng a
          reacefulre]itical meeling inJuly2004 inthe ji ofabinhdayreny. Itwas a]so allegedthat
          he was anestedbecau ofrds ir ,oWe ment in a c & society neb ork vdiich mordtc s the
          condilior of ±tention of those anestedfollov& — August demor fratior , to er ure that
          their hmmanñghts are Fotected. From mid-August 2004 until — aiiefl l.A hadbeen
          inteMev& trose who hadbeen relea dfromdetenlionto docmment hmmanñghtstolatior
          agair t detainees andhas eenhelpir fami]i s &the detainees to drafi letters to — authoñlies
          recjuesling to sit the detainees.
          249. Accordir to ir&onmationrece ,edJ.L. , vtho — rarlicularlyfocu donthe Fe lerCe
          ofsexualabu intre coun was rerefledlyanestedinfront ofthe Nalional SecuritySeces
          on 13 August 2004, as — Gjwnmientbroke up a demor tralion vdthbaton charges and tear
          gas. She was rerefledlybeing detained at — Dhoorddhoo intenogationcenfre. She was derded
          acce to fairdlymer ers unrn 17 September 2004. It was abj rerefled that durir her
          detenliorç the reice kickedherinthebacknumerous limes wrdist — sblindfolded. She was
          rerefledlydetained the first hime on 22 Septer er 2003, for her — in a Fotest agan tthe
          killir ofEvanNaseemon l9Septerther2003andtheki]]ingofthree otherpi nersandthe
          fatal injurir ofothers on 20 Septerther 2003 in Maafusra.
          Coverinent reply
          250. Byletter dated 27 October 2004, — Gownmient lerefled that that J.L. hadbeen
          anested in corajeclion vdth — ir tesligalion into — mob tolence of 12 and 13 August 2004.
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 65
          T} ir testigaffor havir been completed, she was trar fened to houi anest on26 October
          2004. The Gownmierd statedthat inaccordance with — la s of — Nhld ,es, charges tUbe
          med agair t hersoon — that she uld be Fotded with a fair ard imreitial hearir .
          251. Conceniir l. A . the Gownmierd indicated that he had beenanested in comiection with
          — ir estigaffon into — mobtolence of 12 and 13 Aug t 20J4 andthatrds airest hadnothir
          to do with — ir ,oWemerd ma cMlsocietyneb ork. The Gownmient stated trat as soon as tre
          ir tesffgaffor ere complete, he uldeitherbe chargedorreleased.
          252. The SecialRarTQteurwouldlike to thankthe Gownauentforitsresrerse. Howewr,
          — would a peciate recei t addiffonal ir&onuation on tre legal Foceed]r s aga rst —
          akew-named rer Jr .
          Appe urgent
          253. Le 2 décembre 2004, Ia RarTefleu1 sTéciale a er To ml arTel urgerd, conjointement
          avec Ia P rSsentante dusecrétaiie généralconceniant lasituaffon ±s défer eurs des droits de
          l'honmie et Ic RarTefleur sTécial sur Ia Fomoffon et li Fotection du droit ala libeité d'opinion
          d'exFe iorc conceniant Ia situafict de neuf±htmiesmerthres duCollectifdes famines de
          détenus ,Eflt t tE. ,KF. ,lCM.M. ,T.M.U ,M.l tN. ,F.l tlC ,M.fltC. ,M.M.
          I L et F. M H.
          254. ScIon les ir&onuaffor recues, pt d'entre dIes auraient été anêtées Ic 21 rowmbre
          2004rarlagenthnueiie, lors de l'oweitjre de laFerniêre audience t Focês des
          pu&rdstes , Fé mlés auteurs de Ia tentafiw de coup d'Etat des 8 et 9 juin 2003, dont dIes
          raierd les Foches. Riles auraient été conduites a labiiga± d'Cnaad Naga oi l eiles auraient été
          rarcjuées so Ic soleil eta même Ic sol rendant toute lajonée du 21 nowrthre. MM. H. et F.
          M H. auraient cjuant a cUes été anêtées Ic 22 rowrthre 2004, alors cju'eiles Fotesta ent confre
          des gendanuescjui r laientvoWoirmalfraiterune fenmie âgée alasothe de Ia sa l le
          d'audience. Le même jom Mue MM. N., encemnte, aurait été hbéiü majs aurait de noweau,
          été anêtée Ic 29 nowmbre au soir. Sar avoir été ithbnuées des rai jr de 1cm anestafforç cUes
          auraient été irdenogées a plusieurs rep ses sur les reJsor rem lescjueiles deux merthres du
          Coileciff des familIes de détenus reiticireient ala 36 se ion de Commission afiicaine des
          droits de l'honmie et des reuples (CADE ). Le 30 nowr re 2004, arSs avoir finalement été
          accu es de distiibutionde fracts et de menaces de mofl , cUes auraient été frar férées a
          Ia pii ndes fenmies ± Nomkchott. Toutes les autothaffors de site demandées rarlems
          Fochesleurauraienteterefusees.R.F.,encernte, Jufrmaitdepuisledebutde idétentionde
          doumsdar lareth e.
          Repouse d ii Cnvernement
          255. Parlethe endate du7jar ñer2005, Ic Gor,eniemerd a frar mis rérer su ,antc. Ces
          relsom s ord été anêtées rem des motifs F&?ms et sanctiomiés rar les ai*les 204 (oufrage a
          magishat ) et 281 (menace de moit) du Code renal. Riles ont été iIonuées des rai jr de 1cm
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 66
          anestaffouet fraitées avec hmuardté. II u res été rené atteinte ileurintégñté rique et
          r hologic iue et le droitde site de leu famifies etde leurs avocats aété lesTecté. La
          référeuce a leur sexe u est res rethueute car cues out été déteuues r uue base juridicjue claire
          etreurdesmofffsila utaucuurarTeflavec cefait.Cesmofffsuere eutêtreassimilésrdde
          rSsrdde loinides actesdetoleuce iVégarddesfemmes . Pourle momeutles±hmueseu
          cjuesffou out béuéflcié d uue liljeflé Fo sofre. Sm Ic foud. dIes ammit Foccasbu de Féseuter
          1cm cause lors d uu ocês public et écjuitable corns tcjuel toutes les garauties uéces ires a
          1cm dé± r rout as rées.
          256. La RarTefleuse sréciak remercie Gjweniemeut rom 1 rérer e. Néamuoir cue
          juhaiterait obterdr des ir&c naffc s pl Fécises r les ]r (esfigafic s cjui out cctduit Ic
          Gjweniemeut a cctclme cjue ces feumies u avaieut res fait Fobjet de mawais fraitemerds.
          as ely ac Jo nc
          257. La P latoraEsTecia1 desea exFesarsugratiffid rena ir&onuaci5udetalladaer tiadarer
          ci Gjbiemo jbre las medidas tomadas cue' alto 2004 rara eimniuar latobucia coufra Ia mujer
          euN xico. Eurei*War, laTh latora Esrecialcelcha las accioucs tomadas tauto ardwlFedcral
          como Estatg cu respuesta a las recomeudacioucs rcaEz,das ron ñas ongandzacioucs
          intcnucioualcs eunclacioua Ia siffiaciou de Ia mujen cue' Estado de CrdhmhuayCiudad Juancz.
          dcufrodclmancodc nmudato.Lauuth6uac naacabodcl20al26dcfebncnodc2OJ5.
          Alkgathn letter
          259. Byletten dated 16 Septer en 20J4, ut jointlywith the Srecial RarTQtem ou toflunc,
          — Srecial RarTeflcm a&, sedthc Gownmicut that — hadncceiwdir&onuaffouncgandir a
          womanfromNaaPaovfflage, NaaPao lage fract Kacug-Tmig tov rdp. She was ncreflcdly
          storTedbyState Peace audD lopucut Couucil (Sac) froorsfnom — — LightIn&au
          Pattaliou (LIE) 580 ou 9 Febnaiy2004 at about 4p.m.. at arp ximatclyb 'o miles uoith of
          Nbng Lmig llage. She was fc cedto accomranq the frocTs to their camp. There she was
          rcroflcdlygaug-raredby I D jldicrs. She s relca dthc ucxtmoniir audthrcatcucdvdth
          death if she dcuouuced what had harTered.
          Alkgation letter
          260. Byletter dated 21 Septer er 2004, seutjoiuilywith — Srecial RarTQtem ou
          exfrajudicial, Jmma1yor aibitraiyexecuffor audthc SrecialRarTeflemoutc tme , — Srecial
          RarToflcm uofffied tre Gownmicut that sre Md leceiwd tre follov& allegaffor .
          261. N.K, aged3O, — rerhuthaud. Z.V., agcd C ,bothoñginallyfromNawng Hai lage ,
          flo Lam dllage fractbut fo il lyrclocatedto flo Lamtllage rclocaffou site li i 1997. a 17
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 67
          September 2003, ZY. was taken awayfrom t} ir fain bya gnp of menbeliewd to be SPDC
          jldiers. Ha]fanhourlater, a rafrol ofarFoxinately so SPDS froorsfrom Ir&an Battalion
          (TB) 2 came to — fain — irdenogated N.K. about — whereathuts ofher rojsband. When
          — told them that he radbeenabductedbyunlmonsoldiers, she was accusedofbeing — vdfe
          ofaShansoldier. Sre was rerefledlybeaterc Idckedandgang-rared. She lost cor ciousne
          wral h i nes. Afler — froorsiefi — fain, scmetllagers a istedher. As hercondilion
          rnsened afler this as iult she ewnffiallyfledto Thailandto recS,e medical freatment. She
          rerefledly died on 29 March2004 thCrdal rai Fo tthal hosrdtal, in Thailand. As far as —
          Srecial RarTelteurs — eeniIonnec — vthereabot of her h bandare slillunimon.
          262. N. athN.L., b 'o l7- ar-oldgir]s frcm Saai Mjn craaiter inTa-Eaii-Laekton. They
          ere storTedbya groupofthree Sac frocTs rearTa-Kr Laektonon22 August2003, when
          they ere goir bymotorc de to a pir ar le orchard. Theywere s relyIdckedandbeatenby
          — trocTs, who took tre motorcy e a y. The t gir]s ere laterfouuncor ciousbyscme
          ]lagers and taken to a hosTdtal. N.S. died the same rdght. A complaint was lodged with —
          Sac authoiilies atTa-Eaii-Laektow s}iip. As faras — Srecial RarTefleurs havebeen
          ir&onned. no acionhasbeen taken to ir tesligate — case.
          263. SLN. a45- ear-oldtllagerfrom Par Sa. andrds Fegnant vdfe, N.N., as well as
          anotherwomarcN2S.Z -N.wasshot±adbyarafrolofSPrcfroorsfromthe s sthDMthon
          near Paang Sa llage, Loi Latllage fract Nair Zamg to nthdg on23 August 20J3, whenhe
          was ± tcrdr nter fiom — NanTaeng ther. 0n26 August2003, acolmmiofthe same SPDC
          froorsaiTestedN.N.inPaar Sa llage andtookherto TalaoMng,aNanTaengthter
          haiboF. Another woman. N.Z., encountered on their way, was taken with them. Once there, the
          men were intenogated about bcfl in the area — s ielybeaten vdthbaithoo slicks.
          Theywere a]sothreatenedwithdeath. Theywere laterrelea d.Asaresultofthebealir s,N.N.
          jffered frcm internal ir uries ard had ami aniage.
          264. N.K aged22, andhersister, N.L. aged 19. Theywere mredbya rafrol ofSPDC hooFs
          from L Eau- a dUB 515 on 16 October2003, vthentheywere raiwslir iice at theirfanu
          i nWanZir llage hact. Thefrfatrer s liedto atlee. Afler rW, — b 'o sister were taken
          to a forestbytre hooFs. Theirdeadbodies were foundbrdllagers Jme da late; dunredin a
          265. N. , aged2o, andher roisband. L. aged23, bothoiiginallyfrom ZJzaw Khe ]lage
          inWanThivllage hactbut relocatedto TAEIa tow thdp in 1997. They ere arFoachedon
          their thnninWanT}ii ]lage hactbyabout U Sac troJFs fromCo. 3 ofTB 64on26
          Nowr er2003.Z.L wasliedupoutsiW — fannardN.S.was gang-mredbythetroop.She
          was latertakenwiththem. ZL.ardothertllagernenttotheba ofTB64toincjuire aboutre;
          butwere notallo edtoenterthebase. Thee da later,N.S.'sbodywasfoundnearthe thin.
          266. PU, a C- ear-oldwcmanwith mentaldjsthiit 3 oñginallyfromKhurNim llage but
          vtho hadbeen forciblyreloated to Maak Laar llage. In late 2003, sre was fo il lyseizedby
          SPDChoorsfromLIBSlS inNhakraarralage. She sthaggedoutofthe dllage andgang-
          raredbytre jldiers. She rerefledlythedfourda later.
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 68
          267. N an l8- ar-oIdwoman]Mng inthe jbmbanarea ofNbng-Suton. On25 Apil
          2004she sforcibIytakenanyfromherrethdencebyabout l5SPDC Itherstoaneaiby
          foiest. She wasgar -mredandstabbedto deathbythe jlthers.
          Urgent appeal
          268. ai2O Apil 20J4, the Srecial RarTefleur nt an urgent arTeal joinily vdth the
          Chaiarersor RarTefleur &the Worldng G up ct MbifraiyDetenlion and the Srecial
          RarTefleur onthe situalion ofhmuanñghts inM muarconcenüng b 'o rare dcims, M.aSA.
          andM.A.M.S, who were impisonedforattemplir to charge — allegedreiretmtoroftre
          ciime. They ere allegedlyrared on25 and 26 Nowr er 2002, resrecthtely, in F ren
          tov rdg A nddydMthc cbythe Chainuanofthe n]iaig dllage Peace — r wlopuent
          Comril. M.S .S.A. was rereflecflyaged IS at the lime ofthe inci nt. OnlY Decer er 2002, the
          alleged reiretrator was charged vdth rare. However, it is rerefled that he was not anested. ror
          s he broughtbefore an official judicialbody. Irnad. — relice ught — a&,ice ofthe
          F rct rlistnct Law Office, vdiichallegedlyrecommended that — charges agair t this official
          be drorTed and that charges be brought agairst — t women for faJselyaccusir a
          govenmient officer. On 20 October 2003, the b 'o men were sentenced to four pars'
          im  muentoncharges offab lyaccusir a govenmierd officer. Durir — ia M.S.SA.,
          stUl a crald. was rerefledlyfreated as an adult. The source adds that this incident is ran ofa
          larger raftemofrare with impunitybyofficia]s andsoldiers, wr hcan . as intrds case, even
          leadto — Fo culionofthetctims.
          Coverimieut rt ly
          269. Byletter dated 22 October 2004, — Govenmient lerefled that on 21 Nowr er 2002,
          MS.S.A. andM.A.MS. were smmuonedandg ten niir bythe Village Peace —
          r wlopuent Council Chthnan when dllage heads rerefled their indecerdbehatourwitha
          man inanabandonedhouse. 0n26 Nowr er, theyfilleda complaintat — re]ice stalionin
          K rd adoontllage agairst another manfor a t rared them. The two menallegedly
          blacluuailedthe daughterofthe manto vdthdrawthe compla i rdagair trerfather.The manthen
          rnedaccmplaintagair tthe gir]sforblacIuuail.They ere foundguiltyandsentercedto thur
          pars' impi muent on 23 October 2003. The man they accused is aged 76. He has always been
          aciwlyir toWedth — social andreligio affairs ofthetllage. He hasnobackgnndof
          misconduct throughout — life.
          270. The Srecial RarTefleur would like to thank — Govenmient fc its reply. While
          acknowlec ing that — accused — alwaysbeenacthtelyir toWedth — socialard ie]igious
          affairs of the dllage, tre Srecial RarTefleur uldlike to shess t}utthis srouldnot Fevent —
          authoiities fromcctductir aFcTerir esligalionthto — accusalior broughtagair thm.
          Allegathn letter
          271. Byletter dated 18 May2004 sentjoinilywith — Srecial Ragefleur on — le of
          crdldierç crdldFosliffitionand child reniogiaphy, — Srecial RarTefleu exFe ed their
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 69
          concern at — alleged social and economic djscriminalion facedby Badiwomen and gtls.
          Accordir to ir&onuationrecS,ed. — Pad* — are saidto nmtherter ofthousindsacro
          esteniNera] are one of36 castes v,ro make upNereis untouchables. It is rerefled that Bath
          menand gir]s, due to — dJ thrdnaliorç sligmaand mlnerthiityird rentinthe caste s te
          are ±brcedto rkinFostiffilion. BadJsnügratedtoNerelfromIntha me three centmiesago.
          Theymade dnjms and musical ir thmients , fished and danced andsang. They uld go to tre
          homes of landlcds, or za 5,dar to ente itain at social cc le mordes, in rethni for food. In time,
          — z tdars allegedlyclaimed Jme ofthe gir]s as concubines. They uldrereflecMyuse
          them andtrenabandonthemwhen theyhad crdldren. ItisrerQtedthatfatherless crdldrenhave
          fewiightsard thatit canbe thfficultto registertheirbiitk — obtainciti2er }Iig school
          admissiorç — righttovote, andhealthcare. Inthis situalion daughters rerefledlyendup
          entenr Fostiffi on like their mother as a mear ofsun*al. Concenis M w a]so been
          exFe ed that these women and gir]s are rathcularlrminerthle to E U ir&ection due to their
          staths in society. It is rerQted that many Path women rethse to be tested for fear that a resithte
          re JltwouldfmThersligmati2e them and their conmiurdty
          Aflegafion letter
          272. Byletterdated 17 August2004, — SrecialRarTefleura&Tisedthe Gownmient that —
          had recS,ed ir&onualion that a wñt reition (Writ No. 55 ofthe ar 2058 ES (2001-2002)) had
          beenf5ledchallengir — cor litulionalityofthe defirdtionofrare inthe Coun Code, 1963,
          staling that — Cor liffilionofthe Kir dom &Nera]. 2047has guaranteedthe rightto equality
          andaflbrdsequalFoteclionofthe lawtoallthecilizer ofNeral. Indeiwth itsnjlir infith
          case — SuFeme ComtofNerel inteipeted maritalrare as a crime andi ueda dli cth,e to —
          Mthst,ofraw,JusliceandParliamentalyAfrairstoinfrothreabrntoFotde iimuethaterelief
          byallo * a vdfe to l ,e serarate fro or to d ,orce, a rapist husbath; FescrilJir the degree
          &theofrence of rare conmiittedinthe circumstance ofcrdldnthage;andbynldnglegal
          pisionfora comFehere, jusliflable andarFopiate solulionwithregardto maritalrare,
          taking into account the srecial situalionof the marital relalior rdp and the rosition of the
          huthand.Thedecthon sde]Mredon2Nhy2002.Cor quenily, maritalrare has een
          declaiedanofrence inNerel;howewr,the lawhasnotbeenamendedto dateandthe
          G wnmientofNeralhas rerefledlynottakenarqirdliathte intrds regard.
          273. While welccmir tre juthcial inteipetationofmaritalrare as anofrence, — Srecial
          RarTefleurencouragedthe Gjwnmientto take allneces iiysters to amendthe lawonrare to
          include marital rare inthe defirdtionofrare andsrecificallyto Fescribe punisrauentfortre
          1me. Inorderto Fotde comFeher iw Foteciol the amendmerd to the defirdlion should
          incluW all fonns ofsexual abu — shouM notbe restricted ordyto ginal renetralion.
          Alkgation letter
          274. Byletterdated 17 Nowr er2004 ntjointlyvdththe SrecialRarTefleuron
          contemreraiyfonns ofracis racial djscthrdnalio 4 xenor iobiaandrelatedintolemnce ——
          SrecialRarTefleuronthe sale ofcrdldrerç crdldFoslitulionandcrdldrernograr c — Srecial
          RarTefleura&Tised — Gownmient that she had rece ,ed ithbnualion conceniing Sa, a EWit
          girl aged 14, from Inanwa. Sur ar who was allegedly rared ard then murdered with impunity.
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 70
          275. a 17 May2004, at around 11.00 p.m., a gioupof more than 10 masked men entered rer
          fauilyro m e.TheyffedupS.S. fathe ;tS.andheldrthudononthefloorT}ieii wralmen
          enttotre roomwhereS.S. andhermothe;Ms. R.S.,were sleerdnganddraggedthemoutof
          thehouseardraredS.S.Afierthe maskedmenlefi,T.S.andthe neigMou searchedandflnally
          found — motherl & uncor ious. She s taken to — hosTdtal. at I X Nhy2004 ]lagers
          fomd one of the alleged relrefrator wk name is Imonto the SrecialRarTefleur. He was
          rerefledlysleepir under abñdge farfrom thetllage, — shrtwas stainedvdthblood — —
          baithoosffcksusedinthe attackwere nfteredaroundrthu. Villagersto krthutothe Iran
          rlistiictPolice Office. Urenrasanest, he rer fledlycor&es dthat he ard — fiiends hadgone
          to — tcffm s hou . OnlY MayS.S. snakedbodywas found. Accordir to — rest-moltem
          rereflcctductedatthe rlistuctHosrdtalatInan , shehadbeenraredandthenldlledby
          jffocaffon. The reice rerefledly anested — group of more than 10 men namedbythe
          ]lagersandthe familyas — reiretrators. However, — majoñtyof the Jsrects ere released
          on — 1me day ±bllovdng Fotests made on theirbehalfby their famflies — relafives. ate
          Jsrects are rerefledtobelctg to u er-castes fanülie andare Jr oflandlords intre llage.
          Itis iereitedthatno finTherir tesffgationwas conducted. The susTect who was held inreice
          custodyforb o months, was rerefledlyrelea dvthenanalibi s established. D to fearfor
          their cmityMs. S.'s familyhasbeenforced to leave — dllage.
          Alkgathn letter
          276. Byletter dated 29 November 2004 sentjointly vdth — Srecial RarTefleur on toitire, —
          SrecialRarTefleura&Tisedthe Govenmtentthatshe radrecstedir&onuationconceniing aM.,
          a l6- ear-oldgir], residentofBharaul-5, Bishalcho* Bhalu chauñtllage, BharaW Village
          r veloprentComnuttee (VDS)-5, Sur aridis ict.
          277. a 10 Nover er2004, around9 a.ra, as S.M. was ]hr towards — SaiduKhol
          th,er, 500 m from her hcme, a gro of live aimed jldiers fiom E stent F itanaHeadquflrs,
          Itahari, stogedherard dmggedherbyherhands to thejungle. The jldiers chasedanyher7-
          earoldrdece,tr eaterdng rerwithagun.The girl stakentojhosi,wherethesoldiersforced
          herto thegroundandpi ceededtorare her,sffflir herscreams.Afleiward thesoldierstook
          — gui to a wojded area berand her house, gaw her 100 rurees and a rackage I nojdle
          or±redhernottore v e a lt r einci±rdandfledthe ]lage.a t II Ncwem e; — giilwastakento
          — Dhara &srdtal. The doctors of the KosrdZonalHos 1 ital — refened her to — Psytathst
          r raituent vtheie she is undergoir r hologic a lcom elling forherordeal. The giirs father
          jbmitted a First Ir&onuaffon P refl at the Area Police Cffice in Dharan on II Noverther No
          ir tesffgaffon hasbeen canied out — relice.
          Urgent appeal
          278. at 2 Nhrch 2004, the Srecial RarTQteur sent a joint u ent arTeal with — Srecial
          RarTQteuronextrajudicia], smumaiyorathifraiyexecuffor —— SrecialRarTefleuron
          toitjre concerning resi ntsofPoIduiichauii ]lage, Kme dis ict.They ere rerefledlyrared,
          toitjred, Idlledortakento uthmonlocaffor plair clothessecuñtyforces re oratel on 12
          Febnaiy2003. R.R., aged IX, was rerofledlyldlledbysecuñtyforces at around 5.00 a.m. It is
          be]ievd that — was held for live rou piorto her death macow shed, where she was
          allegedlyrareci Bullet unds to rer head,breastand e s andir mies andscratches onher
          stomach and chest ere found on her nakedbody. Blood was allegedlyfound on her under ear
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 71
          ac, aged 17, was alieged lybeaten and Idiledbysecurityforces. Injuiies on — iight cheek.
          stomachandbelowtre iight e were thmidon rerbody. Herfather, KN.C, sallegedly
          wrelytoituied. A ur boy , LL., was rerefledlyshot deadas ell. Accordir to —
          fr&onuationrecS,ed. onthe thllo * daythe national radio rerefledthattr ee tenothts,
          namely RR, S.C. and TL, hadbeen shot dead durir an encounter with — securityforces in
          279. The Srecial ParTofleurswere fr&oimedthatsince — abow-desciibedincident
          vdthes shawbeen ibjectedto fmtherhara ment. It is iereitedthatM.a, a l5- ear-old
          relath,e ofRR , was anestedbysecurityforces rersoratel on 17 Febmaiy2004. It is trought that
          — jldiers eie acffiallylooIdr thrhermother,D.S.,whowasallegedlyvdthRR.justbefore
          herdeath. As — securityforces could not find US., theyierefledlyanested herdaughter.
          MS.'sfatherwasrerefledlyorderedtobiingrdsvdfe, US.,tothe Lmrdthdaanuycampasa
          condiffon for M.S .‘s release. It is fmther rerefled that on I X Febnaiy2004, he went to t}
          LmrddadaanuycamptogetherwithflS.,the headmaster, thechaiqersonofthe Village
          r wlopuentConmuftee (VDS) and28 otherreople fromthe tllage. However, the any
          authoiityrerefledlyderdedthat MS. hadbeenanestedanddetained.
          280. Intewof t} alleged detenifon ofMS. at an undjsclosed loaffon and — rerUns of
          recerdtolence agair t residents ofPolthañchauritllage bysecurityforces, seiious fears ere
          exFes dforherpl ic a l andrsyiliologicalintegiity. Concern was al j exFe ed rthe safety
          ofallegedwithes softhe above-menifoned Idmaigsard acts oftoflure.
          Urgent appeal
          281. a 4 Nhrch 2004, the Srecial RarTefleur sent ajoird urgent arTeal vdth —
          Chthrersor RarTefleurofthe WorIth Group onAthihaiyDetenffonand — Srecial
          RarTefleurontoflure, regardingR.A., a l3- earoldschoolgfrl fromnrdNo.8 ofMalta VDC,
          inLampurdJs ict. She was rerefledlyanestedon 13 Nover er J03 byplair clothessecuñ t y
          fo es rerscniel in Tharatha]i. — No.11 ofKafluuandumurdcirelit 3 where she was
          allegedlysta & with Jme relath,es. The securityforces rerQtedlyird nedher familythat
          — hadbeentaken thr cp stiordr ard that — uldbe rebnedbythe follow moniir .
          However, she — rerefledlynotbeen relea d. Soldiers have a]legedlycorthnued to her
          relathes that sre sbefr held atEhafrab Nath Gan anycamg in inconmiunicado detenifoR
          Accordir to the fr&onuaffonrecS,ed. — rea Jr for her anest are not knon and she — not
          been fonuallycharged orbrought before a judge since her rerQted anest thur months ago. It is
          fmTher alleged that RA. had aireadybeen anested on 8 Septer er 2003 and held
          incommunicado at an undjsclosed locafict unrn 27 October 2003. The rea Jr for her first
          detenffoneie not Fotded. Intewofthe allegedinconmiurdcado detentionofR.A., arniror,
          concernwas e x es d that she might be at i sk of toiture or other foims of rn-he a r n ie nt.
          Urgent appeal
          282. C i IX Nhrch 2004, the Srecial ParTefleur sent a joint urgent arTe al with —
          Chthrersor RarTefleurofthe WorIth Group onAthihaiyDetenffonand — Srecial
          RarTefleurontoflure regardiaigN.L.,a 30-par-old reinter. It is rerefledthat follov& an
          explosion on 5 March at 9.45 a.ra in — rd office of rd No. 17, Lagarthhe]. La]itpur
          dJs ict, agroupofc &iar detained N.L. andhan±dher cwerto secmityforces rer Jrthel at —
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 72
          ene. The Home MirJs yhas ierefledlycord5nuedthat — was anested; rowewr, rer family
          — notbeen able to flndoutwhere — isbeing held. Intewofthe allegeddeterdionoftre
          akew-named indMdual at an undjsclosed or micorthnued locafforç concern was exFe ed that
          s} nugrd be at Sk oftoitre or other fonns ofilLfreathierd.
          Urgent appeal
          283. a 8 June 2004, the Srecial RarTefleur sent a joint urgent arTeal vdth — Srecial
          RarTefleurontoflure regardir CM.M., aged34, ofKafluuanduN frorelitanCity4, Chandol.
          Sheistre piesüentofahome-ba dNGOcalledMahJlaUtthanSangh. C.M.M sallegecMy
          anested at rer home at 10p.m. on 31 Nhy2004byarFoximatelys n securityforces
          rr Jrthel i nplaàclothesandtakena y i najeep. F iortottnghertreyallegedlymade rer
          huthand. T M, signa document vdthrds thmth, vdüchhe was not allowed to read. Tre
          reasonforheranest andhercunent vtheieabouts are rerefledlyunluon. Intewofheralleged
          detention in an unluon locafforç cctcenl s exFessed that she rthght be at Sk oftoflure or
          other fonns of ilL treathient.
          Urgent appeal
          284. a 7 July2004, — Srecial RarTefleur sent ajoint urgent arTeal vdth — Srecial
          RarTefleuronthe ñghtto freedom ofopinionandexFe iorc the Srecial RarTefleur ontoitre
          andthe Srecial P FesentathTe ofthe SecretaiyGeneral onthe situafict ofhumanñghts
          defenders, regardàg M. , a l5- ear-oldgfrlwho wreieabouts ere urdmon sirce her
          alleged anest on 17 Febnaiy2004. The Srecial RarTefleur on toflure, — Srecial RarTefleur
          ontolence agair twomerc andthe SrecialRarTefleurone*ajuthcial, immaiyandaibifraiy
          executior nt an Fgent arTeal in corajection with t ds case on 3 Nhrch 2004, to vdüch no
          re erse radbeenrecs,ed. andthe Working GrouponEr&orcedorIr Tolunta1yDisarTearances
          nt one on 16 Apil 2004. Ir&c naffon was a]so rece ,ed concerning B.RK., a 20-sear-old
          resi ntofKharelthok VDS 4ofKawe, — ierefledlyvdthes dthe anestofM.S. ( e
          ran. 286)
          285. Accordir to — a]legaffc s, B.B.K s anestedbythe reice ofBhagvaff Stafict on II
          Febnaiy2004ataroundlo a.nr,wrenshe srethniinghome frcmBhagvaffTem 1 le.Shewas
          anested on ispicict ofbefr a Nhoist. It is rerefled trat at Bhagvati Police Staffon — s
          wrelybeatenoniious occasior andrat vdthplastic 4es, herhead s ibmergedin
          ter, herknees andfeetwere slitwitha shaipblade andsalt andcrdli re derwere spirdded
          owr — unds. She was rerefledlygang-mredby lthers for IS cor ecuthe rdghts. She is
          a]sorerefledtohavebeenfc cedto take dathtes.Onl8Febnaiy2004shewastakento
          Bhagvaffstranandforcedto showto — relice MS. s house. M.S. sanestedandtheywere
          bothtakentoShanffgate AnuyPanacksandto Pancrd lCentre,wherethey erekept i n
          rarate roor andbeaten. RB.Klater iereitedthatshe radheardM.S. screaming. OnlY
          Febnaiy2004, B.B.K. was taken to Dhulilthel Police Station — — not seen M.S. since then.
          / n rshe asked reice athut her locafict and conditiorç she was g Ten athfrerentaro er.
          atone occasionshewastoldthatMS.hadbeenldlled.at24March2004, RB.K.was
          frar fened from DhuliId l Police Staffon to a Women 'S PSon. No detenifon nant has been
          is aedbyanyjudicial authoiity. Itis rerefledthat aforeigndiplomaffc er a ywas ir&onuedby
          — annytrat MS. hadbeenldlled when she tied to escare frcm custody, trat an autorsywas
          conducted and the bodyhanded over to her family. However, her relath,es maintain that they
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 73
          have reverse d herbodynorrecSted anyiIonuaffon abouther fate. The ‘elafiws ofMS. have
          rerefledharassmentard inffniidationsince heranest. Intewofthe alleged ±tenffonofM.S. at
          an undjsclosed 1 °c afforç c orc em s exFessed that she rthght be at Sk of tc tme or other fomis
          of i]rfre a r n ie nt.
          Urgent appeal
          286. C i 14 October 2004 — Srecial RarTefleur sent ajoint urgent arTeal with — Srecial
          RarTefleuronexfrajudicial, mimaiyorathifraiyexecutior , — SrecialRarTefleuron toitre
          — — Srecial Th Fe ntatrTe ofthe SecretaiyGeneral onthe situafict ofhmuanñghts
          defendersregardir B.B.K.She wasthe Jbject&anmgentarTealdated7July J04forwr h
          no resrer hasbeenrece ,ed. Accoriing to the ird naffonrece ,ed . she was heldin
          Kat}miandu F sorç havir been in custodyfor almost s mcttr vdthout charge, — subjected
          to toitre. Intew I — earlier allegaffor oftoitre, concern was eq essed that she might
          confinue to be at Sk oftc tme or other thins ofilLfreathient. Mjreow; concern was
          heightenedbyrereflscord5nnir that MS., vtho was — subjectofthe urgent arTea]sdated3
          Nhrch and7 July2004 wbjse anest andbeatir were wte ed byB.B.K., Md died in custody.
          287. The Srecial RarTefleun uld like to reiterate herinterest in recei dngaresTer e from
          — Govenmient in regard to — allegatior stuitted.
          288. The Srecial RarTefleur wjuld like to draw attenifon to a Fess ielea Sued on l4July
          2004jointlywiththe SrecialRarTQteurontoflme, — S ecialRa efleuronexfrajudicig
          mimaiyandaibifraiyexecutior , — Srec l RarTefleuron — inderenderce ofjudges —
          law rs, — Srecial RarTefleuronfreedomofopinionandexFessiorc — Srecial
          P Fesentaffw ofthe Secretaiyaeneralon hmuanñghts defenders, — Chair ofthe WorIdr
          Groupon Er&orcedor Jr toluntaiyDisapreararcesandthe Chaiqersor RarTefleurofthe
          Workir Group on AthifraiyDetenffct. Grave concern s exFes d owr — human iights
          siffiationin Neralwr h hadgiwnthe to — frar nii ionofl urgentarTealsandother
          conmiunicaffor to — Gjwnmient of Nerel regardiaig rerefledtolaffor ofroimannght
          manyoftheminrelaffonto rer Jr anestedonsuspicion of arTeflur orbeir iiwolwdwith
          actMffes ofNhoist grourt andtakento m lo dlocaffor , vdiichputs — detainees at Sk
          ofbeir toitired or of iffeñng other fonus ofcne]. irthuman or degradir freathient includir
          rare. Tre exrefls abj exFe ed seiious concern over — sigrdflcant increase in rerUns of
          abuses — attacks agair t cMhar byir urgents.
          N eria
          Urgent appeal
          289. ch 5 Otober2004,flie SrecialRarTefleur ntajointurgentarTealvdthfl i eSreci a l
          RarTefleur on exhajudicig surthialyor aibitraiyexecuffor , — Srecial RarTefleur on
          freedom ofreligionorbelief andthe Srecial ParTefleur ontoitFe regardàgregardir ILL,
          aged I X, from Lere Local Gcwenmient Area ofEaucra State, andD.A., aged2ó, fromNingi
          Local Go v enmient. Accordir to — a]legaffor rece ,ed . theywerebothsentencedto deathby
          s tothng Shaiiahcomts inBaucra State foflow i r ia]s vdiichwere cor ideredtobe Efafrby
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 74
          their cmient legal reFe ntaffws. a 5 Otober 2004, H.I. s sentencedbya Shañah comt in
          Tafa Bale . aflersre rerefledlyco1e ed to having hadsex olof edlock. Accordir to
          — Sranahcomtjaige, — rdence s ibjectto — arFo lofthe Gowrnorofthe Baucra
          State. Ms. I. s seven months Fegnant and her ntence s arTesed to be canied out afler
          — delivers the baby. The male co-accu d s acquitted for lack ofe v idence. It is th iTher
          rereitedthat vdththe helpofalocal NGO, H.I. arTealed — sentence. Her arTeal is scheduled
          for a hearir 01125 Otober 2004. On IS Septerther 2004, D.A. , s handed — same senterce
          bya Shañahcomt ofNfr i area for extramañtal relaffor . The male co-accused was acquitted
          fc lackofe dderce.ShewasdetainedinNingip sonvdthher3-montholddaughterand
          relea donbailfollrn* theinteiwnffonofthe localNGO.She sarealedher ntence ,and
          hercase at — UrTerShañahComt Nfr i , was adjouniedtffl 3 Nowrther2004.
          290. The Srecial RarTefleun uld like to reiterate herinterest in recei dngaresTer e from
          theGownmientinregardto — a]legaffor submitted.
          291. The SrecialRar lteurcor i±rsitarFc iate todrawattentionto theconcenis
          exFes dbythe Conmiittee onthe Himiraffon ofrli thrdnaffonagafr tWomen about —
          rersistence and cialacceptabthtyofhaimfWtrathtional Factices inNigeña, includir
          vddovthoodFactices, female gethtal mufflafforç andcrdld and forced maniage, desrdte
          Fc übiffor in state or IMeral ]egislahon(AIS9SX, rara. 299). The Committee a]so exFessed its
          concern at hafliching in men and the exploitation ofthe Fostiffiffon ofwomen in Nigeiia.
          vdiich rasbeccme acountiyofoiiginandhar itofhafficked menandgfr]s. The Committee
          notedwith concernthatthe hanission of xuallyhar nütteddi a sandEHVIAIDS is
          fmTher exacethatedbysexual exploitation in Nigeiia (iljid., rara. 301).
          292. The Srecial RarTQteurvdshes to thankthe Gownmientfor its letters dated 12 Julyard
          16 Septer er2004, byvdiichthe Gcwenmient rerefledthat — ntthonrequested the Srecial
          RarTefleur will be scheduled in 2005.
          P — tan
          Alkgation letter
          293. Byletter dated 13 Febnaiy2004 ntjoinilyvdth — Srecial RarTefleur on
          exhajudicig nmuaiyorathihaiyexecutior , — Srecial RarTefleura&Tisedthe Govenmierd
          thatshe hadrecS,ed naffonthat B.S. Idlledrds aunt, Ms.Malooka ' aged4 s, andAli
          Dost aged 25, on S Febnaiy2004, claiming that they hadbeen havir an fflegal affair.
          294. B.S., along vdth another man wbj name is hnon to — Srecial RarTefleurs, allegedly
          enteiedNkMalookSshou atGuJsherSheet,KancMthottow Jacobabaddis ictSindh
          Fo nce, shot her and then went to shoot Nfr Djst, wro ]Md don tre sheet. The thdies ele
          takentothe hosTdtal afler the inci nt forautorsies. The Idllir nerererefledtotheA-Secffon
          Police Staffon Kandhkot but — re]ice have t to take any iious actionto anestan ne.
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 75
          Alkgathn letter
          295. Byletterdated27 Apil 2004 ntjoinilyvdththe Srecial RarTefleur C t exhajudicig
          numaiyorathifraiyexecutior — Srecial RarTefleurathdthe Gjwnmientthatshe had
          receiwdfr&onuation concenüng a36- ear-old mannamed Hazoora' a hou vdfe , manied
          296. Accordir to fr&onuation rece ,ed, 01114 Apil 2004, Hazooranwas krnedbyher
          huthand, GA., son ofK., ofJeho caste, — Dila r , — brother of — accused, in flühan
          tllage, GarrdYaseentow srdkaipurdis ict , Sindhpi tnce. It is rerofledtratG.A. Idiledrds
          vd± in — name of hctour. Accordir to — fr&onuaffon recS,ed, the tchm shother erd to
          lodge a complaint at — Etalihan Police Staffon (case No. 27jU4 section 302-34 PPC) vdthin b o
          hoursaflerthe incidentataround8.30a.m.onl4Apil2004. T}iebrotherofthe dcffma1leged1y
          as fled that it was a killing in the name &hctour. Concenis were exFe ed that — relice, in
          comrdicitywith — accused, radnotmade arqefroflto anestthe allegedreiretmtors.
          Coverinent rt ly
          297. Byletter dated 16 June 2004, the Gjwnmient rerefled that relice radarested the
          huthard andrecowredthe pistolthat was u dto ccmmit — cifence. Efroits werebeir maW
          to arest rdsbrother. The Govenmient fmTherirdicatedthat killir s intre name ofKaro-Kari
          ere regished under section 302 PFC (Murder) for a rd ofmaximmu punisranent bythe
          0 mts.
          Alkgathn letter
          298. Byletter dated IS JWy2004, sentjoinilywith — Srecial RarTefleur on — ile of
          cr&dre4 cr&d Fosfiffiffonand cr&dremograp}iyandthe Srecial RarTefleurontoflure, —
          SrecialRarTefleura&Tisedthe Gownmientthatshe radreceiwdir&onuation concen ng a,
          aged8, — , ed5. Theyrerefledlywent missing on2l Febnaiy2004inKaracrd. Their
          dJsarTearance was rerefledto the Gadap rolice stafforç vthere — officia]s allegedlydeclinedto
          registera case. In addifforç it is rerefled thatthey ere relrtant to lookfor — gir]s. Their
          decomresedbodies ele found on 25 Febnaiy2004 in — b hes near awtethlalyhosTdtal
          u dbyelicemen.Bloodstainerererefled1yfoundonthewrandaandinone roomofthe
          hosTdtal. The autorsyrewaledthatthe t gir]s hadbeenseraallyabused; that H. radbeen
          Idiledvdthanaxe andthatS.hadbeenshotdeadfromberdnd.H'slegsandreitsofher
          abdomen radbeen eatenbyshaydogs. The Srecial RarTelteurs have been ir&onued that a
          Fehmina1yirqrn yfomd — StaffonHou Officer of Gadaprelice staffon (vthose name is
          knontothe SreciarnarTefleurs)guiltyofnegligence indela & theregistraffonofaca of
          kidnapping. Tr ee reicemenhave rerefled1y eenarestedfornegligence anda fomthone has
          absconded. No fmtherdewlopuents havebeenrerefled.
          Covermnent reply
          299. Byletterdated IS Septer er2004, — Gjwnmient rerofledthatthree relicemen ere
          anested on S Nhrch 2004 and a case was submitted on 12 Nhrch to tre comt. Another Jsrect
          — th onde d , but a team is making efbts to a 1 pehend —.
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 76
          Alkgathn letter
          300. Byletter dated 21 July2004 sent jointlywith the Srecial RarTefleur on extrajudicia].
          immaiyorathifraiyexecutior — Srecial RarTefleurathdthe Gjwnmientthatshe had
          receiwd fr&onuaffon concenür — follovdng rer Jr .
          301. Ma ',zoorAIne sonofA.M, &Lund ibe, andMrs. Begimt wife ofMS., ofLund
          ibe , rerefledlythe tctlir ofiictourIdllfr C in Lundtllage nearJagan ]lage, Srdkaipm
          disict ,Sindhpi tnce ,on3l May2004. Three unlmonrersor ne iidtohaw Idlledthe
          b otctims andcctcealedtheirbodies at unluonplace to rade thefrciime. The whereaboutsof
          thebodiesaresmluramon. TheStationHo e CftYice; Z.A.S.,theSub-ImçectoroftheJagan
          Police Statbrç frdtiallyrefusedto registeraFfrst Jrfonuaffon P refl(FIR) whenone oftre
          relathesofthe dchms (the name is unlmow Oiedto lodge it. Theie isasfrongsusrdcionthat
          — fc ner was resrondi to Fessure froma localtiibal crdef K.K.B., v,ro hadFes nizedthe
          relice not to register tre FIR — fr tead urged — families ofthe tctlir to setile — matter
          rStately. Ho ewr , — ca1 was laterregisteredbythe reice onbera]fofthe State atthe Jagan
          Police Staffon on 3 June 2004 aflera human iights gro rerefled the ca to the Dis ict Police
          CftricerinSrpm,K.K.Mairdsinteiwntio 4 the casewaslodgedatJaganPoice Stafictin
          Hmuaa orç Taluka. Srdkaipu on3 June 2004. Ho ew; there has been no pl rer
          fr tesffgaffonbythe re]ice into this case. The re]ice saidthatthe reople ofthe ]lage are
          concealfr — facts, andnobodyis willir to rewalthe stoiyberdnd — incithntdue to
          conmlurtyFe ure. Ewnthe rarerds ofthe tctlir are reluctant to sTeakbecau treyfear that
          if an Jne d nilges tre nth. thebodiesofthetchmswillbe recowred — — case cha]lenged
          inthe comtanda ibalfir (a localcounci) niightbe Fordbited.
          302. fliakaaged23,whowasrerefledlyldlledinthe nameofhonominPaki6tanon9
          June 2004byrerhusband.GH.,attheirhome i nShahWSadha ]lage , nearHmua ontov ç
          Srdkalpurd i stlict ,S i nd}lFo t e.Herbrothe;S.M. ,andrdst relaffws ,M.N.andS.My ent
          to Shahul Sadha dllage to sit rerthat daybut wele asked to waitoutsi± — house. At
          aromd4.30 p.m., theyran inwhentheyheard — soundofgur hots coniir from ir 6ide —
          ho e.TheysawGH.branths}ür alifle,flñngdlicilyatKhainROneofherrelaffwurgedher
          h band to stcT but re ffirned and reinted the n i le at the niir them not to get ir ,oWed.
          GH.declaredthatKhairanhadhadsexualrelatior vdthone ofrdsrelath ,e namedl.B.,and
          t}uthe uldno lor era]lowherto]M. He thenfledthe ene. Khairanhadaheadydied.
          T relath,es then med a FIR No. 2812004 secifon 302 at — Jagan Police Staffon at Hmua on.
          The relice anestedceflainfan&ymerthers &the accused but GH.was iidto remain at large.
          Coverinent reply
          303. Byletter dated 13 Septer er 2004, — Gownmient rerofled that S .MS. Md lodged a
          complaint — a cthrdnal ca under section 302 ofthe Pakistan Penal Code was resgistered at
          Hama onPoice Staffonregardir the murderofElairanbyG.H. Mr. H. hadbeenanested
          —— nile was reccweiecl The ca is Fesenilyoflial.
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 77
          th seinfion
          The Srecial RarTefleur thard the Gownmient fort reply. Howewr, she WdarFeciate
          rece ,ir fmTher detai]s on — outcome ofthe tñal. She is a]so awaitfr fr&onuation relaffr to
          — ca sofMar jorArauedard Nfrs. Begun.
          Alkgathn letter
          304. Byletter dated 4Au jst 2004, ntjoinilyvdththe Srecial RarTefleurontoltre, —
          Srecial RarTefleF nofffledthe Gjwnauent that she hadrece tedallegaffor concen r —
          follo * rersor .
          305. a, go pars old. ofTer i] . Liacjuatpur. at ii May2004, — HeadCor table ofKhanpur
          CityPolice desho dthe wall ofherhouse inanattempt to make rastractor ra throughtre
          nanowstreet. Merthe wall s demolished . — reliceman. accomraniedbyfoffothermen
          (vthose names are Imon to — Srecial RarTefleurs), attacked Ms. S. — the occ ants ofher
          house. S.,herdaughter-ir lawandherthster-ir lanerebeatercthefrclotheswereto their
          haircut andtheywere draggedoutonto the sheet. The relicemantr eatenedMs. S. andlefi. No
          action was taken ct — complaints filed at — Tarinch Police Staffon about this inci nt.
          Mjreowr, — rolicemanmeda case agair tthe womenfor irdffaffr — altercaffon. Ms. S. med
          acomplaint vdthtre Athtiona1Dis ictandSessior Judge.
          306. a, a pimaiyschool teacher. a 28 May2004, relicemen ofthe Sateffite Ton Police
          StaffoninGujraruaraidedherhouse in archofa rer Jrc trTedhernaked. andstole cash
          anduables. She meda com 1aint vdth the rlistnct andSessiors Judge agair t the Staffon
          House Cftficer, — AssistantSub-Ir rectorard areliceman.
          307. M.a ats March2004, she was alleged1yai aWtedbyrelice officia]s &SaddarPolice
          Stafforç Rapindi. includir a Staffon Home Cfficer(who name is knonto — Srecial
          RarTefleurs), vthenshe refusedtheirdemandformoney. The reicemens irTedhernakedand
          draggedher into — sheet. The reicemen lefi whenneighbours inteiwned. The Saddarrelice
          ibsecjuenilyrefused to register aca1 inrelaffonto ths inci nt.
          Alkgathn letter
          308. Byletterdated2l October2004, ntjoirdlyvdththe Sreciarnagefleuron toitjre, —
          Srecial RarTefleF nofffledthe Gjwnauent that she hadrecS,ed — follo * allegaffor .
          309. M.fromMar aMandi.Onll March2004,shewasaloneathome vthenaneighbour
          calledheroti±.Shewasgrabbedbysomeone,vtho sfffledhernamswithaclothandtook
          herto ahouse where thur men (who names are knon to tre SrecialRarTefleurs) rared her.
          The relice a]legedlyflleda case IS da aflerthe inci ntandanested cdyone ofthe accu d.
          Theythensidedwiththe accusedmenandge uredthe familyto ffle — case.
          310. M.afiomSargodu.Onl3Nhrch2004shewastoitredbyherbrother- i n-la rds
          mother, andone SUds fñends (wrose rames are knon to — SrecialRarTefleFs). Herir laws
          accused herofha dng had illicit relatior . TheyrerofledlyforcedM.S. to puther legs inboiir
          oilbefore amp affng them. At — t e ir&onuationwas receiwd. it s ierQtedthatthe soial
          EJCN .412005 )72 /Add. 1
          Page 78
          welfare derezirnent would ay for her treatment, and that some non govemmental oisanintions
          had demanded that the Govemrnentbring this case before an anti-tenurism court. Despite the
          fact that the incident was repthedto the jidice, no action was zejxthe&ytaken against the
          311. Ateenage*I girl from Chap erKhanJamaliviUage of Johitalulca. She was sexually
          as ultedby 10 reotie in the house of an influential rein in Ehan Saeedtd town where she
          wtsiejxutedlykefl for three months. On the first night of her maniage, three aimed men (whose
          names are known to tie Srecial Rappile ins) kidnapjed her from her huslnnd's house and held
          her in abuildii in Ehan Saeedabad where three other women were keii in chains. Theit tine
          men and ven other reople sexually asaulted and tortured her every night. On 14 April 2004,
          as three reisons attempted to move her to another place near Bhan Saeedabad town, she was
          rescuedby esserthy, and was tahen to the area councilor for shelterandhelp. Death threats
          have since been made against her and her family, including herbrother and his wife. At the time
          the information was received, no action had been talcen either to prosecute the reirefrators orto
          protect the family.
          312. SB. from the village ofSheilchupura. 0n8 May2004, she wtsin the wheat fields with
          her father, when four men (whose names are known to tie Srecial Rapixaleur) took them away
          to the pslice station. An influential man of ClakNo. 4, G.E., then dragged her into aroom and
          rared her while two constables remained on guard outside. The p±ce have reprtedly refuted
          the allegations, denied the chartes aM instead charged the victim with theft.
          313. Four femak siicers. On 16 Nky2004 theywere gang-rapdhv xlice officers in
          Miltan. The women were returning home after performing at a weddirg when jxilicemen
          stopped them rear Jamia Eabul Aloom on the Masom Shah Ithad at about 2.30 a.m. They
          repDrtedlybeat up the women and the driver without any provocation. The driver fled and the
          }x)licemen n :ed two of them }efore dragging them almost urrontous into tleirvehicle and
          leaving them along a deserted road of Shah Rte-Alant Colony. The victims later contacted a
          lawyer, andamedicalexaminationwasortleiedbya judicial magistrate. The medicalrejxnt
          confirmed that both of them had been gang- nred within 12 hours of the examination, and that
          theyhad multiple marks of torture ontheirbodies. The victims confirmed that all the
          reriefratois were inunifonu. It is further repried that the victims and their families were
          harassed bythe plice to accept acompomise and to drop the case. A few weeks later, the
          pDlice repDrtedlyclaimed to have found the alleged culprits and that no pDliceman was involved.
          Alkgatirn letter
          314. Eyletter dated 8 December 2004, sent jointlywith the Srecial Rapprteur on
          extrajudicial, summaryor arbitrary executions, the Srecial Rapprieur notified the Government
          that she had received tie following allegations.
          315. Slnhida BIJ4 from Okama. 0n26 July200 she was killedbya blow from artaxe by her
          husband IChan , who suspctedherofadultery. The incident was not rerorted to tie authorities.
          316. Haslun.at BLI, aged 55. 0n26 July2004, she was hacked to deathwith an axe by her
          n Elahi Eulchsh (aged 24), in Dherki. He susrected her of illicit relations with a man of their
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 79
          ]lage. Hard Buh} h fled vdth the murder earct. The DherId relice are said not to — t
          reg is te re d an FIR
          317. SI andRa b osistersfromSarth ]. inChackl07t7-RThey ereshotdeadon
          20 July2004bythefrcousinM., andrds accomplices B. andB., overa maniage di ute.
          Accordir to fr&onuationrecS,ec S. hadrefusedto manyher cousin. The incident was rot
          rerefled to — authoiiffes.
          318. Rthbn Shalild, aged32. 0n2 July2004, sre was shot deadbyherbrother, A.A. of
          Raivdrd The Lahore relice stated that — accused hadbeen ispicio about — sister's
          characterfor wmlmordr . Thebodywas remowdto the citymc tuaiyforautopy. A case —
          beenrerQtedlyregistered.but no anestwas rerefled.
          319. a aged 16. She was allegecflyldlledwith anaxe byherbrothe; V., atChak3IWB in
          Vehari on 15 July2004. She was Fegnant, as a result ofher relafforsrdp with one S. fiom rer
          tllage. Accordir to — fr&onuaffonrecS,ed. — relice anested — a ailant b no fmTher
          action was rerefledagair trthu.
          320. A., aged 16. a 8 July2004, she was shot deadbyherfather, MA., inFerozewala. He
          isrectedher ofha dng illicit ielaffors vdthsomeone. He allegedlyfled afler — inci nt. No
          rerUn — been made to — authoiiffes.
          321. ImthzM4 fromWaiind ibe. a 6 July2004, she was Idlledbymer ers ofthe
          Warird ibe inRahmyarKhan. TheysurTe cMybulied herbodywithout anyrest-moflem
          examinaffon and alleged that she had conmiittedsuicid Accordir to fr&onuaffonrecS,ed.
          members of the Warindtiibe didnotaccept — maniage oflmffazNhiand M.H. They
          registered aca agair t — cou 1e with — Rahm var Elan relice. DesTdte — fact that —
          couple ere in rossession ofa legal maniage cethflcate, tre reice anested them and asked
          ImffazNhito make astatement agair t herhus and. Whenshe refused. theyhandedher cwerto
          her relath,e — k illed her. The inci nt was allegedlyrerQtedto — Rarthu Var relice, butno
          action was taken agair t the assailants. It is fmTher rerefled that MH. was rd tojail on a
          charge ofadultei
          322. Noornd aged I X and Qadi aged 27. On 3 July2004 at a jund 4 a.ra, — couple
          ere IdlledwithanaxebyNooizath's cousirç N.M inA.M.G., Karacrd. He laterwentto —
          UjrahjiuH ieii Police Stationard cor&es drds ciime. Thetchms' thdies ere tmrIened to
          — rolice staffonwhere theywere unattended forat least eight roFs. At around4.30 p.m. —
          bojies ere mowd to — Jiraiah Post-Graduate MedicalCentre. The autorsycould not be
          canied out on Nooizadi's thdyas — woman mcdi o- legal cfficer was not Fesent at —
          hosTdtal. It is rerefled that no fmTher action was takenbytre relice later on.
          323. Nadeema B14 from Lahore. Accordir to fr&onuationrecS,ed. herhusbandlshacj
          Idiledheron 3 July2004. HejustifiedherIdllfr byex 1 1airdr that — hadlcst character. Police
          registered a ca on — complaint ofthe decea d's father. Ho ewr, no acifon was rerefledly
          takenbythe Lahore relice tobth NadeemaBibi's huthandtojusffce.
          324. Slnrffam alias Gi.Io. Accordir to ir&onuaffonrece ,ed. Sharifa4 alias Gudo, rer
          hand, SagheerSinhid, andher sister, HanifanBiji, were IdlledbyNk Bilji'sbrother-in-
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 80
          lawon 3 July2004. Sagheer Shahid s an emplo e at — Police r re±uent. He had d ,orced
          — first vdfe — hadmaniedGudo. It is allegedtratSagheerShardd laterbeganfflicitrelalior
          tilt Gucb'ssister, HaniThnBilji. wbj s a]so mated. Hard Bilji'shother-ir lawcame to
          Iuowofherrelalior vdth SagheerShahid andtherefore Idlled all three. The reice registereda
          case and ere ir tesligalir atthe lime the ir&onualionwas recS,ed.
          325. ZobiaBegim ofRawalpindi. On l4May2004, — s killedbyherfathe; MH. —
          maternal uncle, A.G. Accoriing to iIonualion rece ,ed . sre had manied F.B. — fledto
          Nhardni vdth r am. M. H. meda case of murder agair t hsbrother-ir laward — cause of
          murder sstatedtobean honorldmatg. F.B.,il dcim'shuthand.filedaca agairstMH.
          — AG. withthe Mjcrth Stalion House Office; — a]legedlyrefu d to registerthe complaint.
          F.B. then f5leda v it vdththe High ant.
          326. SImia K]nskheR Accordir to ithbnualion receiwd. she was killed together vdth her
          h bandMoIn'mi'edHassan Sohugi Shaña Elasltheli and MohaimuedHai anSolangi
          manied oftheir f'ee will inOctober 20J3. Since that date, — couple had contactedrelice to
          ekFotectict. Howewr, they ere ir tead handedowrto relathes ofthe gir]. v,ro mmdeied
          them on2 Apil 2004. The same month, the SuFeme Ont held that relice had facilitated —
          murderofthe couple, who had arFoachedthemfor Foteclio4 anddli ctedthe Ir rector
          General I Police to rersonallylook into the matter — to jbmita rerUn within a month.
          327. Fatima B14 from Vehaii. Accordir to ir&onuation recS,ed, on I Apil 2004 she was
          sfrar ledbyherhus ard, AllahBaks} who was accomrardedbyherbrother AllahDitta, and
          Nbishtaq Palocrç Islam, Yameerç KalimBaks}b Araned andSultan. Fatima Bilji had rereitedly
          lefi rerhuthandand gcte to liw in a shelter ±br menin E nJlamaR Anel±rfromvehari
          called Falima Bibi, her family, — rancha t — her huthard to — house to tile — matter
          Because — aff]nued that — did not vdsh to liw withherhuthand anylonger, — was
          stmngledbythemenFesent. Atthe — — fr&onulion s l ece ed,the relice hadnot
          reg i steredanyca agair ttre reirefrators.
          328. Ms. Waieera ' 50 pars old, fiom Nhhar caste and elected as a local councior.
          Accordir to ir&onualion rece ,ed. Ms. Wazeeran s IdjIed on 7 Nhrch 2004 at around 5.30 in
          Sanjrard sheet BeniChouk, Roran towaytr ee nephews Iherhuthand vthose names are
          knonto — Srecial RarTelteur. Althoughthetcim'sb therbdgedacomplaint withthe
          Roranrelice statiorç no aclionhadrereitedlybeentakenbythe reice tobth — relretmtors
          tojustice at — — — ir&onualion yes rece ,ed. It is fmTherrerQtedthatthe reiretlators
          swadaroundthe ir&onualionthat Ms. Wazeeranhadcommittedadulteiyto make sure they
          uld e setfree inca oflegal Foceedir s agair ttrem. Moreowr, the reice were idto
          offerno Fotecionto — tcim's family, — sunder renuanerd threatfrom — reirefrators.
          329. K aged 13, fiom Kato Pang r llage, KandhKot tow JacjcobabddEtiict,Sindh
          Fo r e. Accordir to ir&oimalion rece ,ed. she was killed on 4 March 20J4 at around
          8.30 pm. on the Fetext of an ronour Idl]ing byher huthand — four members ofras family
          ythose names are knonto — Srecial RarTelteur. K.'s father, T.B., as well as — b 'o cousins
          B.B. and RB., hadcometo sit her. Trey eie talking when herhusbani, accomraniedbyrds
          father, — uncle, hsbrotherand ore of ras relaliw, all anuedwithgur , came into — hou ,
          draggedrerto thegroundandshotherto deathaflerr accu dherofha t asexual
          relatior hiptthaman.Theythentookherbodyawayinacaitto concealit.K.'sfamily
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page Xl
          members couldnotdo anytng to stopthe killing. Herfatherregistereda case atthe Karampur
          relice station 0116 March 2004. N flheless , none ofthe relretmtors had rerefledlybeen
          anested atthe t e — fr&oimaffon was iecS,ed. desTdte — fact thatthe killers ere ithnfffled
          bythree rersor .
          330. Rthim, from Faroocjabad. According to fr&onuaffonreceiwd. PQbina srerefledly
          bnt byher hus ard , M.R., — fr la s 01120 March 2004. It is abj lereited that Pobina had
          beencnellyfreated since she got manied live pars Fetouslybecau — hadbrought a
          smaller cb nythantheyhadexrected. The rnisfreathientincreasedwhenshe remainedcrdldle .
          PQbtha edin the neck She s later dou d vdth kerosene and set on fire. Her ir
          laws aff]nuedthat — wasbumtbyaccident,buttre neigMou vdthe edwhat actmlly
          harTened. PQbina's father-in-lawordyallo edherfamilyto take herto hosrdtal vthenthey
          swole that they uld rot me a case agair t her ir la s if she died. A month later, PQbina died
          as a ie iltofherir u r ies. At — t e — ir&onualict s iecS,ed. herir laws andh band
          ele said to remain free.
          Urgent appeal
          331. a 26 Januaiy2004, tre Srecial RarTefleur sent an Fgent arTeal conceniing aA., v,ro
          sdeclaredKaiibytheAhuath *e aflersre maniedthe rersonofherchoice,B.S.,ofthe
          OFT° 5 I Nhhartthe, on I June 2003 inPano Acjil. As are ilt, S.A. was rerefledlyat — of
          beir hi led.
          332. Accordir to ir&onuationrecS,ed. S.A., her h bandandresi nts ofPano Acji]. SukkF
          djstiict rerQtedlyaftendedthe Sindh HighComt Sukkur Pencrç on 4Decer er 2003. &S. was
          iidto have recoidedthe statemerd that he d ,o edS.A. on24October2003 inLahore atthe
          residence ofrdsfliendK.B.thfntofb ovdthes s.Itisrerefledthathe radd ,orcedrdsvdfe
          because he foresaw a grave threat to both families should tre maniage be conlinueci The Comt
          hasrerefledlyoderedthe familyandS.A.'stiibetoer ire hersafetyHeruncle,K.B.A.,
          arTarentlyguaranteed S.A's security. She sbrought to Karacra onlY r cember 2003 and
          was rerefledlymderrelice secuiitydue to threats to her life. D sTdte — relicesecunt 3 citwas
          rereitedthat S.A. andher l milyconlinuedto recS,e deaththreats andare followedbyanued
          men of the A]mard *e li i Karacra.
          Coverinent rt ly
          333. Byletterdated2ó Apil 2004 the Govenmierd ir&c nedthat S.A. and &S. Md gotten
          manied without — cor ent offamilyelders. InSepter er 2003, Jme irIluenlial membersof
          — Maharard Almard ibes anangedameeing to arnicablyresoWe — i ue. It s fearedthat
          S.A. niightbedeclaredKariardummatelykilledbythe ibe. Thecasewasintre nalionaland
          intenialioral media. The Presi nt ofPaldstan took cogrdzance of — matter — dir cted —
          Fo t ial gownmientifSindto er ure — neces 1ymeasures forthe safet curityofS.A.
          Lately, tre ibes rave reconciledandno clashisexrectedbeb een them. S.A. andhersisterare
          Fesenilyresid i r in Police Headcjuaner Line, South Garderç Karacra. at account ofthreat to
          — life of S.A. andherfamiy, the Fo t ial govenmient — takenadecjmte curitymeasmes
          for their Fotec lion.
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 82
          Urgent appeal
          334. at 24 March 2004, the Srecial RarTefleur sent an urgent arTeal concenr
          Ms. SInImt aged 25, who was Idlledbyher huthand. MA.S., on 21 Febnary2004 at 8.30 p.m.
          ItisrerefledthatM.A.S. radaccu drdsvd± ofhavir illicit xmlrelaffor ,andthatthe
          Idlrn sreiretmtedinthe ranteof honour .
          335. Itis rerefledtratthe FIR giwnto — DaUtanPolice Stationbythe ± milystates thatthe
          tcffmand rerhuthand had gottenmathedabout — pars Fetouslyand]Md inajoint
          familyer tiromuent (together vdthotherrelaffws). The rerUn is saidto clainthaton — rdght in
          question the couple had had a nünc domesfic quaner. At8.30 p.m. that rdght relathes were
          rerefledlyawokenbya gur hot inthe daiiyfanuvthere M.A.S. andMs. Sharojlwere sta .
          Theyrerofledlywentto — fain andfoundNk Shahulbleeding copiouslyfirnu herlefi
          shoulder. M.A.S. was allegedly enfleeing witha pistol in rds hand. Ms. Srahul rerefledly
          died laterthat rdght fromthe gur hot wouid. The fr&onuaffct rece ,edindicates trattre ca
          maybe disTesed of under the Ctdirance of Qisas — Et (wherebythe ofrendercanescare
          punis}mtentbypi tdir comrer itionto thetchm s fairdl O. Itis rerefledthatthe family
          uldmake ananangementofthissoflas theydo not ntthe reirehatorto recS,e too hea
          a punisranent. The ir&onuaffon swgests that the reice M w beenbübed to heat this case as a
          niinordomesffccjuaner ,ratherthanacaseofIdllir inthe name of honour.
          336. TheSecialRarfleurexpie edrerconcemthatIdThatgsinthe name of honour
          rerefledly take place ona regular basis in Pa k istan and with impunit3 desTdte national laws
          vdiich Fordbit this Factice. In t ds context, there is concern trat — re]ice maynot fully
          ir tesffgate — caseifthe relrehatorra the thmilyasmuofmoney.Accordir toir&onuation
          receiwd. in Septer er 20J3 , at least 631 women and 6 girls radbeen Idiledbytheir relath,es in
          — rame &horour since Januaiy2003. It is isrectedthat — nmtheroftctims ofthis ±bnuof
          tolence agair t men is mrh ragher, as the nmthers ordyrepie rd — cases that hadbeen
          rerefled inthe new arers. It is rerefledthat huthanW, father bo thiends orbrothers —
          gone unpunishedaflermmdeth s , daughter gir]fñends orsisters in c derto defendthe
          honour &the fan&y c their on honour.
          Coverinent rt ly
          337. Byletter dated 13 Septer er 20J4 , — Gownmterd indicated that — accused hadbeen
          anestedandthat afler compleffonof — ir tesffgaffon on 18 Apil 2004, the case was nt to —
          comts — is cmienily under ial.
          Ur eut appeal
          338. at 7 Apil 2004,the Srecial RarTefleursent anurgent arTeal withthe Srecial
          RarTefleuronexhajudicial, smmuaiyoraibitraiyexecuffor andthe Srecial Th Fe ntathe of
          — Secretai Oeneralonthesiffiaffonofhmuanñghtsdefendersconceniing U.N.,Secretaiy
          OereralofthePanahShelterHcmeforWcmenandamer eroftheHmuanPJgrdsCcmntthct
          of Pakistan.
          339. Accordir to — ir&c naffct receiwd. in2002 U.N. Fotdedshelterinthe Panah
          Shelter Home to a wcman who had allegedlybeen toitiredby her husband, a nujorin — any.
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 83
          Itis lerefled that dming that time, — husband . wrose name is luonto — Srecial
          P Fesentathe, harai ed andthreatened to kuithe stafrofPanahforhavir grardedas dmu to
          — vdfe. The woman rereitedlyretmmdto rerhuthand b o months later. Ho ew; her
          h band Ms rerefledly ibjected U.N. and her familyto cor tant harassment and inffniidation
          vdththreaterdng andabus ,e telephone ca]]s. She rerefledlyrneda complathton 26 Apil 2003
          vdth — Coi 1 j Commander ofthe annyand — Cihzen Police Uajson Conmiittee (CPLC). The
          CoipConmiander rerefledly ir&oimed her that — uld ro longerbe haras d. She allegedly
          didnot receive a replyfiom — CPLC. The Mrai ment rerefledlystorTedfollrn* her
          complaint b — rerefledlybegun again. A fmTher complaint s filed on 25 Febnaiy2004
          vdththe reice, including — SerdorSureñntendentofPoice inIslama a d . S.N.B. However, no
          actionhas reedly eentaken the authoñties to Fotect UN. andher thrnily.
          Covenmient rt ly
          3 C. Byletterdated IS Otober2004, — Gjvemement rerefledthat — reces i wactionhad
          been taken agair t tre accu c1 He was anested and nt to comt. The case maytherefore be
          cor idered as settled.
          Urgent appeal
          341. a l4Nhy2004, theSreci a lRagefleur ntanm entarTealvdththeSrecial
          RarTefleuronexfrajudicial, immaiyorathifraiyexecutior conceniing t, aged 17, and
          AabiIa, aged IX, b 'o cousir fi m Sin Fo t e — were rerefledlyshotdeadaflerthey
          ele accu dofhavir loo moraif forha dng sited their grandrarents without first geffing
          family renrd ion.
          342. Accordir to the ir&onuaffonrecS,ed. — decisionto kill — gir]s was takenin a ibal
          jirga, ledbyA.R., — ibal crdefanda re efful landlc d inthe tllage. On I May2004, — b 'o
          tcffrns hadgone tov sit their grandrarents withoutiIonrdng anyfamilymer ers. 0n2 May
          2004 b g Jurs went to searchfor them. It is rerefled that A.R, wbj was — ofthe group
          vtho found the gir]s, brought them to — residence at r e i d gate in Shkaipur. As chefoftre
          ibe, hererefle ycalledc i wralrer r tojoinrthuthere forajirga.He a]sorerefledly
          called I i 's brothers, F. and H, as well as Aabida's father, D.M, tellir themthat the gir]s were
          under — Fotecifon — that theywould be g tenback to their families — follow day. The
          three relathes rerefledly erd to a ear efoie — tubal crdefon3 May2004. A.R rerefledly
          toldthemthat he would take — giflsbackto — ]lage. Uron theirani AR. ard tho
          accomran ng — allegedlytoldtre relafives to kill — gfr]sbecau theyhad loose moraif.
          AlthowhF., H.andD.M.ierQtedlybe gedthemnottoIdllthe gir]s,the menshotthemand
          tookthebodies in oider to ccwer upthe ciime. Theythenrerefledlyflueatenedthe vdthes s
          vdthdeathiftheycomplaii d to — re]ice. Accordir to — ir&onuaffonrece ,ed. — vdthes s
          rerefledthe killings at — reice staffoninNewFaojdaii. Since therç — familyhas rerefledly
          rece ,edcc stantflueats to withthawthe ca andhasbeen ciallyosfracizedbythe rest &the
          conmimity It E fmTher aileged tkt the re lrefrators M w refusedto g e tre bodies to —
          family, claimir that theywere aheac too deca d. The reice are said to have done nothing to
          ir tesffgate t S case andtobth — reirefrators to jusfice, andhave takenno acifonto Fotect
          — family mer ers wbj lodged — complaint.
          FJCN.412005172 1Add.l
          Page 84
          Coverinent rt ly
          343. Byletter dated 16 June 2004 , the Gjwnmient rerefled that I i 's brother and cousin of
          Aabida ierQted FIR case No. 6512004 at the reice staffon of NewFoudjañagair t eight meR
          at l4Nhy2004,the ±adbodiesofbothgfr]s ererecowredfromafishrctdbelongir toone
          ofthe accused.Onll May,t}ueeaccusedwereanestedbythe relice.FmTherraids ere canied
          out to anest t} remairdng accused. Srecialteams havebeencor ffffited fc that puirese.
          Urgent appeal
          3 . aty June J04 ,theSrecialRarTefleur ntanurgentarTealvdththeSrecial
          P Fesentaffw ofthe Secretaiyaeneralon — situaffon ofhmuanñghts defender concenür
          aK , sisterofl.K., vtho radrecs,ed adeaththreatfrom mthnonmenvtho arebei dtobe
          coratectedto — relrefratc s ofl.K.'s murder. It is rereitedthatl.K. sthe fr&omtaffon
          coordinatc &Peace Woildvd±, aCraisifan c gardzationba din Islamabad. He was rerefledly
          murderedbythree men on — rdght of7 Febnaiy2004. Accordir to — fr&onuation recS,ed.
          on 25 May2004, b 'o unjuon men follo ed S .K. in Islamabad and called her work 1 lace,
          ng that — uldbe Idlledbecau herfamilyradnotwithdranthe complaintagafr t —
          relrefrato ofrerbrothefsmurder ,ircludir HA.urRShe i snow idtobe inrddir ,and
          herotherb jther ,a]so I.K.,a]sohadto leave rdshome — tocordinuoustraeats. Since I.K. s
          death. — tcffm s fanülyhas rer itedly eentraeatened. allegedlybythe pthuaiysusrect
          resrer lble forthe Idllfr . Inadditiorç stafrmer ers ofPeace Worldvdde have a]so allegedly
          receiwdtr eats from — reirefrators. Althoughthe reice raw arestedone Jsrect — other
          Jsrectsare stifiatlarge — — relice have rerefledlynottakenany liousacffontoFotect
          vdthe es — thetchm s family. In this context, — Srecial RarTefleurs recjuesedthe
          Gjwnmtentto Fotde Fotecifonto — tctim s familyandvdthes s ander ure thatjustice is
          Covermnent reply
          345. Byletterdated l4July2004, the Govenmient rerefledthat its Penuanent Nhssion Md
          contacted relice authoiiffes in Islamabad to er ure — Fotecifon ofS.K. The Serdor
          SureñntendentofPolice of Islama ad lerefled that — relice were vdllir to gotde herwith
          Fotectio4buthervthereaboutswere notlmontothem.The reliceafloñffesa&tisedthatif
          — neededrelice Fotecfforc she shouldlet — reice authoiities knowaboutherFesent hcme
          or rkplace adthe .
          3 . The SrecialRagefleur uld like to thankthe Gjwnmtentforits re er es. However,
          — uldarFeciate rece Tfr moredetailedir&onuafforcinre1*ularonthe outcome ofthe
          fr testigaffoncctducted. The SrecialRarTefleurwouldlike aiso to exFess concern owrthe
          numerous cases ofso-called honour Idllir s vdüch confinue to be rece ,ed ard uld like to
          rernird — Govenmientofits obigationto thorougrJyfr tesffgate all cases even inthe absence
          of a fonual complaint.
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 85
          Russian Federation
          Allegation letter
          347. at 16 Nowr er 2004 the Srecial RarTefleur nt anallegaffon letterto vdüch —
          Gjwnmtent resTendedbyletterdated3o November2004.
          3 2. at4januaiy2004, P.K.G.,herthree daughterfl.SM.,KaM.andaK.IC,andher
          Jrç M.SM., were anestedbyRuitan r,icemen inGro tyand taken a yina nülitai 3 nm.
          P.G.'s other Jrç ASM., had abj been anested 01125 r certher 2003. No mer )ers ofthe
          family have be en seen since their anest.
          349. Conceniir AS.M., — Govenmient rerefledthat on 25 r certher2003, at around I
          p.m.,atthe Staiyre lok”busstopinthe cityofGrozs b müdenfffledrersor in
          camouflage unifonns, anuedwith automatic rifles — fravellir ma gieyVAZ-2lOYYwrdele
          vdthoutstate registraffonplates, abductedrdm andtookrdm to an unimondesfinaffon. 0n9
          Januaiy2004, — StaroFom lovskydJs ictFocurator's office thGro tyorenedaciirnina1
          case. Durir the Fellithna1yir Testigatiorc anii rectionofthe place where A.S.M hadbeen
          abducted(inthe tcirdtyofllichasfreet) andotherir estigaffw acffor androutine irquiiies
          ele caniedout; ho ewr, it s rot ressil le to estab]jshthe vthereabouts ofthe tctimor —
          abductors. As aresWt on9 March2004, — Fernuina1yir Testigaffonrnto the ca s
          sTended buton 5 JWy2004the case was reorened to rmdtfmTherir tesffgathte acffor and
          roufine inquiries. The Procurator's Office ofthe ChechenP public ismordtoth — Fogress of
          — ir testigafion.
          350. Conceniing — abductbnofRK.G. andhercr&the4 — Goventement indicatedthatthe
          StaroFom lovskythstrict Focurator's office inGro ty Md oreneda cmmnal ca . In the
          cour ofthe ir tesffgaffon it was established that dming — rdght of 3-4 Januaiy2004,
          unideniffled rer Jr (arFoximatelylO rersor rncamouflage unifonn earir masks ard
          can3& automatic rifles) broke irdo flat No. II at houi No. 123 in — ton ofMa kovsky,
          frcm where treyabductedthe live reo}le ardtookthem to anunimondestinaffon.Witnes
          ere quesiforedabout — circumstances ofthe abduction;the place where — offence was
          con uiftedwas sited. andother ir tesffgathte acffor androufine inquiries ere caniedout.
          However, it was not ressible to establish — whereabouts of — abductees or — rer Jr
          resrersil le fortheirabducifon. As aret on2l May2004, — Felinüna,ir esffgaffoninto
          thecasewas isrended.On26JWy2004,theca sreorenedthodertoreimitfinther
          ir tesffgathte actior androufine inquiiies. The Fogre oftre ir tesffgationisbeir mordtored
          bytheProcurator'sOffice ofthe ChechenP public.
          351. ct9Janua1y2004,M.SL,andb ome4 £aLaandLB.B., eretakenfromStai
          Atagitllage bymenwho sreke Russianwithout aChecrenaccent. Thetllagers iereflecfly
          orgarJzeda Fotestthe next day, rathcWarlyconcentedthat a Jur womanhadbeentaken
          fi mthe ] 1age.
          352. TheGownuuerdrerefledthaton9janualy2004, tre t1ueerersor eredetainedand
          takenanyfirnutheir rome byunidenfffledrer r incamouflage unifonns Accordir to —
          Gjwnmtent, theywere questionedbytheirabductorsbeforebeir releasedonthe same dayor
          on — lbllow i r day. For each case, the Govenmient indicated that an inquiiy hadbeenorened
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 86
          the Gro lydJs ictFocurator's office. Since theyrerefledlydidnot ifferanypl ical or
          r diological hann. anddidnot — a]legaffors agair tan ne , — Gro iydJs ict
          Focurator's office decidednot to frdffate clinünalFoceedir s inccniecffct vdth their
          detentioR a 29 July 20J4, follow ii stigation oftre incidents, — Procurator's Office of
          theChechenP publicow itmiedtr sdecisionandthefr&onuaffonconceniir theca swas
          refened to — GroznydJs ictFocurator'soffice withatewto addiffonal incjuiñes.
          353. At aromid2.00 a.m. 01115 Januaiy2004, E.LG. was takenfromin fnt cflerhouse in
          thetllage ofc3ecrd. regionofunis Nhitan. S ral masked menforcedher into a carwithout
          licence plates. She hadbeen anested in Decer er 2003 ard then relea d Her foF Jur
          crdldren ere lefi alone as her h band was al j taken in 2001. at i i Nowmber 2004, rer
          vthereabouts ere smi milmow r
          354. The Gownmtent cord5med E.A.G's abducifon 01115 Januaiy2004. It fmTher indicated
          thaton2O Nhy2OJ4, iIonuaffonwas recS,ed that Nk G. was in Gro ty. at fmTher
          fr tesffgatiorc it s estab]ishedtratfor ashoit wrdie — had sta din atemreraiysrelter for
          refugees — atNo. 19 Tw ka Street inGro tyhowewr, 01116 June 2004she was exrelled
          f i n n — shelter and her cmient whereabouts are mmon.Ir testigaffor are under yto
          establish Ms. G.'s vthereabouts.
          355. atl9Januaiy2004, LM. was taken finn herhouseinthe ]lage ofA inovska . Itis
          rerefledthat2ORussiansoldiers,the majorityofthem eath mash fo edorenthedoorof
          — rouse — took all — menoutsid Theyrerefledlydemanded that LM. andher Jur sister
          entvdth the gomising that they uld be released afier rds. The mother and father
          cor ,incedthe mentoleavethe ur ergfrlberdnd.The motherab triedtogo vdthLMbut
          — jldiers gewntedherfromenteth tre car. T ca. wr hhad no licerce plates, drow
          away. LM. has notbeen en since.
          356. The Gownunentcc Iinnedherabductionandindicatedthatthe cthninalir tesffgaffon
          was shllunder y, andfr tesffgaffw acffor — ntine inquiries were befr caniedout to
          estab]ish rer vthereabouts. The Fogress ofthe Feli1rdna1yir esffgaffonwasbeir mordtoredby
          — Procurator's Office of tre ChechenP public.
          357. atl9Januaiy2004,M.B.U stakenfrcmherromeinthe dllage ofKat 3 -Jmtby
          Ruitan jldiers. The soldiers allegedlybeat up all — male members of the family and then
          fo edMO. intothefrcar.Itisrerefledthaton sJanuai 3 vd&eM.O. wasatthe local
          admirdstraffon offices, soldiers had told rerthat they had fr brmation that — ntedto e a
          Shacrdd”(female sthcidebor er). M.O. rerefledlytoldthemthatas she hadb o lime crdlthen
          totake care,sre hadro achplar .O.M hasnotbeenseensince.
          358. TheGownunerdrerefledthataclinünalcase wasorenedon29Januaiy J04,bythe
          AcWtoyNktaninter-thstrict Focurator's office. Accordir to — Gjwnunent, iio
          ir tesffgathte actior androufine inquiries ere caniedout; ho ewr, theyFowdur uccessful.
          a 29 Nhy2004, — p rnnin ir te s tigaffon s isrendedalthoughinquiries to shedsome
          light ct — offence ere sml under way.
          359. at22 Januaiy2004, GA. — her thther, AL, ere taken finn — ]lage of
          Assirovska . It is rerofled that A.A. s taken to a cellarby3O soldiers, both Russian and
          Page 87
          Checherç vthere he was toitred. Late; G.A. wasbroughtirdo — Jom andtheythreatenedto
          toitre herirherfather thdnotaro erthe cjuesffor . A.A. s rereitedlytc tmedin —
          daughtefs ple nce uthlhe lost cor ciousness. Trenthe soldiers drow a y.
          360. The Gownmientindicatedthatthe lawer&orcement agencies ofthe Acr ho Manan —
          SurahadJs icts radnot rece tedanyrerefls ofthe di 1rTearance orabducffonoftho rersor .
          361. a 25 Febnaiy2004 KM. was rerefledlytaken from the Michuñn setilement ofGro iy
          byanuedmen the edincamouflage. Accoriing to ane vdthe. — dJsarTearedaflershe
          ent tobuyfood. The e wtesses rereflthatthe abductors were ding asilwrvAZ-21099
          carwith ffntedvtdows. K.M. — notbeenseen since.
          362. The Gowniementstatedthat to thte, no complaints orrerefls conceniing herabducifon
          Md been submitted to — ]aw er&orcement agencies. Howewr, in ew ofthe foregoir , —
          Fourators ofthe Surahaand Okt 3 br dJstñctsinGro iyhadbeenirsthactedto ir testigate —
          363. a 26 Febnaiy2004, M.D. athM2, b 'o Chechenrefugee ere abductedinNasra4
          Ingushetia anued menwearing camollage. Theyhave notbeenseen since.
          364. Accordir to the Gownmient, these rersors ale notlistedasbeing heldbythe ]aw
          er&orcementagencies ofthe Republic ofIr usheffaorthe ChecknRepublic, norhave their
          relath,es subrnittedanycomplaints to — lawerd cementagencies conceniing theirabducifon.
          Howewr, tre Gownmient indicated that — pi curatofs office ofthe Republic oflngushetia
          Mdtaken sters to i±nfffythefrrelathtes vdthatewtowñf & — ir&onuaffonconcen ng
          their abducict.
          365. T} cases illusfrate — increasing nmtherofwomenwho are allegedlybeir
          aibitrarilyanested. detairedanddi 1gearedinChecrth , — — neigMoñng Republic of
          Ingusheffa. The cases are rerefledly]inkedto — implementationofOrerationFaffma(Older
          No. 121309) is aed on 9 July2003, wr h directs — authoiiffes in Checrai to srecifically
          target M limwomen ineffofls to find ± male suicide bor ers.
          366. The Gownmient stated that there was no gnndfors recffng thatmerthers ofthe
          federal aimed forces or tre ]aw er&orcement agencies had conmiitted these offences. All ca1 s in
          corajectionwith 1üchir tesffgaffor were stfflunder yorhadbeensusrended werebeir
          closelymordtoredbythe Office ofthe F ocurator-Oeneral ofthe RuItanFederaffoR
          Urgent appeal
          367. a 3 Ft'aaiy2004, — Srecial Ragefleur nt a joint Fgent arTeal with the Srecial
          RarTefleurontoflure, regardàg the follovdng cases.
          368. KG . amotheroffourfrcm — ]lage ofGelthi. in — Un -Mananregionofthe
          Chechen Repthlic, wbj was rerefledlyanested on 2 r cer er 2003 afler — complied with an
          oldertogotothe Unis-MaitandJs ictreicestaffon(ROVD).Onthe follrn* day ,theheadof
          — r re±uentfor CthrdnalIr testigatiors at — ROVD allegecflytoldE.G.'s motherthatshe
          hadbeendetaired.butdidnotsrecifyon vthat grounW. It is rerefledthatE.G. was relea d
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 88
          f i n n — ROVD li i nüd-Decer er2003 ,butthatonher yhome to Gehid, — sstorTedby
          men in camouflage, thought to be Ruitan jldiers, vtho allegedlytook her a y. Her
          vthereabouts rerofledlyremainurdmon. Her huthand a]legedlydi 1rTeared th200l.
          369. M.K, a vddowfrom Kotarymt ththe Acr ho Maitan regionofthe ChechenRepublic,
          s questioned on5 and 9 Januaiy2004by a mer er ofthe Russ n federal forces about
          allegaffor that she wanted to become a suicide bor er ard had plars to go to a frairdng camp
          forChechenfighters.Shererefledlyderdedallthe a]legafforsardthemanlefl.ai l9Jaroaa
          2004 wralmenincamouflage cametoherho e andforcedrerto gowithtrem.MK.has
          b o crdltherç one ofwhomis ordyt months oldandsrnlbreast± edir . Tre men rerefledly
          did not let her take this crdld with her. Her vthereabouts are allegedlynotImow r Her h bandis
          aileged to have been a fighter wro died in a recent clash with Ruitan fo es.
          Coverinent reply
          370. Byletter dated 28 Apil 2004 — Govenmierd rerefled that at about 2p.m. on
          IS Januaiy J04, inthe tcfrdtyofherhome li i the llage &Oelthi. Unjs-Nhflanthtct the
          Chechen Republic, E.G., was abductedanddriwnanyto anunimon destinationby
          unidenfffiedannedindMta]s fravellir inb ,o motor v eracles. Herwhereabouts have notbeen
          established to date. ai2S Januaiy2004the UnJs-MaitandJs ictFocurator's office oreneda
          cñminal case ontre basis ofetdence ofancifence underai*le 126 ofthe Cñminal Code. On
          19 Januaiy2004 the Acrdtho Nktan irder-distiict Focurator's office orened a serarate cñminal
          case file, No. 38004 on — basis ofe ddence ofan oflènce under — same ankle ofthe
          Cthrdnal Code, in corajection vdth — abducifon of MO. It hasbeen asceitained that at about
          2 a.ra on 19 Januaiy2004, some 15-20 unideniffied masked and aimed indMduals li i
          camouflage gear entered — ]lage of Kat 3 -Ymt AcWio nandJs ict ab±actedM.O. —
          drow hera yina motor v eracle. Her vthereabouts have to date a]so notbeenestab]ished. The
          ir tesffgaffon ofthe ciirninal cases li i corajecifon vdth — abducifon of E.G. and MO. is at
          Fesentconnur un±rthe areMsionoftheOffice ofthe F ocuratoroftheChechen
          Republic. As the ir Te s tigaffon Foceed measures are beir taken to establish the circumstances
          inounding — abducifon — ressible vthereabouts ofthe women and to idenfffyt} ir
          abductors. At — cuirentstage ofthe ir tesffgafforc tre ir ,oWement ofn&itaiyrer Jrthelor
          officers ofotherlawandorderagencies li i — afore iidofrences — notbeenestablished.
          th seinfion
          371. The Srecial RarTefleurthan s — Gjwnunentforits re er e — uldlike tobe
          ir&onned about the results of the ir tesffgaffor than cases mentioned above. Follo * her
          officiahtittothe coun (l7-24Decenther2OJ4)theSrecialRarTQteurrecornmendstratthe
          Gjwnunent ofthe RuitanFederation: pioiiffze men s iights injudicial ard nor judicial
          mechapjsrns, relicies — pi grar es; amendlegislaffonthcothbnnitywiththtemaffonal
          standards, enactlegislationsrecificallycthrdra]izir domestictolence — pi tde shelters for
          tho thneed; launch gerder-awarene camreigr — Fcwide frairir to lawer&orcement
          officers — curityforces; rTefl, reliticallyandfinancially, c ,il cietyirdtiathes
          Fomor human iights includir through research and a&Tocacyer Jre that all law relicies
          thtenuffonalhmnaniights standards; ir te s tigate, Fosecute andpunishthcse resTer ilJle for
          tolaffor ofhumaniights andFotde comrer affontotcffms ortheirfamilies; er Jre — ife
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 89
          andvoluntaiyrebn ofIDPs; establishaFotecffonFogmnuue forhmuan iights defenders,
          vdthes sandtctims v,k are atthkofhanu.
          Alkgathn letter
          372. Byletter dated 22 June 2004 nt jointly tilt the Srecial RarTefleur ct the iight of
          evelyjne to — enjo mtentofthe raghest attainable standard &rical andmental realtrç —
          SrecialRarTefleura&z sedthe Govenmient that she hadrece ,ed — follovdng iI&onTtaffoR
          373. Beb een250 ,000 ard 500,000 women are estimated to have been rared durir —
          genocide andsub cpntwarin R nda. Nhnyofthese women confinue tobe tramuati2edand
          are ] ,ir vdthsexuallyfrar niitted t ase including EHVIAIr . Itisrerefled thatwiyfewof
          — susTectedreirefrators of xualtolence have beenhought tojustice. Inadditiorç wrdie
          efrofls havebeenmade bythe Gjwnuuent multilateralandbilateraldonors, andnor
          govenmiental orgarJzaffor to exrandFewntiorc care — freathtentseces, amajoñtyof
          tctlir rerefledlystifi do nothave accessto medical care.
          374. Womenarerereitedto JfferthsTrrethoratelyfromHIVIMDS andrelateddi a s.
          Accordir to — ir&onuaffonrece ,ed . rare sun*ors — M w contmctedEHVIAIr cordinue
          to exreñence fmTherhmuan ñghtstolaffor . Theyandtheirfamflies rerefledlyface vere
          jcial sligma vducrç insome cases, — ledto fmThertolence, includir xualtolerce; loss of
          emplo mtent;derdal ofaccessto medical care;thfficultyinasseflfr Foreflylights; andderdal
          ofbank loar and other credit.
          375. FmThemtore, accordir to fr&onuationrecS,ed. xmltolence — ±brcedmaniage
          conffroae tobe relrefratedbymer ersofthe RwandanDefence Forces (PDF), securityforces
          andunraidmi]itias. Gender-basedtolence is a]so rerefledlyarersistent feabFe ofthe human
          ñghtstolaffor conmtittedbyRwandansecurityforces in — Demonafic P public of —
          Congo andinthe rest-warir rgencies inRwanda. Accorclingto ird naffoniecS,ed . the
          as iults are scmeffmes rer fledbutallegedly ldomFosecuted. Tre lowstat of menand
          gir]sinsocietyandtheirlimitedaccesstojustice rereflecMymakeitdilYicuflto ekredressand
          increase women and gir]i mJiterthihty to sexual tolence.
          376. The Srecial RarTefleurwould like to reiterate her intelest in ieceMngaresTer e from
          theGownmtentinregardto — a]legaffor subniitted.
          Salidi Arabia
          Alkgathn letter
          377. Byletter dated 12 October 2004, ntjoirdlyvdth the Srecial RarTefleur ontoitre, —
          Srecial RarTefleur notified — Gjwnmtentthathe hadrecS,ed ir&onuation conceniing MM.,
          adomesffcworkerinDaressalaanb UrdtedP public ofTara,nia.
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 90
          378. Accoidir to — allegaffor rece ,ed . on4 Jay2004, at about 4.30 p.m MM. s rared
          byheremplo r, a saudi diplomat (wk name is Imon to — Srecial RarTefleus) at —
          home inDaressalaam MM. ffered wrñesand stakentoaloc a lhosTdtalfc
          freatment vthere a doctor cothnued that she hadbeen rared. a 9 July2004, — relice
          rerefledlyanested — diplomat at E res SalaamlnteniaffonalAiqeflwrdist he was to
          leave — county. Attempts ele madebyM.M s lav r , — Mtha adorofSaudia Ambia to
          Taraania. andofficialsinthe MirJs ±brForeign Affairsandinteniaffonal Coorerationto yto
          ffle — matter. Ho ewr , — Gcwenmient ofsaudiaArabia declinedto wS,e — relrefratofs
          diplomafic iimuurdtyso he couldbe Fo cutedinTaraania andhe rethniedto SaudiaArabia.
          The reirefrator ssaidtobe incustodyin saudia jabiaand it was rerefled that he wouldbe
          Fo cutedfortrds ciime. N flheles , concen ere exFes dthat — reiretratormayenre
          Fo cufion and that — tchm may not recS,e comrer affon.
          379. The Srecial RarTefleurwould like to reiterate her intelest in leceMngaresTer e from
          theGownmientinregardto — a]legaffor subniitted
          c rtadealegacioms
          380. Porcana de fecha l4de sepfferthre de 2004, li P latoraEsrecial ,juntamente conel
          P lator Esrecial sobre latoitra, noffflcó al Gjbiemo cjue reciljido ir&onuaci6n jbre las
          alegaciones sigmentes:
          381. A.M.A. ± 23 altos, htia sido deterddareragentes de Ia PoliciaNacioralen Vitoña. el
          l9defebre j ± 2003.Habñarenuanecidocuafrodiasdetethdaenrégimendeinccmurdcaciony
          htia sido resteñonuente Fesentada ante el Juzgado Central de Ir tmcci6n ntuero 5, en
          Nhdñd. Seguidamente, htia sido frasladadaa p si6n. Durante estanciaen Wrendencias
          reliciale htia terddo cjue qthtar Ia roraylos zaratcs ycp dar solamente con los
          rantalctes yel ajetador. Htia — zarandeath confra unaraiedyle htiandado dos
          Jrares. Seguidamente, habila sido puesta confra una rared con los bra js en crE ycadawz
          cp mo a Ia golreabanenla cabezao Ia esplda. MS — Ia htianlle do a uncalabo j.
          En ofra ocasion Ia habijan amenazado con abusar sexualmente de ella con mm rdstola o ml Fe b
          sinofinuabala±claracionreliciab.Alo largodesudetenciorc losagenteshabñanFofeñdo
          dJsffntasamenaz s confra familiaresyamigos su Js. Se habliaFesentado unadenunciarerel
          frato apuestamente recibido durante Ia detencion. Lajnir thactorahabiiasolicitacb ala
          rlireccionde PoliciaNacionabcjue Henffflcaraalosreliciasque Facticarondi]igenciasconA.
          M A.Siner argo , abegaquede uessearcrthT6lacaus1thnqueseFacffcarardr unaofra
          de las p'aebas jlicitadas.
          382. N.M. a ± 22 altos, htiasido deterdda ra agentes de Ia Eitainth enBilbao, el 17 de
          j de 2003. Habñarenuanecido cmfro dias enrégimende incomurdcaci6nyresteñc nente
          htia sido Fesentada ante elJuzgado Cenfrab de Ir thacci6nntuero I , enMadñd.
          Seguidamente, htia sido trasladada a pision. Enrante los intenogatoños htia terddo cjue
          relnanecercon las mancs le mntaths yconfra unarared. las pienias abieflas ylas jdillas
          flexionadas. araswces htiaterddo cjue relnanecercct elcueire regado auna rared. los
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 91
          bm js le ntadcs ylas manos ahieflas. Durante estas resturas fc zadas , Un agente ir isfia en
          quererquedar asolasconladeterddayh iaFofeñdo tasamenaz sde caráctersexual.La
          siffiaciónle htia govocado dolores de es 6mago,v6nüto temblores yofros malestares,
          htiasicb conducida aun hosrdtal. Enrarde su detenciorç taithién htia c1do como lle ban
          a henuano mellSj, U MS., a rasfras ami ca1abo j. Le habilan Feguntado For alergias cp
          henuano rodia tener, yen una ocasiorç Ia habilan Ilevado awrle, cmndo Se enconfraba
          thithado enuncalabozo. Se alegacjue raraamuentarlaplesiórclosagenteshtiandeclarado
          cWrebleacadamo delosgemelosdeladetencion±lofro. Se htiage ntadounadenmria
          For d frato reciljido rorlos dos henuanos durante sudetenciónenderendencias roliciales.
          383. R.aO(m)de3 afio y acomrafieraLLB.habnanthdodeterddosroragentesdela
          Eitaintz, el 5 de sepfierthre de 2003 en Poflugalete. Tras relnanecer cuafro — deterddos en
          régimende ircomunicaciórç rthiiansido Fe ntados ante eljuzgado Cenfralde Ir thacci6n
          ntuero 4, en Nhdiid. Seguidamente raTtan sido trasladados a pisión. Drante su detencion en
          derendenciasro]icialeO .L. B.habñasidoobligadaarenuanecerenelcentrodeunaceldade
          esraldasalapue itacctlaspiemasflexionadasylasmarosdetr aresar±queleshtia
          fr&onuadode queterdaunahenüadinlyno rodiamantenereste fire derostura.Entoncesun
          agente htiadadoratathsenlaspiemasy ra iaagetadofueflemente lacabezaconlas
          manos. st a rde,cthcohor rescctbEonegrohtianenfrado enlacelthylahtian
          aplastacb confra mia rared. Uno de ellcs I c htia tocado el recho. Htia sido igua]mente
          obligada a e ucharmticaa aflovolmuenal rnismo fierqo cjue Se escuchaban golFs ygñtos
          de dolor. Le htian dicho cjue los giitos erande n o. Htiasido amenazada con ser
          tolada. Taithiénla htian amenazado cct detenerasumadre. Dumnte sudetenciorç no htia
          rodido donthr Enuna ocasio4 htia notado Un fuefle dolorenel recho yrabilasido
          conducida aun hosrdtal. Mite el juez htia denunciado m*s fratos fithcosyrs iuico V
          wjaciones xuales. Porsureite, RS. 0. htia sftij obligado a relnanecer enla rostura
          conocida como lade pidenuan”. Esta cor iste en remianecer frente a una rared cct las
          rothllasflexionadas,lasiieniasabieflasylasmanoshaciaanibasinllegaratocarlarared Los
          agentes le htian dicho cjue se frataba de una roae fonna de toitFa , cjue terda l os rnismos
          efectcs cjue unareEza rero cjue ro dejaba marcas. Enesta rosthra yniienfras soraba una mtica
          muyfuefle, htia sido irdenogado tas veces. Durante unintenogatoño htiasido
          amenazado consertolado mientms unos agentes lo sujetaban yofro habilasinWado el actocon
          Ia rata ± unasilla. Enofraocasiórç niienfras estaba manterdendo Ia rosturade Srddenuan”
          confra mia rared. I c htianfiracb agua For encima yle htiancolocacb uncable enla mufieca.
          haciendo rectuefios esresmos yaragando las luces rerefithswces. MS tarde, cuando htia
          redido fr a afio, le htiandado ungolre enla wjiga cjue htia Fovocado cjue c inara. Los
          agenteshabiianrechorerefidaimencionesasunota. thciéncbleque rothanabusirdeella. R
          5.0. taithiénhtia denunciacb eltrato reciljido durante sudetencion.
          RepirstadelGob rno
          384. Por cana con fecha de 27 de dicier re de 2004, el Gjbiemo resrondio en relacion con
          casódeA.MA. HGjbiemoindicó quefuedeterddaensudonücthororunFesuntodelitode
          colabcncion con orgarJzacion tenothta. En el momento de su detenciorç es fr&onuada de sus
          derechos cor fibrionales ydelhecho de suircommücacion. Sobie las4 hcns y 4 5 rninutos en
          derendencias roliciales, es reconocidarorelmédio Ibrerse de Vitoña. Fina]izado el
          reconociniiento médjo, estraisadada rorcanetera yWbidamente custodiadaa lasDerendencias
          Policiales de laComisiiiaGeneralde Ird naci6nenMadñd. Durante aestarciaenlas
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 92
          derendenciasreliciale deterddaesreconocidarerelMéthcoFoier delaAudiencia
          Naffonal en tres ocasiones. La deterdda fue fr&onuada de js derechos cor fftucionales
          reconocith For d médió forer e cjue extendio los oroltmos Fe lts thcultath,os adjmitados alas
          rliligencias ir thñth habiendole sido recibidadeclaraci6nenFe ncia de Lefrado de Tumno
          de Oflcio debido a asituaci6nde incomunicacionacordadarorlaAutoñdad judicial
          corqetente cmupliendo estñctamente de esta fonna Ia Legislacion tgente. No existe cor tancia
          de cjue Ia deterdda ra Fesentado denuncia rd ante Ia rolicia rd ante Ia autoñdadjudicicial
          comretente For Fesmitos malos fratos.
          thserncio s
          385. La B latora Esrecialagredece elGobienjo rorsus respuestas. Siner argo, cjuiere
          recordaralGobienjo suobligacionde fr tesffgarlas alegaciones de tolencia confra Ia mujer
          incluso en laau nciade unadenuncia.
          386. La Thilatcn Esrecialcjuisierallamar Ia atencionsohe aThmos de los moffvcs de
          FeocuF6neq e 1dosFor el Ccmité rara Ia Elinünacionde Ia fl thrdnaci6ncordrala
          Maje i AI59I38 — rara 334) ra el hecho de cjue si bien celebra los esfueizcs realizados For
          el Estado Pane Fan combafir el goblema ± latolenciaccttrala mujer, inclus ,e mediarde
          laadoFclondelll Planlntegral ccttn Ia Violencia Djméstica (2001-2004), al Comité le
          Feocura Ia ge lenciade Ia tolencia contra Ia mujer, enrathcularel ntuero alanuarde de
          denuncias de honücidios de mujeres a manos de sus c6n mges 0 Farejas acffiales yanteñores.
          HConüté taithiénexpre 5 suFeocuracionrorelamuento de Ia incidencia de Ia fratade
          mujeres y rditas. Le pleocura Ia siffiacion de las mujeres Crie sct o eto de ese ccmercio, en
          reifrularlas cjue iiwocanla condicionde iefugiadas rormothos de rersecuci6nba ida end
          género (rara 336).
          Alkgathn letter
          387. Byletter dated 29 Apil 2004 sentjointlywith — Srecial RarTofleur on contemroraly
          fonnsofracE racialdjscñnünafforç xenorkbiaandrelatedintolerance — — Srecial
          RarTofleuronthe ñght& iy ne tothe raghestaftainable standardofrk icalandmental
          health . — Srecial RaFTofleura&z sedthe Govenmient that she had rece ,edithbnuaffon that
          Romard men have been subject to forced and coerced steiiliz,ffon in Slo ihia.
          388. It is alleged li i — rerofi enfitled todyard Soul: Fc ced Steiiliz,tion and Other
          AssaultsonRomaB FoducthTe Freedomin Slo IdaY bythe CenterforB goducthte Bights
          andPoradàa. publisredin Januaiy200 that Romard men s iights to ir&omiedcorsent to
          steiiliz,fforç accurate andccmFehere healthir&onuatiorç andnor dJscthrdnato health
          Mces hawbeentolated. Inlight oftrds fr&onuaffo4 — Srecial RarTofleurs elcomedthe
          cthrdnalir testigaffonfrdtiatedbythe Crnce ofthe DeputyPñme Nhrdsterirdo — allegaffors.
          However, — Srecial RarTofleurs have recentlyrece ted ir&onuaffon vdüch suggests that —
          fr tesffgationwas notconductedin amam rthat resrects tre — oflaw, includir — iights of
          tctlir to be treatedw hdigthty
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 93
          389. Accordir to ir&onuation recS,ed. 01112 Febnaiy2003, 2! womenfi m BQmard
          fflements inBicrtha — Bistranywere quesifonedat — Kromrachyreice staffonin
          corajecifon with steii]iz,ffon Focec Jres to wr h theyhad been subjected. The names of 19
          men had arTarenilybeen gwen to — relice — staffofthe KromrachyHosTdtal. All of
          — womenere allegedlytakenforquesffordr byrelice officers who went to their romes
          unarajoured. It i sbeli d that most of the women thdnot miderstandinwhatcaracitythey
          erebeir questioned. norwere theya re oftheiriightto refuse to complywithanorally
          r e rdedsmmuor . Itisbeliewdthat some women thougH thatthey erebeing freatedas
          cthuinal Jsrects. The questiordr ofRonuth womenwas allegedlyconductedbymale relice
          officers who demor frated no ser ithtityto — inhmate rathre of the Focedure, —
          circumstances inwr hittojk place orits eflècts.
          390. Accordir to ir&onuationrecS,ed. at least two womenwllo were forcilJlysteñ]i2ed
          stated that theywere threatenedbythe officers — quesffonedthem. The menwere
          rereflecflytoldthattheyshouldsignacñnünalcomplaint forthe offence ofgenocide, although
          theyhad no knowledge of nor had theybeen irsthacted about — sigrdflcance ofthe
          fonuulaffonofthis charge. Atthe 1me time, they ere allegedlytoldthattheywouldface
          impisomuent ofup to traee pars for fab accusition irtheir complaint should Fove to be fa]se.
          391. a 13 and 14 August J03, inthe course ofirdenogaffors held at — relice staffor in
          S  ké VlacrqandKromrachy, itis iereitedtratii sffgators threatened at k st II Romani
          womenthattreywouldbe Fcsec edforsubnütffr a faise complaintifthe ir tesffgationfailed
          to cwe treir allegatior offorced steiilizaffon. It is rerefled that women who had been Fegrant
          before theywere 15 pars oldwere toldthattheirhusbands c reftiers wouldbe Fosecutedfor
          staffito,rare. On 13 August2003, RomaniwounblB)sfrany were allegedlyirdenogated in
          S  ké Vlachywithoutha t recS,ed piorv iften nofice orsur or .
          392. Accordirfl ir&onuaffonrece ted.arerefli uedbythe Cornmi ionerforHuman
          Rights ofthe Council &Eurore, who rerefledly nta delegationto — Slo k Republikin
          Septer er2003 to lookinto — Sue &steiiliz,fforç conclaiedthat g Ten — criestionable
          manner inwr hthe ir tesffgaffon was caniedoutitcouldreasonablybe as jmed that Romard
          menin Slo Ida were steiilized without their ir&onued cor ent.
          393. Howewr, inOtober2003, — ciiminal ir tesffgatorofthe Slo k Republic rerefledly
          haltedthe ir tesffgationandconcludedthatro cthrdnahnongdoir radtakenplace. Shofily
          afler this decision s — , agroupofRomardwomen a]legedlyflledan arTeal to tre Regional
          F osecutofs Office in Koóice, challengir this decision. It is rerefled that theyobjected to the
          inadequacies ofthe cththralir tesffgafforc wr hignc edthe cnciali ue ofir&onuedcor nt
          thebiasofexrefls, etdence cfferedbrdchm andthe is ae ofnünorsbeir stelili2edvdthout
          ilid cor nt oftheir rarents. Howewr, it is eliewd that — Regional P jsecuffon rejected —
          complaint resultir in — official closure oftre ciiminal ir tesffgaffon.
          Covenuneutrc ly
          394. Byletter dated 29 July2004, the Gownmient rerefled that follow — receipt of
          ir&onuaffonpublishedbyanNGOandciiminal complaints conceniir the Factice offorced
          steiilizaffon in eastern Slo ikiabet een 1999 and 2003, all rele mnt corsffffiffonal ir fftuffor
          took acifon on — matter. The Regional Police Crnce Coirs launched Fosecut or agair t
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 94
          urdmonrelrefrato forthe cñnünal offence ofgenocide. Moreowr, an exrefl team underthe
          Mthstiy ofHealih was created. wrdist the Mipjster ofthe Inteñor estab]jshed a sTeciaE2ed
          relice fr tesffgaffonteam &four rer Jr , ofwhomtraee were mer Ir testigaffor were
          caniedout un±rthe areMsionoftre Pro cutorGenerars Crnce — — Parliamentaiy
          Conmüttee for Human Bights, Minoñties — — Staths of Women. These fr tesffgatior —
          ir recffors ofthe irious rosrdta — g mecologica1 fr fftuffor rewaled that genocide,
          gregationordi thrdnato,Facffces inhealthcare establishments hadnot takenpiace. The
          Gjwnauent indicatedthatc & soietymembers ere abj fr ,oWedinthe Focess. Jnteniafional
          fr ffffitior andorgardzaffor were aiso allowedbytre Gownmient to assessthe wbj]e Sue
          ctly. Ir tesffgators were not allo edto acce women 's files in hosTdta]s, as aresWt &vdüch
          public arTea]s were made to menwro beliewdthat they hadbeensteñ]i2edagair t theirvdll
          orvdthoutthefrcor nt to contact anyreice coirsdere±uentand theywouldthenbe diiected
          howto contact the ir tesffgathte team On 24 Otober 2003, B giona1 Judicial Police Officer
          deci±dto clo — fr tesffgaffor since no goofconceniing the Faclice offorced stenlizton
          hadbeen uncowred. The fr tesffgationhad. howewr, lewa1edceflainFocethFalshoflcomir s
          intre lawsas ellaslilhealthestabhsrauentslilcorthecffonvdththe obtairdngoffr&onued
          cor ent from raffents undergofr steii]izaffon. Cc equently, — Gownmient irdifated a re ew
          of the rele nt Slo k methcal legislation withaview to bth ir it into comrdiance vdth the
          EmoreanCor enffonon HumanBights — Biomedicine. A cRyofflt law sathchedin —
          Gjwnmient's resrer to the SreciarnarTQteur. The hea1thfr ffffiffor found to —
          admirdsfraffw deficiencies adopted measures such as having new fonns for steiilizaffon
          arTdicaffor andforthe cor ntofraffentsbeing stelili2ed. The Gjwnmientis abj pierared to
          orgard2e fmThertraining ofhealihcare, relice, jcia1 ctoraswell as public admirdsfraffonstaff
          inordertodeerenthefrser ithtityto — hmuanelementreqthredforseMcesFotded them.
          395. The SreciarnarTefleurthan sthe G wnuuentforitsresrer .
          Sri Laulm
          Alkgathn letter
          396. Byletterdated I October2OJ4 ntjoinilyvdththe Srecial Raprefleuronthe ile of
          cr&drerç crdldFosfftuffonandcr&dremograpi c — Srecial RarTefleur lerefled that — had
          receiwdir&onuation conceniing D.M.R., aged ID, — was rared for over ore arbyth
          re or , includir members &herfamiy, wk names are knonto — SrecialRarTefleurs.
          397. Accordir to ir&onuationrecS,ed. inthe ab nce ofhermother, DM.R was taken care
          ofbyher aunt. Ho ewr, from Nhrch2003, — girrs ste athercra danytre auntand
          confinuously rared her unfil Awust 2004 The girl s a]so raredbyher ste athefs jr ir law
          andher ste athefsbrother-ir law. She sab broughtbyherste ather to — rouse of a
          businessman who frequenily thu d her. In rds house, b 'o other men aiso raredtre girl.
          398. The facts redi o eredbythe girrsteachers,whonoffcedthatshe hadlosther
          enthusiasmforsffidies, lookedw,deFes dandwa1ked inanabnc nalny. Wrenthey
          questioned her, DMR. toldthe teachers that she hadbeencor tantlyraredbys rer Jr ,
          includir her ste athe; fc aboutone par. Tre teachers liumediatelyrerQtedthe inci±ntto
          FJCN.412005172 1Add.l
          Page 95
          — Hir urakgoda Police Staffon and heired her to take legal action agair t these s reiretrators
          (case No. B 742012004).
          399. When she was in Foteciw custodyat — Hir urakgoda Police Stafforç tre girl
          idenfffledthe house ofthebusinessmanas — place where she radbeen rared. InPoloraiann
          Comt — girl abj testified that the businessman had g ten rer some clothes nth around E s
          2,00J and chocolates to eat. Me r eaten the chocolates, she lost cor ciousness and s
          C0. Itis rerofledthat — ]lagers made wralFotestsinfrontofthe relice station
          demandir — anest ofthe reirefrators. F e uredbythe rec le , the OfficerñiCharge ofthe
          HingurakgodaPolice Statiorç anIr rectorofPolice , Fontedthe llagers to anestallthe
          reirefrators. Thee of them ere thenanested. Onthe flrstdayvthen — reirefrators were
          Fothredbefore — comt, — teachers ere flueatenedbysurTeflers ofthe reiretrators who
          ere Fesent. a x Se ier er2004 , — Hingurakgot Magisfrat&s Comtdecidedto restrene
          — case to Novembersince — ii stigaffors were not concluded.
          Cl. The gfrlisnowsta & vdthrermothe; — rethniedfromabroadaflerleaniingabout
          — iri±rd,butthreeofthe thxrelrefratorsaresffllsaidtoremaàfree.Itisbeliewdthatthe
          relice didnot anestthemdue to intefferencebysome rewefful rer Jr .
          Urgent appeal
          C2. ai7May2004,the SrecialRarTefleursentanurgentagealvdththeSrecial
          RarTefleuronthe sale of crdldrerç crdldFosffffiffonandcrdldremograp}iyconcenung Irious
          cases &ffl-freatment allegedlyreiretratedbyapimaiyschool teacherat — Amrdff
          Beranttes College in Kanc .
          C3. Accordir to ir&onuationrecS,ec — teacher, Mr. V., a45- ar-old Baidhjst moa
          — rcallyandrs hologicallyMras d crdldreninmanydifrerent since — endof
          20G2. Itis a]so rerefled that he cordinuouslyderded — crdldren s iight to freedom ofreligion
          andthathe harai edtre Catholic sffidentsabouttheirreligion.
          C4. a x Febnaiy2OJ4, he rerofledlyorderedthe Catrolic stu±nts ofschool ear06 to
          draw a crcss in the sand — then made themjmup over it. On II Febnaiy2004, he allegedly
          fo edthe Catholic crdlthenof ar07 to drawaBiljle onthe floc andto step onit. Accordir
          to rerefl ifthe crdldren refu dto denounce Je js Cra st theyhad to leave tre clairnoom. Itis
          a]sobeli dthatCatholic th were forcedby — teacherto undresscompletelyandthen ere
          beaten with a cane on wral occasior . According to ir&onuaffon rece ,ed . on 22 Januaiy J04,
          theteacrertouchedthebreasts&b ogfr]sinfrontofallthecrdldren& ilool ar07 andsaid
          thattheyshouldrawbiggerbreasts.Accordirfl rerelt thisteacherrasardstoiyofcrdld
          t e andhe hadbeentrarIenedfrom — MonarangalaVidipla Schoolto — Murdff
          Beranttes College in 2001 amid allegaffor that he had abu d other crdldren. Furthenuore, —
          crdldrenat Murdff Beranttes College who allegedlylauncheda complaintagair trthu were
          forced to leave — school. Even though rarerds rerefledlyir&onued — cirel (an cx-
          Buddlist mord ) — — diiectorofthe schools mltimes athut — abu srelrefratedbythe
          teacrer , it is feared that no actionhasbeen taken set.
          Page 96
          C5. Itis abj beli dthat b ,o fellowteachers oftre schoolwere abj ai aultedbyMr. V. at
          24 June 2003, a 24-par-old female teacher was allegedlya aulted wthallyand plt icallyby
          this teacher. The lerelts indicate that she — a complaint to tre relice stahn(relice en
          nmther: C.I.B No. 3621529 of24-06-2003) but that there has been no señous acifon takenbythe
          relice. Accordir to fr&onuaffon received, on 12 Febnaiy2004, a SaWadoñan Catholic nun
          vtho worked as a volunteer religion teacher at — ilool from I March J03 to 29 Febnaiy
          2004told the crdldren& hojl ar 07 to remove some p from the flo erbed. / n the
          crdldren ere doiatg trds, Nfr. V. came ard a]legedlybeatt ofthemwithacane. He abj
          lodgeda complaintwiththe etcaffonoffice aboutremo t plants andofficers came to the
          hoolto fr testigate. It isbei dthatNh. V. flrally±brced — nunto leave — school.
          Accord ing to rerUns, — hasbeen rIdr atthe HindagalaSchoolsince March2004.
          C6. The Srecial RarTefleurs exFessedtheirconcent about — curityofthetchms andall
          — other craldren remairdng at the Amrdti Bera ftes College, as ell as the confinuing lack
          ofdi]igence andwillingness ofthe reice to conduct anadecjuate fr tesffgationinto —
          allegafior .
          Coverinent rt ly
          C7. Byletterdated I r cer er 2004, the Gownmtentrerefledthat — case hadbeen
          refenedto the NaffonalCrdldProtecffonAuthoiity(NCPA) ofSiiLanka. Accordir to —
          NCPA, there ere no complairds — bythe allegedcrdldtchms, who raw notbeen
          i nfffled. The NCPA abj rerofledtrat ithad rereatedlyrecriesteda regional human iights
          orgarJzaffontoFot± itwiththe namesofthe allegedtchmsinordertoerableareasonable
          fr tesffgaffon tobe conducted. The Gownmtentseeks — a istance oftre SrecialRagefleurs
          to Fotde mole fr&onuaffon to enable the authoiiffes to fmther fr tesffgate this matter.
          Foflosiq topredouslyfrausmifted couunimkafio '
          C8. Byletter dated 16 Decer er J02, the Gownmtent resrended to a letter dated 5 Otober
          2000, ntjoinilyvdth — Srecial RarTefleur on exhajudicig sur alyor aibifraiyexecutior
          — — Srecial RarTefleurontoltre, conceniing S. The Gownmtent rerofledthat —
          CthrdnalIr tesffgaffon r raituent (CID) hadcctducteda comFeher iw i stigafionrnto —
          allegedinci nt v 1üch j farhadnotresultedinthe i ntificationofthereiretrators. a 17
          August 2002,the Aftontey aeneral'sDereitment a&, sedthe ClDthatacthrdnalFosecution
          could not be lamrhed and that there wouldbe no need to conduct th iTher fr testigaffor into —
          case. However, CID sfmtrera&, sed that ifanynewfr&onuaffon orothermateiial relafing to
          — offence was recS,ed, fr tesffgaffor shouldbe reconmienced.
          C9. Byletter dated 24 r cer er 2003, the Govenmient resrended to a letter dated
          16 Septer er 2002 sent jointlywith — Srecial RarTefleur ontoitre
          ( e EICN.400031751Add.2) on — follow ca s:
          (a) Conceniing V.A. (ibid., rara. 176),the Govenmient rerefledthat jonaflertre tctim
          made acomplaint to — reice, inmiediate actionwas taken to ir tesffgate — inci nt. Four
          Jsrectswere nfffle d , arested andremandedwitrdn 2 hours. FmTher, — Attomeyaeneral
          arTeinted a State Cour el to a&z se — reice in the ir esffgaffon. At an i nifficaffon rarade
          conductedbythe Maligakanda nugisfrate tre tchm i nfffledt &the susrects anested,both
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 97
          ofwhom rne re lve reice cor tables. Cor ecjuenily , sters rne takento demobilize bothof
          them. The relice concludedthe ir tesffgaffc s andhave nttre ir tesffgaffw mateñal to —
          Aftonie Generalto ir ffffite clinünalFoceedir s agair tthe Jsrects. The relice, onthe a&,ice
          ofthe Aftonie Generg ir ffffitednor smmua,Foceedir s inthe Magisfrate sComtagair t
          b 'o relice cor tables andtraee amlyrersorthel. Aflerhavir re dewedalltre etdence
          Fe rdedtordTh. — nugistrate conmiittedthe three acc edtostandtñaflnthe HighComt.As
          aresWt ofthe comniittg the anuyrerscnielwho stoodaccu d rne susrendedfrom r,ice.
          The Sugeme Comt awardedps 150,000 as comrer affo4 ra blebythe State, to thetchm fc
          — tolaffor caB d to her iights guaranteedbyathcle II (iight to freedom fiom toitjre) ard
          ankle l l) (iightto freedom frcm aibitraiydetenffon) &the Sn Lankan Cc sffffiffon. The
          sigrdficance ofthisjudgementlies in — factthattre Sugeme Comt fc — fi tffme heldthat
          rare amounted to toitjre. m mdeflakir was g tento the Comtbythe State thatcñrninal
          Foceedfr s woWd e ir tiffitedagair t — Jsrects;
          (13) Conceniir Ra (il id.,rara. l85),the G wnmientrerefledthatthe Korayrelice
          conducted ir testigatior into the incident ona complaint rece ,ed from — tchm.The stolen
          je elle s recowredandhandedowrto herbythe comt. Two susrected annyrersoratel
          have beenarrestedand ere Foducedbefore the JaffnaMagisfrat&s Comt. They ere charged
          incomt for rare — nor smmuawFoceedings are in Fogre ;
          (c) Conceniir a33-year-oM mother(iljid., rara. 184),the Govenmient lerefled thatit
          caraiotun±flake acün Fo ctonthnce — nfftyofthetchm carajotbe asceflairedwith
          — ir&onuaffong ten. The Gownanerd elcomes fmTherdetai]s of the incidentfrcau — Srecial
          (c Conceniir a motheroftwo cfldren(iljid., rara. 182),the Govenmient lerefled thatit
          carajotunWitake acthuina1Fo cuffcalsince — i±rdityofthetchm carajotbe asceflainedwith
          — ir&onuaffong ten. The Gownmient elccauesfmTherdetai]softhe inci ntfromthe Srecial
          410. Byletter dated 24 r cer er 2003 the Govenmient Fotded ir&onuaffon on some cases
          refened to in a letter dated 16 September 2002 sentjoinilywith — Srecial RarTofleur on
          exhajudicig smmuaiyoraibitraiyexecuffor andthe SrecialRarTefleuron tcatme:
          (a) Conceniir J.V. (iljid., ram. 170), the Gjwnmient rerefledthat — SrecialIr tethgaffon
          Utht estab]ishedthatshe was anestedbyanuyrersoraielofthe Sanasaanuycampwr&e they
          ere doir a check on cMliar on 17 Febnaiy200l. She was handed over to — 211 field
          headcjuaiters forfmTherir testigatior . / nthe annyrersoratel ere about to check he; she
          lledac nide caFile. This is a elUmonmod orerandiof the LflE. She was njshedto
          Vamrd HosTdta where — died. The rest-moflem rerUn concluded that Wath was ca edby
          c nide reisothng. There s no etdence oftoitire orrare. FourbnjJ s ere foundonthe
          cheeks ofherface, vdiichwere rerefledlya resultofattemptsbya ± ma1e soldierto Fe v ent J.V.
          froms llo * — carsWe. AwrJictof jicide was retned. No etdence was foundbySlu
          thatshewasraredorsubjectedtotoflureraiortohersuicide. TheSIUrereflwasfor rdedto
          — Attonie Oeneml 's Dereftuent ±br advice;
          (lj) Conceniir aU. (iljid., rara. 171), the Slurecordedastatementbythe accu d relice
          officer, vtho stated that on 13 Septer er 2001, a complaint s dWyrecorded and dJsratched to
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 98
          neaibyreice staffor . Howewr, thetchm fatherstatedthatwhenhe ent to make a
          complaint the relice officersuggestedthatrds daughterniight — elored andthat he should
          rebnintwo da irshe did notreagear. The relice officerrecordedthe complaintaflerhe
          fr isted. The 1me rdr thetchm'sbodywas foundat Ma]lanchbñdge. Susrects forthe
          mur±r were Foducedbefore — comt on9 Januaiy2002 and — ca is Foceedir . Tre mu
          concludedthattheie s ro etdence tojustifydJscirJinaiyacffonagair t — relice officer, and
          none was taken — reice deraituent.
          411. Byletter dated 23 March 20J4, the Gownmient resrended to a letter dated 24 September
          2003, nt jointlywith — Srecial RarTefleur ontc tme, concenür L
          (FJCN.400041661Add.l, rara. 141). The Srecial Ir tesffgatior Urdtis conducffr an
          ir tesffgation into — case. Sters will be taken in due course to record statemerds bythe
          vqthe es.
          412. Byletterdated 23 March 2004, the Gownmient resrended to a letter dated 26 September
          2003, ntjoirdlywiththe SrecialRarTefleuronthe iightto fieedomofordrdonandexFe ion
          andtheSrecialRarTefleurontoltre,concenüng aR.(il ii,rara. WO). T} Gownmient
          rereited that — Sl uconmiercedan ir tesffgation i nto — allegaffonandfor dedexfracts of
          t} ir tesffgaffonnotes to the Attonie Geneml's r renment, seeIdr a&ñce on the ir ffffiffon
          ofciiminal Foceedings agair t tre relice officers under tre Cor ,enffon agair t Toitre Act.
          The matterisundercor iderationbythe Attonie Oeneralatpie nt.
          413. Byletterdated23 March 20J4, the Gownmient resrendedto a letterdated 16 September
          2002, sentjointlywiththe Srecial RarTefleurontc tme, concen ng VT., Vt — TV.
          (FJCN.40003t751Add.2, rara. 183). The Gownmient rerefledthattre t}uee womeninthefr
          statements to the Sl u categoiicallyderdedthattheyhadbeenrared. Theyfmflerstatedthat —
          allegation hadbeenpublished to biing dJsrepute on — Sn Lankan a my. The Grama Niladhami
          (Village Officer) ofthe aieawhere — women ere li dng cord5nuedthat ro srhinciderd took
          place, andtre Sill decidedto tenidnate — ir te s tigaffon.
          414. Byletterdatedó July2004, tre Gjwnmient Fotdedfmtherir&onuation inacase
          conceniing V.a(il id.,rara. l78).TheGownmientrerefledthatfollrn* herrelea onbai].
          — hadg tenheradthe as KoalupuduMuilat}thm. wr his anarea not confrolledbythe
          cuñty±brces. Allattempts made to frace — tcffm hadfajled. — — authomities havebeen
          comrelled to susTend — ii stgaffor .
          415. The Srecial RarTefleurthan s — Gjwnmierd fonts resrerses.
          Alkgation letter
          416. Byletter dated 10 r cer er 2004 ntjoinilywith tre Srecial RarTefleur on
          contemreraiyfomms ofracisnb racial djscmimrdnaffo 4 xenophobiaandrelatedintolemnce ——
          SrecialRarTefleurontheciuesffonoftomtre, theSrecialRarTefleura&Tisedthatshehad
          rece tedir&onuationconcenüng s nfrdeniallydJsplacedwomen andgirls fi m Deraij camg 4
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 99
          luneast ofNpla. SoutheniDaifurState: ESIC aged 19, Z.RK, aged3 o, F.aA.S, aged 15,
          all frcm the E jo ibe andICAM.,M.LA., flJ.L, and A .M.A.
          417. a 30 Nowrther 2004, as theywere collecffr flre od outside — camp in a place
          calledMomo, 2 IuunoflhofDeraij IDP camg theycame acrossa groupofanuedrniliffawho
          askedthem about their ibal origir . The mer fearir that fffliey iidthatthey ere from
          — Dajflibe theywouldbe a imilatedwith — rebe]s, told them that theywere Nh alit. The
          rniliffa toldthemthattheydidnot like N ssalit wcmenandFoceededto aftacktremby
          st r ippir and eaffng them vdthgur ontheirchests andheads. Half of the group ele
          IddnarTedandraredbefore eir abandored. The otherhalfescaredandretumedto the camp.
          Theywere all r iouslyirgured. incluthng one womanvtho was Fegnant. Irdffally, all of them
          rece ,edmedialfreathientatthe N dialCentre , Npla. The Fegrantwoman was trarIened
          to Nplahospfta where — rniscanied. The attackwas rerofledto — relice forces in N la.
          418. The Srecial RarTofleurs a]so brought to — attenifon of — Gownmient ir&onuaffon
          conceniir another ircident ir ,oht eight women and gir]s from the same camp: J.A. aged
          ID, LA., aged II , M.LA. aged 25, l iLA., aged 30 and lii i, aged 25.
          419. a 2 Decer er 2004, as theywere collectir flr ood noflh ofthe camp in Tothong,
          theywere attackedbyanued niiliffas. Theywerebeaten andthree ere rared. Theyrece ted
          medical freathierd at — Medical Cenfre, Npla. The Cenfre'slaw r , at their request rerefled
          — inci nt to — relice authoriffes at — Npla Cenfral (Wasat) relice staffon; ho ewr , —
          relice refusedtof5le — ca . The nt nandgfr]swere thentraranedto theNplahosrdtal
          for freathient but were ref edbecause treydid not rcssess a Police Fonu Nmther 8 ç — fonu
          for freathient for injuries causedbya criminal act required bySudare Law.
          Urgent appeal
          420. a I X Febnaiy2004, the Srecial RarTofleur sent an urgent arTeal vdth tre Srecial
          RarTefleurontoltire conceniing MAY. aged IS, wbj was at imminent — ofbeir flogged.
          Urgent appeal
          421. a 22 Nhy2003, — Srecial RarTefleurs sent ajoint urgent arTeal conceniing M.A.F.
          fi m Al Wi}dth (Urdt O NeigMomhood &NiplainDaifoui vesteni Sudan . wbj was allegedly
          cor tictedofadulteiyon 17 Nhy2OJ3 andrerefledlysentencedto IOU lashes ofthe vdüp.
          MA.F. agealedagair t — sentence onthe giounds thatshe was Fegnant. Herlav r
          rerefledlya]so objectedthatherage was not taken into accountbythe comt. Howewr,
          acccding to rerefl on IS Otober2003, — SuFeme Comt inU Cteidrecothnuedher
          rdence , exhaustir herawnues ofarTeal. Intewoft} fear had een exFes dthat —
          rnightbe iimrdnenily ibjected to coireral pmis}mient.
          Urgent appeal
          422. a S Nhrch 2004, the Srecial RarTefleur sent an urgent arTeal with the Srecial
          RarTefleur on exhajudicig surthlalyor aibifraiyexecuffor the Srecial RarTefleur on —
          inderendence ofjudges — law rs andthe Srecial RarTefleur ontoitire, concen r —
          siffiaffonofA.LD., fiom — raka et}uüc groug — was atSkofbeir exec edbystordng
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 100
          aflershe was legedycc tictedofadulte (anicle l ofthe PenalCode, vduchFordbits
          xmlfrdercourse in the absence ofalawml relaffor rdp) by the Cthuinal ant in Nahud in
          estem KordofanState inJuly2003.
          423. Accordir tothe fr&onuaffonrece ,ed . ALDjadfourcrdldrenwithamanfrom
          Kordofan. to vthom — is not fonuallymanied. In J03 , ct the basis of her cor&essiorç — was
          rerefledycor ñctedofconuththngadu ,dthanotherDirkama n .B.Y.A. ,vdthvthomshe
          hadacrdldoutofwedlock Nk D. s not reFesentedbya law rat hertng nc was —
          allegedlyFotdedvdtharlithaintelpeter,ewnthoughthe ialwasconductedinArabic. It
          sfmUerrerefled that an arTeal agair t her sentence was sent to — SuFeme Comt wr h
          vdll decide shoitlywhetherthe sentence willbe ur ieldorowitmned. Atthe hine — arTeal s
          rd , A.LD. nsrerefledlya tffng — executionofhersentence at — p soninElO e4
          roitheni Kordofan State, with her lO-montholdbaby.
          Urgent appeal
          424. a 26 Nhrch 2004, tre Srecial RarTQteur sent ajoint urgent arTeal vdth —
          P Fesentaffw of the Secretaiyaeneralon inteniallydi lacedrersors , — Srecial RarTelteur
          on exhajudicig surthlalyor aibitraiyexecuffor , — Srecial RarTelteur on — iight to food .
          — SrecialRarTeiteuronthe iightof iy ne to — raghest attainable standardof icaland
          mental healthandthe SrecialRarTefleurontolt ire, regardir allegaffor ofc &iar killed .
          menrared anddozer oftllagesbuniedbyJar aweed —— inE ffF inthe Fecedir few
          eeks. The irci nts are saidtobe continuing.
          425. It is alleged that durir an attackbythe Janjaweed mflitia on at least I D dllages in —
          Tawila dJs ictbet een Kabkabi and aLFasher in NoithDaifm, beb een 27 and 29 Febnaiy
          2004, more t}un8O reople were Idlledandanmtherof hoolgir]s ere rared. Itisallegedthat
          inFebnaiy2004, 27 gir]s fromKuthm. Bindisi andMoniy ere abductedbysecurityand
          n&ita fo es andtakento Elaitomubyplane, andthefrwhereabouts are saidtobe mil non.
          Beb een2? Febnaiyand I rchJanja eedn miaallegedlyattackedandIdlledb o IDPsin
          Um Elair ]lage, 54km est of Garsilla. South E ffur. at i Nhrcrç Jar aweed rniliffa
          allegedlyaftackedDagarais ]lage, 34kmwest ofNfrla. SouthE ffur, andkiiled22tllagers
          andinjured3J.On3M a rchJanja eedmU itiaa]legedlyaftackedfomtllagesnearr leij ,64Iuu
          south est of1alfr ei . SouthDaifur, — Idlledb o cMliar . It is allegedthatall thetllages
          ele burned — an unimon nmu er ofcatile ere stoleR On 5 March Janja eed militias
          allegedly aftacked the admirjsfrathe urdt of Mas 55km soutr west of Geneina. NoithDaifm,
          and killed b o tllagers and injuredore. Itis a]leged that in West Daifur, onó Nhrch 2004, the
          Janja eedn&iffa vdththree lard-cnjjsers andaboutóO menonhorsebackattackedaLKureirik.
          alargetllage east ofaLjeneina. withlarge nmthers ofdi lacedrer r . Theyallegedlykilled
          l5tllager includir a crdld. a 7 March about C0 Janjaweed rniliffar allegecflyattacked a
          ]lage in Thu Ajura. Dagres, 45km soutr west of Nyala, South E ffur, and killed 20 tllagers
          andinjFed3O. It is a]legedthaton7 NhrchJanjaweedmthtia attackedTulo andAr nga. 4km
          estofOemezaandKoffnga ,73IuuroflhofNpla .SouthDaffur ,andIdlledb otllagersand
          injured three. It is alleged that on8 Marchmthtayplaresbcmbed llages nearKidirir, eastof
          — N ran mountairs, durir wrdrh 13 women. 8 crdldrenand4menere kiJled. a 8 March
          2004tr ee crdldren ere among 12 reople allegedlykilledinAishBana. a llage west ofaL
          Jeneina ,neartheChadborder.atl2MarchJanja w eedmiliffaallegedlyaftackedanlDPcamp
          inAdmata,nearElGerdna WestDaifm, andIdlledb oIDPs.Itisallegedthatonl2March
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 101
          n&ita plsbor edShei . 70 kmeast ofNpla, SouthE ffur , durir wr hs women
          ere killed and 25 rersor injured. It is alleged that afler the borthing, Janjaweedmflitia
          aftackedthe llage andbmnedowr IOU htandstole 61D catile.Onl sNhrchanunlmon
          aimed group allegedly aithushed a conmiercial cor oycan3& food surTdies on — road
          beb een H Fasrdr and Kuthm, NoiTh Daifui during vdüch one di ,er s fr ured and all —
          food s stolen. In Gokar, not far from aLJeneina. at least 5,000 fleefr tllagers are id to be
          gatheredwithno fooi. shelter ormedicine, wtdle aLJeneina itselfis rerefledlycmienily
          occupiedbyanesffmated 100,000 dJsplacedreople. The tonofMoniayis rerefledlyfull of
          thsplacedrer r , withfr ufficientfoodand medicines andno cbctor. It is rerefledthat
          dianhoea ard fever are rife ard 5-ID reople are d & each day. Tre cordlict is rerofledly
          sTdllir over into Chad as — Jar a eednke cross-bor±rraids. It is rerefled that mole than
          l00refugeesandChadiar havebeenkilledandcafflestolendming achraidsinthe restfew
          months. a 7 Nhrch 2004, it is alleged that 35 aimed menbelieved to be Janjaweed attacked
          bor±r sites and IdJled one man in Cnaendalou. unded another in Absogo, and stole IOU came.
          a 16 Nhrch2004Janjaweedmiliffa andgownmientsoldiers a]legedlyattackedKonua. It is
          a]leged that 22 women were rared. wral of vthom were Jur , andanmtherof whom ere
          raredoutin fiontofthefrfamilies. Itis allegedthatthe raretcffrns ere abducted. 16 ofwhom
          e l e rebn dtothe ]lageafewda later.Itisrerofledthat 2reople ereIdlle d .includir
          wralmerthers of the Thjblic Defence Force who hadsmienderedtheirwearer . Ursrecified
          nmthers ofmen andbo were a]legedlyabtcted and forced to herd stolenlivestock. Some of
          — men were a]legedlys relybeaten durir — Foce . it is alleged that on the second day of
          — attackagovenmierd nülitaiyhelicopterathted to re a lythe attackers vdthaimuurdtion
          and ncuated Janjaweed rniliffa ca aalffes. A second attack allegedlytook place on 21 March
          durir wr htre marketwasbmnedandeightmore reople were killed. The reiretrators intrds
          ir tance ereallegecMyofthe Gjran ibe, Janja ee d .orboth.
          426. It is alleged trat the Ckwenmient is arTethng — actior ofthe Janjaweed in order to
          pur e a shategyofforced di lacement of — repulaffor ofthe region. It is alleged that —
          Janjaweedare accomrathedbysoldier andthat Jme ofthe attackshaw beenbythe Janja eed
          earir anuyurdfc ms. Allegedl c in the rest ar no member ofthe Jar aweed — been
          anested c Fo cuted for rathciraffon inthe attacks.
          Urgent appeal
          427. a 6 August 2004, the Srecial RarTofleur sent an urgerd arTeal joinilywith —
          Chthrersor RarTefleurofthe Working Gnpon MbitraiyDetention regardir — situaffor
          a teacher and merther of the Fur ibe and of the Sudan Women Urdorç a
          Gjwnmient-affthatedNGO that rb to Fomote women'sngrdsin — Suda4 andN.M.V., a
          hw r from the 1agha ibe.
          428. Accoidir to — ir&oimaffonreceiwd. on2Y July2004, RM.A. s ierefledlyanested
          atherho e inN laat arFoximately 1p.m. andtakento — securityoffices inN lawhere
          shewas±tainedforone thy.Itisallegedthaton30Julyshewasthenfrar fenedtoNpla
          C3eneralPthonwhere she iscurenilybeir held. P refls indicate thatshe — notbeenfonuerly
          charged and — been ±rded arq sits byher family c law rs. It is alleged that pior to her
          anestshe hadrerefledlycalledforreace —— djsaimamentofthe mi]itias in — 5.
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 102
          429. It is fmTher rereited that 01131 July2004, N.M.Y. s anested at Ms office in Npla at
          arFoximatelyll am. andrerefledlytakento — securityforces offices in Npla. where he
          remair indetenlion. Accoriing to the ir&onualionrecS,ed. no officialcharges have been
          browht agair 6t — andit is alleged that he hasbeenderded sitationñghts. P rofls indicate
          that N.M.Y. s anested on ispicion ofjoirdng — aimed orTesilion.
          430. Concern was exFes d that — anest ofboth maybe related to their ca]Js to bth an end
          to — cord1ictinE ffur. Corcernwas heightenedbyreroflsthatbothmay e at Skoftoitjre
          vdu]st in detethon.
          Urgent appeal
          431. a 1 J Otober2004,the SecialRarTeflenrdajointurgerdarTealvdththe
          Chthrersor RarTefleurofthe WorIth Group onAthifraiyDetenlionand — Srecial
          RarTefleurontoflure regardàg R.A., aged35, motheroffr,e childrenand four montrs
          piegnant. IRA. isa ell-Imonacth,ist fromthe NubaMountairs who ]Ms inthe Ga'ar
          AlhajarreigM ourhood inKadogli ci13 SouthKordofanState. Accordir to ir&oimalion
          receiwd. on4 August 2004, sre was anestedbythe Nalictal SecurityAgency(NSA) at her
          office at the Crop Protection Dereftuent in Kadogli and taken to — NSA offices in Kadogli.
          Wrdlst indetenliorç Z.RA. was allegedlybeatenwith slicks onher shoulder, herflr ers were
          b dstedandshe was Idckedinherlowerabdomen. Mc eover, she was rerefledlysexually
          haras dandone officerrerefledly iedtoremow herclothir .On6August2004,shewas
          frar fenedto Kacbglihosrdtalandkeptthere forrdne da . Enarir rerhosTdtalizalic c — s
          handcufredandtiedto rerhosTdtalbeclOnls AugustZ.RA.wasdJschargedfromKadogli
          hosTdtalandretnedtoNSAcustody.She hasrerefledlybeenchargedunderaifrle55
          (tlothng — obtairir ir&onualion and official documents) and ai*le 66 (publication of ±iise
          rews)ofthe 1991 Penal Code. Intewofthe freathient lRA. has allegedlyalreadyundergone,
          ous concen are exFessed that she maybe at ñsk of fmther ilLfreathient — that — life —
          health ofthe crdld — is can3& maybe at ñsk.
          Urgent appeal
          432. a 17 November 2004, the Srecial RarTelteur sent a joint urgent arTeal with —
          P Fesentalive ofthe Secretaiyaeneralon — humaniights ofinteniallydi lacedrer r ,
          regardàg 13 womenresithnts ofaL aeer camp Accordir to — allegatior received. ñithe
          earlymoniir of 10 November 2004, relicemen canied out a iies oftolent attacks agair t
          djsplacedreople incamrsinSouthE ifurinordertoetcttrem.T serarate attacksonaL
          Oeercamptookplace, shofilyaflermidnightandat 5a.m., andwere vdtne ed Urdted
          Nalior stafrmer ers, Afiican Urdon ceasefire mordto andthe Ie . Inboth incithnts four
          carloaW ofreice fliedbuilets into — air, traewtear gas into tents andbeatresithnts, ordeth
          them to leaw — camp. At least 34 reople, 13 ofvthom ere womerç were taken into reice
          custody, vthere fliey ere s relybeaten. The 21 menwere relea donbail on II Nover er,
          follovdng Urdted Nalior inteivention. One of those released. ShaiñTaherHasaballa} is said
          tohavebeenfrfenedtohosTdtalasaie Jltofthe injuiieshesustainedincustody.The 13
          menremainindetention. Intewoftheallegalior thatthoseanested eie sthjectedto
          toitjre — i]l-freathient, concernis exFes dthat the 13 womenma ñe atthkoftoflure or
          other fonns ofilLtreathient. In rathcular, concen have been expie ed that theymaybe at Sk
          of sexual tolence.
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 103
          Urgent appeal
          433. at 17 Nowm er 2004, the Srecial RarTelteur sent a joint urgent arTeal with —
          P Fesentaffw ofthe Secretaiyaeneralon — hmuanñghtsofth mllydi lacedrer r —
          — SrecialRarTefleuronthe ile ofcrdldrerç cr&dFostiffiffonandcrdldremograr ty
          regardàgl3thteiy1aced menandgfr]sfromKalmacamg A.LL,agedl4,F.V.M.,
          aged 16, M.LLA. aged 17, aAR., aged 15, £M.L, ASk, F.V.N., agedóO, F.V.M., aged
          25 FAR, aged 50, l iLA., aged 35, alL, aged IX, ILAA. aged 25, and ILA.A.al-R.
          Accordir to — allegaffor recS,ed: at2 November2004, they rne IddnarTed vdiiist they
          ele collecffr flre od outside — camp It is be]i d that — IddnarTers belong to —
          Janjaweedmthtias. Intewoftreirdetenffoninanurdmonlocafforç shave eeneq e ed
          that theymaybe atthkoftoitre orother ±bims ofi]rfreathtent includir sexualtolence.
          434. The Srecial uld like to draw attenifon to a release is aed on 26 March 2004
          jointlywith — Srecial RarTefleurontoltire, — Srecial RarTefleuronoJntemreralyfolms of
          racisn racial desciiminatiorç xenopltobiaand relatedintolerance, — Srecial ParTefleuronthe
          ñgM & lyJne to the raghest attainable standard ofpl ical andmentalhealilb — Srecial
          RarTefleuronextrajuthcla]. smmuaiyoraibitraiyexecutior , — SrecialParTefleuronthe sale
          ofcrdltherç crdldFostiffitiorc andcrdldremograplty, the SrecialRarTefleuronthe iightto
          food. andthe Th Fe ntathe ofthe SecretaiyOeneralonintentallydJsplacedrersor ,bywhch
          theyexge edtrefr grave concentat the s tematic human iightstolaffor , comnüttedmairdy
          byGcwenmtent.alliednumiassuchasthe Janjaweed. — Nbjraheleenandthe PopularDefence
          Forcesagair tthe repulaffon inthe Daifur regiofr—mostlyfromthe Furet}uüc ccmmur lies I
          — Masalit Dajo, Tunjur, Tama — laghawas. The exrefls notablydrew attenlion to rerUns of
          attacks agair t refugees anddi laced rer Jr , rare ofwomenandgirl abduclion Icrdldrerç
          — buniing ofdozer oftllage looling, anddesthacionof]Mstockbythe nülilias.
          435. The Srecial RarTefleurwould like to reiterate her littelest in leceMngaresTer e from
          theGownmtentinregardto — a]legalior subnütted.
          — -a
          Let ed'aIIégafio '
          436. Parune letire endate du6 aoüt 2004, laRarTefleu1 sréciale, cor othtementawc le
          RarTefleur srécial r Ia tofime, a ir&olmé I c Gowemement cju'elle avait recu des
          rer eignements concentant W,M.I née le 3 mars 1969, ± nalionalité somalierate, rési±nte a
          Geréw aubénéflce d'unrenrdsde Hourde t3 e C ,Le l4juillet 2004, deux reicier
          arTelés rarunemplo de l'agence de Ia Bancjue cantonale de Genéw, quai erdes Pâcjujs,
          place de Ia Natgaliorc auraientanêté W. M.I c p A frowait ilabancjue etl'aFaient conduite
          aurestedereicedesPâcjuJs,nede Bente.WM.I.amaitsubiuneagre ionplt iquede larafi
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 104
          des der reiciers, cjui l'auraientaussifr Wtée etlui aurait demandé de cjuitterla Sujsse. Un
          ceflificat médical du 15 jufflet 2004, dont les RarTefleurs sréciaux ont recu cRie, étab]it cjue W.
          MI jWlie de contusic s awc denuahrasior de laface (frontgauche ettem re gauche)
          Fsente ml s mdrome de lachan ère dorsolorthaire. Suite icet incident une plainte auraitété
          déresée Far son avocat.
          Repouse d ii Cnvernement
          437. Par une letire en date du 5 octohe 2004, le Gowemement a frar mjs Ia rérer e du
          E renementde lajusffce, accomragnée des pièces de lagendamleñe genevoise. Surlabase de
          ces documents décñ ntFécSment les condjtior d'anestationde W. MI , Ic Gjwenlementa
          rérenduque les gendanues a tent fafl ml usage FoFeltorthé et modéré ± Ia confrainte er ers
          W. M-I., cjui n'a res été ble ée , rd ne s'est manifestée rem Se plaindre de mawais fraitements.
          438. La RarTelteu sréciale remercie Ic Gowemement Four 1 rérer e.
          Foflo % topredouslyfrausmftted couunimkafio '
          439. Byletterdated8 Apil 2004,the Gownmlentresrendedto aletter dated I X Septer er
          2003, sentjoinilyvdththe SreciarnarTefleuron — hmuanñghts ofmigrants, concen r alt
          (FJCN.400041661Add.l, rara. 154). The Gjwnmlent rerefled that on 2 Septerther 200 one
          dayaflerthebodyofS.H. was fomd, Traireice oflicia]s Fompilyanested asusTect v,k was
          ntuallychargedon26 Nowr er2003 vdthrare andFemeditatedmFder. As — nmther&
          vdthes s is cor iderahIe , a ñes ofheaiings rawbeenschedwed. Two comts are a ignedto
          deal withthefr teshmony, namely — comt ofMae Sot, Tak pro tce , — the comt ofCrdar
          M i D spte S.H.'sstaths asa migrant rnker , hercase is re to recS,e — jusffce
          under Thai cñrninal law. Moreowr, — Cthuinal Case Comrer ition Act of200l a]so inthcates
          there illiyforcomrer ationto e made tothe thrnilyofS.H.'s.
          410. The SreciarnarTefleur thanks — Gjwnuuentfortrds resra e. She u1d arFeciate
          rece ,ir fmther details ct — outcome of the iaL
          Let ed'aIIégafio '
          l. Par lethe en date du 27 aviil 2004, er o e conjointemerd avec le RarTefleur srécial r
          Iawnte d'er&ants, Ia Fcsffffiffct d'er&ants et Ia renlograp}Iie imrJicjuantdes er&ants, Ia
          RarTefleuse sréciale aathi I'attentionduGowemement ardes allégaffor d'e,QIoitation
          sexuelle d'enfruts thr un craather t cenfre de Lomé comlu sous le nom de Dev sbne, cc c p A
          sigrdfle marché des er&ants dar Ic dialecte mina. ScIon les fr&onuatior recues, des fillettes
          etjeunes mles âgées de 9115 ar se Fosfftueraient dans cc cjual er, reifois rem moir d'un
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 105
          2. Ilsemble cjue beaucoupde cesjeunesfllles oft été rarées de leurs famffle tandjs cjue
          d aufres ont simplement été abandoraiées. Scion les fr&onuaffor recue Ia plurafi de ces jeunes
          flues ne seraient ras alpliabéhsées. Exfrêmement m]nérables , cues serthlent être les oies
          idéales de tenants de maJsor closes. Ces flilettes etjeunes mles courerd égalementle Scjue de
          d rdrtctimes de fraflcjuants cluiForesent des er&ants cor e rr d cer,iebonmarché ou
          esclaves xuelles en Mñcjue de Itniest.
          3. Les rarTefls indicjuent cjue Ic Togo n a res une legislation efficace rem punr les
          rer Jrthes crñ exploiteraient ces flilettes et jeunes mles. Les er&ants se seraient cues- mêmes
          plaintes au sujet des reiciers cjui rafrouilleraient dar cc cjuanier et cjui 1cm auraient ±mandé
          des relaffors sexuelles sar les ra r. Anth . mie jemle flue de 13 ar , amaitdéclaré Les
          jldats cjui sontcer Cs no Fotéger lors de leurs rafrouilleswWent avoir des relaffc s
          xuelles avec rous sar ra r et nous sorthies trop efrra es rem thre norç alors rous devor
          acce pter sar rec ragner .
          th seinfion
          414. La ParTefleuse sréciale juhaite réitérer jnintérêt irecevoir me rérer e du
          Gjweimment au sujet des allCgaffor renCes a son attenifon.
          TurI y
          Alkgathn letter
          5. Byletter dated 28 Apil 2004 sent jointlywith the Srecial RarTeflem on exhajudicig
          mimaiyorathifraiyexecutior — Srecial RarTeflemnotified — Gownmientthatshe had
          receiwd ir&onuation on — alleged lack ofdue diligence bylocal authoñffes in their dutyto
          Fewntthe rono&dllir of GirnthiTore' aged22. According to ir&onuaffonrecS,ed.
          M . Tö nwas raredbyherratemalcousininhertllage, Biths. andbecame Fegnant as aresWt.
          P fusing to take heras a secondwife, — relpfratc rerefledlylefl — llage. Accordir to
          iba1 fraditior , Nk Toren salleged1ysentencedto deathforbeir Fegnant outside of
          maniage. The rerUns indicate that — ughtrelice FotectioninBiths but — was rerofledly
          rdbackto herfamily. Her fya]legedlyagieedto restrone her deathunrn thebinhofthe
          cr&d.Ms. Torenwasallegedlyforcedtoleave rertllageardtogotolstanbwto ]M vdthher
          ratenialuncle unrn — biflhofthe cr&d. aice hercr&dwasboni. — cr&dwas rerefledly
          g tentoa± milybyherbrothersandNk Torenwaslockedinaroomandg tenacthletohang
          herse]f Accordir to rerUns, she managed to escare and reached Faffrç Ser eniird Police
          Statio4 where she allegedlyasked forFotection. Ho ewr , — reice rerefledlycalled
          Nk Tören brotheranduncle to djscuss — a]1egaffor andshe was releasedinto heruncle 's
          custo urct recei dng ar onii that theywoWd not Idll her.
          41 . Itis rerofledthat on2 S Febnaiy2004, she was shotin piblicbyrerbrothers inlstanbW
          and was taken to Dr. Sadi Koroâ Tmiring and P search Hosrdtal in Paldrlty, Istanbu l. In the
          hosrdtal — rerefledlyaccusedherbrothers of the ciime. Itisallegedthat — authoñties didnot
          take — necessa1yFecauffor to FotectMs. Törenvd&st she was inhosTdtal iecowth from
          herbrother's eailierattempts to kulher. Itis rerefledthat one ofherbrothers enteiedherhosrdtal
          roomandshotherforthe second hine. She thenfellirdo acomaandheri± was a]legedlyended
          Page 106
          the doctor's remoofrerlife- arTefl ecjuipuent u ct arFo lbyherfamily. Oiildun
          Törenwas declared dead 01127 Febnaiy2004.
          7. The Office ofthe ArTJicaffonofWomerCs Bights ofthe IstaithWBarAssoiation
          rerefledlymedacomplaint withtre CrdefF osecutor ofBaldthoy, inlstarbW. (File
          No. 2004110268 dated 2 March 2004). The Chief F osecutor CftYice has rerefledlymed an
          acffonandtre ca is underii sffgaffon. Wanants have rerofledlybeen is aed fc — anest of
          Oiildun Tören brothers. However, accordir to ir&onuationrecS,ed. ro Fogre hasbeen
          made inir tesffgaffr theallegedlackofduediligencebythe State inFeverdir t}üscrime.All
          rer Jr found to be negligent in their dutyto pi tect G ilduw& Tar nshoWdbe Fosecuted.
          412. Mjreover, acccSir to ithbnuaffonrecS,ed manyotherwomeninTurkeyare under
          threats ofconuuunally 1ncffonedhonwFIdllir s andin needofFotecifon. The rerUns indicate
          that — cmientlegislafforc govenuuentrelicyandFactice do not Fotectwomenaga1 t ronour
          Covermnent reply
          9. Byletterdated 15 Decer er 2004, the Govenmientrerefledthat Oiildun Tören thdnot
          ek Fotectioneither from — reice or — gendanuerie in Biths. Ms. Tören arTdied to —
          Ser eniird relice station in Faffh dJs ict Istanbu]. ard stated that she had beentraeatened byher
          uncle. She s committed to — Women's Social Care Hou on — 1me day. Inthe meanfime,
          heruncle s Ibundard intenogatedbythe relice. Merhavir beenshot inthe legbyone of
          rerbrothe.Nk Toren s taken to the DoktorSadi Konu Hosrdtaland ñitenogated. She
          ref ed tome acomplaint agath6t r an and to giw ir&onuation about — ressil le reasor ±br the
          inciderd. The reice, however, uren mahuaig aninquli 3 is aedanarestwanantforherb o
          brotrers. While they ere bothbeir ughtbythe reice, on26 Febnai 3 anumonrer Jn
          entered — hosTdtal room INk Törenandsrot herb dce inthe read. The fugithte Jsrects
          ere arFehended on 8 Apil 2004 in res ionofa rdstol. It s later established that —
          pistol was — one s used in the ccmmission ofboth shootir s. The la suit med agair t —
          allegedrelrefratorsofNk Tören's mur±risrendir .The nextrearfr oftre ialwillbeheld
          on29 r cer er2004. Miir testigationwas irdffatedbythe PaldrkoyPublic F osecutcfs Office
          agairst — reice officers ±br failir to reffonutheirduty The iele rd do ierns refenedto
          — Istanbu l F o tcial Admirdstrath,e Board for adnirjsfrathe incjuil3c in]ine with — rele nt
          legislaffon. Havir inquiredofrele mntdoctorsandothermedialrersorthe]. as ellas security
          rersorate]. the adnirjsfrathe authoijifes concluded that the offence attributed to — accu d is
          notsubstanffatedandtherefore there is no needto is e remiSionfor — orerdr ofajudicial
          ir tesffgaffon. Ho ever, — decisict is not fina]. the Public F osecutor's Office and the
          complainants havir — iight to a eal — decision at the rele mnt comt.
          450. The SrecialRarTofleurwouldlike to acknovdedge the resithte sters takento punish
          reirefrators of j-called honourIdllir s in — newCthrdnal Code — urges — Govenmient to
          rase awarere — r tiffite Fotecrfe mea Jres to Fevent srhcrimes from ocumr .
          Allegat ion letter
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 107
          451. Byletter dated 30 September 2004, sent joinilyvdth the Srecial RarTefleur on toitre,
          — Srecial RarTefleur noiffled the Gownmient that she had recS,ed — follovdng allegaffor
          to wr h the Gownmient resrerdedbyletter dated 14 Decer er 2004
          452. ItT., aged 23, was held in detenffonbeb een 8 and II March 2002 at — Ard Ten
          Branch oflstanbul relice headquaiters on suspicion ofmembers}iip ofan illegal orgardzaffon.
          While inc tody,asmof terwasrerefledlyforcedupher ginavdthardghpie ure
          hose, — was s irTed raked. sratat andforcedto sit inexcreta. A complaint was fonuallyrned
          vdththe public gosecutc inFatilb Istanbul. Herlav rsrereitedlyrecp stedthatshebe serd
          from p son for r rological beatment.
          Coverinent rt ly
          453. TheGownmierdrerefledthatH.T. wastakenintocustodybythe JstathulSecurity
          rlirectorate on ispicion of mer ers}üp ofan ifiegal orgarJzaffon. An fr testigaffon s frdffated
          bythe Faffh Public Prosecutor's Office into aliegaffor that she was ilL heated in custoc
          beb een 8 and II Nowrther 2001. Statements were taken fromthe complainant and Jsrects.
          Therereitofthe Forer icMedicineIr ffffite,datedll March J02,wasexanünec andthe
          Thiblic Prosecutor deci d not to Fosecute on 29 August 2002. An arTeal was iejectedbythe
          Be glu 3 Assize Comt on 17 Januaiy2003.
          Allegat ion
          454. RD., a KFdis}i man from Hakkâr aged 28, maniedto an Iraqi man and ] ,ir in
          Imcbshe rethniedto Tutheyto sit her familyvdthouther oflicialdocuments. On2oAugust
          2OJ2Z.D.,hert b jther atsitorto thehouseandherbrothefssorcSavaI were anested
          and takento the An Tenor Branch &Halthârirelice headquaners. Police rerefledlywanted her
          to make a statement that she was an aciw mer er of the Pai Jimuên Azad (PJA, al j knon
          as KADEIC) andthat sre hadcome to Turkeyto — goragandabefore — electior .
          P refledly, she was blind±bl±d. her hair was pulled and toni out herhead s angedagair t
          — wallwrdist — s reldbyrerha±, she recS ,edblo s to — neck . am , torso, feet —
          legs, her face was slarTed andbeaterç elec ic shocks ere arTJied to rer ear. She was allegedly
          threatenedwithelec ic srockstoherbreast herbreastswere rdtha4 — sflueatenedvdth
          rare, andiimuediatelyafierflustr eat all thebuttor ere ñrTedfrom hersrtht She allegedly
          heardherbrothers llir andbeingtoitredintheneathycel]s.ZD.,vthodoesnotreador
          v ite, nffiallyhad her thmthpint placed on a Fe-Ilerared statement. On 24August 2002 she
          stakenforamedicalexam,andgiwnaiereitdetailir herfr uües.She wasa]sorereflecfly
          fo il lysubjected to a tgirdtytesr. It is fmTher rereited trat a ial was orened agair 6t —
          reirehato. who — rerefledlynotbeen isrended fiom acthe sece.
          Covennent rt ly
          455. The Gownmierd rerefledthat anintelligence rerUn s receiwdbythe Hakkari relice,
          niir that a mer er of the PICKIICONGRA-GEL tenotht orgarJzaffon uld ifiegally enter
          Turkeyfirnu noiThem Iraq. ID. was anestedas she enteredthe countiyon2o August2002.
          Merbeing refened to — judicial authoñffes on 24 August 20G2, — s anested and
          committed to the p son. She rece ,ed a medial examinatior before and aflerthe detention
          reñod. on2O and 24 August resreciwly. Tre second mcdi al rerUn indicateda slight und
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page th8
          onherhead. andwas as miedtobe fromanoldboior imple. Inhertesfimonyat — Public
          F osecutor's Office, she said she djdr jth jwbjwt} mid radoccuned.
          Allegat ion
          456. am, a KFdJsh man . was rerefledlytakeninto custody 01122 August 2002 at — Mit
          TenorBranchofHakkârireice readquaite orcwhere — skeptforfourda ,durir
          vdiichshe rerefledlyhadher hairpulled athtomout her headbeatenagair tthe ]] . she
          receiwdblowsto iriousrtofherthdy,andshe sgiwnelec ic shocksto herearanda
          flr eronherlefl hand. It is a]so rerefledthat — hadher throatscjueezedwith elec ic cable,
          thatshe wasblindfolded andhad ahandkerchefsthffedinto her mouthto Fewnt rer f i n n
          makir noise, that — was threatenedwith rare,ir ilted. andFonhised moneyif she signeda
          Fe-Feraredstatement. Whenshe refu d — mone gshe was rerefledlybeatenagainath
          threatenedwithrare andelec ic shocks to herheast that hercrdldrenwouldbe killed, that she
          uld e killedandherthdywouldbe throninto — iiwr. S.B. was rerefledlytakento —
          doctor tvdce wrdist she was in custody, but itis alleged trat no rerelt resulffr fiom her
          examinaffor has been foiThcomir .
          Coverinent rt ly
          457. TheGownunerdrerefledthatS.B. wasrerefledto e amerdjerofthe P}CKJKONGRA-
          GELtenotht orgarJzaffon. Urenanintefligence rerUn su gestfr thatshe wouldenterTurkey
          rnegallyfromnoimemlraq,sre wasanestedbytheHakkarireliceon23August2002asshe
          enteredthe coun .Shewasrefenedtothejudicialauthoñffeson26Augustanestedand
          conmiitted to pison. Medical rerUns obtained ct 23,24 and 26 August indicated no frace ofi]r
          freathient. The HalthariPub]ic Prosecutor's Crnce irdifated anir testigaffonbasedon complaints
          ofthe b rersor ofill-freathient; ho ewr, it concluded vdth a decision not to Fosecute for
          lackofcredibleand ibstanffaffngetdence.
          Allegat i on
          458. N.C srerefledlydetainedatthe Mit TenrnBranchofIstaithulrelice heackaaflers
          beb een 23 and 27 Septer er 20G2. P reitedly, wren — refused to sign a statement she was
          takenbyrerhair andthronto — giound. A rolicemanspt into rermouthandnose, —
          flueatenedhervdthrare.ShehadcoldnterffrTedowrher.T}uee relicen nallegedlystñrTed
          hernakedandblindfoldedher.Sre wasallegedlyforcedtoremainnakedforhalfanhourand
          sfondledallowrandtlueatenedvdthrare.She wasabj rerefledlyaskedwhethershewasa
          tgin. Thenshe was lerefledlyputonthe groundandrare was simulated.Allegedlyshe was
          a]so threatened vdthhavir a hcse in fled ir 6ide her. P c tedl g her thce was sfrok wrdlst
          — s threatened. She ntedto vcmitbut s rerQtedlytold if uvonüt we will — u
          lick it up . Water was reured in — direcifon ofher gina — rersonal comments about her
          mer thaaffonwere maW. She was allegedlyg tenelectiic srotb dce. Areicemanailegedly
          quatted i nfntofherw rWst rerhands e iebounc and iedto±brcehertotake rdsrerdsinto
          her mouth. She was fothidden to go to — toilet c to eat. It is rerefled trat she was forced to
          signastatement. N.C. was examinedbyaForer ic Medical Irsffffite doctorwro v ote arerofi
          on her condiffon on the dayshe was taken from relice custodyto pison. The examirdr doctor
          rerefledlyrectuestedarerofito detennine vthetherornottrerearelesiors ielatir to serial
          as iult(h mienexaminaffct)”, although this is an inarFopiate subsffffite fora thorowh serial
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 109
          as iultii stigaffct. Herlaw rs — med acomplaintagafr t — allegedreirefrators with —
          public Fosecutor.
          459. aV.was rerefledydetaliledatJstathm TerorBranchbeb een24and
          27 September 2002. She s irdffallysearchedbya female relice officerbefore befr taken
          e]sewhere. Wh]stshe wasblindfolded a male reice officerallegedlystanedmoardng —
          malung nO]1 s as though he was ha dng x. The same rersonrerefledly ore ccttinuously, —
          rereatedlyorenedS.Y. s mouth andsratinto it. As are ilt ofthe effects oftre sal ,a inher
          mouth S i retcheci Whilst otherofficials heldherhandsberdnd herbacl — was rat rereatedly
          onthe headto Fewntherfn s ithng outthe 1] a . as aresultofvdüchshe became dazedand
          cor&u d. She s rerefledlygiabbedbythe —. andthronto the ground. She was allegedly
          askedvthethershe was a tgiR She was rerefledlyderStedof sleeg ±bod anddria —
          blindfoldedah r ioushmes. She srerofledlytoldtos igv 1uchsre d4andrelice offices
          again stafleds earir atherandteasing rer. Itisa]so rerefledthatwhenshe wasblindfolded
          — was putonthe gromd andone of the relice offices abj strirTedand rjbbedrds hands —
          rerds agair ther Afleiwards, S.Y. sallegedlytakennakedto the toilet andsFa dvdth cold
          Fe u±ed ter. Onthe thirddayincustody, she was rerefledlys irTednakedandsexually
          as iulted again. She sallegedlytr eatenedvdthanalrare usir — Fes rizednter ro ,
          vdüchtherelice allegedlyaftemptedtoir flinto eranus.ai27Septer er2002sre was
          remanded to BahirkoyWomenandCrdldren s F i jr Aforer ic doctore)muinedherandwlote
          arerefi onhercctdiffonthe dayshe was takenfromreice c todyto p Jn. It is fmTher
          rerQtedthat flial was orenedagair tthe relrefrator — — rerefledlynotbeensusTended
          from ac th,e nice.
          Coverinent rt ly
          0. The Gjwnmient rereitedtrat — rer Jr named ere arFehendedbythe Istanbul
          relice on23 Septer er2002 during oreraffor agair tthe PEJCI}CONGPA-GELtenc i s t
          orgarJzaffon. Aflerbeir re±hiedto the Public F osec or'sOffice at — Istathu lState Security
          Comton27 Septer er2002, they ere anested. Urentheircomplaints, — CaiiefPublic
          F osecutofs Office, Istanbu]. meda law iitagair t fourrelice officers fiom — Jstatha
          rlirectorate ofSecurityattre Istanbul Serious Crimes ComtNo. 4on4Apil J03. The ca is
          rendir . The IstathulDirectorate ofSecurityundeflook anadmirjsfrathe incjuiiyirdo —
          allegaffor , — concluded that there is no needto ibject — officers to admirjsfrath,e renaThes.
          Urgent appeal
          l. at l7Nhrch2004,the SrecialRarTefleur ntajointurgerdarTealvdththeSrecial
          RarTefleuron fieedomofordrdonandeq e iorc — SrecialRarTefleuron toitire — —
          SrecialP FesentathTe ofthe Secretaiyaeneral onthe sibnffon ofhuman rights defenders
          regardir three Iranian naffonals; F.A., N.M.H2 — R, vtho haw been seeking as dmuin
          Mthara. Accorthngtoir&onuaffonreceiwd theyare d tobe derefledto — Isla mic Th pubic
          &hanvdththeircrdldreninfourda . Allthreewomenaresaidtobe men'siightsacthtt
          andmer ers oftre Intentaffonal FederationoflranianPMwees (IHR)-Turkey.Wrdle in
          Turkey,itisrerefledthattheyrathciratedinpubic cor&erencesandmeeffngsinthedefenceof
          men s iights in Iran . exFessing ciithism agair t — Irardan regime and callir fc stiikes
          agair tthe Ira n i a n Gjwnmtent. Concentis exFe ed that theiriights to life — cuütymaybe
          at Sk if they are le baned.
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page l I D
          Coverinent rc lies
          2. Byletters dated 29 March ard 20 Apil 2004, the Gjwnmient rerofled that the request
          fora dmu ofthe abow-menffonedrersor was refusedbythe U iCROWice inMthara buta
          reasse mentof S.P.'s a dicaffon was granted. All M w arTJied for remiission to stay in Turkey
          vdthThrdiraiyalien”stath andflüsisbefr corsideredbythe MirJs yoftre Inteiior.
          Urges appeal
          3. at 31 August 2004, the Srecial RarTefleur sent an urgent arTeal onbera]fof R.M., a
          20-par-old Trardan woman.
          4. Accorclingto ir&onuaffon receiwd; 1999 R.M wro was l4 ars oldat the time, ent
          to Turkey dth rer family to ek as dmu. Their arTdicaffon for refugee status was rejectedby
          UNHCR. The thrnilymowdtothe cityofBurdurwhere RM. maniedanIrardanas dmu-seeker
          in tre ar 2001. It is rerofled that becau her husband regularlyabu d her and forced her into
          havir xualrelatior vdth jmeofrdsmak fiiend — d ,orcedrdm.Inordertosmtw ,sre
          then staned engaging in Fostiffiffon. RM was said to be six-montrs piegnant. In dew ofher
          sffiaorç ± ars ele exFes dforher life as well as forher rk icaland mental integiityifshe
          Foflo % to previously frausmftted couunimkafioi
          5. Byletterdated 12 May2004, the Gownmtent FcwidedfmTher fr&onuaffonconcenüng
          GD. (FJCN.400031751Add.2, rara. 218). The Gjwnmtent rerefledthatshe didrotresTendto
          — fr ,itationoftre Public F osecutor to elaborate onherallegatior andherwhereaboutscoWd
          notbe detenuined. The fr tesffgafforc corductedinthe th nce ofherontesffmony, concluded
          inadecision rot to Fosecute. As fc her comr ird agafr t — relice officerforallegedlyffi-
          freatfr her, — Thiblic Pro cutor 's Cffice decided to i rdifate anfr tesffgafforcbutthe Office of
          — Gjwmor did not g Te — necessaiyrenth ion for the fr tesffgaffon. The arTeal of the
          Crnce agafr tthis decisionat — Midst Seiious Ciimes Comtwas rejected. On4Septer er
          2001,the law r ofG.D.Fesented anewmedialrerofl to the Public F osecutor'sOffice vdiich
          s thtained fromthe I thrChaitherofMediine. The Crnce decided to reirdifate —
          fr tesffgationin accordance with anicle 167 ofthe PenalProcedure Code.
          6. Byletter dated 27 May J04, the Gownmtent resren±d to a joint conmimication of3
          July JO3 sent vdththe Srecial RarTefleurontoltre,concenüng G.G. (EICN.4120041661Add.l,
          rara. 156). The Gjwnmtent lerefled that — Office oftre Public F osecutorinGatosmanresa
          Md i rdifated an fr tesffgaffon uren the ccmplaintby G.G. The clothes that sre re on 14 June
          2003 (the date when she was allegedly abducted — rn-treated) ere sent to — Forer ic
          Science Dere±uentto frace anyre il le etdence. Inquiiies foretdence andressible vdtne es
          ere canied out in — area ofthe alleged abduction. Uren — irsthaction oftre Public
          F osecutor, G.G. was sent bythe relice to E seId Hosrdtal for a medial examination on IS J u ne
          2003. Accordir to the medical rerelt sureificial gmzes were foundon rerbody. Inorderto
          establishwhethershe hadbeen xuallyas iulted. — sthentraranedtothe sTeciali2ed
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page III
          branchofthe Forer ic Science Dereftuent vthere she recS,eda medicalexamination. The
          Cftfice ofthe Thjblic Pro cutorrequested in v itfr — Securityrliiectorate oflstanbulto
          identirythe relice officersondutyandtherersor worIdnginandaroundthe areaoftre alleged
          abducffo4 to estab]ishthe idenffffesofthe relrefratc s andto ir estigate wretherthe alleged
          reiretrators ofrare were relice officers. Inrarallelto thejudicialFoce . — Security
          rlirectorate of JstathW arTeinted a rlirector of Securityto fr tesffgate — case fmTher In that
          regard. tre tesffmonyofG.G. staken. She rereatedthe allegaffors,butindicatedthatshe
          couldnot ideniffythe re or — hadas iultedherthnce — couldnot e thefrfaces.
          Therefore, it s not rossil b to detenuine vthetherthe relrefratorswere actuallyreice officers.
          Accordir to — njEr s ofthe Council ofState (admirdsfrath,e ragh comt ofarTea]s), cases
          vdiich carajotbe fr tesffgated due to the absence ofthe susTects shouldbe retuniedback to tre
          rele nt authoiity. Therefore, since no curi t yofficial hadbeen accused at that stage, —
          admirdsfrath,e fr tesffgationwas susrended. Inthe light ofthe foiegofr , b 'o serarate
          fr tesffgaffor were frdffateduren — comr intof G.G. Itshouldbe notedthat — ir e s tigaffon
          frdtiatedbythe Thjblic Prosecutofs Office ofGatosmanresi is ajudicialFoces wr h is
          rarate fromthatoftheSecmityDfrectorate ofIstaithu] befr anadmird s trath,e one.Agair t
          thisbackthog the fr te s tigaffoncaniedoutbythe Public Pro cutofs Office is stifi ongofr .
          7. Byletterdatedó Decer er2004, the Gownmient Fotdedir&onuaffonconcenling NB.
          (FJCN.4120041661Add.l, rara. 157). The Gjwrmuent rerefledthat — tiialofthe b 'o reice
          officers Md corcluded on 13 October 2004. The comt acquitted — accu d for lack ofsufficient
          andsubstanifafing e ddence. (he of the cThcers was onthe tty]ist atAdnanMenderes Aiirefl
          onthe dayofthe alleged inci nt.
          th seinfion
          8. The Srecial RarTefleur wouldlike to thanktre Gownauentfor its resra es. The
          Srecial RarTefleur v shes al j to exFess itisfacffon in regañ to — coorerationdewlored
          dthUsi s jmeofthe abow cases.
          Unhed Kh dom of Great Britain am! Northern Irelaril
          Urgent appeal
          9. at ii June 2004, the Srecial RarTefleur sent a joint urgent arTeal with the Chaiarersor
          RarTefleuroftre Working GrouponAthifraiyDetenffonard — SrecialRarTefleuron
          freedom oforüdonandeq e iorc regardiatg N.I< a24- ar-oH Nerele ciffzenfromKrotang
          dJs ict. Sre is rerefledlyat Skofinmiediate dereflaffonfromthe Urdted Kingdom to Nerel,
          vthere it is alleged that — uldbe at 5k ofdetenfforç toitre and other Ibnus of ilLfreatment,
          ctthe groundsofherreiffcalordrdonandacthñffesasahmuaniightsdefender,andreifrularly
          her ir ,oWement with — Maoists. It is aileged that sre — been ibjected to death threats in
          Nerel.She isrerefledtobe detainedatrondonHeafluowAiircflTenthnal2.Itisa]legedthat
          on3 March2001 N.K. reifriratedin aFocessionorgardzedbyt} Maoists fromKhotang
          djstiict for human iights, agair t alleged conupifon ofthe Gjwnmtent and — relice, and ±br
          landrefc n.Itisallegedthatsre wasdetainedinareice nvthere sre sIdckedandslarTed
          byoffice . Later, — sallegedlybeaterc sexuallyassaultedandhadherhairpu]ledat
          Katamcrd a reice staffon. She was rerefledlyreleased one week afier her familywas allegedly
          forced to rayabiibe at — relice staffon. M aresult &the i]r freathient she was unable to walk
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 112
          for a nmther ofweeks. Ms K. rerefledlybelongs to a family ofacthe Maoists. Her father is
          rerefledtobetheleaderoftheMaoistsintheKhotangditct. Herolderbrotherandfourother
          Nhoistswere allegedlyanestedandtoitred afler ameeffr 01116 Apil200l, anddetainedfora
          eekat — relice stafict. Herfamilyrerefledlyfled to Kathmandubefore her father andbrother
          flnallydecidedtoflee — coun .Asafemale mer eroftheMaoEt heracth,iffesare
          rerefledlycor ideredrdghForne andsheisatnskofgerder-srecifictolence.Tre relice
          rerefledlysusTectedherofcan dng messages to Nhoist rebels.
          Coverinent rt ly
          470. Byletter dated 16 July2004, the Govenmient rerefled that tre Uthted Kfr dom — in
          place ell-estabhshedFocedures forthe as mentofarTdicaffor ir ,oht as dmu —
          human iights is aes. The decision to detain Nk K. oii8 June 2004 s rot aibifraiy — s
          made in — beiefthat she wouldbe ‘emoved 0119 June 2004. Those amngements were
          cancelledfollrn* reFe ntatior to OHCHRandsubmi ionofafmtherarTJicationto reman
          intre Urdted Kingdom. C ce itbecame clearthere was no immediate Fosrect of remo
          .K. ,shewasreleasedfrom±tentiononl7June. The G wnimenthadcarefullycor idered
          Nk K.s case inthe light ofitsdomestic andintenuffonal obligaffor , includir — Cor ,enffon
          relafing to — Staths ofB fugees and — Eurorean Cor ,ention on Human BJghts, but concluded
          thatshe dces not face rersecutionora real Skofdetenfforç tc ture , orirthumananddegradir
          freathient or other fonns of rnisfreathient on account ofher reitical opinion on rebn to Nerel.
          There is no etdence that Ms. K. has been ibject to rer cuffo non account ofher gender. Tre
          ordyincidentshe — rai dis — a aultbythe relice andthis was notbeli dbyan
          inderendent ajudicatorto have occmied. She — notrai danyconcenis aboutdjscñnünation
          onaccountofhergender ,butinany rdthe iiskc achdJ iinünationdoesnotg te hera
          ñghtto remain in the United Kir dom if it does not amount to rersecuffon or irthuman and
          degradir freatment, andthere is no etdence that — facesdi thrdnaffonwr h reaches this
          threshold. Since — irdifaldecisict to rethse heras dmu was takerç Nk K. — — full e of
          — avenues available to challenge this decisiorç andhashadlegalreFe rdaffonfluoughout. Tre
          inderendentimnügrationarTealacmadicatordid notfind hertobe aciedible vdthessandsimply
          didnotbe]i herclajms were thie. Herca sthenexaminedbythe Irnmigraffon ArTeal
          Tübunal, — Admirdsfraffw Comt the Comt of ArTeal and tre EuroreanComtofHuman
          Bights, nore ofwhcm foundanyreasonto reoren — matter. She — therefore exercisedher
          ñghtto fair goceedir s before an inderendent and imreit½ibunal. She — made an
          arTdicaffonto remaininthe UrdtedKir domonthebasis ofa relatior hipto a ffledrersonand
          no acifon to remove her vdllbe taken until this arTJicaffon is resoWed.
          471. The Srecial RarTelteurtharths the Gowniment fonts reply. She wouldlike to exFess
          her interest in rece ,ir any addifforal iIonuaffon in relaffon to N.K.'s ap 1icationto remain in
          the U rdte d K i ' dom.
          U ieI tan
          Alkgathn letter
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 113
          472. Byletterdated8 October2004, — Srecial RarTefleuraddthe Gownmient that —
          hadrece ,edir&onuaffon conceniingthe follovdng cases.
          473. GT., aged32, fromthe tonofCrththay. Accordñig to fr&onuaffonreceiwd. Nk 11 s
          abductedinJm 2004andforcedtomanyamanshedidnotImow.Aflerattendir abiithday
          rshevsrerefledlydraggedfrdoacarbyherfuthrehus and flierdsardtakentords
          home.It i srerefledthatMs.t i saKarakalraaM rnugroupofthe noimemdeseflsoftre
          coun a id wbj soial customs make it inressible fora stolenbñde to return home afler
          havir beenIddnarTed.
          474. M. , from Nikus in the Karakalrakstan region. Accordir to ir&onuaffonrecS,ed.
          Nk I was abd1rted one ofher fellow college stu±nts — forciblymanied. Afler t
          months, — girlenredandrebnedhome. She iedto take legal acffonagair t herhuthand.
          butherralents fc ced herto go ackto Ms rome. Nk Z. thentñed to commit suicithby
          llovdng acid. Sre sun*ed but rerrarents refusedto take herback. Accord ing to
          fr&onuaffonrecS ,ed she i snow] ,ir vdthherb jtrer.
          475. J.V. was IddnarTedbyherbo enend. Itis ierQtedthatboth families were iiwoWedin
          — arangement;howewr, whentheboy's familyreali2ed that theywouldhaveto rayforMs.
          Y. sffidie theychose anotherbñde — had a]readyfirJshedrdghereducation.
          476. Itisallegedthatintre vdfe-stealingca — futhie hus andnllyraresthe
          thducted manas a nyof making — maniage irewrsible, since thetchm then Ms litHe
          chance toma yan nee]se.Kidnappingofbiidesiniidto e vddesFeadasitFewntsthe
          man from ra & — rdghbiide puce, Imon as Iym, that is customarilyrecjuired. It is fmTher
          rerefledtkttre relicedo liffletoFewnt chfo ednthages.Tre menaresaidrarelytobe
          heldaccountable forthefracffor andthose con ictedare saidordytobe ntencedto —
          ra mient ofa small fine.
          Coverinent rt ly
          477. Byletterdated 13 Decer er 2004, the Gownmientrerefledthat — allegaffor do not
          conesrendto — real siffiatiorç wr hdoes not allowfc cord]nuaffonofthe allegedfacts. There
          — beenno claims iecStedbylaw er&orcementbodies withregardto flie rer Jr . The
          CftYice for Ci & Pegistraffon — no regisfrationofthefr maniages.
          478. The Srecial ParTofleF thanks — Gjwnmient for its reply. Ho ewr, — uld like to
          remind — Gjwnmientofits obligaffonto thorougrdyii stigate all cases oftolence agath6t
          merç even in — ab nce of a fonual complaint.
          Urgent appeal
          479. ail9Apil2004,the SrecialRarTefleur rdajo i nturgentagealvdththe
          Chthrersor RarTefleurofthe Working GrouponAthifraiyr tenfforc — SrecialRarTeflem
          onfreedomofopinionandexFessionandthe Srecial ParTefleuron toflure, concen r —
          follov ca s.
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 114
          20. N.K, aged 26. On 5 Apil 2004, at 5.30 a.m., — was allegedlytaken fiom her home,
          together vdth her rarents, bya group of 20 unifonned reice officers to tre Sabir Rah}dmov
          dJs ict relice statiorç Tas}thent. The officers allegelyclaiinedto M w foundislamic
          funthmentahstmateiia]s in — fonu &abook. leaflets andabox oftdeotares. At — reice
          staffon they ere allegedlyinten gated serarately — then taken to — Tasrdnt City
          r re±nentofInternal Affairs(GUVD). Herrarents ere rerefledlyreleasedwithoutcharge
          — ±bllov& rdr . Itis alleged that — GUVD — refusedto aeh jwled e that N.K. is in
          thefrcusto yor to Fotde anyfr&onnaffonon herwhereabouts. It nsalleged that N.K. was
          detained without charge became her husband and her b o brothers, all devout Mjshin ere
          cmientlysent long p son sentences, cor ,icted ofant State acth,ities ard membersrdp I
          b a rthedreligiousorgarJzaffor .ItwasrerefledthatN.K.radnot trecowredfrommajor
          rge iyand chemotherapy.
          Coverinent rt ly
          2l. Byletterdated27 May2004, — Gjwnunent rerefledthat on7 Apil2004Ms. K. was
          chargedinths ca1 pursmntto ai*le 159, raragraplil, ofthe Ciiminal Code, conceniing
          fr&th ement ofthe cor ffffiffonalorder. a 8 Apil, follow a decisionofthe Procurator-
          General's Crnce, detenffonincustody s orderedas aFeventhe measure. She is atFe rd in
          remandcenfre No.1 (SIZO-l) ofthe CentmlPenal Conecffonr raitnentofthe Mirdstiy l
          InternalAffairs. Adecisioonregardir Ms.K.vdllbe takenctthebasisofthe flndir softhe
          Fernnina1yir Testigaffoninto — cthrdnalcase.Since herdeterdionNkK.hasbeenallo ed
          acce to alav r,who sitsherregularly. Mreowr,Ms.K.'smotrerhasalieadycometo e
          rer wral h ines. With regardto Nk K.'s state ofhealth. itshouldbe reintedoutthatmedical
          staffofthe iemandcenfre ard — localreFe ntathTes Ithe International Conmiittee ofthe P d
          Cie ent have examined her s ral hines. Her state ofhealth is at Fesent cor i±red to be
          nonnal andshe — no complaints inresTectofthe remandcenfre's medical staff. Allegaffor
          fliatMs.K.isbeir keptina litaiycc firementcellandthatrelaffwnere notfr&onnedof
          her whereabouts do not conesrctd to — real siffiafict. Firsily, — isbefr held in a common
          cell at — ‘emand cenfre. Secondly, afier her detention Ms. K.'s relath,es were fr&omied ofthe
          22. The Srecial RarTQteur thanks tre Gownanent ±br its reply.
          Urgent appeal
          23. ai2 June J04, the SrecialRarTefleursent ajoird urgent arTeal vdththe Srecial
          RarTefleurontoflureregardir M .KAccordir torereflsrecSTed. NfrsK.(aFimdsh
          cifizen ] ,ir in Thnbt e) s as iulted ard taken frcan her r ome in Crthnardmani. eastern
          Ththabwe, on2X Nhy 2004. Agroup of reople, wr&hmay have been s ral hundred shong,
          rerefledlystcaiedherhome, then draggedher t}uoughCrthnardmard andforced herto cleanup
          localoffices ofthe MowmentforDemocraffc Change (MDC). The MDC officeswere earlier
          allegedly± s trc 5 dbymer ers ofthe 1me gnp — are rerefledlyresrer ible forthe
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 115
          as iult detenifon and humiliation of Mrs. K. Concern was exFe ed that the local reice
          allegedlythd rot take arFopiateacffontoFotecther
          Coverinent rt ly
          24. Byletter dated 3 June 2004 , the Gjwnmient rerefled that Mrs. K. s allegedly
          fr toWedinlocalreiffcs. She fmTherallegedlyincersedthe locals leftfr herhousebe u d
          as an office for the orTositionMD reiffcalreny. The Gjwnmient was not aware that she had
          allegedlybeen as iulted because of her gender The Gjwnmient is most orTe d to the reifics
          oftolence. This allegedmob reactionto Nfrs. K.'s a]legedFovocationisbeing fr tesffgatedand
          fmTherdetai]s v llbe Fotded. The Gownmientreintedout that nor citizers ir ,oWir
          thernseWes in local would be cor idered a Fovocaffon
          25. The Srecial RarTefleurthan s the Gownmierd for its resrer . Hjwewr, she wouldlike
          to reniindthe Gownmierd ofits dutyto thorougrJyfr tesffgate all cases oftolence agath6t
          men. Intrds conte , — SrecialRarTefleurwouldarFeciate recewlr more Feci
          fr&onuaffononthe fr te s tigaffor conductedinto — allegaffor ofMrs. K's nüstreathient.
          Couununkafionsentto the Unhed Naflo ' Interim Adfrathn flssionb'Kosovo
          OU I1K)
          26. Byletterdated28 Nhy2004 — Srecial RarTefleur,jointlywiththe Srecial RarTefleur
          onthe hmuanñghts of migrants — — Srecial RarTefleuron sale ofcrdldierç crdldpi sffffiffon
          and c h ild rornograr ly , nofffledUNMK that they had recS,ed — follovdng ir&onuaffon.
          27. Accordir torereflsreceiwd.the r andabuseoffraffickedwomenandgir]swit}ünthe
          x industiy has confinued to grow in Ko jvo — UNMK ,the Noith Atlanfic Treay
          Ctgardzaffon(NATO)-ledinteniationalmthtaiyforce inKo jvo (KFOR) — — Pro sional
          Ir tiffiffor ofSe]iGownuuentin Kosovo (PISG) have failedto FotectandresTectthe human
          ñghtsofthe menandgi±. Th reflsindicate thath ickedwcmenandgir]sare exre dto
          aseñes &hmuanñghts abui includir abducfforç derStationoflil eit andderdalof
          fleedom of movement toitre and ill-treatment incluthng rs hologic a l threat beatir s —
          rare. Trafficked men — gir]s are oflen treated as cñniina] Fo cuted for milawfullybeir
          inKo jvo , anested and charged with Fosiftuffon. / nanested . the women and gir]s are
          allegedlynot g Ten the basic iights guaranteed to all detainees. It is rerefled that theyare not
          ir&onued about their iights, they are not allowed access to a law r and giils are oflen
          thteMe edvdthout alegal aardianbeir Fesent. Women anestedinroufine barimçecffor
          are saidto M w been ntencedandderefled. P rerts al j indicate thatfewwomenrece ,e tre
          long-tenu pi tecffon they need, such as vdthess pi tecffon for those Ferared to tesfi II
          Foceedfr s agair ttreirfraffickers.
          28. The Srecial RarTefleurs exge edtheir ±epcorcernover ir&onuationthatirdicates
          that UNNIIK thUs to Fo cute internaffonal rersorthelsusrectedofir Tolvement intrafficldng, or
          ofknovdnglyuthng — r,ices oftmfficked men. Itis aiso allegedthatindMdual mer ers
          of the UNNllKrelice — eeniiwolvedin frafficldng. The Srecial RarTefleurs indicatedthat
          it hadbeenbrowht to theiratterdionthattre UNMK Trafficking andProsffffitionIr tesffgathte
          Urdt(TPIU) have recenilyshongreaterwillir ness to ir tesffgate lerelts ofthe ir ,oWemerd of
          UNMIIC rer rthel intmfficldng. andto recp st awaiwrofimmurdtyfirnu Fo cuon.
          EJCN .412005 )72 /Add. 1
          Page 116
          However, criminal prosecutions repriedly remain rare. It is ahs rerorted that no KFOR
          ersonnelsus ectedoftnWic1cing or of using the rvices of InfUcked women or girls have been
          pro cuted inKoswo.
          Commutheathn received fmm UNMIK
          439. By letter chted 9 June 2004, UNMIK transmitted the following information relating to
          human trafficking in tie country
          490. UNMIK has carefullystudied the recent rejxntbyAmnestylntemalionalwhich fi:cutes
          on a problem that concerts all of the BalMns - human trafficking, incliding the traffrckirg of
          women for prostitution, On the one hand, UNMIK cannot endor some of the rep:srt's findings,
          which axe basedonoutdaledstalislicsfrom the first years of UNMK's mission andbefore
          UNMEIC had fully mobilized its efforts to deal with this problem. Nevertheless, UNMIC fully
          accepts many of the recommendations made in tie rep rt a number of which have aheadybeen
          implemented or axe in tie process of being implemented.
          491. UNMEIC recognird the dimensions of the problem earlybut lacked the neces ry legal
          and inslitulional tools to address it effectively at the outset. Consequently, UNMIK established a
          comprehensive plicyto systematicallyaddress this problem, with the full supprt of KFOR,
          through a mullificeted approach containing six elements: (1) prioritizing human trafficking in
          the overall fight against organized crime; (2) “zero tolerance” enforcement against traffickers
          and pm s; (3) a strong human rights framework to protect and a ist victims; (4) strict
          enforcement againstviolatois among UNMIK staff, (5) a regional approach to addressing the
          prthlem of human trafficking within the framework of international cooreration; (6)
          sustainability through local involvement in a multidimensional approach.
          492. First, as pert of the overall fight against orEaniztd crime, the ue of human trafficking
          has been prioriti2tdlxcause it is the mcst visible element of organized crime that continuously
          provides resources to oFrators and also becau of the strong Imman dimension of the problem.
          In January2001, UNMIK promulgated a comprehensive Regulation ‘On the Prohibition of
          Trafficking in Pemns in Kosovo” that defined the crime and laid down stringent punishments
          for offenders. Several other legal inslnments e ential to tie fight against oiganized crime,
          inchding trafficking, have al been put in place. The relevant provisions of the Regulations
          have been included in the new Provisional Criminal Code and Provisional Criminal Procedure
          Code of Ko vo tint came into effect on 6 April 2004.
          493. Equipped with the nece arylegal instruments, TPIU and the Victims' Advocacy and
          Assistance Unit(VAAU) of the Derariment of Justice have been working together with the
          Orgarization for Security and CooF ration in Europ (OSCE), the International Organization for
          Mgralion ( IOM) and several NOOs to tackle the prthlem from both tie legal and humanitarian
          494. The second asFct of UNMIK's approach has been aggressive wlice action against
          trafficking and prostitution. This has resulted in significant progress against trafficking and
          prostitution in Ko vo over the last four years. During 2003, TPIU c onduc ted 2,047 raids,
          orerations and bar checks directed at premises where trafficking in rersns or prostitution
          activities were susjected. As a result, 57 establishments were closed down, 69 rersons were
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 117
          anested ±br oflènces relafing to Fostiffitiorc solicitaffon or Focurement ofFosffffifforc p]mrang
          andrs ionoffab documents, andó o charges forfrafficldng werebrought resulfing in 17
          cor ,ictior , wtdle s mlca s are ongoir inthe comts. TPIU wcds clo lyvdth UNMK
          Bc derIBounty Police to intercept human fraffickers at — irious crossing reints along —
          inteniafictalborder andadifratheboundaiy]i .
          495. The trard asrect ofUNMK's reicyhas been to create a shong human iights frame rk
          to Fotectanda isttctiThs. To ersure tr* UNMK — putinplace a undlegaland
          ir ffffitional frame rkba d onEurorean andotherinternaffonalstandarW andadopteda
          mul agencyarp ach. Tre aforemenffonedTrafficldng P gulatior a]so createda framework
          forFcwidir Fotectionand assistance totchms &frafficldng includir legalreFe ntatiorc
          cour ffing andtemreraiysecme housing. VAAU ro±nelyFotdes iytcffmre±hiedto it
          vdtha Vichm's A&,ocate who Fo ddes — tcffrns vdth ir&onuation on their iights and on the
          rIdr s of the criminal andc ,il lawinKosovc andaccomranies thetcffrns duiing comt
          Foceedfr s. Ifneces ii 3 ç alegal reFesentathe is assignedtotchms. VAAU ofrerstchms
          other fonns ofa istance includir intelpetatio4 r hologicalandmedical rTefl andshelter.
          An Interim Secure Facflity(ISF) has been establishedbyTPlU and VAP U vdiich Fotdes
          tcffrns vtho do not vdsh to be rera iated vdth an orTeltardtyto reflect. ByNh h 2004, the 1SF
          had Fotded shelter to 19 tcffrns offraffiching.
          496. In — case ofcrdldtctims, — relice rk with — Centres fc Social Work (CSW) of
          — Nhrds y oflAjour and Social Welfare. Irnmediatelyuren i nifficaffon ofa tcffm under I X
          pars ofage, — reice noiffythe CSWto lw as the crald's guardian. No irdeews are
          conducted vdth the crdld in the absence of a jcial worker.
          497. Enarir 2000-2003, — r re±uent ofjusffce recorded completed cases offraffiching
          fr ,oWir foreigntctims, ofwhoms were crdldtcffrns. Enarir the same reiiod. there were
          28 completed cases ir toMng Koso rtchm includir 13 crdldtcffrns. A total of29 rersor
          have been cor ,icted of crdld fraffiching — sentenced to p sct tenns ranging from one to live
          pars. A total oflO ca s ir ht crdldfraffiching are cmientlyin — comts. Kosovo mjw has
          acrdldFotecffon r ome sreciali edin pi tthng care fornünc tcffms of frafliching. The home
          is oreratedbyanintemaffonalNOJ underthe a pices ofthe MrdstlyofraboF andSocial
          498. Fomth TJNNllKtakes immediate ands ent dJsciplinaiymeasures agath6t anyofits
          stafrthat are foundinestab]jsrauents inwhchFosffffitionis susTected andwr hare declared
          ofrlimitC. These are estab]israuerds Jsrectedofir oWemerd inFostiffiffctbut fntedby
          legitimate busines s j that relice are unable to close them don. A ]jst &Thfrlimits
          Fenü s”, cunenily nmtheth 204, is pi duced at — end ofeach month and djssernirated
          throughout UNThIIIK. flscirJinaiyacffon agair 6t anyUNMK stafrfoundintre Felm s is
          stiicilyer&orced inesrecthe ofvthetherthe concernedinthtdual s acffiallyindulgir in
          xual acth,iffe 5.
          499. From — begirwing of2002 unfil Apil J04, during raids andbar checI THU found 52
          E ORsoldier 3 intemaffonal re]icemenand8 international c ,iliar from iious agencies in
          ThfrlinutsFernises”. The E OR jldiers were han±dowrto — MlitaiyPolice ——
          c ,ilian stafrto their resreciw deraitments lbr fmTherir estigaffonandarFopliate di irJinaiy
          action. Inaccordance withUNMK Police re]icy, — intemaffonal reice officers ere
          FJCN.4t2005t72 1Add.l
          Page 118
          rera iated to trefr home couithies. It shouldbe noted that — nmther ofinteniaffora]s fr ,oWed
          does notarTearto surTeflAnmestylntenlationarscontenffonthat 20 rercentofthe customers
          of frafficked women come from — lit niaffonal commurdly.
          500. The fiffi uer ionofUNNllK 's arFoachhasbeento addresstrds regional r ienomeron
          vdthinthe framewcà ofinteniaffonalcooremifon. UNMK works closelywiththe Sout}FE st
          Eurorean Coorerafiw Irdtiathe (SECT) ct frar border and regional irdffath,es in the fight
          agairst frafficIdr . Incollahorationwiththe StahiityPactTask Force onTrafficIdr inHuman
          Beir UNMK ha beenir toWedind lopir a comFeher iw shategyto cor at frafYicIdr
          inhmuanbeir s andhas eenengagedinregional frairdr , exchar e andcooreraffonplar .
          Fmthenuore, UNMK — signed relice cooreraffon agreements with all reigMourir
          jm sdictior incla]ing Sethia. Montenegro andAfijarda. This refr&orces cooremifoninthe fight
          agair tcross-borderorgardzedcñme andin reifrulartrafficldng inhmuanbeir s.
          501. Finally, to er ure comF her ,eness — JstainthUit3 from — out t UNMK —
          ught close working relaffor rdrs with otrerintemaffonal orgardzatior and NODs rIdr li i
          — area &frafficking andFosfftuffon. VAPJJ — workedclcselyvdththe Ko jvo gownmient
          indetsing acomFeher Te Kosovo AcifonPlanto address — Foblem ofhmuantrafficking.
          The Kosovo Police Sece (E S) is befr ser iffzed and framed to address t h is ciime
          efrecthely. The E S i sbefr increasir lyassoiatedinthe fr tesffgatior andoreraffor
          relafing to the ciime andTPIU alreadydraws arFoximately sO rercent ofits sfrer th frcm —
          502. The fmidamentaliights pinciple underl & UNMK's arFoach is — recogrdtion that
          Foblems oftrds nathie carajotbe efrecthtelyaddressedsolelythroughthe lawandorder
          arFoach. The socio-econonüc genesis ofthe Foblem — its mult dliuer ioralaswell as
          mtemaffonal nabFe neeW a more comFeher iw arFoachir ToMng multidjsciplmaiy
          gownmiental — nor gownuuent a lbodies. TJltimately, itis orJythroughthe acthe
          ir ,oWementofc & cietythatthe Foblem can e efrecthtelyaddressed. UNMK is conmütted
          to a comFeher we andser iffw soluffon to — Foblem ofhmuantrafficking.
          503. TJNNllKattachedto its replyacopy&its Wrate Parer, tor atir Human Trafficking
          inKo jvo: SfrategyandComnüthienI'.
          504. The Srecial RarTefleur would like to thank the UNMK for its Fompt and detaàd

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