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Report on the human rights situation in the Islamic Republic of Iran by the Special Representative of the Commission on Human Rights, Mr. Reynaldo Pohl, pursuant to Commission resolution 1988/69
UNITED NATIONS Economic and Social Distr. Council GENERAL _fl - . E/QL 4/1989/26 26 January 1969 Original: ENGLISH COMMISSION ON BUMM RIGHTS Forty—fifth session Item 12 of the provisional agenda QUESTION OF THE VIOLATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS AND FUNDMIENTAL fl EEDOMS IN AllY PART OF THE WORLD, WITH PARTICULAR REFERENCE TO COLONIAL AND OTHER DEPENDENT COUNTRIES AND TEBRIItRIES ReportonthehumanrightssituationintheIs lamicPepub licof Iran by theSpecia lRepresentativeofIIeCon luissiononHumanRights, Mn Reynaldo Galindo Pohl pursuant to Contuission resolution 1988/69 CS.$9—10557 /44 10Q
E/CN. 4/1989/26 page 2 CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION . 1— S It. CONTACTS AND C(fl4UNICATIONS WITH THE GOVERNMENT OF THE ISLAIIIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN A. Contacts with the Permanent Representatives of the Islamic Republic of Iran B. Written cougnunications with the Iranian Governiuent III . INFOBMAT ION AVAI LABL2 TO THE SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE . A. Information provided by the Iranian Government . B. Information provided by other sources 1. Oral information 2. Written information lY. CONSIDERATION OF CERTAIN ISSUES PERTAINING TO THE LEGAL SY$TF14 APPLICABLE IN THE ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAX4 A. Thequestionof punishment 8. C. The question of the death penalty Irregularities concerning investigation and trial 1. Arbitraryarrests 2. Information on reasons for arrest 3. I11—treatr,tentandtorture 4. Solitaryconfinement 5. Legal aid 6. Public hearing 7. Calling of witnesses 8. Review by a higher tribunal 9. Pardon or couluutation of sentence I). Remedies Paragraphs Pa ge 4 6—10 4 6—8 4 9—10 5 11—21 7 11—13 7 14—21 7 14 7 15—21 8 22—57 9 25—26 10 27—36 10 37 — 52 38 — 41 42 — 43 44 — 45 46 47 — 48 49 50 51 52 12 12 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 15 53—57 15
E/CN. 4/1989/26 page 4 I. INTRODUCTION 1. By its resolution 1988/69, the Conmiission on Human Rights decided to extend the mandate of its Special Representative on the situation of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the Islamic Republic of Iran, as contained in its resolution 1984/54, for a further year, and requested the Special Representative to present an interim report to the General Assembly at its forty—third session on the ha itian rights situation in the Islamic Republic of Iran, and a final report to the Commission at its forty—fifth session. 2. In compliance with the above mentioned resolution, the Special Representative presented an interim report (A/43/705) to the General Assembly and herewith submits his final report to the Cormijission. 3. The interim report described the written communications and other contacts with the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, gave a detailed account of oral and written information received by the Special Representative concerning the situation of human rights in the country during the period October 1987 to September 1988, considered certain pertinent views expressed by the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran during the examination of the item by the Co,raaission at its forty—fourth session and contained the Special Representative's general observations on the Situation. 4. The final report contains a description of the contacts and discussions which the Special Representative held with representatives of the Iranian Government in New York on the occasion of the forty—third session of the General Assembly, and in Geneva, as well as coimnunications addressed by the Special Representative to the Iranian Government after the publication of the interim report. It further contains an update of the information provided to the Special Representative by the Iranian Government and by other sources, and a consideration of some issues pertaining to the legal system applicable in the Islamic Republic of Iran and related problems. The final chapter of the report consists of general considerations and conclusions. A list of persons allegedly executed in the Isla mic Republic of Iran during the period July—December 1988 appears as an annex to the report. 5. This final report should be considered by the Commission as forming a whole with the interim report presented to the General Assembly. The general observations contained in the interim report are still valid. II. CONTACTS AND COMMUNICATIONS WITH THE GOVERNMENT OF THE ISLM1IC REPUBLIC OF IRAN A. contacts withthe PermanentRepresentativesofthe Islamic Republic of Iran 6. On 20 November 1988, the Special Representative had a long talk with the Permanent Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations, Ambassador Mohaninad Ja'afar Mahallati, who was accoipanied by six members of the Permanent Mission. The Permanent Representative indicated that he intended to present a procedural decision under which the Iranian Government would express its commitment to co—operate with the Special Representative in all respects before the end of 1988, for the purpose of carrying out his mandate, provided that a consensus with the other sponsors
E/cN. 4/1989/26 page 5 could be found in due time. On the same occasion, the difficulties faced by the Iranian Government in implementing the resolutions of the Coiiission on Human Rights and the General Assembly were discussed. The Permanent Representative enphasized the root causes of the pending human rights problems, mainly the war imposed on the Islamic Republic of Iran during the past eight years, a p i suggested that the question of iir 1ementation skould be viewed in relation to those root causes. 7. A second meeting took place on 29 November 1988, at which the Permanent Representative referred to the alleged wave of executions mentioned in the interim report and denied the allegations. He indicated that many killings had in fact occurred on the battlefield, in the context of the war, following the invasion of the Islamic Republic of Iran by the organization called the National Liberation Army (NL.A). The Permanent Representative showed the Special Representative a videotape produced by NLA, which he qualified as political and propaganda material, indicating that films of that nature were regularly being broadcast into the Islamic Republic of Iran from the NLA headquarters in Iraq (see also paras. 11—13). He said that that fact in itself discredited the information provided by that organization to the Special Representative. 8. On 13 January 1989 . a meeting was held in Geneva between the Special Representative and the Permanent Representative of the Is Lamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations Of fice at Geneva, Ambassador Sirous Nasseri, who was accompanied by two members of the Permanent Mission. In the course of the meeting, the Permanent Representative reiterated his Government's position that the wording of the various pertinent resolutions of the Coirimission on Human Rights and the General Assertly remained the major obstacle to full realization of his Government's co—operation with the Special Representative. As long as such politically itotivated language continued to be used in resolutions regarding the situation of human rights in his country, the Iranian Government would find it very difficult to extend its full co—operation. The Permanent Representative suggested that the Special Representative might engage in some kind of a dialogue — on the occasion of the forthcoming session of the Corrmiission on Human Rights — with both the Iranian Government and the sponsors of a possible resolution, in order to achieve a compromise that could be acceptable to all parties and would result in full co—operation by the Iranian Government with the Special Representative in the discharge of his mandate. The Permanent Representative indicated that, since the cease—fire had been achieved in the war with Iraq, his Goverment was in a better position to turn its attention to the questicrn of human rights. The Special Representative pointed to the various practical measures mentioned in his final report which the Iranian Government might wish to adopt in order to improve the human rights situation in the country. He also referred to the desirability of receiving detailed replies from the Government to the various allegations which he had brought to its attention. He further raised the possibility of a visit to the country. B. Writtenconmiunications-with the Iranian- Government 9. On 9 January 1989, the Special Representative addressed the following letter to the Permanent Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations Office at Geneva: “?s you have been informed by the Centre for Human Rights, I am at present visiting the Centre in connection with the completion of my report to the Colrtnission on Human Rights. I am planning to stay in
E/CN. 4/1989/26 page 6 Geneva until 13 January 1989 and would hope that I shall have an occasion to meet you for a further exchange of views. I should like to emphasize that I was particularly pleased and encouraged by the statement made at the Third Committee of the General Assembly by your Permanent Representative to the United Nations in New York, Ambassador Mahalatti , who repeatedly promised that your Government would extend to me its full co—operation in the discharge of my mandate. I believe that it would be very useful if we could discuss ways and means for furthering such co—operation in concrete terms. In this connection, I wish to reiterate my strong conviction that a visit to the Islamic Republic of Iran, in conformity with existing practice in the Coltission on Human Rights, would be a most significant and iir ortant step towards such full co—operation, a conviction which I expressed already in my letter of 24 July 1986.1? 10. On 25 January 1989, the Special Representative addressed the following letter to the Permanent Representative of the Isla mic Republic of Iran to the United Nations Office at Geneva: ‘I should like to inform you that, on 9 January 1989, I received, in the framework of my mandate under Commission on Human Rigths resolution 1988/69, eight persons who claimed to have pertinent information On certain aspects of the human rights situation in the Islamic Republic of Iran. A sunulary of the allegations made by these persons is enclosed herewith for your information. [ see para. 141 A sunoeary of allegations regarding in particular the right to life, contained in various documents and letters provided to me recently by various Other organizations and individuals concerned, is also enclosed herewith for your information. [ see paras. 15—22 and annexi I would greatly appreciate receiving any information or counents that your Government may wish to provide with regard to these allegations. I would also like to draw your attention to the fact that the detailed replies to allegations coimnunicated to your Government on earlier occasions, which, I was assured, were under preparation, have still not been received. I should also like to seize this opportunity to express my appreciation for the useful and cordial exchange of views we had in Geneva on 13 January 1989. 1 am looking forward to continuing our dialogue during the forthcoming session of the Commission on Human Rights, wiII a view to realizing the full co—operation of which I was assured by your Government.'
E/CN. 4/1989/26 page 7 III. INFORMATION AVAILABLE TO THE SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE A. Information provided- ' the Iranian Government 11. At the second talk with the Permanent Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran, a film on the armed activities of Iranian migr4s was projected. The film was a compilation of NLA video films telecast from abroad, which showed scenes of military parades, military training, battlefields and statements by NLA leaders. The Permanent Representative requested the special Representative to include the film anong the d uments handed over to him by the Iranian Government. On the basis of that request a sununary of its contents follows. 12. The compiled video films presented an important military operation that was launched from bases located in Iraq in July 1988. Its code—name was “Eternal Light' t , and it was qualified as a new phase of NLA”. In the course of that operation, NM apparently penetrated at least 150 kilonetres into the Islamic Republic of Iran. NLA claimed the capture of several military garrisons, including those of Islamabad, Najab—2 Logistic Headquarters of Keren, Islamabad Road, Revolutionary Guards Corps, 27th Division, Revolutionary Corps Training, and the Beheshti Garrison. NLA also claimed to have killed 40,000 menbers of the Iranian military forces and stated that an those actions Know established NM credibility as a powerful, well—equipped and trained army ... capable of tearing up the warp and woof of the r4gime and destroying it forever ...“. After initial success, the offensive was halted and finally repulsed. 13. One of the video films contained a public evaluation of the “Eternal Light” operation, The audience, wearing fatigues, chanted a hymn and shouted slogans praising the leaders. B. Information provided by other sources 1. oral information 14. On 11 January 1989, the Special Representative conducted a series of informal hearings in the course of which eight persons who claimed to have pertinent information on certain aspects of the human rights situation in the Islamic Republic of Iran made statements. Seven of them were sympathizers of the Mojahedin organization. They were: Mr. Asghar Ahkhalaghi, Mr. Azam Nyakan, Mr. Reza Hosseini, Mr. Amar Alnaser and Mr. Bijan Nadizadeh. Two other persons requested that their identity should not be revealed. The eighth person was Mr. Jalal Gandjai, a religious figure who described himself as independent of any link with any political body. All the persons appearing before the Special Representative alleged that one or more members of their family had been executed in the Islamic Republic of Iran in recent nonths. The following people were mentioned as having been executed recently: Hamzeh Mahjoob, Mohaimnad Ahkhlaghi, Behrooz Behnamzadeh, Mr. Shukruiahi, Syrus Sephri, Forhad Zamani, Jaber Kabi, Mohaimned Reza Naim, Hossein Abdolvahab, Mohsen Bahrani, Hossein Nyakan, Wahid Tahsili, Hamid Tahsili, Zahra Byjanyar, Javad Mashoof, Bijan Makvandi, Mohsen Vazin, Said Mazaheri, &IIau,ued Kaseb Chani and Mojgan Latifi. It was alleged that all the persons who were executed had been previously convicted and were serving sentences for periods of various durations.
E/CN. 4/1989/26 pa ge 8 2. Written information (a) Information regarding the right to life 15. The information received by the Special Representative since the preparation of his interim report to the General Assembly contained in particular alleged violations of the right to life. In his interim report (paras. 41—49) the Special Representative referred to information he received in September 1988 alleging that a large number of prisoners, members of various opposition groups, had been executed during the months of July, August and September 1988. Since that date, the Special Representative has continued receiving persistent reports about a wave ot executions of political prisoners. These reports were made available by various sources, including non—governmental organizations in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council and other bodies directly concerned by the alleged wave of executions. In addition, the Special Representative received hundreds of petitions and letters from private individuals around the world, including members of parliament from Australia, France, Germany, Federal Republic of, Ireland, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, as well as members of the European Parliament from several countries, and trade—union and church officials, expressing deep concern at the alLeged wave of executions and calling for United Nations intervention to bring such executions to a halt. 16. The precise number of alleged victims of the recent wave of executions has not been reported. The Special Representative has received more than 1,000 names (see annex), but it was alleged that there were in all probability several thousand victims. In that connection, the Special Representative Was informed that the Special Rapporteur on suiwnary or arbitrary executions had, during the period from July to t ecember 1988, transmitted to the Iranian Government allegations regarding the sununary or arbitrary execution of several hundred persons, and sent urgent appeals regarding approximately 150 persons said to be facing an inmiinent danger of execution. 17. Most of the alleged victims were said to be members or supporters of the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran, but members of other opposition groups, such as the Tudeh Party, the Peoples Fedaiyan Organization, Rahe Kargar and the Kornala Organization in Iranian Kurdistan, as well as at least 11 mollahs. were also said to be among the alleged victims. Many of the people said to have been executed had been serving prison terms for several years, while others were former prisoners who were rearrested and then executed. It would therefore s eem unlikely that these persons could have taken part in violent activities against the Government, such as participation in the NLA incursion into the western part of the Islamic Republic of Iran in July 1988. Miong those said to have been executed were several women and, in some cases 1 several members of the same family. It was alleged that many of those who had been serving prison sentences had had their sentences changed to the death penalty, in contravention of article 14, paragraph 7, of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights to which the Islamic Republic of Iran is a party. Many of the executions were said to have been carried out in secret while others were reported to have occurred publicly, by hanging or firing—s iads.
E/Q . 4/1989/26 page 9 18. Statements by several high—ranking officials were published by the Iranian news media to the effect that members of opposition groups sI uld be dealt with severely, but there was no official acknowledgement of the wave of executions. Nevertheless, reports have been received acccording to which people witnessed large numbers of bodies being buried in shallow graves in the area of Behesht-e—zahra cemetery in Tebran, where political prisoners are usually buried, and in other parts of the country. (b) ThesituationoftheBaha'jcoimjjunity 19. According to information received by the Special Representative, two members of the Saha'i conriunity were executed in November 1988 or at an earlier date in the latter half of 1988. Their names were reported as Mr. Binham pashai, aged 49, of Semnan, who had been imprisoned since November 1983, and Mr. Iraj Afshin, aged 55, who had been imprisoned since late 1986. 20. The number of Baha'i prisoners continued to decrease in the latter half of 1988, and stood, as of January 1989, at 101, including four who remained detained without charges. The sentences of a number of Baha' i prisoners have reportedly been reduced and the conditions of detention of Some have improved. Since February 1988 no further arrests have been reported. 21. Regarding the economic situation of members of the Baha'i coaunity, it was reported that most of IIe Baha'is who had been dismissed from their positions in education and government in the early 1980s continued to be denied their jobs or the pensions to which they were entitled. In that connection, the Special Representative received a translation of an article published in Etelaat on 12 October 1988, containing two lists of some 50 Baha'is whose property in the Islamic Republic of Iran had been confiscated by the authorities. The article invited the legal Muslim relatives of these Baha'is to contact the authorities, if these Baha'is resided outside the Islamic Republic of Iran, and it was announced that the authorities would then consider their rights and claims. The list included names of Baha'is who Were presumed to be dead. The Special Representative also received a translation of a notice issued by the General Employment Office in December 1987. The notice contained 13 names of persons who had lost their jobs in the Bank Melat on the grounds of “belonging to the depraved Baha'i sectN. IV. CONSIDERATION OF CERTAIN ISSUES PERTAINING 10 THE L AL SYSTEM APPLICABLE IN THE ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN 22. According to official information, the Penal Code was adopted on a temporary basis, for a trial period of five years. The Law of Hodoud and Qasas (punishment and retribution) was enacted in 1982, and the Ta'azirat (lesser penalties whose maximum is set forth by law and minimum by the judge) was prormalgated in 1983. That means that the trial period has expired or is about to expire and that the study of amendments or the preparation of a new code may be under way or may begin shortly. 23. It may be expected that the Iranian Government will take advantage of this occasion to consider not only the domestic experience, but the views of international organs entrusted with the protection of human rights. Examination of the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran has given rise to much learned thinking which may be considered when the time is right.
E/CN. 4/1989/26 page 10 24. A representative of the Iranian Government stated at the forty—second session of the Commission on Human Rights that the fundamental peculiarity of the Iranian Constitution was based on the peculiarity of the Revolution, which, in relation to other movements in contemporary Iran, was that it was Islamic and that it had been developed from an indigenous school of thought. It is precisely that indigenous school of thought that might turn its attention to international obligations in order to try to build a bridge, notwithstanding obstacles of different sorts, between the autochtonous political novenent and the requirements of an increasingly interdependent international corr nunity. Certainly there are sensitive points involved, but it may be expected IIat, with creative thinking ani deep study, and taking advantage of contributions from different quarters, a kind of model might be developed. The revision of the penal Cc4e may provide a unique opportunity to think again on the requests made by the competent human rights organs of the United Nations. A. the questionofpunisbment 25. This is a delicate question because it touches upon the traditions of a genuinely Islamic people. None the less it is essential to examine it. In that context, it is important to note that the sub—Congaission on prevention of Discrimination and protection of Minorities, in resolution 1984/22, interpreted the Universal Declaration on Human Rights (art. 5) as prohibiting arr outation and urged Governments having such legislation or practices to take measures to povide for other punishment consonant with article 5. Moreover, in 1986 the Human Rights Coavaittee has interpreted the International Covenant on Civil and litical Rights (art. 7) as prohibiting, inter alia , “corporal punishment, including excessive chastisement as an educational or disciplinary measure. 1/ 2. The Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, to which the Islamic Republic of Iran is a party, prohibits corporal punishment. The well—known and widely acclaimed article 3 co lmion to the four Geneva Conventions of 1949 gives civilians and members of the armed forces who have laid down their arms protected status, prescribing that they must be treated hui anely and prohibiting outrages to personal dignity, cruel treatment, mutilation and torture. This article sets out firmly established standards and feelings which also cover civilians in time of peace. B. Thequestion of thedeathpenalty 27. The International Covenant on Civil and 1itica1 Rights envisages the application of the death penalty to the nost serious crimes only (art. 6, para. 2): “This penalty can only be carried out pursuant to a final judgement rendered by a cogpetent court.' It should not be in osed on persons under 18 years of age, should not be carried out on pregnant women and anyone sentenced to death should have the right to seek pardon or coinnutation of sentence (art. 6, paras. 4 and 5). 28. The main question relates to the meaning and scope of the term lithe nost serious crimes”. The language of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights suggests that a gradation of crimes is inplied: crimes, understood in the genetic sense of acts or omissions liable to punishment; serious crines or grave crimes; and the irost serious criuies, that is, those which reach the greatest or highest degree of evil, harm and danger to the society. According to the International Covenant only the nost serious crimes are punishable by the death penalty.
E/cN. 4/1989/26 page 11 29. The term “the most serious crimes” used in the International Covenant lacks precision and is liable to disparaging interpretations. The annotation of the text of the International Covenants, prepared by the Secretary General (A/2929) retained the criticism of this term stating that the concept of • t serious crimes” differed from one country to another (Chap. IV, para. 6). Legal definitions facilitate, but do not necessarily ensure, a uniform interpretation. The absence of legal definitions does not diminish the binding character of legal obligations, nor does it impede or jeopardize the application and interpretation of the norms in question. The simple reference in the Convention to “the irost serious crimes” indicates that, in the absence of a coimnon and accepted legal definition, the text itself, first, and the context, second, as stipulated in the Convention on the Law of Treaties, should direct the application and interpretation. 30. The Human Rights Coiwaittee stated that “the expression ‘most serious crimes' must be read restrictively to mean that the death penalty should be a quite exceptional measure, and that, as State parties are not obliged to abolish the death penalty totally, “they are obliged to limit its use and, in particular, to abolish it for other than the most serious crimes.” 31. The Economic and Social Council adopted Safeguards guaranteeing protection of the rights of those facing the aeath penalty in the annex to its resolution 1984/50, which states that the term the most serious crimes must be understood as meaning that their scope “sfould not go beyond intentional crimes with lethal and other extremely grave consequences”, that the death penalty may be imposed only when the guilt of the accused is “based upon clear and convincing evidence leaving no room for an alternative explanation of the facts” and that it sbould be carried out so as to inflict the minimum possible suffering. On the other hand, the lawful application of the death penalty ig lies coir ,liance with the guarantees of the due process of law, in conformity with articles 6, paragraph 2, and 14 and 15 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. 32. The Law of Hodoud and Qasas punishes with the death penalty a variety of actions aiming at the overthrow of the Government (arts. 198—200). capital punishment is also imposed for to the following (a) “all meIIers and supporters” who, knowing the stand of a group or association which rises in arms against the Government, actively participate in the furthering of such organization, even if they do not participate in the military wing (art. 198); (b) those plotting to overthrow the Government who procure arms and explosives to that purpose, as well as those who put means, tools and weapons at their disposal with knowledge and intention (art. 199); and (c) anyone who, in the plot to overthrow the Government, nominates himself for a sensitive post in the coup-d'6tat government and whose candidature is effective in any manner in realizing the coup d' tat (art. 200). 33. The penal provisions mentioned above do not distinguish between crimes, serious crimes and the most serious crimes. In the absence of any distinction it may be understood that all the actions punishable by the death penalty are considered the most serious crimes-. The language used is extremely loose, and consequently includes members and supporters” of violent organizations, even though such wsupportersu have not necessarily participated in military action. Thus, all kinds of support are punished by the death penalty. This raises the question whether sympathizers are considered to be supporters and whether support includes ideological support and, for exaqle, the
E/CN.4/1989/26 page 12 distribution of leaflets. There is no differentiation between substantial support and minor support, between active support or mere opinion. Furthermore, the use of the word “means” in article 199 of the Law of Bodoud and Qasas, in the absence of any qualification, implies that an extremely broad interpretation is technically admissible. 34. There is no trace in the Law of lioudad of any gradation of penalty to accord with different degrees of participation in the offence. Criminal methodology distinguishes between degrees of liability in the iteroriminis , either in terms of the offender's guilt or in terms of his supposed dangerousness. In descending order, punishment is imposed for the same offence on perpetrators, accomplices and accessories after the fact. In the case of offences coimnitted by groups of persons, the maximum sentence is generally given to some of the persons convicted and somewhat lighter sentences to the rest of the-joint defendants. 35. The absence of these technical differentiations may result in a large number of death penalties, and the drafters of the new Penal Code may wish to examine technical innovations in order to reduce the offences punishable by the highest penalty and give the judges power to choose from a broad range of punishments in order to adapt each punishment to the particular circumstances of the offence and the conditions of the offender. 36. In addition to technical arguments and the required coherence with the International covenant, enlightened opinion and indigenous schools of thought in the Islamic Republic of Iran may wish to bear in mind that there are groups of Islamic legal scholars and practitioners who recoioeuend the abolition of the death penalty for political crimes on the grounds that it is contrary to Islamic law. They state that the number of crimes punishable by the death penalty is limited. 3/ C. Irregularities-concerning investigationand trial 37. Irregularities during the investigation and trial of accused persons sometines result from the absence of legislation in keeping with international instruments, but more often from shortcomings in the enforcement and supervision of existing law. It may be useful to present for the consideration of the Iranian Government a brief catalogue of irregularities denounced under the terms of the International Covenant on civil and Political Rights. 1. Arbitrary arrests 38. According to recent information, the Supreme Judicial Council has issued a directive approving the imprisonment or exile for up to two years of anyone with a criminal record, even without evidence of further criminal acts. 39. Detention of family merrbers of persons accused of political crimes in order to obtain information on their whereabouts appears to be a coimnon practice. These detainees rarely go on trial, but remain in gaol for unspecified, usually long, periods of time. An article in Etela'at on 4 August 1987 reported that 36 parents had been arrested because their sons had not reported for military service.
E/cN. 4/1989/26 page 13 40. The practice of aetention of prisoners after the expiration of their sentence has frequently been reported. This practice affects in particular political prisoners, and is reported to occur mainly when, in the opinion of the Lower echelons of authority, they are not sufficiently repentant, or are suspected of possible continuation of political activities upon release. Political prisoners are sometimes requested to sign a declaration undertaking that they will no longer participate in activities against the Government. If they fail to sign such a promise, they are remanded. 41. Arrests are apparently so numerous that some high officials have requested the authorities to act with more moderation. A high—ranking official was reported on 6 June 1987 to have advised security forces to be satisfied with “the miniiraam number of arrests necessary', and to have said that the arrested persons should be promptly charged and tried. 2. Information on reasonsfor arrest 42. the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights prescribes that anyone who is arrested shall be informed iranediately of the reasons for his Or her arrest and the ensuing charges (art. 9, para. 2). The Iranian constitution contains a similar provision: In the case of arrest, charges and supporting evidence must be coimnunicated ininediately in writing to the prisoner and be elucidated to him” (art. 32). 43. Information received over several years incicates that these provisions are not properly applied. Reliable witnesses have affirmed that many prisoners remain ignorant of the charges against them for weeks and even months, and that it is through interrogation that they sometimes learn of the reasons for their arrest. 3. 1l1-treatment and torture 44. Reports on ill—treatment and torture continued to be received. Arrests are said to be made in an intimidatory manner, and investigation, trial and serving of sentence are reportedly effected under duress, hardships and different kinds of torture. The Revolutionary Guards, some law enforcement officers and prisons warders have been specifically accused of a variety of biased procedures. 45. The existence of torture has been officialy denied although indications of hardships during the first years of the Revolution have been alluded to. In an interview published by Die Welt on 10 August 1987, a very high government official stated: “there may have been hardships in interrogation in the early phase of the Revolution , and continued, “there is no torture in our Islamic Republic.... because it is forbidden by our constitution”, and ‘anyone using torture during interrogation is punished himself”. According to this statement, torture or ill—treatment are not condoned by the higher circles of power. This being the case, those circles may wish to undertake a thorough and impartial investigation of the reiterated charges conmiunicated by the United Nations during the past few years.
E/CN. 4/1989/26 page 14 4. solitary confinement 46. Former prisoners have complained of inconinunicado or solitary confinement, not as a disciplinary measure to punish misdemeanors related to the prison r gime, but as part of a method of obtaining confessions or information. According to witnesses with personal experience, the r rale a l a mental healtti of the prisoners suffer on account of this treatment. S. Legalaid 47. The Iranian Constitution provides for legal aid: “in all the courts, the parties to the case have IIe right to choose their own lawyer aia, if a person cannot afford to secure legal counsel, it must be proviied for through legal aid'. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights states that everyone shall have adequate time and facilities to prepare his defence and to coninunicate with counsel of his own choosing, ala to have legal assistaite, in any case where the interests of justice so require, without payment in case of need (art. 14, para. 3 (b) and (d)). 48. According to oral and written information received, political detainees have no opportunity to prepare their defence or coimnunicate with a legal counsel, nor do they receive legal assistance, Usually they are alone during the trial, which generally takes a few minutes and finishes before the defendants realize what is happening. 6. Publichearing 49. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights entitles defendants to a fair ala public hearing by a competent, independent ala impartial tribunal established by law, Only reasons of morals, public order or national security, or the interests of private parties, permit exclusion of the public and the press from the hearings (art. 14, para. 1). None the less, hearings concerning political defendants are usually held in the sole presence of judges and security officers, and without a lawyer, family members, the public or the press. 7. calling of• witnesses 50. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights prescribes, as a guarantee of a fair trial, the examination of witnesses against the defendant and the attendance, under the same conditions, of witnesses on his behalf (art. 14, para. 3 (e)). According to the information collected, judges usually rely more on confessions than on testimony, and officers in charge of the investigation try to obtain the defendants' confessions, by whatever means they consider appropriate. Defendants are not permitted to call witnesses in their own defence or to examine witnesses for the prosecution. 8. Review bra higher tribunal 51. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights states that everyone convicted of a crime shall have the right to have his conviction and sentence reviewed by a higher tribunal (art. 14(5)). The review of death sentences by the Supreme Judicial Council has been introduced recently. This revision is pertinent and in line with the International Covenants. None the less, it needs improve ment since, for the time being, the convicted person has no right to present statements with respect to his trial ala conviction.
E/CN. 4/1989/26 page 15 9. Pardonorcorr,mutation of sentence 52. The International covenant of Civial and Political Rights states that every person condemned to death is entitled to seek pardon or corlifiutatiOn of sentence (art. 6, pan. 4). According to reliable information, there is no such recourse under Iranian legislation. I ). Remedies 53. In the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, States parties solennly undertake to adopt such legislative or oIIer measures as may be necessary to give effect to the rights recognized in the Covenant (art. 2, pan. 2). Insufficient legislation or flaws in application may be found in any country, and no country is iirmzune to abuse of power. On the understanding IIat some violations of human rights nay occur everywhere, IIe question of judicial remedies is an important one. Every State party to the International covenant on Civil and Political Rights is required to establish a legal and administrative system that ensures compliance with international obligations. Problems concerning human rights may be subject to an iunediate and equitable remedy. 54. Each State party to the International covenant on Civil and Political Rights undertakes to ensure that any person wlr,se rights are violated shall have an effective remedy “notwiIIstanding that the violation has been corrmiitted by persons acting in an official capacity (art. 2, para. 3 (a)). Every person claiming such a remedy shall have his right thereto determined by competent judicial, administrative or legislative authorities, and to develop the possibilities of judicial remedy (art. 2. para. 3 (b)). Every person shall be ensured that the authorities shall enforce such remedies when granted (art. 2, para. 3 (cfl. In case of unlawful arrest or detention anyone shall have an enforceable right to compesention” (art. 9, para. 5). 55. The Islamic Republic of Iran has officially informed the Human Rights ConwUttee, in its initial report (CCPR/C/l/Add. 58) of basic laws and regulations IIat have been adopted in order to guarantee human rights a lt fundamental freedoms. This report mentioned the following laws: (a) the State General Inspection Act, which enables the judiciary, on the basis of article 174 of the Constitution, “to investigate, in its continuous and extraordinary inspections, any discord or offence coiraitted by civil and military organs and all the Revolutionary institutions, and to pursue the matter through legal channels until the attainment of the full results'; I I) the Administrative court of Justice Act, which empowers the Court, on the basis of article 173 of the Constitution “to investigate litigations, conQlaints and protests of IIe public against government officials, units or regulations 0 , and enables any individual to lodge a corplaint against any injustice or oppression coumiitted by government officials. Furthermore, the review of death sentences by the Supreme Judicial council has been introduced recently. These laws provide remedies, but, at present, for reasons which are not easy to determine, it appears that the action of government agencies in this field has not been sufficiently effective. To date there is no known case of punishment of a government official for abuse of power nor of compensation for arbitrary arrest. Citizens need to be assured that complaints against government agencies or officials will not be construed as destabilizing acts.
E/CN. 4/1989/26 page 16 56. under these conditions, it aeems that definite and decisive action way come from the highest spheres of power, through the adoption of a determined policy and cori rehensive plannir4 for the enactment of appropriate legislation and the administration of such legislation. Political leaders have started to advise government agercies on huitianitarian treatment of prisoners. In that context, it is pertinent to note that a high—ranking official was quoted by Keyhan on 16 August 1987 as stating that prisoners should be well—treated and not harmed and insulted, and thfl those who had suffered ill—treatment should be compensated. Addressing the supreme Judicial Courcil, the same official stated, as reported by Keyhan in July 1987, that “if the rights of the people are safeguarded by the State judicial apparatus, then the r gime can be a j' st t& iLoeQ', ariA t .&t “it •.it Ca ? ' th2. % O fl t )6t ,tt f e. 3'&&ICLtl example in the world, then other countries will imitate us”. 57. Examining the compliance of State parties with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, tpe Human Rights Conmittee stated that it was not sufficient to prohibit torture, and inhuman or degrading treatment or punisinent or to make it a crime. States must ensure an effective protection through sane machinery of control”, and, “complaints about ill—treatment must be investigated effectively by competent authorities. Those found guilty must be held responsible, and the alleged victims must themselves have effective remedies at their disposal, including the right to obtain coipensation.” 4/ V. GENERAL COUSIDERATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS 58. The observations formulated by the Iranian Government on the final report of 1988 (E/CN.4/l988/24) and on the draft resolution, subsequently adopted by the Ccnoenission on Human Rights, oontained ir ortant views that were analysed in the interim report (A/43/705, paras. 52—63). In that document, the Special Representative considered IIat, flthough, in some respects, insufficient progress had been achieved to maKe the Iranian position convergent with the demands of binding international instruments, several positive approaches ar opinions had made those observaUofls useful, promising and conducive to a better understanding of views, wflch was a prerequisite for the inprovenent of the human rights situation. 59. In the interim report. the special Representative expressed full conformity with the principle of fairness, objectivity and non—selectivity regarding the international system of human tights, as expressed in the coimuents made by the Permanent Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran during IIe consideration of the item at the forty—fourth session of IIe Cormuission on Human Rights. ‘r qo approaches seemed essential to ensure the fair use of that principle: first, the meticulous exclusion of political objectives, and second, the strictest adherence to the universally recognized protection of the inherent right of all human beings, irrespective of nationality, race, religion, political affiliation or sex. OEat principle should regulate all studies, activities and recormuendations regarding human rights. 60. Anong the statements of the iranian Government, the following deserves to be highlighted: “matters raised by the Special Representative may still be is OEtttCe . t%tst*S4 IIt t tS W SV S k* L% t kiu ti , st%mtw from the [ injcompatibility between Islamic and international Law”. Furthermore, the Iranian Government indicated — and this may be the crucial point of that statement — its readiness to seek a practical approach to the
E/cN. 4/1989/26 page 17 pending problems, a kind of modusoperandi purposely designed to attain specific results. As a matter of fact, provisionally setting aside questions of doctrine and philosophy, as happened during the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, may facilitate IIe convergence between national and international human rights systems. Notwithstanding the importance of beliefs arid concepts in IIe world and society, what is needed first and foremost is compliance with international standards. The position of the Iranian Government, properly developed, may determine practical goals, establishing a scale of priorities and a timetable for their attainment, that is, for the formul.ation of a complete plan of action. 61. Another interesting point was the assertion that the Iranian Government was ready to extend full co—operation to the competent organs of the United Nations. This assertion was, however, qualified by the indication of two obstacles: one concerning the language of the resolution of the Coiwnission on Human Rights and the other the sources of information used for the preparation of reports. Adopting a pragmatic approach, and in order to facilitate the progress of the current exercise, which is moving slowly but steadily, it might be considered a viable option to engage in a certain kind of dialogue and negotiation that could mainly be an exercise of persuasion, undertaken by the parties concerned. Instead of waiting for a change of circumstances and dispositions, some concerted contribution to such a change might be made . within a nodusoperandi , in which for example, a distinction could be drawn between what is essential and what is not, the abstract and the concrete, and areas where concessions can and cannot be made. The Special Representative expresses his willingness to engage in such an exercise. 62. The Special Representative expresses appreciation for the co—operation that the Iranian Government has extended to him so far and reiterates his expectation of full co—operation in the near future, as repeatedly requested by the General Assembly and the Commission on Human Rights. The Special Representative reaffirms his belief that the agreement on some important issues recently reached with the Iranian Government constitutes a step forward in the discharge of his mandate, arid that recognition of the co—operative nature of the surveillarre of human rights by the United Nations, together with a pragmatic approach to pending problems, may lead to a gradual improvement of the current human rights situation along the lines requested by the competent organs of the United Nations. 63. previous reports noted the coexistence of two complementary levels or structures concerning human rights, the normative and the administrative. The normative structure is formed by both international instruments and municipal law, the latter adapted to the former in order to constitute a harmonious legal body. It is up to each State party to the Charter of the United Nations and IIe International Covenants on Human Rights to take legislative and administrative measures to ensure the enjoyment of human rights. The obligation to investigate possible violations and eventually to redress them stems from the obligation concerning the protection of human rights . This obligation flows normally and necessarily from the agreed goals, as it is understood that those agreeing on the ends also agree to provide the means needed for their attainment. The refusal to provide the n ans for effectiveness would render the agreed goals meaningless and would constitute an infringen nt of IIe fundamental principle of good faith in international relations.
Z/Q4. 4/1989/26 page 18 64. As the trial period for the penal Code has expired or is about to expire, the Iranian Government has a golden opportunity to co—ordinate that Code with international instrunents on human rights, Shortcomings regarding fair trial may be remedied, punishment may be graduated to fit the crime, the death penalty may be restricted to the rrost serious crimes, provisions on political crimes may be developed in a more sophisticated way, and punishments considered to constitute torture may be replaced by others that are Lore in conformity with international standards. This may be the opportunity to exempt juvenile offenders under the age of 18 from the death penalty . 65. The Special Representative voices his concern with respect to the apparent flaws in the legal system, and in particular: (a) frequent irregularities regarding fair trial, such as the absence of prompt information of detainees regarding the charges against them, legal aid, presentation of witnesses and public hearings; (b) the large number of arrests and the intimidatory gannet in which they are carried out; (c) poor conditions of imprisonment, such as overcrowding, prohibition of regular visits by family members and friends and sometimes inoonrnunicado or solitary confinement. 66. Reiterated and concurrent reports on ill—treatment and torture during investigation, trial and izr risonment continued to be received during the period under consideration. Oral information provided by first—hand witnesses and victims was pathetic and noving. The statements of witnesses convinced the Special Representative that the treatment of political prisoners in some Iranian prisons was inconsistent with international standards. As stated before, international obligations imply a duty to investigate complaints and ensure redress. The alleged facts, as described, are sufficient in nunter and nature to arouse suspicion that al]. is perhaps not as it should be, and therefore full and proufl investigation and redress are required. 67. During the period under consideration, executions were reported to have been carried out in secret, apparently in order to avoid an uproar in the media and international public opinion. The trend over the past two years towards a steady reduction i t t the number of executions was abruptedly interrupted during the months of July , August and September 1988, when a wave of sunmiary executions took place following the invasion of the Islamic Republic of Iran by an irregular army. These events prompted the Special Rapporteur on sulmiary and arbitrary executions to resort to the urgent appeal procedure in an effort to put an end to the anomalous situation. The Special Representative shared the concern of the Special Raptorteur and supported his action. 68. The global denial of the wave of executions which allegedly took place from July to September of last year and, according to recent information, continued in October, Noventer and DeceIIer 1988, is not sufficient to dismiss the allegations as unfounded, within the framework of normal procedures for the international ironitoring of human rights, concrete allegations slould be refuted in concrete terms, therefore circumstantiated replies are needed to clarify the facts. There is no doubt that an invasion of Iranian territory was undertaken by rebel Iranian groups in July 1988, and that bloody battles ensued in towns and villages along the border with Iraq. None the less the allegations received from several sources, including non—governmental organizations, and reported in the media, referred to sunnuary executions in places that were not affected by military operations. Many allegations contained names, places and dates of supposed executions, and some of them
E/CN.4/1989/ 2 6 page 19 referred to persons arrested long before those events had taken place and to former prisoners who were rearrested. These allegations deserve to be the subject of detailed investigation and information from the Government corcerned, in conformity with international practice. In particular, it may be expected that the application of the norms on fair trial with respect to each case should be investigated and the results of that investigation reported. 69. Independently of the Lotivations behind suninary executions, and even on the assumption of compliance with the penal norms in force with respect to the application of capital punishment, suJr rtary executions suggest per Se that there are flaws or loopholes in the normative system for a fair trial. Sunmiary executions do not Provide enough time to prepare the defence of the accused or to present proof, still less do they allow for the examination of such proof beyond reasonable doubt. Whenever there is a sununary execution the preliminary presumption is that the norms for a fair trial have been disregarded or do not exist, Certainly this preliminary presumption may be dispelled if it is demonstrated that the norms for a fair trial have been duly applied. The preliminary presumption referred to is one of IIe specific reasons for the particular interest of the international coimnunity regarding suninary executions, reflected, inter-alia , in the continuous ncnitoring of such events by a special rapporteur. 70. The number of political prisoners is another matter of concern. Even on the basis of official figures, the number is high and has moved high—ranking of ficers to demand noderated zeal in the application of security means aired at preserving order and Peace. It seems that there is sane veracity in the allegations that persons may be gaoled on the basis of mere suspicion of misdoing or on account of adverse political opinions or political criticism. In other words, it seelis that there are indeed a number of prisoners of conscience. 71. the situation of the Baha'is continued to be uncertain. Two meirbers of the Baha'i coitinunity were reportedly executed in November 1988. AlthOugh the number of prisoners diminished to around 100 and no new arrests have been reported since February 1988, there were proofs of harassment and persecution of those who remained free. Copies of official documents and advertisements in local newspapers confirmed that the Baha'is continued to be denied access to universities as well as en loyment. Their frozen or confiscated property has not been returned to them and their coimnercial licences were removed or refused, depriving them of their means of livelihood. Concurrent reports indicated that they were incessantly advised that all hardships would cease as soon as they recanted their faith. 72. It is not advisable to dismiss any allegation on the nere ground of the supposed political bias of the source collecting the information. The collecting or intermediary source may be distinguished from the direct source. As explained in previous reports, the Special Representative is primarily interested in individual cases, because the rights enshrined in the International Covenant on Civil and political Rights are individual rights. Certainly in evaluating evidence, information collected by independent sources may, in principle, have more weight than that from compromised ones. In the cases under consideration, the information was provided by various sources, such as witnesses with personal experience of the facts, Iranian newspapers, media from several countries and non—governmental organizations, and they broadly corroborated each other.
E/(2N. 4/198W26 page 20 73. when introducing his interim report to the Third Coirinittee, the Special Representative stated that recent political events in the region of the Persian Gulf could have a positive incidence on the general atriosphere and be conducive to increasing respect for the effective observance of human rights in conformity with international requirements and standards. The introduction highlighted the expectations stemming from the cease—fire between Iraq and the Is lamic Republic of Iran and welcomed that development. In fact, the cease—fire was one of the most celebrated international achievements in 1988 and sbould constitute the first step towards a stable and just peace. The Special Representative again ecpresses his immense satisfaction and deep appreciation for that development which has rightly been acclaimed by the international coiauunity. The Special Representative also expects that, under the new circumstances, the Iranian Government will soon turn its positive attention to pending human rights problems, as indicated in the official statement made by its Permanent Representative to the United Nations. 74. It seems that, in order to improve the human rights situation, at both the legislative and administrative levels, a firm, consistent and enforceable policy adopted by the highest authorities may be necessary. As an important part of that policy, investigation of abuse of power at all levels of the administration and in particular at the level of law enforcement units would have to be undertaken as a matter of urgency and priority, punishing violators and compensating victims. Now that the Iranian Government is in a position to turn its attention to human rights, these grievances may find timely and pertinent relief. 75. The Special Representative continues to believe that the Islamic Republic of Iran might benefit from the establishment of a national commission on human rights, Such a body could be eomposed of independent, competent and representative personalities, with full guarantees Eor travelling , contnunications inside and Outside the country, collection of information, visits to prisons and prisoners, access to the authorities, exposure to the media and guaranteed exercise Of independent functions. 76. The Iranian Government may wish to consider the establishment of a progranune of information on hu ian rights for law enforcement personnel and take advantage of the technical assistance provided by the Centre for Human Rights of the United Nations. 77. In order to solve the pending problems regarding the resolutions of the competent organs of the United Nations the Special Representative considers it timely and appropriate to plead with the Government of IIe Islamic Republic of Iran, as a matter of urgency, to take measures such as the following: (a) to extend full co—operation to the Special Representative for a total fulfilment of his mandate, including a visit to the country; (b) to investigate all allegations of human rights violations and to report in detail on the result of such investigations; (c) to take legislative and administrative steps to ensure fair trials; (a) to ensure that the prison r gime conforms to international standards and that prisoners are not subjected to unjustified or unnecessary hardships; (e) to suppress ill—treatment and torture, during both investigation and imprisonment ; (f) to limit use of the death penalty strictly to the nost serious crir s, to exempt from the death penalty those under 18 years of age and to replace punishments involving torture by punishments compatible with international standards ; and (g) to ensure that a firm policy of compliance with international instruments on human rights is adopted and enforced by the highest competent officials.
E/cN. 4/1989/26 page 23. 78. In consclusion, the basic pattern of the human rights situation of the past few years still prevails, with its essential features, but with changes here and there. The Special Representative maintains his belief that acts persist in the Islamic Republic of Iran that are inconsistent with international instruments on human rights, and that the prevailing situation in that country justifies international concern, study and constant rronitoting by the United Nations and its specialized organs such as the Commission Ofl Human Rights. Notes 1/ official 1 ecords of the General Assembly, Thirty—seventh Session, Supplement No. 40 (A/37/40), annex V 1 general comment 7 (16), para. 2. V Ibid. , general comment 6 (16), paras. 6 and 7. V Les-droits-de l'honne-en-Islara , International commission of Jurists, University of Kuweit and Arab Lawyers Union, Report of an international syn osium held in Kuweit, December 1980, chap. I I, recommendation 36. j / Official Records of the General Assembjy, Thirty—seventh Session; Stpp leiSnt No. 40 (A/37/40), annex V . general conunent 7 (16), para. 1.
E/CN. 4/1989/26 page 22 Annex NAMES AND PARTICULARS OF PERSONS ALLEGEDLY EXECUTED IN THE ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN WRING THE PERIOD JULY-DECEMBER 1988 Name Forename Date P lace ABBASSI A u 12.88 Babol ABDI Mohazwnad Esmaeil 12.88 Babol BDOLHOSSEINI Mohsen 11.88 Tebran ABDOLI KANALI Majid 9.88 Tabriz ABDOLLABI 11.88 Tehran ABDOLWII Amir 9.88 Tebran ABDOLLAHI Abo lhassan 9.88 Tebran ABDOLVAGHAB 9.86 Tebran ABEDI t4ostafa 11.88 Anzali A EDI Abbass 11.88 ADAD—AVAZ Es aat 11.88 Shiraz ADAB—AVAZ Fatemeh 11.88 Shiraz ADAB—AVAZ Hossein 11.88 Sbiraz ADIBI Sjrus 11.88 Tebran (Evin) M EA l Abo lghassem AFSHAR 12.88 isfahan AFSHAR 12.88 Karaj AESHARLU Afaad 10.88 Tebran (Evin) AGAE 11.88 Mashhad AGHA HOSSEINI Reza 9.88 Tebran AGHAEI Majid 11.86 Bebbahan AGHAEIAX I Farab 9.88 Tehrafl AGHAYAN 12.88 AGHAYAN lIIio laziz 12.88 Larestan AGHVAMI 12.88 AGHVAMI Mehdi Mohammed 9.88 Tehrafl AEMAD-ZADEH Rezwan ABMADDI -NAWARA All ANMADI Ashraf 11.86 Tehran XdIMADI Fariba 6. 6.88 Isfahan AMMADI Moha,maad 6. 8.88 Isfahan ABMADI Hushang 11.88 Hamedan AHMADI Asieh 9.88 Tehran AHMADI—NAWARA Me zgin AMMADZADEH Esma'i i 12.88 Bushehr AUSANI Davood 11.88 Tehran ?I IU3ARI Mabmood 11.88 Kermanshab AKBARI Feizo l lah 12.88 Gorgan AKBARI NAMDAR Gho lam Reza 9.86 Tabriz AEBARIAN A o1saheb 11.88 Behbahan AKBARISEFAT Ebrahim 12.88 Karaj AKBARZAD YOSSEFI Mohaggued Hossein 10.88 Tabriz
E/CN. 4/19b9,2 : page 23 Name Forename Date place AKHLAGHI Seyed Mohaiwnad 11.88 Tehran (Evin ) AIQILAGHI Asghar 9.88 Busheht AL—E-TAHA 11.88 PdAEI—KBASTU Masoud 10.88 Tehran ALAV I Reza 11.88 Bushehr ALAVI Reza 12.88 Bushehr AL l— POO R Hassan 12.88 Shiraz AL l—POOR Ijossein 12.88 Shiraz M.IZADEH All 11.88 Babol ALUKI Ghassem 29.10.88 Tehran (Evin) ANIN—OL—1UL.IEH Shams 9.88 Tehran (Evin) AL4IN—OO—DQLEH Shamsi 3. 6.88 Tehran AMIt4I Masumeb 11.88 Kermanshah A ICINI—KHAK Masha llah 12.88 Bushehr AMIRI tthsen 9.88 Arak AhIIRZ AD I AMJADI Aidolnasser 12.88 Karaj AM ZEGAR Reza 1.11.88 Shiraz MAGHI Majid 9.88 Tebran (Evin ) ABAGHI Bebzad 12.88 Tehran (Evin) ARBAB TEHRMJI Ghassem 11.88 Tebran (Evin) ARDALAN 12.88 Hamedan APDEBIZ,I Mehrdad 9.88 Tehran A RI AN Mabmud 11.88 Gorgarz ARIAN Heshmatollab 11.88 Tebran (Evin) AS ARI 9.88 Karaj ASADI Nader 11.88 Isfahan ASA DI A u 12.88 Mashhad ASGAB -K HANI Majid 9.88 Tebran ASGAR—S I IABI Zabra 17.11.88 Tehran ASGARI Abmad 11.88 Tebran (Evin) ASGABI Aid Reza 10.88 Tehran (Evin) ASGARI Mansur 11.88 Haoeedan ASGARI All Reza 11.88 Tehran (gym) ASGART A u Reza 10.88 Tehran ASGARIPOOR 9.88 Gorgan ASGARI—ZADEH Mabmud 11.88 Tehran ASGEAR—NE OED Esnaei l 9.88 Langarood ASGLMR-ZADEL Mabmud 11.68 Mzali ASGHAR—Z I4DEH Farid 12.88 Tehran ASGEARIPO UR 9.88 Gorgan ASHRAFI Mohaimaad 12.88 AS HTARI Mehrdad 10.88 Karaj ASLANI Majid 9.88 Mianeh ASNA—IiSHARI Akbar 7.11.88 Isfahan ASQARZADEH vahid 9.88 Tehran ASSADI—ZADEH 11.88 Tabriz ASSADPO(JR Jalal 11.88 Tehran ASSIAZANI EIIOSCO 10.68 Tabriz ATIGHER— cHI Kama l 25.11.68 zanjan ATIK Golali ATTAB-ZADEH Behruz 11.88 Tehran AYATOLLA—ZADEH Razieh 1.11.88 Tehran AZAD Mazaher 11.88 Anzali AZADME HR Safdar 9.88 Karaj
E/Qq. 4/1989/26 page 24 Name rorename Date P lace AZALI Reza 8.88 Tebran (Evin) AZAMI Uushang 11.88 Isfahan AZANI Abdo lrazagh 7.12.88 Shiraz AZAR k lokhtar 11.88 Shiraz AZIM—ZaD EB Mehdi 9.88 Tehran AZMUDEH Mi Reza 11.88 Tehran (Evin) AZMUDEH LEKAMI Fakhri 12.86 Rasi t MBA SAB B Biok 8.88 Tebran (Evin) BABAEI 11.88 Kerman shab BABA I Beheshteh 11.88 Rasht BABAKHANI Hasan BABA1 (H1 NI Hushang 8.88 Tehran BA B E l Masoud 11.88 Anzali BA RI Saeid 11.88 Anzali BABRI Farzan 11.88 Anzali BABRI Iraj 11.88 Anzali BADIE I 10.68 Nashad BADRI Nasser 3.11.88 Oru'nieh B AGHA I Faribotz . BAGHER—Z A DE H . Tahereh 10.88 Mashad BAGHERX Zenab . 11.88 Ahwaz Ebrahim 11.88 Mashhad BAGNERI . . Mi 11.88 Anzali BAGHERI Javad 11.88 Kermanshah 8AGHERI Parvin 12.88 Ahwaz B AGHERI . 12.88 tIIwaz BAGHERI TAVA Nezhat 10.88 BAGHI . haiwaad 7.88 Ehoram—Abad BAHADOR . . Soheila 9.88 Pebran BAHADORI Ebrahim 12.88 Shiraz BANMAN-ABADX BAHNAN—ABADI , BAHRA MI 9.88 Pehran (Evin) 11.88 Tehran BAKUSHI . Majid 9.88 Hamedan BAKHT—AVM 11.88 BALA'I Taber 12.88 BANANI Abdoihossein 11.88 Tebran BANI AMERI ahim 9.88 Kataj BANI JANGALU Abmad 3.11.88 Orunileb BANI—ANERIMi Reza 9.88 Kataj BANIRI A b dol—Sattar 9.88 Isfahan BAQA'I Shahin 11.88 Shiraz BAQE,RZADEE Nasrin 10.88 Tehran BARADARAN 12.88 Quchan BARANI Mehrdad 9.88 Boroojerd BARABI Shamsi 11.88 Mashhad BAMPI Mohsen 9.88 Mashhad 8ARATI jtaba 9.88 Mashhad BARAZANDEH Masumeh 9.88 Gachsaran BARZ—ABADI 9.88 Tebran (Evin) BAYAT 9.88 Arak BAZARGAN Beghar . Tebrari BAZARGANI 10.88 Kermanshah BAZZAZ Tal ier 9.88 Tehran
E/CN. 4/1989/26 page 25 Name Forename Date place BEEBOODI A u Akbar 9.88 Rasht BEHESHTI Hu n 10.88 Tehran BEHNAN—ZADEH Behruz 10.88 Tehran BEUZADI Manouchehr BEUZADI Mostafa 10.88 Tehran BEIK -ALI A u Ajcbar 6. 8.88 Tebran (Evin) BIABA1 AKI Behnam 9.88 Seaman BIDARIAN Bahram 12.88 Karaj BIDGOLI Mohsen BIGDELI Mehrdad 11.88 Labijan BIGDEL.I Mehrdad 11.88 Lahijan BIJAN—YAR Zahra 11.88 Karaj (Gohardasht) BIJANI Akbar 9.88 Karaj BIK—MOjff 1 MADI Noharwi ad Reza 9.88 Tebran BIKU—EQBAL Fatemeh—Zahra 12.88 Tebran BQO—INX Kameran 11.88 Tebran B OO— t N t Kjctctars 11.88 Tehrafl BOODAGHI Nosratol lab 11.68 Hamedan BORDBAR 12.88 Fassa BOSTARX Ghassem 10.88 Arak BOZORG RASHID Manuchehr 11.88 Karaj BOZQRG—BASHAR Manuchehr 8.89 Lahijan BU SH EH E I A u 16.12.88 Tehran (Evin) B(JZAR—Jc* IEI3RI Hashem 25. 11.08 Tehran (Evin) CHAHA —BASHLU Yazdan 9.88 Tebran CHAHMDAH CHERIK Cholam 9.88 Cact i—Saran CHAMAN Behzad 11.88 Rasht CaANGIZI Fariba 12.88 Shiraz CREHRI Zabihoflab 9.88 Karaj CHENARI Aoeir 12.88 Tehran CH 1 AGHI Rabman 9.88 Tehran cHGHRI Sobbatolla 9.88 Karaj CBOOBDM 11.88 Tel -iran CHUB IYAN Kurosh 12.88 Tehran (Evin) DABB ACH MohaimBad 30. 7.88 Khorrata Abad DADGAR Farzad DALIRI 11.88 Raslit DAL.IRI Massoud 9.88 Tehrafl DANAEI Mohanaad Ebrahim 9.88 Seaman DANESH Abiliad DANIALI Sa'id 12.88 Tetiran DAR—AFARI Reza 9.88 Lahijan DARABI Masoud 11.88 Gorgan DARIABARI 9.88 Tehran (Evin) DARYARI Mebdi 9.88 Fassa DARYEKBAl DI Assado l lah DAVOOD-ZADEB 11.88 Rasht DAVOODI Hossein 11.88 Babel DAV00 0I Moharilnad—Taqi 9.88 Tehran DEGARAN Behrooz 12.88 t4ashad DEHNADI Abmad 11.88 Tehran DEHNADI fladi 9.88 Tehran DELKASH Faramarz 9.88 Karaj DERAKHSHANI—NIA Mehri 11.88 Tehrafl
E/ . 4/1989/26 page 26 Name Forename Date Place DEzFuLr y Ramin 7. 10.88 Tebran DIA 1 AT Chassetifi 11.88 Tehran (Evin) DI?.RI 12.88 Fassa WLAT—ABADI 11.88 Sabzevar DOLAT—ABADI 11.88 Sabzevar IAT—A 13ADI 11.88 Sabvezar DOLATI NODEH Ramazan liii 12.88 Gorgan DOLATI WDEII Ghaflbar 12.88 Gorgan DtXST—MDU1&t(&Ot Ramid 10.88 Semnan WROOD MobaIwaad 11.08 Karaj EBBAHIM—POOR All Akbar 25.10.88 Gorgan EBRAHIMI 11.88 Shabrood EBRAHIMI Sadigheb 11.88 Shiraz EBRAHIMI flassan 11.88 Tehran (Evin) EBRAHIMI A u 2.12.88 tebran (Evin ) EBRAHIMI Siamak 11.88 Karaj EBRAHIMI 10.88 Isfahan EBRAHIMI 12.88 Fassa EBRAHIMI garuid 12.88 EBRAHIMI ijadi 12.88 EBRAHIMI GUDARZI Azizolla 10.88 Boroujerd EDAIJAT }Josein 9.88 Tebran EDAREH 11.88 Shiraz EDAREH 11.88 Shiraz EFTEKHARI Hohaimi ad Reza 10.88 Tehran EGHBALI NIkMIN Nemat 9.88 Karaj (Chezelhesar) E INOL — YAG HIN Zohreh 13.12.88 Tehran (Evin) EIVAZ—ZADEH 25. 11.88 Tebran (Evin) EIVAZ—ZADEB 25.11.88 Tehran (Evin) EKHTIARI 11.88 Kerend EKRAMI Beza 10.88 Zanjan EKRAMI pshinad 11.88 Tebran (Evin) EKZIA Mina 10.88 Tehran (Evin) EMMiI $eyed Taher 9.88 Tehran EMP.D1 CHASHMI Seyed Rojatollah 12.88 GhaeTR—Shahr I4ehrdad 11.88 Tebran E W4I Saeid 11.88 Tebran EMAMI aeid 10.88 Tehran (Evin) EMAMI Akbar 6. 8.88 Isfahan EMA}4I i4ohauinad 10.88 Tehran (Evin) ENT EZARI Mina 11.88 Tehran (Evin) ENTEZARI j2arshia 9.88 Tehran ESFANDIARI flrshad 9.88 Tehran ESFANDIARI Mostafa 9.88 Tehran ESKANDAR TAZKIEHEI Mitra 12.88 Tehran ESKANDARI yariborz 10.88 iIIwaz ESMAEIL—ZADEH I aSu1 10.88 Tehran ESMAEIL.I 11.88 Kermanshah ESMABILI Saber 9.86 Tehran ESL lAEILIAN 12.88 Isfahan ESMAIL— ZADEH tzahmat ESMAIL—ZADER Oadi'e ESSMAEIL—ZArJEH assan 11.88 Babolsar ETRAK Farrokh—Zad 8.88 Isfahan
E/0L4/1989/26 page 27 Name Forename Date Place ETRAK Farhad 8.88 Tehran (Evin) FADAEI Ashraf 9.88 Tebran (Evin) FADAEI—NIA Farhang 1. 8.88 Ahwaz FAICHAR 11.88 Tehran (Evin) FM 1 ABATI Zahra 11.88 Tebran (Evin) FALLAH Sirus 12.88 Pwiol FAIJLAB Reza 11.88 Tehran FANI Mehrdad 11.88 Tehran FARAHaAND Mohainnad 23.11.88 Shiraz FARARMAND Gila 12.88 Shiraz FM A3—PWR Sijan 13.12.88 Shiraz FARA.YI Mabmud 10.88 Varamin FA1 A JI t4abmud 10.88 Tehran (Evin) FARIAD—ABADI Hassan 9.88 Tabriz FARIDI Mussa 11.88 Semnan FARIG HI Sosan FARJAD—AZAD Mehrdad FATEMI Hossein 11.88 Tebran (Evin) FATEMI $eyed Mohirgiiad 9.88 Behbahan PATH—AL l Nayereb 9.88 Tebran FAOE I Avaz 10.88 Varamifl FATW [ Mussa 9.88 Rudsar FATHI Abbass 12.88 Tebran FATHI Vazir 11.88 Tebran (Evin) FATHI Hossein 9.88 Tehran FATHOLLAHI Hojatolla 8.88 Kermanshah FATTAMI aa la l 11.88 Tehran FAYAZPOUR Reza 19.11.88 Rhoram—Abad FEIZ Shahriar 9.88 Tebran FEIZ—ABADI Hassan 11.88 Tehran FEIZ—MADI S ssein 11.88 Tebran FEIZ—P.BADI Z lohaum iad 12.88 Sabzevar FIRUZI Abbass 11.88 Tebran (Evin) FORGEANIAN Hassan 11.88 Bandar Abbass FORMGAH Majid 11.88 Tehran (Evin) tRUZAt4DEH Said 10.88 liafshejan Shahr—Kord FREYDOOWI Mebdi 11.88 Karaj GARMrnJDI l4anuchehr 10.88 Arak GRADIANI Madam 9.88 Tehran G HADIANI MOjt4ba 11.88 Tebran (Evin) GHADLANI Siamak 9.88 Tebran GRADIRI 9.88 Tabrjz GHAFPARI Saeid 11.88 Tebran (Evin) G HAFOUR I A u 9.88 GHAFOtJRI Reza 9.88 GHAEAR—POOR 12.88 AJT I0 I GHAHREMA}II 11.88 Mashhad GRAUREMANI Bijan 12.88 Ahwaz GHALA—VAND Javad 12.88 Ahwaz GUALAM—BOR Rossein 10.88 Tehran (Evin) GHALAMBOR ifiosse in GHANBARI Babman GRANBARI Hushang 11.88 GHANBARI Shahnaz 10.88 Masjed Soleiwian
E/CN. 4/1989/26 page 28 Name Forena me Date Place GHANBARI Hushang 11.88 Kerman GRANOHARI Manuchebr 11.80 GHANDI sassan GHANIMATI Mojtaba 10.68 Te l -iran (Evin) GHAWIMATI—OL—Kt RIZI s i m m 11.88 Tebran GHASHGIIAEI t4orad 11.80 Tehran (Evin) GHASHGMAEINq Asghar 11.88 Tehrafl GHASRGHAEIAN Reza 11.88 Tebran GHASSEMI 3.11.88 Orumieb CHASSEMI All Reza 10.88 Arak GH/ SSEMI sa l man 10.88 Tabriz GHASSEMI Ramin 23.10.88 Rasht G I IASSEMI 12.88 Tehran CHAVAMI Taher CHAZI TIBATABASI Masoud 10.88 Tebran (Evin) GHIASVAND Seyfo llab GHOSADIAN Hamid 11.88 Tehran CHOBADIAN 11.88 Tebran GHOBADXAN 11.88 Tebran GHOLPsMI 30. 7.88 Salmnas GHOLAMI 11.88 Orumieh GUOLP 4 MI A l -i 9.88 Tebran GHOLAMI cHWHKI samad 9.88 Tabriz GHOLI—POOR 11.88 Ghaem—Shahr GHOLI—POJR Mabmud 9.88 Zanjan GHOMIAN Bebrooz 9.88 Tehran GHORBAt4I Ahinad 3.11.88 Orumieb GHORZISHI Mahin 9.88 Tebran GHOREYSHI Davo ud GHOSSI Yassin 11.88 Bandar ?bbass GOLABI Mahfl100d 8. 1.88 Isfahan GOLBARG Babran 9.88 Karaj GOLC}IIAN Mohaomiad 11.88 Ghaem-.Shahr GOLCHIN A U 11.88 COLCHTN Khadijeh 11.88 Karaj GOUOHMNADi 10.88 Hafshejan Shahr—Kord GOLPYGANI Mohaiwnad 11.68 Semnan G DARZ I Minu 23.11.88 Shiraz GOODARZI ShakIIaz 23.11.88 Shiraz GORGIN Yossef 11.88 Gorgan GORJ AN I GORJI Khosro 11.88 Tehran (Evin) C O R a l—N r A Javad 11.88 Bandar (Anzali) GRA I 4I 12.88 Isfahan GiJDARZI Kiomars 10.88 Arak GURAN nadi 9.88 Karaj HABIB—RAD 9.88 Tebran (Evin) HADI—PWR Seyed Hamid 9.88 Abwaz (Shamosodin) HADIAN Hamid Reza 10.88 Tebran (Evin) RA]X [ KNANLU Amir Husang 9.88 Tehrafl HAGH-BAOEN Gho larn HAGH—SHENASS Abbass 11.88 Shiraz HAGHI MANIE Hamid 10.88 Tabriz
E/CN. 4/1989/26 page 29 Name Forename Date P lace HAGH IGHAT-4 U Hossein 3. 8.88 Teh ran HAGHIGMI Monazar 9.88 Tebran (Evin) I3AGH IGNIIN Mi Naghi 11.88 Rasht NM SAMADI Mi Reza 12.88 Tebran HAJI ALT Mahbubeb 11.88 Tehran (Evin) HAJI ISFANA I JARRc*1I 12.88 Shi.raz HAJI ISFARANI JAHROMI 12.88 Shiraz HAJI ISFAUAfrI JABR 4I 12.88 Shiraz HMI ISFABANI JA RROMI 12.88 Shiraz HAJI MOHANMADI Habib 12.88 Babol HAJI MOHAI4MADI Hazaher 12.88 Babol HMIAX4 Liii 9.88 Tebran BAJIZADEH Leila (Sediqeh) 9.88 Tebran RAKOE II Shabriar 11.88 Tehran HAKIMI t j, o 12.88 Shiraz HANEDARI Farhad 8.88 Kerend HAMID—ZADEN 11.88 rehran (Evin) Fereshteh 9.88 Tebran HA14 1D 1 Sohei la 9.88 Tehran 3.11.88 Oruinieh HANJ NEJAD M.i 11.88 Tehran (Evin) HANZEH LUIAN Mohaninad 9.88 Arak HAQVERDI All 9.88 Tebran HARIRI Abmad 11.88 Tehran (Evin) HAR m Jafar 26.11.88 Tehran HARIRI Mansur 11.88 Tehran (Evin) HARIRI Mohsen 11.88 Rasht HARIRI Yagnoob 11.88 Zanjan HABIRI Masoud 12.88 Mashhad HARIRI Masoud 10.88 Tehran HARIRTAN Hamid 11.88 Rasht HARIRIAN Hamid 10.88 Tebran (Evin) HASHEMI Jafar (Hadi) 8.88 Masbad }JASHEMI Jamshid 9.88 Isfaban HASHEMIAN Nina 10.88 Kermanshah HASHEMIAN Abo lfaz l 9.88 Qazyin EASIU -PAR Nebd I HASSAN ABADI t4ehdi 9.88 Mashhad HASSA2 1t-ZADSH Chassem 9.88 Langarood HASSANI Davood 9.38 Tehran (Evin) HASSM4I Mohannad 11.88 Tehran (Evin) HASSM 1I Mohamaa Taghi 9.88 Tebran BASSANI PAR Mehdi 11.88 Tehran HASSANI—ZADEjI Eandd Reza 12.88 Tehran HATAMI Hedayotta lah HhTAMI Amir 9.88 Tebran HAVARESHIAN Ghodsi 12.88 Tehran HAYDA3I Zafar HAZAL—UJ Mohannad 10.88 Arak BE1DASD ST iamed 12.88 Tehrari HEIDARI 31. 7.88 Mashad HEIDARI Mebdi 9.88 Karaj HE IDARI Mohaninad 9.88 $hiraz HEIDARI Seifollab 11.88 Ahwaz HEID IiRI 11.88 Mnol
E/CN. 4/1989/26 page 30 Name Forename Date Place HEIDARX—NEJAD Karim 11.88 Tebran (Evin) HEJAZI Seyed Reza 11.88 Babolsar HEHMATI 9.88 Semnan HEMMATI 9.88 Seninan HEMMATI Aghdass 11.88 Tehran HEMMATI 11.88 Teliran HESSAZ4I Seifo l lah 8.88 Ahwaz HESSAMI Seifo l lah 11.88 Ahwaz HOMAYON Parviz 10.88 Zanjan Ha4AYOONI—RAD Najid 9.88 Qazvin HcOSRMAND Anin 11.88 Shiraz HOE Mabmood 12.88 Ramsar I SEINI Hassan 12.88 Bushehr HOSEINI Nasrollab 9.88 Karaj I IDSEINPOOR Qo lam 12.88 Bushehr HOS$EIN—ZADEH blanuchebt 11.88 Sebbahan HOSSEINI Parviz 9.88 Gach—Saran HOSSEINI Habib 10.88 Tehran LESSE INI Mohanujad Hossein 9.88 Tehran (Evin) HOSSEINI Seyed EsmaeU. 9.88 Tehran BDSSEINPOUR shafi MuSHI Mabmud 14. 9.88 Tabriz HUSHMAND Jafar 1.1.88 Tebran I GEHE I k4ostafa 9.88 Tehran IMANI LWDSH—KHU Majid 11.88 Lahijan INAGNI Yar—Aba*ad 9.88 ISLI IMBUL—cuI Hainid 11.88 Mashhad ISLA I4I Parab 11.88 11am JABBARI Freydoon 25.11.88 Zanjan JABBARIAN 11.88 Tehran (Evin) JABBARIAN 11.88 Tebran (Evin) JAFFA I 10.88 Mashad JAFFA RI Moharani Mi 11.88 Rasht JAHAN—BAXHSH Ebrahim 11.88 Behbahan JABfl4I 9.88 Tebran JALALI Hasan 11.88 Zanjan JALALI Kheiro l lah 9.88 Tehran JALA L I Karin 12.88 Tehran JALALIAN 12.88 Qazv n JALALIAN A u 11.88 Hagedan JALILI 9.88 Lahijan JAMAL ! Mobsen 9.88 Shahrood OEMS BID I Faramarz 9.88 Tebran JANG—ZADEH Mab lnood 9.88 Tehran JARAF—ZADEH Mabmud 29. 7.88 Khoy JAVAN Mohauraad 9.88 Teran JAVAN SHOJAA Chassem Tehran (Evin) JAVANI Akbar 12.88 Gohardasht JAVIDFAR 3a ar JAVIDNIA Mas'ood 9.88 Karaj JAZAIQI 9.88 ‘rebran JER Farhad 12.80 Tehran JESTAN Robert 9.88 Tehran JODAT Hossein
E/04. 4/1989/26 page 31 Name Forename Date Place KABIR—ROSSEINI Amir Afshar 9.88 Tehran (Evin) KABRIZI Syrous 9.88 Karaj KAKA—SOLTANI Feizo llah 12.38 Noshahr KALA 1 AKI Kamal 12.88 Tebran (Evin) KALANTA R I Hamea 9.88 Karaj KA}4AL 1 Mojgan 9.88 Tebran Sedigheb 12.88 Tebtan (Evin) KN4ERANI MIHANI Rushang 11.88 Kerman KANI 12.88 tebran (Evin) KARANI Jamshid 6.12.88 Skiiraz KABBALEX PJObass 16.12 88 Tebran ( vin) KARIMI Shahriar 9.88 Tehrafl Kfll.IMI Mansur 12.88 Shahr—e—Kord KARIMI Sadegh 9.88 Tehran KARIMIAN 29.11.88 Tebran KAR IMIAN 29.11.88 Tehran KARIMIAN 11.88 pehran KARIMIAN 11.88 Pehran KASEBN Morteza 9.88 Semnan KASHANI Ghojain Reza 9.88 Arak KASHANI Kiooears 9.88 Karaj KASLIANI PLGUDI%M Gl o1am Reza 9.88 Tehrarl KASSEU GNA E haninad 11.88 Astaneh—P.shr Afieh KAYHANI Farangis 9.88 Tehrafl KAYKAVUS SI Farideb 9.88 Ahwaz KAYKUAM Samad 12.88 Shiraz KAYVA Iq—FAR oamshid 11.88 Tehran KAYVAM Farangis 25.11.88 Tehran KAZAZ I Hassan 9.88 Tehran KAZEMIZADEH Mobsen 12.88 Nashhad KEBRITI Hamid Reza 11.88 Tehran KEIKAVUSSI Nahid 12.88 Ahwaz KERAMATI Mohan mnad 9.88 Tehran KESHAVARZ 9.88 Gach—Saran KESHAVARZ Gholam Hassan 9.88 Shiraz KESHAVARZ 11.88 Karaj ( Cheze lhesar) KEl FAR Hassan 10.88 Tehran KEYVANI Iraj 10.88 Hafshejan Shahr—Kord EJIADEMI Majid 10.88 Isfahan KHAKSAR Abbas 9.88 Karaj KHAKSAR Fosieh 9.88 Kermanshah KNALM A u 9.88 Qazvin KHALEGHI Hassan 9.88 Tebran KHALF I Mobsen 9.88 Tebran KHAI4ENEH KhoSrO 11.88 Tebran KuANi4OHN 4ADI Mohanvrtad 11.88 Kermanshah KHAS 1OU Massoud Afla'i 11.88 KUAT I D I KHATIBI 11.88 Tehran (Evin) KHATIBI flamid 9.88 Tebran KHEYRIEM S FAEI Simm 11.88 Tebran (Evin) KHODA DADI Bebnam 12.88 Babol KHODA-PARAST
E/CN. 4/1989/26 page 32 Name Forename Date Place KHODhPABASTI Hosein 8.88 Chaloos KHQLD 1 Wosrat 11.88 Pebran KHONSARI Hassan 10.88 Tebran KH A—BARKS I1T Sobrab 9.88 Karaj KH SH GOFTI R Hussein 9.88 Tebran KUORRAMI Noor—od—din 11.88 11am KHORSANDX Saeid 9.88 Kermanshah KNORSHID—VA SH Abbass 11.88 Hamedan KH OSH—SALIG 1 IEH Ma liheh 11.88 Anzali KHOSHBIJEI Saiedeh 11.88 Shiraz KHOSHBUE I Siavash 11.88 Shiraz KHOSEB(JEI Susan 11.88 Shiraz KIESRAVANI Mehdi 11.88 Tebran KHOSBAVAEI Mebdi 11.88 Busbehr KIESRAVI bait 9.88 Tebran 1(HOS1 J MADI Abbass 11.88 Tebran KHOSRO ABAD X Mansureb 11.88 Tebran KHOSI D MADI Tayebbeh 11.88 Tehran XHOSRQ—ABADX Abbass 6.11.88 Tehran K13G ROVh 1 1 9.66 Tehian KIA Z Jcbar 11.88 Kord—kul K IA— A I IM AD I Ezzato l la 9.88 Kordkuy KIA—AHMADI Vahid 9.88 Gorgan KIA—MMADI Vajio lla 9.88 Gorgan KIAEI Mabbubeb 11.88 Tehran (Evin) KlAN— POOR 12.88 Shiraz KIANI 12.88 Tebran (Evin) KOLAI I—GH OCHX Rabmat 1 (00HZ Abbass A u 12.88 Tabriz ROOHSARI Moharmuad A u 11.88 Mashhad KORD—JAZI Esmaeil (Behzad) ii.ii.aa sari KORD—ROSTM II Mohaagnad Reza 9.88 Tebran (Evin) KUHI 30. 7.88 Salmas LARI LAVASANI Masoud 9.88 Tebran IJ SHGPjRX Jafar 12.88 Mashhad LATIF—POOR 12.88 Shiraz LATIFI Mojgan 10.88 Tehran LOLAEI Majid 12.88 Shira WRAKI Rahman 10.88 Ahwaz 12.8 tetahart MAABOODI Ezzat 11.88 Tebran M .DIBEIGI Behzad 9.88 Karaj MAHIGIR Hossein 10.88 Arak MAHOE3ANI Jafar 9.88 Sari MAHJUB Hamzeh 10.88 Rudsar ffl IAHMOODI Gholam A u 12.88 Shiraz MAHM000I Abmad 9,88 Tehran MAHM 000I—FAR 11.88 Kermansbah PANAHANDEH lt,88 Kermanshah ROODARI 11.88 Kermanshah KAFFASH—POOR 11.88 Kermanshah HUSHANGI 11.88 Kermanshah FALLANIK 11.88 Kerraanshah FARAJ—POOR 11.88 Kermanshah ABEDI Kazem 11.88
E/CL 4/1989/26 page 33 Name Forename Date Place MP.HMUDI Abdo l—Ahad 3.11.88 Tehran (Evin) MAUMUDI Sasan 11.88 Tebran (Evin) MAUMUDI Nabjuud 10.88 Ramedan MAJANI A o1 Rasul 15.11.88 Tehran (Evin) MAJAZI Mohatioead Reza 9.88 Tehran MAJD—ABADI Reza 10.88 Arak MAJDI Asghar 11.86 Tehran MAJNUN MOHM4MADI Asghar 11.88 Tel-iran (Evin) MAZIANI Gbolam Reza 12.88 Dezfu i MALEKI Assad 9.88 Karaj MAI EKI Sbaa 11ah 11.88 Kermanshah MALEKI 12.86 MALEKUTI Mansur 6. 8.88 Istahan MANSOURI Nasser 9.66 Tebran MANSURI 11.88 Mashhad MAl SURI 12.88 Shiraz MANSURIAN Kama l—o—din 23.11.88 Shiraz MA RAN U I MARA}IDI Majid 11.88 Tebran (Evin) MARDFAR Soleiman 12.68 Te l-iran MARDOMI Jairishid 9.88 Tabriz MASHHADI EBRABIM Hossein 11.88 Karaj (Go hardasht) MARIVANI Mehrdad 11.88 Tebran MASHOUF Majid 9.68 Tehran M ASOUD I Masoud 25.11.88 Zanjan MASSIIiA LANGAROODI Manijeh 10.88 Langarood MASSIBI Parviz 9.88 Gach—Saran MASSIM Parviz 9.88 Shiraz MASUMI Raid Reza 8.68 Borujerd MASUMI Hassan 9.88 Te l - iran MAZAHER Ebrahim 12.88 Tehran MAZAJIERI Saeid 30.10.88 Isfahan MAZRUEI 9.88 Rasht MEHO I—ZADEB 10.88 Rudsar MEBDI—ZADEB Farhad 11.88 Tebran MEHRABI &hsen 10.88 Gorgan I4EHRPANAH Mashalab MEMAR Akbar 11.88 Shiraz MIR BAGHERI Seyed Esmaeil 21.11.88 Tehran (Evin) MIR JAFARI Farshad 11.88 Tehrafl (Evin) M IR—ESMARLI Zohreh 11.68 Tebran MIR—KARIMI Reza 11.88 Gorgan MIR—MOHAMMADI Sayed Morteza 11.88 Pehran MIR—MOHAfl IAD I Seyed Aghil 12.88 Tehrafl MIR—MOHAMMADI Mehdi LQ.88 Tehran (Evin) MIR—MORADI Monireh 12.88 Ahwaz MIR—SEYEDI Hamid 12.88 Tehran (Evin) MIRAB—ZADEB Mobsen 11.68 Tehran (Evin) MIRHADI Siamak 11.88 Gorgan MIRHADIAN Kiooroars 9.88 Tehran MIRZA—MOHA iMADI Mirza Mohaumiad 11.88 Arak MIRZA—ZADEH 11.88 Tebran MIRZADE}I 9.88 Karaj MIRZAEI Hossejn 8.88 Tehran
E/CN. 4/1989/26 page 34 Name Forename Date Place MIRZAEI Mostafa 27.10.88 Tebran MIRZAEI Shahnaz 9.88 Hamedan MIRZAEI Maswneh 11.88 Tebran MIRZAEI Reza 11.88 Tehran NXRZAEI Zahra 12.88 Ahwaz MIZPNI Faradjollah MOADAS Hassan 12.88 Estehbanat MOBARAKI TEHRAN All 11.88 Tebran tODP Rt LSSI 11.88 tstat av at MOEIN 9.88 Tebran M OE IN I Parvin 9.88 MOE INI 12.80 Shiraz MOEZZI liassan 10.08 Tabriz MOGADDAM Kiotoars 11.68 Kermanshah MOGHADDAM Nazar 10.88 iIIorram Abad MOGNBELI Farshid (Farid) 1.12.88 Tebran (Evin) MOGIWI CHAGNER VMJD Parvin 9.88 Khoram—OEad MOHAJER Keywan MOHAJER Hamid Reza 9.88 Tehran (Evin) MOHAMADI Mokhtar MQIWtAD TA llER NAJJAR Saeed 13.12.80 Tehran (Evin) MOUMIMAD—WEJAD Jamal. 10.88 Ahwaz MOHAfl AD—ZADEli Raf at MOHAMM?,D—ZP,DEH ,3auia l 11.66 Ramhormoz MOHM IMADI hbdo lhagh MOHAfflIMADI 9.88 MOHAMMADI Shahnaz 9.88 MOIiAt4MADI Mariam 8.11. 88 Tehran MORM4MADI Moharwnad Reza 8.11.88 Tebran MORAIQ4ADI Yaghoob 16.12.88 Tebran (Evin) MOHAMMADI Gholam Reza 12.08 MOHANMADI Mob sen 11.88 Isfahan MOHAMMADI ZADEH 11.88 Kermanshah MOHAMMADIAN Nader 6. 8.88 isfak an MOIWIMADIVAR Mehri 9.68 Tebran MOHAW4ADZADEH Saber MOHARRAMI Kazem 11.88 Tehran (Evin) MOHEBIA1 Mina 7.88 Tehran MOHEBIAN MinOo 7.88 Tebrart MOHRCHIN Emran 9.88 Pehran MO I ISEWI Mobsen 11.88 Behbahan MOJAHEDNIA Mas'ood 9.88 Karaj MOJAVER AGHILI Bossein 11.88 Kord—Kui t4OKHTAR—ZPiDEU Soheila 10.88 Karaj (Gohardasht) NOKYAWDI Bfjan 10.88 Ahwaz MOLKI Saeid 1.11.88 Shiraz MOLLA—ABBASS ISFAHANI Masoud 12.88 Tebran MONEM 9.88 Tehcat MOODARESS KNIALI Mendi 13.12.88 Tebran (Evin) MOQBELI MasOo d 12.88 Tehran MORADI Ghavam 23.11.88 Shiraz MORIDI Manzar 9.88 Tehran MOROVAJ Mohatroead 11.88 Tetttafl MOROVATI t4ohaxwaed Mabi 27. 7.88 Tebran
E/CN.4/1989/26 page 35 Name Forename Date Place MORTp , AVI 9.88 Rasht MO S AV A I Gu ild 24.11.88 Gorgan MOSAVAT Mobsen 12.86 Bushehr MOSLEHI Mansureh 11.88 Tebran MOSL 4I Abbass 8.88 Qazvin MO INdED Fereshteh 11.88 Rasht MOTTAGHI—TALAB Arair 11.88 Rasht MOTTAGHI—TALM Basbid 11.88 Rasht MOUSAVI Ashraf 9.88 Tebran MOVN IEDI Masoud 9.88 Arak MUSSA—POOR Babman 3. 8.88 Tebran MUSSAVI 10.88 Arak MUSSAVI Mabmud 11.88 Shakir—KOrd NADERI Hossein NADERI Abdollaffi 11.88 11am NADIMI Javad 9.88 Karaj NAEIM t haninad Reza 10.88 Tebran NAFISSI Shahtiar 11.88 Tehran NAFTI 9.88 Takistan NAGHI—NEJAD Mojtaba 11.88 Tehran NAGHI—PWR Gholara—Reza 10.88 Mashhad NAJAF—ABADI Faterueb 9.88 Tehran NA.JAFI 9.88 Kerend N I4JAFI Mahtaj 9.88 Kerend NAJAFUBADI FaIIo l lah Oraid 11.86 Abmad 11.88 Tebran NAI4AJ( IM liassan 9.88 Arak NAf4DAR Farah 11.88 Arak NA IDAR Hossein 25. 9.88 Arak NA}4DARI Shabrokh 11.88 Masjed—Soleiman NAMVAR Self—co—din 11.88 Tehran (Evin) NPQOI Moha waed Bafj 9.88 Tehran NASERI Manuchehr 9.88 Tebran NASRI drat 9.88 Tehran NASSAJ MaFmjud 10.88 Mashhad NPJSSERI flavood 11.88 Tehran NASSIR NASSIR—MG I-IADAM Saba 6.11.88 jIIoram—Abad NAZARI Hamzeh 11.88 Rasht NAZEMI A u (Yadollab) 11.88 Tehran (Evin) NAZIRt KhosrO 10.88 Karaj (Gheze lhe sat) NEJAT Seyed Hossein 12.88 Tebran NE I 4A T—BAKUSH 12.88 Isfahan NEZAN—ZA DEB 9.88 Shiraz NEZN4PASAND Hassan 12.88 Karaj NIAKAN Hossein 12.88 Tehran NIK—KAR Mohannad 11.88 Tehran NIK—KHAH FiroOz 9.88 Zanjan NIK—P R Homayoon 3. 8.88 Tebran NIKHAM A u 23.11.88 Shiraz NIKKHAH Alt 12.88 NIKPOUR All Asghar 9.88 Shiraz NIKUPOOR DEIL iMI A u Asghar 12.88 Shiraz NILGHAZ fIIelrol lah 9.88 Tebran
E/cN. 4/1989/26 page 36 Name Forename Date Place NIROOMAND Hajuid 11.68 Kazeroon NOBARI 12.88 Borujero NOOR Mahnaz 10.88 Tebran (Evin) NOOfl Ghodratollah 11.88 Tehran NOORI Jalal 11.88 Karaj (Che ze the sar) NOQRI Moha lM ad 10.88 Tehran (Evin) NOORI Sbahrokh 11.88 ltrak NOQfl Mahnaz 11.88 Tehran NOORI Mmad 11.88 Tebran (Evin) NOORI Mel 9.88 Tehran NOORI All 9.88 Tebran NOPARVAR Moha!&aad 11.88 Gorgan NOROOZI Esmaei l 10.88 Tebran NOROOZI Kazem 10.88 Tehran NORT JZI Nasser 11.88 Tehran NOSRATI Farzin 11.88 Karaj (Gohardasht) NOSRA'fI Farzin 12.88 ehran (Evin) NURBAKHSH 10.88 Tebran OMIDI 12.86 Fassa c* IUMI Fariba 13.12.88 Tehran (Evin) ONSORI Zahra 12.88 Ahwaz PAHLEVAN NESHAN ltstafa 9.88 Tebran PAMLEVAN NESHAN Mebdi 9.88 Tehran PAKBAZ 9.88 tehran Ffl4ABI Mehrdad 9.68 PANJEESHAHI 9.3.88 Tehran PARISUZ 11.88 semnan PARSA Mobaritaa 11.88 Behbahan PASHA Mohanauad 10.88 Tebran PEGEMAN ribbanruad A u 11.86 Karaj (Gohardasht) PIRI Mobsen 10.88 Arak PIRNEJAD Husbang 3.11.68 Orumieb PIR%JZRAN Safar All 11.88 Tehran (Evin) PU L—CHI Z lah inud 11.88 Tebran (Evin) POOR—HASHEM Abinad 10.88 Rasht P R—MIRZA Aria 12.88 Karaj POOR—NASSIR Saber 11.88 Anzali P R-NOROOZ Behzad 9.88 Karaj (Gohardasht) POORRAZI 11.88 Mashhad POOR—SALEHI Abbass 11.88 Tetiran (Evin) POOR—SARPOLI Reza 10.88 Rudsar P STINCHI 12.88 Quchan PUROLHOSSEflI zia—O—Din 9.88 Shiraz QAHREMARI Mo stafa 9.88 Tebran QANREMANI b lorteza 9.88 Tebran QAJPIR Mohaumiad All 25. 11.88 Tebran QOLANI Parvin 9.88 Tehrafl QQL NI Nayyer 9.88 Karaj QOREISHI Moharmoad 9.88 Tehran QOREISHI Mobsen 9.88 Tehran QOREISHI Seyyed—Abrnad 9.88 Tehran
E/2i. 4/19 9/ page 37 Name Forename Date Place RADJAIMAND Mohaimiad RAT 4ANESH Asghar 9.88 Karaj RADMANESH Hoiria 9.88 Ahhwaz RAnt aahram 9.68 ‘rehran RAEBARI Cholam 11.88 Shiraz RAHBMtI Mehrdad 12.88 Fassa RAHI &stafa 11.88 Tehran RAHIM—ZADEL Mojtaba 10.88 Isfahan RA I IIMI 30. 7.88 Salmas RAHIMI Abmad 3.11.88 Salmas RAHIMI 12.88 Fassa RAHIMI Hassan 10.88 Karaj PJIJ(AN 9.88 Tehran RABMANIAN Madam 12.88 Shiraz RA1 It4ATI Abdol Rahinan 11.88 Karaj RAHMATI Abotfateb 22.11.88 Karaj RAHMATI/3N 10.88 Arak RAJABI Moharronad—Ebrahimi 11.8.88 Tebran RAJABI NEJAD Nasrin 11.88 11am aAJAEI Alj Reza 11.88 Tebran (Evin) RAJAVI ?bnir 11.88 Tehran RAJAVI }bssein 11.88 Hamedan RAMESH 29.10.88 Jun01 RAMEZANI—FAR Foruzan 11.88 Tehran RANJBAR 9.88 Lahijan RASBID Abbass 11.88 Tebran (Evin) RASBIDI Nobsen 9.88 Tebran (Evin) RASHIDI Al l 9.88 Tebran (Evin) RASHIDI Sirus 11.88 Shjraz RASHTIAN Masoud 11.88 Tehran RASWLI Saeid 12.88 Tebran RASULI Nasrjn 11.88 Tebran (Evin) RA VA E O I teynour RAZAVI Seyed Al-miad 14.11.88 Iasjid Soleiruan RAZAVI 12.88 Shiraz RAZBAN Farjdeh 19. 8.88 Tebran RAZMDIDEB Asef RAZZAQI . Mehrdad 11.88 Tehran RAZZ Q I Malishid (Hossein) 11.88 Tehran REIHANI Abbass 11.88 Gorgan REIHANI Atnnad 11.88 Hamedan RZZA'I 9.88 Tebran REZAPOOR lIImad 11.88 Tebran REZAEI Akbar 9.88 Is ahan REZAEI usef 11.88 Karaj (Gohardasht) REZABI 11.88 Tehran (Evin) REZ EI 12.88 Shiraz REZAEI Madereh 12.68 Ahwaz REZMI Mahmood 9.88 Te l- iran REZAEI JAUROMI Manuchehr 11.88 Tehran (Evin) REZVANI Majid 11.88 Te l-iran (Evin) RIAZI Hamid 9.88 Mashhad RIZEH—VAt4Dt Rakimeb 11.88 11am ROBAT—SPR?USR t4ohairaaad 9.88 t4ashhad
E/Q . 4/1989/26 page 38 Foxenaoee flate P lace ROOL-PARVAR Asad 9.88 Tehran ROOZBAHANI ROOZBE hI NI Majid 9.88 Tebrart RO S H AN ZADEN ROS HDIAN Nassoud 11.88 Gorgan ROSTAMI 10.88 Masjed Soleiman RiJflQLLAB—ZADEH Mebdi 11.88 Babolsar RUZEAHANI Mobsen 11.88 Gorgan SW ADATMAND Psrsa lan SABAH Nader SABER BACHEN—MIR Nasser 8.88 Tebran (Evin) SABET BAFTP.R Masoud 6. 8.88 Tehran (Evin) SABET RAFTAR Reza 6. 8.88 Tebran (Evin) SABETI Kazem 25.11.88 Tebran (Evin) SABETI Reza 25.11. 88 Tebran (Evin) SABRI Nader 9.88 Tabriz SABURI Ezzeddjn 11.88 Amok SADEGHI Sasan 26.10.88 Tebran (Evin) Babm ark 9.88 Kamedap. SADEGHI Mohairtaad Reza 12.88 Tebran (Evin) SADEGHI Vahid 11.88 Tehran SADEGHI Mohajrtnad Reza 9.88 Samandaj SADEGHI Moharmuad 11.88 Tehran SADEQI Al l 9.88 Karaj SAEIDI NEJAD Vahid 11.88 Tehran (Evin) SAEIDI—FAR Shahin 11.88 Tebran (Evin) SAFA Mohanrified Sadegh 11.88 Tabriz SAFAEI Mohaiwnad 9.88 Tehran SAFARI Ahmad 11.88 Semnan SAFAVI Hamid 1.11.88 Karaj SAFAVI Jafar 9.88 Tehran SAFAVIEH Sakineh 9.88 Tehran SAF DARI Abbass 11.88 Mashhad SAFDARI 12.88 Quchan SAFFARI 11.88 Estahbanat SAGHERI Marjam 11.88 Tebran SAGHI Haruid 11.88 Tabrjz SAHRA—GARD Ebrahim 11.88 Isfahan (ansur 7.12.88 Shirai SARHAtI Assad 7.12.88 Shiraz SAKHA I Esmaei l 1.12.88 Shiraz SALA I—VARZI MaFinaz 3.12.88 Shiraz SALEHI Fariborz SALEHI Babak 11.88 Tehran sAr E H i 12.88 Tehran (Evin) SALEHI—ZADEB Saivosh 11.88 Tehran (Evin) SALIMI Parviz 9.88 Tebran (Evin) SAL.JOOGHI Rasul 3.11.88 Qrumieh SALLEH—DAR 12.88 Khorram Abad SAMANDAR Mahinud 9.88 Tehran (Evin) SAMANI 11.88 Shiraz SANANI 9.88 Shiraz SAMI Shahin 11.88 Anzali SM4IMI Mansur 9.88 Karaj SANA—BAIE/C2 . 4/1989/26 page 39 Name Forename Date place SANAT—FAR Kazem 9.88 Tehran (Evin) SANJABI Shahriar 11.88 Kermanshab SANJARIAN Esiriaeil 12.88 Rasht SARABI Mehrdad 11.88 Tehran SARKARDEH Hoijat 12.88 Tehtan SARRAFPOUR Hassan SATMIAN Pair 9.88 Tehrari SAVAfl Hessam—oo—djn 12.88 Karaj (Gohardasht) SAYY1 R Zokireb 16.12.88 Tetkran (Evin) Fategteh 16.12.88 Tehran (Evin) SAYAD-POOR Reza 3. 7.88 Kobram Abad SAYAbI 6. 8.88 Isfahar . SEDAQAT Taqi 3.12.88 Tebran SEDIGH 9.88 Raoesar SEFATIIsN Hossein 9.88 Ramsar SEIFAN Ghassem 11.08 Karaj (Gohardasht) SERESHTEH A I d 12.88 SETUDEH Tahmineh 10.88 SEYEO ABI4ADI Babman 3. 8.88 Tebran SEYEO A} 4ADI Mohajiunad 3. 8.88 Tehtan SEYEDI Si m m 11.11.88 Tebran (Evin) SEYEDIAN Seyed Ahmad 12.88 Tebran (Evin) SEYEDIAN Seyed Abmad 12.88 TeI-zran SEYYED—M I4ADI Seyyed—Mohsen 9.88 Tehran SHABAN—ZADEH 9.88 Roodsar SHABANI 11.88 Tebran SHABANI 11.88 Tebran SKABANI J bbar 12.88 Tebran SHADIAN Abdo lrasu l 11.88 Behbahan SHMIEI 12.88 Mashhad SHAH—jQ RIMI Mohaimnad 11.88 Tebran SHAB—MORADI Ezzatto l lah 11.88 Kermanshah SHAN—VERDI S ejd 12.88 Arak SBAliBA ZZADEB fr di 10.88 Rudsar SHA I IBAZI A U 10.88 Rudsar SHANBAZI Sbahbaz 10.88 Rudsar SHARI D vood 9.88 Semnan SHA LlO T 12.88 Tehran (Evin) SHAIfi IIRI 10.88 Tehran (Evin) ARJNANDI 9.88 Qazvin SBAHRBANI RE za 11.88 Anzali SHARROODI Mohsen 9.88 Tehran SHARERI 8 bjnan 3.11.88 Oruinieb SHAKERI Akbar 11.88 Tebran (Evin) SHAMS 11.88 Tebran 5HA1 18—ABADI blajid 10.88 Tehran (Evin) SMAMSI Rahini SHARIAT 10.88 Mashhad SHARIAT HC )ssein 10.88 1ashhad SHAR IAT Jemshid 11.88 Karaj SHARIATI Gholaru Reza 12.88 Tehran SHARIATI Reza 9.88 Langarood SHARIF 9.88 SariE/Q . 4/1989/26 page 40 Name Forename Date Place SHARIF Nassan 9.88 Sari SIJARIF Abmad 9.88 Gachearan SHARIF—ABADI 11.88 Kazeroon SHARIF—ABADI X.bbaiwnad Said 11.88 Kazeroon SHARIFI 29.10.86 juuol SHARIFI Zahra 9.88 Hamedan SHARIFI Parviz 7. 8.88 SHARIFI Changiz 12.88 Tebran (Evin) SHARIFI Farhad 9.88 Tebran SHARIFIAN Karam—Aid 9.86 Karaj SHAXAN—FAR Homayoon 11.88 Mashhad SHEMIRANI 9.88 Bafshejan Shahr—KOrd SHIR— flEKHARI Mo hammed Reza 9.88 tehran SHIRANI Mansureh 6. 8.88 Isfahan SHIRAZI (Fatimeb) SHIRAZI Tayyebeh 12.88 Lahijan SHIRIN—BAKHSHXAN Reza 12.88 Anzali SHOHADAEI Behzad 9.88 Sari SHOKIRI 11.88 Ghaem—Shahr SHOKIRI Peyman 3.11. 88 Orumieb SHOKUHI 9.88 Karaj SISAKHTX Abdoirasul 11.88 Tehrari SOLEIMAN Sa'id 9.88 Tehrafl SOLEIMA2J I Yaghoubh 9.88 tlashhad SOLEIMANI Reza 1.11.88 Shiraz SOLTANI 9.88 Tehran sor TANx Mi 16.11.88 Karaj (Gohardasht) SOLTANI Farhad 12.88 Tehran (Evin) SORBI Nozbgan 11.88 Tehran SORURI Majid 11.88 Sehbahan TAB Mi 12.88 Qazvin TA BA E I TABARESSI Shahrokh 11.88 Rasht TABRI Z I TAGHAVI Mousa 9.88 Gachsaran TAHERI Haoeid 11.88 Karaj TAJIERI Mansur 29.10.88 Varamin TAHERI—ZAJ)EH 9.88 Tehran TAJD&h$SAIAN 11.88 Tehran TAH I IASSI 9.88 Tebran TAMSILI 9.88 Tehran TAHSILI 9.88 Tehran TM—GMDAN 11.68 Kermanshah TMADOO Jafar 9.88 Tehrafl TALABIAN 11.68 Mashhad TALEBI Mohairtnad 9.88 Tehran TALE HANI Maj id 3. 8.88 Tebran TALEGHANI Hamid 11.88 Tebran (Evin) TALESH—SHARIFI Davood 12.88 Tehran TARAVAT Hossein 11.88 Rasht TASHA'YOUD All 3.12.88 Tehran TASHAROFI Mohairg ad 11.88 Semnan TAVAKKOLI 12.88 TebranE/cN. 4/1989/2b page 41 Name Forename Date Place TAVAXOL Ebrahim 30. 7.88 Ki-joram Abad TAVAKOLI Mariam 11.88 L araj TAVA 1 A Pbbass 9.88 Tebran TAV7 SSOt .IAN Foad 1 1.88 TAVOSSI Faranak 11.88 Rasht TAWRIWAR Rahrnat TAYMtEH 12.88 Isfahan TAYEBI Asadoijab 11.88 Karaj TAYYMEH ifiosein 12.88 Isfahan TEHRA1 KAABI Jaber 11.88 Abwaz TEHRAE-TASH Homa 9.88 Tehran PEIF4LJRI l4ajid 11.88 Tebran (Evin) TEIMURI b hsen 11.88 Tehran (Evin) TIORI Saeid 11.88 Tehran TIRI tbsen 9.88 Tehran T 4 Jafar 9.88 Karaj TORABI Navic 12.89 Hamedan TORASI 12.88 TORABI 12.88 TORASI Javad 11.88 Harifiedan 2ORK—POOR Gholain Reza 10.88 Isfahan TVRKI KOOHANESTANI Akbar 2.12.88 Isfahan TUTUNCHIAN hanoead A u 8.88 Tehran VAEZI Taher 9.88 Zanjan VAfl I—Z ADEH Farab Tehran (Evin) VAHAB—ZADEH A u 9.88 Tehran VAHEDI Fakhri 11.88 Karaj VAKHSNURI Asghar 11.88 Anzali VAKILI Farhad VAL iX—VAND Vahid 10.68 Masjed Soleiman VALID Moharrgnad 20.11.88 Gachsaran VARASTEH Asghar 9.88 Kermanshah VATIII—DOOST Shayesteh 11.88 Anzali VAZIN Mohsen 11.88 Tebran (Evin) VAZIRI A uireza 9.88 VOSSUGRIAN Mebdi 10.99 Tehran (Evin) YADEGARI Jahangir 8.88 Kerend YAR—ABMADI Hushang 4.8.88 Tehran YAVARI Kianush 11.88 Anzali YAZDAN—PANAH All Akbar 9.88 Tebran OEZDANI Morteza 11.88 Gorgan OEZDANI Mehdi 11.88 Rasht YAZDANIAN Morteza 9.88 Tebran YEGANEGI Hadi 9.88 Sari YEGANEB MUSSAVI Tahereb 11.88 Karaj YEKKEM Qolanreza 9.88 Tebran YOOSEFI 12.88 Shiraz YOOSEFI Changiz 9.88 Tehran YOOSEFNE ,OED Siroos 9.88 Tebran YQOSSEFI Heidar 28. 7.88 Tebran YUSEF—NEJAD M ARAKI Moba irn ad 1.11.88 Shiraz YtJSSEFI Dariush 11.88 Masjed Soleiman ZACHER Amin ZA BIROL—ESLAM—ZADEB Seyed Mehdi 12.88 Tehran ZAHRAEI Abo lghassem 12.88 TebranE/Q . 4/1989/26 page 42 Name Forename Date Place ZAHRAEI—MOGHADN4 Kiomars 9.88 Karaj ZAXAEI Reza 11.88 Tehran ZAKI Babram 11.88 ZAKI Mina 11.88 ZAND ARIA Babram 9.88 Karaj ZMIGANEH Hassan 9.68 Kermanshab ZN JANI 3.11.88 Orumieh ZA1UAN IZADEH 30. 7.88 Salinas ZARE Najaf 10.88 Bu$heklr ZARE Haji 11.88 Tebran (Evin) ZARE'I Ebrahim 9.88 Tehran ZAREE Ezzato l. lah ZAREB Riomars 12.88 Shiraz ZARE H Rahmato l lah 12.88 Shiraz ZAREX Fatemeh 4.12.88 $hiraz ZARGAR Sepideh 12.88 rebran (Evin) 2ARGA1U 2J Issa 11.88 Kord Kuy ZARIN—GEALAM Ali—Reza 11.88 Tebran (Evin) ZARRIN GHALPM Nasser 12.88 Karaj (Ghezejhesar) ZAVVAREI K loomars 12.88 Tebran ZIA 12.88 Quchan ZIADI MIRZAEI Elaheb 12.88 Tehran ZOLFAQRP.RI 9.88 Semnan ZOLGHADR Esmail. Zc 1ORQD MA Iraj 9.88 TebranDownload Attachments: