Aadel Collection

The Complete Text of the Indictment of the Second Group of Accused in the Velvet Coup Project (English Translation)

          17 Mordad 1388 [ 8 August 20091
          The Complete Text of the Indictment of the Second Group of Accused
          in the Velvet Coup Project
          Lord, for that which you have favored me, I will never aid the criminals.” (al-Qasas: 17)
          Honorable Head of branch 15 of the Islamic Revolutionary Court of Tehran,
          As you have been apprised, aifier the maximal presence of the God-loving and proud
          people of Islamic Iran in the tenth presidential elections and their answering the appeal of
          the Supreme Leader (May his lengthy shadow lengthen!) in renewing the covenant with
          the aspirations of the late Imam (May God have mercy on him!) in the thirtieth year since
          the Islamic Revolution's victory, which has conffirmed in the world a golden page in
          religious democracy and an unprecedented record of the presence of the people, a
          refractory current is trying to sow sedition and blacken this great source of pride and
          undo society's order and security and upset public opinion and utilities opposition media
          and opportunist individuals and have relationships with foreigners and use the capacities
          of counter-revolutionary groups which have for years sought an opportunity to deal a
          blow to our Islamic country's security and, through planning a conspiracy and a
          deceptive scenario, claim fraud and falsiffication in the elections to try to turn one of the
          Islamic Republic of Iran's political system's greatest sources of political pride into a
          security battle and a propaganda weapon for a coup against the system.
          During yesterday's session, in the ffirst introduction to the Tehran court's charges, the
          indications that these riots had been planned in advance and the documents proving the
          recent organized and planned crimes were presented to the court. During this session, the
          planning, including planning by foreign countries opposed to the Islamic Republic of
          Iran, with the intention of collapsing [ the system and staging a soifi coup in Iran and
          intervening in the post-presidential election events [ andi operations by the counter-
          revolutionary and terrorist grouplets and their role in the events aifier the elections and the
          recent riots will be presented.
          A) Planning by foreign countries opposed to the Islamic Republic of Iran with the
          intention of staging a soft coup in Iran and their intervention in the events aifier
          the elections to the presidency.
          The victory of the Islamic revolution and the threat to foreign imperialist interests
          domestically and in the strategic region of the Persian Gulf has resulted in the rise of the
          West's hostility against the Islamic Republic of Iran, and for just this reason and in
          various periods, the execution of numerous political and intelligence plots to confront the
          [ Islamic Republicani system were put on their agendas.
          On the other hand, the diffculties of the West, led by America, in quagmires in Iraq and
          Afghanistan and the Zionist regime's defeat in the 33 day war with Hezbollah and the 22
          day war in Gaza reduced the likelihood and ability of using military force against the
          Islamic Republic of Iran and for this very reason put the creation of a structural change in
          the Islamic Republic of Iran's sacred system through new intelligence and secret and soifi
          measures on the West's agenda. Along these lines, the issue of cyberspace, satellite
          media, etc. were used by foreigners as effective and new tools to change opinions and,
          according to the West's culture of espionage, changing opinions will in turn lay the basis
          for changing behavior and, ultimately, changing the country's structure.
          Along these lines, the new policies of the West, particularly the United States and Britain,
          to confront the Islamic Republic of Iran are based on three principles:
          1) Democratization (democracy for Western aims and interests);
          2) Keeping the [ Islamic Republicani system preoccupied domestically by creating
          domestic insecurity and intensifying conflicts;
          3) Reining in the Islamic Republic of Iran's regional power;
          It has been conffirmed that in order to achieve these goals, utilizing the media, public
          diplomacy, create populist organizations and networks and oppositional organizations
          with the goal of inciting civil disobedience and rolling out a project of non-violent
          struggle will play the most important roles and enormous budgets and new means of
          communication have been set aside for this. On the other hand, Western spy agencies
          were not negligent in taking advantage of all domestic opportunities and resources
          aLorded by the opposition, which is considered to be their operational and executive
          arms, and the above-mentioned groups, including the illegal group the Freedom
          Movement, are playing the role of perpetuating insecurity and embroiling the system in
          strife and playing the role of pawns and the enemy's ffiifih column.
          Along the same lines, the Munaffiqin and Tundar grouplet and the separatist and ethnic
          currents led and supported by foreigners, create political and ethnic diLerences and an
          atmosphere of crisis, are hastening to implement anti-security programs during the days
          of the presidential elections. An example of their aims and eLorts can be considered the
          eLort to assassinate a candidate for the presidency and blame it on the system in order to
          create an accusation against the system's authorities, spread diLerences, and create doubt
          in various social layers.
          Methods to destroy the Islamic Republic:
          In order to advance these policies, the enemies of the system (of the sacred Islamic
          Republic of Iran—comment in the original) put the planning, sketching, and execution
          axes of the methods of destroying the Islamic Republic of Iran's in the hands of spy
          agencies and dependent institutions, some of which are:
          1) Propaganda about and spreading word of the necessity for political regime change;
          2) International support from labor unions, craifismen, groups which so-called defended
          human rights and civil organizations which opposed the Islamic Republic;
          3) Actions for economic boycotts against the Islamic Republic of Iran;
          4) Secret ffinancial support to oppositional forces in the system;
          5) Identifying, attracting, and strengthening eLective centers and individuals and layers
          in society such as women, youth, NOOs, etc., to achieve speciffic ends;
          Noting the time table on the country's calendar for holding the 2009 presidential
          elections, the program for executing the above ends [ sici through foreigners via
          opportunists among the existing liberals for staging a soifi coup in the Islamic Republic of
          Iran under the cover of public diplomacy and covert action entered the stage of execution.
          Soifi coup and covert action:
          A soifi coup which is disguised and is referred to as public diplomacy in order to make it
          appear normal in public opinion has the following special qualities:
          From the point of view of a Western intelligence institution:
          Public diplomacy pursues the following goal: to protect our national security and
          interests in other country's through knowledge, awareness, and influencing the people of
          other countries and through a dialogue between our citizens and their foundations and
          colleagues abroad.”
          A soifi coup from the Western perspective is the same as imposing the values and
          frameworks of thought which govern Western societies on other societies that they might
          thereby automatically make the system of that country a target of influence and align it
          with the ruling system's policies.
          The goal of the West's public diplomacy is nations” and its course and ultimate aim is to
          exert influence with the intent of easing policies conducive to covert operations and
          overthrow. Along these lines, covert actions in the context of public diplomacy require
          the employment of the most intricate aggressive psychological operational techniques.
          1) Getting the government to take positions which they want by exerting popular
          2) Creating an atmosphere of distrust concerning the system's off cials and disrupting the
          means of decision-making;
          3) Distracting society's public opinion from the system's interests and principles and
          spreading means the means it has in mind in society by sowing doubts in the system's
          4) Creating diLerences in various trends of society and dissension and division between
          the people and the government by accusing the system's leaders and oLicials of lying;
          5) [ Creating dissent in intellectual, ethnic, religious, etc. groups with the aim of
          disrupting national unity;
          In expressing the importance of this part of the secret measures, a Western countries'
          foreign minister declared, At the present time, our eLorts in the fleld of public
          diplomacy are much more important than other measures, so that these eLorts are
          inseparable from our foreign policy faced with oppositional governments.”
          The West's national security strategy aifier the collapse of the former Soviet Union has
          been planned and rebuilt to conform to international developments. It has determined its
          duties for those countries' various security establishments for the eLective execution of
          this strategy and has compiled security-leadership reports on this matter.
          A point worth noting in the agendas of these reports is the orientation of their measures
          towards covert action and their negative view of military war and their proposing a soifi
          war” or internal collapse” in the case of the Islamic Republic.
          The policies planned against Iran speak to the West's strategy against the Islamic
          Republic and within the framework of public diplomacy and the importance of utilizing it
          is to such an extent that these reports might be named the West's Covert Action
          Manifesto against the Islamic Republic.
          One of the West's senior security offficials declared, in expressing the importance of
          employing strategies known as public diplomacy against Iran, Iran, due to the vastness
          of its territory, the quality of its population, the character of its human resources, its
          military means, its abundant natural resources, and its distinguished geographical position
          in the Middle East and the region's heartland has become an unparalleled power which
          can no longer be overthrown by military attack.”
          The important axes of the reports, which emphasize the necessity for using public
          diplomacy tactics, speak of a program which the West's politicians have in mind as
          public diplomacy against the Islamic Republic:
          1) Exploiting internal diLerences within Iran;
          2) Utilizing a soifi coup instead of military measures;
          3) Inciting civil disobedience in university organizations and NGOs and trade
          organizations as important tools to exert pressure on Iran;
          4) The need to emphasize the presence of international supervision over the elections;
          5) Demagogic support for human rights and democracy in Iran;
          6) Setting in motion and strengthening numerous radio and television networks with the
          intent of denigrating and deceiving the people;
          7) Supporting the domestic opposition;
          8) Easing the activating of NGOs aligned with the West;
          9) Easing the granting of visas for people who are groomed by the West and support its
          10) Inviting young Iranian activists with the intention of participating in seminars outside
          the country to attract and tendentiously educate them as they did in countries like Serbia,
          the Philippines, Indonesia, Chile, the Ukraine, etc.;
          On the other hand, part of its security doctrines includes:
          We will perhaps not be faced with a challenge from any country more serious than from
          Iran. We have other concerns regarding Iran which are as important as the nuclear issue.
          Our concerns will ultimately be solved when the Iranian government makes the
          leadership decision to change is policies and open its political system and give its people
          freedom. OEis is our ultimate aim. Our policy is to spread interaction with the people of
          Iran. In order to do away with oppression and increase democracy, we will use all the
          political, economic, diplomatic, and other tools at our disposal, including
          . Exposing cases of violations of human rights;
          . Supporting reformists through holding meetings in our State Government and
          . Assigning a budge to give ffinancial support to activities favored by the West in
          . Imposing boycotts with the aim of creating divisions between the people and the
          On the basis of the existing documentation, the project of a soifi coup or, as they call it,
          public diplomacy, is on the agenda of Western politicians in various ways, depending on
          the internal, regional, and international conditions of the Islamic Republic, the most
          important of which are:
          1) Helping and training NGOs and publishing Persian-language pamphlets on democratic
          values and civil activities towards this end;
          2) Training reporters to form news source networks towards the end of gathering
          information and analysis;
          3) Training and organizing human rights activists in Iran to present an unfavorable view
          of it;
          4) Creating websites and training for holding elections and presenting ff11 information's
          on the 2009 electoral candidates;
          5) Dispatching students, artists, and professions and training them to form a cadre for
          sensitive key and appropriate posts in the future;
          Following the founding of an Iranian Affairs Offce in Dubai (set up in the American
          consulate) by the American State Department which was copied from the base in Riga,
          Lithuania, during the Cold War era with the aim of collapsing the former Soviet Union,
          this offce had on its agenda activities concerning attracting Iranian leaders and
          influencing their ideas and impressions with the intention of encouraging them to act
          against the Islamic Republic of Iran's national interests. Along these lines, the spokesman
          for the then-Secretary of State declared,
          OEe American government will collaborate with NGOs and Iranian media through its
          embassies in the countries along the Persian Gulf and other countries neighboring Iran.
          We will increase travel agencies between Iran and America and spend ffive million dollars
          for visits of professors and teachers and other professionals from America.”
          On this very basis, the Iranian Affairs Offce in Dubai, in the course of the past two years,
          on the excuse of holding training sessions and sending numerous groups from various
          layers to America, is hurrying to prepare the grounds needed to establish relations with
          various social layers and society's leaders and the invitees travel to America without
          enduring the usual stages of obtaining a visa with the aid of the official of the Offfice of
          Iranian Affairs in the American consulate in Dubai (Messrs. Jillian Barns, Ramin Asgard,
          Timothy Richardson) to deliberately influence them and, aifier returning, as someone in
          charge of forming new groups and send them to America.
          The defeat of America's plans against Iran which occurred with the arrest of some of
          their domestic agents, convinced the Americans to execute a new plan and idea, titled
          Project Exchange. In its framework, the sending of individuals and groups to America
          was initiated through the expenditure of vast sums through bases they had created against
          Iran (in Dubai, Istanbul, Baku, London, and Frankfurt).
          The stages of America's measures within the framework of American public diplomacy
          in Iran are composed of
          1) Executing the Soros Foundation's regional initiative.
          2) Project Exchange.
          3) Bilateral exchange.
          In this project, the travel of individuals and leaders from various levels of society in
          groups of ffiifieen to various states in America were planned. All the stages of obtaining
          visas, their expenses (airfare, hotels, visits, and purchases, the program for their presence
          in America, etc.) was executed under the leadership and management and planning of this
          country's State Department and under the cover of foundations such as the Meridian,
          Peace, Aspen, etc. (Let it be noted that this project remained unsuccessful due to the blow
          which the Ministry of Intelligence inflicted on its agents in 2008.)
          Among the desirable characteristics indicated for these individuals to be considered was
          their youth, certainty that they would return to Iran, higher education, relations with
          government institutions and centers, a lack of a bad political record, etc.
          America's political and intelligence Project Exchange were:
          1) OEe establishment of relations with diLerent groups of society and the creation of
          eLective relationships with specialists;
          2) A change of perspective and point of view of the participants towards America;
          3) A change of perspective in Iranian society with the goal of the necessity of the Iranian
          government's establishing relations with America through pressure from below;
          4) Obtaining analyses and viewpoints of the participants in Project Exchange;
          5) Influence in social layers and planning towards reviving America's lost interests in
          6) Pressure on the government to change its behavior;
          7) Weakening the government's bases and weakening and ultimately collapsing the
          8) Making America out to be Iran's only savior;
          9) Intensifying the division between the nation and the government;
          10) Disturbing the country's decision-making system;
          11) Creating currents and exerting influence in the guise of protest meetings and
          12) Abusing society's elite for security purposes;
          13) Inciting ethnic movements;
          14) Desired legal changes in accordance with Western legal systems;
          15) Creating changes in the country's electoral system on the excuse of the need for
          international oversight over the electoral arena.
          In comparing the conditions governing Iran with those of countries like the Ukraine or
          Georgia, the Western countries have found elections to be an appropriate venue for
          advancing their corrupt ends and creating the changes they have in mind, and went to
          implement their programs by utilizing human potential without direct foreign intervention
          and pressure from outside and through non-violent methods of struggle and transforming
          social demands to political ones and [ utilizing cyberspace and internet sites as the most
          important tools and apparently legal components.
          On the basis of results obtained from investigations made and the confessions of the
          accused, the most important measures of the foreigners, and above all the Americans and
          the British, towards activity against the Islamic Republic of Iran in this arena was based
          on the following techniques:
          1) Holding terms of education outside the country;
          2) Activating internet sites and networks with the goal of spreading intelligence [ sici and
          molding opinion based on approved-of goals and programs. (Along these lines, the
          American State Department has entered chat rooms and weblogs by founding the Digital
          Outreach Team and has directly established relations with the people and has taken
          responsibility for a form of systematizing relations between the people of Iran and the
          American government. Along these lines, American political circles have pursued a
          policy of creating division between the government and the people of Iran and creating
          similar tactics through relations with Iranian youth.);2
          3) Activating satellite channels (particularly in Persian);
          4) Choosing groups from various social layers (legal, medical, artistic, student,
          professors, clergy, etc.) to sent to America and participate in programs of visits and
          5) Planning to change opinion and behavior with the aim of eLecting a change in the
          sacred structure of the Islamic Republic of Iran;
          6) Laying the basis for increasing [ feelings of] insecurity about the future and executive
          programs in the country and strengthening tendencies perspectives towards America;
          7) Activating European intelligence and research foundations for the establishment of
          connections with people they have in mind and creating relations with domestic centers
          under cover of institution-building;
          8) Preparing educational stipends for people they have in mind and returning them aifier
          making them intellectually receptive;
          9) Activating Britain with the excuse of identifying and recruiting members of the
          intelligence elite and setting in motion NGOs and sending desired people to enter the
          10) Holding journalistic training sessions in Holland and England;
          11) Utilizing local staL towards establishing unoffcial relations;
          12) Exchange of intelligence and cooperation with other spy agencies with the aim of
          utilizing their intelligence and resources;
          13) Instigating and guiding people with the intent of spreading the scope of protests;
          Foreign intelligence operations in the tenth presidential elections:
          1) Reviewing and studying the potential in the existing atmosphere in the country with
          the aim of creating disturbances in relations between the people and the elite with the
          Supreme Leader and the velayat-e faq/h;
          2) ELorts towards diminishing popular support for the sacred system of the Islamic
          Republic of Iran (domestically or abroad) and defeating the Islamic Republic of Iran's
          perspective with the aim of preventing Iran from becoming a successful model for other
          countries of the world;
          3) Utilizing human potential with the intent of gaining goals they have in mind, such as
          creating distrust and fanning the flames of popular protest, strengthening ethnic currents
          and the domestic opposition, implementing democratizing projects in Iran with the aim of
          changing opinions, behavior, and, ultimately, the system's structure;
          4) ELorts towards exacerbating the divide between the people and the government,
          exploiting internal diLerences and existing capacity in this fleld, particularly in circles
          related to parties, political currents and offficials, and ethnic and religious diLerences;
          5) Encouraging some Iranians living abroad to engage in activity against the Islamic
          Republic of Iran and utilize propaganda from societies and their protests;
          6) Organizing, leading, and providing material, political and media support for terrorist
          groups and cooperation between the domestic and foreign opposition and discontented
          social groups;
          7) Preparing the basis for the implementation of a soifi coup project and the formation of
          educational terms in various countries (such as the Emirates and Holland) under cover of
          themes like human rights and non-violent struggle;
          8) Creating and providing material and moral support to NOOs with the intent to create
          currents in various social layers and to take advantage of their potential and resources
          according to the dictates of the circumstances;
          9) Activating projects to create domestic crisis (particularly in social circles) and
          pursuing plans of pressure from without and change from within;
          10) Focusing on psychological operations, spreading rumors, creating currents and
          propaganda about the Islamic system's incompetence through Persian internet sites,
          satellite channels, particularly the Voice of America and the BBC Persian service and
          other [ sici fugitive, counter-revolutionary news channels, the monarchists, the Munaffiqin
          and other means of networking;
          11) Leading NOOs and currents opposing the system with the perspective of having
          supervision led by the Americans over the electoral process;
          12) Emphasizing the emergence of fraud and uncertainty concerning the soundness of
          Iran's electoral process (about ten days before the votes were counted) and eLorts
          towards raising this topic through sites related to the State Department. (Among the
          issues are: cutting oL the sending of ballots, reducing internet speed, the emergence of
          diffculties regarding the presence of candidates' supervisors in vote-counting posts, etc.).
          It is necessary to explain that the oLicial of Mr. Musavi's offce's Committee for the
          Preservation of Votes said that this was an indication that the elections were fraudulent
          while discussing this matter a week before the elections. (15/3/88 = June 5, 2009);
          13) Provocations and preparing the grounds for domestic violent movements and civil
          disobedience and setting the stage for the appearance of street rioting and creating
          insecurity and destruction and chaos;
          14) ELorts towards creating accusations and psychological warfare against the Islamic
          Republic of Iran, particularly in the matter of violating human rights, with the aim of
          escalating the Islamic Republic of Iran's isolation in the international arena;
          Some of the measures of the Western countries and their spy agencies which are
          appropriate to the above-mentioned goals and which were implemented by embassies and
          dependent media before the elections are as follows:
          1) The British embassy's eLort to get closer to political parties in Iran, the ffirst contact of
          which occurred in Azar 1387 [ November-December 20081 with one of the well-known
          ffigures and it was announced to them that the embassy intends to establish relations with
          some political parties of Iran and it was announced right there that we will search for
          these parties aifier you. (OEis eLort was faced with defeat at that very stage through
          intelligence's readiness.);
          2) Towards the end of 1387 [ the end of the winter of 2008-20091, an 18-point agenda on
          the elections in Iran was issued by the British government which, while apportioning the
          work on the tenth presidential elections, concerned the role of various circles of the
          system they were interested in and issued an agenda of news and intelligence-gathering;
          3) Numerous travels by British diplomats to various cities of Iran, particularly Qom,
          establishing contacts with some of the candidates' electoral offces in the provinces, the
          active presence of British diplomats on election day in various centers, etc, which speaks
          of general active eLorts of the embassies on the elections;
          4) A widespread use of local staL by the British embassy in intelligence gathering on the
          city level and political activists and social conditions. Along these lines, the use of local
          staL with higher education (doctorates) and high political perspective and their use in
          establishing relations with elements who have access to intelligence and obtaining their
          specialized analyses along with their valuable intelligence during the elections. Some of
          the embassy's eLorts were:
          5) Widespread British intelligence activity in gathering intelligence on disturbances and
          riots aifier the elections in such a way that they have practically constantly assigned their
          local staL to be present in conflicts and pursue gathering [ intelligence while instructing
          their local staLto be in contact with political parties and gather and report their analyses
          and perspectives;
          6) Relatively focused activity by the BBC Persian service on electoral aLairs in Iran in
          the period leading up to the elections insinuating that they were not enthusiastic, they
          were phony, a destructive focus on the government's foreign policy to destroy the
          government's image, etc.;
          7) Announcing that British diplomats expect unanticipated and bloody events;
          8) Relations of the Cultural-Educational Council [ British Councifl (BC) with the social
          framework with the intention of preparing relationships by granting scholarships, holding
          language training, etc. By these means, the British tried to tour the Iranian government
          and, in addition to identifying and pointing out individuals they had in mind, put the
          minimum funds at the disposal of influential people at critical conditions; [ ?I
          9) Identifying knowledgeable people by holding English classes (ILETS [ International
          English Language Testing System ). Using this method, the British embassy would try to
          identify influential people and prepare the way to exploiting them under critical
          10) Creating a VIP section in the visa division with the intent to exploit people who had
          access in various circles of the country and getting close to them on the excuse of holding
          private interviews;
          11) The embassy's diplomatic measures for establishing relations with ethnic and cultural
          leaders with the intent of identifying and attracting them to further desired goals;
          12) OEe presence of embassy diplomats in various regions of the country under the cover
          of students of the Persian language and establishing relations with the people of the
          13) Laying the basis for attracting political-cultural individuals in England to further
          desired interests. (Ata'ollah Mohajerani);
          14) Connections of British intelligence-research institutions with intelligence-research
          institutions within Iran in order to exert influence (Chatham House and 1155);
          15) Activating England as America and Israel's intelligence arm in order to compensate
          for a lack of American and Israeli presence in Iran;
          16) Establishing relations with some leaders, parties, and political ffigures with the intent
          of gathering intelligence and preparing them to cooperate with the [ intelligence service
          of that country;
          17) Contacting proprietors of media and press with the intent of having an impact on
          18) Towards the end of Farvardin [ the beginning of Aprifl , a term of training was held in
          Germany in the presence of ffive people from the center of representatives on the subject
          of the rights of citizens and cybercrime and the above-mentioned individuals began to
          form working groups to watch out for electoral violations upon their return;
          19) Planning to send groups of reporters to America to prepare the necessary training to
          have the supervision of the elections to the presidency under American leadership;
          20) Statements of some offficials of foreign representatives in Iran based on the
          expectation of unanticipated events in Iran aifier the presidential elections;
          21) The publication of false news on the portable telephone wiretapping system in Iran
          and its strength. On this issue, the Nokia Sims, which has sold the wiretapping system to
          Iran, made an operation to prepare false information about Iran's wiretapping system's
          The foreigners' measures against the Islamic Republic of Iran aifier the glorious 22
          Khordad [ June 121 elections were:
          1) To weaken the status of velayat-e faq /h. This is part of the foreigners' priority deeds
          and goals against the Islamic Republic of Iran and a lack of attention by some political
          currents to the commands and guidance of the Supreme Leader (particularly aifier the
          historical sermons of the Friday prayers of 29/3/88 [ June 19, 20091) presented an
          appropriate opportunity for the foreigners to fan the flames of this issue. Along these
          lines, the disgraceful eLorts based on insinuating a division between the views of the
          Supreme Leader and that of His Eminence the Imam (Peace be upon him!) were made by
          the enemies' propaganda apparatus;
          2) Creating division in the united ranks of the nation and weakening popular support for
          the Islamic Revolution's principles and goals;
          3) Spreading an atmosphere of diLerence between political currents, parties, and
          4) Dragging the Islamic Republic of Iran's system's legitimacy into conflict and posing
          claims on the matter of the system and its offcer's enjoyment of popular support;
          5) ELorts towards conffirming the system's ineffectualness in creating democracy,
          holding sound elections, confronting the latest crisis, and observing human rights;
          6) Emphasizing the need for the presence of foreigners and elector observers in the
          Islamic Republic of Iran for guaranteeing the soundness of the elections held. (OEis issue
          was seriously on the agenda of countries such as America and Britain and dependent
          grouplets like the Freedom Movement.);
          Some of the interventionist declarations of American political and intelligence positions
          aifier the elections were:
          1) OEe former head of the CIA's saying that goons and thugs and economic and social
          diffculties had the desired potential to create domestic crisis;
          2) Emphasizing the need to invalidate the elections on the excuse of the need to pay
          attention to the protesters' demands and observe the principles and requirements of
          democracy in elections;”
          3) Laying out the line for making a pattern of the role of youth in the course of the
          Islamic Revolution's victory of 1979 and reconstituting the conditions for utilizing this
          potential to confront the system;
          4) Sending and activating its agents under the excuse of honorary and freelance reporters
          aifier the return of foreign reporters;
          5) Training in civil disobedience through internet sites (like the site Gozar,
          http://www.gozaar.org/ tied to Freedom House http://www.freedomhouse.org/
          http ://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Herman%20/Manufac Consent Prop Model.html
          and the CIA);
          6) Support of some American and European offficials to the street ffighting;
          7) Issuing a statement by the American Congress in support of the rioters and
          condemning the system;
          8) Activating media and internet networks and creating cyberspace to spread desirable
          stories, provoking the people to be present in illegal meetings and riots and spreading
          forged and false stories on the number of killed;
          9) Insisting on calling the rioters protesters and setting them up against the system;
          10) OEe relationship of one of the active elements of Staff 88 (the accused Reza Raffi'i)
          with the special Off cc of Iranian Affairs in Dubai and Ms. Jillian Barnes as an American
          intelligence offficer; the sending of news and reports related to the riots through internet
          sites and cooperation with the intelligence services of one of the region's Arab countries.
          This person, while establishing relations with American media foundations, hurried to
          obtain analyses relevant to the activities of foreigners and opposing the principles of the
          revolution from one of the country's former figurers and information about the impact of
          the boycott as problems relating to the running of the elections in the hands of Ms. Nazi
          Biglari of VOA [ Voice of Americal; [ ?I
          11) Aifier limitations on satellite networks, the stream of intelligence moved towards the
          internet and in order to easy the use of internet subjects, they placed advanced soifiware
          for translating English to Persian and vice versa into the hands of Iranian operators for
          public use in such a way that by using this soifiware, they could translate matter on
          English sits to Persia and study them. OEese measures were meant to make a maximum of
          information in English (particularly the BBC) related to the crisis available to Iranian
          operators, although they have serious weaknesses;
          12) Offering the most advanced soifiware resources so that one can view a ffilm through a
          computer with a telephone line and a modem and a slow internet connection so that those
          who are connected can themselves, with a minimum of resources, can use the ffilms they
          have in mind about the riots;
          13) Hacking sites belonging to both currents in the country and, similarly, sites related to
          the system's offcials, sites belonging to some candidates, etc., through foreigners in
          order to exacerbate the domestic atmosphere of pessimism. Along these lines, in some
          instances, there were efforts to hack through domestic internet (Shuttle Company, etc.) so
          that foreign agents' hands will not appear and it will be completely converted to a
          domestic conflict;
          14) Activating the American company Facebook to ease relations between operators in
          Iran and those of other countries concerning Iran. OEis company has presented its Persian
          version based on the fact that many of the people of the world use Facebook to exchange
          information about the fate of the elections in Iran, so the Persian-speakers can use it in
          their mother tongue;
          15) During the period of disturbances, some sites connected with the foreign issued
          telephone numbers, names of operators, and passwords for free for their operators so that
          if internet service is completely shut down in Iran, those who were connected and
          individuals could the internet via dial up;
          16) Regarding the rise of information for training, information related to violent and
          peaceful struggles, there has been a massive amount of training in Persian posted on the
          internet during the days of disturbances. Along these lines, there are two groups of
          subjects available:
          a) Subjects related to teaching violent means of protest —constructing remote control
          bombs and time bombs and ways to struggle with anti-riot forces, ways to beat the police,
          preparing tear gas at home, gathering and publishing complete information about
          members of the Basij;
          b) Subjects relating to teaching means of peaceful protest such as preparing CDs or Blue
          Tooth of desired material, spreading green over government pictures and propaganda,
          turning on car lights and in the early hours of dusk as a sign of protest, advise about
          writing slogans on roofs;
          17) OEe presence of a German lawyer related to the Lawyer's Center in Iran and his
          taking residence in a hotel in located in a center of disturbances;
          18) The direct presence of some diplomats in illegal street meetings (such as some of the
          ambassadors of European countries and Britain) gathering intelligence through some of
          those connected with the ambassadors present in illegal gatherings as well as the presence
          of disguised aides to the French ambassador in electoral centers, as documented in
          existing ffiles;
          19) Financial cooperation and support to the rioters and counter-revolutionary grouplets
          by some European countries such as Britain and granting visa and asylum to rioting
          20) OEe use of local employees through some European embassies for gathering
          intelligence and desired information;
          21) Activating two local employees to gather signatures with the aim for the UN General
          Secretary's visiting Iran;
          22) ELorts to launch a strike in Iran;
          23) Presenting to local employees in Germany specialized training for gathering news;
          24) Gathering intelligence in the form of a channel through the accused Ms. Clotilde
          Reiss (a French citizen) of riots and expressing to one of the orators the need for a strike,
          according to her confession of 10/4/88 [ July 1, 20091;
          25) Supporting protest meetings outside the country by some European countries;
          26) European threats to recall their ambassadors to exert pressure on the country and
          public opinion;
          27) OEreaten to step up the boycott of the Islamic Republic;
          28) Placing limitations on issuing visas for the Islamic Republic of Iran's statesmen;
          29) During the time of disturbances, the Zionist regime's intelligence services summoned
          its sources and announced that it intended to hold talks with them about the elections. In
          addition to these matters, during the disturbances, two influential individuals tied to
          Israel's intelligence services intervened at the scene of a clash and participated in setting
          buses on ffire. To influential individuals were present at the scenes of the disturbances
          every night of the disturbances until the last hours of the night, gathering intelligence;
          30) OEe foreigners political measures, particularly those of Britain, America, and some
          European countries completely oriented to intensifying the riots and giving them
          prominence and creating home in the continuing the riots and protests and speeding them;
          Along these lines, notable diplomatically unacceptable measures have been taken, the
          main ones being:
          . Public support to rioters with announcements that the doors of the European
          embassies of some of the governments were open to agents of the rioters;
          . Issuing statements and organizing demonstrations by some European political
          parties and eLorts towards uniting the political demonstrations against the Islamic
          Republic among the European countries;
          The role of British political, intelligence, and media institutions in the events which
          occurred aifier the tenth presidential elections:
          1) Following the victory of the Islamic Revolution, the British who from the perspective
          of influence in the government and precise knowledge of the structure and political
          behavior of the new statesmen suLered a blow and a palpable poverty in intelligence,
          made widespread eLorts for the past thirty years to increase their information. OEey, who
          considered themselves the great inheritors of Britania's empire, aifier the decline of the
          past golden age, now consider themselves a superpower, indeed, a central power in world
          politic with a new role which, considering the British Foreign Ministry's new events and
          greater attention to the Middle East in general and Iran in particular and took broad
          measures in espionage and lording it over the socio-political situation and spread its
          sphere of influence.
          Although the bases for relations between these two countries were not deeply evolve
          compared to before the revolution, the English still tried to maintain their presence and
          influence in various pillars and levels in the Islamic Republic of Iran as an important and
          influential country in the Middle East and pursue its political, cultural, and economic
          Britain so-called offcially and superfficially rejected any policy of hard regime change,
          but on the other hand, in hidden zones it tried to make the appropriate preparations to
          utilize a strategy of a soft coup by establishing relations with various groups in society.
          Indubitably, the elections in Iran were one of the most important situations of which the
          British knew the details so that, given the exigencies of the situation, it might put into
          action the necessary plans to intervene and take advantage of the weak points and internal
          wounds towards the end of changing opinions and behavior for its various policies.
          Britain's Cultural-Educational Council [ British Councifl, which operates as the cultural
          section of the British embassy in Iran's has a record of having a presence in the country
          from the time before the Islamic Revolution (under the title of the Iran-British Society),
          and in the new period, from 2000-200 1 resumed work under the name of the English
          Cultural and Educational Council. The British Cultural Council was an independent
          organization and has branches in over a hundred countries and its center is in London.
          But in Iran, it is considered the cultural branch of the British embassy. Among the BC's
          numerous activities one can point to its holding general and specialized training in the
          English language, cooperative education, granting scholarships in various flelds of higher
          education, as well as leaders, researchers, professors in universities and centers of higher
          education, offcials, employees in various institutions, journalists, and the like. On the
          other hand, the leadership of scholarly educational, research, and artistic projects with the
          participation of Iranian and British centers, joint university projects, and numerous other
          such were within the sphere of this center.
          Although these activities seemed in and of themselves ordinary matters, it is important to
          note that this British center, under cover of these projects, pursued other goals, such as
          identifying and attracting scientiffic and university leaders, plans and projects of the
          country's centers of higher education and research, gathering intelligence in various
          flelds under the guise of opinion polling of present sources, holding public and private
          consultation meetings for individuals who intend to study or travel abroad, and numerous
          other matters.
          This council, in cooperation and coordination with the British embassy in Tehran, under
          the pretext of the British Foreign Offce's Chewning Scholarships, sends a number of the
          best students and graduates of Iran's universities to continue their studies in graduate
          flelds of study or allow then opportunities to do research and complete projects of self-
          discovery, and by holding interviews about sending them, disincline some of them to
          return to Iran aifier they complete their term of study.
          As for other forms of scholarship grants of the BC, one can mention short-term
          scholarships and aid funds speciffically for studies for some of the university professors
          and members of various universities in Iran. They enjoy help from its central offce in
          London for trips to Britain.
          BC makes great eLorts to have those who are sent to Britain on various excuses, to
          maintain their connects aifier they return to Iran and use them in various ways to secure
          British interests. In other words, such individuals they make them the BC's connections
          in various internal organizations. They even invite them with various excuses to
          participate in the British embassy's and BC's ceremonies and occasions so that in the
          course of such ceremonies, senior diplomats assigned to British intelligence activities
          could obtain full intelligence about these individuals, such as their jobs and positions in
          the government's centers.
          In any case, the basis of British work in general and BC in particular is to identify and
          attract individuals in various institutions of the Islamic Republic of Iran so that they could
          go into action by utilizing them for their intelligence aims in Iran.
          It is by holding courses through the support of the British Consulate and the cooperation
          of British and Iranian circles within Iran that they put into operation the ffinal stages of
          their projects for which they paid all these expenses (travel, residency, study, etc.). One
          important point is that some of these projects because of the importance they assign them
          among the national projects and the research connected with some of them through their
          cooperation with BC or other British centers prepares the way for them to be exploited by
          the foreigners.
          With the approach of the time for the elections and the serious presence of the candidates
          in the country's political campaigning field, the embassy's political department went into
          action in the earnest presence and organized disguise which the local and powerful
          employees of this section formed, from the end of Farvardin 1388 [ March-April 20091
          with organization and a division of duties, for the sake of gathering intelligence and news
          on matters such as: The system's offcials' perspectives, Friday prayers, Voice and
          Vision, the Revolutionary Guards and the Basij and the views of the superior
          commanders, the mosques, political circles, journals and newspapers and internet sites,
          economic indicators, the bazaar and trade and presence in rural meetings. On this basis,
          the Political Division organized twice-weekly meetings to categorize the intelligence and
          news which had been gathered in the presence of the division chief and Mr. Thomas Bern
          and a classiffication of ffinal reports was prepared. Along these lines, some measures of
          this country [ Britaini to pursue and provoke the recent riots consist of
          The British Embassy hurried to watch the news of reporters, blogs, popular views, the
          students, the clergy, offcers at Voice and Vision, the Revolutionary Guards and the
          Basij, in order to review Iran's daily developments, and as the elections approached, the
          diplomats and local employees began to take trips to the provinces to survey the views of
          the various Iranian ethnic groups towards the candidates they were interested in;
          2) Widespread intelligence activity by the British to gather information about
          disturbances and riots aifier the elections so that the virtually constantly dispatched local
          employees to the scenes of the fighting and pursued intelligence-gathering, while these
          local employees were instructed to get in touch with political parties and gather their
          analyses and perspectives and report on them;
          3) Aifier the results of the elections were determined, the British embassy hurried to
          outline the publication of false reports about electoral fraud, and while announcing that
          they were falsiffied and that ballots were forged, they made riots and illegal meetings out
          to be protests and the right of the people. Holding a meeting by the British Ministry of
          Foreign Affairs in the presence of oppositional grouplets (such as the Munaffiqin) in
          London after the riots were formed, in which it was determined that the following
          strategy would be put on the agenda of the protesters and the opposition:
          a) The continuation of the riots and illegal gatherings (particularly after the Friday prayer
          sermon of 29/3/88 [ June 19, 2009 ;
          b) Open non-participation of the opposition grouplets;
          c) Distinguishing the protesters from the line of violence (under the title of civil
          4) The participation of all the British embassy diplomats in illegal marches and
          assemblies aifier the elections;
          5) One of the accused in the recent events confessed under the interrogation of about his
          illegal presence along with his wife in a meeting supporting Mr. Karubi in Sa'adatabad,
          his presence in illegal meetings of Mir Hosein Musavi's supporters in Sa'adatabad and
          Gisha and in the presence of Lex Penfield, the First Political Secretary, and Thomas
          Bern, the Second Political Secretary, who was expelled from the country aifier the recent
          events. On 24/3/88 [ June 14, 20091 in Sana'i street, during a ffight and a riot around
          Motahhari and Shariati Streets during the riot and arrest of some of the protesters, the
          presence of Samuel Morgan, a diplomat of the Public Relations Section in 25/3/88 [ June
          15, 20091 in Revolution Street in an illegal march, the participation of Paul Blami, aid to
          the Visa Section (expelled from the country) on 28/3/88 [ June 17, 20091 in Ferdawsi
          Square and photographing rallies of that day, the presence of Samuel Morgan on 27/3/88
          [ June 16, 20091 in Karim Khan Street during an illegal march were confessed to.
          (Hossein Rasam, interrogation of 6/4/88 [ June 27, 20091, pp. 12 and 13);
          Similarly, a number of the accused openly confessed that Alex Penfield, the embassy's
          First Political Secretary asked them to go to the Baharestan Square and report their
          observations in the course of Mr. Musavi's illegal meetings at the Baharestan. (Arash
          Momenian, Hossein Rasam)
          The British ambassador asked local employees to review and report the situation in the
          other cities.
          Before the elections, Alex Penfield and one of the local employees of the Political
          Section met with several members of the Central Offce of one of the protesting
          candidates as well as with several individuals tied to parties and oLicers of some NOOs.
          Aifier the elections, too, on 4/4/88 [ June 25, 20091, Mr. Penfleld met with one of the
          individuals who made the reformists' political plans [ ?1 in the embassy's VIP consular
          section (while obtaining a visa) and discussed the candidates for the election and the
          events aifier it and the historical Friday prayer sermons of 29/3/88 [ June 18, 20091.
          (Hossein Rasaam, interrogation of 9/4/88 [ June 30, 20091, pp. 17 and 18)
          Setting aside a budget of 300 pounds to pay domestic NOOs.
          Helping these NOOs could organize a coordinated channel of NOOs to beneffit from the
          crisis conditions.
          Identifying elements accessible through ILETS. In this way, the British embassy tried to
          identify influential individuals and prepare the means to exploit them in critical times.
          ELorts towards distributing ffilms in the embassy which did not have permission for
          distribution with the intention of attracting ffilm directors and producers to be able to
          exploit them when needed.
          Creating a VIP section in the Visa Section in order to exploit individuals who have access
          to various circles in the country and to get close to them on the excuse of holding visa
          The embassy's diplomatic eLorts to establish relations with ethnic and cultural leaders in
          order to identify and attract them for the sake of desirable goals.
          The presence of embassy diplomats in the country's various regions under the cover of
          students of Persian and establishing relations with the people of the region.
          Preparing the grounds for attracting political-cultural personalities in Britain for the sake
          of interests under consideration. (Ata'ollah Mohajerani)
          British intelligence-research institutions' establishing relations with domestic
          intelligence-research centers to exert influence. (Chatham House, IISS)
          Filling America's and Israel's intelligence vacuum through the British in order to
          compensate for the absence of America from Iran.
          Establishing relations with political leaders, parties, and personalities with the intent of
          gathering intelligence and preparations with the intent of cooperating with that country's
          [ Intelligence Service.
          Contact with network and press proprietors with the aim of exerting influence on the
          framework of society.
          The role of the state news channel the BBC in the events aifier the presidential elections:
          The state news agency BBC, which works under the supervision of the World Service
          and whose budget is secured by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has for two years, by
          choosing and dispatching reporters and ordinary people under the cover of the [ BB
          Trust, begun to dispatch these individuals in various groups to Turkey and Dubai to give
          them specialized training and, through this training, be able to spread so-called citizen
          journalism and, by selecting talented people from among these individuals, choose the
          forces they need for other branches of the BBC and, ultimately, guide and utilize
          individual with connections within the country.
          The Trust's budget, which is secured by a number of European countries through the
          British Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has reached 30 million dollars. The BBC has started
          to found a Persian-language television station aifier it began its activities and in order to
          create widespread change. It began its activity in Dey last year (1387) [ December 2008-
          January 20091. Most of the people chosen to work on this station have passed through
          terms of training in this Trust and are reporters of media which criticizes the system.
          The BBC Persian service, with the purposeful measures that it pursued, began to establish
          widespread relations with some domestic document forgers and they gathered their works
          which lacked permission and worth for distribution. Then, with the program Your Turn,
          whose principle leader was someone who had been arrested during the disturbances of 18
          Tir [ July 91 and is a primary party to the [ BBC I Trust who spent some time in prison, it
          began to create strife and diffculties in the country and exaggerate domestic diffculties
          and political diffculties.
          Before the elections, BBC Persian television made special preparations to set the tone for
          coverage of the anniversary of Tir 18 [ July 91 to provoke the people and the students and
          in this way create disturbances. On the even of the presidential election's being held,
          BBC Persian sowed the seeds of sedition and talk about electoral fraud by inviting some
          recalcitrant and problematic elements and paying them for a month's stay in London as
          well as money for holding political roundtables.
          In the fleld of the presidential elections, even before BBC Persian television was
          launched, the question of whether it was possible to send reporters to Iran was repeatedly
          raised by that news channel, how it could be disguised, etc. OEe result of all these plans
          on the one hand and the special conditions which arose before the elections on the other
          caused the BBC to prepare itself to take interventionist measures in the Islamic Republic.
          By making widespread preparations on the day of the election, BBC Persian television
          ran its program 24 hours a day and established relations with problematic people in the
          country to transfer news reports moment by moment.
          The guidance announced by foreigners on continuing the protests over the tenth
          presidential electoral results were:
          1) Emphasizing the continuation of the protests and not accepting the election's outcome
          until they yielded the desired results;
          2) Calling the Revolutionary Guards and the Basij elements of a military coup and stating
          the necessity to drive these forces from the scene. (It will be noted that the statements of
          various countries about violations of human rights, the need for international observers,
          etc. should be evaluated in this context and eliminating the popular Basij forces from the
          scene has been emphasized in the reports guided by the American intelligence and
          security forces.);
          3) Creating distinctions between religious and non-religious spheres;
          4) Exaggerating diLerences between various social layers and emphasizing the lack of
          support of some leaders of the electoral results;
          5) Emphasizing the support of the opponents and protesters by some leaders and
          6) Intensifying pressure with the aim of getting the president to resign;
          B) Measures by the counter-revolutionary and terrorist grouplets and their role in
          the events aifier the recent elections and disturbances.
          Since as a result of the historical letter of His Eminence the Imam (may God's paradise
          be bestowed upon him!), the Freedom Movement grouplet was driven fflom the country's
          political sphere to the margins and its threats against the Islamic Revolution's
          foundations have become more remote, but this grouplet has from the beginning of the
          revolution to this day struggled in its various ups and downs to destroy the fruit of the
          blood of thousands of martyrs and self-sacrifficing people by insisting on their own
          policies of overthrow. The above-mentioned grouplet has, with its more active entry into
          the country's political sphere in the course of the past two years, tried to make itself out
          to the foreign countries as well as domestic recalcitrant groups to be an important
          successor to the Islamic Republic of Iran's government in such a way that in this period,
          the grouplet's General Secretary made trips to America, Germany, etc. In the following,
          we point out some of the Freedom Movement's positions taken and measures of the past
          two years:
          1) The Freedom Movement's positions aifier the trip of Mr. Ebrahim Yazdi (the
          organizational head of the illegal grouplet) to America (from 30/11/86 [ February 19,
          20081 to the end of 5/3/87 [ May 5, 20081) adopted a sharper tone so that aifier years of
          meetings in the grouplet's political offce, he clearly posed a strategy of regime change”,
          albeit peacefully”, as Yazdi adds, thus making it a soifi coup;
          2) Mr. Yazdi, aifier his return from America, brazenly and exaggeratedly took aim at the
          principle pillars of the system and has put a strategy of attacking the velayat-e faq /h with
          the goal of breaking the system's sanctities on its agenda. In an interview dated 23/3/87
          [ May 23, 20081 on the news site Rooz, he stated, Now is the time to evaluate the record
          of the system based on the velayat-e faq/h system. We believe that Iran's basic problem is
          in the system of the velayat-e faq/h.
          Last Mordad [ July-August l, the Organization of the Mojaheds of the Revolution invited
          leaders of the Freedom Movement grouplet to participate in and speak at its Twelifih
          Congress, and Mr. Ebrahim Yazdi stated in the weekly organizational meeting in this
          regard, Your Servant had been invited to the congress and I even gave a message and it
          was read in the meeting. We must learn from the past to be able to agree to advancing
          Mr. Ebrahim Yazdi said on the joint bonds between the Freedom Movement and the
          Organization of the Mojahedin of the Islamic Revolution and the Participation Party,
          said, We are glad that political groups are calmly approaching reality. Groups which ten
          years ago had created lines between themselves and the rest have now come to the
          conclusion that these boundaries are not realistic. The Kargozaran of today are diLerent
          from the one of ten years past ... OEere was a time when the Mojaheds of the Islamic
          Revolution were not in a situation where they could sit down with the Freedom
          Movement. But in their congress of this year, they invited us and we participated.”
          This grouplet, for its part, in its message to the Participation Party considered organized
          political participation, the development and growth of political parties and organizations
          to be needed to strengthen the call for democratization in the country. OEe totalitarians'
          multilayered and convoluted plans can only succeed when political parties have not the
          possibility to discuss and come to an understanding on how to cooperate with each
          The Participation Party's youth branch, too, invited Mohammad Tavassoli (president of
          the Freedom Movement's Political Department) to speak in this party's meeting hall.
          Tavassoli said in 1386 [ 2007-20081, One must work more on political currents. For
          example, we must invest in participation so that it will have a broad eLect.”
          3) In a consultation meeting of oppositional currents of Azar 1386 [ November-December
          20071 which hosted the Freedom Movement grouplet and was held in the presence of
          representatives from illegal grouplets, the Previous Offcers of the Center for
          Strengthening Unity, the Offce for Strengthening, influential counter-revolutionaries,
          elements indicating similar policies, Abdollah Nun, Hossein Ansari Rad [ Head of the
          Sixth Majlis Commission Article 901, etc. , the following issue was emphasized: OEe
          problem in the country today is not [ Mr.—authorl Ahmadinejad, but the principle of the
          velayat-e faq /h, and the focus of our attack must be on it. It was similarly posed in this
          meeting that some of the system's leaders were cooperating with them in this course;
          4) The Freedom Movement grouplet actively participated in the recent elections as
          opposed to previous terms and, by supporting Messrs. Musavi and Karrubi, they
          expressed their expectation of eLecting fundamental change in the country through these
          Along these lines, the Freedom Movement, after holding meetings with offcials of
          Messrs. Musavi and Karrubi's campaign offces, agreed to cooperate and ordered many
          of its elements in Tehran and the provinces to be present in Mr. Mir Hossein Musavi's
          campaign. An example of which is presence of Mr. Emad Bahavar, the president of the
          group's youth branch in 1388 campaign of Mr. Musavi who also employed many
          members of the youth branch in the aforementioned head quarter.
          In addition to the Freedom Movement, other counter-revolutionary eclectic groups
          claiming to support human rights held activities intent on preparing the grounds for
          creating and spreading riots aifier the elections in cooperation with Western countries.
          . Statements by some counter-revolutionary leaders and grouplets:
          Some of the counter-revolutionary leaders and grouplets tried during the days of electoral
          rivalry, by making insinuations about fraud and an electoral coup, to set the stage for
          disturbances aifier the elections so that in the meantime one might point to the leadership
          of the Freedom Movement grouplet and Keyvan Samimi (member and a founder of the
          self-declared Committee for the Defense of Free, Sound, and Just Elections
          [ http://www.humanrights-ir.org/php/viewen.php?objnr=270 1).
          In the military flelds, armed counter-revolutionary grouplets, from the groups of the
          communist and socialist leifi to the eclectic currents and the cruel-hearted Munaffiqin and
          separatist ethnic currents with their support of their Western masters have poured the
          blood of thousands of individual people on the ground.
          An interesting point concerning the Hypocrites is that this grouplet was removed from the
          list of list of terrorist groups in a premeditated move and in an agreement between the
          Western governments and the Hypocrites. OEis move was in fact a step towards
          legitimizing them and giving them room to maneuver to carry out their regime change
          policies in the context of the tenth term of presidential elections for the Islamic Republic
          of Iran. An important point in this regard is that the ffirst country to take this step and
          remove the Hypocrites from the list of terrorist groups was Britain, whose ffingerprints
          can be seen here and there in the recent troubles.
          The terrorist grouplet, the Munaffiqin, once more feel into gross error as in years past due
          to its stubborn opposition to the sacred Islamic system and lack of acquaintance with the
          country's internal situation. OEis grouplet gained influence in the electoral staLs of
          Messrs. Mir Hossein Musavi and Karrubi aifier great eLort. (semi-classiffied ffile
          570/85/88) Similarly, they laid plans for months before to organize craifismen's protests
          of electoral rivalry and to intensify the diLerences between the candidates' supporters.
          But the pride-inspiring participation of 85% of the wise people of Islamic Iran in the
          elections foiled the Hypocrites' plots and schemes.
          Elements of the Munaffiqin grouplet, by exerting all its might, send in trained teams to
          create chaos and ride the wave and encourage demonstrations to take violent measures
          and terrorism. This grouplet, by issuing one statement after another by its leaders and
          their widespread publication through satellite channels and the internet, tried to spread
          the scope and continue the disturbances and riots. In this connection, consider the
          grouplet's leaders' message issued on 27 Khordad and 18 Tir 1388 [ June 17 and July 9,
          Yes, now you, woman and man, have fought and have risen up in every street and alley
          and cry out, just as [ Munaffiqin leader Maryam Rajavi—authorl announced, one must
          strongly greet the annulment of the elections of this regime. Free elections must be held
          under the United Nations on the basis of the principle of government by the people ... 27
          Khordad 1388 [ June 17, 20091.”
          Speedy demonstrations, at all times and in every place, particularly in sensitive points
          and points empty of the enemy's repressive forces. Even under circumstances in which
          there is no possibility to rally, nuclei of nine people, ffive people, or even nuclei of
          resistance of only three young revolutionaries can divide, tire, and exhaust the enemy's
          repressive forces. Small nuclei are the driving motor and path-breakers for bigger
          gatherings. OEe separate nuclei and teams should not neglect preparations and
          transportation and medical aid and communications, to the degree possible.” (18 Tir 1388
          [ July 19, 20091)
          Similarly, the above-mentioned grouplet gave some of its contacts, which had previously
          seen terrorist training in Camp Ashraf in Iraq and had been sent into the country with
          speciffic purposes, an agenda of carrying out terrorist measures including setting ffire to
          buses, banks, [ andi telephone kiosks and attacking the security forces' military and Basij
          forces' centers. Along the same lines, one of the most basic bases of the terroristic
          grouplets, the Hypocrites stationed in Britain (with telephone number 00442032398487),
          was to take charge of leading teams for domestic terror and riot and, while announcing a
          line of armed struggle and creating chaos in the country and provoking the protesters to
          raise extreme slogans against the authorities and basic pillars of the system and by
          spreading distrust of the system among the people, prepare the way for creating division
          between the authorities and the people and to ignore any way of actually achieving these
          goals. The important statements of classiffied ffile 11 597/88dt says the following on the
          matter: From Mehr 1386 [ September-October 20071, via one of the supporters of the
          group I established contact with them (the Hypocrites) and in Dci [ December 2007-
          January 20081 of that year I was illegally smuggled by that grouplet's contacts to Iraq and
          received various kinds of training, such as computer work, propaganda operations,
          recruiting forces, ideological classes, intelligence-gathering, terroristic operations, etc., in
          that camp and was illegally dispatched to enter the country to execute my missions and
          returned. During this period, they deposited into my account a sum of a million four
          hundred thousand Tomans for me to carry out the operations and my contact deposited it.
          Among the foci of my mission in the elections was to gather information and intelligence
          from electoral stations and get pictures and ffilms and send them to the Hypocrites. Aifier
          the riots began, they emphasized that I be present on the scenes of the ffighting. On
          27/3/88 [ June 17, 20091, my contact, named Zohreh, contacted me from number
          00442032398487 and said, All the people of Iran have personal problems ... but what is
          the root of the problems? ... OEey must be uprooted ... Now I think it is the time. One
          must not sit hands folded ... We are ready to help you. So armed warfare is our cry of the
          day ... Go with your friends and set something on ffire, somewhere where the Basij is.
          Gather ffive or six of you and go stealthily and set their base on ffire. Carry gas and throw
          a [ Molotovi cocktail and ignite the gas station near them, the same with public buses ...
          get the people out of them and then set them on ffire in the middle of the road ...“
          In this connection, a number of the grouplet's contacts who were lead by the Hypocrites
          and on the scene to create chaos and make trouble and were killed or wounded during the
          clashes, the Hypocrites, in accordance with their hypocritical nature, in order to take over
          some of the demonstrations for their own beneffit, held mock memorials for them in
          Camp Ashraf on 3/5/88 [ July 25, 20091.
          It is necessary to mention that agents of sedition, intent on gathering intelligence within
          the country, while paying sums each month to some individuals, worked to deceive them
          through establishing contacts under such covers as news agencies like Homa News
          Agency or Iran News Agency, and, similarly, the Committee for the so-called Defense of
          Human Rights and Political Prisoners, etc.
          By the True One's kindness and generosity and the day and night eLorts of the Imam of
          the Age's forgotten soldiers, a number of the principle contacts of the grouplet who
          played an active role in the street ffighting have been identiffied and arrested and the
          eLorts of the Hypocrite terrorists to damage the sacred Islamic system have remained
          The ethnic and separatist groups, for their part, which have struggled for years to ruin this
          land under the leadership of this country's sworn enemies, have not remained idle during
          the presidential election period and have taken it upon themselves to execute other
          According to documents and the accused, these currents have had on their agenda a
          variety of terroristic operations under the leadership of the enemy's intelligence services
          to create and spread disturbances, but have been arrested by the Ministry of Intelligence
          before every operation. Below, we indicate some of their operations and programs:
          They have gathered in Mr. Karrubi's electoral staL with the intention of gathering
          intelligence and exerting influence and towards intensifying diLerences between the
          candidates' supporters and inciting riot and planned to set oL an explosion during Mr.
          Mir Hossein Musavi's speech in the stadium in Tabriz.
          It is worth mentioning that two weapons and twenty bombs were found on the accused in
          this ffile.
          In the cultural sphere, the agents of the enemy's Cultural NATO, by exploiting their
          empire of media, are trying to execute coup plans and programs so that in this context,
          one could point to the activities of Western media in its eLorts to overthrow the Islamic
          Republic of Iran by exploiting the chaotic atmosphere and the disturbances aifier the
          elections for the tenth term of the presidency. The following are worth noting in this
          The media operations and psychological operations of Britain and America have made
          the greatest effort to spread chaos. Between them, the British role is the greater and the
          most eLective. One might dare say that BBC Persian was the most active of the agents
          provoking the disturbances and this channel's psychological operations were on a higher
          level compared to other satellite channels. In reviewing this media's activities during the
          days before and aifier the riots, two completely diLerent aspects of the BBC can be seen.
          During the days before the disturbances and the days of the electoral rivalries, this
          channel tried to display the electoral enthusiasm in Iran as well as present the diLerent
          political viewpoints which existed in the country in order to attract spokesmen. OEis
          measure prepared the way for the execution of the next stage of this network's plan.
          In the next stage, during the beginning of the riots, this change was transformed into the
          rioters' media and while exaggeratedly presenting news, ffilms, reports, interviews, etc.
          devoted to the disturbances, launched a psychological war against the Islamic Republic of
          Iran. The BBC Persian tried in this part of the program for psychological operations to,
          while raising the issue of electoral fraud, by presenting an atmosphere of epic and
          emotion, encouraged the viewers to participate in the riots.
          This channel, as ever, tries, by broadcasting archive photos related to the riots or
          whatever new pictures it has, to depict the country as chaotic.
          Among the American channels, VOA [ Voice of Americal has played the greatest role in
          fanning the flames of riot. OEis channel, which is, of course, at a lower level and is less
          professional than the BBC, has pursued two goals by before the electoral competition,
          has two goals on its agenda by choosing destructive methods:
          1) Destroying the credibility and legitimacy of the elections in the Islamic Republic of
          Iran by depicting them as anti-democratic;
          2) Destroying the president's image and credibility;
          Aifier the elections and with the beginning of the riots, this network also worked, by
          presenting tendentious news, to hold interviews with fugitive counter-revolutionary
          elements, etc., and depict the rioters' movement as a popular movement in order to
          overthrow the Islamic system.
          In addition to the above-mentioned networks, there are the networks tied to the counter-
          revolutionary grouplets which, through the Western country's financial and technical
          support, are engaged in activity and compliment the role of the BBC and the VOA.
          The Western countries, in addition to activity in the television networks, are also active in
          the realm of the internet and have presented [ interneti services to the rioters, some of
          which are as follows:
          1) Contributing for public use soifiware to translate English to Persian and vice versa.
          2) Presenting advanced soifiware for viewing flims related to the riots on low-speed
          3) Presenting ffilter-breaking programs appropriate for the Iranian network structure;
          4) Providing service by the Twitter Company for Iranian spokesmen. (OEis American
          company delayed its day of service upgrading, which required it to be down for several
          days on June 20, 2009, with the aim of supporting and providing service for the rioters;
          5) Activating the American company Face Book in order to ease contacts between
          Iranian users and those of other countries. OEis company provided its own trial version in
          Persian on the occasion of the riots so that the rioters could use it better;
          1) Spread the grouplet's media channel by using television and internet space;
          2) Eliminating religion from the thoughts of the viewers, listeners, and contacts with the
          aim of their confronting the religious and divine government of the Islamic Republic of
          Iran and converting these individuals into the enemy's pawns to overthrow the sacred
          system of the Islamic Republic of Iran;
          3) Presenting military and intelligence training to individuals they have attracted to create
          and increase an operational ability against the Islamic Republic of Iran;
          4) Utilize attracted elements to carry out intelligence operations for the sake of the aims
          of the enemy's intelligence services as well as the grouplet's aims and programs;
          5) Identify and carry out intelligence operations against elements and forces supporting
          the system with the object of assassination;
          6) Planning to execute terrorist operations;
          7) Creating panic and terror in the country by carrying out terrorist operations of mass
          murder with the aim of leaving a maximum of killed in these actions and creating an
          irreparable crisis in the country;
          8) Planning the assassination of political ffigures and thinkers and theoreticians, etc. in
          The Royalist Society grouplet, based on the afore-mentioned policies, planted a bomb
          and carried out terroristic operations in the Hosseyniyih of His Holiness the Lord of
          Martyrs in Shiraz in Farvardin 1387 [ April 20081. In this operation, fourteen ritual
          mourners in the Hosseyniyih were martyred and over two hundred were wounded. Some
          of the martyrs were even infants and invalids.
          Among this Royalist Society grouplet's operations the was the use of the electoral
          atmosphere to advance the grouplet's regime-change goals in the context of America's,
          Britain's, and Israel's strategy on this matter, which has the following program put on its
          internal agenda by the enemy's intelligence services and the leaders of the grouplets:
          1) Gather intelligence on the electoral atmosphere of the tenth presidential elections.
          2) Gather intelligence on Islamic Revolutionary Guards and the Basij.
          3) Identify important and crowded centers with the aim of planting bombs.
          4) Identify and execute necessary operations to prepare planting bombs and carrying out
          terroristic operations in two crowded centers for casting votes, the Tehran Hosseyniyih
          Ershad and the Narmak's an-Nabi Mosque.
          5) Planting bombs in crowded centers such as the Hazrat Ali Akbar (Upon whom be
          peace!) Chizar Shrine and the Zaid (Upon whom be peace!) Shrine in the Tehran Bazaar.
          6) Planting bombs in the Hosseiniyih Fatemiyun in Mojahedin Street.
          7) Using chemical and poison bombs in crowded centers.
          8) Identifying sensitive government centers for planting bombs.
          9) Identifying important fuel and food depots.
          10) Planning to pollute Tehran's water supply with highly powerful toxins.
          11) Present training to the rioters so they can expand the scope of the riots as follows:
          Training in forming nuclei of struggle;
          Training in the principles of intelligence;
          Training in making bombs and hand-made grenades;
          Training in confronting the anti-riot police;
          Training in partisan warfare;
          Training in making electronic shock devices;
          Training in making teargas sprays and the means of resisting them;
          Training in eavesdropping and countering eavesdropping;
          Training in getting around filtering and countering ways of being identiffied online;
          Training in evading jamming devices;
          Training in pursuing and countering being pursued;
          Training in working with weapons;
          The above-mentioned items speak of how the terroristic Royalist Society grouplet has,
          over the past two years, acted towards the overthrow of the sacred system of the Islamic
          Republic of Iran and how the members of this grouplet, aware of the situation, have acted
          in accord with the goals of the intelligence services of the enemy and leaders of the
          Similarly, existing indicators show that this grouplet entered the fleld to urge on the
          rioters during the post-election riots on the basis of a plan laid by the enemies of the
          Islamic Republic of Iran as a piece of the puzzle for a velvet coup as one of the powerful
          arms of the regime-change current to bring the strength of the system of the Islamic
          Republic of Iran into question and create a widespread and irreparable crisis. We can
          take, for instance, the plan to explode a bomb in His Holiness the late Imam's shrine in
          30/3/88 [ June 20, 2009] by someone named Bizhan Abbasi, who was killed through the
          offcers' alertness before he could approach the sacred grave of the Imam (God's mercy
          be upon him!) and died in the explosion.
          The most important foreigner [ s] in the case of the Royalist Society are:
          1) Jamshid Sharmehr. He was one of the grouplet's leaders and was based in Los
          Angeles, America. He was the contact between the CIA and the Royalist Society and
          played an essential role in the grouplet;
          2) Emanuel Mar. He was originally Jewish and an off cer in Mossad and lives in
          America and Israel;
          3) Dardaneh Manuchehr. He is based in London, England and is the grouplet's contact
          with the British Intelligence Service;
          It is necessary to note that after the explosion in the Hosseyniyih of the Seyyed Al-
          Shuhada in Shiraz, a red alert was sent out to the Interpol by the Judiciary. Unfortunately,
          the American and British police (despite the aforementioned participations in terrorist
          acts and the acceptance of this matter in the media), did not offer any cooperation in
          arresting and turning in the accused:
          1) Mohammad Reza Ali Zamani, son of Esmail
          2) Ahmad Karimi, son of Mohammad
          3) Hamed Ruhinezhad, son of Mohammad Reza
          4) Arash Rahmani, son of Davoud
          5) Amir Reza Areffi, son of Ahmad
          An explanation of the charges of each of the accused is reflected in the ffile and their
          indictment the proofs of the charge and the degree of culpability of each of them in the
          recent sedition is enumerated.
          Assistant to the Revolutionary Public Prosecutor
          Translation taken from Iran Rises website, available at
          http : //www.glineorientalist.com!IranRises/the-complete-text-of-the-indictment- of-the-
          second- group-of-accused- in-the-project-for-a-velvet-coup !

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