Aadel Collection

The defiant Kurds with a vision of an unpromised land

          Article - Untitled Article
          Publication: Guardian 1821-2000; Date: Mar 2, 1979; Section: None; Page: 12
          LIZ T HURGOOD reports from Mahabad, once capital of the republic of Mahabad, on the Rurdish aspect of ibm Iranian revolution
          The defiant Kurds with a vision of an unpromised land
          JEAN'S NURDS. taking
          ge U.... poiil.irat
          uphearat and accompanying
          wnaknnas of central govern-
          aoaal, ara paahing alaegd with
          a oratories aid stream:
          With the local araind
          narnos already neutrationa,
          maintain law and ardor —
          ant tire armed Inlantie gaarda
          nf the Ayatollah Ochnmetni.
          wire pa lrn l the sirerts and
          control traffic thraughaut the
          neon or Iran. Whoa Otto Knrdn
          rpcah gardistas, th
          rat mean iism praninre
          shown on nvery cenl.rot gay-
          rrnenrn I map, hat an oa,ooo
          sqosro ni b chunk of terri-
          tory running from Lake Sn-
          reich In thr north to Slain In
          the ma lta and arcane throagla
          lfhnrouanotoad and lOloaiod-n-
          Snininsan tot Cite tooth.
          Ttrirly-nn'o yrora after
          Clan short lined republic ad
          Plahnhod was dnctarrd, the
          Iranion Mar05 are once tgtitl
          M anrts of proton-
          croon to ncparaltam are
          denird. dir ni k b Erao-
          dinn Pfaaooint, the Moslem
          tootler who hot raceotty
          rmrrnrd as the spokenmon
          for Itardistan, says: Salving
          ttreir peohtaasa might In.
          votes trot's “titter eotioeali-
          nine.” Oi l per rout of
          Isars'a IS million people ann
          —t'enlao and already
          there Inane boon sporadi C, ban
          torrent rnsed, rnporns of an
          rest outIng the Batarhin Ia
          cant Iran and the Araha is
          Ito o.
          Cf the Shallots is lo be
          talcea seriously, the Kurds
          ace stilt kapla n, that tbr
          ernntent is open to a rampna'
          nina thtl would involvo a
          fndoration orroogemont.
          The Knata have defued
          their °om”demamds in
          a daelaraaiao presented lost
          week In the gtvarnmeat't in.
          veotigathn tram. The dactor-
          alioo. drawn up hy 500
          oroa” at 0 npeoioltp
          conenao-d tfarotish OCeania-
          tionorp Cnslsrotltg in
          itlohahod. reragoisra ..hpatal'
          lois Ifhorneini as leader of
          irao'a revaistion, hot rolls
          tetf-drtnrminatien” tnrt
          usasnnn lien tt'-yoar.old Sheitcir
          as the only 0000 snthnnirerl
          to aegaltaora on Kordisnan'a
          misc a weak hoe posted
          tiaaa the dontorotian woo
          haodod la the Gaveranreot
          and slut tire tfrsrda err wail'
          leg. “We ha no dead'
          line,” says the Shot lth. “ Ne
          Ionvc Orleot to gal in tonnh
          with the Government, hnn tha
          telephone lions are atwayo
          nn woald he faotrlrp to
          Ihe government's claims of
          being neaolatiaoary,” ne
          added wires onhed what
          action ho planned If Iho gus
          dioh domonda warn lawo
          n ha' Tehron. “Wn are
          preporad to wait.”
          The hloarda hare noted hat
          repas'tneparattaaa hoer
          rlireiniotrart since General
          Pe 0 00hlaaar. a Olnoh appaie-
          lee. wan fleas to Tohrao.
          Ito general wan wounded
          during nice raptort of lion
          itoirahad base.
          The Korrts ore not nntirelp
          hopp l' the OOifOmC ot
          trans Brrnlatioo. The major'
          te Sons'i ntasteoraroor.
          pnrotl wittr lire a-eon of iron
          which io nistlty Sht'il
          area of faloar, and many
          Nerds prtaolely fear thai liar
          tioha in Qam and
          Tohrno arili purane oimitoe
          ratirirs to Ihoan of the Shah,
          Already. television anr t
          radio broodrastlog has oar-
          fared no a Ifardish hone of
          rnvtenlioe. ae 00
          If ard sIr orals the Roaaivir
          sioo slants, she nor
          sad o half hnoes of ifardint
          iarfsanr radio hroa
          otlnrr'rd hrfore the renotrnliuro
          lroo barn dropped.
          the rnhela are arching Hat tha Iranian Ofurda arts
          oolrinhl roatrol of the police not jat l nrriana.
          ond eoadarmeria along asiob The ano:en toh iroa-
          an al ltmato soy iii their owa tiers sleotr la fa rhat as
          oceoa ttc and palilitos modern day Iraq, Syeia. TarS
          olfoirt. nay, and the harlot Union.
          “The goverosneaat thinks Gin a the traditional Ifurdisir
          ut am sinspia mindod”, sold deoarr lareastahlir
          o npahmnrna. for Iha Keeda, Inst hnaret'sod, alt door far'
          “We wont iho right n __ . _ arrernets will be- earefally
          oar own pratlroao, wa wont wa lchang Toharorr'a hoedlion
          aulanamy and frordom.” of abet is polanlially a now
          The iraaias Garerameet Middle Sontoro traohle span.
          opposes olord ohnat Tiso pulse of f ran's ocs'eral
          whether to uoo tharorrat or mtltoos Kardo hoots
          rack ogolnot thn robot Korda. hardeot tMtohod, a mottO
          wneot-, a naolar govnn tswn at the larerf of Martian-
          toara was neat to ioeastlgote non tar tar from ltr
          and theo, accordIon So tha doy, Hera, the woraeo still
          bfordt It woo the turn of the avoor their embraidnrod
          S n milttor )' whirtr gent ahorta of taming red to
          Phastnaa F4 inn Irright green. The rhodour.
          tghtem la monaco stoles of the aadaerorioc hlorh wail of
          Olurdish vitbagra sad tawna Islam, is rarely seen and
          twn dab's. ffetlkrr tonal do stat ninth a word ed
          approach nrems to hare oar' Persian,
          needed, Ira ocrardiaton, atrr Nerds
          © Guardian News and Media Limited
          5/27/2011 Article - Untitled Article
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