Aadel Collection
Two Bahais Kidnapped
/ BOSTON, MASS. GLOBE D. 504,492—S. 740,717 BOsTON:LOwELL METROPOLITAN AREA .JUL 7 1983 ______ fl woBaitais kidnaped TEL AVIV - Two members of the. Bahal faith have been kid- napediiflran and 130 other Ba- hais were held captive last week in an attempt to get them to recant their faith, a Bahai official .sa id yes- terday. Donald Barrett, secretary general of the Bahaf World Center In Haifa, where the group has its headquarters, said Jahanglr Hi- dayatl and Ahmad Bashirl, whom he decribed only as “prominent Ba- hais.” were kidnaped in Tehran last weekend. Their disappear- arices follow the excecutions of 17 Bahai men, women and children In• the last three weeks. Iranian au- thorities denied involvement in the k1 iipin s , Barrett said (APF F BP000564