Aadel Collection
UN — ECOSOC — Commission on Human Rights — 37th Session — Summary Record of the 1633rd Meeting
• _ UNITED NATIONS Di str. r,—ONO” E/CL4/SR. 1632 A N D 12 March 1981 E Nc - T ISH SOCIAL COUNCIL CO LtSSION ON JMA1 RIGHTS Thirty—seventh session SUMMARY RECORD OF TI 1632ND TIN Held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Monday, 9 March 1981, at 3 p.m. Chairman: Mr. CALERO RODRIGTJES (Brazil) CONT TS Q,uestion of the violation of human rights and fimdamental freedoms in ar y part of the world, with particular reference to colonial and other dependent countries rritories onti ea 1. Viscount COLVILL of ULRO S (United ICingdoru) welcomed the inclusion of the item in the Commission's agenda, particularly since the past five years had seen some of the most flagrant and systematic violations of human rights since the establishment of the United Nations: mass killings of innocent people; abductions followed by disappearances; summary executions; official toleration or even encouragement of torture; arbitrary arrests; indefinite imprisonment without trial and internal exile; the displacement of hundreds of thousai ds of innocent people from their homes as a result of foreign invasion or for other political or military reasons; the deprivation of certain people of their right to self—determinatIon; and the persecution of people, by both religious and atheistic regimes, because of their colour, race or religious beliefs, one e cample being the persecution of the Baha'i community referred to at the preceding meeting. BP0003 80