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Iran prosecutor warns Mousavi

          Iran prosecutor warns Mousavi - Yaho...
          Y AHOO ! . N EWS
          UK & IRELAND
          Iran prosecutor warns Mousavi
          Tuesday, December 8 12:43 pm
          Iran's chief prosecutor indicated Tuesday that Mir Hossein Mousavi and other
          opposition figures could be hauled before court, as dozens of people on ______
          motorcycles surrounded the office of the ex-premier.
          “I declare that from today on there will be no tolerance,” ILNA news agency quoted Gholam
          Hossein Mohsen Ejeie as saying.
          He warned that action would also be taken against Tehran's prosecutor if he fails to act against
          those who “disrupt the order in the city everyday” - - in a likely reference to opposition leaders such
          as Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi.
          Fars news agency said that when reporters asked Ejeie specifically whether Mousavi and
          Karroubi would be tried, he replied, ‘We are required to defend public rights.”
          “We will warn and take other necessary measures even against the Tehran prosecutor if he is not
          sensitive about those who violate people's rights and disrupt the order in the city every day,” he
          According to ILNA, Ejeie when asked about the demand by 100 Iranian lawmakers that Mousavi
          be prosecuted for his alleged role in unrest that erupted after the June 12 presidential poll, said his
          office was looking into it.
          “We have received the first complaint but not the second one, we have referred to the Tehran
          prosecutor the issues which academics had complained about and our concerns about public
          rights and we hope it is investigated,” he said.
          Mousavi lost to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and claims the election was rigged to ensure the
          hardliner's return to power.
          Soon after the poll result, his supporters took to streets and in the ensuing violence dozens were
          killed and thousands arrested.
          Meanwhile, dozens of people on motorcycles surrounded Mousavi's office on Tuesday and
          prevented him from stepping out for several hours, witnesses and his website reported.
          PJI the entrances of the Academy of Fine Arts, located in central Tehran and which Mousavi
          heads, were surrounded by motorcyclists, a source working inside the building told AFP.
          Mousavi's website Kaleme.com also reported the incident, saying the opponents were shouting
          slogans against him.
          A witness told AFP that around 200 people had surrounded the gates of the building.
          Kaleme.com said a crowd of 30 to 40 motorcyclists in plain-clothes had surrounded the building
          where Mousavi, who has outraged the country's hardliners by challenging the re-election of
          Ahmadinejad, works.
          It said Mousavi had approached the motorcyclists when he wanted to leave the building and said
          to them, “You have a task. Carry out your mission... hit me, kill me or threaten me.”
          Later on Tuesday Kaleme updated its report saying Mousavi had left the office after the crowd
          “retreated”. It did not report any untoward incident.
          A group of hardline vigilantes attacked Mousavi's wife during anti-government protests in
          universities on the Student Day commemoration Monday, an opposition website reported on
          Mousavi's wife Zahra Rahnavard, who is a professor at Tehran University, was approached by a
          group of women and insulted on Monday as she was about to attend the Student Day ceremony,
          Mowjcamp.com reported quoting a witness.
          “Security helped Rahnavard to leave the campus, but these people followed her and pepper-
          sprayed her from a close distance,” it said, identifying her attackers as “militia forces” -- an
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          12/8/2009 Iran prosecutor warns Mousavi - Yaho...
          allusion to hardline Islamist Basij.
          Rahnavard was hurt in the eyes and lungs, it said.
          Fresh anti-Abmadinejad protests were staged in Iran on Monday, many ending in clashes with
          police and members of the Basij.
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