Aadel Collection
Khomeini Rejects Kurdish Peace Bid
Blocked due to copyright. See full page image or microfilm. - - - - - United ress Internatiottati ira nians e ccente nine ICu rdis la rebels and two for mer 1)0 Lice officers near San antlaj Nionday ¶Iwe nty more were shot in iCnrdistan yesterday Story, A. 115.
lCiaomeini flejects lCnniisI. reace I3itEL Prom flews Services TEHRAN, Aug. 28—Iran's unofficial head of state, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, today turned down a Kurd- ish peace bid and refused to endorse a negotiated cease-fire as Islamic firing aquads executed 20 persons accused of involvement in last week's [ Curdish revolt. A senior aide to Khomeini said the ayatollah “made no concessions” to the [ Curds on their proposals for an end to fighting between rebels and government forces in the turbulent ICurdistan Province of western Iran. Abolhassan Bani-Sadr, in remarks that lie said reflected Khomeini's views, said, “There is no justification whatsoever for the systematic subver- sion of minorities which want to im- pose violence on our people. As soon as they stop acting in this manner, brotherly Islamic cooperation can be- gin. “It is not up to us to declare a cease-fire,” he said. gotiate wIth the criminal leaders. They mnstb erushed” Nevertheless, in apparent disregard of Khomeini's hard line, an unofficial cease-fire remained in force on all fronts in the ICurdish region for the second day as both si4es awaited the outcome of peace moves in Tehran. The spokesman for a five-nian ICurdish delegation said last hight that Ayatollah ahmoud Taleghani, the govern ment's main troubleshooter on minority issues, had given assur- ances that a formal cease-fire - would be announced today. But Khomeini's attitude has apparently scuttled those plans.. In the ICurdish stronghold of lYtaha- bad, meanwhile, a spokesman for the [ Curdistan Democratic Party said peace moves were being threatened by the continued execution of [ Curds alleged to have participated in the fightingagainst government forces. The official Pars news agency re- ported.ttrat 20 more persons were ex- ecuted in the. ICurdish town of Saqqez today on -the or ders Of Iran's chief Is- larnic revolutionary judge, Ayatollah Nine of those executed were sol- diers, the firstto be shot for offenses committed since the February revolu- tion. They werte said -to have deserted the army and aided the rebels in the Saqqez fighting last week. The Kurdish spokesman -in Maha- bad said thousands of townspeople to- day demanded that Islamic Revolu- tionary Guards in custody at the city's military garrison be killed in retalia- tion for the Saqqez executions. - - - Ayatollah [ Chalkhali li s ordered the executions of at least -77 persons, nearly all of thê fn . alleged Kurdish - rebels, since he was dispatched to• [ Curdistan two weeks ago by Kho- meini. His recall from the ICurdish re- gion was one of the main demands presented to Iranian authorities in Tehran yesterday by Kurdish negotia- tors. Other demands in a three-point ECurdish peace plan were an immedi- ate cease-fire declaration and the con- vening of -ä conference “to solve the- Kurdlsh problem . throught peaceful means.” . — In other developments: • Trkish Interior Minister Hasan Fehmi Gunes, touring Kurd lsh areas of eastern Turkey near th - Iranian border to investigate reports of sepa- ratist. activity, said -there was, no threat to the integrity of the Turkish state in the area. o The Iranian Foreign Ministry said a Soviet delegation. will yisit Tehf an to liquidate the assets of the Soviet- owned Ru s so-Iran bank followih Iran's bank nationalization in June. Sadegh IChalkhali. Sacjqez was over- run Sunday by governnent forces af- ter fiVe days of heavy fighting with Kurdish rebels. According to the meini said of the talk: ‘The purpose state radio, ECho- [ Curdish offer to is not that you ne-