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Iranian human rights defender rearrested

          VA: 05/10 Index: MDE 13/003/2010 Iran
          Date: 07 January 2010
          Human rights defender and 2009 recipient of the Martin Ennals Award Emadeddin Baghi was
          arrested on 28 December 2009, in the aftermath of demonstrations marking a religious event
          known as ‘Ashoura the day before. He is a prisoner of conscience.
          Emadeddin Baghi was arrested at his house at 6.4bam on 28 December 209 by four plainclothes, armed officials,
          who forced their way into his house, and, refusing to show any identification, severely beat his brother-in-law and,
          when Emadeddin Baghi assured his wife and daughter that he would remain strong in prison, told him he would not
          live long enough in prison to need to remain strong.
          The authorities have given his family no information about what has happened, and have not allowed his lawyers to
          contact him. On 6 January, a family member reported that a detainee just released from Evin Prison in Tehran told
          the family that he had heard Emadeddin Baghi's voice in the prison. He has seriously medical problems, many
          resulting from his previous periods of imprisonment,
          Emadeddin Baghi is believed to be held in solitary confinement in Evin prison. His doctor has asked the authorities
          not to put him under pressure, so as to prevent his various health problems from worsening.
          PLEASE WRITE IMMEDIATELY in Persian, English or your own language;
          Calling on the authorities to release Emadeddin Baghi immediately and unconditionally, as he is a prisoner of
          Urging them to disclose his whereabouts immediately, and to ensure that he is protected from torture and other ill-
          treatment, and has access to a lawyer of his own choosing, his family and any medical treatment he may require;
          v Reminding the authorities that, as a state party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Iran is
          obliged to uphold the right to freedom of expression.
          Leader of the Islamic ReDublic
          Ayatollah Sayed ‘Ali Khamenei
          The Office of the Supreme Leader
          Islamic Republic Street— End of
          Shahid Keshvar Doust Street, Tehran,
          Islamic Republic of Iran
          Email: info_Ieader@leader.ir
          via website:
          p=letter (English)
          Salutation: Your Excellency
          18 FEBRUARY 2010 TO:
          Head of Tehran Judiciary
          MrAli RezaAvaei
          Karimkhan Zand Avenue
          Sana'i Avenue, Corner of Alley 17, No
          Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
          Email: avaei@Dadgostary-tehran.ir
          Salutation: Dear Mr Avaei
          And copies to:
          Director, Human Rights Headquarters
          of Iran
          His Excellency Mohammad Javad
          Larijan i
          Bureau of International Affairs, Office
          of the Head of the Judiciary, Pasteur
          St., Vali Asr Ave. south of Serah-e
          Jomhouri, Tehran 1316814737,
          Islamic Republic of Iran
          Email: bia.judi@yahoo.com
          Fax: +98 21 5 537 8827 (please keep
          Also send copies to diplomatic representatives of Iran accredited to your country. Please check with your section office if sending appeals after
          the above date.
          Date: 07 January 2010
          Emaddedin Baghi is a distinguished human rights defender, journalist and writer who has been imprisoned repeatedly. He is the
          founder of the Association for the Defence of Prisoners' Rights (ADPR) which the authorities closed down in August 2009, amid
          widespread allegations that the security forces had committed numerous human rights violations since the June 2009
          presidential election. Since it was set up 2002, the organization had been compiling information on torture and other abuses
          against detainees.
          In October 2008, he was released from Evin Prison after serving a one-year sentence for “undermining national security,” which
          had been imposed unfairly in 2003 after he criticized the use of the death penalty.
          While in custody, he was not allowed to go to the toilet for four days and prison officials delayed urgently needed medical
          treatment. He was eventually granted medical leave, but he still suffers from kidney, bladder and other problems arising from the
          treatment he suffered. He and members of his family were cleared by an appeal court of further charges related to their human
          rights work, but the case was referred to another court for further investigation.
          Other human rights defenders have also been arrested in recent weeks, including seven members of the
          Committee of Human Rights Reporters, Saeed Kalanaki, Saeed Jalalifar, Shiva Nazar Ahari, Koohyar Goodarzi,
          Saeed Haeri, Parisa Kakayi and Mehrdad Rahimi
          Others arrested on 28 December 2009 included former foreign minister Ebrahim Yazdi, 78, a leading member of the Iran
          Freedom Movement; and advisers to former president Mohammad Khatami and June 2009 presidential candidate Mir Hossein
          Mousavi. According to the Parleman news website, Morteza Haji and Hasan Rasoulid, who administer former Prresident
          Khatami's NGO, Saran, were arrested; along with Mousavi's advisers Alireza Beheshti, Chorban Bebzadian-Nejad and Mohammad
          At least six leading journalists were also arrested on 28 and 29 December. Mashallah Shamsolvaezin, Morteza Kazemian, Keyvan
          Mehregan, Reza Tajik, and two women, Badrolsadat Mofidi and Nasrin Vaziri, are among many others detained following the
          ‘Ashoura commemoration.
          Mashallah Shamsolvaezin, the former Vice President of the Association of Iranian Journalists (officially shut down in 2008) was
          arrested on 29 December when six plainclothes security officials forced their way into his home. He demanded to see a warrant
          for his arrest, but was threatened and taken away to an unknown place of detention. Morteza Kazemian, sid to be a contributor to
          the Jaras news website, close to Mir Hossein Mousavi, was arrested at around lam on 29 December. Reza Tajik, a journalist with
          the daily newspaper Etemad, was arrested in front of the newspaper's offices at around 215pm on 29 December by officials of
          the Ministry of Intelligence. He had previously been held for some 46 days following the election. Badrolsadat Mofidi is the
          Secretary of the Association of Iranian Journalists while Nasrin Vaziri is the parliamentary correspondent for the Iranian Labour
          News Agency (ILNA) news and Khabar Online.
          For further information about the post-election events please see Iran: Election contested, Repression compounded (Index MDE
          13/123/2009), December 2009, http://www.amnesty.org/en/library/info/MDE13/123/2009/en
          UA: 05/10 Index: MDE 13/003/2010 Issue Date: 07 January 2010

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