Aadel Collection
Khomeini Makes Offer to Minority Sect: Proposal Would Give Sunnis Equal Status With Shias
Frwn ih Lwdw Duly ph L ltkN ln one of his most con story gesturcs since the Iranian ie o u ion, the Aya ollah H ho oh omei i, echo and Sunday a pro pn m1 rhange n ih 0 efmcututijn itint ices! give S nni Must ma equa at” tOn with the country's mao 10 Shia commui to, 1 t there w s mixed react on from Sane coders 10 Khomeini offer to have the “orstitu ion amcndcd by a re ercndum, MowS v A d auto religious cadet of 500000 members f ihc ' Sunsi Ba lucks sect in Balc 'sistan p evince sit drew a ear icr th eat t iat a fo owers would boycott the nation firs president a! election on Fr day uiless his demands for constituoonal and ot 'ie charges were met ‘There or an as imated I million Baluchis in Iran, lOut there was a muc coo er re cponse from Sheik Earedin Husseini, pelitica and religious leader of be tween 3 i v llio 'i and 5 million Sunr Eards, c c o are demanding autonomy from he cc itral authorities in Tehran and the shrine city of Qom “The chaages proposed by the iman I chomc nil a e cosnetic, Husse “a said They are sot basic changes In an “dan, be charg ”a proposed are “ic, mine. I do “iot agree with then.' I e amendment to the slaivic con stitution would “how Sunni Muslims o have ii i v own co rts ard tribu ala in regions where they prcdomin ate over mom ers a the Sh a sect Th-' g arante” of Su i minori y rights was dropped from the original draft of the constit tion that de e- Son has been a major muse of unrest among the Kurdish, Turhoman and Baluchi minorities Before ‘mmcmi a approval of a constitutiona amendment, Hussein had den mmd tha the Kurds would not participate the residential eke tion Asked Sunday whe her the Kurds w uld boycot h' presidert al dec tien, Huaaeini replied' “The imam said that those who have not voted posi- t vely for the censt tu ion have no righ o be dcc ed president. There fore, we take this to mean that t ose who have not voted for the constitu lion have no right to vote in the pres ide ” i ial election either. The implica two, s agree is tiiat we w ii boycott the po s He said a formal statement wou d be is aed today The first call for a boycott wan made af er Massud Rajavi candidate of the left wing Mujahedeen organi zation and the favorite candidate ef Sunnis was disqualified by Khomeini ruled Saturday that candidates who had net voted for the ratificatior of the constitution in last month's refer enduin had no rght to be elected presidert. This was a c ear reference to Rats i whose group boycotted the referendum In an unexpectedly cone iatory statement Surday, the Mujahedeen organization urg d its uppor “ra espec ally in Kurdistan, to show re straint Tb prop ned co5st tutional ante idnert follows a visit by lbrahim Vazd farmer foreign m n,s,er, i I ,e Ba ehi capital of Zahedan ast m nih, f or an outbreak of Shia Sunni fightirg ,n which at least 20 people were killed and scores ojured Yazdi wac recently sent by Khomeini to the gulf pert of Bandar Lengeh, where Shia 'Sanni fighting eft at east 50 dead s nd 60 injured. In a letter to Khom mi, Yandi said i “As you are an are, the Sunnis are unhappy about many aopects o the constit lien One of them, Article 12, which makes Shia Islam the efficia re igion of Iran says ‘The official religion of Iran is Is a ir. Tb s princ pIe a eternal aiid uiichaiig,rable.” Yazd said Sunni eaclers, no ably bbd laaiz, had suggested that an ad dillon b made ci Artic 12 “0th r Islamic ret gtous minorities should b ye legal status in areas where they are in a majority. A so the law and criminal courts in these areas should be based on the religious beliefs of these minorities, a though he rights of other religious win rities should be guarante ci” Yazdi said that Khorreni had given h a agreement in principle to the amendment and that h d a so been approved by the Revolutionary Council. K anae n Makes Offer to Mhiority Sect: Propossil W'oWd Che Sunnis Equsil Status With Shias I n v ls I lint (1123 C art en! I'rls); It n “1 °S rcQ stttst, slI ', sss 'tp is Lcs n el slim s ISSI 1 51 ) pg 1 Proposa WouM Give Sunrns Equa' Status With Sh as Rep oduced voith perri scion of the copyright ov re Further eproduction pro iibited v thout permissio 1