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Report of the Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, Manfred Nowak

          General Assembly Distr.
          AIHRCI1 0/44/Add.4
          17 February 2009
          Tenth session
          Agenda item 3
          Report of the Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman
          or degrading treatment or punishment, Manfred Nowak
          * The present document is being circulated as received in the languages of submission only as it
          greatly exceeds the page limitations currently imposed by the relevant General Assembly
          GE.09-11084 (E) 100309
          A!HRC/1 0/44/Add.4
          page 2
          Paragraphs Page
          Introduction 1 - 5 5
          Abbreviations - 7
          Summary of allegations transmitted and replies received 1 - 270 8
          Algeria 1-5 8
          Australia 6 10
          Azerbaij an 7 - 9 11
          Bahrain 10 - 14 15
          Bangladesh 15 - 18 25
          Belarus 19-20 30
          Bolivia 21 36
          Brazil 22 - 23 41
          Bulgaria 24 42
          Cambodia 25 43
          Canada 26 45
          Chad 27 47
          Chile 28 - 29 48
          China (People's Republic of) 30 - 54 53
          Colombia 55 - 56 77
          Czech Republic 57 81
          Democratic People's Republic of Korea 58 84
          Democratic Republic of the Congo 59 84
          Ecuador 60 85
          Egypt 61-67 86
          Equatorial Guinea 68 - 69 95
          Ethiopia 70 - 71 98
          Fiji 72 99
          France 73 - 74 100
          Georgia 75 104
          Guatemala 76 109
          Guyana 77-79 110
          A!HRC/1 0/44/Add.4
          page 3
          CONTENTS (continued)
          Paragraphs Page
          Hungary 80 115
          India 81-89 116
          Indonesia 90-94 131
          Iran (Islamic Republic of) 95 - 122 139
          Israel 123 - 124 169
          Italy 125 171
          Kazakhstan 126 - 128 173
          Kenya 129 182
          Kuwait 130 183
          Kyrgyzstan 131 - 136 185
          Lao (People's Democratic Republic) 137 193
          Latvia 138 193
          Lebanon 139 194
          Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 140 199
          Malaysia 141 - 144 200
          Mauritania 145 210
          Mexico 146 212
          Mongolia 151 - 152 221
          Morocco 153 - 156 225
          Myanmar 157- 161 234
          Nepal 162 - 164 238
          Pakistan 165 - 171 242
          Philippines 172 - 174 250
          Republic of Korea 175 258
          Russian Federation 176 - 181 261
          SaudiArabia 182-191 277
          Slovakia 192 287
          Somalia 193 - 194 290
          Spain 195 291
          Sri Lanka 196-200 292
          Sudan 201-212 303
          A!HRC/1 0/44/Add.4
          page 4
          CONTENTS (continued)
          Paragraphs Page
          Sweden 213 - 214 329
          SyrianArabRepublic 215-222 334
          Thailand 223 - 227 340
          Tunisia 228-237 352
          Turkey 238 365
          Turkmenistan 239 367
          Uganda 240 368
          Ukraine 241 371
          United Arab Emirates 242 375
          United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 243 - 245 376
          United States of America 246 - 254 377
          Uzbekistan 255 - 261 390
          Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 262 - 263 397
          Yemen 264-266 401
          Zimbabwe 267 - 270 404
          Appendix - Model questionnaire to be completed by persons alleging torture
          or their representatives 418
          A!HRC/1 0/44/Add.4
          page 5
          1. This addendum to the report of the Special Rapporteur contains, on a country-by-country
          basis, summaries of reliable and credible allegations of torture and other cruel, inhuman or
          degrading treatment or punishment that were brought to the attention of the Special Rapporteur,
          and were transmitted to the Governments concerned. It also contains replies from Governments.
          This addendum does not illustrate the state of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading
          treatment or punishment throughout the world, but rather reflects the state of information
          brought to the attention of the Special Rapporteur.
          2. The Special Rapporteur would like to recall that in transmitting these allegations to
          Governments, he does not make any judgement concerning the merits of the cases, nor does he
          support the opinion and activities of the persons on behalf of whom he intervenes. The
          prohibition of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment is a
          non derogable right, and every human being is legally and morally entitled to protection. When
          the Special Rapporteur receives reliable and credible information that gives grounds to fear that a
          person may be at risk of torture or other forms of ill-treatment, he may transmit an urgent appeal
          to the Government concerned. The communications sent by the Special Rapporteur have a
          humanitarian and preventive purpose, and do not require the exhaustion of domestic remedies.
          Governments are requested to clarify the substance of the allegations, take steps to protect the
          person's rights, and are urged to investigate the allegations and prosecute and impose appropriate
          sanctions on any persons guilty of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or
          3. During the period 16 December 2007-14 December 2008, the Special Rapporteur
          sent 77 letters of allegations of torture to 48 Governments and 155 urgent appeals to
          49 Governments on behalf of persons who might be at risk of torture or other forms of
          ill-treatment. Government responses received up to 31 December 2008 have been included. The
          responses received after that date will be duly reflected in a future communications report.
          4. The Special Rapporteur appreciates the timely responses received from Governments to
          the letters and urgent appeals transmitted. He regrets that many Governments fail to respond, or
          do so selectively, and that responses to older cases remain outstanding in large part.
          5. Owing to restrictions on the length of documents, the Special Rapporteur has been obliged
          to reduce considerably details of communications sent and received, with attention given to
          information relating specifically to allegations of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading
          treatment or punishment. As a result, requests from Governments to publish their replies in their
          totality could not be acceded to. Moreover, attention is given to information in Government
          replies specifically relating to the allegations, particularly information on the following:
          (a) What steps were taken to ascertain the veracity of the facts alleged?
          (b) Has a complaint been lodged by or on behalf of the alleged victim?
          A/HRC/1 O/44/Add.4
          page 6
          (c) The details, and where available the results, of any investigation, medical
          examinations, and judicial or other inquiries carried out in relation to the case.
          (d) Full details of any prosecutions which have been undertaken (e.g. penal, disciplinary
          or administrative sanctions imposed on the alleged perpetrator(s)).
          (e) What compensation and rehabilitation have been provided to the victim or the family
          of the victim?
          A!HRC/1 O/44/Add.4
          page 7
          Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment
          or punishment
          Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of
          opinion and expression
          Special Representative of the Secretary-General on the situation of human
          rights defenders
          Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions
          Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights and fundamental freedoms
          of indigenous people
          Working Group on Arbitrary Detention
          Special Rapporteur on the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest
          attainable standard of physical and mental health
          Special Rapporteur on the independence ofjudges and lawyers
          Special Rapporteur on the right to food
          Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief
          Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences
          Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants
          Special Rapporteur on the right to education
          Independent Expert on minority issues
          Independent expert on the situation of human rights in Liberia
          Special Rapporteur on the sale of children, child prostitution and
          child pornography
          Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar
          Special Rapporteur on adequate housing
          Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and
          fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism
          Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Sudan
          Allegation letter
          Joint allegation letter
          Urgent appeal
          Joint urgent appeal
          C D
          Summary of allegations transmitted and replies received
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          Abderrahmane Mehalli (A/HRCI7I3IAdd.1.
          para. 2). Nous voudrions vous remercier pour
          votre réponse datée du 26 juin 2007.
          M. Abderrahmane Mehalli, qui avait été détenu a
          la prison de Serkadji depuis décembre 2006,
          aurait récemment été transféré a la prison
          d'El Harrach. Des agents du Département pour la
          Sécurité et le Renseignement (DRS) seraient
          venus a la prison a plusieurs reprises. A chaque
          fois, ils auraient d'abord déshabillé M. Mehalli
          avant de l'abuser sexuellement.
          to earlier
          Fethi Hamaddouche (A/HRC/7/3/Add.i.
          para. 4)
          Par lettre datée du 02/01/08. le Gouvernement
          a indiqué que Monsieur Hamaddouche Fethi a
          été interpellé par les officiers de police
          judiciaire militaire dans le cadre d'une affaire
          d' appartenance a une organisation terroriste.
          Après sa garde a vue. l'intéressé a été assigné a
          residence en vertu d'une decision du Ministre
          de l'Intérieur et des Collectivités locales.
          M. X. (A/HRC/7/3/Add. 1. para. 5)
          Par lettre datée du 22/04/08. le Gouvernement
          a indiqué que trois ressortissants algériens aux
          initiales << V >>. << I >> et << X >> ont été
          effectivement expulsés de Grande Bretagne
          respectivement les 16 et 17 juin 2006 et le
          O6juin 2007.
          A leur arrivée sur le territoire national. ces
          trois personnes ont été interpellées par les
          services de police pour examen de situation.
          Après leur audition. elles ont été relâchées.
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          M. Kamal Akkache (A/HRC/7/3/Add.l. para. 8)
          Par lettre datée du 24/04/08. le Gouvernement
          a indiqué que M. Kamel Akkache a été
          interpellé le ii septembre 2007 par suite d'une
          enquête des services de la police judiciaire
          militaire. menée dans le cadre d'une affaire de
          dérnantèlernent d'une organisation terroriste.
          A la suite de sa garde a vue, l'intéressé a été
          mis en liberté puis assigné a residence par
          decision du Ministère de l'Intérieur et des
          Collectivités Locales, en date du
          23 septembre 2007.
          M. Mohamed Rahmouni (A/HRC/7/2. para. 28)
          Mohamed Rahmouni. qui aurait été arrété le
          18 Juillet 2007 a Bourouba (Alger . serait accuse
          d'avoir participé aux attentats des ii avril et
          11 juillet 2007. Il serait inculpé <> (article 284 du Code
          de justice militaire). un crime qui porte la peine
          de mort. M. Rahmouni se trouverait
          rnornentanérnent a la prison militaire de Blida.
          Depuis son arrestation. M. Rahmouni n'aurait pas
          pu voir son avocat. Le 27 aoüt 2008. son avocat
          se serait rendu pour la 4ème fois a la prison de
          Blida pour rendre visite a son client. Selon une
          note qui aurait été laissée par le Président du
          tribunal militaire. il serait interdit de voir son
          client. Cette interdiction se fonderait sur
          l'article 18 du Code dejustice militaire qui
          dispose que dans les affaires relatives aux
          infractions spéciales. le défenseur choisi par
          l'inculpé ne peut assister, défendre ou représenter
          ce dernier, tant au cours de l'instruction qu'à
          l'audience, que s'il y a été autorisé par le
          Président du tribunal militaire permanent saisi;
          dans le cas contraire, le défenseur est désigné par
          le président. Le Président du tribunal n'aurait pas
          motive son refus. En outre, ii n'aurait non plus
          désigné un avocat pour défendre M. Rahmouni.
          De plus, l'avocat n'aurait touj ours pas pu accéder
          au dossier de son client. M. Rahmouni aurait fait
          l'objet des mauvais traitements en prison, dont
          témoigneraient plusieurs blessures .
          6. Australia 14/08/08 AL TOR Transportation of prisoners. In a number of
          instances in Western Australia, aboriginal
          prisoners in particular, have been subjected to
          cruel treatment while being transported between
          remote regions of the country. On 1 January 2008,
          eight prisoners were being transported from
          Broome to Roebourne and made to sit in an
          unairconditioned van for four hours. On
          27 January, Ian Ward died while being transported
          350 km through the desert, transported in a dark,
          sealed compartment with no fresh air or
          airconditioning in temperatures of around 43°C.
          This follows a report by the Inspector of
          Custodial Services (See Report No. 43, Thematic
          Review of Custodial Transport Services in
          Western Australia, May 2007. See also, media
          release, “As a New Contractor Takes Over,
          Custodial Transport Services Continue to Give
          Cause for Concern”, 27 July 2007), which
          highlighted a number of concerns in relation to
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          passenger safety and the reliability of the vehicle
          fleet. Little inforn iation has been made public
          concerning the follow-up to the report.
          7. Azerbaijan 24/06/08 JAL FRDX; Emin Huseynov, Chairperson of the Institute /br
          HRD; Reporters Freedom ctnd Sct/èty (IRFS ). and
          TOR Messrs Rasim Aliyev and Mirrehim Hasanov,
          researchers for the organization. The IRFS is a
          non-govenirnental journalists' organization
          promoting freedom of expression. At midday on
          12 June 2008, Emin Huse nov was observing and
          filming a protest outside the Presidential
          Administration Building in Baku. He was
          approached by a number of men in civilian
          clothes who detained him and brought him into
          the building. He was then interrogated for two
          hours by men in military uniforms as to the
          reasons for filming, and regarding the work
          carried out by the IRFS and the origin of the
          organization's funding. Upon his release,
          Mr.Huseynov' s confiscated documents and
          camera were returned to him. However, all of his
          photographs had been removed and he was
          threatened with arrest if he returned to that area.
          No explanation was given for his detention. On
          14 June 2008. Mr.Huseynov was again detained, —
          along with Mr.Rasim Aliyev and Mr.Mirrehim —
          Hasanov, following a raid by police of an event to
          mark the 80 th birthday of Che Guevara, which the
          three men were monitoring. These three men,
          together with others detained at the event, were
          taken to Nasimi District Police Department 22,
          where Mr.Huseynov protested against the
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          photographing and fingerprinting of all those
          detained. Mr.Huseynov was then separated from
          all of the detainees and brought to another room
          with four police officers present. One of them told
          him I 11 arrest ou I 11 kill I 11 bur/ ou He
          was hit on the back of the neck several times with
          the handle of a gun, and asked that an ambulance
          be called, as he was having difficulty walking.
          Shortly thereafter. Mr.Huseynov was taken out of
          the room and the police department.
          Mr. Huse nov subsequently lost consciousness
          and was hospitalized at the Central Emergency
          Medical Assistance Hospital where he was
          diagnosed with head and brain trauma, but has
          since regained consciousness. Messrs. Aliyev and
          Hasamov were released approximately seven
          hours later.
          Novruzali Mammadov. Head of the Tal sh
          Cultural Centre, and his son, Mr. E. Mammadov.
          Mr. Novnizali Mammadov is a defender of the
          cultural rights of the Tal sh people in the south of
          Azerbaijan. On 2 Febniarv 2007. Mr. Novnizali
          Mammadov was called to the Ministry of Internal
          Affairs, where he was interrogated about his
          participation at a science conference in Iran in
          2004 and beaten. He was released but detained
          again on the following day. He was sentenced to
          15 days' imprisonment for failing to cooperate
          with police officers. This sentence was passed
          despite the fact that Mr. Novnilazi Mammadov
          was already over 65 and, according to Article 30
          of the Administrative Code, citizens of that age
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          cannot be sentenced to punishment such as
          custodial placement. Mr. Novnilazi spent 15 days
          in the Investigation Isolation Centre of the
          Ministry of Internal Affairs and was physically
          and psychologically pressurized to confess to
          espionage. He did not have access to legal support
          and his whereabouts were unknown to his
          relatives. On 17 Febniar 2007, he was accused
          under Article 274 of the Criminal Code of high
          treason and espionage. He has been in detention
          since then. On 24 June 2008, Mr. Novnizali
          Mammadov was sentenced to ten years'
          imprisonment following a closed trial. The
          charges were related to the gathering of
          inforn ation necessary to establish an
          administrative autonomy in Azerbaijani territories
          with dense Tal sh population and the damaging
          of Azerbaij an's image abroad through sending
          appeals to international organizations about
          human rights violations against Tal sh people.
          His lawyer was reportedly not present when the
          verdict was aimounced in an empty room. During
          his trial Mr. Novnizali Mammadov pleaded not
          guilty and testified that he had been subjected to
          physical and psychological torture while in —
          detention. The forms of torture to which he was
          allegedly subjected include beating, deprivation
          of food and water. interrogation at night, and
          threats against his faniily. He is currently awaiting
          the hearing of his appeal in detention at a pretrial
          prison. Following the sentencing of Mr. Novnizali
          Mammadov. a number of clarifications were
          niade with respect to the sentence. However.
          these clarifications were reportedly based on
          confessions of a journalist which may have been
          obtained through torture and ill-treatment. Both
          Furthen ore. on 16 July 2008, Mr. Emil
          Mammadov. the son of Mr. Navnilazi
          Mammadov. was detained for illegal possession
          of dnigs. On 19 July 2008, he was sentenced to
          three months' pretrial detention before
          investigations began. However, because of a
          medical condition. Mr. Emil Mammadov always
          carried prescription dnigs and no information has
          been given by police in relation to the dnigs
          found on his person. He is currently detained in
          the investigatory jail of the Ministry of Justice
          without access to his family or legal
          representation, and potentially without access to
          the necessary medical care. Mr. Emil Mammadov
          and his now deceased brother had reportedly been
          abducted and subjected to physical and
          psychological ill-treatment in the past.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Sakit Zahidov. poet and journalist at the daily
          newspaper. Azctdlig. On 19 August 2008,
          Mr. Sakit Zahidov was visited by his lawyer at
          Prison No. 14, located 75 km. from Baku. He was
          infonned his lawyer that his life was in grave
          danger. One of his fellow inmates was allegedly
          provided with scissors and ordered to kill him.
          Reports claim that prison authorities may have
          instigated the order. Mr. Zahidov immediately
          reported the incident to the penitentiary and
          requested a transfer to a different prison. A
          representative of the prison service met with
          Mr. Zahidov and told him that his request will be
          positively resolved. According to reports, the
          prison authorities have consistently refused to
          move Mr. Sakit Zahidov to the prison's medical
          department, despite his heart and stomach
          ailments, except when he was on hunger strike in
          July and again in October 2007. Mr. Sakit
          Zahidov was arrested on 23 June 2006, on
          allegedly fabricated charges of possession of
          illegal narcotics with the intent to distribute. He
          was sentenced to three years in prison on
          4 October 2006.
          All Jassim Meki, a human rights defender
          associated with the HAQ Movement of Liberties
          and Democracy, the following members of the
          Unemployment Committee. Shaker Mohammed
          Abdul-Hussein Abdul-Aal, Abdullah Mohsen
          Abdulah Saleh, Maytham Bader Jassim
          al-Sheikh, Majid Salman Ibrahim al-Haddad,
          Ahmad Jaffar Mohammed All. Hassan
          Abdulnabi (subject of a previously transmitted
          communication. E/CN.4/2006/5 5/Add. 1.
          para. 39). Nader All Ahmad al-Salatna. Hassan
          Abdelnabi Hassan, and Naji All Fateel. a
          member of the Bahrain Youth Society for
          Human Rights. Mohammed Abdullah al
          Sengais. head of the Committee to Combat High
          Prices, and Ebrahim Mohamed Amin-al-Arab.
          founding member of the Martyrs and Victims of
          Torture Committee. The men are being held at the
          Criminal Investigations Department in Adliya. On
          By letter dated 26/02/08, the Government
          informed that the rioting that occurred on
          17 December 2007 coincided with the
          Kingdom's celebrations for the glorious
          national holiday and endangered the lives and
          property of people celebrating the holiday.
          Some civil society associations and members
          of the Chamber of Deputies alleged that the
          police used excessive force in dealing with
          these events, and some claimed that the
          persons detained were tortured. The Minister
          for Internal Affairs explained the position of
          the Goveniment to the Chamber of Deputies
          on 15 January 2008 in reply to a member's
          question about the necessary guarantees to
          safeguard human rights. The Minister assured
          those present that the general policy of the
          Ministry was based on respect for human
          rights. In addition, Ministry officials indicated
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          17 December 2007, a demonstration was held in
          the Sanabis area, organized to commemorate
          victims of torture. The demonstration was
          violently dispersed by members of the riot police
          and of the special security force. Tear gas and
          nibber bullets were employed by security forces
          and some participants were beaten. After the
          demonstration. Mr. Ali Jassim Meki returned to
          his home, where his condition rapidly
          deteriorated. He died some hours later on his way
          to hospital. The report of the autopsy conducted
          by government-assigned doctors stated that he
          died of natural causes. Mr. Ali Jassim Meki's
          family requested a second opinion by an
          independent specialist, but was reportedly
          informed that there was none available in the
          country. The human rights defenders were
          arrested between 21 and 28 December. All of
          them have been accused of having taken part in an
          “illegal gathering and rioting” and “theft of a
          weapon and ammunition, and possession of a
          weapon and ammunition without permission”. For
          the first ten days of their detention they were
          denied access to their lawyers, and interrogations
          carried out inside the detention chambers and at
          the Public Prosecutor's office were conducted
          without the presence of a lawyer. The Public
          Prosecutor refused to pass a copy of the case files,
          detailing the charges, to a group of lawyers
          defending the activists. Some of the human rights
          that the police had not used excessive force
          against the rioters and that the detainees had
          been taken to a forensic medical examiner.
          who had confirmed that none of them had been
          tortured and that all the measures taken with
          respect to them were in accordance with the
          The assertions in regard to the death of Mr. Ali
          Jasim Mohamed Maki, and the events that
          preceded and followed it are not accurate: the
          demonstrators not only gathered illegally but
          were also carrying iron spits and Molotov
          cocktails. They set a police car on fire and
          stole guns from it, and they also attempted to
          kill police officers, as some of the accused
          persons admitted when questioned by the
          Department of Public Prosecutions. No
          complaints have been lodged with the
          Department of Public Prosecutions concerning
          the persons named in the urgent appeal. When
          questioned by the Department of Public
          Prosecutions, the persons who had been
          arrested and placed in preventive detention
          said nothing about having been attacked.
          Nevertheless, the Department ordered that they
          be examined by the forensic medical examiner
          to determine whether they had any injuries,
          and the forensic report confirmed the absence
          of any injuries.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          defenders have been ill-treated and possibly
          tortured while in detention. Visitors from human
          rights organizations have been refused access.
          Regarding the death of Mr. Ali Jasim
          Mohamed Maki, on 17 December 2007 the
          competent security departnient was infon ed
          by the International Hospital of Bahrain that an
          individual had died there and that his body had
          been transferred to the morgue of Salmaniva
          hospital. Upon receipt of the report, the
          Department of Public Prosecutions examined
          the body and found no signs of injury. The
          Department of Public Prosecutions decided to
          fonn a tripartite commission chaired by the
          Department's senior forensic pathologist, with
          two doctors from Salmaniva hospital as
          members, in order to ascertain the cause of
          death. After confin ing that the body bore no
          injuries, the commission conducted an autopsy
          and found that the cause of death was sudden
          circulatory arrest. None of the relatives of the
          deceased asked the Department of Public
          Prosecutions for a second opinion from an
          independent specialist. The autopsy was
          conducted in the presence of relatives of the
          The Department of Public Prosecutions
          brought 15 accused persons - not human rights
          defenders - before the High Criminal Court on
          charges of unlawful assembly, setting a police
          car on fire, using force and violence
          against police officers, stealing firearn s and
          parts thereof from cars, and concealing and
          possessing weapons without a licence. The
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Department also brought two other accused
          persons before the Criminal Court. on charges
          of attempting to kill a police officer and
          attempting to set fire to a police car. The
          foregoing decisions by the Department of
          Public Prosecutions were based on a large
          amount of evidence in the fon of confessions
          by several of the accused and testimony of
          several police officers, in addition to the
          results of the examinations. tecirnical reports
          and pictures taken of the accused persons
          holding a gathering, setting fire to a police car
          and stealing weapons from it. All but one of
          the accused decided during questioning to
          forfeit the right to have a lawyer present;
          the lawyer of the one who did decide to ask for
          a lawyer was allowed to attend the
          examination proceeding. The Department of
          Public Prosecutions ordered that all the
          necessary facilities be provided to allow any
          family members or lawyers of the accused
          persons to visit them in their places of
          detention if they so wished.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          11. 18/01/08 JUA FRDX: Naji All Fateel, Mohammed Abdullah al
          RINT; Sengais. Maytham Bader Jassim al-Sheikh.
          HRD: Ahmad Jaffar Mohammed All. Hassan
          TOR Abdulnabi. Hassan Abdelnabi Hassan, and
          Abdullah Mohsen Abdulah Saleh. and
          Ebrahim Mohamed Amin-al-Arab (subjects of
          a previously transmitted communication, see
          para. 10). They are still held in CID detention.
          They did not have access to their lawyers for
          approximately ten days after they were detained.
          Some of the detainees were continually
          handcuffed for one to two weeks, including while
          they ate and slept. They were refused access to
          washing facilities and were forced to lie on a cold
          floor and beaten and kicked as soon as they fell
          asleep. Some were forced to stand for three days.
          They were not permitted to speak to the other
          detainees and remained blindfolded for most of
          the tinie. The detainees were also not allowed to
          pray. Witnesses have seen bniising and marks
          apparently stemming from beatings received by
          the men during their detention. One detainee was
          buried up to his neck and had a gun pointed at
          him. Threats were also made regarding the
          detainees' families. One of the detainees had a —
          stick put in his anus, resulting in rectal
          perforation. Shaker Mohammed Abdul-Hussein
          Abdul-Aal. Majid Salman Ibrahim al-Haddad.
          and Nader All Ahmad al-Salatna were released
          on 16 January 2008 . ________________________________________
          Mohammed Abdullah a! Sengais, Maytham
          Bader Jassim al-Sheikh, Ahmad Jaffar
          Mohammed All, Hassan Abdulnabi, Hassan
          Abdelnabi Hassan, and Abdu!!ah Mohsen
          Abdu!ah Sa!eh, Ebrahim Mohamed
          Amin-al-Arab (subjects of a previously
          transmitted communication, see para. 10). They
          are still held in CID detention. On 10 Febmary,
          Mr. Mohammed Abdullah al Sengais was
          handcuffed and dragged from his cell to the yard
          where he was beaten with an iron rod and
          sexually assaulted by two security agents named
          “Moftah” and “Parvis” in the presence of
          Sergeant Adnan Bahar. He is suffering from back
          pain as a result of the assault. He is detained in a
          cell measuring 1 x 2 metres, which is both dirty
          and infested with insects. Mr. al Sengais
          previously complained of severe headaches and
          was referred to a psychiatric hospital for treatment
          on 24 Febmary, but due to the postponement of
          the detainees' court-hearing, this was rescheduled
          for 28 Febmary. Naji Ali Fateel and Hassan
          Abdulnabi Hassan were subjected to beatings
          when they protested the treatment of Mr. al
          Sengais. The three men are forced to share their
          cells with people suffering from hepatitis, who are
          spitting blood in their presence. CID officials
          threatened that they will sexually assault
          Mr. Hassan Abdulnabi Hassan's wife. One of the
          detainees was sodomised with a wooden stick and
          subjected to electrocution on different parts of his
          By letter dated 16/06/08, the Government
          informed that the allegations received are
          inaccurate. The individuals in question were
          arrested and detained in connection with
          criminal inquiries pursuant to specific articles
          of Bahrain's criminal law.
          The investigations relate to a violent gathering
          on 20 December 2007, during which
          participants assaulted police officers, set fire to
          a police vehicle, and stole a weapon belonging
          to police officers. Following investigations,
          including eyewitness accounts, technical
          reports and analysis of pictures taken at the
          gathering, those responsible were identified,
          arrested, and brought before the Public
          Prosecution for questioning on suspicion of
          offences including attempted murder, assault,
          illegal assembly, carrying of weapons
          (including iron bars and Molotov cocktails),
          setting fire to a police vehicle and theft of a
          police firearm from that vehicle. The
          individuals in questions are suspected of
          offences which cannot in any way be linked to,
          or justified by reference to, activities as human
          rights defenders. Regardless of this
          self-claimed status, Bahrain's Constitution and
          law apply in the usual manner to these
          individuals, who are entitled to all the rights
          and procedures set out therein. They have, for
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          body, including his genitals. A court hearing was example, been accorded all their rights of
          scheduled for 4 Febniarv. at the High Criminal visitation and legal representation, in
          Court but was adjourned until 24 Febniarv. accordance with the law.
          While no allegation of assault or mistreatment
          was made by these individuals when they first
          appeared before the Public Prosecution,
          medical examinations were nevertheless
          ordered at that time, which subsequently
          confin ed that none of the detainees had
          sustained any injuries.
          The allegation of torture or mistreatment of
          Mr. Sengais, Naji Ali Fateel. Hassan
          Abdulnabi Hassan. and/or Ma tham Bader
          Jassim Al-Sheikh have been found by
          investigations to be completely without
          foundation. These investigations have included
          medical examinations, which concluded that
          no evidence could be found of any
          mistreatment or abuse.
          With regard to Mr. Al-Sengais, he appears to
          have been examined and treated at hospital on
          30 December 2005 for an earlier head injury
          uncoimected to his arrest or detention, and it is
          believed that this injury may be behind his
          current condition.
          All those in custody are held in
          adequately-sized cells, which are cleaned daily
          and have been accorded all their standard legal
          and procedural rights throughout their time in
          detention. Further, all prisoners are examined
          Arrest of 47 persons over the past four weeks
          and the continued detention of 26: A. H. A. H.
          A., aged 17: Sayyed Hadi Hameed Adnan
          Alawi. aged 28: Mohammed Abbas
          Mohammed Au. aged 29: Saleh Au Mohammed
          Au Alseeb. aged 30; Hassan Kadhem Ebrahim
          Ahmed, aged 30; Ha'med Ebrahim Fardan,
          aged 27: Au Mohammed Habib Ashoor.
          aged 31; AhmedAli Hassan, aged 35:
          Mohammed Makki Mansoor. aged 27: Fadhel
          Abbass Mohammed Ashoor, aged 25; Kumail
          Ahmed Au Abu-Sharaf: Jassim Mohammed
          Habeeb, aged 29; Fadhel Abbass Au Ahmed,
          aged 28; Hussain Abbass Au Ahmed, aged 24;
          Sayyed-Sadiq Ebraheem Jumma' Ma'jed,
          aged 26: Sayyed-Ahmed Hameed Adnan Alawi,
          medically before being placed in custody, and,
          should any be found to be suffering from a
          contagious disease, they are isolated from
          other prisoners in individual cells.
          The Ministry of Interior has received no
          complaints or allegations of torture or
          mistreatment by or on behalf of the individuals
          in question.
          However, during appearances in court.
          allegations of torture were made by lawyers on
          behalf of some of the defendants. The Court
          agreed to establish an investigation into these
          allegations, including convening a medical
          panel to conduct a medical examination of the
          individuals in question.
          By letter dated 14/08/08, the Government
          informed that the Department of Public
          Prosecutions undertook an investigation and
          referred the accused persons to the Criminal
          High Court. In so doing, a great deal of
          evidence was submitted, including confessions
          by a number of the accused; confessions in
          which some of the accused implicated others
          in the same investigation; the testimony of
          police officers who had witnessed the incidents
          and others who had been present at the scene;
          and forensic evidence, reports and photographs
          of the accused committing the offence. None
          of the persons who were arrested and detained
          made any statement when questioned by the
          Department of Public Prosecutions about
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          aged 23: Sayyed-Jawad Hameed Adnan Alawi,
          aged 30: Sayyed-Omran Hameed Adnan Alawi,
          aged 24; Sadeq Jawad al-Fardan. aged 27;
          Qasim Mohammed Khaleel Ebraheem, 22:
          Hussain Abdul-Kareem Makki Eyd, 24;
          Habeeb Mohammed Habeeb Ashoor, aged 20:
          Habeeb Ahmed Habeeb Mohammed Abbass,
          aged 22; Hussain All Dhaif, aged 28; Hussain
          Mohammed Khatam Hussain Mohammed,
          aged 28; and Ebraheem Saleh Ebraheem Jaffer,
          aged 22. Forty-seven people from the villages of
          Karzakkan. Demistan. Sadad and Malekkva were
          arrested between 27 March and 15 April 2008,
          mostly during house raids by Special Security
          Forces, allegedly with the support of the secret
          intelligence and an ed militia. In one case, the
          person wanted by the security forces was absent,
          and his brother. Jassim Mohammed Habeeb,
          was arrested instead and taken to Hamad Town
          Police Station. He is still in detention despite his
          brother surrendering himself at the police station.
          Others were arrested after they presented
          themselves to the Hamad Town Police Station in
          response to official summonses. Of the
          47 arrested people, 26 are still in detention,
          including one minor. A. H. A. H. A. The
          detainees are being held in the premises of the
          Criminal Investigations Bureau (CIB) in Adleyya,
          Manama. Since their arrests, they have not had
          access to lawyers and no visits were allowed.
          Some of the detainees were taken before the
          Public Prosecutor to have their detention
          having been assaulted. The Department of
          Public Prosecutions nevertheless ordered a
          medical examination of the accused in order to
          clarify whether or not they had sustained any
          injuries. The medical reports found no
          evidence of any injuries. The Department of
          Public Prosecutions, at the very outset of the
          investigation, gave orders that the accused and
          their defence counsel should be provided with
          every assistance to facilitate the presentation of
          a defence in the framework of the law.
          Nothing was done which vitiates the legal
          procedures followed by the Department of
          Public Prosecutions.
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          extended. In addition, Shaker Mohammed
          Abdul-Hussein Abdul-Aal. aged 26, from
          Hamala (subject of a previously transmitted
          communication, see para. 10), was summoned on
          15 April 2008 to Hamad Town Police Station,
          from where he was transferred to an unknown
          place. Since then, his whereabouts are unknown.
          Mr. Abdul-Hussein Abdul-Aal had briefly been
          detained on 2 Febniarv 2007 for delivering a
          speech criticizing the government, arrested again
          on 21 December 2007, along with other members
          of the Committee for the Unemployed, in relation
          to the December protests, and released a month
          later. Allegations were received that he was
          subjected to torture including being blindfolded
          and handcuffed for several days. hung by the
          arnis for two days and exposed to electric shocks
          during his detention. The arrests were triggered
          by two violent incidents: the burning on
          6 March 2008 of a farni belonging to a former
          high government official and the killing on
          9 April of a member of the Special Security
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Shaker Mohammed Abdul-Hussein Abdul-Aal,
          By letter dated 14/08/08, the Government
          aged 26, Sadeq Jawad Ahmed Al-Fardan,
          informed that the Department of Public
          aged 27, and Hasan Kathom Ebrahim Ahmed,
          Prosecutions launched an investigation and
          aged 30, members of the Unemployment
          referred the persons to the High Criminal
          Committee; All Mohamed Habib Ashoor, aged
          Court. It submitted a range of evidence, the
          31, and Habib Mohamed Habib Ashoor, aged
          most important being: confessions by a
          20, of the Committee for Detainees; Fadhel
          number of the accused; confessions
          Abbas Mohamed Ashoor, aged 25, of the
          implicating some of the other defendants;
          Committee Against High Prices; and Sayed
          witness statements from policemen and others;
          Omran Hameed Adnan. aged 24, of the
          Committee Against One Percent. We
          acknowledge the receipt of the reply of your
          Government dated 26 Febniarv 2008. Since their
          arrest in early April 2008, Messrs Shaker
          Mohammed Abdul-Hussein Abdul-Aal. Sadeq
          Jawad Ahmed Al-Fardan. Hasan Kathom
          Ebrahim Ahmed. Au Mohamed Habib Ashoor.
          Habib Mohamed Habib Ashoor. Adhel Abbas
          Mohamed Ashoor and Saved Omran Hameed
          Adnanhave have reportedly been tortured, beaten,
          held in solitary confinement and deprived of food
          and sleep. A fonn of torture known as Falaqah
          has been applied on theni, whereby a hard stick is
          inserted between the detainee's cuffed hands and
          tied legs, and then used to suspend the detainee in
          the air for hours with his legs facing upwards and
          his blind-folded head facing downwards. The
          detainee's feet are then beaten until he makes a
          confession or loses consciousness. The men are
          reportedly held without charge or access to
          lawyers and access to families had been restricted.
          forensic evidence and reports; and photographs
          showing the accused committing the offences.
          Although the persons who were arrested and
          detained did not complain to the Department
          of Public Prosecutions when interviewed about
          any assault, the Department ordered that they
          should be examined by a police doctor to
          ascertain whether they had sustained any
          injuries as a result of any assault. The medical
          reports found no sign of injuries. From the
          outset of the investigation into these incidents,
          the Department of Public Prosecutions ordered
          that the detainees should be provided with frill
          legal guarantees, in order to enable the accused
          to present their legal defence in the presence of
          their defence counsel and in the framework
          established by law and to ensure that nothing
          would mar the integrity of the legal procedures
          followed by the Department of Public
          Prosecutions. The acts perpetrated by the
          accused are beyond the scope of freedom of
          opinion and freedom of expression and
          constitute offences punishable by law under
          the Criminal Code.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          Jahangir Alam Akash, coordinator of the Task
          By letter dated 29/05/08, the Government
          Force against Torture in Rajshahi, regional
          infonned that Mr. Akash is a yellow jounialist
          coordinator of the Bangladesh Institute of Human
          and was engaged in many illegal activities by
          Rights (BIHR), bureau chief of a private news
          using his journalist profession as a shield. No
          television chaimel, CSB News, and a journalist
          complaint has been lodged either by
          for the Daily Sangbad. a Dhaka-based national
          Mr. Akash or on his behalf to the police or a
          newspaper (subject of a previously transmitted
          court. The results of an investigation showed
          communication. A/HRC/7/3/Add. 1. para. 21). On
          that there was no physical and mental torture
          C D
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          8 November 2007, a magistrate ordered that the
          first case against Mr. Alarn Akash be dismissed.
          However, following the intervention of the
          Ministi-v of Home Affairs, a new case was opened
          on 25 November 2007. On 2 January 2008, the
          High Court niled that it staved this case for three
          months as the legality of that action was in
          question. A warrant for the re-arrest of Mr. Alam
          Akash was issued on 7 January 2008.
          was made against him. What has been done is
          clearly in confonnitv with law. No human
          rights violation has occurred in connection
          with his arrest.
          Kamal Uddin, age 28, resident of North Birinchi
          under Ward No.5 of Feni Pouroshobha. On
          20 January 2008 Bangladesh Rifles (BDR)
          soldiers burst into the house of Mr.Kamal Uddin
          while he had diimer with guests including
          Mr.Abul Khayer. his wife and their three-year-old
          son. The BDR soldiers took Mr. Kamal Uddin and
          Mr. Abul Khaver to the courtyard. They asked
          Mr. Kamal Uddin where the heroin was kept and
          began to kick, punch and beat him with iron rods
          while they forced Mr. Abul Khaver to lie down.
          kicked him on his thighs with boots and hit his
          cheeks with rifle butts. Some BDR officers then
          proceeded to search the house. They also called a
          magistrate, who joined the operation. The BDR
          beat Mr. Kamal Uddin severely for two and half
          hours and. when he screamed. put a shawl in his
          mouth to silence him. Moreover, a BDR soldier
          forced him to drink a putty powder solution. At
          approximately 2.30 am. on 21 January 2008,
          Mr. Kamal Uddin. Mr. Abdul Khayer. his wife
          and child were taken to the police station. At
          7 ant of that same day the family of Mr. Kamal
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          Uddin was infon ed that he and Mr. Abul Kha er
          had been transferred to Sadar hospital, while
          Mr. Khayer's wife and son were kept in police
          custody. At the hospital they found Mr. Kamal
          Uddin's body lying on the floor of Ward No. 4
          with signs of beatings on the back, chest, lower
          abdomen, hands and feet along with deep wounds
          made with iron rods on the right thigh where the
          skin was scraped. He also had wounds on his
          hands. After completion of the death certificate,
          police took Mr. Kamal Uddin's body to his house
          for the burial ceremony. The burial was carried
          out in the presence of the police. According to the
          authorities, when the BDR personnel tried to
          arrest Mr. Kamal Uddin, he tried to nm away and
          injured himself by miming into a tree.
          Furthen ore they indicated that he died because
          he had dnmnk too much alcohol. However, the
          magistrate who was present during parts of the
          operation stated that Mr. Kamal Uddin was
          slapped in order to make him talk. On
          28 January 2008, a petition (number 26/2008,
          filed under sections 302/34 of the Penal Code
          concerning the death in custody) was submitted to
          the Court of Chief Judicial Magistrate of Feni,
          following which Mr. Kamal Uddin's wife was
          asked to withdraw the case and to find a
          compromise with the accused, which she
          reportedly refused. The Chief Judicial Magistrate
          recorded the evidence given by five witnesses and ______________________________________________
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          ordered the Officer-in-Charge of Feni Model
          Police Station to file a First Jnfonnation Report
          and investigate the case.
          Rang Lai Mro (subject of a previously
          transmitted communication. A/HRC/6/ 15/Add. 1,
          para. 25-32). Following his arrest on
          23 Febniar 2007. he was sentenced to 17 years'
          imprisonment for possessing a pistol without a
          license. Mr. Rang Lai Mro is currently not being
          allowed access to adequate medical treatment for
          a serious heart condition which allegedly puts him
          at risk of a further heart attack at any time.
          Following his arrest, doctors at Bandarban
          General Hospital confin ed that he had suffered a
          heart attack. In October 2007. he was again
          treated in the hospital and doctors stated that he
          needed to be transferred to a hospital with better
          equipment. However, he was returned to
          Chittagong District Jail; his health continues to
          deteriorate, and he has not been allowed access to
          adequate medical treatment, despite the fact that
          many other prisoners have been transferred to
          hospitals for specialist attention this year in
          Mohammed Masudur Rahman, abus driver.
          Mirpur. Dhaka. On 23 January 2007 at around
          11.30 am., he was dragged off his bus by a traffic
          police sergeant (Nazmul Ahsan) and several other
          officers of Fan get Traffic Police Box. On the
          street, the officers started beating him with batons
          and roller sticks and kicked him. Mr. Rahman
          received treatment at Al-Razi Hospital. He was
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          later taken to Tejgaon Police Station.
          Sree Ratan Shaha, labourer, Namajgar village,
          Dalpatti. Bogra district. On the night of
          25 January 2007, he was arrested at his home on
          suspicion of theft by the Kotwali police led by
          Sub Inspector (SI) Abdul Karim. He was taken to
          the police station in Upashahar area, where a
          policeman tied him with a rope, slapped him.
          kicked him with his police boots and beat him
          with a baton to make him confess to the theft. At
          around 11.30 am. on January 26, Mr. Shaha was
          taken to Kotwali Police Station. Several
          policemen hung him from a ceiling fan, beat him
          and threatened to kill him if he did not confess. It
          is reported that the perpetrators have been
          reassigned to different police stations and no legal
          actions have been carried out.
          Rongon Bishwas Halder. a rental motorbike
          driver. Khulna. On 8 March 2007 around mid-
          day, at Boyalia Kheyaghat he was approached by
          three officers of Ranili Police Camp.
          Payikgachha, who allegedly demanded he pay an
          illegal 100 Taka levy placed on all rental
          motorbike drivers. When Mr. Halder refused to
          pay, the police kicked him, stnick him with their
          batons and a rifle butt. and slapped him in his
          face. He was taken to the Ranili Police Camp
          where he was beaten. He was later taken by his
          relatives to Khulna Sadar Hospital, and was
          discharged on 9 March.
          Mohammed Aminul Islam Shahin. Pingalakathi
          village. Barisal District. On 9 November 2007,
          at 12.15 am., he was arrested near his
          neighbour's house by a group of seven police
          officers from Gaurnadi Police Station. The police
          beat him with fists, rifle butts and batons.
          Mr. Shahin fell to the ground, and the police
          kicked him in the chest with their boots and
          stabbed him with their bayonets. The barrel of a
          rifle was put into his mouth and he was threatened
          that his death would be made to appear as a
          crossfire-killing. The police took Mr. Shahin to
          the Gournadi Upazilla Health Complex, and
          forced the on-duty medical doctors to record him
          as a victim of a road traffic accident. He was
          transferred to the Sher-e-Bangla Medical College
          Hospital, where he remained until 12 November.
          He was later transferred to the National Institute
          of Kidney Disease and Urology for treatment
          until 24 November. On 25 November, he received
          treatment at the Bangladesh Rehabilitation Centre
          for Trauma Victims.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Vladimir Anatolevich Russkin, aged 37, citizen
          By letter dated 24/06/08, the Government
          of Belanis, currently held at Novopolock
          infon ed that on 14 September 2007 the
          correctional colony No. 10. On 5 January 2007,
          Military Division of the Supreme Court of the
          he was arrested by ten officers from the
          Republic of Belanis convicted Vladimir
          Belanisian Committee for State Security (KGB)
          Anatolyevich Russkin, born on
          at Varshavsky. Following his arrest he was
          26 March 1971, resident of Kobrin in Brest
          severely beaten, his face was shoved into the dirt;
          province and national of Belanis, of two
          he was handcuffed behind his back and
          offences committed as a foreign citizen:
          blind-folded. He was then pushed into a car, with
          espionage with the intention of prejudicing the
          his face down and officers held him down with
          security and defensive capability of Belanis
          their feet on his back. At the KGB detention
          centre in Minsk he was put in a small room of 2
          square metres. which resembled a grave, with no
          natural daylight and no ventilation. A small lamp
          remained switched on all the time. When he
          attempted to cover his eves in order to be able to
          get some sleep, the guards came to prevent him
          from doing so. He could not leave the cell to go to
          the toilet and had to eat the low-quality food that
          he received in the same place where he relieved
          himself. At one instance several buckets with
          concentrated chlorine were put into the room and,
          although he was asking for help. they were not
          removed until he lost consciousness. He was
          repeatedly interrogated, at any time of the day,
          sometimes for long periods. After ten days at the
          KGB he was transferred to Minsk' s pre-trial
          detention centre (SIZO), which was overcrowded
          (40 persons in 12 square metres) and where
          officers beat those who did not immediately
          follow all orders. The food was of a poor quality
          and access to sanitary facilities was restricted.
          Together with about 19 persons, he was put in an
          8-seater minibus and taken to a train station.
          There, while being beaten by officers, they were
          moved into a railway wagon with dogs barking at
          them. For 12 hours they remained there without
          being given any water or being allowed to use a
          toilet. Novopolock correctional colony No. 10 is
          equally overcrowded (1 square metre per
          prisoner). The building where Mr. Russkin is
          staving has the capacity to house up to
          (high treason), and setting up the collection
          and transfer of other inforn ation on behalf of a
          foreign intelligence service for use to the
          detriment of the interests of Belanis,
          committed by a foreign national (organization
          of espionage).
          V.A. Russkin was sentenced to ten years'
          imprisonment to be served in a penal colony
          under a strengthened regime and deprivation of
          the military rank of reserve senior lieutenant.
          V.A. Russkin began serving his ten on
          14 September 2007. The period spent by
          V.A. Russkin in police custody and detention
          between 5 January and 14 September 2007
          will be deducted from the prison tenm
          Three policemen were sentenced in this same
          case. The sentence entered into force as soon
          as it was handed down, as regular appeals or
          appeals in cassation may not be lodged against
          sentences of the Supreme Court. The law does
          offer an opportunity to appeal against
          sentences of the Supreme Court under the
          superviso procedure, but the convicted
          person V.A. Russkin and his defence lawyer
          E. S. Chizhevskaya did not lodge such an
          During the preliminary crimninal investigation
          the lawyer defended the accused V.A. Russkin.
          The rights of suspects and accused persons,
          including the right to a defence, the right to
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          170 persons, but up to 700 are detained there.
          Hygiene and sanitation is insufficient, prisoners
          are allowed to shower only once per week, there
          is no hot water available in the living quarters.
          The food is of poor quality. For minor offences,
          persons are severely punished by being put in
          overcrowded cells with even worse conditions
          and with no possibility to appeal this decision.
          People are forced to work for 8 hours, 6 days a
          week for three Euros per month. If they refuse.
          they are subjected to punishment, such as denial
          of family visits, prolongation of prison tern s (up
          to 10 additional years) and prolonged stays in
          punishment cells. On 14 September 2007,
          Mr. Russkin was convicted by the Military
          Chamber of the Belanis Supreme Court to ten
          years' imprisonment for treason under article 356
          of the Belanis Criminal Code and espionage
          under article 358. He did not have access to a
          lawyer of his choice at any stage of the criminal
          process including during the trial. The State
          provided a lawyer. All petitions Mr. Rus skin filed
          with the courts were reportedly ignored. The trial
          protocol was falsified. The investigation and trial
          were biased and there was not enough time for the
          accused to study the case files. Mr. Russkin was
          not given the opportunity to call his own
          witnesses and to question witnesses of the
          prosecution. Finally, he was not given the
          opportunity to appeal the court's decision.
          lodge challenges and petitions and the right to
          lodge complaints against the actions and
          decisions of the authorities leading the
          criminal proceedings, were explained to
          V.A. Russkin. as his signing of the relevant
          records attests.
          He made statements acknowledging his guilt
          from the outset of the initial questioning and
          throughout the preliminary investigation. The
          accused was questioned during working hours
          only in the presence of a lawyer and for no
          longer than the standard period established
          under criminal procedure law.
          V.A. Russkin was in a remand centre of the
          Belanis State Security Committee (KGB) from
          6 January to 20 September 2007. Russkin bore
          no signs of bodily han when he entered the
          centre. After completing the registration fonns.
          Russkin was placed in a four-person cell
          measuring 10.5 square metres (article 13 of the
          Detention Procedures and Conditions Act sets
          the minimuni prison cell living space at
          2.5 square metres per person). KGB detention
          centres have no cells measuring
          2 square metres.
          Russkin' s cell had individual sleeping quarters,
          bedding and tableware. The cell was equipped
          with sanitary facilities, to which access was
          not restricted.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          Russkin was served three meals a da and
          given the opportunity for walks in the prison
          yard and eight hours of sleep. He was allowed
          to receive and send an unlimited nuniber of
          letters and telegrams. The prisoner did not
          receive any short-term visits, since none of his
          close relatives and family members submitted
          any applications in writing to the remand
          centre administration. No parcels of any kind
          were sent to Russkin.
          The doctor on duty found no signs of bodily
          hann to Russkin during examinations when he
          entered and left the remand centre. Throughout
          the entire investigation Russkin did not file
          any complaint against the actions of the
          investigators or administration of the centre,
          nor did he register any complaint about the
          prison conditions with the procurator during
          his monthly inspections.
          As the record shows, the accused and his
          lawyer familiarized themselves with the facts
          of the case from 27 to 30 July 2007 by
          personally reading and reviewing the material
          The criminal proceedings against Russkin and
          other persons took place in strict accordance
          with the requirements of the Code of Criminal
          Procedure, which set out the conditions and
          procedures for conducting court proceedings.
          Russkin did not object to Chizhevskaya's
          participation in the trial as his defence lawyer
          and expressed his tnist in her. During the court
          examination Russkin and the other accused
          were questioned about the charges against
          them. Moreover, witnesses were questioned
          and documents and material evidence were
          examined. The court examined the
          circumstances of the case in a comprehensive.
          full and objective manner. Furthen ore. the
          accused Russkin did not submit any request for
          the questioning of additional witnesses and did
          not make any statement that improper methods
          were used against him during the pretrial
          investigation. The record of the trial covers the
          entire court proceedings.
          On 26 September 2007 Russkin was
          transferred from the remand centre to serve his
          sentence in penal colony No. 10 in
          Navapolatsk in Vitsebsk province.
          The number of persons held in the section
          where the convict Russkin is living may not
          exceed 18. Today. 16 convicts aside from him
          are living in this section. The convicts take
          baths once a week. There was no interruption
          in the supply of hot water in penal colony
          No. 10 between 2007 and 2008. A qualified
          nutritionist ensures that the meals of the
          prisoners are balanced. The relevant authorities
          have received no complaints or claims from
          the prisoners about the food.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          No prisoners were found to be detained
          beyond the sentences handed down to them
          during the monitoring of the conditions of
          20. 18/11/08 JUA FRDX, Yana Paliakova was attacked on 9 October 2008
          HRD, by an unidentified man as she entered her house
          IJL, TOR in Salihorsk. She was hit on the head and back.
          The attacker also told her that “if she didn't shut
          up, this would be her last warning”. As a result of
          the attack, she was diagnosed in hospital with a
          Following the medical check-up Ms. Paliakova
          went to the Salihorsk police station to file a
          complaint. When she felt ill at the station and
          tried to go outside, a policeman grabbed her by
          her sweater and pushed her to the floor, causing a
          bmise on her hip.
          Ms. Paliakova previously lodged a complaint
          against the Salihorsk police station on
          1 September 2008, concerning physical assault by
          the police that took place the previous day.
          Ms. Paliakova was stopped by the district
          policeman Mr.Pugachev and two other men, and
          taken to the regional office of Internal Affairs
          where she had been hit on her arms and legs.
          Although Ms. Paliakova lodged repeated
          complaints regarding this incident with the
          Public Prosecutor's office and the District
          Prosecutor's Office, no inquiry has yet been
          La cuestiOn de compensaciOn a las vIctimas de
          tortura y otras violaciones de los derechos
          humanos. En marzo de 2004. el Gobierno de
          Bolivia aprobó la Lev 2640 sobre Resarcimiento
          Excepcional a VIctimas de la Violencia PolItica
          en Periodos de Gobiernos Inconstitucionales ( Ia
          Lev”). por medio de la cual se compensarla a
          vIctirnas directas v a sus farniliares. en caso de
          fallecimiento de la vIctima. por hechos ocurridos
          entre 1964 v 1982. Los hechos resarcibles son la
          muerte. desaparición forzada, tortura. detención
          arbitraria. exilio. lesiones v persecución. La Lev
          creó también la Comisión Nacional para el
          Resarcimiento a VIctimas de la Violencia PolItica
          (“CONREVIP”). la cual comenzó a trabajar en
          mayo de 2007 v es presidida por el Ministerio de
          Justicia. Sin embargo. la CONREVIP no cuenta
          con el apovo institucional ni con los recursos
          económicos suficientes para poder ocuparse de la
          calificación de todos los expedientes, lo que
          restringe su trabajo. De las 7.911 solicitudes
          presentadas, 6.221 han sido depuradas v podrIan
          ser procedentes. No obstante, con fecha de
          25 de marzo. solamente 80 personas hablan sido
          notificadas. siendo ellas familiares de las vIctimas
          de muerte v desaparición forzada. De cualquier
          forn a. los plazos establecidos para emitir
          resoluciones v ejecutar el resarcimiento vencieron
          a finales de 2007. A la fecha, no se ha procedido a
          Mediante carta de fecha 25/09/08. el Gobierno
          indicó que la Comisión Nacional para el
          Resarcirniento a VIctimas de Violencia en su
          artIculo 12 establece la composición de la
          CONREVIP que está conformado por un
          representante del Ministerio de Justicia que a
          su vez ejerce la Presidencia de la misma. un
          representante del Ministerio de Hacienda, dos
          representantes de las Comisiones de Derechos
          Humanos del Poder Legislativo. un
          representante de la Conferencia Episcopal de
          Bolivia y un representante de la Central Obrera
          de Bolivia. quienes pronunciarán resolución
          expresa v motivada. acordada mediante el voto
          de por lo menos dos tercios de sus miembros.
          Asimismo el art.12 inc. 1) del Decreto
          Supremo Nro 28015 establece que las sesiones
          serán validas con la mavorla de sus miembros
          v adoptaran sus decisiones con la mavorla de
          los miembros presentes en cada sesión. En este
          sentido el funcionamiento v las decisiones de
          la CONREVIP no solo dependen del
          Ministerio de Justicia, al ser el CONREVIP un
          órgano colegiado.
          En este marco legal. la CONREVIP en
          cumplimiento a la 1ev N 2640 de creación del
          CONREVIP v su Decreto Reglamentario
          N° 28015. se inició el procedimiento
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          Ms. Paliakova defended several victims of
          excessive violence of the police, and one of the
          cases resulted in the dismissal of a policeman.
          C D
          los pagos u otros beneficios establecidos en la
          Lev. Uno de los principales obstáculos para el
          resarcimiento de las vIctimas es que. de acuerdo
          con la Lev. el Estado solo dispone del 20% del
          monto total requerido para el pago del
          resarcimiento. por lo que el 80% deberá ser
          cubierto por donaciones del sector privado o
          extran ero v de organismos internacionales.
          administrativo el 10 de marzo de 2005. con la
          recepción de solicitudes provisionales de
          eventuales beneficiarios del resarcimiento
          excepcional. Posterion ente en fecha
          22 de noviembre de 2005 se prosiguió con la
          recepción de solicitudes definitivas además de
          la pnieba correspondiente. habiendo registrado
          un total de 6727 solicitudes. En fecha 9 de
          Diciembre de 2005 se promulgo la Lev 3275,
          por la que se abre un nuevo plazo para el
          registro de solicitudes que abarca el periodo de
          12 de enero al 7 de abril de 2006: por lo que
          adicionalmente se recibieron 1236 solicitudes
          sumando un total de 7963 solicitudes.
          Asimismo de 7963 solicitudes. se depuraron
          1860 solicitudes por doble registro. falta de
          declaración jurada v falta de presentación de
          documentos. quedando registrados
          oficialmente 6221 solicitudes (enero -
          noviembre 2007). La clasificación finalizada
          de los expedientes por Hechos Resarcibles
          corresponde al siguiente detalle: Desaparición
          Forzada: 63 solicitudes. Muerte:
          233 solicitudes. Exilio: 1451 solicitudes.
          Detención: 3521 solicitudes. Persecución:
          816 solicitudes. Tortura: 17 solicitudes.
          Lesiones: 120 solicitudes. siendo un total de
          6221 expedientes en total. Esta clasificación
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          por los hechos resarcibles de persecución.
          detención v exilio. son multiples es decir que
          en cada solicitud existe más de un hecho
          resarcible solicitado.
          Mediante Resolución Ministerial 026/08. de
          fecha 5 de marzo del presente se delega a
          diferentes reparticiones del Ministerio de
          Justicia a nivel nacional la facultad de notificar
          con las Resoluciones a las vIctimas
          A partir del S de noviembre la Comisión
          Nacional tiene 60 dIas hábiles para emitir
          resoluciones expresas v motivadas para cada
          caso. (Al efecto, es importante resaltar que
          hasta el 30 de enero de 2008). se emitieron
          aproximadamente el 20% de Resoluciones
          expresas v motivadas de los diferentes hechos
          resarcibles v se han recibido 152 solicitudes de
          reconsideración de los diferentes hechos
          El Ministerio de Justicia ha realizado todas las
          acciones necesarias tendientes al cumplimiento
          de la 1ev 2640. pese a que no se ha cumplido
          con el 100% del trabajo el mismo se debe a la
          falta de mayor cantidad de recursos humanos
          en el equipo de apovo técnico v a la
          imposibilidad del trabajo a tiempo completo de
          la mavorla de los miembros que confornian la
          CONREVIP. pese a ello se sigue adelante con
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          este trabajo para lo cual se ha tomado medidas
          internas tendientes a la agilizacion del proceso
          de calificación.
          Se debe aclarar que el resarcimiento
          económico se hará efectivo una vez emitidas
          las Resoluciones finales que detenninen si es
          procedente la solicitud de resarcimiento
          excepcional. elaborándose un Decreto
          Supremo que detennine la lista oficial de
          beneficiarios v el monto que recibirán las
          vIctimas. hecho que es valorado en
          consideración al grado de violencia polItica
          sufrida por la vIctima. los hechos resarcibles
          solicitados v las agravantes si fuera el caso,
          por lo que se requiere agotar todas las vIas
          administrativas (Resolución de primera
          instancia v reconsideración) para establecer la
          lista oficial de los beneficiarios v el monto
          individual de resarcimiento.
          En cumplimiento de lo establecido por el
          art. 16 de la Lev 2640. se ha elaborado un
          prove cto para gestionar financiamiento que
          garantice el 80% del pago a los beneficiarios
          de la Lev. asimismo desde el mes de agosto del
          2006 se ha gestionado la Cooperación
          Internacional. La ültima version de este
          prove cto ha sido modificada v se encuentra en
          la Mesa de Negociaciones ante el
          Viceministerio de Inversion Püblica v
          Financiamiento Externo (VIPFE). a objeto de
          insistir en la gestión del financiamiento de la
          cooperación externa.
          En este sentido de acuerdo a to manifestado
          por el Ministerio de Justicia. se tiene que
          habrIa realizado todas las acciones necesarias
          para la culminación del trabajo. pero factores
          como la falta de una mayor cantidad de
          recursos humanos v el trabajo a medio tiempo
          de la mavorla de los miembros de la Comisión.
          ha redundado en que no se hava podido
          culminar el proceso de calificación de los
          expedientes, por to que son constantes las
          reuniones del Ministerio de Justicia con los
          5 miembros de la Comisión para agilizar el
          trabajo de calificación v revision de los
          Por otra parte el Ministerio de Justicia ha
          infonnado que viene gestionando el apovo
          necesario de instituciones nacionales e
          internacionales para lograr el financiamiento
          de los recursos faltantes para el resarcimiento
          económico a las vIctimas de violencia polItica.
          asI como de recursos materiales con la
          finalidad de concluir la calificación de los
          diversos hechos resarcibles a la brevedad
          En relación a. si se ha presentado alguna queja
          sobre el resarcimiento a las vIctimas de
          violencia polItica. el Ministerio de Justicia
          indicó que al presente se tiene una denuncia
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          interpuesta ante la Fiscalla General de la
          Repüblica de Bolivia por Jorge Aguilar Anrez
          v Nerhedine NassifRenjjife Torriani. por la
          presunta comisión de los delitos de
          Incumplimiento de deberes, desobediencia a la
          autoridad v uso indebido del 20% destinado
          por la Lev 2640. denuncia falsa v temeraria
          que ha sido respondida ante la Fiscalla
          General. remitiendo la infon ación
          correspondiente v la certificación
          presupuestaria del 20% de recursos que se
          encuentra inscrito en el Ministerio de Hacienda
          como fondos asignados para la 1ev N° 2640. v
          que se adjunta para fines consiguientes .
          22. Brazil 10/01/08 JAL HRD: Carlos Abel, and the human rights organization
          TOR Gnipo Tortura Nunca Mais of Rio de Janeiro
          (GTNM). GTNM was created by fon er political
          prisoners who were tortured during the military
          regime and by family members of political
          activists killed or disappeared during the military
          regime. During its twenty years of existence,
          GTNM has raised awareness and publicly
          denounced cases of torture perpetrated by State
          agents. In May 2002. GTNM published on its
          website the complaint of Carlos Abel, who
          alleged having been tortured by the federal police —
          in 1996, one year before the entry into force of
          Law No. 9,455 which introduced the crime of
          torture in the law. The case was dismissed
          without any analysis of the merits. and justified
          by the interpretation that the public prosecutor
          does not have investigative powers and therefore
          could not investigate the case of Carlos Abel. On
          3 August 2005. the organization GTNM was
          sentenced to a fine of 40,000 reales for
          defamation for having published the allegations.
          including the names of the alleged perpetrators.
          Concern is expressed that the allegations of
          torture have not been investigated and the alleged
          perpetrators reniain unpunished while a human
          rights organization has been sentenced for its
          work against impunity for the crime of torture.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          L.A. B., a 15-year-old girl. In October 2007.
          L.A.B. was arrested on suspicion of petty theft
          and placed in pretrial detention in the city of
          Abaetetuba. Pará State. For a period of 26 days
          she was held in a police cell with about 20 adult
          male prisoners. L.A.B. was reportedly raped by
          several inmates during this time.
          Said Kadzoev. aged 29, a Russian national of
          Chechen origin. He arrived in Bulgaria in
          October 2006 to ask for asylum. At the border.
          the Bulgarian border guards detained him and
          issued an order of deportation because he only
          had Chechen identity papers and no
          internationally-recognized Russian
          documentation. Since 1 November 2006 he has
          been held in the Special Centre for the Temporary
          Accommodation of Foreigners (SCTAF) in the
          village of Busmantsi. near Sofia. He was in
          solitary confinement from 28 Ma 2007 until
          2 April 2008 and repeatedly subjected to beatings
          by the staff of SCTAF. During this period, Said
          Kadzoev developed gallstones. The doctor who
          Par lettre datée du 15/05/08. le Gouvernement
          a répondu que tous les droits de procedure de
          M. Said Kadzoev ont été garantis
          conformément aux standards internationaux
          Les autorités compétentes bulgares sont en
          train d'enquêter sur les faits relatifs a ce cas
          precis. y compns sur les allegations de
          M. Kadzoev d'avoir été victime de violation et
          de ne pas avoir pu bénéficier d'une aide
          médicale. La Bulgarie informera
          ultérieurement des résultats de l'enquête.
          saw him indicated that he needed an operation to
          reniove the gallstones, however, he was only
          given painkillers. Mr. Kadzoev' s asylum
          application was registered on 31 May 2007 by the
          Bulgarian State Agency of Refugees and was
          rejected on 4 June. The Sofia Court rejected his
          appeal in October 2007. A complaint was filed
          with the European Court of Human Rights in
          December 2007. The deportation order against
          him was confin ed by the Yambol Regional
          Court on 15 March 2008 and on 17 April. the
          Supreme Administrative Court upheld this
          decision. His lawyers do not have access to the
          documents filed on him by the Bulgarian
          authorities. Said Kadzoev alleges that he was
          previously detained and tortured by Russian
          police. According to his testimony, in
          October 2002. he was detained for five months by
          the Federal Security Bureau in Moscow. where he
          was tortured in order to force him to “confess” to
          participating in a terrorist attack on a Russian
          military air base, which he denied. During those
          months. Said Kadzoev was held incommunicado
          and officially reported as having “disappeared”.
          Furthennore. after a conflict with the Chechen
          local authorities, his house was burned down in
          August 2006.
          Les ONG concernées bulgares ont été mises au
          courant du cas de M. Said Kadzoev.
          En 2007 M. Kadzoev a soumis une plainte a la
          Comniission pour la protection contre la
          discrimination contenant des allegations que le
          Chef du Centre special d'accommodation
          temporaire des étrangers - Bousmantzi a violé
          les dispositions de la Loi sur la protection
          contre la discrimination de la République de
          Bulgarie. Après avoir examine attentivement
          tous les faits lies a ce cas, la Commission n'a
          pas donné suite a la plainte puisqu'elle n'a pas
          établi l'existence de discrimination sur la base
          de la nationalité/décision du 22 avril 2008.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          Pring Pov, aged 40. a police officer in the town
          of Kep. On 19 Febniary 2008, he was arrested
          without a warrant by his superior, the Police
          Commissioner of Kep, and charged with
          “disobeying orders from his superiors”. This
          C D
          stemmed froni his refusal to vacate his land
          without compensation for the benefit of a senior
          government official. The arrest was carried out on
          the order of the National Police Commissioner.
          After his arrest, Mr. Pov was transferred to the
          Police Discipline Unit located in Samaki village,
          Trapeang Krasaing commune. Russev Keo
          district, where he has been detained ever since.
          When his wife visited him on 20 Febniarv. he had
          open wounds on his wrists and ankles because he
          was shackled all night, as well as bniises on his
          Despite his worsening mental and physical
          condition, a visit by a medical doctor was denied,
          even after his wife brought a doctor to the
          detention facility herself
          The legally pern itted period of police custody of
          72 hours, within which a detainee must be
          brought before a court to be charged, in
          accordance with article 96 of the Code of
          Criminal Procedure, has been exceeded. Mr. Pov
          was denied his right to access to legal counsel
          within the first 24 hours after his arrest in
          violation of article 92 of the Code. Medical
          treatment of prisoners in police custody is left to
          the discretionary power of the prosecutor and the
          custody officer, according to article 99 of the
          Code. It is reported that the Cambodian police
          have no jurisdiction over land disputes. Only the
          municipal or provincial National Cadastral
          Comniissions for unregistered land, the courts of
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Ms. A. C., a 20-year-old university student.
          Ms. C. claims that she continues to be a victim of
          “ritual abuse-torture” (sic), both within her family
          and by a group of persons unknown to her. Her
          father, W. C., and mother, J. C., abused her
          physically and sexually at home. Her father
          brought her to “ritual abuse-torture” meetings,
          where members of the group abused and tortured
          her, both alone and in front of others. Amongst
          the perpetrators were her grandparents, D. and
          D. W., and other persons, some of who were
          members of a local Morn on church her family
          used to go to. During one of the meetings Ms. C.
          was required to attend, she was forced to
          prematurely give birth to her baby, whose body
          was used as an object of the group's rituals. The
          alleged abuse took place in various places around
          Calgary and in Toronto. Ms. C. attempted to
          report her abuse to the police in Toronto and in
          Calgary between 2002-2007 but she was never
          believed and no report was taken. The police told
          her there would probably be no evidence, or
          treated her as if she was crazy. She also tried to
          talk to nurses and doctors in the places she was
          hospitalized several times between 2001 and 2005
          for depression and suicidal tendencies. No action,
          investigations, or protection measures were taken
          By letter dated 29/07/08, the Government
          responded that the matters raised by the
          Special Rapporteurs are not only within the
          competence of the Canadian government but
          also that of two provinces, the Province of
          Alberta; and the Province of Ontario.
          The Special Rapporteur's letter of request
          contains almost no details concerning the
          allegations made by the complainant. This lack
          of specific information makes it difficult to
          find information relevant to her allegations:
          While the letter of request indicates that the
          complainant approached the police in Toronto
          (Ontario) and Calgary (Alberta) between 2002
          and 2007, it does not indicate the facilities in
          which she was hospitalized or otherwise
          sought medical treatment nor does it indicate
          where she was taken into foster care or the
          authorities through which she was placed into
          foster care. Without these details, it is difficult
          to focus the necessary inquiries, which slows
          down the work.
          An initial search by the Canadian government
          for details concerning Ms.C. or her case
          yielded no information. That is, her allegations
          are not notorious or otherwise in the public
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          law for registered land, and the National
          Authority for the Resolution of Land Disputes for
          unclear or politically related disputes are
          competent in such matters. Concerns were
          expressed for the state of health of Mr. Pring Pov.
          C D
          by any authorities. As a child, she ran away from
          home a number of times. was placed in foster
          care, but was always returned to her famil/ where
          she continued to be abused. Tn 1993, the final
          report of the Canadian Panel on Violence Against
          Women. (Changing the landscape;
          Catalogue No. SW45-i/1993; Ottawa: Minister of
          Supply and Services Canada). informed the
          Gvernment that action needed to be taken to
          protect women and children froni “ritual abuse
          and torture”, which according to the panel's
          report, was occurring in every region of Canada.
          The panel also referred to Ms. C's case, among
          others. No action has been taken to address the
          alleged abuses.
          domain. They do not appear in any search of
          public records such as the popular press, the
          internet or databases of court cases. There does
          not appear to have been any public inquiry or
          any court case involving the allegations
          contained in the complaint. What is significant
          in this is that the inforn ation concerning the
          allegations raised by Ms. C. cannot be
          confirmed by Canada without a search for
          protected personal infonnation contained in
          government records or the records of other
          public or private entities or persons.
          Privacy and the protection of the personal
          information of individuals are values of
          significant importance in Canada. Legislation
          exists at the federal and provincial levels of
          government that place requirements on
          government to respect the privacy of
          individuals and to protect personal infonnation
          in their possession. Some of these laws make it
          impossible to gather and divulge personal
          infonnation without the written consent of the
          The allegations of a lack of appropriate
          response from the police and medical and
          other professionals into ritual abuse or other
          fonns of violence against women require an
          investigation into matters which lie at the core
          of personal infornrntion. The laws of both
          Alberta and Ontario are such that written
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          consent is required froni the complainant
          before relevant inforn ation can be collected
          and shared.
          Canada, therefore, asks that the Special
          Rapporteur attempt to obtain the express
          signed consent of the complainant in respect of
          infonnation held by relevant entities or
          persons. Canada must rely on the complainant
          and the Special Rapporteur to ensure that all
          relevant entities are identified by the
          complainant and that her consent for the
          release and sharing of relevant infonnation in
          the possession of each such entity is given (the
          respective consent fonns were attached to the
          If and when the signed consent fonns are
          received by Canada, an investigation into the
          allegations of the complainant can begin in
          earnest and will assist in the collection of
          information and response to the Special
          Rapporteur in a further submission.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          Ibni Oumar Mahamat Saleh. professeur
          d'université et secrétaire général du Parti pour les
          libertés et le développement (PLD) et porte-parole
          de la principale coalition d'opposition tchadienne.
          la << Coordination des partis politiques pour la
          defense de la Constitution >> (CPDC).
          M. Ibni Oumar Mahamat Saleh aurait été arrété le
          3 février 2008 par les services de sécurité
          tchadiens a N'Djamena. Depuis ce jour. le lieu de
          détention/séj our de M. Ibni Oumar Mahamat
          C D
          Juan y Jorge Huenchullán Cayul, de la
          cornunidad de Ternucuicui. v por otros rniernbros
          de comunidades mapuches del sur del pals. El
          pasado 2 de febrero de 2008. aproximadamente a
          las 22.00 horas. el Sr. Juan Huenchullán Cavul se
          encontraba en la plaza de la ciudad de Ercilla.
          region de la Araucania. cuando se dirigia a su
          residencia familiar, en la comunidad de
          Temucuicui. a 12 km de aquella localidad. En ese
          momento. el Sr. Huenchullán supuestamente fine
          interceptado por carabineros pertenecientes a las
          Fuerzas Especiales de la Prefectura de Malleco,
          quienes lo identificaron como miembro de la
          coniunidad de Teniucuicui. Sin rnediar ningün
          acto de provocación por su parte. dichos
          carabineros supuestamente comenzaron a golpear
          e insultar al Sr. Huenchullán. Al percatarse de la
          situación. distintos niienibros de comunidades
          mapuches presentes en la plaza de Ercilla.
          incluvendo algunos niienibros de la coniunidad de
          Temucuicui. intentaron intervenir para irnpedir
          que el Sr. Huenchullán fuera golpeado por los
          carabineros. produciéndose un forcej eo. Como
          resultado de dicho altercado. fueron detenidos.
          además del Sr. Huenchullán. el Sr. Miguel Angel
          Villanueva Nahuel. de la comunidad Coflomil
          Epuleo; los Sres. Luis Arzola Ancaluán v Henry
          Queipul Morales. de la comunidad de
          Temucuicui; el Sr. Victor Hugo Calhueque
          Mediante carta de fecha 05/03/08. el Gobierno
          indicó que el dia 3 de febrero de 2008, en el
          marco de la celebración del aniversario de la
          Comuna de Ercilla, Provincia de Malleco, un
          gnnpo de individuos en manifiesto estado de
          ebriedad. se encontraban efectuando
          desórdenes en la via püblica. alternado el
          norn al desarrollo de las actividades
          conmemorativas. razón por la cual, el personal
          de carabineros de dotación de la tenencia
          Ercilla, de la segunda comisarla de Collipulli,
          dependiente de la Prefectura de Malleco
          No. 21. procedió a su fiscalización con la
          finalidad de conducir a los infractores hasta la
          unidad policial. oportunidad en que alrededor
          de 30 personas. entre hombres v mujeres.
          todos adultos. trataron de impedir el
          procedimiento policial. agrediendo al personal
          niediante golpes de puflos. pies v lanzamiento
          de elementos contundentes (piedras), a raiz de
          lo cual resultaron lesionados cuatro
          carabineros con diferentes heridas.
          Con ocasión de tal agresión. fueron detenidos
          por el delito de maltrato de obra carabineros de
          servicio Luis Hernán Arzola Acaluan. Victor
          Ignacio Colihuinca Huenuman. Miguel Angel
          Villanueva Nahuel. Juan Ignacio Huenchullan
          Cavul v Henry Eliseo Queipul Morales,
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          Saleh demeure inconnu. malgré les nombreuses
          interventions par la société civile demandant les
          autorités a révéler son lieu de séj our.
          C D
          Millanado, de la comunidad Huaflaco Millao: v
          el Sr. VIctor Colihuanca, de la comunidad
          Ankapi Nancuhew. Asirnisrno. corno resultado
          del altercado. resultó herido el Sr. Mihael
          Carbone Queipul, quien sufrió un profundo corte
          en su cráneo a consecuencia del culatazo que le
          propinó un carabinero con su arnia de servicio. A
          consecuencia de dicha herida, el Sr. Carbone fine
          trasladado hasta el consultorio de Ercilla, donde
          recibió varios puntos de sutura. Segün las
          alegaciones. al desplazarse posterionnente a la
          Tenencia de Carabineros para denunciar su lesion.
          el Sr. Mihael Carbone fue detenido v nuevamente
          golpeado. Todos los detenidos fueron
          posterionnente trasladados hasta la comisarIa de
          Collipulli. Los Sres. Jorge Huenchullán Cavul.
          Victor Calhueque Millanao, Henry Queipul
          Morales y Marcelo Villanueva Nahuel
          supuestamente fueron amarrados a un poste
          ubicado en un pasillo de la comisarIa.
          pennaneciendo toda la noche en dicho estado.
          Alrededor de las dos de la madnigada. el werken
          (autoridad tradicional) de la comunidad de
          Temucuici. Sr. Jorge Huenchullán Cayul.
          acompaflado del Sr. Marcelo Villanueva Nahuel,
          hennano de uno de los supuestarnente detenidos.
          se trasladó a la Tenencia de Carabineros de la
          ciudad de Ercilla para averiguar el estado de todos
          los detenidos. Mientras esperaban ser atendidos,
          los Sres. Huenchullán y Villanueva
          supuestamente fueron arrestados por efectivos de
          las Fuerzas Especiales. Durante su traslado a la
          registrando éste ültimo una orden de detención
          pendiente por ocultamiento de identidad, en la
          causaNo. 388, RUC 600326306-K. seguida
          ante el juzgado de garantia de Collipulli.
          Dichas personas quedaron a disposición de la
          fiscalia rnilitar Malleco/Angol. rnediante el
          parte policial No. 01 del 03/02/08. de la
          segunda coniisarIa Collipulli.
          Posterionnente. siendo las 2:45 horas de la
          madnigada del mismo dia, en los instantes que
          se trasladaba por medida de seguridad a los
          aludidos detenidos, desde la tenencia Ercilla
          hasta la segunda coniisarIa Collipulli.
          aproximadamente unas 50 personas se
          apostaron en el perImetro de la citada tenencia.
          Desde alli arrojaron piedras contra el cuartel
          policial. resultando cuatro vidrios de su frontis
          quebrados, asi como un vidrio lateral delantero
          derecho, también quebrado del automóvil
          particular patente UK- 1642. que se encontraba
          a disposición del juzgado de garantia de
          Como consecuencia del atentado al cuartel
          policial. personal de carabineros. ante la
          flagrancia del ilicito. se detuvo a Jorge Alvaro
          Huenchullan Cavul. Victor Hugo Caihueque
          Railao. Marcelo Alejandro Villanueva Nahuel
          v Mijael Incola Carvones Queipul. registrando
          éste ültimo antecedentes por el delito de
          desórdenes püblicos graves. robo en lugar no
          habitado. amenazas v atentado contra la
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          cornisarla de Collipulli. los Sres. Huenchullán v
          Villanueva fueron vIctimas de golpes propinados
          por los carabineros que los acompaflaban e
          insultados con epItetos racistas. Segün las
          alegaciones. en el niornento de su ingreso en una
          celda de la comisarla de Collipulli, el Sr. Jorge
          Huenchullán fue rociado en la cara con gas
          lacrimógeno. siendo objeto de burlas por parte del
          personal de carabineros. Los detenidos
          pennanecieron supuestamente niás de 13 horas en
          dependencias policiales. Durante su
          interrogatorio. los detenidos fueron obj eto de
          golpes por parte de los carabineros. El dIa 3 de
          febrero de 2007. alrededor de las 15.00 horas. los
          detenidos fueron trasladados hasta el Tribunal de
          Garantlas de Collipulli para la realización del
          control de detención. El Tribunal abrió un proceso
          ante la justicia militar en contra de los detenidos.
          imputándoles un delito de atentado en contra de
          los carabineros v poniéndoles en libertad con
          medidas cautelares. El Sr. Henry Queipul
          Morales, por su parte. fine trasladado a la cárcel de
          Angol. debido a una supuesta orden de detención
          pendiente en su contra. Se alega que los sucesos
          descritos son parte de un patron más amplio de
          discrirninación v rnalos tratos contra miembros de
          las comunidades mapuches por parte de las
          fuerzas de seguridad.
          Por su parte. en lo que respecta a las lesiones
          sufridas por Mijael Incola Carvones Queipul,
          esto es hematoma occipital, herida cortante
          occipital, de carácter leve. Segün el
          diagnostico del medico de turno del Hospital
          Regional de Collipulli, esta tiene su origen v
          consecuencia en la necesidad del personal de
          carabineros de emplear la fuerza racional v
          necesaria para repelar la agresión ilegItima de
          que era objeto v lograr la aprehensión de los
          autores de los ilIcitos en cuestión.
          En lo referente a las afinnaciones de que los
          imputados fueron golpeados, amenazados e
          insultados con epItetos racistas, ello carece de
          veracidad v no se ajustan en caso alguno a la
          realidad de lo sucedido. al igual que acontece
          con el hecho de que el comunero Juan
          Huenchullan hava sido rociado en la cara con
          un gas lacrimogeno. toda vez que el personal
          institucional carece de este elemento disuasivo
          Respecto a que los detenidos Jorge
          Huenchullan Cavul. Victor Calhueque
          Milanao. Henry Queipul Morales v Marcelo
          Villanueva Nahuel habrIan sido amarrados a
          un poste en el pasillo de la comisarla.
          pennaneciendo toda la noche en ese estado,
          confonne lo seflala la comunicación. ello no
          fine asI, por la circunstancia de que los
          detenidos fineron ingresados al interior de la
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Waikilaf Manuel Cadin Calfunao. estudiante v
          miembro de la comunidad mapuche “Juan
          Pallalef'. ubicada en la comuna de Cunco en la
          LX region de Chile. El 3 de abril de 2008. el
          Sr. Waikilaf Manuel Cadin Calfunao se
          encontraba sentado en la entrada de la sede de la
          administración regional, en Temuco. después de
          que se tenninara una marcha conmemorativa a los
          tres meses del asesinato de otro estudiante
          mapuche. el Sr. Matlas Catrileo Quezada. Segün
          se infonna. seis agentes policiales unifonnados
          detuvieron al susodicho. supuestarnente
          ejerciendo una fuerza excesiva v sin infonnarle de
          sus derechos.
          Asimismo, durante el arresto. el Sr. Cadin
          Calfunao ftie golpeado v amenazado con un anna
          sala de irnputados de la unidad. rnanteniéndose
          en su interior hasta el momento de ser
          trasladados a la audiencia del control de
          detención. sin existir durante la pennanencia
          interrogatorio ni menos golpes de parte del
          personal de carabineros.
          Finalmente. cabe hacer presente que los
          procedimientos policiales a que dieron lugar
          los sucesos antes descritos. confonne a los
          resuelto por el juzgado de garantla de
          Collipulli. en la audiencia de control de
          detención de rigor se ajustaron a derecho.
          siendo fonnalizados los detenidos por el delito
          de desórdenes püblicos graves,
          imponiéndoseles medidas cautelares.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          14/04/08 JUA
          C D
          de gnieso calibre. A continuación, llegaron varios
          agentes de la unidad antidisturbios de la policia.
          quienes trasladaron al susodicho a la segunda
          comisarla urbana de Temuco. Se ha inforn ado
          que. durante la detención se utilizó un perro que
          atacó al Sr. Waikilaf Cadin Calfunao
          provocándole heridas en el cráneo.
          En la comisarla. un agente policial afin ó que el
          incidente surgió de un control de identidad V que
          al oponerse. el susodicho fue detenido para
          verificar con la fiscal de turno cuál serla su
          situación. Adicionalmente. mi funcionario de
          carabineros interrogó a tres personas que fueron a
          la Comisarla para infonnarse sobre el estado de
          los detenidos que él mismo habia sido el autor de
          la golpiza v que “si querlan lo denunciaron a las
          Naciones Unidas o a quienes quisieran”. adeniás.
          otro ftincionario habrla amenazado al Sr. Waikilaf
          Cadin Calfunao. diciéndole que “mej or ándate del
          pals. si no te vamos a tener toda tu vida preso”. El
          5 de abril de 2008. el susodicho fine llevado al
          Hospital “Hernán Henriquez” de Temuco a fin de
          exarninar las lesiones sufridas durante su arresto v
          detención. Además se le examinó estando él
          esposado asi impidiendo una examen integral de
          su estado fisico.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Ms. Liu Jie, human rights defender and veteran
          niral campaigner (subject of a previously
          transmitted communication. A/HRC/7/ 14/Add. 1.
          para. 118). On 26 October 2007. Liu Jie's
          husband was told by officers at the Bei' an City
          Nongken Detention Center. where Liu Jie was
          detained, that she would be released on that day.
          However, when he went to the detention center
          that afternoon, he was told that it had been
          decided to send Liu Jie to Re-education through
          Labor (RTL). She is serving her 18-month RTL
          ten in Qiqihaer, Heilongjiang Province, where
          she has to work 14 hours a day, six days a week.
          According to a doctor who examined her on
          20 December 2007, Ms. Liu Jie will go blind if
          she does not receive proper eve treatment
          immediately. She niust be sent to Beijing for
          treatment. Her family has requested RTL
          authorities to grant her bail for medical treatment.
          The e e injuries are said to be linked to beatings
          by personnel of Heilongj iang Provincial Nongken
          (Military Farm Bureau) Public Security Bureau,
          Beian Sub-division. Tn March 2002, in one such
          beating, she suffered permanent injury to her eye,
          and drastically reduced vision. In detention, she
          was again beaten and suffered further injuries to
          her eyes. Her lawyers have also filed a request for
          an administrative review of the decision to send
          her to the RTL camp. The authorities have not
          responded to either of these requests.
          By letter dated 6/03/08, the Government
          informed that because Liu Jie had caused a
          public nuisance and disturbed the peace, Jie
          was ordered to serve a term of one year and six
          months' labour re education, to nm from
          13 October 2007 to 12 April 2009. On
          14 November 2007, Liu was sent by the public
          security bureau in the city of Bei ‘an to the
          labour re-education facility in the city of
          Qiqihar to serve her ten of labour re
          education. After entering the facility, Liu had
          problems with her vision in both e/ es. On
          15 November 2007, the doctor at the re
          education facility first took Liu to the hospital
          and then to the eye, ear, nose and throat
          hospital in Qiqihar to be examined. The results
          of the examination were as follows:
          “1. Ametropia and vitreous opacity in the right
          eye; 2. traumatic cataract in the left e e
          (aphacia): 3. high degree myopia in the right
          eye.” As Liu was not prepared to cooperate, it
          was not possible for any further examinations
          to be carried out. On 20 December 2007, the
          hospital at the labour re-education facility once
          again sent Liu for an examination by e e
          specialists at Qiqihar hospital No. 1. The
          results of the consultation were as follows:
          “The left e e has undergone cataract surgery;
          high degree myopia in the right eye;
          pathological retinal degeneration.” The
          consultant suggested that Liu see an
          optometrist to have glasses prescribed, but she
          Republic of)
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          refused. At that time Liu asked the doctor
          about the possibility of a lens implant in her
          left eve, and whether implanting a lens could
          have other consequences for her eves. The
          doctor told her that whether she had this done
          sooner or later would not affect the
          consequences, but that it would be better to
          have it done sooner. The doctor did not on any
          account say that, if she did not receive urgent
          treatment, she could lose the vision in her eve
          or that Heilongj iang province did not have
          adequate facilities to treat Liu's eve injury and
          that she must be sent to Beijing for treatment.
          and other such allegations. In mid
          January 2008, Liii's husband came to the
          labour re education facility to demand that Liu
          be allowed to see a doctor outside the facility
          immediately. As Liu herself was not
          cooperating in having examinations, it was
          impossible to deten ine whether or not, in
          accordance with the stipulations of the law, her
          medical condition warranted her being allowed
          to leave the facility for medical treatment.
          Following Liu's admission to the facility, she
          has not been beaten, subjected to punishment
          or to any fon of ill treatment. Liu's eve
          problems are not growing worse.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          In view of Liu's state of health, the
          re-education facility is particularly attentive to
          her. Liu is only required to perfonn light
          manual duties that are well within her grasp
          and she has not been placed on any fixed work
          schedule or duty roster.
          Hu Jia. a pro-democracy campaigner and
          HIV-AIDS activist, co-founder of the Beijing
          Aizhixing Institute of Health Education, and an
          outspoken advocate for those affected by
          HIV/AIDS (subject of a previously transmitted
          communication. A/HRC/7/28/Add.1. para. 330).
          On 27 December 2007. he was arrested on
          suspicion of “inciting subversion of state power”.
          Approximately 20 policemen came to his home,
          where he and his wife and child had been under
          house arrest. The police surrounded the house,
          disconnected the telephone, and confiscated their
          mobile phone, before taking Mr. Hu Jia into
          custody. Several policemen remained at the house
          in order to prevent his wife from reporting his
          arrest. Mr. Hu Jia's current whereabouts are
          By letter dated 06/03/08, the Government
          infon ed that on 27 December 2007, the
          Beijing city public security authorities took
          Hu Jia into criminal custody for the purposes
          of investigation, and on 29 January 2008, the
          procurator's office authorized his arrest.
          Following preliminary enquiries. Hu Jia ftill
          acknowledged the facts of the violations of the
          law alleged in the charges against him by the
          public security authorities, accepted that his
          conduct had been in breach of the law and
          expressed the hope that he would be treated
          with leniency. On 18 Feb niarv, Hu Jia' s case
          was referred to the Beijing procurator's office
          for examination and prosecution. The case is
          currently still under consideration and
          investigation. In the course of applying
          measures of restraint against Hu Jia, the
          Beijing public security authorities have abided
          strictly by the relevant provisions of the
          Criminal Code and the Code of Criminal
          Procedure and have taken practical steps to
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          guarantee Hu Jia' s exercise of his rights as a
          person suspected of a criminal offence. Hu
          Jia's appointed legal counsel and members of
          his family have had meetings with him and he
          is currently in excellent physical health.
          Tsering Dhondup (also called Kanuyin). a
          27-year-old Tibetan refugee. Qinghai Province.
          On 23 Febniarv 2008, he was arrested by the
          Nepal Police in a late-night raid on the Tibetan
          Refugee Reception Centre. Kathmandu. Around
          10.30 p.m. between 50 and 60 police officers,
          some in plain clothes, entered and searched the
          men's don itories where the refugees were
          sleeping until they located Mr. Tsering Dhundup.
          He was handcuffed and taken to Hanuman Dhoka
          Police Station. where he was held for the night.
          On the next day, he was transferred to the
          Immigration Office. It was reported that, on
          25 Febniarv. he was handed over to the Chinese
          authorities at the Tibet-Nepal border at 4.15 p.m.
          Tsering Dhundup is alleged to be involved in the
          killing of a Chinese state official.
          A reply was received from the Government on
          10/04/08, but could not be translated in time
          for inclusion in this report.
          Zheng Enchong (subject of previously
          transmitted communications. e.g.
          A/HRC/7/3/Add.1, para. 43). On 16 and
          17 Febniary 2008, he was assaulted by police
          officers who were following him and his wife,
          Ms. Jiang Meili. Later on 17 Febniarv. he was
          summoned to the police station and detained for
          over 12 hours. during which time he was beaten
          by unidentified men. The police questioned
          Mr. Zheng Enchong about legal aid he recently
          A reply was received from the Government on
          24/04/08, but could not be translated in time
          for inclusion in this report.
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          provided to petitioners and victims of land grabs.
          The questions also focused on an interview
          Mr. Zheng Enchong had given to the Epoch
          Times on 12 February. On 19 Febmary, the
          interview was published and, on the following
          day, Mr. Zheng was arrested. In detention, he was
          beaten by an unidentified person, sustained
          injuries, and was released that evening.
          Ms. Wang Guilan, a human rights activist and
          organizer of an open letter calling for the
          improvement in the human rights situation in
          China, from Hubei Province. On
          28 Febmary 2008, following the publication of
          the open letter with signatures of over
          12,000 petitioners, Ms. Wang Guilan was arrested
          in Beijing by Public Security Bureau personnel of
          her home province. Her current whereabouts are
          unknown. A number of other petitioners involved
          in the public letter were also detained by police.
          A reply was received from the Government on
          24/04/0 8, but could not be translated in time
          for inclusion in this report.
          Reports of violence during demonstrations in
          the Tibet Autonomous Region and
          surrounding areas in China, killings of an
          unconfirmed number of people and arrests of
          hundreds of demonstrators. On 10 March 2008,
          demonstrations led by monks were organised
          demanding greater freedom of religion and the
          release of monks detained since October 2007. It
          is reported that 300 monks from Drepung
          Monastery, near Lhasa, proceeded with a peaceful
          march towards the Potala Palace when they were
          stopped by the police. It is believed that around
          60 monks suspected to be the leaders of the
          By letter dated 2 1/03/08, the Government
          informed that during the past several days, a
          small group of mobs have set fire at more than
          500 locations in Lhasa and other places,
          ransacked shops, banks, schools and hospitals,
          smashed and burned vehicles, thus causing
          heavy losses and seriouly disturbing social
          order in the city. Eighteen innocent civilians
          were burned or stabbed to death while 382
          were injured. Two hundred-forty-two
          policemen and armed police were injured,
          23 of them seriously, including one death. The
          Government has taken lawful measures to
          protest were arrested by the Public Security
          Bureau (PSB). Sixteen people, including
          15 visiting students monks in Sera Monastery.
          identified as L., aged 15. Lobsang Thukjev.
          aged 19. Tsultrim Palden. aged 20. Lobsher, aged
          20. Phurdan, aged 22. Thubdron. aged 24,
          Lodroe, aged 30, and Lobsang Ngodnib. aged 29,
          from Onpo Monastery. Sichuan Province; Zoepa,
          aged 30. from Mangve Monastery; Tnilku Tenpa
          Rigsang. aged 26. Gelek Pel. aged 32. and S..
          aged 17 from Lungkar Monastery. Qinghai
          Province; Pema Karwang. aged 30 and
          Thubwang. aged 30. from Darthang Monastery;
          and Tsegyam. aged 22. from Kashi Monastery led
          a march on Barkhor Street in Lhasa, distributing
          pamphlets and raising Tibetan flags. It is reported
          that they were arrested by the People's Arn ed
          Police. Additional contingents of arn ed forces
          were then stationed in the area, and the police
          blocked roads and encircled Drepung and Sera
          monasteries around Lhasa to prevent further
          protests from taking place. On the same day.
          about 350 people, including 137 monks from
          Lhutsang Monastery in the Tibetan area of Amdo
          in Mangra County. organized a protest in front of
          the Mangra County Assembly Hall where a
          government-sponsored show was taking place.
          The protest was stopped by the People's Armed
          Police. A number of arrests took place during the
          disniption of the protest, but no information on
          the whereabouts of the arrested monks has been
          received. Reports indicate that on ii March,
          restore law and order. It is committed to the
          promotion and protection of human rights.
          including the right of peaceful demonstrations
          and freedom of expression. However, what the
          mobs have done in the riots is nothing but
          criminal acts trampling on basic human rights
          and values. Every responsible Government is
          obliged to take necessary measures to protect
          the lives and property of its people according
          to law. The Dalai clique is trying to take
          advantage of the riots for political gains. In
          fact, ample evidence had indicated that the
          riots were instigated and organized by them.
          They have kept making trouble in order to
          sabotage the Olympic Ga ines, which are held
          in China but belong to the world. It is against
          the interests of the world community for the
          Dalai clique to undermine the Games, and they
          are doomed to failure. The Government is
          keeping a close watch on them, and have
          watched closely if there are other political
          forces behind those riots.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          500 to 600 monks from the Sera Monastery called
          for the release of the monks arrested the day
          before and began a march towards Lhasa, but
          were met on the way by approximately
          2,000 armed police. The crowd was reportedly
          dispersed with tear-gas. A number of monks were
          detained and then released. On 11 March, the
          police surrounded and sealed off Ditsa Monaste
          in Hualong County in Qinghai Province after the
          monks held a protest.
          On 14 March, violent incidents were reported in
          Lhasa as tension escalated between hundreds of
          demonstrators and police forces. Gunfire was
          heard in the streets, and shops and cars were set
          on fire. Allegations that a significant number of
          Tibetans and Han and Hui Chinese have been
          killed during the demonstrations have been
          received. Monks from Ganden and Reting
          monasteries joined the demonstrations, and the
          two monasteries were later sealed off by police. A
          number of monks from Sera Monastery started a
          hunger strike to protest against the sealing off of
          monasteries and the detention of nionks.
          ( z
          Reports indicate that, in particular since
          14 March, the wave of demonstrations by monks
          and lay people has spread in the whole Tibet
          Autonomous Region and in neighbouring
          provinces. These demonstrations have reportedly
          sometimes been violently repressed, in many
          cases leading to arrests of demonstrators.
          Allegations were received that since 14 March,
          the People's Liberation An v has been patrolling
          the streets of Lhasa. On 15 March. shooting was
          reported inside the compound of Tashi Lhunpo
          Monastery in Shigatse, and at least 40 lay people
          demonstrating around the monastery were
          arrested. The next day, monks trying to escape the
          Kirti Monastery in Amdo in the Sichuan
          Province, which had been sealed off by the
          military, have allegedly been shot at; tear-gas was
          reportedly used on the demonstrators supporting
          the monks outside the monastery, and many
          demonstrators were severely beaten by the police.
          The police is then alleged to have shot into the
          crowd, killing and injuring a considerable but
          unconfirn ed number of people. On 17 March,
          students of Marthang Nationality Middle School
          in Hongyuan xian County, Aba Prefecture,
          Sichuan Province, aged between 14 and 20.
          started a protest inside the school. PSB officials
          blocked the entrance and beat the students while
          they were trying to come out of the school.
          Approximately 40 students are said to have been
          arrested. Around 700 students then staged a
          demonstration outside the Hongvuan xian County
          PSB office to protest against the detention of
          fellow students. Since 10 March, it is reported
          that raids in the homes of people forn erly
          imprisoned for their political opinions have taken
          place. Since 15 March, house-to-house searches
          are allegedly being carried out in Lhasa, with CDs
          and printed material being confiscated, and
          people being taken in custody. It is reported that
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          C D
          — n
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          on 15 March, at least 600 people had been
          arrested in Lhasa, either as a result of a house
          search or during demonstrations. Three hundred
          additional people were reportedly arrested on
          16 March.
          Yang Chunlin, a farmers' representative and
          land-rights activist in Heilongjiang Province. On
          24 March 2008, Mr. Yang Chunlin was sentenced
          to five years' imprisonment and two years'
          deprivation of political rights for “inciting
          subversion of state power”, following a trial
          which lasted approximately 20 minutes. The court
          police hit Mr. Yang Chunlin several times with
          electric batons when he attempted to speak with
          his family attending the hearing in Jiamusi City
          Intermediate People's Court, Heilongjiang
          Province. While in detention, Mr. Yang Chunlin
          was subjected to torture and coerced to confess.
          The authorities denied Mr. Yang Chunlin access
          to his family and restricted access to his legal
          counsel. Yang's conviction was related to his
          collecting more than 10,000 signatures endorsing
          the open letter, ‘We Want Human Rights, not the
          Olympics”. Concern is expressed for Mr. Yang
          Chunlin' s physical and psychological integrity in
          A reply was received from the Government on
          0 1/07/08, but could not be translated in time
          for inclusion in this report.
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          Killings, injuries and arrests of protestors in
          Gan Zi Xian, Sichuan Province, and the
          arrests of over 570 Tibetan monks, including
          children, in Aba Xian and in Ruanggui/Zoige
          Xian the Tibetan Autonomous Region (see
          para. 35). On 3 April 2008. at least eight
          protestors were killed and several injured when
          security forces opened fire during a peaceful
          protest in Zithang Township in Gan Zi Xian.
          Sichuan Province, calling for the release of two
          monks previously arrested. Several protestors
          were also arrested. On 28 and 29 March 2008,
          over 570 Tibetan monks, including some children.
          were arrested following raids by security forces of
          the Chinese People's Arn ed Police and the Public
          Security Bureau on monasteries in Aba Xian and
          in Ruanggui/Zoige Xian in the Tibetan
          Autonomous Region. Arrests were made of those
          suspected of participating in protests and those
          suspected of communicating with the exiled
          Tibetan communities. Serious concerns are
          expressed over the aforementioned arrests and
          detention of, and the excessive use of force
          against, the above-mentioned persons, including
          reportedly peaceful protestors.
          A reply was received from the Government on
          21/05/08. but could not be translated in time
          for inclusion in this report.
          Ms. Zheng Mingfang, a human rights defender
          and petitioner in Ji County, Tianjin. On
          29 Febniar 2008, the Tianjin police arrested
          Ms. Zheng Mingfang at her home. She has been
          held incommunicado since the arrest. Her family
          has not received any formal detention order and
          their requests to contact and meet with her have
          By letter dated 13/06/08, the Government
          indicated that on 1 March 2008, she concocted
          a terrorist message. claiming that a man
          driving a vehicle supposedly filled with
          explosive was going to blow up a State
          gymnasium. Since the story she made up and
          spread caused a disturbance and seriously
          been repeatedly denied by the police. In addition,
          she has not been allowed to meet with a lawyer.
          Ms. Zheng Mingfang has been sentenced to two
          years of reeducation through labor (RTL) and is
          currently being held at the Xian district centre in
          Tianjin. east of Beijing. Ms. Zheng Mingfang's
          health has deteriorated and she is begiiming to
          lose her sight. Ms. Zheng Mingfang's husband's
          mobile phone and computer equipment were
          confiscated after her arrest. On 4 April. the
          Tianj in police warned Ms. Zheng Mingfang ‘5
          family not to communicate with foreigners. The
          husband was told that, if he did not comply.
          Ms. Zheng Mingfang would not be released. Her
          sister was ordered to turn off her mobile phone
          and keep away from j ounialists.
          disnipted public order, the Tianjin public
          security authorities, acting in accordance with
          the relevant Chinese regulations on
          re-education through labour, applied
          re-education through labour to Zheng on
          1 April 2008. Re-education through labour in
          China is conducted on basis of the decision on
          the matter approved in 1957 by the Standing
          Committee of the National People's Congress
          and other such laws and regulations. It is not a
          criminal punishment but an administrative one.
          Under the regulations, re-education through
          labour is applicable only to people aged
          16 years and older who have disnipted the
          social order in large or medium-sized cities
          and refused to mend their ways, or who have
          committed petty offences not meriting a
          criminal penalty, and who meet the conditions
          laid down in the regulations. There is a strict
          legal procedure for ordering re-education
          through labour, and a statutory supervision
          system. Persons wishing to challenge a
          re-education order can appeal to the
          re-education through labour management
          committee or, under the terms of the
          Administrative Proceedings Act, to the
          people's courts. Apart from being required to
          comply with disciplinary measures under the
          re-education through labour regulations which
          restrict some of their rights, individuals subject
          to re-education retain the wide range of civil
          rights afforded to them by the Constitution and
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          laws, including permission to see family
          members while undergoing re-education and
          freedom of correspondence, rest on holidays
          and so forth.
          Ms. Jamyang Kyi, aged 42. a well-known
          Tibetan writer and musician, and a writer of
          women's issues in Tibet. On 1 April 2008, she
          was taken away by plain-clothed state security
          officers from her office at the Qinghai Provincial
          Television Station in Xining City. She was
          initially held at the Xining City Public Security
          Office, but on 4 or 5 April she was taken to an
          undisclosed location. No forn al charges against
          her have been made public. Ms. Jamyang Kyi
          kept in contact with her family via mobile phone
          until 7 April. Since then her phone has been
          turned off During two searches of her home.
          police officers are reported to have confiscated
          her personal computer and other personal items.
          Qi Chonghuai and Mr. He Yanjie, journalists
          who have frequently reported on cases related to
          corruption and social justice. On 13 Ma 2008,
          Mr. Qi Chonghuai and Mr. He Yanjie were
          sentenced to four years imprisonment for
          “extortion and black mail” by the Tengzhou City
          Court. Shandong Province. Two court policemen
          reportedly hit Mr. Qi Chonghuai' s head against
          the floor several times during the trial. He was
          also dragged out of the courtroom when he tried
          to comfort his wife during a break in the trial.
          Mr. Qi Chonghuai and Mr. He Yanjie were
          arrested on 25 June 2007 by Tengzhou police
          A reply was received from the Government on
          07/08/08, but could not be translated in time
          for inclusion in this report.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          officers, following a publication of an article
          alleging official corruption in the Tengzhou
          Communist Party. They were formally charged
          with “extortion and blackmail” on 2 August 2007.
          Both men are currently held at the Detention
          Center of Tengzhou City. Mr. Qi Chonghuai was
          allegedly held incommunicado during the first
          two months of his detention and has been
          repeatedly assaulted and threatened by security
          guards throughout his eleven-month pre-trial
          ___________ _________ ____ ________ detention .
          41. 06/06/0 8 JUA FRDX; Several nuns and monks from the Kardze County,
          HRD; Kardze “Tibet Autonomous Prefecture”, the
          TOR Sichuan Province in Tibet Autonomous Region,
          including three nuns from Dragkar nunnery; Ven.
          Sangye Lhamo, aged 26, from Kyakyatengtsang
          family of Dungra Village, Serchuteng Township,
          Ven. Tsewang Kando, aged 38, from Dungra
          Village, Serchuteng Township and Ven. Yeshi
          Lhadon, aged 24, from Tsozhi village, Mrs.
          Rigden Lhamo, student, aged 21, from Lhakey
          Village, Thingkha Township, four nuns from
          Nyimo Gaysey Nunnery in Lhopa Township,
          Tehor Kardze County; Bhumo Tengha; Rinchen
          Jamatsang, Jamgha Dolma and Pema, two nuns
          from the Dargay Hardu Nunnery in Kardze
          County; Ven. Jampa Lhamo, aged 30, from
          Sadul Village and Ven. Rinzin Wangdon, aged
          23, from Lharinyan Village as well as twelve
          monks from the Dingri Shelkar Choedhe
          Monastery, Dingri County, Shigatse Prefecture, a
          namely; Ven. Khenrab Tharchin, aged 32,
          Dnishe Village, Shelkar Township, Ven.
          Tsewang Tenzin, Phelbar Village, Shelkar
          Township, Dingri County, Ven. Tenzin Gayphel,
          Lingshar Village, Gavmar Townsip, Dingri
          County. Ven. Khenrab Tashi, Mashak Village,
          Shelkar Township. Dingri County. Ven. Topgyal.
          Dnishe Village. Shelkar Township, Dingri
          County, Ven. Tenzin Tsering, Bichu Village,
          G atso Township, Dingri County, Ven. Lobsang
          Jigme, Norgay nomadic area, Shelkar Township,
          Dingri County. Ven. Khenrab Nyima. Shelkar
          Township, Dingri County, Ven. Dhondup, Che
          Village, Tsakhor Township, Dingri County, Ven.
          Tenpa, Lob Langga, Shelkar Township, Dingri
          County, Ven. Samten, Shollingshar, Shelkar
          Township, Dingri County, and Ven. Choedhen,
          Shollingshar, Shelkar Township, Dingri County.
          On 28 May 2008 at around 9am. following a
          reportedly peaceful protest in Karzde County
          main marked square, the three nuns, Ven. Sangye
          Lhamo, Ven. Tsewang Kando and Ven. Yeshi
          Lhadon, were arrested and detained by Kardze
          County Public Security Bureau officials. The
          nuns had been calling for the immediate release of
          political prisoners in the Tibet Autononious
          Region, expressed their support to the Dalai Lama
          and called for the independence of Tibet. On the
          same day, the student Mrs. Rigden Lhamo was
          arrested by the county Public Security Bureau
          officials after having initiated a reportedly
          peaceful protest at the headquarters of the Kardze
          County Government by unfurling the Tibetan flag
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          and calling for a free Tibet. The security forces
          allegedly opened fire towards Mrs. Rigden
          Lhamo. There is however no confin ed
          infon ation on whether Mrs. Rigden Lhamo was
          injured as a result of the reported shooting. On
          22 Ma 2008, the four nuns Bhumo Tengha (from
          Lunang Village), Rinchen Jamatsang. Jamgha
          Dolma and Pema of Nyimo Ga se Nunnery in
          Lhopa Township. Tehor Kardze County, were
          beaten with batons, kicked and punched by
          officers from the local Public Security Bureau
          before they were arrested. It appears that this took
          place after the nuns had carried out a reportedly
          peaceful protest at the Kardze County government
          headquarters, whereby the nuns had protested
          against the recent reported crackdown on peaceful
          Tibetan protesters and the detention of Tibetans in
          Chinese prisons. The nuns had also distributed
          leaflets calling for the independence of Tibet. On
          19 Ma 2008. during a reported night raid by
          Chinese people's An ed police (PAP) forces and
          Public Security Bureau (PSB) officials, twelve
          monks from the Dingri Shelkar Choedhe
          Monastery, Dingri County, Shigatse Prefecture
          were arrested, reportedly for opposing the
          “Patriotic re-education” campaign. Upon request
          to the Public Security Bureau of the whereabouts
          of their family members, the monks' families
          were apparently questioned about their source of
          infon ation and told that their attitude could
          damage the image of the government. According
          to the information received, the abovementioned
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          persons are still being detained inconiniunicado at
          undisclosed places, without charge or access to
          lawyers and families.
          Ms. Ren Shangyan, Assistant Director of the
          C/i/nc , Justice Advoccicy Web (Zhonghuci
          Shenzheng Wcing,), a website which frequently has
          reported on cases related to alleged corruption and
          social justice. On 16 Ma 2008, Ms. Ren
          Shangyan was arrested by several Shuangyashan
          Public Security Bureau (SPSB) officers in
          Shuangyashan City. Heilongj iang Province. Her
          current whereabouts are unknown, and her family
          has not been inforn ed by the police of her
          detention. Shortly before her arrest, Ms. Ren
          Shangyan had been investigating accusations
          against the Vice-Chief of the Anti-Corniption
          Bureau under the Procuratorate of Lingdong
          District. Shuangyashan City. Tn March 2008. after
          the China Justice Advocacy Web initiated to
          investigate the case, the website was temporarily
          closed by the internet police. In 2007, the website
          was repeatedly blocked following various reports
          on corruption cases in Shanghai.
          Ms. Liu Jia, a human rights defender and
          democracy activist (see para. 30). Prior to her
          arrest on 11 October 2007. Ms. Liu Jia had been
          coordinating the presentation of a public letter,
          signed by over 12,000 petitioners, calling on
          Chinese Comniunist Party leaders to enact
          political and legal refonns. She was subsequently
          ordered to be detained at a Re-education through
          Labour (RTL) camp for 18 months on charges of
          “disturbing social order”. There are also concerns
          for Ms. Liu Jia's health, particularly her vision.
          addressed in the aforementioned communications
          and in the Government's response of 6 March
          2008. On 22 May 2008, Ms. Liu Jia was
          transferred from Qiqihar RTL camp to Harbin
          Dnig Rehabilitation Center. At the Center,
          Ms. Liu Jia was forced to sit on a “Tiger Bench”,
          for five consecutive days. This involves the
          person being forced to sit upright on a long bench,
          with her hands tied behind the back. The thighs
          are fastened with a rope to the bench while the
          feet are raised off the floor by bricks placed under
          the feet, placing extreme strain on the knees and
          causing pain. This practice aims at instilling
          discipline anlong those detained.
          Ms. Mao Hengfeng, a reproductive rights and
          housing rights activist who has petitioned against
          family planning policies and forced evictions
          since 1989. We acknowledge receipt of the
          response from your Government on
          15 January 2008 (see para. 52). On 3 June 2008.
          Ms. Mao Hengfeng was taken to a prison hospital
          against her will. She was stripped naked by
          twelve female prisoners chosen by prison
          authorities, tied to a bed and left there until she
          was returned to Shanghai Women's Prison on
          16 June 2008. She was injected with twelve kinds
          of unknown medication which reportedly gave
          her headaches and burning pains. Blood was
          extracted from her against her will. In her stniggle
          to stop this from happening she lost a large
          A reply was received from the Government on
          02/09/08, but could not be translated in time
          for inclusion in this report.
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          amount of blood. Despite temperatures being very
          high she was covered with a blanket and her
          mouth and nose were at times covered with
          clothes to stop her from breathing. She was
          beaten and had her breast, mouth and genitals
          pinched by prisoners and guards. During her time
          in the prison hospital she was not allowed to
          wash. After she returned to Shanghai Women's
          Prison, a shutter was put up on the only window
          in her cell to block out light.
          Ye Guozhu. On 22 July 2008, Mr. Ye Guozhu
          was taken away from Chaobai Prison in Tianjin
          by officers of the Beijing Public Security Bureau
          (PSB). Xuanwu Sub-division. where he was
          serving a prison sentence that was due to come to
          an end on 26 July 2008. His brother received a
          call from the prison authorities at around 4 pm on
          22 July. explaining that it would not be necessary
          for him to come and pick up his brother on
          26 July. Mr. Ye's brother immediately called the
          police in Xuanwu. who initially denied any
          knowledge of Mr. Ye Guozhu's whereabouts.
          however, later admitted that Mr. Ye had been
          transferred from Chaobai Prison. The authorities
          refused to disclose Mr. Ye's place and envisaged
          duration of detention. Mr. Ye Guozhu was active
          in assisting petitioners to file complaints with the
          central government against forced evictions. After
          he had applied for permission, in August 2004, to
          organize the so called “September 18
          10,000 People March” he was sentenced by
          A reply was received from the Government on
          17/11/08, but could not be translated in time
          for inclusion in this report.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          theBeijing Intern ediate People's Court to four
          years in prison for “disturbing the social order”.
          He was reportedly ill-treated while in detention.
          46. 29/07/08 JUA WGAD; Xie Changfa. a human rights defender from A reply was received from the Government on
          FRDX; Changsa, Hunan Province, and Mr. Lu Honglai. a 03/09/08, but could not be translated in time
          HRD: human rights defender from Tianjin. Mr. Xie for inclusion in this report.
          TOR Changfa was arrested and detained on
          25 June 2008 by the Yuhua branch office of the
          Changsa Public Security Bureau (PSB). The
          ground for his detention was “suspicion of
          subverting state power”. According to
          unconfirmed reports, Mr. Xie Changfa might be
          currently detained at the detention centre in
          Changsa City. Mr. LU Honglai was arrested and
          detained on 9 July 2008. The wife of Mr. LU
          Honglai was infon ed by the Tianjin Municipal
          State Security Bureau that her husband was under
          investigation. The current place of detention of
          Mr. LU Honglai is unknown. When his wife
          inquired about his whereabouts, authorities
          refused to provide infon ation. Mr. Xie Changfa
          was fon erly a cadre at the Changsha steel
          factory and the Changsha city government, and
          also served as a township head in Liuyang
          County. He was arrested several times before and
          served two years' “re-education through labour” —
          for his 1989 activities in support of democracy.
          Mr. LU Honglai served a four-year prison ten
          beginning in 1981 for his editorship of a
          magazine during the so-called “Democracy Wall
          period” between 1979 and 1981.
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          Ms. Ni Yulan. a housing rights activist and
          lawyer. Ms. Ni Yulan has been active for several
          years in assisting victims of forced evictions in
          Beijing. Ms. Ni Yulan was previously sentenced
          to one /ear of imprisonment for “obstnicting
          official business” after she had sought redress for
          being beaten by Beijing police on 27 September
          2002 while she was trying to film the forced
          demolition of a Beijing home. That beating left
          her disabled and in need of cnitches for walking.
          On 15 April 2008. demolition workers and
          policemen knocked down a wall of Ms. Ni
          Yulan's home, following which Ms. Ni Yulan
          allegedly hit one member of the demolition crew.
          She was then detained for a short while on
          15 April 2008 and re-arrested by the Xicheng
          District sub-division of the Beijing Security
          Bureau on 29 April 2008 on charges of
          “obstnicting official business”. While in custody
          at the Xinj ekou Police Station, she was reportedly
          beaten and mistreated, which resulted in her
          losing consciousness for two days. Also, her
          cnitches had been taken away from her, and she
          was forced by the police to crawl when she
          needed to use the bathroom.
          A reply was received from the Government on
          30/09/08, but could not be translated in time
          for inclusion in this report.
          3 0/07/08
          In January 2007, security forces arrested a group
          of 17 Uighur men, members of the East Turkistan
          Islamic Movement (ETIM), in Akto county,
          Xinjiang Province. The names of two of the men
          were Mukhtar Setiwaldi and Abduweli 1mm.
          The men were subsequently charged with
          separatist activities, organizing and leading a
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          terrorist organization, and the illegal production
          of explosives. At a trial held in November 2007
          they were found guilty.
          Mukhtar Setiwaldi. Abduweli 1mm and two or
          three other members of the group received death
          sentences, while the others were sentenced to
          tern s of imprisonment. Some reports indicate that
          two of the defendants were executed immediately
          after the trial.
          On 9 July 2008, the local government authorities
          brought thousands of students and workers to a
          public square in Yengishahar. Three men were
          brought before the crowd, death sentences were
          read out loud (indicating that the men were
          among those arrested in Akto in January 2007)
          and then the three men were executed by a firing
          squad. Some reports maintain that Mukhtar
          Setiwaldi and Abduweli 1mm were among those
          executed on 9 July 2008. while others state that
          they had already been executed in
          November 2007.
          Ms. Liu Jie, veteran niral campaigner advocating
          the rights to complain and to seek justice (see
          paras. 30 and 34). On 15 August 2008, Mrs. Liu
          Jie, whose health is still very poor. was reportedly
          assaulted by a guard at the Harbin Dnig
          Rehabilitation Centre (i.e. RTL camp) where she
          is currentl/ detained. when she argued with him
          about the alleged mistreatment of a fellow
          detainee. During the assault. Mrs. Liu Jie shoved
          the guard forward in an act of self-defence. She
          A reply was received from the Government on
          17/11/08. but could not be translated in time
          for inclusion in this report.
          was then accused of attacking the staff of the RTL
          camp and, as punishment, was forced to sit on a
          “tiger bench”. The practice consists of forcing the
          victim to sit upright on a long bench, with her
          hands tied behind her back: her thighs are
          fastened with a rope to the bench while her feet
          are raised off the floor by bricks placed under her
          feet. Extrenie strain is put on the knees of the
          victini. Such practice, which amounts to torture.
          causes great pain.
          Ms. Wang Guilan. a human rights activist froni
          Enshi City. Hubei Province (see para. 34). We
          acknowledge receipt of the response of Your
          Excellency's Government on 28 April 2008. On
          29 July 2008, Ms. Wang Guilan was criminally
          detained on suspicion of “disturbing social order”
          after she had allegedly given a phone interview to
          a foreign journalist. She is now held at the Enshi
          City Detention Centre. On 28 August. Chinese
          authorities decided to send Ms. Wang Guilan to a
          “Re-education through Labour” (RTL) camp for
          fifteen months, without trial or having been
          presented to ajudge. Prior to her arrest,
          Ms. Wang Guilan had been held incommunicado
          at an unknown location since 17 April, reportedly
          to prevent her from “making trouble”.
          A reply was received from the Government on
          17/11/08, but could not be translated in time
          for inclusion in this report.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Wo Weihan may be at imminent risk of
          execution. He was sentenced to death in
          Ma 2007 for spying following a closed trial in
          Beijing. His appeal was rejected on
          29 Febniar 2008.
          Mr. Weihan had been detained in Beijing on
          19 January 2005. but was not forn iallv arrested
          until S May. Mr. Weihan. who reportedly had not
          had any health problems prior to his detention.
          suffered a brain hemorrhage in a detention centre
          on 6 Febniarv 2005. following which he was
          allowed to recuperate at home for six weeks. In
          March 2005, he was taken to Beijing Municipal
          Bo Ren Hospital (a prison hospital) where he has
          been held since.
          Reports indicate that Mr. Weihan was held
          incommunicado during the first ten months of his
          detention and only then allowed regular meetings
          with his lawyers. It is further alleged that he
          confessed to the charges while in detention.
          Concern has been expressed that Wo Weihan may
          have confessed to the spying charges under
          torture, in the absence of a lawyer .
          Mao Hengfeng (A/HRCI7I3IAdd.1. para. 49)
          By letter dated 15/01/08, the Government
          informed that after being taken into custody.
          Mao Hengfeng was placed in a cell with two
          other offenders and was not placed in solitary
          confinement. Mao has never been beaten by
          any other female prisoners, nor has she been in
          any fights with other women inmates or
          suffered any “cuts and bniises”. The results of
          the physical examination carried out on Mao's
          admission to the detention facility
          demonstrated that she suffered from high
          blood pressure, but other indications were
          normal. After undergoing treatment for her
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          to earlier
          C D
          condition at the hospital, her blood pressure
          has now returned to norn al. Her most recent
          frill medical exam was carried out by the
          hospital in early December 2007. While
          undergoing treatment. Mao was never
          subjected to any forced medication. The
          allegations in the communication that Mao has
          been subjected to ill-treatment are not
          supported. Prison officers treat prisoners in
          accordance with the law and Mao enj ovs her
          rights on the same footing as the other
          prisoners: her right to health, her right to
          appeal and all other legitimate rights of which
          she has not been stripped are protected by law.
          Since her admission to the detention facility.
          she has received monthly visits from faniily
          members, including her husband and daughter.
          To date, Mao herself has submitted no written
          complaints, nor has she sought a meeting with
          her lawyers.
          By letter dated 15/01/08, the Government
          informed that Mr. Zheng Dajing refused to
          accept the Shiyan City People's High Court
          judgment of 9 December 2005 and on many
          occasions travelled to Beijing to lodge appeals.
          On 14 June 2007. Mr. Zheng Dajing and other
          complainants gathered at the Supreme Court to
          submit complaints, and were involved in
          clashes with the security persoimel. The public
          security authorities investigated his conduct on
          suspicion that the irregular maimer in which he
          had lodged his complaints had disrnpted law
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Zheng Dajing (A/HRC/7/3/Add.1. para. 47)
          By letter dated 13/02/08, the Government
          informed that on 4 September 2007, slogans
          advocating division of the State appeared in
          Bora village in Xiahe county, Gannan
          prefecture, Gansu province. Following an
          investigation by the public security authorities,
          it was ascertained that these separatist slogans
          had been painted by seven juveniles from the
          villages ofYaliji and Amqog AmchokI in
          Xiahe county. Acting in accordance with the
          law, the public security authorities proceeded
          to question these seven juveniles in the
          presence of their guardians and they all freely
          acknowledged their wrongful actions. Taking
          into consideration the tender age of the seven
          culprits and their inability to distinguish
          clearly between right and wrong, the public
          security authorities, acting again in accordance
          with the law, duly admonished them and then
          ordered their guardians and parents to take the
          children properly in hand. There was no
          instance of arbitrary detention and arrest or of
          their being beaten and sustaining injuries while
          held in custody.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          and order, but he was neither taken into
          criminal custody nor placed under arrest. Nor
          was there any instance of him being subjected
          to beatings or ill-treatment.
          C. K., T. K., D. T., and G. (A/HRC/7/3/Add.1,
          para. 48)
          Sr Guillermo Rivera Füquene, anterior
          Mediante carta de fecha 22/08/08, el Gobierno
          Presidente del Sindicato de Servidores PiThi /cos
          indicO que el Gobierno Nacional, a través del
          de Bogota (SINSRVPUB). El 22 de abril de 2008,
          Ministerio del Interior y de Justicia, los
          aproximadamente a las 6.30 am., el Sr Guillermo
          presidentes de la Central Unitaria de
          C D
          Rivera Füquene fue detenido por una patrnlla de
          la Policla Nacional. El 24 de abril se encontró un
          cadaver. sin documentos de identidad v con
          signos de tortura. en un botadero de escombros.
          El 15 de julio de 2008. fine enterrado este cadaver
          como persona sin identificación conocida (NN).
          Sin embargo, en una exhumación posterior
          ordenada por la Fiscal 49 de Tbagué. se identificó
          el cuerpo como el del Sr Guillenno Rivera
          Füquene. Fueron descubiertos signos de
          ahorcamiento. golpes en la cara V contusiones en
          varias partes del cuerpo. Se afirn a también que
          32 sindicalistas fueron asesinados durante 2008
          en Colombia.
          Trabaj adores v Confederación de Trabaj adores
          de Colombia. v el Secretario General de la
          Confederación General del Trabajo. la Fiscalla
          General. el DAS v la Policla Nacional:
          • Lamentan profundamente el crimen
          contra el lIder sindical Guillenno Rivera
          Füquene. rechazan los ataques de que
          han sido vIctimas los sindicalistas v
          expresan el repudio a todo acto que
          restrinja la libertad de asociación
          • Se reforzará el gnnpo de fiscales
          especializados para combatir las bandas
          criminales V en especial los casos de
          crInienes contra sindicalistas
          • Se incrementará la prevención de
          nuevos crIrnenes contra sindicalistas.
          cualquiera que sea la naturaleza o su
          • Adelantará una campafia por todos los
          medios de comunicación. defendiendo
          este derecho establecido en la
          Constitución Nacional v ratificado en
          los convenios con la OTT
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          • Se convocará a una reunion de
          empresarios, dirigentes sindicales y
          Gobierno para establecer un mecanismo
          conj unto que evite el constreflimiento a
          la libertad sindical y se castigue a los
          infractores de este derecho
          • Habrá un inventario real de los casos de
          ataques contra sindicalistas, para que las
          autoridades judiciales determinen sus
          verdaderos móviles
          • Se hará más eficaz el mecanismo de
          alerta temprana y se reforzará el
          protocolo de prevención para identificar
          los casos crIticos
          • Los comandantes de Policla
          Departamentales están obligados a
          rendir informes mensuales al DAS, la
          Fiscalla, el Gobierno y los dirigentes
          sindicales sobre la situación de riesgo y
          protección de los sindicalistas en sus
          • El Director de Derechos Humanos del
          Ministerio del Interior y de Justicia
          mantendrá contacto permanente con los
          máximos dirigentes de las
          confederaciones sindicales para efectos
          de perfeccionar cada vez más los
          mecanismos de protección de los
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          • Se creará el mecanismo de la Red
          Virtual para los sindicalistas. para
          atender alertas en tiempo real. tal como
          opera el mismo sistema para los alcaldes
          v concej ales
          • El Gobierno Nacional ofrece
          recompensas por infonnaciones que
          conduzcan a la captura de los
          condenados por crImenes contra
          sindicalistas v que no han sido
          to earlier
          D. V. P. (A/HRCI4I33IAdd. 1. para. 49)
          Mediante carta de fecha 28/08/08. el Gobierno
          indicó que la Fiscalla General de la Nación
          comunicó que se abrió una indagacion penal
          en febrero de 2007. por el presunto delito de
          abuso de autoridad. en el que se incorpora la
          denuncia penal que por estos hechos
          interpusiera el apoderado judicial en
          representación del señor I. V. A., padre del
          joven V. P.
          Dentro de la indagacion se elaboró el
          programa metodologico el 5 de octubre
          de 2007. que consiste en la sesión de trabajo
          del Fiscal con los integrantes de la Policla
          Judicial. para la definición de los objetivos que
          orientarán las posibles hipótesis delictivas. los
          criterios de evaluación de la información
          dentro de la investigación v la realización de
          práctica de pniebas. para esclarecer los hechos.
          Ms. Vera Musilová. She was kept in a cage bed
          in Bohnice Hospital in Prague for an extensive
          period of time. and died there as a result of
          suffocating in her own faeces on 14 April 2006.
          The case was investigated by various institutions.
          including the investigation commission of the
          Ministry of Health, the Public Defender of Rights
          and law enforcement authorities. The report of the
          Deputy Public Defender identified a number of
          violations, including her placement in the cage
          bed, which was found to be an uimecessarv
          measure of restraint as she was held there every
          day for a prolonged period. Bohnice Hospital also
          failed to nionitor Mrs. Musilová's worsening state
          of health and to offer any treatment other than
          tranquilizers. In contrast, the Ministry of Health
          and law enforcement authorities found no
          shortcomings in the care and treatment of
          Mrs. Musilová. In more general ten s, cage beds
          (which include beds covered by nets) are used in
          psychiatric hospitals (and psychiatric wards of
          De esta manera, se ordenó a la Policla Judicial
          establecer las circunstancias de tiempo, modo
          y lugar en que habrIan ocurrido los presuntos
          hechos. Actualmente. la Procuradurla
          Delegada Disciplinaria está en conocimiento
          de varias actuaciones adelantadas contra dos
          Subintendentes de la Policla Nacional
          implicados en la investigación. La Fiscalla
          competente está pendiente de la recepción de
          la entrevista de la abogada de las vIctimas de
          los presuntos hechos.
          By letter dated 04/02/08, the Government
          agreed that the summary, although brief,
          accurately expresses what happened in
          Bohnice Psychiatric Hospital in April 2006.
          The only inaccuracy may be found in the
          technical ten “cage bed”. The beds used in
          psychiatric hospitals in the Czech Republic are
          referred to as “net beds” as the protective mesh
          is made of a fabric net.
          Regarding the legal framework of the usage of
          net beds, the Special Rapporteur is rightly
          pointing at the unbinding character of the
          current “Guidelines on Restraint Use” (2005).
          The Guidelines are a methodological
          instniction issued within the scope of the
          Health Care Act (1966) that sets out the
          principles of health care and medical
          treatment. The Health Care Act clearly states
          that medical treatment can be provided without
          consent of a patient or its guardian only in a
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          general hospitals) under the authority of the
          Ministry of Health. The hospitals that use cage
          beds most are: Havlickuv Brod (Vvsocina region),
          Kosmonosv (Central Bohemia region). Sternberk
          (Olomouc region). Dobranv (Plzen region),
          Opava (Moravkoslezsk region), and Jihlava
          (Vvsocina region). In social care institutions
          under the authority of the Ministry of Labour and
          Social Affairs, cage beds have officially been
          banned from 1 January 2007, but the ban has not
          been implemented. In some social care centres for
          minors, cage beds continue to be used, sometimes
          for prolonged periods. On 1 December 2004, the
          Ministry of Health issued “Methodical Guidelines
          on Restraint Use”. Under the guidelines, restraint
          use can be ordered only by doctors, only in
          exceptional circumstances, and for the shortest
          possible time. The guidelines fail to establish any
          independent monitoring mechanism to control
          and register restraint use. Whereas the Ministry of
          Health claims to carry out internal inspections of
          psychiatric institutions, reports about the
          frequenc/ methodology and results of these visits
          are not accessible to the public. Further, statistical
          docunientation of restraint use is not collected by
          hospitals, and information on individual restraint
          use is inaccessible to outsiders. Often the access
          of patients themselves to their files is restricted.
          Czech psychiatric hospitals remain closed to
          independent human rights observers, with the
          exception of the Ombudsman Office, which is
          allowed to visit places of detention, but lacks the
          few exceptional cases, such as a
          life-threatening situation where there is no
          possibility to obtain consent prior to treatment.
          The use of restraint falls under this general
          limitation of medical treatnient. As the
          Ministry of Health is aware of the possible
          discrepancy in the legal application of the
          Guidelines, it included its provisions into a bill
          on health care that will replace the Health Care
          Act, making the provisions on the use of
          restraints binding. The bill will be introduced
          to the Czech Government in August 2008 and
          it is envisaged that it will enter into force in
          January 2009.
          Ms. Vera Musilová's mother lodged a criminal
          complaint against persoimel of the hospital on
          16 April 2006. The prosecution was
          discontinued on 6 March 2007.
          Ms. Musilová's mother also addressed herself
          to the Public Defender of Right and intends to
          lodge a civil complaint with the Prague
          Regional Court as well.
          Several investigations were conducted. An
          autopsy of the body showed that the reason of
          death was suffocation caused by a massive
          aspiration of excrements. The result was
          confirmed by another forensic expert. Police
          interviewed hospital staff about the
          circumstances of death. The results have
          shown that at 3:00 pin., a nurse had noticed
          during a spot check that Ms. Musilová was
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          means to conduct regular nionitoring of all
          psychiatric hospitals. In practice it has been found
          that many hospitals still have a large nuniber of
          cage beds and continue to use them.
          eating her own faeces. She tried to stop her and
          called two colleagues. They tried to resuscitate
          her until 3:40 p.m. Ten minutes later,
          Ms. Musilová' s mother was inforn ed by
          phone of the death of her daughter. The law
          enforcement authorities found no shortcomings
          in Ms. Musilová's case or treatment.
          Consequently, the Ministry of Health
          undertook an inquiry into the medical care
          provided in this case, the use of means of
          restraint and lawfulness of the civil
          commitment with the medical care and the stay
          in the hospital itself The Ministry did not find
          any violation. According to its statement, the
          medical care provided to the patient was
          correct, corresponded to the current knowledge
          of medical science, and was in accordance
          with the valid legislation. No fault or error on
          the part of the medical personnel occurred and,
          with regard to the poor state of health of the
          patient, the response to the situation was
          In opposition to this, the inquiry undertaken by
          the Deputy Public Defender of Rights found
          several violations. It included a misuse and
          ovenise of means of restraint (net bed), bad
          communication between the Bolmice Hospital
          and Ms. Musilová and shaving of her head,
          which was carried out without her or her
          mother's permission.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          The above mentioned investigations did not
          identify any perpetrator, so no prosecution was
          undertaken and no sanction was imposed.
          Therefore, neither the victim nor her family
          were provided any compensation.
          Repbulic of
          Regarding the alleged public execution of
          13 women and 2 men on a bridge located in
          Joowon-gu. Onsung County in North Hamgyung
          Province on 20 Febniar 2008. According to
          infon ation received, the authorities of the
          Democratic People's Republic of Korea had
          previously advised members of all public
          institutions, public enterprises, and neighborhood
          units to attend the execution. The people who
          were executed were reportedly accused of
          planning to cross over to a neighbouring country
          to receive economic assistance with the help of
          their relatives living abroad. Others were accused
          of helping people to cross or of providing coyote
          services to those who wanted to cross over. It has
          been alleged that this execution was designed to
          dissuade people from crossing illegally.
          Furthen ore. there have been reports that the
          sentences for illegally crossing to the
          neighbouring country have increased since
          1 March 2007. from a prison ten of maximum
          3 years to 5-7 years.
          Repubic of
          the Congo
          2 1/04/08
          Nsimba Embete Ponte, directeur dujournal
          “L Interprète” a Kinshasa et son collaborateur
          Davin Ntondo Nzovuangu. M. Ponte aurait été
          arrété le 7 mars 2008 par des hommes en civil
          annés et non identifies. Il serait détenu depuis
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          dans les cellules de l'Agence Nationale de
          Renseignement (ANR) a Kinshasa. sans avoir été
          inculpé. Depuis son arrestation. Mr. Ponte n'as eu
          accès ni a son avocat, ni aux visites de sa famille.
          ni a des soins médicaux. Les raisons de
          l'arrestation et de la detention de Mr. Ponte
          seraient liées a des articles qu'il aurait publies
          dans son journal en février 2008. relatant la
          tentative d'assassinat présumée contre le chef de
          l'Etat. ainsi que l'état de sante de ce dernier.
          informations considérées comme “portant atteinte
          a la sureté de l'Etat” par l'administrateur de
          1'ANR. Quant a Davin Ntondo Nzovuangua, il
          aurait été arrété le 29 mars 2008 et n'aurait pas
          été revu depuis .
          60. Ecuador 16/10/08 UA TOR José David Penafiel Minton. Paulina Penafiel.
          Fernanda Penafiel. Nicolas Klaus Graetzer.
          Peter Graetzer. Santiago Yepez Penafiel.
          Paulina Yepey. Alejandra Delgado. Zoila
          Marina Estrada Lopez, José Vicente Minday
          Carmen Edith Minda. quienes temen por su
          seguridad fisica v temen ser torturados con el fin
          de extraerles información. Del 26 al 30 de
          septiembre de 2008 se llevaron a cabo acciones
          bnitales de la policla durante las operaciones 00
          realizadas por las fuerzas de seguridad
          denominadas Gnipo de Operaciones Especiales
          del Ecuador (GOE). de conformidad con las
          instnicciones impartidas por Carlos Bravo, titular
          de la Agencia de Garantla de Depósito (AGD).
          Estos hechos ocurrieron durante el proceso de
          encautamiento de la region ordenado por el
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          Gobierno. En el curso de los encautamientos
          ilegales, fuerzas gubernamentales de seguridad
          presuntamente cornetieron abusos v violaciones
          de derechos humanos en el Canton MejIa.
          provincia de Pichincha. El martes. 30 de
          septiembre de 2008 a la una de la madnigada. el
          GOE irrumpió. sin orden judicial en la casa de
          Zoila Marina Estrada v Nicolás Klaus Graetzer.
          Rompieron las puertas de sus casas, llevaron a
          cabo interrogatorios con uso de fuerza,
          intimidaron a los trabaj adores que estaban en el
          lugar v sobrevolaron con helicópteros las
          plantaciones con el fin de atemorizar a los
          residentes. Las vIctimas fueron gravemente
          golpeadas v manoteadas por las fuerzas
          especiales. Segün la infon ación recibida, estas
          intervenciones continüan en toda la region. El
          Sr. Nicolas Klaus Graetzer v la Sra. Zoila Marina
          Estrada Lopez presentaron denuncias v peticiones
          de acción legal ante la Fiscalla. sin ningün
          resultado. Debido a que los señores Klaus
          Graetzer v Estrada Lopez han sido vIctimas de
          tortura. existe temor fundado de las personas
          mencionadas arriba de ser vIctimas de tortura
          A. S. R., M. H. A., A. M. M., K. A. A. and
          A. H. A., who are the subjects of a criminal case
          before the Qasr al-Nil Court of Misdemeanors.
          On 24 October 2007, Mr. A. S. R. and
          Mr. M. H. A. were arrested during an altercation
          in Bab El-Louk in downtown Cairo. When Mr. R.
          explained to the arresting police officers that he
          By letter dated 06/10/08, the Government
          infon ed that two individuals, Mr. A. S. R.
          and Mr. M. H. A. were involved in a street
          fight in a crowded area in the center of
          midtown Cairo. A police officer near the scene
          of the fight intervened to separate the two men
          and to calm down the situation. Upon
          was HW-positive. both were taken directly to the
          Morality Police Department in Mugamma'
          al-Tahrir. where they were detained, and later
          interrogated by an officer named M. 0. A. The
          officers allegedly slapped Mr. R. in the face and
          beat Mr. A. They forced them to sign statements.
          the contents of which they were not allowed to
          read. During the four days they were detained in
          Mugamma' al-Tahrir. the two men were
          handcuffed to an iron desk and left to sleep on the
          floor. They were denied food and water and were
          required to pay for them later. A forensic anal
          examination was perforn ed on both men in order
          to establish whether they had engaged in anal
          sexual intercourse. On 20 January 2008,
          Mr. A. M. M. was arrested on the street,
          Mr. K. A. A. at his apartment on the following
          day, and Mr. A. H. A. on 3 Febrnar 2008 at an
          unknown location. On 19 Febniar 2008, Mr. M.
          was beaten by a police guard. The police guard
          handcuffed his wrists to opposite poles of the bed
          and chained one of his ankles to the bed's end to
          prevent him from moving. Allegedly. Mr. M. had
          been punched repeatedly in the face, head and
          body by the same officer.
          On or around 20 November 2007, Mr. M. M. M.
          and Mr. E. H. M. were arrested and held at the
          Appeals Jail in central Cairo, apparently in
          connection with the arrests of Mr. R. and Mr. A.
          Police arrested Mr. M. at his workplace. Both
          men were released on 26 February and
          enquiring from the two men about the reasons
          for their altercation, Mr. H. claimed that
          Mr. R. had insisted upon him to resume their
          sexual relationship, something he did not wish
          to do in light of his knowledge that Mr. R. had
          contracted HIV/AIDS.
          The two individuals were taken to the police
          station in order to continue the investigation.
          Mr. R. confirn ed that he was infected with
          HIVIAIDS which he believed to have
          contracted through homosexual intercourse
          with a number of individuals whom he named.
          According to procedure, the Public
          Prosecutor's Office (PPO) was notified and
          assumed the responsibility for further
          investigation into the case. The investigations
          indicated that the two individuals and the
          group they named habitually engage in male
          prostitution, and that one of them actually runs
          a brothel for male prostitution. Therefore, the
          Attorney General issued an order summoning
          the individuals named in the testimony of the
          two men and they were later charged with
          “habitual practices of debauchery”. During the
          investigations, a number of them admitted to
          the charges pressed against them and
          confinned that the others also participated with
          them in such practices.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          29 Febniary. respectively, upon court orders as
          the maximum preventive detention period had
          expired. Another individual, Mr. G. M., was
          arrested on an unknown date and later released. It
          is alleged that all men were forcibly tested for
          HIV without their consent. Mr. E. H. M., Mr. M.
          M. M. and Mr. G. M. tested negative and charges
          against them were dropped. Mr. A. S. R., Mr. M.
          H. A., Mr. A. M. M.. and Mr. K. A. A. tested
          positive and are being held at Abbasiyya Fevers
          Hospital. They were chained to their beds until
          25 Febniarv 2008 when the Ministry of Health
          intervened. Mr. A. H. A. is at present detained at
          Tora Prison. Reportedly, the five detainees were
          indicted on 4 March 2008 on charges of “habitual
          practice of debauchery” under article 9 (c) of
          Law 10/1961. Mr. A. S. R. and Mr. M. H. A.
          continued to be detained and were indicted after
          the lapse of the maximum 90-day period of
          preventive detention for misdemeanours.
          Allegedly, the lead prosecutor indicated to a
          defense counsel that the men should not be
          pen ifted to roam the streets freely as the
          Government considers them to present a danger to
          public health. The first trial hearing scheduled for
          12 March was postponed to 19 March in order to
          provide the defense more time to prepare. Their
          verdict is expected for 9 April. Concerns are
          expressed for the physical and mental integrity of
          the men. Further, it is alleged that the five
          above-mentioned individuals might have been
          discriminatorily arrested and detained and that
          Once the PPO investigations were completed,
          charges were brought against the
          aforementioned individuals, their cases were
          referred to the courts which niled against the
          defendants in two of the cases. The defendants
          in both cases appealed the verdict, one was
          rejected while a decision on the second has not
          et been issued.
          It is worth mentioning that the court verdict
          assigned the convicted individuals infected
          with H1V/AIDS to designated health centers
          and not to regular prisons in order to ensure
          they receive the necessary medical treatment
          while serving their sentences.
          The verdicts against the individuals named as
          defendants in these cases were not related to
          their “sexuality” or due to their “sexual
          orientation”. They were clearly based on
          violations of specific provisions of the
          Egyptian penal code, none of which explicitly
          or implicitly criminalizes homosexuality.
          The allegation that the defendants were tried
          simply for being HIV positive or for carrying
          the AIDS vinis is also unfounded. As
          demonstrated above, the trial was for violating
          specific provisions of Egyptian law and not for
          health status of the defendants. The infected
          individuals were granted medical services
          throughout the process and continue to receive
          the necessary treatment while serving their
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          their indictment might be solely connected to
          their reported H1V status.
          All proceedings at every stage of this case
          were carried out under strict judicial
          supervision. More specifically, the
          investigations were done by an independent
          judicial authority. Moreover, the rights of the
          accused were fully respected and included,
          inter alia. their right to a fair hearing before a
          competent court, their right to present their
          defense and the right to legal representation
          throughout the investigations and the trial, and
          the right of appeal.
          Allegations of arbitrary detention and torture
          are also unsubstantiated as the entire process
          followed the designated legal course including
          the issuance of the required legal pen its to
          summon the group based on a previously
          defined and criminalized act punishable by the
          law. The court nilings were based on articles
          of the Egyptian Penal Code.
          Allegations of inhuman treatnient and torture
          are also groundless. Firstly. Egyptian law
          penalizes any mistreatment, including torture
          and inhuman practices, of individuals
          including detainees and prisoners.
          Furthennore. the PPO closely follows and
          investigates any claims of illegal practices by
          security persoirnel and/or any other executive
          body in Egypt. In case such claims prove to be
          substantiated, whoever commits such crimes is
          presented to court to be tried for his or her
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          actions. The initial investigations of the PPO
          show that all of these claims were
          unsubstantiated and lacked concrete evidence
          needed to incriminate any offender of the law.
          Joseph Ramsey Attar, currently detained in
          Limantora prison, Cairo. Joseph Ramsey Attar
          fled from Egypt to Turkey in 2001 for fear of
          persecution due to the renunciation of his initial
          religion. Islam. He completed his conversion to
          Christianity in Turkey where he was baptized as a
          Roman Catholic. Approximately a year later,
          Mr. Attar went to Canada where he gained
          Canadian citizenship on 9 November 2006. When
          returning to Egypt for a family visit on
          1 January 2007, Mr. Attar was arrested at Cairo
          international Airport and detained in an Egyptian
          Intelligence Service prison. Charged with
          espionage against the Egyptian state, he was
          convicted and sentenced to 15 years of
          imprisonment on 21 April 2007. During his
          pre-trial detention, Mr. Attar was held in solitary
          confinement and electrocuted, forced to drink his
          own urine and threatened to get injections with
          the HIV vinis in order to make him confess. The
          case brought against him in the State Security
          Court was based on a confession signed by
          Mr. Attar after weeks of solitary confinement and
          Ms. Magda Adly. a medical professional with the
          El Nadim Centre for Psychological management
          and Rehabilitation of Victims of Violence, an
          organisation that assists victims of torture and
          By letter dated 25/07/08, the Government
          informed that the following actions were taken
          concerning this case:
          violence. On 30 April 2008, Ms. Magda Adly was
          physically assaulted by a police officer in a
          courtroom in the town Kafr El Dawwar, the
          district of Beheira. She suffered a broken
          shoulder, as well as injuries to the head. She lost
          consciousness for thirty minutes. The assault
          occurred after Ms. Magda Adly had testified in a
          case concerning members of a local family who
          allegedly had been subjected to torture by local
          police. On the morning of 30 April 2008, El
          Nadim Centre had released a statement calling for
          an investigation into the allegations of torture and
          other ill-treatment of members of that family by
          the local police in Kafr El Dawwar. After the
          assault, the police officer who attacked
          Ms. Magda Adly was taken into custody. He later
          stated that he had been following the orders of
          Chief intelligence officer of the Kafr El Dawwar
          police. During the hearing, the car of Ms. Mona
          Hamdy, another psychiatrist at the El Nadim
          Centre, which was parked outside the courtroom,
          was vandalized under circumstances that are not
          yet clear.
          Medical report No. 2811 on the victim,
          Magda Mohammed Adali Yusuf, was
          issued by the Kafr al Dawwar General
          Hospital, stating that the patient had
          bmising above her right eyebrow and
          had sustained a broken bone in the upper
          arm and contusions. She had received
          stitches in the emergency room, and the
          prognosis for her recovery was over
          20 days
          • The car was examined by the
          Department of Public Prosecutions at
          the outset of the investigation, and an
          engineer from the Kafr al Dawwar
          transport unit was despatched to carry
          out a technical examination of the
          vehicle and check the damage
          • Dr. Magda Adali was taken to the
          Department of Forensic Medicine to
          sign a medical report indicating the date
          on which her injuries had occurred, what
          had caused them and how they had been
          inflicted, as well as the events leading
          up to the incident
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          Forcible return of about 700 Eritrean nationals
          from Egypt to Eritrea and of over
          1,000 individuals in administrative detention,
          who might be at risk of forcible return. More
          than 1,000 Eritrean asylum-seekers are being held
          in different police stations in Egypt, including
          near Aswan, Hurghada and Marsa Alam and in
          C D
          — n
          Al-Qanater prison near the capital, Cairo for
          illegally residing in the country. Their forcible
          return might be imminent. Between 11 and
          15 June 2008, in a large scale operation
          conducted by Egyptian authorities, about
          700 Eritrean asylum-seekers had returned from
          Egypt to Eritrea without having had access to
          appropriate proceedings to review their claims.
          They were transported on special Egypt Air
          flights. Credible reports contain consistent
          allegations that in Eritrea returnees are routinely
          subj ect to prolonged incommunicado detention in
          poor conditions at unofficial places of detention
          and to torture. Against the background of
          consistent allegations that in Eritrea returnees are
          frequently subject to torture and ill-treatment by
          officials, serious concern for the physical and
          mental integrity of the Eritreans is expressed,
          should they be returned.
          Kamal Murad, ajournalist for the newspaper
          Al-Fair. He has reported on alleged cases of
          cormption and human rights violations committed
          by police officers in Egypt. On 17 June 2008, in
          Rahmaniya in the Buhaira Governate, Mr. Kamal
          Murad was arrested and detained after conducting
          interviews with peasants in Ezbat Mohram and
          taking photographs of police officers beating
          peasants, allegedly to force them to sign leases
          with a local businessman whose two sons are
          police officers. Mr. Murad's interview notes and
          the memory card from his mobile phone
          containing the photographs of the incident were
          A reply was received from the Government on
          05/12/08, but could not be translated in time
          for inclusion in this report.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          confiscated. While in detention, Mr. Murad was
          beaten and verbally abused by three police
          officers and who reportedly referred to him as
          “the one who sent the officer to jail for three
          years”. Kamal Murad had previously reported on
          a torture case which resulted in the conviction and
          three-year prison sentence of a police officer.
          Mr. Murad was charged with attacking police
          officers and inciting the peasants against security
          forces and released after several hours in
          detention. His confiscated property has not et
          been returned to him .
          66. 18/08/08 JUA WGAD; S. E. S., I. E. I., G. R. S., M. M. M., M. A. A.,
          HLTH: M. K. D., A. M. A., A. M. H. T., 0. F. K.,
          TOR A. M. Y.. M. A. A. and I. I. A., who currently
          have a hearing before the Qasr al-Nil Court of
          Misdemeanors. On 12 and 17 April 2008, the
          police arrested 12 men after a raid on a square
          close to the train station in Alexandria. After a
          hearing at a court of first instance, the men were
          charged and sentenced to two years in prison
          under article 9 (c) of Law 10/196 1 for crimes
          relating to conduct of a homosexual nature. Two
          men were beaten by police while in custody in the
          Alexandria Security Directorate. One of the men,
          I. E. I.. was allegedly beaten by a police officer.
          on the back with a water hose. On the 28 of July,
          on appeal, the judge of the Attarin Appellate
          Court of Misdemeanors adjourned the case until
          ii August. Since then, the men have been
          detained in Gharbaniyat Jail. Whilst in prison, the
          12 men were forcibly tested without consent for
          HIV at the Fevers Hospital by doctors from the
          Ministry of Health and Population. Four out of
          12 men tested positive for H1V. The four men
          were first told their positive status after a
          disclosure by the judge in open court during the
          first-instance trial. They are being held in cells
          away from other prisoners. They have not
          received any treatment for their condition by
          medical staff, including any anti-retroviral dnigs
          or counselling. It is reported that the 12 men were
          subjected to intnisive and abusive forensic anal
          examinations by doctors from the Forensic
          Medical Authority for the purpose of establishing
          whether or not the men had engaged in
          homosexual conduct.
          George Ishaq. Amin Eskandar. Abd a! Hadi
          Al-Mashad. Magdy Abdel Hamid. Kamal
          Abbass. Shaaban Abd Al-Rahim Al-Daba and
          Salah Adli (E/CN.4/2006/6/Add.1. para. 62)
          By letter dated 23/11/05. the Government
          infon ed that the persons named in the
          complaint were among a group of 24 persons
          who were arrested while holding a
          demonstration in Tahrir Square on
          30 July 2005 in which they attempted to
          antagonize the security forces and internipted
          traffic in the area. They were taken to the
          Department of Public Prosecutions and the
          incident was recorded in higher State security
          case file No. 886 of 2005. They were
          questioned by the Department, which decided
          to release them on bail of 100 Egyptian
          pounds. The decision was promptly enforced.
          The above infon ation shows that the security
          authorities abide by the law, since the persons
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          to earlier
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          in question were arrested for committing acts
          that constitute criminal offences. and were
          taken to the Department of Public Prosecutions
          as is required by law. The Department is part
          of the judiciary and its members enjoy judicial
          immunity. The Department carried out its
          responsibilities by conducting an investigation
          according to the established legal procedures
          and by taking decisions thereon. The persons
          concerned were released on bail and the
          Department of Public Prosecutions is still
          completing its investigations into this matter .
          68. Equatorial 02/04/08 JUA TOR. Sra. BrIgida Asongsua Elo. La Sra. Asongsua
          Guinea WGAD Elo continua en detención sin que se le havan
          fornmlado cargos ni sometido a juicio en la
          Comisarla Central de Policla de Malabo. No se le
          ha comunicado aün los motivos de su detención.
          Se afin a que se le está negando el tratamiento
          medico que necesita. Esta persona sufre de
          hipertensión. v como consecuencia. de frecuentes
          mareos. desma os y hemorragias en la nariz y la
          boca. El equipo medico del hospital donde fue
          temporalmente trasladada. recomendó su
          hospitalización para someterla a pniebas v
          tratamiento. pero las autoridades policiales no lo
          han permitido. Esta persona se encuentra recluida
          en una celda colectiva junto a un gnipo de 70 a
          100 detenidos. en su mayorIa varones. En la celda
          no hay instalaciones higiénicas. por lo que carece
          de privacidad. A finales de febrero o principios de
          marzo de 2008. el Presidente del Tribunal de
          Jnstnicción y Primera Jnstancia de Malabo dictó
          69. 23/04/08 JAL SUMX; Sr. Saturnino Ncogo Mbomyo. en hechos
          TOR ocun-idos en la ciudad de Malabo. El 12 de marzo
          de 2008. miembros de la Policla se presentaron en
          el domicilio del Sr. Saturnino Ncogo Mbomvo. de
          nacionalidad guineana. de unos 45 aflos de edad.
          ubicado en el banjo Semu de la mencionada
          ciudad de Malabo. acusándolo de ocultar “cosas”
          en su domicilio. Segün las denuncias. el
          interesado no reconoció que ocultara nada en su
          casa v por ello los policlas procedieron a
          arrestarlo v a llevárselo a la Comisarla. AhI lo
          intenogaron v le hicieron finnar una autorización
          de registro de su domicilio. a dónde mas tarde
          regresaron acompaflados de varias autoridades
          para proceder a un registro legal de la casa. Los
          policlas encontraron en el cielonaso (techo) de la
          vivienda del Sr. Saturnino Ncogo Mbomvo un
          paquete de droga conocida con el nombre de
          “Banga” planta alucinogena local que se frima) v
          un millón de Francos guineanos CFA
          (unos 1.525 €). Además. descubrieron una zona
          inegular en un rincón de su habitación. en cuvo
          suelo. al ser demolido con picos v mazas. hablan
          armas bien conservadas en envoltorios que
          hubieran pennitido su rnantenimiento por rnucho
          tiempo. Se ha dicho que la policla encontró tres
          fusiles de asalto tipo “Cetme”. un fusil con mira
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          un orden judicial para que se la hiciera
          comparecer ante el tribunal para detenninar si su
          arresto v reclusion eran legales. La Policla no ha
          acatado el orden judicial. Un recurso de habeas
          corpus interpuesto en su favor no ha sido resuelto.
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          telescópica v una pistola provista de silenciador.
          asI como abundante munición. De acuerdo con las
          infonnaciones. mientras llevaban detenido al
          Sr. Saturnino Ncogo Mbomvo. le exigieron los
          nornbres de sus cómplices. adernás su casa V sus
          negocios fueron precintados. v su mujer e hijos
          echados a la calle. Durante la tarde del mismo dIa
          se desencadenó una serie de arrestos v
          detenciones cuvo nümero exacto de detenidos se
          desconoce. pero que segün fuentes fidedignas
          podrIan oscilar en torno a la decena, incluvendo el
          Sr. Juan Micha, alias Opalon. quien luego fue
          liberado el 15 de marzo. v el Sr. Gerardo Angue.
          alias Baterla. También se encuentra detenido un
          señor de nombre Jesus cuvo apellido no se ha
          infonnado. alias Tite. quien tiene relaciones
          familiares directas con altos cargos del gobierno.
          Además se ha infonnado que otras personas estan
          bajo órdenes de busca v captura. Al dIa siguiente.
          el 13 de marzo de 2008. la familia del
          Sr. Saturnino Ncogo Mbomvo fine infonnada de
          su fallecirniento v su cuerpo fue discretarnente
          entregado ala familia el 16 de marzo.
          procediendo a ser enterrado el mismo dIa. Se ha
          infonnado que la version que dieron las
          autoridades fine que el Sr. Saturnino Ncogo
          Mbomvo se habla suicidado. sin embargo muv
          pocas personas. incluvendo su abogado. vieron el
          cadaver v se denunció que algunas de ellas
          manifestaron la existencia de una herida en la sien
          (hue so temporal de la cabeza) del Sr. Ncogo
          Mbomvo. Se ha infonnado que hasta la redacción
          70. Ethiopia 05/03/08 JAL TOR: H. M. H., a 12-year-old Djiboutian refugee. On
          VAW 17 December 2007, she was abducted by a
          23-year-old Ethiopian, and his family. A
          complaint for abduction and confinement was
          lodged by her father. Reportedly, the young man
          raped H. M. H. over a 17-day period. In order to
          shield him from a rape charge, his uncle, a police
          commander, and one of his assistants, charged
          H. M. H. with theft of a washing tub and detained
          her. She was forced to admit the theft, to state she
          had no family, to change her name and to state
          she was older than she actually was (i.e. over
          age 16). H. M. H. was detained at the Central
          Prison in Addis Ababa, together with adults. On
          24 December. her father was finally inforn ed of
          the situation, however, he was not allowed to visit
          his daughter before 26 January 2008. The
          Ethiopian Embassy in Paris, contacted by mail by
          some organizations supporting H. M. H's father,
          orally replied that the girl was 16 and that she was
          the wife of a young Ethiopian. H. M. H's birth
          certificate and health card issued by an Ethiopian
          hospital stated that she was born on
          20 September 1995. Neighbours and her family
          also declared that she is not married. On
          15 Febrnar 2008, H. M. H. was released,
          however, the investigation concerning her alleged
          theft is still ongoing.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          de este comunicado, las autoridades siguen sin
          pronunciarse oficial y püblicamente sobre lo
          ocurrido con el Sr. Saturnino Ncogo Mbomyo.
          C D
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          40 youths detained at an Ethiopian military
          camp in north Mogadishu (see para. 193). On
          19 April 2008, Ethiopian forces raided Al-Hidva
          mosque in Mogadishu. seizing over 40 students.
          all under 18, who were undertaking religious
          studies at the mosque. The minors were then
          transferred to an Ethiopian military camp in north
          Mogadishu. Whereas some of the minors have
          been released, Ethiopian soldiers have indicated
          that they would release the others once they had
          been investigated and if they were not terrorists.
          Selesitino Kalounivale. On 2 November 2000.
          some soldiers of the Counter Revolutionary
          Warfare (CRW) branch of the Fiji Military Forces
          were involved in a mutiny. That same day.
          Mr. Kalounivale was picked up by soldiers in the
          Tamavua area and taken to the arniy commander
          at the naval base. He was later taken away from
          the base by four or five soldiers in an arniy van.
          Witnesses heard swearing, hitting with rifle butts
          and kicking in the back of the vehicle, where he
          died. At around midnight. he was taken to the
          mortuary at CWM Hospital. Due to the curfew
          that was in force, no one except military, security
          personnel and authorized persons could go out
          that night. On 8 November 2000, a post mortem
          was conducted. The cause of death was found to
          be multiple blunt force injuries including head
          injuries with subdural haemorrhage.
          Tn 2004, a civil court found that the military had
          caused Mr. Kalounivale ‘s death and ordered the
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          military to pay $24,000 as compensation. The
          military indicated that they would appeal the
          judgment and the victim's family has not et
          received any money. It has been eight years since
          Mr. Kalounivale ‘5 death in custody and no
          criminal charges have been pressed against any
          person. It is unclear whether any criminal
          investigations were carried out by the police.
          Suite a la communication (A/HRCI7I3IAdd. 1.
          para. 74 et a la réponse réproduite ci-dessous
          (para. 74)). su l'absence d'intervention de la
          justice vis-à-vis d'une plainte déposée par quatre
          organisations non gouvernementales contre
          l'ancien secrétaire d'Etat a la Defense des
          Etats-Unis. Mr. Donald Rumsfeld. En réponse
          nous voudrions vous rappeler quelques
          développements lies ala question de l'immunité.
          Vous faites référence au jugement Congo c.
          Belgique de la Cour Jnternationale de Justice
          (CIJ). En statuant que M. Yerodia. le Ministre des
          affaires étrangères a l'époque. jouissait de
          l'immunité devant les cours nationales pendant
          toute la durée de son mandat. la CIJ soulignait
          irnplicitement qu'il n'aurait pas joui de cette
          irnrnunité s'il n'avait pas ete rninistre en exercice.
          De plus. la CIJ a souligné que cette immunité
          pénale ne signifiait pas que des auteurs présuniés
          de violations graves ou crimes contre l'humnanité
          pouvaient agir en toute impunité. Elle a aussi
          remnarqué que. dans tous les cas. des ministres
          peuvent faire l'objet de procès devant des cours
          pénales internationales. Dans ce contexte, nous
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          voudrions rappeler l'article 27 du Statut de Rome
          de la Cour Pénale Internationale. qui stipule que
          << Le present Statut s'applique a tous de manière
          égale. sans aucune distinction fondée sur la
          qualité officielle. En particulier. la qualité
          officielle de chef d'Etat ou de gouvernement. de
          rnernbre d ‘ un gouvenlernent ou d ‘unparlernent.
          de représentant élu ou d'agent d'un Etat,
          n'exonère en aucun cas de la responsabilité pénale
          au regard du present Statut, pas plus qu'elle ne
          constitue en tant que telle un motif de reduction
          de la peine. Les immunités ou regles de procedure
          spéciales qui peuvent s'attacher a la qualité
          officielle d'une personne. en vertu du droit interne
          ou du droit international. n'empêchent pas la Cour
          d'exercer sa competence a l'égard de cette
          personne. >> Etant donné le fait que le Statut de
          Rome est un traité international. tous les
          Etats-membres. v compris la France. acceptent ce
          principe et renoncent a la possibilité d'invoquer
          l'immunité. Bien que la Convention contre la
          torture et autres peines ou traitements cniels.
          inhumains ou dégradants ne contienne pas de
          disposition explicite visant exceptions des regles
          relatives a l'immunité. il est clair que sa lecture —
          doit s'inspirer d'autres instnirnents
          inteniationaux. v compris le Statut de Rome. De
          plus. il est difficile d'imaginer qu'un instniment
          comme la Convention contre la torture. dont le
          but est de pénaliser la torture et d'établir la
          juridiction universelle pour éviter que les auteurs
          des actes de torture échappent a lajustice. soit
          interprétée d'une façon qui conférerait des
          immunités importantes aux anciens représentants
          de l'Etat, y compris pour des actes de torture.
          Pour les raisons précitées, les régles
          traditionnelles d'immunité du droit coutumier
          doivent être interprétées d'une maniére trés
          restrictive. C'est cette approche qui a été
          privilégiée par la Chambre des Lords britannique
          quand elle a examinée le cas de Pinochet. La
          majorité a décidé que l'ancien chef d'Etat et
          Sénateur ne bénéficiait pas d'immunité et pouvait
          être extradé vers l'Espagne pour des poursuites
          liées aux actes de torture commis aprés l'entrée en
          vigueur de la Convention contre la torture en
          Espagne, au Chili et au Royaume Uni. En
          considérant le troisiéme rapport périodique du
          Royaume Uni en 1998, le Comité contre la torture
          a confirmé cette interpretation en recommandant
          <> Ce méme Comité, dans le cas de Habré,
          l'ancien dictateur du Tchad, a constaté une
          violation par le Sénégal de ses obligations
          d'exercer lajuridiction universelle sous les
          articles 5 and 7 de la Convention contre la
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Torture. ce qui signifie irnpliciternent qu'il
          considère qu'un ancien chef d'Etat ne jouit pas
          d'immunité diplomatique pour des actes de
          torture. Il est de notre responsabilité. en vertu du
          mandat qui nous a été conflé par le Conseil des
          droits de l'hornrne et par les resolutions de
          l'Assemblée generale. de solliciter votre
          cooperation pour assurer que les normes des
          droits de l'homme soient respectées et notaninient
          les obligations liées a l'interdiction absolue de la
          L'absence d'intervention de la justice vis-à-vis
          d'une plainte déposée par quatre organisations
          non gouvernementales contre l'ancien secrétaire
          d'Etat a la Defense des Etats-Unis, Mr. Donald
          Rumsfeld. (A/HRC/7/3/Add. 1. para. 74).
          Par lettre datée du 07/03/08. le Gouvernement
          a indiqué qu'une plainte a été déposée le
          25 octobre 2007 auprès du procureur de la
          Republique du Tribunal de Grande Instance de
          Paris contre M. Donald Rumsfeld. ancien
          Secrétaire d'Etat américain a la defense, par la
          Fédération internationale des droits de
          l'homme. la Ligue Française pour la Defense
          des Droits de l'Homnie et du Citoven. le
> et le <>. du chef de complicite par instnictions d'actes de torture et de barbarie. A la suite du dépôt de cette plainte. le Procureur de la Republique du Tribunal de Grande Instance de Paris a saisi le 26 octobre 2007 la brigade criminelle d'une enquête. aux fins d'établir la réalité et la durée du séj our de Monsieur Rumsfeld a Paris. ainsi que le Ministère des affaires étrangères et Para. Country Date Type Mandate Allegations transmitted Government response 74. Follow-up to earlier cases CJQ C D FL
          By letters dated 27/02/08 and 28/02/08, the
          Govenirnent responded that the incident on
          7 November 2007 represented part of the chain
          of events that developed since the beginning of
          November 2007 in Georgia. The measures
          taken were aimed at restoring the public order
          and responding to the national security
          concerns in the country, while acting in
          accordance with the international nornis and
          standards that govern the limitation of certain
          rights and freedoms as well as situation of
          national emergency. On 2 November 2007,
          according to the best estimates of both the
          Government and respected independent
          sources approximately 50,000 protestors
          gathered in front of the Parliament on
          Rustaveli Avenue. The organizers of the
          assembly had notified the Thilisi Municipality
          regarding their plans to close the traffic on the
          Avenue as envisaged by Georgian legislation.
          In the following days. the number of protesters
          declined steadily, barely amounting to a
          thousand by 4 November 2007. By this point,
          the demonstrators were already in violation of
          the Law of Georgia on Assembly and
          Manifestation on numerous counts. For
          instance, the law prohibits intentional
          hindrance of the movement of public transport.
          In defiance of this law, opposition leaders kept
          to earlier
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          européennes afin de verifier l'existence d'une
          éventuelle irnrnunité diplornatique de
          Police actions in connection to mass protests in
          Tbilisi as well as the declaration of state of
          emergency and suspension of some
          fundamental rights (A/HRC/7/3/Add. 1.
          para. 77)
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          Rustaveli Avenue blocked, although the
          number of protestors was small and did not
          require closing the avenue. Furthermore, the
          organizers had notified the Thilisi
          Municipality that the demonstration would be
          held only on 2 November. When it became
          evident that the population was leaving
          Rustaveli Avenue, the organizers of the
          demonstration began to call for civil unrest and
          the violent overthrow of the Government.
          They called for attacks on government
          institutions. Implicit and explicit incitements
          to overthrow the Government were common at
          the rally. For five days the police refrained
          from interfering in the rally to avoid an
          escalation of the situation as well as not to
          hinder the full enjoyment of the rights of the
          During the morning of 7 November, the
          number of protestors declined to
          approximately 100 individuals. At 8 a.m., with
          only a few minor incidents with protestors, the
          area was cleaned up and traffic restored. At
          9 a.m., Tbilisi Mayor informed the public that
          the government would no longer tolerate the Q
          unlawful blockage of Rustaveli Avenue and
          the setting up of tents. At the same time, the
          demonstrators were told that they could
          continue the demonstration in front of the ft
          Parliament and on the sidewalk. At 11 a.m.,
          the opposition leaders started to escalate the
          situation by drawing parallels with the
          revolutionary and tragic events of 9 April 1989
          (when bnital actions by the Soviet arniv
          against the peaceful anti-soviet denionstrations
          on Rustaveli Avenue led to the death of
          17 peaceful protestors. while thousands were
          injured). They called on people to come to the
          streets “to put an end to the Government” and
          instigated clashes with the police to block
          Rustaveli Avenue, but unarn ed patrol police
          units were able to prevent it. After the third
          attempt. protestors succeeded and forced the
          police out. As a result. numerous police
          officers were injured and several police cars
          were cnished.
          Before bringing in the riot police,
          demonstrators had been warned through
          loudspeakers to dissolve peacefully, and that
          force would be used otherwise. The leaders
          defied this request and made further radical
          statements inciting the protestors to even
          greater violence. The police repeated the
          request to dissolve peacefully, and made a
          specific announcement for women, children
          and the elderly before the water cannon
          machine was deployed. The use of water
          caimons did not have any significant effect.
          However, some protesters left Rustaveli
          Avenue within ten minutes. At the same time,
          new demonstrators, incited by the calls of
          opposition leaders, approached the Avenue
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          from the other side. They started to throw
          stones at the police and smash police cars. As
          the use of water cannon proved ineffective, the
          police resorted to tear gas. Tear gas had a
          temporary but not immediate effect of
          incapacitating some of the protesters. Many
          left the Avenue. while some stayed, attacking
          policemen with stones and other objects.
          At this point, the policemen resorted to nibber
          bullets in order to prevent attacks from specific
          individuals and protect the parliament
          building, which was approached by the groups
          of protesters aiming to break in. The police
          managed to unblock Rustaveli Avenue only
          after the use of above special means.
          The Government of Georgia realizes that there
          are allegations of a limited number of cases
          where possibly excessive force has been used;
          however, such incidents were isolated cases
          and, if proven, would constitute clear
          violations of the respective orders. Alleged
          cases of excessive use of force could be
          partially attributed to the fact that additional
          police forces, other then riot police, were
          deployed to respond the situation adequately.
          Criminal police assisting the specifically
          trained riot police forces receive neither
          physical, nor physiological training for crowd
          control. Nevertheless, the police was acting in
          accordance with legislation and the order. A
          criminal investigation into each specific case,
          where excessive force was allegedly used, is
          underway led by the office of the General
          Prosecutor. The Ministry of Internal Affairs
          has completed an internal administrative
          inquiry, as a result of which ii police officers
          were dismissed due to non-compliance with
          ministerial instnictions and confrontation with
          civilians. As a result of this internal analysis.
          the Ministry identified specific weaknesses.
          especially training-wise and has already
          initiated measures to improve the police'
          capacity. On 15 November 2007, the Thilisi
          Main Division of Internal Affairs launched an
          investigation into the alleged infliction of
          physical injury upon the Public Defender of
          Georgia - Sozar Subari (criminal case
          No 10070583). The investigation was initiated
          in response to his TV interview where he
          alleged that law enforcement officers on
          Rustaveli Avenue physically insulted him on
          7 November. The case was transferred to the
          Investigative Department of the Office of the
          Prosecutor General for further investigation.
          The organ conducting the investigation, on
          several occasions asked Mr. Subari to appear
          before it. in order to provide his testimony that
          would assist in establishing justice in relation
          to the case. Mr. Subari was interrogated on
          24 November 2007, and a forensic medical
          exam was carried out. Currently all the
          necessary investigative measures are being
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          taken in order to establish the tnith and
          prosecute the offenders. On
          10 November 2007 Zveli Thilisi District
          Prosecution Office initiated a preliminary
          investigation into criminal case No. 06079035,
          on bodily injuries inflicted upon several
          persons as a result of the activities that took
          place on 7 November. Tn addition to the
          evidence gathered in the course of the
          investigation, the materials sent by the Office
          of the Public Defender of Georgia concerning
          bodily injuries of particular citizens were
          attached to the criminal case in question. The
          investigation ascertained that the Office of the
          Public Defender forwarded materials
          concerning 12 individuals. Five of them were
          treated at hospitals, seven were detained in
          temporary detention isolator n. 2 of the Tbilisi
          Main Unit of the Internal Affairs, four out of
          those seven are in prison n. 5 of the
          Penitentiary Department of the Ministry of
          Justice. One person who had been placed in
          pre-trial detention was released on bail, and
          two persons are held under administrative
          detention. With respect to ii persons, forensic
          medical examinations were conducted. No
          examination could be conducted in relation to
          one person, due to his poor health.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          Mario Morales, Oscar Benavente y Danilo de
          Jes is. El 4 de abril de 2008, los Señores Morales,
          Benavente y de Jesus fueron agredidos por varios
          agentes de la Policla Municipal de Tránsito
          C D
          77. Guyana 12/02/08 UA TOR Alvin Wilson, aged 53. a reservist corporal in the
          Guyana Defence Force, and security detail in
          charge of guarding the stock room at the
          headquarters of the Guyana Defence Force, and
          Michael Dunn. In repeated incidents in
          November and December 2007, at the
          Headquarters of the Guyana Defence Force at
          Camp Ayangana and at undisclosed locations
          along the East Coast of Demerara. several
          members of the Military Criminal Investigation
          Department (MCID). tortured the men. Alvin
          Wilson and Michael Dunn were forced to sit on a
          bench with their faces covered with wet bags and
          strings pulled tightly so that they had difficulty
          breathing. Water was poured into the bags and the
          men were instnicted to breathe. Alvin Wilson and
          Michael Dunn were shocked by wires attached to
          their genitals, were pepper sprayed, whipped with
          metal pipes, and kicked. Alvin Wilson's dentures
          were stnick out of his mouth. He suffered injuries
          which resulted in him urinating blood, as well as
          injuries to his back which prevents him from
          sitting upright, and compels him to wear a brace.
          Michael Dunn sustained wounds on his left heel.
          Alvin Wilson received medical attention after he
          reported his injuries to other military officers, but
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          cuando daban cobertura al desaloj o de vendedores
          ambulantes en los alrededores del Hospital
          Roosevelt, en la zona ii de la ciudad capital. Los
          tres periodistas fueron golpeados por los agentes
          con el fin de impedir que captaran imágenes del
          momento en que agredlan a un menor de edad.
          C D
          the intervention was inadequate and significantly
          delayed. His attempts to make a forn ial report of
          the alleged torture were initially ignored. The acts
          of torture took place in the context of an
          investigation by the Guyana Defence Force into
          two incidents of disappearances of weapons in
          2001 and in November 2007. Tn spite of promises
          by the President. Coniniander Best and the
          Minister of Home Affairs to conduct a thorough
          investigation and to establish a Board of Inquiry
          to look into the incident, no investigation has
          R. C., aged 10. On 1 January 2008. R. C. was
          arrested after being accused of having stolen
          6,000 Guyanese dollars from a neighbour. He was
          taken to the Sisters Police Station in East Bank
          Berbice, where police officers beat him, flogged
          him with a belt, a broom and a tamarind whip.
          made him kneel half-naked and forced him to lift
          a stack of heavy books over his head. R. C. was
          held in custody for two days and hospitalized on
          the third day. He remained under police guard
          while in the hospital.
          Patrick Sumner, and Victor Jones. aged 19.
          They were arrested by GPF and GDF officers in
          early September 2007 in connection with the
          2006 murder of the Minister of Agriculture
          Sat adeow Sawh, Sawh's siblings and bodyguard.
          Mr. Sumner and Mr. Jones were taken to an
          unidentified military camp on the
          Linden-Soesdyke Highway and subjected to
          By letter dated 29/12/08, the Government
          indicated that any victim and/or his/her
          relatives may approach any or all of the
          following entities to report, investigate and
          seek redress: The Police Service Commission,
          the Police Complaints Authority (with a
          mandate to investigate allegations of human
          rights abuses and infringements of police
          codes); the Office of Professional
          Responsibility, Guyana Police Force; the
          Heads of the Disciplined Forces (Guyana
          Defence Force, the Guyana Police Force, the
          Guyana Prison Service and the Guyana Fire
          Service); the Parliament and the Judiciary.
          The relevant agencies have conducted
          inquiries concerning this matter and
          determined that no report of allegations of
          torture or abuse of human rights were made to
          any of the designated complaint agencies by
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          beatings. They had their feet bound, eves
          blindfolded, and were thrown in a pool of water
          by members of the security service. At some point
          policemen threw gunpowder and a corrosive
          liquid on the detainees. They were released after
          three days and never charged for the crimes for
          lack of evidence.
          Damyoun Wordsworth, aged 19, was
          approached by two policemen who took him to
          Blairnrnnt Police Station on 15 September 2007.
          The two men were dressed in civilian clothing
          and did not identify themselves. Whilst at the
          police station, he was questioned over a theft. At
          all times. Mr. Wordsworth denied this allegation.
          He was suffocated with a plastic bag, which was
          placed over his head, on numerous occasions. He
          was hit with a lemonade bottle on his left hand
          and was handcuffed. A gun was held over his
          mouth and he was lashed with the gun across his
          left forehead. This led to bleeding on his
          forehead. He was taken to Fort Wellington
          Hospital, where he was provided with medication.
          However, once he returned to police custod/ he
          did not receive any medicine. He was released on
          17 September 2008 without having been charged
          with any criminal offences.
          any of the persons listed in the letter. The
          Government is therefore not in a position to
          verify or otherwise comment on the accuracy
          of the allegations made.
          Allegations transmitted
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          C D
          On 17 Januar 2008. Ramesh ‘Kenny' Sawh.
          aged 19, was arrested and taken to Enmore police
          station in East Coast Demerara, apparently on
          charges of stealing a car battery. He died at the
          police jail on the same day. The police never
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          infon ed his family as to how he had died, but
          allegedly told others that he committed suicide in
          jail by hanging himself by his jersey. A witness
          has reported that also on 17 January 2008, he
          heard someone screaming and asking for the
          beating to stop at Enmore police station. At the
          mortuary in Georgetown. members of the Sawh
          family were initially not allowed to see the body
          of the dead young man, but only his face.
          Allegedly there were no markings around the
          neck, but instead he had swollen lips and, as the
          family could see later, bniises on his body. In
          April 2008, after repeated pleas from the Sawh
          family and several letters by an attorney retained
          by the family, the Police Complaints Authority
          launched an investigation into the death of
          Ramesh ‘Kenny' Sawh. Mr. Sawh had previously
          been repeatedly held at that police station without
          being officially charged and been ill-treated by
          police officers. On one occasion, during
          interrogation police officers placed a plastic bag
          over his head and beat hint On another, they
          soaked his head in water and continued beating
          him with a broom head.
          Edwin Niles, aged 34, was serving a three year
          sentence for possession of marijuana in Camp
          Street prison in Georgetown. Approximately on
          4 June 2008, during a routine search following a
          da of labour at an arnw base (Camp
          Ayanganna). the prison guards found ammunition
          in the pockets of Mr. Niles' pants. He was beaten
          by the prison guards after the ammunition was
          discovered. The police subsequently took him to a
          Georgetown hospital; his (common law) wife was
          not allowed to visit him there. On Friday.
          13 June 2008, Edwin Niles succumbed to his
          injuries in the hospital. The autopsy revealed that
          he died as a result of a blood clot in the lungs.
          Photographs taken during the post mortem
          examination showed that he had sustained
          extensive burns on his shoulders, back and
          buttocks. He also had a broken arni when he was
          brought to hospital. An investigation by the police
          pointed to four officers who could have been
          involved in the death of Edwin Niles. On 17 or
          18 September 2008, the Director of Public
          Prosecutions recommended that two Assistant
          Superintendents of the Georgetown Prisons be
          charged with manslaughter for the killing of
          Edwin Niles. The two Assistant Superintendents
          have been released on bail.
          In a case that remains open after seven years.
          Rocky Anthony Brunoanish. aged 29, was taken
          into police custody on 6 June 2001 by two
          officers of the Guyana Police Force. On
          9 June 2001, Mr. Bninoanish infon ed a visitor at
          the Aurora Police Station jail that he was being
          beaten by police. He died that very same da at
          the Aurora Police Station. On 10 June 2001, an
          autopsy perfon ed on Mr. Bninoanish determined
          that the cause of death was cerebral
          haemorrhaging caused by a blunt trauma to the
          Allegations transmitted
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          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          head. More than three years later, on
          20 July 2004, the matter was reported to the
          Ombudsman, the Honourable Justice S.Y.
          Mohamed. No investigation has taken place since
          then, however, to clarify the circumstances of the
          death of Mr. Bninoanish.
          80. Hungaii 28/03/08 AL TOR Markus Binder, aged 38. Austrian national. On
          the night of 29 September 2007, he was arrested
          in Budapest by two policemen and transferred to a
          large pre-trial detention centre in the centre of the
          city. He was interviewed by a bald officer, aged
          between 40 and 45 years, who was about 185 cm
          tall. Every time Mr. Binder tried to say
          something, the officer shouted at him and told
          him to shut up. The officer ordered him to stand
          about 20 cm from the wall and every time he
          moved, he hit him in the stomach or
          electro-shocked him in his knee. Mr. Binder was
          later moved to a cell with five beds and a table
          with chairs. During the night he had an epileptic
          seizure. The two men with whom he shared the
          cell called the guards and four came and took him
          to a padded room of about 1 m2. It had a
          plexiglass door and he could not la down
          because the room was too small. In the centre of —
          the ceiling there was a pipe, and directly beneath
          it on the floor was grating. Mr. Binder was
          sprayed with cold water from the pipe until he
          was almost submerged and could hardly breathe,
          at which point it stopped. When he screamed, the
          policemen entered and electro-shocked him in the
          knee. Drenched with water, two guards with black
          masks took him and put hini on a sinai! bus. They
          transferred him to what was believed to be a
          psychiatric clinic and handed him over to a
          medical doctor (about 50 years old, with beard,
          and short brown hair) who gave him an injection.
          He fell asleep immediately. When he awoke.
          Mr. Binder was allowed to shave in a washing
          room outside his cell. He kept the blade and, upon
          return in his room, cut into his throat because of
          the treatment he had received and because he had
          no idea what would happen to him .
          81. India 0 1/02/08 JAL SUMX: Raju Roy, aged about 35. On 11 December 2007,
          TOR he was arrested by plain-clothed personnel of the
          Railway Protection Force in Santragachi,
          Howrah. At the time of arrest the officers did not
          present an arrest warrant, or infonn the family.
          The next da Mr. Roy's family was informed that
          he was seriously ill and was sent to the Howrah
          District Correctional Centre. When they went to
          visit him, Mr. Ro was unable to speak, stand on
          his feet or walk. On 14 December at 1.35 am.,
          Mr. Roy died after being transferred to the
          Medical College and Hospital. Kolkata. On
          17 December, representatives of the correctional
          centre asked the widow to sign a letter indicating
          that he had been unwell before his detention and
          that his death was not related to his detention,
          which she refused. On 19 December, the body
          with injuries and marks that might stem from
          torture or ill-treatment was handed over to
          Mr. Roy's family. The autopsy was conducted by
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          a magistrate under the authority of the executive
          branch, who was not independent from the
          Railway Protection Force, and therefore lacks
          Motahir All Tapadar, aged 38. Kalain village,
          Assam. On 20 September 2007, he was arrested in
          connection with a complaint against him by a
          neighbouring family. He was taken into custody
          at Kalain Patrol Post under Katigorah Police
          Station. On the evening of his arrest,
          Mr. Tapadar's wife went to visit him at the police
          post and arrived to find several police officers
          beating, abusing and humiliating her husband.
          When she protested, she was beaten and kicked as
          well. On the next morning, before being taken to
          court, Mr. Tapadar's wife sought his release, and
          the sub-inspector demanded Rupees (Rs.) 10,000.
          He threatened that he would kill him otherwise.
          The sub-inspector started to beat and kick
          Mr. Tapadar in frill public view. When the latter's
          condition began to deteriorate, he was taken to the
          Kalain Primary Health Centre. Mr. Tapadur died
          at about 1.30 p.m.
          S. M., aged about 14, resident in Delhi, Muslim.
          On 24 December 2007 5. M. had come from
          Delhi, where he lived, to Harharpur to celebrate
          Eid Festival with his family. When he returned
          from a meeting with his mother accross the border
          at around ii .45 pm, he was killed by Border
          Security Force (B SF) officers near Madhupur
          Bridge, Police Station-Bagdah, District-North 24
          Parganas. The assistant Commandant of BSF of
          37 BD. B.S.F. explained the death of S. M.
          indicating that B .S .F j awans fired on a group of
          about five or six persons who crossed the border
          and did not obey their order to stop. However.
          while three deep penetrating injuries were noticed
          on S. M's chest, no bullet injury was detected on
          the dead body. The police of Bagdah Police
          Station launched an investigation into the
          unnatural death (case no 86/2007). However.
          according to the sub-inspector of Bagdah Police
          Station. a criminal case was also initiated against
          the deceased victim. S. M. (Bagdah Police Station
          case no 303; General Diary Entry no. 1661/07
          dated 25 December 2007 under sections
          143/186/353/447/506/427 of the Indian Penal
          Code on the basis of the complaint lodged by the
          Assistant Commandant). The case against S. M. is
          based on a complaint lodged by BSF and
          indicates that the body of the victim was
          recovered by the BSF on 24 December 2007 at
          about 11.45 p.m. and handed over to the police on
          25 December 2007 at about 8.45 am., which
          clearly indicates that the body of the victim
          remained with the BSF for several hours. The
          complaint alleges that B.S.F. Jawan of
          37 Battalion of C-Company constable, N.H. Boro
          (Constable no 05128115). when being attacked by
          four or five persons on the night of
          24 December 2007. opened fire on them and later
          recovered a dead body from the place of the
          incident which was situated about 250 meters
          from the international border near Border Point
          Allegations transmitted
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          C D
          Allegations transmitted
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          No. 49/2/s. Later the unknown body was
          identified as the body of S. M. by local people.
          The complaint lodged by the BSF also alleges that
          on the night of the incident a wire cutter.
          100 Bangladesh taka and a Daw (Sharp cutting
          weapon) were recovered from the place of
          incident. S. M. was described as aged 20 in the
          complaint whereas the father of the deceased
          victim disclosed his age as 14. The charges
          against him related to offences like cnrninal
          trespass, preventing public officers from doing
          their duty and assaulting public officers,
          participating in an unlawful assembly, criminal
          intimidation etc. The relatives of the deceased
          have not received a post-mortem report yet. Given
          that the body was with the BSF from about
          midnight until almost 9 am. and the type of
          injuries on the dead body, it is feared that S. M.
          died following ill-treatment in custody .
          84. 05/09/08 JAL FRDX; Excessive use of force by the security forces in
          SUMX: confronting demonstrations in Jammu and
          TOR Kashmir. Since June 2008, protests have
          increased in Jammu and Kashmir. The
          demonstrations began after a state government
          decision on 26 May 2008, to transfer 100 acres of —
          land to a Hindu tnist (the Amarnath Shrine Board)
          to build temporary shelters during an annual
          Hindu pilgrimage. Once the decision became
          public in June, Muslim Kashmiris started
          protesting against the land transfer. The decision
          to transfer the land was revoked on 1 July,
          fuelling counter protests from Hindu Kashmiris
          calling for the reinstatement of the transfer.
          During these demonstrations in Jammu, Hindu
          protesters reportedly obstructed traffic on the
          Jammu-Panthankot National Highway, the main
          land route to the Kashmir region. The blockades
          allegedly led to shortages in essential food and
          medical supplies in the Kashmir valley. Protesters
          chanted anti-Indian slogans, burned Indian flags
          and effigies of Indian leaders, blocked highways
          and attacked the security forces with sticks and
          stones. On 11 August, approximately
          100,000 Kashmiris marched toward the Line of
          Control in protest. Police, military and
          paramilitary forces responded with bamboo rods,
          tear gas, rubber bullets and live ammunition,
          resulting in the deaths of at least ten protestors.
          On 12 August, at least another 17 protestors and
          one news cameraman were shot by security
          forces. On 13 August, the Government allegedly
          issued an order authorizing state security forces to
          ‘shoot on sight' in response to communal violence
          in the town of Kishtwar, Doda District. More
          protestors were shot by state forces in the
          following days. On 24 August, hundreds of
          protesters defied a Government imposed curfew
          and tried to march from Narbal to the Lal Chowk
          (Red Square) in Srinagar, where a rally was
          planned on the following day. The Central
          Reserve Police Force (CRPF) opened fire on the
          protesters, killing one person. At least eight
          protestors were killed on the following day, on
          25 August, and three on 27 August. According to
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          the allegations we have received, each of these
          43 deaths was the result of excessive use of force
          by state security forces. At least 13 journalists
          were also reportedly beaten by CRPF officers in
          Srinagar, on 24 August, as they tried to reach their
          offices despite the curfew introduced earlier in the
          85. 16/09/08 JAL SUMX; Neel Kumar Mondal, a fisherman and labourer
          TOR of Char Durgapur village in Murshidabad District,
          West Bengal. On 15 April 2008 at about 4 a.m.,
          he was returning home after fishing from
          Ilsemarir damoud near the border between India
          and Bangladesh. Troops of BSF Battalion No.105,
          Company A, patrolling in the area arrested him on
          the suspicion of smuggling. They then beat him
          with iron rods and boots. One of the BSF soldiers
          fired at Neel Kumar Mondal and hit him on the
          back. Neel Kumar Mondal died on the spot. The
          BSF soldiers tied his legs with a rope and dragged
          the body to their out-post. Neighbors and family
          members of Neel Kumar Mondal who had heard
          about the incident were not allowed by the BSF to
          see his body at the outpost. At around 2 p.m. on
          the same day, the BSF delivered the corpse to
          Ranitala Police Station. On the basis of —
          complaints filed by the BSF, the police registered 2
          case no. 45/08 against Neel Kumar Mondal,
          charging him under Penal Code sections 186
          (obstmcting a public servant in the discharge of
          public functions), 188 (disobedience to an order
          duly promulgated by a public servant), 353
          (assault or criminal force to deter a public servant
          from the discharge of his duty) and 307
          (attempted murder). The police at Ranitala Police
          Station refused to take any complaint against the
          BSF from Neel Kumar Mondal's family On
          16 April 2008, Ranitala Police Station delivered
          the body of Neel Kumar Mondal to Lalbagh
          Sub-Divisional Hospital in Murshidabad. The
          corpse was labeled as belonging to an
          “unidentified” man, although Neel Kumar
          Mondal's wife and family had identified the body
          at the Ranitala Police Station. The post mortem
          report of the Hospital referred to the case as an
          “unnatural death” case and recorded the deceased
          as an unidentified man. The family later on
          received the mortal remains of Neel Kumar
          Mondal from Ranitala Police Station. Dwijen
          Mondal. On 3 May 2008, he and another man
          went to the river Padma in Murshidabad district.
          Members of the BSF from Bamnabad Camp,
          Battalion No.90, B Company, who were patrolling
          the river, apprehended Dwijen Mondal and took
          him to BSF Out-Post No.3, Point D. The
          following morning, on 4 May 2008, Dwijen
          Mondal ‘s family was informed of his detention.
          His eldest son and two other men went to the
          BSF Camp. Dwijen Mondal was badly injured
          and could not sit properly as his legs were tied
          with chains. As to the causes of his injuries,
          Dwijen Mondal told his eldest son and the two
          men that he had been hung from a tree. A witness
          to Dwijen Mondal's apprehension by the BSF the
          previous day alleges that he heard someone
          Allegations transmitted
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          C D
          Allegations transmitted
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          shouting orders in Hindi: “Shir me mar. shir me
          mar”. which means “strike on the head”. At the
          inquest (see below), it was noticed that there were
          black, swollen spots on the victim's bod/
          particularly the throat and neck. There were some
          bniise marks on the legs and some prominent dark
          spots on the back of the victim. A police officer
          present at the inquest was of the opinion that
          these were boot marks, while further broader
          black marks on the chest of the victim were
          attributed to the handle of a rifle. On that same
          morning, in the presence of his son. Dwij en
          Mondal fell to the ground and died after drinking
          some water. Around noon of 4 May 2008, police
          officers from Raninagar Police Station reached
          BSF Border Out-Post No.3. Their request to see
          the Entry Book of the Border Out-Post but was
          refused, and they did not receive answers to their
          questions from the BSF. Raninagar Police Station
          registered a case of unnatural death (Unnatural
          Death Case No.05/08). In the afternoon, inquest
          proceedings took place at Lalbagh Sub-Divisional
          Hospital. A relative of Dwijen Mondal was
          present. At 9.30 p.m. in the evening, a magistrate
          took the statements of family members. The —
          family were not given copies of the First
          Information Report (FIR). The post-mortem was
          carried out on the 5 Ma 2008. The Disposal
          Order of Lalbagh Sub-Divisional Hospital does
          not mention the cause of death. Also, on the
          evening of 4 May, all the BSF men stationed at
          Bamnabad BSF Camp were transferred and new
          BSF stationed at the camp. Senior BSF and police
          officers have been sending Dwij en Mondal ‘s
          family 3,000 Indian Rupees (corresponding to
          70 USD) and one sack of rice every month, and
          have pledged to give ajob in the BSF to a son of
          the deceased. The victim's family have withdrawn
          their case against the BSF. allegedly under the
          influence of some local political leaders.
          Mofijul Seikh. a 25-year-old share-cropper of
          Mohangunj village in Murshidabad District. He
          died on around 1 to 2 June 2008 in the vicinity of
          Border Out-Post No. 2 and 3 of the Mohangunj
          BSF Camp. A bullet fired by a BSF soldier
          (whose name is on record with the Special
          Rapporteur) entered his body from the back and
          exited from the chest. He died on the spot. As to
          the circumstances in which Mofijul Seikh was
          lethally shot by the BSF. two differing reports
          were received. According to one version, he was
          smuggling cattle from India into Pakistan and
          failed to stop when BSF soldiers appeared. The
          other version states that he was trying to prevent
          cattle smugglers from crossing his fields (to
          prevent damage to the crop) and was shot by B SF
          soldiers complicit with the cattle smugglers. The
          BSF inforn ed the police and on 2 June 2008 the
          body of the deceased was taken to Raninagar
          Police Station. During that morning the widow of
          Mofij ul Seikh went to Raninagar Police Station to
          lodge a written complaint against the BSF for
          killing her husband. The officer in charge of the
          Allegations transmitted
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          C D
          Allegations transmitted
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          police station refused to accept the complaint. A
          few hours later, the BSF filed a case against the
          deceased with Raninagar Police Station
          (Case No. 118/08). A post mortem examination
          was carried out at Lalbagh Morgue.
          Sentu Mondal, aged 19, resident of Chakmathura
          village in Murshidabad District. He was
          apprehended by BSF soldiers on 17 June 2008
          around ii pin., as he was trying to smuggle cattle
          across the Jndian-Bangladeshi border. The BSF
          soldiers took Sentu Mondal to Out-Post No. 1 of
          Udaynagar under Singhpara BSF Camp (BSF
          Battalion 90). There they beat him to death with
          their fists and rifle buts. Thereafter, BSF soldiers
          threw his body into the river Padma near Out-Post
          No. 1. On 19 June 2008, at about 4p.m. in the
          evening, the lifeless body of Sentu Mondal
          surfaced in the river Padma near Out-Post No. 1.
          Police from Jalangi Police Station came to the
          spot and sent the body of the victim for autopsy to
          Berhampore General Hospital (post mortem
          report no. 562 dated 20 June 2008). Jalangi Police
          Station registered the death of Sentu Mondal as an
          unnatural death (Case no. 15/2008). Sentu
          Mondal's father alleges that the police have failed
          to take any action against the perpetrators.
          S.M., aged 15, from Rajanagarvillage,
          Mushidabad District. On 23 July 2008 around
          noon, he was sitting in front of his family's mud
          hut by the road side. A constable of BSF Battalion
          no. 90 approached S. M. and asked him in Hindi
          about the whereabouts of certain fertilizer
          smugglers operating in the area. S. M. was unable
          to reply as he did not speak Hindi. The BSF
          constable grabbed him and began to beat him.
          Neighbors heard the cries and tried to intervene to
          protect S. M., but the BSF constable fired his gun
          at him. The bullet entered the victim through the
          left side of the chest and exited through his back.
          S. M. was nished to Berhampore New General
          Hospital, but died there at 3 p.m.. before reaching
          the operating theatre. The police at Raningar
          Police Station registered both a case against the
          BSF filed by S. M's mother (Case No. 151/08)
          and a case against S. M. filed by the filed by the
          Company Comander of G-Companv. B SF
          Battalion 90. On the following day. 24 July 2008,
          the post mortem was conducted in the morgue in
          Berhampore New General Hospital. The post
          mortem report recorded uirnatural death
          (case no. 52 1/08). The BSF constable who shot
          S. M. continues to serve and has not been
          reprimanded for his actions. Md. Aptarul
          Hossain alias Aktarul Jamal (alias Aktanil
          Jamal). aged about 21, resident of Baronoberia
          Biswas Para village, North 24 Parganas District.
          He was shot in his leg by a BSF constable on
          15 February 2008. According to the case filed by
          the BSF against him (Gaighata Police Station
          Case no. 54/08), Md. Aptanil Hossain was caught
          by the BSF as he and two other men were
          smuggling across the Jndian-Bangladeshi border
          and was shot in the leg as he and his accomplices
          Allegations transmitted
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          C D
          Allegations transmitted
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          tried to attack the BSF constable. According to
          two eve-witnesses (names on record with the
          Special Rapporteur). however. Md. Aptanil
          Hossain was approached by a BSF soldier as he
          was cleaning rice crops in the paddy fields near
          Out Post no. 2. The BSF soldier asked Md.
          Aptanil Hossain whether his name was “Akbar”.
          Md. Aptanil Hossain denied and gave his name.
          The BSF soldier did not believe him and suddenly
          fired a round from his rifle at the victim's left leg
          below the knee. It is also alleged that the
          documents filed by the B SF in connection with
          their complaint against Md. Aptanil Hossain
          (such as the reports concerning his arrest) contain
          such inconsistencies as to unden ine the
          BSF version of the incident. Md. Aptanil Hossain
          is currently detained on remand at Dum Dum
          Central Correctional Home. When he was
          produced before the Bongaon Court on
          24 June 2008, his left leg had lost flexibility due
          to the insufficient medical treatment given to his
          wound, which was swelling and releasing fluid.
          On 8 July 2008, Md. Aptanil Hossain was again
          produced before the Bongaon Magistrate's Court.
          The wound was not covered by a bandage but tied —
          with an unhygienic piece of cloth. Md. Aptanil
          Hossain infonned the court that the treatment of
          his injury was not going well. but was cut short
          by the Public Prosecutor. Also counsel acting for
          Md. Aptanil Hossain has repeatedly drawn the
          court's attention to the insufficiency of the
          medical treatmnent.
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          Kirity Roy, lawyer and Secretary of Banglar
          Manabadhikar Suraksha Mancha (MASUM). and
          State Director of the National Project on
          Preventing TOR in India (NPPTI) (subject of
          previously transmitted communications.
          e.g. A/HRC/4/37/Add. 1. paras. 314 and 315;
          A/HRCI7I28IAdd.1. para. 1053. 1057). On
          27 September 2008, at approximately 4 p.m.. a
          group of Kolkata Police agents whose identities
          are known entered the offices of MASUM to
          search for Mr. Kirity Ro who was not there at
          the tinie. They then requested three documents
          relating to three alleged victims of police TOR
          who had sworn affidavits for the PTT.
          On 9 July 2008. Mr. Brindaban Sumar went to
          purchase some medicines. When he was returning
          home. Border Security Force (B SF) personnel
          forced him to load some consifcated goods in his
          vehicle. The BSF personnel later went to his
          home and inquired about the quantity of the
          goods. On 12 July. Mr. Sumar was in his garden
          when BSF personnel arrived and started to
          question him. They held him by his collar and
          started assaulting him with fists and blows.
          Mr. Sumar fell on the ground and the
          BSF personnel began to kick him. They then tried
          to drag Mr. Sumar towards the BSF Camp. The
          victim's son tried to infonn other villagers about
          the incident. but he was forcibly restrained by
          BSF personnel. Mr. Sumar was taken to the
          Banagram Angrail Camp of the 126th Batallion E
          Company. Once there. he was hung upside down
          and bnitallv based on his legs, back and hip with
          batons. At the time of his release, Mr. Sumar
          signed a written document, the contents of which
          were not disclosed to him. On 12 July 2008, the
          victim's wife filed a complaint at the Gaighata
          Police Station (GDA No. 670), but the police
          reportedly did not take any steps. On
          15 July 2008, a mass petition was filed before the
          Sub-Divisional Officer. On 16 July 2008, the
          victim filed a petition under section 156 (3) of the
          Criminal Procedure Code before the Additional
          Chief Judicial Magistrate. The petition was
          admitted and the Gaighata Police Station started
          case no. 276 under sections 342, 325, 326, 307,
          379. 506 and 509 of the Indian Penal Code. All
          original documents regarding Mr. Sumar' s
          medical treatment, as well as other documents
          were taken away by the police of Gaighata Police
          Station, allegedly for the purpose of the
          investigation. However, the police have failed to
          arrest the perpetrators. The victim had to go to the
          police station several times to request the
          initiation of the investigation.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          M. M. B. (A/HRCI7I3IAdd.i, para. 84).
          By letter dated 28/04/08, the Government
          to earlier
          infon ed that he was arrested on
          21 September 2007 on account of his
          complicity in a case of theft. All necessary
          legal fon alities were observed in the
          registration of the case and the arrest of Mr. M.
          After his arrest, he was examined at N. R. S.
          Medical College Hospital and no signs of
          alleged torture were found in the medical
          C D
          examination report. Mr. M. was produced
          before the Additional Chief Judicial Magistrate
          within 24 hours of his arrest on 22 September.
          The court remanded him to police custody
          until 25 September. There was no allegation of
          torture made before the court. The court also
          dismissed the charge of illegal detention from
          ii to 20 September. Mr. M. was again
          produced before the Magistrate on
          25 September. who extended the remand until
          28 September. The medical examination report
          during the period of remand did not establish
          any instance of torture. Mr. M. was released on
          bail on 28 September. The case is presently
          By letter dated 21/07/08, the Government
          inforn ed that the woman was apprehended by
          a patrolling party of the Indian Border Security
          Force (B SF). They were brought to the outpost
          and a preliminary questioning was conducted
          in the presence of a female member of the
          Pancha at (local government). The women
          were then taken to the Government Hospital,
          Raninagar. where the Medical Officer carried
          out an examination and certified that “no
          external injury is seen”. The women were then
          taken to the police station of Raninagar to be
          kept in the women's prison cell as there was
          no such facility available at the BSF outpost. A
          constable of the BSF was also kept on duty
          there. The next morning. Ms. Begum
          complained of sexual harassment by the BSF
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Asha Begum (A/HRC/7/3/Add.1. para. 82)
          patrolling party upon which they were
          immediately taken to the Government
          Hospital, Raninagar. where the Medical
          Officer re-issued a medical certificate saving
          that no external injuries were seen and also
          referred Ms. Begum to Sadar District Hospital,
          Berhampore. for further examination. He also
          endorsed that he had examined the same
          woman the evening before, at which time she
          did not complain of a sexual assault. The
          Medical Officer of Sadar District Hospital
          carried out an examination and categorically
          denied the possibility of sexual assault of
          Ms. Begum. The allegation leveled against the
          BSF ambush park appears to be false and
          fabricated. Medical examinations from
          different hospitals are testimony to the fact.
          Therefore no First Information Report was
          lodged by the police against the BSF party. On
          receipt of a notice from the National Human
          Rights Commission, a departmental Staff
          Court of Inquiry was ordered by the
          Headquarters of BSF. Kolkatta. which is
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          Resumption of executions in Indonesia. It is our
          By letter dated 17/10/08, the Government
          understanding that, bringing to an end an informal
          responded that Samuel Iwuchukwu Okobe and
          moratorium on executions which lasted since
          Hansen Anthony Nwolisa were arrested and
          2004, six persons were executed since
          charged with dnig possession and convicted of
          27 June 2008: on 27 June 2008. Samuel
          dnig trafficking in 2007. The death sentence
          Iwuchukwu Okoye and Hansen Anthoni
          was retained when their appeals at the various
          Nwolisa. two Nigerian citizens; on 10 July 2008,
          levels failed to acquit them of the charges
          Achmad Suradji: on 18 July 2008,
          C D
          Tubagus Maulana Yusuf: and on the following
          day. Nyonya Sumiarsih and her son Sugeng. The
          first two had been found guilty of dnig
          trafficking, the remaining four of multiple
          murders. Two of those recently executed had been
          found guilty of dnig trafficking. Samuel
          Iwuchukwu Okove and Hansen Anthoni Nwolisa.
          the two Nigerians who were executed by firing
          squad near Pasir Putih prison on 27 June 2008,
          had reportedly attempted to smuggle 7 kg of
          heroin into Indonesia. More in general, according
          to detailed inforn ation provided by your
          Government to the Special Rapporteur on the
          question of torture in November 2007, there were
          (as of October 2007) 99 prisoners sentenced to
          death in Indonesia. Recent reports indicate that
          the number of prisoners on death row has since
          risen, possibly to 108 at present. Five had been
          sentenced to death on terrorism charges, 36 for
          murder and one on charges of robbery. The
          remaining 57 were sentenced to death on charges
          of illicit trafficking in narcotic dnigs and
          psychotropic substances. On 26 June 2008 (the
          International Da against Dnig Abuse and
          Trafficking), National Police Chief General
          Sutanto reportedly stated that the Government
          intends to speed up executions of persons
          sentenced to death for dnig trafficking.
          We commend the recent decision of the Supreme
          Court of Indonesia to commute the death sentence
          in the cases of three Australian citizens convicted
          against them.
          Achrnad Suradj was sentenced to death in
          April 1997 by the Lubuk Pakam district court
          in Deli Serdanag, North Sumatra, for killing
          42 women and girls in a series of ritual
          slayings. His appeals in higher courts and
          subsequent application for clemency were all
          Tubagus Maulana Yusuf was convicted of
          murdering eight persons in March 2007 and
          was sentenced to death. He did not appeal the
          conviction, nor did he make any requests for
          N on a Sumiarsih and her son, Sugeng, were
          sentenced to death in 1989 for the murder of a
          family of five in Surabaya. Their last appeal
          for clemency was rejected in 2003.
          It should be clearly understood that Indonesia
          has an independent judiciary which has been
          functioning effectively for several years. There
          are several stages which must be respected
          before any execution may be carried out in
          Contrary to any negative inferences in the
          letter, Indonesia wishes to recall that it does
          not take lightly the commitments it has
          undertaken when ratifying the ICCPR.
          However, for heinous crimes, which have been
          judicially adjudicated, certain provisions of the
          national law impose the death penalty.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          of dmgs smuggling, Matthew Norman, Thanh
          Duc Tan Nguyen and Si Yi Chen.
          According to the data your Government provided
          to the Special Rapporteur on the question of
          torture, while all the death row inmates convicted
          for non-drug related offences are Indonesian
          nationals, of the 57 awaiting execution on drugs
          trafficking charges 43 are foreigners. Half of these
          foreigners (21) are citizens of African countries.
          ‘While it seems clear that foreigners play a
          significant role in smuggling drugs into
          Indonesia, the fact that four out of five prisoners
          awaiting execution on dmgs trafficking charges
          are foreigners raises certain questions in terms of
          possible discrimination in relation to both
          criminal enforcement and sentencing in
          dmg-related cases. It would be important to know
          if there are four times more foreigners than locals
          involved in the drug trade, if the police use the
          same approach in investigating and charging both
          locals and foreigners, and if the sentences handed
          down are equally harsh in relation to both
          foreigners and locals. In addition, foreigners in
          conflict with the law are particularly vulnerable
          and require special measures to ensure the
          fairness of the proceedings against them,
          including interpretation and consular assistance.
          When the Special Rapporteur on the question of
          torture visited Pasir Putih prison on
          20 November 2007, he interviewed a number of
          prisoners sentenced to death. As reflected in
          Furthermore, the provisions of the national
          legislation are not discriminatory in relation to
          foreigners as all are judged equally before the
          law. Therefore, the fact that Indonesia is a
          signatory of the ICCPR does not pre-empt
          decisions the Government may take as part of
          its sovereign and democratic legal process,
          within its borders and by applying its judicial
          Once again, the death penalty in Indonesia is
          only imposed for crimes of a very serious
          nature. The law does not prohibit the death
          penalty. Furthermore, nobody was executed
          before the Government reassessed its position,
          and in 2007 the Constitutional court upheld the
          death penalty for serious dmg offenses.
          In addition, it bears stating that the names
          mentioned in the Annex of the communication
          remain within the jurisdiction of the judiciary.
          It is up to the court and the constitution to
          determine how the provisions of national
          legislation apply to the mentioned individuals.
          To this effect, the Government of Indonesia is
          not at liberty to comment on the decisions that
          will be taken on their cases at this point in
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Appendix Ito his report on the visit to Indonesia
          (A/HRC/7/3/Add. 7). many of these prisoners
          alleged prolonged detention in police custody.
          ill-treatment to extort confessions, judicial
          indifference to allegations of ill-treatment, and, in
          some cases, violations of the right to be assisted
          by legal counsel. Relevant parts of the Appendix
          to the report on the visit to Indonesia are
          reproduced as Annex to this communication.
          While we do not wish to prejudge the tnithfulness
          and accuracy of the allegations made by the
          detainees, which have, to our knowledge, neither
          been corroborated nor refuted. they would - even
          if only partially tnie - raise serious concerns with
          respect to the fairness of the proceedings in which
          these persons were sentenced to death.
          The Annex made reference to the report of the
          Special Rapporteur on the question of torture on
          his Indonesia visit (AIHRC/7/3/Add.7.
          Appendix 1. paras. 99. 101, 102, 105,108. 109,
          110, 111, 112, 113).
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          46 individuals including Simon Tuturop,
          By letter dated 2 1/10/08, the Government
          Tadeus Weripang, Viktor Tuturop, Tomas
          indicated that on 19 July 2008, the six
          Nimbitkendik, Benedidiktus Tuturop and Teles
          mentioned Papuans were involved in a
          Piahar. In the morning of 19 July 2008, at
          flag-raising incident which took place outside
          approximately 4.30 am., 46 Papuan nationals
          an Indonesian government archive office in
          were arrested by police during a flag-raising
          Fakfak, West Papua. The above individuals
          ceremony outside a government archive office, in
          were among the 46 who were arrested for their
          the city of Fakfak, western Papua. During the
          participation in this illicit event which took
          arrests, police officers reportedly beat and kicked
          place without authorization.
          the protesters. forcing the men to strip to their
          . .
          As a result of their actions, Simon Tuturop,
          underwear in the street, before loading them onto
          tnicks and taking them to Fakfak police station.
          Many of those arrested suffered bniising to their
          faces and bodies, with two complaining of serious
          e e injuries. Six of those arrested, including
          Mr. Simon Tuturop. Mr.Tadeus Weripang.
          Mr.Viktor Tuturop, Mr.Tomas Nimbitkendik.
          Mr.Benedidiktus Tuturop and Mr.Teles Piahar,
          have been charged with subversion for
          threatening the state and by raising a ‘separatist
          flag'. In accordance with Indonesia's criminal
          code subversion carries a maximum penalty of
          life imprisonment. On 23 Jul/ five more activists
          were reportedly arrested while 37 from the
          original group of detainees were released. The
          police reportedly stated that it will investigate
          allegations related to detainees who suffered e e
          injuries, but has denied claims that any of the
          protesters were beaten or that they were subjected
          to humiliating treatment. In March 2008,
          nine Papuan activists were arrested and jailed for
          displaying the Papuan Morning Star flag. Their
          trial, on charges of subversion, is ongoing and the
          nine remain in detention.
          58 years old, Tadeus Weripang, 52 years old,
          Victor Tuturop, 42 years old, Tomas
          Nimitkendik, 19 years old, Benediktus
          Tuturop, 35 years old and Telas Piahar,
          20 years old, were all arrested and charged
          with subversion under section 110 of the
          Indonesian Criminal Code.
          Following further investigation, the others who
          were arrested at the same time as the six
          mentioned individuals have been released and
          the charges against most of them dropped. At
          the time, the other 37 detainees were to be sent
          home after meeting with and being briefed by
          the Faffak Regent.
          The flag that was raised bore the insignia and
          colours of the West Papuan Independence,
          which is known as a separatist symbol and
          baimed. The six individuals were in violation
          of the law for attempting to cause a rebellion,
          and could also be charged with plotting a coup.
          Their case will be handled in application of the
          national judicial procedure.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          On 22 January 2007, Mr. H. and his partner were
          By letter dated 15/12/08, the Government of
          assaulted by approximately 16 civilians while
          Indonesia indicated that Mr. H., an
          they were at their home. On 23 January, they were
          NGO worker, was said to have a male lover
          taken to the Bandarava Aceh Sector Police at
          who went by the name of Mr. F. On
          about 1:230 am., where they were severely
          22 January 2008, Mr. H and Mr. F were
          beaten and sexually abused by police officers.
          allegedly assaulted by about 16 civilians while
          When the investigation process was set in motion,
          they were at home together at the second floor
          of a coffee shop in Lamgalang Village,
          C D
          the prosecutor treated the case as a minor offence.
          On 8 October 2008, the Bandarava Aceh District
          Police suninioned Mr. H. to give testinionv at the
          Banda Aceh District Court. The trial against four
          police officers took place that same day. During
          the trial, the judge did not examine the
          perpetrated acts of torture but rather focused on
          the sexual orientation of Mr. H. He gave the
          impression that the accused should be allowed to
          beat and assault the victim on the grounds of his
          different sexual orientation. After Mr. H. gave his
          testimon/ all of the accused accepted it without
          The court sentenced the four defendants to three
          month imprisonment, six months probation and a
          fine of IDR 1.000 (0.1 USD) for “minor
          maltreatment”. Since the charge was a minor
          offense, the victim has no right to appeal. In its
          reasoning for the light punishment, the court
          stated that the police officers had committed a
          minor offence, had confessed their acts, both
          parties had forgiven each other and they were
          needed by their country.
          regency of Banda Aceh, allege dlv having
          intercourse. At the tinie. it was said that the
          assault was a direct result of the disapproval
          felt in their community for their sexual
          misconduct which contravened the local laws.
          traditions and religious values. The police
          came and allegedly asked them to sign a letter
          addressed to the Lamgalang Head of the
          Village infonning him that they would not
          repeat their homosexual actions in the future in
          that village.
          On 23 January 2007, the two were arrested by
          the Banda Rava Aceh Sector Police at
          approximately 1:30 am. and were taken to the
          local police station in Banda Aceh. The arrest
          was linked to their public disorder. Following
          their arrest, there were allegations that they
          had been mistreated while in police custody.
          During his trial. Mr. H. was requested to give
          testimony before the Banda Aceh District
          Court on 8 October. As homosexuality is
          considered a crime in the legislation in Aceh,
          the judge advised him to “turn away” from this
          legal violation.
          Regarding the allegations of torture and
          mistreatment, it is illicit for authority figures to
          misuse their power to the detriment of
          detainees. As a result, four police officers were
          placed on trial, R. H, W. P. W. S. and A. They
          did not deny the accusation and later
          apologized to Mr. H. They were also sentenced
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          them to three years' imprisonment, with
          six months of probation and a fine of
          IDR 1.000.
          93. 03/11/08 AL TOR On 26 March 2008, Mr. Adi Sahrianto, a
          gatekeeper at Bulan Bintang village, Deli
          Serdang, Sumatra. was arrested by an officer from
          the North Sumatra Regional Police Station on
          suspicion of theft. and taken by car to the station.
          Around 10 p .m. Mr. Sahrianto ‘s brother was
          informed by the police that his brother had been
          taken to the hospital in Medan. He was dead by
          the time his family arrived. Mr. Sahrianto's body
          reportedly had traces of burns, and visible injuries
          including bniises on his neck and back, and his
          head also had cuts. No autopsy report was
          provided to the family. It has been reported that
          no investigation into the alleged torture has been
          carried out.
          On 14 Ma 2008 around midnight. Mr. Syamsul
          Hadi, aged 34 from Semarang, was arrested at his
          friend's house by three officers of Semarang
          Police Office. Mr. Hadi was blindfolded, bound,
          taken away in a minivan and driven around the
          city. Mr. Hadi was later beaten, doused in
          gasoline, set alight at Lingkar Peganjaran Road.
          Kudus district, and left by the highway. Mr. Hadi
          has received treatment at Kudus Hospital.
          On 19 September 2008, Mr. Ferdinand Pakage
          was arrested in Wamena. On 20 September 2008
          at 7 am., a prison officer at Abepura prison, hit
          Mr. Ferdinand Pakage with a metal ke on the
          94. 06/11/08 JUA HRD; Sabar Olif Iwanggin. assistant lawyer and
          IJL; human rights activist (noted in the report by the
          TOR Special Rapporteur of his visit to Indonesia.
          A/HRC/7/3/Add.7. Appendix I. para. 75). On
          18 October 2007. he was arrested in Javapura by
          the Anti-Terror Special Force Unit of the National
          Police (Mabes Polri). Afterwards, he was
          transferred to Mabes Polri in Jakarta where he
          was held for interrogation until 1 November 2007.
          Subsequently he was brought back to Polda
          Papua. Sabar Olif Iwanggin is accused of
          forwarding a short message-service (sms) to his
          family and his friends defaming the Indonesian
          President Susilo Bambang Yudhovono. Sabar Olif
          Iwanggin is being tried since 7 January 2008
          before the State Court of Javapura. He is charged
          for insulting the President, based on articles 134
          and 160 of the Indonesian Criminal Code.
          According to article 134. deliberate insult against
          the President shall be punished by a maximum
          prison sentence of six years. Article 160 stipulates
          that any person who incites in public to commit a
          punishable act, a violent action against the public
          authority or any other disobedience shall be
          punished by a maximum prison sentence of
          six years or a maximum fine of three hundred
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          right side of his face, which started bleeding.
          Subsequently the Head of Prison registration
          centre took him to the office of the Head of Prison
          security, who also hit Mr. Ferdinand Pakage on
          his head and back with a nibber stick and kicked
          his knees and face with his arniy shoes.
          C D
          nipiahs. According to the inforn ation received,
          Sabar Olif Iwanggin' s trial has violated the
          guarantees of the due process of law, as stipulated
          by Indonesia's Criminal Procedure Code and
          international hunian rights standards. It is alleged
          that Sabar Olif Iwanggin was arrested without an
          arrest warrant and that he was not accompanied
          by his lawyer during part of the interrogation.
          Moreover, he would have confessed to
          committing the offense as a result of
          psychological pressure exerted by police officers.
          It is also alleged that the prosecution presented
          nine witnesses of whom none was able to testify
          against Sabar Olif Iwanggin, which led the
          prosecution to ask for further witness
          examination, even though both, the examination
          of the witnesses as well as the examination of the
          defendant, had been closed. This would have
          breached the Indonesian Criminal Procedural
          Code (article 182). Furthermore, it is alleged that,
          although the prosecution did not prove that the
          sms of Sabar Olif Iwanggin lead to anarchic
          actions in the districts of Yahukimo and Boven
          Digul where several stores were destroyed and
          burned down in September 2007, Sabar Olif
          Iwanggin was charged with violating article 160
          of the Penal Code. Finally, the judges allegedly
          shouted and blamed the accused during the trial.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          Iran (Islamic
          A young man identified as Behnood. is at
          Republic of)
          imminent risk of execution. He was convicted b/
          a court in Tehran of murdering another bo
          during a street fight, when he was 17 years old.
          C D
          C D
          a f l
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          He will reportedly be executed in the coming days
          following the confirmation of the death sentence
          by the Supreme Court.
          Emadeddin Baghi, president of the Society for
          Defending Prisoners' Rights, a non-governmental
          human rights organization founded in 2003, and
          former editor of Jomhouriat, a daily newspaper,
          closed by the authorities in July 2004 (subject of a
          previously transmitted communication,
          A/HRC/7/14/Add. 1, para. 312). Mr.Baghi
          reportedly suffered a heart attack in prison on
          26 December 2007. He was briefly hospitalized
          for emergency treatment, but was then returned to
          prison, where he is said to be held
          incommunicado and in solitary confinement in
          section 209 of Tehran's Evin Prison.
          Sa'id Metinpour (subject of a previously
          transmitted communication, A/HRC/7/3/Add. 1,
          para. 95). Mr. Metinpour, who has been in
          detention for eight months, has had no access to a
          lawyer. He was transferred to Section 209 of
          Evin Prison in Tehran on 4 December 2007,
          where he was permitted his first family visit since
          his arrest. Before being transferred to Evin Prison
          Mr. Metinpour spent 205 days in solitary
          confinement. He also had objects, such as slippers
          and jugs, inserted into his mouth by officials. He
          is in urgent need of medical attention due to a
          dermatitis contracted during his detention. He has
          also reportedly undergone considerable weight
          and hair loss.
          Mahmoud Salehi, spokesperson for the
          Committee to Establish Trade Unions and forn er
          president of the Saqez Bakery Workers' Union.
          On ii December 2007, he was admitted
          unconscious to Tohid Hospital in Sanandaj after
          collapsing in prison between 4 and
          10 December 2007. Following his admission to
          hospital he received a brain scan, which revealed
          that blood vessels in his brain had been damaged.
          Mr. Salehi needs dialysis treatment which is
          unavailable in prison, suffers from a kidney stone
          in his one remaining kidney, and has grave
          intestinal oedema or swelling that may be
          connected to his renal disease. Despite his poor
          health. Mr. Salehi was returned to prison. Since
          his arrest in April 2007. Mr.Salehi's family and
          lawyer have reportedly been trying to either
          secure his temporary release on medical grounds,
          or to transfer him to Saqez Prison so that his
          specialist doctor would be able to see him. On
          31 Ma 2007, Mr. Salehi's doctor stated that he
          cannot receive adequate treatment in prison. On
          17 June 2007, Mr. Salehi was examined in the
          Tohid Hospital, and was returned to prison. It is
          reported that Mr. Salehi is denied his right to see
          his lawyer, and his family can only contact him
          by phone.
          By letter dated 04/09/08, the Government
          responded that Mr. Mahmoud Salehi was
          charged with action against national security
          through organizational support for and
          connection with the terrorist group of
          Koumeleh and arrested in Ma 2004 in the city
          of Saghez. After a thorough examination of the
          charges and following the legal proceedings
          and a court hearing of his case, he was
          sentenced to one year of imprisonment and
          two years of probationary imprisonment.
          While he was serving his term as well as
          afterwards, he continued his activities and
          contacts with foreign circles, campaigning
          against the Islamic Republic of Iran. Following
          investigations and hearing his defence, the
          pertinent court issued a temporary arrest
          warrant, which was once reconfirmed,
          following an appeal by his defence lawyer. His
          case was opened again in Branch 1 of the
          Islamic Revolution Court of Sananndaj city on
          3 April 2008. Mr. Salehi was released on bail
          on 6 April 2008 pending trial. The
          Government wishes to stress that the charges
          against Mr. Salehi had no connection
          whatsoever with his activities in defence of
          human rights. His trial was in accordance with
          the nile of law and merely in relation with his
          illegal activities. Mr. Salehi enjoyed all his
          legal rights before the court ofjustice. He also
          enjoyed all facilities as well as medical
          services offered by medical centres in and
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          outside of the prison, as available to other
          prisoners and regularly received the prescribed
          medicines. Any allegation of ill treatment or
          lack of proper medical attention are therefore
          baseless and merely aim at ill-inteded
          Behrouz Seferi, a human rights activist
          campaigning for language rights for Iran's
          Azerbaijani minority, and his wife. Ms. Layla
          Heydari. He has been detained without charge or
          trial since late May or early June 2007. He has not
          been allowed to consult a lawyer. Mr. Seferi was
          arrested shortly after demonstrations around the
          first anniversary of the publication of a cartoon in
          an Iranian newspaper which many Iranian
          Azerbaijanis found offensive. He was held in his
          home town of Zanjan until 4 December 2007.
          when, according to sources, he was moved to
          Evin Prison. Ms. Lavla Heydari has been detained
          since 28 August 2007. She ran a shop selling
          Azerbaijani books, music and other cultural
          material until the authorities closed it down in
          2006. She obeyed official warnings not to
          publicise her husband's arrest, but on
          28 August 2007, she was summoned to visit her
          detained husband at the Ministry of Intelligence
          detention centre, and was arrested. On 4
          December, she was also moved to Evin Prison.
          Ms. Zohreh, aged 27, and Ms. Azar Kabiri,
          aged 28, sisters from Khademabad, near Karaj.
          On 5 Febniarv 2007, they were arrested in
          connection with allegations of adultery. On
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          17 March 2007, they were prosecuted in court.
          found guilty, and sentenced to 99 lashes. This
          sentence was executed but for unknown reasons.
          both women were returned to prison. Another trial
          took place for the same charges and they were
          sentenced to death by stoning on 5 August 2007.
          The Supreme Court later confirmed the sentence.
          They are currently awaiting execution.
          Amin Ghaza'i. a 29-year-old writer, chief editor
          of an electronic journal called “ArtCult”. and
          prominent member of an organisation called
          “Students for Freedom and Equality”
          (“Daneshjouyan-e Azadi Khah va Beraber
          Talab”). On 14 January 2008, he was arrested in
          Tehran at a meeting along with 14 other students.
          He is currently being held without charge or trial
          in solitary confinement in Section 209 of Evin
          Prison in Tehran and has been ill-treated. On
          15 January 2008 the police searched
          Mr. Ghaza'i's home and confiscated his computer
          and papers. On 30 January 2008, Mr. Ghaza'i was
          allowed a three minute telephone conversation
          with his family in the presence of guards, during
          which he appeared to be intimidated. Apart from
          this phone call Mr. Ghaza'i has not been allowed
          access to his family or a lawyer. He suffers from a
          peptic ulcer, heart problems, and asthma.
          Ya'qub Mehrnehad. the General Secretary of
          Youth Association of Justice Voice, and an
          activist working to defend the cultural and civil
          rights of Baluchi peoples in Zahedan, northern
          Iran. In early Febniary 2008, Mr. Ya'qub
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          Mehrnehad was sentenced to death for an
          unknown offence, after a trial conducted behind
          closed doors. His appeal before the Supreme
          Court has been scheduled for 17 Febniary. less
          than the minimum 20 days given in Iran for the
          preparation of appeals. He was arrested in early
          May 2007 along with five other members of the
          association after they attended a meeting in the
          Provincial Office of Culture and Islamic
          Guidance. The five other men were later released.
          Five months after his arrest. Mr. Ya'qub
          Mehrnehad was allowed visits from his lawyer
          and his family, who alleged that he had been
          tortured. He lost about 15 kg and was unable to
          keep his balance. His trial reportedly began on
          25 December 2007 before a court in Zahedan. in
          Mohammad Reza Haddadi. currently detained
          in Adel Abad jail in the city of Shiraz, is at
          imminent risk of execution. On 6 January 2004,
          Mohammad Reza Haddadi was sentenced to death
          by the Criminal Court in Kazeroon for the
          kidnapping and murder of a taxi driver called
          Mohammed Bagher Rahmat. The events took
          place in August 2003. when Mr. Haddadi was
          only 15 years old. On 3 July 2005, the
          Supreme Court of Iran upheld the death sentence.
          Reza Daghestani, an Azerbaijani rights activist,
          Oromiyeh. He established groups to organize
          peaceful demonstrations in the province of West
          Azerbaijan in connection with International
          Mother Tongue Da on 21 Febniarv. He was a
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          member of a group called Un u Azerbaijan Sesi,
          which actively supported several would-be
          candidates from Oromiyeh, all of whom were
          disqualified, for standing for the Majles
          (parliament) elections to be held on 14 March. On
          21 Febniarv 2008, he was arrested, his house was
          searched and his computer. CDs, papers and
          books were confiscated, along with printouts of
          his newsletters. Mr. Daghestani called his family
          on 22 Febniary. saying he was being held in a
          detention centre belonging to the Ministry of
          Intelligence in Oromiyeh. He has had no access to
          a lawyer and his family. When his family tried to
          visit him on 25 Febniarv. they were told that
          visits would not be allowed until at least
          10 March. It is feared that Mr. Daghestani may
          have been tortured to force him to provide
          infonnation. as security forces searched his house
          a second time on 26 Febniarv and appeared to
          know where to find other papers and books .
          105. 15/04/08 JUA FRDX: Behrooz Karimizadeh. Peyman Piran. All
          HRD: Kantouri and Majid Pourmajid. four students
          IJL; and members of the organization “Students
          TOR; Seeking Freedom and Equalit/ . Three of the four
          WGAD students were arrested in December 2007. —
          apparently to prevent demonstrations to
          commemorate the “Students Day” on
          7 December 2007. Behrooz Karimizadeh was
          arrested on 2 December 2007 by Ministry of
          Infonnation agents at the house of a friend in
          Tehran; Pe man Piran was arrested on
          4 December 2007 by plainclothes agents from the
          Ministry of Information as he was leaving
          Tehran University campus following a peaceful
          demonstration; and Ali Kantouri was arrested
          approximately two weeks later in the town of
          Ghazvin. Behrooz Karimizadeh and Peyman
          Piran are being detained in Units 209 and 305 in
          Evin prison in Tehran, and Ali Kantouri is
          detained in Ghezel Hesare near Tehran. Bail was
          refused for Mr. Kantouri, and a prohibitively high
          bail was set for Mr. Piran and Karimizadeh.
          Majid Pourmajid was arrested on 29 March 2008
          in Tabriz; he was hospitalized three days after his
          arrest and transferred two days later from the
          hospital to an undisclosed location by the
          authorities. Since then his whereabouts are
          unknown. The four students are accused of taking
          part in “armed activities” and “forming groups
          against the State”. Their lawyers have not yet had
          access to their clients or their files. The detained
          students are reportedly being subjected to long
          periods of solitary confinement and physical and
          psychological ill-treatment. Approximately
          40 students have been arrested since
          December 2007, and all except these four were
          later released, some of them alleging that they
          were ill-treated during their detention.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          a f l
          All Muhaqiq Nasab, editor of the monthly
          Kabul-based magazine Haqoq-e-Zan, or Women's
          Rights (subject of a previously transmitted
          communication, E/CN.4/2006/95/Add. 1, para.
          On 4 March 2008, he was arrested by Iranian
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          officials at his honie in Qoni. He was then
          transferred to a detention facility in Tehran, where
          he has been held without charge. At the time of
          his arrest, a computer, mobile phones and
          documents were confiscated. Mr. Nasab' s wife
          was denied access to or any infon ation about
          107. 23/05/08 JUA FRDX: Ms. Nashrin Afzali. Ms. Nahid Jaafari,
          HRD: Ms. Zeynab Peyghambarzadeh. Ms. Rezvan
          TOR: Moghadam and Ms. Parvin Ardalan. members
          VAW of the One Million Signatures Petition Campaign.
          This Campaign seeks to abrogate legal provisions
          that have adverse effects on wonien' s hunian
          rights. Ms. Ardalan. along with other members of
          the campaign, was the subject of an earlier
          communication (see A/HRC/4/3 3/Add. 1.
          para. 100). On 19 April 2008. the 13 th Chamber of
          the Tehran Revolutionary Court sentenced
          Ms. Nasrin Afzali to six months' suspended
          imprisonment and ten lashes after having found
          her guilty of “disniption of public order” for
          having participated, on 4 March 2007, in a
          peaceful gathering in front of the Tehran
          Revolutionary Court to mark International
          Women's Day. On 21 April 2008. Ms. Nahid —
          Jaafari received the same sentence, on the basis of
          the same charges. On 29 March 2008,
          Ms. Ze nab Peyghambarzadeh was sentenced to
          two years' suspended imprisonment for “acting
          against national security” by the 16 th Chamber of
          Tehran Revolutionary Court. On 28 April 2008,
          Ms. Rezvan Moghadam and Ms. Parvin Ardalan
          were notified that, subsequent to a hearing that
          took place on 4 Febniarv 2008, the Tehran
          Revolutionary Court had sentenced
          Ms. Moghadam to six months' suspended
          imprisonment and ten lashes and Ms. Ardalan to
          two years' imprisonment on charges of “acting
          against national security”. On 4 March 2007. the
          Iranian authorities arrested at least 3 1 women's
          rights activists, including Ms. Afzali. Ms. Jaafari.
          M. Peyghambarzadeh. Ms. Moghadam and
          Ms. Ardalan. for staging a peaceful demonstration
          against the prosecution of six women's rights
          defenders charged with criminal offences against
          public order and security for having organized a
          peaceful demonstration in Haft-e Tir Square of
          Tehran on 12 June 2006 .
          108. 18/07/08 JUA SUMX: Regarding the death sentences reportedly imposed
          TERR; on three ethnic Kurds and alleged members of the
          TOR arn ed group Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK),
          Farzad Kamangar (also known as Siamand).
          All Heydarlyan and Farhad Vakili. The
          Supreme Court of Iran is reported to have recently
          confirn ed the death sentences and the execution
          of Farzad Kamangar might be imminent. Farzad
          Kamangar. Ali Heydariyan and Farhad Vakili
          were arrested by Ministry of Intelligence officials
          in Tehran in July or August 2006. Farzad
          Kaniangar was subsequently held incommunicado
          at a series of different locations, including in
          Kern anshah. Sanandaj and Tehran. In the course
          of his detention he was tortured, including by
          beating, flogging and electrocution. As a result of
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          the treatment inflicted, he had to be transferred
          twice to prison clinics. On 27 May 2007, the
          spokesperson of the Judiciary announced that
          Farzad Kamangar had been charged with
          membership in a terrorist organization and with
          holding explosives. In Febmary 2008, the
          36th Revolutionary Court in Tehran found Farzad
          Kamangar, Ali Heydariyan and Farhad Vakili
          guilty on charges of “mohareb”, apparently in
          connection with their alleged membership in the
          PKK, and sentenced them to death. Ali
          Heydariyan and Farhad Vakili were also found
          guilty of forging documents and sentenced to
          ten years imprisonment, which they have to serve
          before any execution is undertaken. Recently (the
          exact date has not been reported to us), the
          Supreme Court confirmed the death sentences. It
          would appear from the information received, that
          the head of the Judiciary may already have issued
          the execution order for Farzad Kamangar .
          109. 3 0/07/08 JUA SUMX; Eight women and a man who have been sentenced
          TOR; to death by stoning for adultery: Ms. Kobra
          VAW Najjar, Ms. Iran Eskandari, Ms. Malek
          (Shamameh) Ghorbani, Ms. Zohreh Kabiri and
          Ms. Azar Kabiri Ms. AshrafKolhari —
          a f l
          Ms. Khaeirieh Valania, Ms. Leila Qomi, and C
          Mr. Abdollah Farivar Moqaddam. Several of
          them were the subjects of earlier communications
          (Mr. Abdollah Farivar Moqaddam:
          A/HRC/7/3/Add. 1, para. 88; Ms. Zohreh Kabiri
          and Ms. Azar Kabiri (para. 100 above).
          Ms. Kobra Najjar was a victim of domestic
          violence who was forced into prostitution by her
          husband in order to support his heroine addiction.
          He was murdered in 1995 by one of Kobra' s
          clients who sympathized with her plight.
          Ms. Naj jar has already served eight years in
          prison as an accessory to her husband's murder.
          The man who murdered her husband also served
          eight years in prison and is now free after paving
          d/yeh (blood money) and undergoing 100 lashes.
          Ms. Naj jar wrote to the Judicial Commission for
          Amnesty to ask for her sentence of execution by
          stoning to be commuted. However, her appeal for
          amnesty has been rejected and she has exhausted
          all domestic remedies. It is feared that her
          execution by stoning could happen any time.
          Ms. Iran Eskandari was sentenced to death by
          stoning for adultery, nine years of imprisonment
          and seventy-four lashes for aiding murder, hiding
          the body, and destroying the evidence. by
          Branch 1 of Lali General Court in 2005. In 2006
          the Supreme Court confirn ed the death sentence
          which is currently being reviewed by the Pardons
          Commission. Ms. Malek (Shamameh) Ghorbani
          was sentenced to death by stoning for adultery by
          Branch 12 of the Criminal Court of
          East Azerbaijan Province in 2006. Branch 27 of
          the Supreme Court has overniled the verdict
          because of irregularities in the investigation
          phase. She remains under criminal proceedings.
          Ms. Zohreh Kabiri and Ms. Azar Kabiri were
          arrested on S Febniar 2007 in connection with
          allegations of illegitimate relations other than
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          adultery. On 17 March 2007. they were
          prosecuted in court, found guilty, and sentenced
          to 99 lashes. This sentence was executed.
          Thereafter, both women were returned to prison
          and another trial took place for the same charges
          and they were sentenced to death by stoning on
          5 August 2007. Branch 27 of the Supreme Court
          confirmed the death sentence in 2007. The file is
          now with the Head of the Judiciary. Ms. Ashraf
          Kolhari was sentenced to death by stoning for
          adultery and fifteen years of imprisonment for
          complicity in murder by Branch 1601 of Tehran
          General Court. Tn 2003 Branch 2 of the Supreme
          Court confirmed the judgment. The Pardons
          Commission, however, has returned the file to the
          trial court. Ms. Khaeirieh Valania was sentenced
          to death by stoning for adultery and eight years of
          imprisonment for complicity in murder. Her case
          is currently before the Head of the Judiciary.
          Ms. Leila Qomi was sentenced to death by
          stoning for adultery and fifteen years of
          imprisonment for complicity in murder by
          Branch 71 of the Criminal Court of Tehran.
          B ranch 37 of the Supreme Court confirmed the
          judgment in 2007. Mr. Abdollah Farivar —
          Moqaddam was arrested on 8 Febniarv 2005 and
          charged with committing adultery. He was
          convicted and sentenced to death on
          21 December 2005 by the Second Branch of the ____________________________________________
          110. 3 1/07/08 JUA WGAD: Qulamriza Nejefi. aged 36. Hemid Valai.
          FRDX; aged 27, a university graduate of law and an
          HRD; associate of the Association of Southern
          IJL; Azerbaijani Academics. Vedud Esedi, aged 28, a
          TOR geology student at the Open University in Rasht,
          forn er Secretary-General of the Islamic Student
          Society and Director of the students' publication
          “Seher”. Sejjad Radmehr. aged 26, student of
          mechanical engineering. Aydin Khajei. aged 23,
          Feraz Zehtab. aged 23. both law students and
          members of the Islamic Student Society at Tabriz
          University, Dariyush Hatemi. aged 29, student,
          and Shahrukh Hatemi. aged 27. dentistry student
          in Turkey, all of them activists supporting cultural
          rights of Iranian Azerbaijanis. The above
          mentioned persons have been arrested and
          detained without indictment or trial since
          5 June 2008 together with other individuals,
          whose identities are not et known. They are
          being held in incommunicado detention without
          access to lawyers and have not been allowed
          visits by their relatives. Mr. Qulamriza Nejefi was
          arrested at his workplace in Tabriz on 5 June. One
          of the charges brought against him relates to a
          number of student publications issued under
          licence, which had been found during the searches
          of his workplace at the time of the arrest. Security
          agents, who then searched his home without a
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          Mazandaran penal court and the sentence was
          confirn ed by Bureau 41 of the Supreme Court on
          1 August 2006. The file is currently with the
          Pardons Commission.
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          court warrant, confiscated his computer, books,
          CDs and posters. Mr. Nejefi's family was
          unaware of his whereabouts for 15 days when
          they learned that he had been transferred to Tabriz
          prison, where he is not allowed to receive visits
          from his relatives. It is believed that the shutting
          down of Mr. Nej efi s shop at the Rasta Bazaar in
          Tabriz despite a valid licence was effected by the
          Ministry of Information's Office in Tabriz.
          Mr. Hemid Valai was detained on 15 June 2008 at
          the Ministry of Information's interrogation unit in
          Tabriz after he had been summoned there. His
          current place of detention is unknown. When
          family members inquired about his whereabouts
          with Iranian judicial and security authorities they
          were threatened not to publicise the case.
          Mr. Valai has been active in defending and
          researching ethnic rights. His articles have been
          published in a host of Azerbaij ani student
          publications as well as in the “Dilmaj”. which has
          recently been banned by Iranian authorities. At
          the intervention of the Ministry of Information he
          was barred from membership of the bar of
          judiciary lawyers, despite fulfilling all
          professional requirements. Mr. Vedud Esedi was —
          arrested at his home in Rasht on 22 July 2008 by
          four security agents who confiscated his
          computer, CDs, books, handwritings, a photo
          album, a wedding video tape and a diary. It is
          feared that Mr. Esedi has been transferred to
          Section 209 of the Evin Prison in Tehran,
          however. his family has not been able to establish
          his exact whereabouts. It is believed that
          Mr. Esedi's arrest is attributed to his wedding
          ceremony, where the colour decorations on his
          wedding cake coincided with the three colours
          contained in the national flag of Azerbaij an and
          where folk songs in Azerbaijani Turkic were
          sung. Mr. Esedi had been detained by the
          Ministry of Inforn ation in Tabriz and Ardebil
          before following his participation in the
          Ma 2006 demonstrations. He was released after
          three months and reportedly ill-treated while in
          detention. Mr. Sejjad Radmehr. Mr. Aydin
          Khajei. and Mr. Feraz Zehtab were arrested by
          securty agents on 17 July at Tabriz University.
          All have been taken to a location undisclosed by
          the Iranian authorities and did not reveal their
          places of detention during one single short phone
          call they have been allowed to make to their
          families. It is believed that the men were arrested
          in connection with Mr. Radmehr' s viva voce of
          his master thesis. He was only allowed to defend
          his thesis after staging a “sit-in” protest in the
          mosque of the University on ii Ma 2008 and a
          hunger strike, and following a signature campaign
          at Tabriz and Urmi e Universities and the
          publication of open letters sent to Iranian
          President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Mr. Aydin
          Khajei and Mr. Feraz Zehtab supported
          Mr. Radrnehr during the sit-in protests and had
          been banned from the University for one year
          before. Mr. Darivush Hatemi and his brother,
          Mr. Shahnikh Hatemi. were also arrested by
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          security agents on 17 June 2008 at their home in
          Tabriz. There is no confirmed information on
          their whereabouts and the charges brought against
          them are unknown.
          iii. 13/08/08 JUA SUMX; Six persons allegedly at risk of execution of death
          TOR sentences imposed for offences they committed as
          children: Soghra Najafpoor (f). Behnood
          Shojaee (m). Mohammad Feda'i (m). Salah
          Taseb (m). Sa'eed Jazee (m). and Abu Moslem
          Sohrabi (m). Soghra Najaf oor was the subject of
          earlier correspondence (AIHRCI7I3IAdd. 1.
          para. 109 and para. 120 below), while a previous
          communication we sent regarding the case of
          Behnood Shojaee (para. 96 above). We would
          also like to draw your attention to reports
          regarding executions of juvenile offenders which
          already took place in Iran during the first half of
          this year. Javad Shoja'i and Mohammad
          Hassanzadeh were reportedly aged 16 at the time
          of their offence. It is possible that also Hasan
          Mozaffari and Rahman Shahidi. reportedly
          executed on 22 July 2008. were below age 18 at
          the time of the rape they were sentenced to death
          for. Soghra Najafpour was sentenced to death as
          qisas (retribution) on 9 November 1990 for a
          killing which took place when she was only
          13 years old. She spent most of the following
          17 years in prison. On two occasions, when she
          was 17 and 21, she was taken to be executed but
          the family of the victim changed their minds at
          the last minute. On 1 October 2007. Soghra
          Naj af our was released on bail of 600 million
          Iranian rials. She returned to prison later that
          month to comply with a summons which followed
          a new demand by the family of the murder victim
          for her execution. On 23 October 2007. Soghra
          Naj af our' s lawyer petitioned the Office of the
          Head of the Judiciary to reinvestigate her case.
          After renewed judicial proceedings she was again
          found guilty and sentenced to death as qisas. The
          guardian of the victim continues to rej ect all
          attempts to accept blood money (diyah) instead of
          execution. Behnood Shoojaee. now 20. was
          convicted by a court in Tehran of murdering
          another bo during a street fight when he was
          17 years old. The death sentence was confirmed
          by the Supreme Court. He was scheduled to be
          executed on ii June 2008, but was granted a one
          month reprieve on 10 June 2008. On or around
          11 July 2008, the Head of Judiciary again
          postponed the execution to give the families more
          time to negotiate the payment of diyah.
          Mohammad Feda' i was found guilty of murder by
          Branch 71 of the Tehran Criminal Court on
          12 March 2005 and was sentenced to death as
          qisas. Reportedly, the judges in his case found
          Mohammad Feda'i guilty, but stated in their
          written verdict that he had killed in self-defence
          and that he had not been adequately represented at
          his trial, as his first legal representative was not
          an accredited lawyer, and two lawyers hired later
          had only submitted one written defence statement
          to the court during his trial. The death sentence
          against Mohammad Feda'i was upheld by
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          Branch 27 of the Supreme Court and confirn ed
          by the Head of the Judiciary. Mohammad Feda'i
          was due to be executed a first time on
          18 April 2007, but the execution was staved on
          the basis of the inadequate legal representation
          during his trial. A subsequent request to the
          Attorney General for a retrial was rejected. and a
          new execution date was set for ii June 2008. On
          10 June 2008, the Head of Judiciary granted a
          one-month reprieve to give Mohammad Feda'i's
          family additional time to negotiate with the
          victim's family on the payment of diyah. On or
          around 11 July 2008, the Head of Judiciary
          granted a further one month stay of execution. In
          a letter made public on 7 June 2008. Mohammad
          Feda'i alleges that, during his detention before
          trial, official “beat and flogged him repeatedly
          hanged him from the ceiling andI left him with
          no hope of living”. As a result of that treatment,
          he signed (by way of a fingerprint) a confession
          statement. Salah Taseb. from Sanandaj. was
          convicted of murder and sentenced to death for a
          killing committed when he was aged 15. He
          recently turned 18 and was transferred from the
          juvenile prison to the adult prison in Sanandaj. —
          Sa'eed Jazee was convicted of murder and
          sentenced to death for a killing committed in 2003
          when he was aged 17. His execution was
          scheduled for 25 June 2008 but postponed for a
          month. Abu Moslem Sohrabi. was convicted and
          sentenced to death by Branch 3 of the Firoozabad
          Court in Fars Province for a killing he committed
          in December 2001 at the age of 17. The death
          sentence was affirn ed by Supreme Court
          Branch 33. Reportedly local authorities in Fars
          province intend to proceed with the execution
          although authorities in Tehran have ordered a
          renewed investigation of the case. We have also
          received reports concerning two executions of
          juvenile offenders which already took place
          during the first half of the year 2008: Javad
          Shoja'i was executed in Esfahan on
          26 Febniarv 2008. He had been sentenced to
          death as qisas for a murder committed when he
          was 16. Mohammad Has sanzadeh was executed
          in Sanandaj prison on 10 June 2008. Reports
          indicate that at a press conference on
          17 June 2008, a spokesperson for the Judiciary
          disputed that he had been under age 18 at the time
          of the offence. Mohammad Has sanzadeh' s
          lawyer, however, researched his identity papers
          and deten ined that on the day of the killing he
          was aged 16 years. ii months and 20 days.
          Finally. Hasan Mozaffari and Rahman Shahidi. as
          well as a third man identified as HR.. were
          executed in Bushehr on 22 July 2008. They had
          been found guilty of rape. They possibly were
          under age 18 at the time of the offence.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Amir Amrollahi. Reza Hejazi and Kamal.
          three young men allegedly at risk of execution for
          offences committed when they were minors. Amir
          Amrollahi fatally injured another bo in Shiraz
          province during a fight in November 2006. when
          he was aged 16. On 6 August 2007, Branch 5 of
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          Fars province criminal court sentenced him to
          death. The sentence was upheld by Branch 27 of
          Supreme Court on ii October 2007. Recently
          (beginning of August 2008), the Head of the
          Judiciary approved the death sentence and judicial
          officials in Shiraz province have been asked to
          prepare Amir Amrollahi's execution. Reza Hejazi
          fatally injured another bo in Esfahan during a
          fight in 2004 (on 28/6/13 82, according to the
          Iranian calendar). At the time of the offence he
          was aged 15. as he was born on 30/4/1367. On
          14 November 2005. he was sentenced to death as
          qesas (retribution) by Branch 106 of the Esfahan
          General Court. The sentence was approved by
          Branch 28 of the Supreme Court on 6 June 2006,
          although under Iranian law he should have been
          tried in a juvenile court. The case was referred for
          mediation between Reza Hej azi and the victim's
          family, to try and arrange for the payment of
          diyeh. but it would appear that the negotiations
          have yielded no result. His execution was
          scheduled for this morning (19 August 2008), but
          appears to have been postponed. Kamal (further
          names not reported), a then 16 years old barber's
          assistant in Tehran. killed a man in the course of a —
          fight on 10 Apnl 2007. He was found guilty of
          murder and sentenced to death by a court in
          Tehran on 12 April 2008. The death sentence was
          approved by the Supreme Court at the beginning
          of August 2008, and the case is now before the
          Head of the Judiciary for final approval of the
          death sentence.
          113. 18/08/08 JAL FRDX; Ya'qub Mehrnehad, a journalist and activist
          HRD; working in defense of the cultural and civil rights
          IJL; of Baluchi peoples in northern Iran.
          SUMX; Mr. Mehrnehad was a civic activist and the
          TOR General Secretary of the Youth Association of
          Justice Voice in Zahidan. Mr. Ya'qub Mehrnehad
          was the subject of a previously transmitted
          communication (see para. 102 above). Mr. Ya'qub
          Mehrnehad was executed on 4 August 2008 after
          his death sentence was approved by the
          Prosecutor-General of Iran. Mr. Mehrnehad was
          sentenced to death in Febrnary 2008, a fact which
          was confirmed at a press conference by a
          judiciary spokesman on 19 Febrnary 2008.
          Mr. Ya'qub Mehrnehad was arrested in early
          May 2007 along with five other members of the
          association after they attended a meeting in the
          provincial office of Culture and Islamic Guidance.
          The five other men were later released. Five
          months after his arrest, Mr. Ya'qub Mehrnehad
          was allowed visits from his lawyer and his family
          who alleged that he had been tortured, had lost
          about 15 kg and was unable to keep his balance.
          According to the Public and Revolution
          Prosecutor's Office in Zahedan, Mr. Mehrnehad
          was accused of being a member of Jondallah (also
          known as the Iranian Peoples' Resistance
          Movement) and considered having aided
          Mr. Abdolmalek ifigi, the head of a Baluchi
          armed group. Ya'qub Mehrnehad was charged
          with Mohareb (enmity with God) and Mofsedfi ‘1
          arz (corruption on earth).
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          Mahdi Han afi, student. Gohardasht, Karaj. On
          4 April 2007 around 2 p.m.. he was arrested on
          his way to a party and taken by the police to
          No. 17 Mehrvilla Police Station. His family was
          not inforn ed of his arrest, and he was allegedly
          beaten during his detention by a police officer. At
          5 p.m.. he was taken to the Prosecutor, who
          ordered his release at 7.30 p.m. He was again
          taken to the police station, and told that the keys
          to his handcuffs and shackles were left there.
          After he returned home he reportedly felt dizzy
          and went to bed. Mr. Hanafi's family was unable
          to rouse him in the morning and he was taken to
          the hospital, where the doctor reported that he had
          suffered injuries to his brain. After 13 days. he
          was transferred to Shahid Madani Hospital. The
          doctors there confirmed the diagnosis. Mr. Hanafi
          died two months later without regaining
          consciousness. The Prosecutor of No. 31 Police
          Station came and photographed the body.
          However, no further action or investigations were
          carried out.
          Bahman Soleimani. a man allegedly at risk of
          execution for an offence committed when he was
          a minor. Mr. Bahman Soleimani was born in
          198 1. He killed his grandmother. allegedly
          unintentionally, 12 years ago when he was 15. He
          was initially sentenced to S years imprisonment,
          but the victim's family insisted on retribution in
          kind and he was sentenced to death as qesas.
          Bahrnan Soleimani is detained in Isfahan and his
          execution is imminent.
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          Mehdi Zakerian. a scholar of international
          relations and international law, chair of the
          International Studies Association of Iran (ISAI).
          also known by its French name and acronym
          Association iranienne des etudes internationales
          (AIEI). an independent body aimed at promoting
          the teaching, research and debate on international
          relations. He was arrested on or around
          15 August 2008. The exact circumstances of his
          arrest and the place of detention where he is being
          held are not known. His family has been
          permitted to meet him only once, on 6 or
          7 September. at Branch 12 of the Revolutionary
          Court in Tehran under the supervision of court
          officials. Since then Dr. Zakerian has not been in
          contact with them. It is unclear whether this
          meeting was meant as an official courtroom
          appearance, since Dr. Zakerian has been accused
          of offences relating to national security including
          espionage, but has not formally been charged.
          During the meeting Dr. Zakerian appeared to be
          Ms. Negin Sheikholeslami. a human rights
          defender and journalist, founder of the Azar Mehr
          Women's Social and Cultural Society of
          Kurdistan, and associated with the Human Rights
          Organization of Kurdistan (HROK). which
          reports on human rights violations committed
          against ethnic Kurds in Iran. On 4 October 2008,
          Ms. Sheikholeslami was arrested in her home in
          Tehran allegedly by members of the Iranian
          security forces. Her place of detention was not
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          revealed to her husband until 9 October 2008. She
          is currently being held incommunicado in
          Section 209 of Evin Prison. Ms. Sheikholeslami
          underwent heart surgery a month before her
          arrest, and she is still in need of medical attention.
          Apart from recovering from the surgery, she also
          suffers from respiratory problems.
          to earlier
          Sayed Hossein Kazemeyni Boroujerdi
          (A/HRCI7I3IAdd. 1. paras. 87 and 105)
          By letter dated 14/02/08, the Government
          informed that the Special Court for the Clergy
          investigated the case and, on the basis of the
          existing evidence and repetition of offences,
          sentenced him to ten years of imprisonment.
          An allegation that he has been sentenced to
          death is a distortion of reality and is
          categorically denied. In the Islamic Republic
          of Iran no one is put to trial because of his/her
          belief, and as it was described above,
          Mr. Kazemeini's trial was in accordance with
          the law and merely in relation with his illegal
          and violent activities. The allegation of his
          activities in supporting freedom of religion and
          separation between religion and politics is
          nothing but an instniment to cover his
          ill-intended activities, and to deceive
          international human rights bodies. He also
          enjoyed all his legal rights before the court of
          Ronak Safazadeh (A/HRC/7/3/Add. 1. para. 108)
          By letter dated 13/02/08, the Government
          infonned that presently, there are tens of
          women NGOs with different beliefs and social
          inclinations, who have played constnictive
          roles in fulfillment of women's rights. It is
          regrettable that some social groups, ignoring
          the delicacies of social works. by employing
          dishonest elements, have entered into illegal
          activities, e.g. being in contact with terrorist
          groups. Ms. Ronak Safazadeh is an example of
          someone who used the umbrella of the right of
          social liberties in Iran for achieving her
          extremist inclinations. On the basis of
          investigations, she was arrested on charges of
          organizational relation with the terrorist group
          of PEJAK: membership in the group:
          participation in the PEJAK military training
          course; complicity in the explosion of
          Sanandaj city basij exhibition of cultural
          products; connection with elements
          engineering bomb explosions in cities; and
          provision of explosives for terrorist activities.
          She is still under arrest and her case is under
          investigation. She enj ovs the right of access to
          lawyer in the court ofjustice. Her detention
          has no relation whatsoever with her social or
          alleged women's rights activities. Any
          allegations of maltreatment or lack of proper
          attention to her physical or psychological
          integrity are baseless and merely fabricated for
          ill-intended aims.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Najafpoor (AIHRCI7I3IAdd. 1.
          By letter dated 12/02/08, the Government
          infon ed that the penalty for premeditated
          murder has two aspects: private and public.
          Since the first one relates to the denial of the
          rights of the guardians of the murder victim, it
          is given priority and is of higher importance.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          In the judicial system of Muslim countries.
          including Iran. Qesas (lex talionis. or
          retribution in kind) is the verdict for
          premeditated murder. For that purpose.
          enforcement of Qesas depends upon the
          request by guardians of the murder victim, and
          the Government is solely mandated to carry
          out the verdict on behalf of the former. The
          second aspect is the responsibility of the
          Government for establishing and protecting
          security. To realize this responsibility, the
          lawmaker has anticipated 5-15 / ears
          imprisonment. In case the guardians of the
          murder victim claim Qesas through payment of
          Diyeh (blood money) to guardians of the
          murder victim by the convicted party).
          imprisonment shall be imposed. Sentences of
          Qesas are not open to pardon or amnesty by
          the State, in the absence of consent from the
          guardians of the murder victim. Meanwhile.
          the Government strives to apply mechanisms.
          such as the provision of financial assistance to
          the guardians, which might result in receiving
          the required consent from them. Ms. Soghra
          Najaf our was sued on the basis of a complaint —
          filed by the guardians of the murder victim on
          charges of premeditated murder. Following
          judicial procedures and investigations in the
          presence of her lawyer, the court of first
          instance ascertained her guilt and sentence her
          to Qesas, through verdict No. 1122 dated
          9 November 1990. Pursuant to appeal by the
          convict and her lawyer. Branch 27 of the State
          Supreme Court confirn ed the earlier verdict.
          With due regard to the insistence of guardians
          of the murder victim for carrying out the
          verdict, the state judicial system has been
          trying to resolve the dispute through
          conciliation. Therefore the case is in the
          conciliation procedure and enforcement of
          death penalty is not in the programme of work.
          Although there have been a few cases of
          murder under the age of 18, the pertinent
          authorities have been exerting utmost effort to
          decrease the number of executions of these
          verdicts, with the hope of ultimate conciliation .
          By letter dated 14/02/08, the Government
          infon ed that the penalty for premeditated
          murder has two aspects: private and public.
          Since the first one relates to the denial of the
          rights of the guardians of the murder victim, it
          is given priority and is of higher importance.
          In the judicial system of Muslim countries,
          including Iran, Qesas (lex talionis, or
          retribution in kind) is the verdict for
          premeditated murder. For that purpose,
          enforcement of Qesas depends upon the
          request by guardians of the murder victim, and
          the Government is solely mandated to carry
          out the verdict on behalf of the former. The
          second aspect is the responsibility of the
          Government for establishing and protecting
          security. To realize f this responsibility, the
          lawmaker has anticipated 5-15 years
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Behnam Zare (A/HRC/7/3/Add.1, para. 107)
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          iniprisonrnent. In case the guardians of the
          niurder victini claim Qesas through payment of
          Diyeh (blood money) to guardians of the
          murder victim by the convicted party).
          imprisonment shall be imposed. Sentences of
          Qesas are not open to pardon or amnesty by
          the State, in the absence of consent from the
          guardians of the murder victim. Meanwhile.
          the Government strives to apply mechanisms.
          such as the provision of financial assistance to
          the guardians, which might result in receiving
          the required consent from them. Mr. Javad
          Zare ‘I, known as Behnam Zare, according to
          existing information, was 16 years old at the
          time of perpetrating the crime (21/04/05).
          which led to his arrest on 23/04/05. He
          confessed to committing the murder and, on
          that basis, the penal court of the Fars Province
          sentenced him to Qesas, through verdict of
          23 June 2005. Pursuant to a request for appeal
          from the convict and her lawyer, Branch 33 of
          the State Supreme Court confirmed the earlier
          verdict on 14 Ma 2006. Then the guardians of
          the murder victim requested the execution of
          the verdict. But the judicial system, on the —
          basis of human considerations, has fed the case
          into a conciliation process and is seriously
          purusing the case with the hope of reaching a
          final settlement. Therefore, carrying out the
          penalty is not in the programme of work.
          Although there have been a few cases of
          murder under the age of 18, the pertinent
          By letter dated 19/02/08, the Government
          infon ed that he was sued and charged with
          membership in the terrorist group of
          MKO-NCRT: distributing propaganda for the
          group: disturbing public order: and obtaining
          illegitimate nionev. Pursuant to the exhaustion
          of legal remedies, the Tehran Court of
          Revolution, taking into account the highest
          level of Islamic affection, sentenced him to
          one year's imprisonment, including the period
          of detentiont, through verdict No. 3975/86/13
          dated 4/11/07. Consequently, he was released
          on 19/i 1/07. As stated, his arrest had no
          relation whatsoever with his participation in a
          student gathering (1 8Tir), and only the
          above-mentioned charges led to his arrest.
          Other allegations of his solitary confinement.
          being ill-treated, handcuffed and blind-folded
          and lack of access to medical treatment are
          fabricated and lies. Iran has been a major
          victim of terrorism in the world, and it is
          regrettable that terrorist groups such as
          MKO-NCRI, a fascist-oriented terrorist cult,
          are still hosted by some countries opposing
          Iran. Thousands of Iranians, including
          high-ranking authorities such as
          President Raj a'ei, Prime Minister Bahonar,
          Martyred Beheshti, Head of the Judiciary, and
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          authorities have been exerting utmost effort to
          decrease the number of executions of these
          verdicts, with the hope of ultimate conciliation.
          Keyvan Raflee (A/HRC/7/3/Add. 1, para. 96)
          C D
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          72 parliamentarians, as well as people from
          different walks of life, have been assassinated
          by the mentioned terrorist group.
          Rami Ibrahim Mohammed Samarah was
          arrested without a warrant by a member of the
          Israeli national security forces on 28 June 2007 at
          Zatarah checkpoint. He has been ordered to
          remain in detention for security reasons for
          36 months and is currently held at Naqib and
          Majido prisons, between which he is regularly
          transferred back and forth. The authority ordering
          the detention has not been reported, and the legal
          basis for the detention is not known. Mr. Samarah
          has a lawyer, however, up to date no charges have
          been brought against him. During the
          investigation, Mr. Samarah was allegedly
          severely beaten. It is alleged that he is being
          detained in poor conditions. Before his arrest, his
          house was searched by Israeli soldiers who are
          said to have destroyed parts of the interior and his
          personal computer. In view of allegations of
          ill-treatment, concerns are expressed as regards
          Mr. Samarah's physical and mental integrity.
          to earlier
          Z. Z. I. A. D. (E/CN.4/2006/6/Add. 1, para. 124)
          By letter dated 20/03/07, the Government
          informed that on 15 May 2006, the Militiary
          Advocate General ordered the Criminal
          Investigations Division (CID) of the Militiary
          Police to investigate Z. Z. I. A. D 's case. As
          part of the investigation, CID made several
          phone calls to his home, but were unable to
          establish contact with him directly. The phone
          was always answered by family members, who
          replied that he was not at home, but they
          would pass along the message that he was
          asked to contact CID. Nevertheless, he never
          called the Miltarv Police. At one point, CID
          contacted the assistant of the Governor of
          Rarnallah. who said that he was familiar with
          the complaint, and that he would contact
          Z. I. A. D. ‘s cousin to pass along the message
          that, if the family was still interested in
          investigating the case, they should contact
          CID. Otherwise, the assistant to the Governor
          said, that the complaint could be considered
          cancelled. Despite the lack of cooperation by
          Z. Z. I. A. D. and his family. CID has
          attempted to track the identity of the soldiers
          who arrested him. According to the records, he
          was brought to the Etzion Detention Centre on
          17 August 2004. Unfortunately, CID were
          unable to ascertain the identities of the
          arresting soldiers since there is no file on his
          arrest, as the Centre only holds files of
          detainees arrested after November 2004.
          Nonetheless, the Centre does keep past copies
          of all detainee medical records, which had the
          results of Z. Z. I. A. D's physical examination
          upon his admission into the Centre. According
          to these records, he was healthy upon
          admission, and there were no medical grounds
          prohibiting his stay at the Centre. In light of
          the above facts, it was decided that the
          investigation into his case be closed.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Sami Ben Khemais Essid (hereafter. Mr. Essid),
          a Tunisian citizen, who was reportedly deported
          from Italy to Tunisia on 3 June 2008 and is being
          held in Mornaguia prison outside the capital city
          of Tunis. Mr. Essid had been scheduled to appear
          in a Milan courtroom on 3 June 2008 for a
          preliminary hearing on terrorism charges, but an
          expulsion order was issued on 31 May 2008 under
          the expedited procedure created by Law 155 of
          3 1 July 2005. This law denies the right of
          suspensive appeal to those persons subject to
          removal on national security grounds. Having
          been convicted in Febniarv 2002 of membership
          in a terrorist organization and sentenced to
          six-and-a-half years in prison. Mr. Essid was
          indicted on new terrorism charges in 2005. He
          was remanded into pre-trial detention in June
          2007 on the eve of his scheduled release from
          prison. It is reported that Mr. Essid had been held
          the maximum aniount of time pennitted in pre-
          trial detention for the charges against him and
          would have had to be released. However.
          according to our understanding. Italian law
          provides for the following alternatives to removal
          where such removal would violate international
          law: 1) compulsory residence (obbligo di
          soggiorno) and 2) special police supervision.
          Such nieasures could have potentially been
          pursued, especially in light of the ongoing
          criminal prosecution against Mr. Essid. The
          European Court of Human Rights (ECHR)
          communicated a request for interim measures in
          By letter dated 28/08/08, the Government
          inforn ed that Mr. Essid Sami Ben Khemais
          was indicted as a member of a terrorist cell,
          active in Milan and in Lombardy, between the
          end of the 1990s and 2001. He was sentenced,
          by the Milan Tribunal, to a six year and six
          month prison tenm on the ground of his
          membership in a criminal organization aiming
          at terrorist activities. The pre-trial detention
          warrant was issued by the preliminary
          investigation magistrate (GIP) of Milan
          Tribunal. While Mr. Essid was serving his
          tenm additional offences presumably
          committed by him came to light based on the
          testimony of another member of the same
          criminal cell. For these other offences, the GIP
          at the Milan Tribunal issued, in June 2007,
          additional detention warrants, affecting
          Mr. Essid and other individuals within the
          framework of the investigation
          “4457/06-No. 179/07”. Since the time limit of
          the above pre-trial detention warrant was
          expiring and, thus, Mr. Essid was about to be
          freed, the Ministry of Justice issued an
          expulsion order on the basis of Art. 13 of
          Legislative Decree No.286/98 and Art. 3 of
          Act No. 155/2005 concerning the legislation on
          international terrorism, justified by the risk
          that Mr. Essid, once released, might be able to
          facilitate terrorist activities within the Italian
          territory. Meanwhile, the Police's Immigration
          Unit in Milan requested the Tribunal in Milan
          125. Italy
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          respect of Mr. Essid in March 2007, after he had
          alleged that his expulsion to Tunisia would
          expose him to treatment in violation of article 3 of
          the ECHR.
          to issue an authorization (nulla osta) to
          proceed with the expulsion. In this regard, it
          must be recalled that such authorization may
          be denied on “the sole proceeding ground
          when there is the need to ascertain the liability
          of other members of the relevant criminal
          organization or of those defendants whose trial
          has been initiated”. Since this was not the case
          with Mr. Essid, the GIP at the Milan Tribunal
          released the requested authorization (nulla
          osta), on 1 June 2008. His repatriation took
          place on 3 June 2008.
          The expulsion order was in full compliance
          with Italian legislation and international
          agreements, after having received the
          authorization (nulla osta) of the Italian
          magistrate and establishing contact with the
          Tunisian authorities. The Tunisian Minister of
          Justice recently affirmed publicly that
          Mr. Essid was allowed to contact his defence
          counsel and that he would be tried publicly and
          fairly. With regard to other similar situations,
          and in accordance with Art. 13, para. 1, of
          Legislative Decree No.286/98 and Art. 3 of
          Act No.155 /O S, similar measures have been
          adopted by the Minister of Interior in relation
          to other Tunisian citizens. Nevertheless the
          relevant measures have not been executed yet,
          further to interim measures by the European
          Court of Human Rights.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Nurlan Ospanovitch Alimbekov, a philosopher
          from South Kazakhstan. On 16 August 2007. he
          was arrested at his parent's house in Baldvberek
          village. Tole-Biraion. South Kazakhstan Oblast.
          Officers of the Shvmkent Committee for National
          Security (KNB) Pre-trial detention centre beat
          him on his head, neck and body in order to force
          him to confess to the crime of “using the media to
          promote national and religious hatred and
          dissent”. As a result. Mr. Alimbekov lost three
          teeth and suffered a broken rib. The Prosecutor
          recently ordered Mr. Alimbekov to be transferred
          Italian authorities, particularly the Embassy in
          Tunis. are carefully and forn allv following the
          situation. During a meeting in Tunis on
          24 July 2008, the Tunisian authorities stated
          that the detainee concerned has been allowed
          to meet his family (five times), his defense
          counsel (four times) and some physicians.
          Tunisian authorities have committed
          themselves to providing relevant
          documentation/infonnation and to pursuing the
          dialogue with all relevant interested parties.
          Within the EU framework. Italy reiterated its
          finn commitment to the prohibition of torture,
          the necessity to respect human rights.
          refugee law and international humanitarian
          law while countering terrorism, as highlighted
          in the EU Council Conclusions of
          11 December 2006.
          By letter dated 12/02/08, the Government
          informed that on 16 August 2007, in the
          village of Baldybrek. Tole Bi district, South
          Kazakhstan Province, officers of the local
          National Security Committee Department
          arrested Nurslan Ospanovich Alimbekov. In
          June 2007, OS. Turekeshev, the director of a
          branch of the American organization Jnterlink
          Resources, Inc., Development Center,
          submitted a written statement to the National
          Security Committee Department for South
          Kazakhstan province to the effect that
          messages inciting etimic and religious hatred
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          126. Kazakhstan
          C D
          from pre-trial detention to forced treatment at a
          closed psychiatric institution. It is alleged that his
          psychiatric examination was flawed.
          had been sent to the organization's e-mail
          address by a fon er student of its English
          language courses. NO. Alimbekov;
          23 messages were attached to the statement.
          The additional inquiries carried out provided
          objective corroboration of the facts alleged in
          the statenient. It was established that, from
          Ma to July 2007, several messages had been
          sent by Alimbekov. via the Garant Internet
          club in Shymkent, from his own e-mail
          address, to the mailboxes of 16 legal and
          natural persons, including Interlink Resources.
          Inc.. and the company PetroKazakhstan Oil
          Products. With the approval of the Procurator,
          these messages were removed from
          Alimbekov's e-mail account and it was
          arranged for them to undergo a forensic
          psychological and philological analysis.
          According to the expert finding of the South
          Kazakhstan Regional Scientific and Practical
          Laboratory of the Ministry of Justice's Centre
          for Forensic Analysis (No. 2009 of
          29 June 2007), the materials submitted for
          examination contained incitement to etimic
          and religious hatred and division. On
          16 August 2007, the investigation office of the
          National Security Committee Department for
          South Kazakhstan Province instituted criminal
          proceedings. On 18 August 2007. with the
          participation of defence counsel M. Bektasov.
          charges were brought and, with the approval of
          the Procurator, it was decided to place the
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          accused in pretrial detention. Although
          National Security Committee Department
          officers A. Omarov. K. Sairambaev and
          S. Mombekov announced themselves and
          showed their official identification. Alimbekov
          actively resisted arrest and was taken to the
          Department's premises by force. According to
          the findings of the provincial forensic medical
          office (Nos. 3483 and 3484 of
          27 August 2007), officers A. Omarov and
          K. Sairambaev had sustained bniising and
          contusions. The detainee too was found to
          have bniises. one each on his upper lip and
          neck and three on his back (finding No. 3488
          of 27 August 2007). Given the detainee's
          inappropriate behaviour during the pretrial
          investigation, and in order to ensure that the
          investigation was complete and objective, on
          20 August 2007 it was arranged for him to
          undergo an outpatient forensic psychiatric
          evaluation. Alimbekov was found to have
          signs of “paranoid syndrome” (finding No. 547
          of the psycho-neurological clinic of the
          Department of Health for South Kazakhstan
          province of 27 August 2007). To allow him to —
          be examined by a medical commission, it was
          recommended that he should be admitted to
          the National Scientific and Practical Centre for
          Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Narcology in
          Almat for inpatient evaluation. With a view
          to studying Alimbekov' s personality,
          testimonials were obtained from his former
          employers. According to his forn er
          colleagues, Alimbekov did not enjoy the
          respect of other staff members and was
          argumentative and arrogant. He did not
          maintain close relations with his colleagues.
          nor did he participate in the life of the
          workplace. He was dismissed on account of
          complaints from students about his poor
          teaching and regular absences. In addition,
          Alimbekov's fellow students on the Jnterlink
          Resources. Inc.. courses, who were
          interviewed as witnesses in the case,
          confirn ed that his behaviour during classes
          had been inappropriate and aggressive and that
          he had insulted them. In response to an appeal
          filed by defence counsel M. Bektasov on
          27 August 2007 requesting the modification of
          the preventive measure taken in respect of
          Alimbekov. the criminal case was referred to
          the Enbek District Court. After considering the
          request, the court left the preventive measure -
          pretrial detention - unchanged. This decision
          was in turn upheld by the South Kazakhstan
          Provincial Court on 6 September 2007. On
          13 September 2007, it was decided that
          Alimbekov should undergo an inpatient
          forensic psychiatric evaluation, to be carried
          out at the National Scientific and Practical
          Centre for Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and
          Narcology in Almaty. The evaluation (No. 283
          of 28 October 2007) confirmed the signs of
          “paranoid syndrome” previously identified in
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          Alimbekov. It was noted that the stnicture and
          duration of this disorder made it impossible to
          assess his mental state at the tinie of the acts
          charged. The Centre's specialists
          recommended the application of coercive
          measures of a medical character, specifically
          treatment in a special psychiatric hospital
          under intensive observation. On
          18 October 2007, defence counsel
          M. Bektasov lodged a complaint with the
          Sh mkent garrison's military prosecutor
          alleging assault and battery and use of physical
          force by officers of the National Security
          Committee Department for South Kazakhstan
          province against his client. Following an
          investigation conducted by the Military
          Investigation Department of the Ministry of
          Internal Affairs for Sh mkent garrison, it was
          decided not to institute criniinal proceedings
          against A. Omarov. K. Sairambaev and
          T. Mombekov on the grounds of lack of
          evidence that a crime had been committed. On
          21 November 2007, pursuant to a decision of
          the First Deputy Procurator for
          South Kazakhstan province, B .T. Esenbekov, —
          the preventive measure of pretrial detention
          applied in respect of Alimbekov was
          rescinded, and the safety measure provided for
          under article 507, section 2, paragraph 2, of the
          Code of Criminal Procedure of the Republic of
          Kazakhstan (confinement in a special medical
          institution providing psychiatric care) was
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          applied. On 7 December 2007, the materials
          relating to the criminal case were referred to
          the Al-Farabi District Court in Shymkent. so
          that the issue of Alimbekov's confinement in a
          special medical institution providing
          psychiatric care could be resolved. On
          17 January 2008, pursuant to a decision of the
          judicial authorities. Alimbekov was transferred
          to a medical institution in the settlement of
          Aktas, Talgar district. Almaty province. A
          final decision as to Alirnbekov's guilt or
          innocence will be made by a court once the
          coercive measures of a medical character have
          been applied and the conclusions of the
          inpatient forensic psychiatric evaluation have
          been received. The materials relating to
          criminal case No. 075100004100050 have
          been sent to the Al-Farabi District Court in
          Alexander Pavlovitch Gerasimov. a 38-year-old
          constniction worker. Kostanay. On
          27 March 2007, he was arrested and taken to the
          Yuzhn Otdel Southern Branchi of Kostana
          Department of Internal Affairs. His arrest was not
          entered into the police log until the next morning.
          March 28, 2007. Mr. Gerasimov was questioned
          by five unidentified police officers in an office of
          the police station on suspicion of having
          murdered his neighbour. The police demanded
          that Mr. Gerasimov confess to the woman's
          murder, and when he refused to do so, the police
          put him in the corner of the office and punched
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          him near his kidneys several times. He was also
          threatened with rape. The police tied his hands
          behind his back and put him on the floor with his
          face down. All five police interrogators got on top
          of Mr. Gerasimov. and one of them put a plastic
          bag on his head from behind and started
          strangling him. Periodically, he lost
          consciousness. Each time he regained
          consciousness, the abuse would start again. His
          nose and ears bled. After approximately one hour,
          Mr. Gerasimov lost consciousness again and does
          not remember anything else. He was told by his
          interrogators that his two stepsons. who were in
          the neighbouring offices, were also tortured. In
          addition to Mr. Gerasimov. his stepsons also filed
          allegations of torture but withdrew them later,
          saying they had made them up to take revenge
          against the police for illegally detaining them. On
          28 March, Mr. Gerasimov's stepsons were
          released, and his interrogation continued. The
          investigator did not beat him, but told him that his
          wife and stepsons had testified against him in
          writing. Mr. Gerasimov did not confess to
          anything and was released without charges that
          same da around 6 p.m. Immediately after he —
          returned home. he was taken to hospital in an
          ambulance. At the hospital, the doctors noted
          multiple contusions, a concussion of medium
          gravity and injuries to the right kidney and
          adrenal gland. Between 28 March and 10 April.
          he received treatment in the hospital for his
          injuries. /Vhile in the hospital, several complaints
          were filed with Kostanav Central Department of
          Internal Affairs and the prosecutor's office about
          the alleged acts of torture. Around the same time
          he received calls on his cell phone asking him to
          withdraw his complaints or face “problems”.
          Further, during his stay in the hospital,
          Mr. Gerasimov was visited by unknown persons
          in plain clothes who asked him how he was
          feeling, and who spoke to his doctors. After his
          discharge he continued to experience headaches
          and did not feel well. A forensic examination
          conducted on 23 April concluded that
          Mr. Gerasimov's injuries were of light severity
          and stated nothing about whether his injuries were
          consistent with his allegations. On 14 May.
          Mr. Gerasimov received a reply from the
          Yuzhnv Otdel of Kostanav Department of Internal
          Affairs stating that no substantial grounds were
          found for initiating criminal proceedings based on
          his complaint. After intervention by a
          non-governmental organization, the prosecutor's
          office in Kostanav ordered that the inquiry into
          Mr. Gerasimov's complaint be re-opened in late
          spring. On 30 Jul/ the case was referred to the
          Financial Police of Kostana/ which deals with
          crimes relating to abuse of authority. In August.
          he was referred to a psychiatric hospital for
          additional treatment. There, he was diagnosed and
          treated for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
          from 2 August to 3 September, and continues to
          take medication. He still experiences headaches
          and his PTSD complications (flashbacks, panic
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          attacks, low self-esteem, phobias) affect his
          non al ability to work and function. A
          psychologist's report of 7 August noted that
          Mr. Gerasimov complained of dizziness, frequent
          headaches, hand tremors, sleeping problems, and
          a feeling of uncontrolled fear. On 5 September.
          the preliminary inquiry by the Financial Police
          was concluded without any further investigations.
          After Mr. Gerasimov's lawyer filed a motion with
          the Prosecutor's office on 12 September, it again
          ordered that the investigation be re-opened. The
          case is currently again before the Financial Police .
          Ms. Tatiana Aleksandrovna Krainova, aged 37,
          and her sister, Ms. Olga Aleksandrovna
          Koroleva, aged 38. Tatiana Krainova was ordered
          to report to the Committee for National Security
          (KNB) in Almat on 29 September 2007 and has
          not been seen since then. On 2 November 2007
          Olga Koroleva was also invited to the Committee
          for National Security and has not been seen since.
          On 10 December 2007, the family was orally
          notified that charges had been brought against the
          two women on 3 December 2007, however,
          without speci ing to which offenses they related.
          Both women have been held in isolation at the
          KNB detention centre in Astana ever since and
          have not been allowed to meet with lawyers or
          receive any visits. Jnfon all/ family members
          residing outside Kazakhstan were infon ed that
          the two women would not be released until their
          father, Aleksandr Albertovich Krainov, currently
          residing in Vieima, Austria, and wanted by the
          By letter dated 08/06/08, the Government
          infon ed that Ms. T. Krainova and
          Ms. O.A. Koroleva were prosecuted for
          illegally gathering infornrntion that constituted
          State secrets and for the serious consequences
          of their actions. On 25 March 2008, the
          military tribunal of Aqmola garrison found
          Ms. Krainova, Ms. Koroleva and others guilty
          of offences contrary to article 172,
          paragraph 4. of the Criminal Code of
          Kazakhstan. All of the guilty parties were
          sentenced to deprivation of liberty for a period
          of two years and six months. The sentence was
          appealed. At present, the question of whether
          the case should be referred to the criminal
          division of the anned forces military tribunal is
          being decided. During the pretrial
          investigation, Ms. Krainova and Ms. Koroleva
          were required to sign, as a preventive measure,
          an undertaking not to leave the area and a
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          KNB. returns to Kazakhstan. In view of the
          incommunicado detention of Tatiana Krainova
          and Olgo Koroleva, concern for their physical and
          mental integrity is expressed.
          pledge of good behaviour, in accordance with
          article 144 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.
          Ms. Krainova and Ms. Koroleva were granted
          the right to defence counsel. The
          aforementioned persons did not submit any
          complaints concerning unlawful actions on the
          part of the members of the investigative group
          of the Committee for National Security in
          connection with restrictions on their freedom
          of movement, nor did they make any
          complaints about their state of health. All
          defendants were guaranteed the participation
          of defence counsel at all stages of the
          proceedings. Owing to the fact that the
          investigation involved State secrets, the
          criminal proceedings were held in camera.
          However, the rights of all the parties to the
          proceedings were observed.
          2 1/08/08
          Mohammed Abdulmalik. aged 35. currently
          detained at the United States of America naval
          base of Guantanamo Bay (Cuba). On
          13 Febniary 2007, Mr. Abdulmalik was
          apprehended by the Anti-Terrorism Police Unit in
          a café in Mombasa. detained and held
          incommunicado in the Kilindini Port and Urban
          Police Stations before being transferred to Hardy,
          Ongata and Spring Valley Police Stations in
          Nairobi. He was held on suspicion of having been
          involved in the Paradise Hotel attack and the
          attempted attack on an Israeli Arkia Airlines plane
          in Mombasa in 2002. Mr. Abdulmalik was not
          charged with any offence, was denied the right to
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          challenge his detention, to have access to a lawyer
          and to his family members, and was not brought
          before ajudge. On 26 March 2007, it was
          aimounced by the United States Government that
          Mr. Abdulmalik was transferred to Guantanamo
          Bay. It is reported that no judicial proceedings
          were held in relation to the transfer of
          Mr. Abdulmalik from Ken an to US custody.
          129. Kuwait 16/07/08 AL TOR Adel Aqel Salem Al-Dhafeery, aged 27, resident
          at Al-Jahra, Al-Ouyoun. Block N° 4, Avenue 19,
          N° 17. Mr. Al-Dhafeerv was arrested on
          22 Ma 2008 around 17:OOh in the region of
          Al-Jahra when he was heading towards his home.
          His vehicle was violently stopped by a black
          police car. Numerous armed policemen wearing
          masks forced him to leave his car, hit him.
          blindfolded him and tied his hands and feet. They
          then took him to the premises of the State
          Security Service and placed him in a single cell.
          On that evening, he was interrogated, still
          blind-folded and with his hands and feet tied. He
          was also beaten in his cell during the night. When
          he was interrogated on the next evening, ice-cold
          water was shed over his body. He was again
          beaten on the soles of his feet. When his feet —
          swelled, the State Security agents forced him to
          nm in a long corridor, still blind-folded and with
          his hands and feet tied, until he was so exhausted
          that he was unable to nm. One of the officers then
          ordered him to stay where he was, and to keep
          moving his legs. As soon as the movements
          slowed down, the officer beat Mr. Al-Dhafeery all
          over his body. He was also forced to stand for
          several hours. On the morning of 24 May 2008,
          the interrogation sessions were allegedly
          accompanied by threats that he would “disappear
          without anybody being informed” or to “mold in
          the central prison for years without any due
          process and without an bod knowing”. While
          the threats and insults continued for several hours.
          he was placed in an ice-cold room. On the same
          da at around 19: OOh, Mr. Al-Dhafeery was
          presented to the Prosecutor General, who
          interrogated him. When Mr. Al-Dhafeerv
          complained about the treatment he had been
          subjected to and showed him the traces, the
          prosecutor refused to register a complaint and to
          take these allegations into account. In spite of an
          explicit request by the victim, he also refused to
          order a medical check-up and prolonged the
          detention authorization for a 15-day period. When
          this period came to an end, Mr. Al-Dhafeerv was
          released on bail. Following his release,
          Mr. Al-Dhafeerv insisted that a medical certificate
          be issued to assess the traces of the ill-treatment
          that were still visible. He also received an
          attestation on a forn of the General Directorate
          on Investigations of the Ministry of Interior,
          called Preliminary Medical Report N° 7672729 of
          the Surgerv Al-Jahoud Hospital, with the
          hand-written reference 6/40 and an illegible
          signature. The report is dated 22/06/1448
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          (corresponding to 26 June 2008) and states that
          Mr. Al-Dhafeerv had acquired hematomas on his
          right foot and knee following an accident.
          131. Kyrgyzstan 24/01/08 JAL FRDX; Maksim Kuleshov, head of the “Mir-svet
          HRD; kultury” Association. On 16 January 2008, he
          TOR stood alone in front of the Mayor's Office and
          Bishkek City Council and held a up a sign
          referring to the mayor of Bishkek, which stated
          “Dusik. ou are not right!” Police officers
          arrested Mr. Kuleshov and transferred him to
          Police Station No. 9. Witnesses reported seeing
          three policemen beat Mr. Kuleshov. One officer
          hit him twice in the abdomen, and the others beat
          him on his head and feet. The policemen also took
          Mr. Kuleshov' s personal belongings, including
          his clothes and mobile phone. Mr. Kuleshov had
          requested a lawyer at the police station but his
          request was rejected. as was a request to see a
          doctor while he was in detention. Later
          Mr. Kuleshov appeared before the Leninsky
          Rayon Court. where a lawyer assigned to him
          stated that the charges against him were based on
          explanatory notes without signatures and names.
          The charges were in Kyrgyz. which
          Mr. Kuleshov. an etirnic-Russian. does not speak. —
          and no interpreter was present . ___________________________________________________
          Ms. 0. K. A., aged 49, widowed, self-employed
          market-woman. Ms. A. has been recognized as
          certifiably insane by government authorities. On
          18 Febniary 2008, she went to the local authority
          (akimiat) in Kerben. in order to lodge a complaint
          because the electricity supply to her home had
          been cut. The representative refused to take her
          complaint arguing that she complained for no
          apparent reason, called her “crazy” and threatened
          to call the militia, but nevertheless asked her to
          report back on 20 Febniarv. When Ms. A. did so,
          she was arrested by three members of the militia.
          The three men violently dragged her into a car,
          which caused her pain in her shoulders and
          annpits. and transferred her to the police station
          in Kerben. At the police station, an investigator
          threatened that she would be detained for many
          years if she did not sign a number of documents.
          Ms. A. signed 5 or 6 documents written in
          Russian, which she hardly understands since she
          is ethnic Kyrgyz and has difficulty reading and
          writing. Afterwards, Ms. A. was detained in a cell
          at the police station and raped by two police
          officers on guard during that night. One of the
          officers beat her, forced her onto the bed,
          removed her pants and tights and raped her. Later,
          another police officer entered the cell and also
          raped her. The two officers beat Ms. A. again, hit
          her head against a wall and told her not to talk to
          anyone about the incident. She lost consciousness
          several times. The officers drenched her with cold
          water from a plastic bottle. Ms. A. attempted to
          By letter dated 04/08/08, the Government
          indicated that on 20 Febniary 2008, Ms. K. 0.
          filed a complaint against Ms. 0. A. with the
          Aksyisky district internal affairs office,
          accusing her of hooliganism committed against
          the complainant and her sister, Ms. N. M. The
          investigation found that there were grounds for
          the complaint. On 20 Febniarv 2008, the
          internal affairs office's investigation service
          instituted criminal proceedings dealing with
          hooliganism. On the same day, Ms. A. was
          arrested for the acts in question, and taken into
          police custody at the Aksyisky district internal
          affairs office. On 22 Febniarv 2008, Ms. A., in
          the presence of a counsel and of a human
          rights defender Ms. S. V., was charged with
          the offence, and the Aksyisky district court
          issued a pretrial restraining order authorizing
          her detention. On 25 Febniarv 2008, the
          investigator called for a psychiatric report to
          be done, on an inpatient basis, to determine
          whether Ms. A. was fit to stand trial. (In 2002,
          Ms. A. had previously been convicted for acts
          of hooliganism and had undergone compulsory
          treatment at a psychiatric hospital). On
          14 March 2008, experts at the national
          psychiatric hospital in the settlement of
          Kyzyi-Zhar- 12 issued finding No. ii,
          according to which Ms. A. was suffering from
          a psychological disorder, “epileptic dementia”,
          and was thus incapable of understanding and
          controlling her actions. She was found to be
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          commit suicide with 20 tablets of Carbamazepine.
          an anticonvulsant and mood stabilising dnig used
          primarily in the treatment of epilepsy and bipolar
          disorder. She was unconscious when she was
          admitted to a hospital in Kerben. and regained
          consciousness two days later on 22 Febniarv. At
          the hospital she was handcuffed to her bed and
          guarded by policemen, making it impossible for
          her to go to the bathroom, which caused her much
          distress because of her cvstitis. One of the police
          guards threatened her again not to report the rape.
          On 22 Febniarv. she was summoned to the city
          court of Kerben on charges of hooliganism. and
          the presiding judge did not ask any questions or
          listen to her complaints. After the trial she was
          returned to the hospital. On 25 Febniarv. she filed
          a complaint with the Deputy Prosecutor of
          Kerben. who came to the hospital following the
          intervention of a human rights defender. Ms. A.
          remained at the hospital until 26 Febniarv when
          she was transferred to the Legal Examination Unit
          of the National Psychiatric Hospital in Kyzylzhar.
          escorted by three guards, one of whom had raped
          her at the police station. Ms. A. currently remains
          in custody at the National Psychiatric Hospital.
          On 17 March, a lawyer acting on her behalf
          contacted the Deputy Prosecutor in Kerben, but
          has not been granted a meeting. A complaint was
          submitted to the Prosecutor's Generals Office in
          Bishkek on 25 March.
          unfit to plead her case, and it was
          recommended that she undergo compulsory
          treatment at a psychiatric hospital and be kept
          under routine observation. On 27 March 2008,
          following the investigation, the criminal case
          was referred to the Aksyisky district court with
          a view to the application of compulsory
          medical measures. The court issued a decision
          finding Ms. A. guilty of the offence in
          question, and the criminal case against her was
          closed. She was sent to the psychiatric hospital
          in the settlement of Kyzyl-Zhar for
          compulsory treatment, with routine
          As for the question of measures taken against
          the staff of the Aksyisky district internal
          affairs office, on 23 Febniary 2008 the head of
          the human rights NGO filed a complaint
          alleging that Ms. A. had been raped on the
          night of 21 Febniarv 2008 while in custody at
          the Aksyisky district internal affairs office.
          The case in question was investigated by the
          Aksyisky district deputy procurator, Mr. E. M.,
          who on 25 Febniarv 2008 ordered a forensic
          medical examination to be carried out. On
          26 Febniary 2008, Ms. A., in the presence of
          the human rights defender, Ms. V., was unable
          to identify from among the staff of the
          Aksyisky district internal affairs office the
          persons who had allegedly raped her on the
          night of2i Febniary 2008. The forensic
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          medical report concluded that Ms. A. had
          sustained minor facial injuries in the forn of
          superficial scratches, with no short-tern health
          effects, and which might have been caused by
          an impact with a wall or the corner of a bed, or
          possibly by a fall. No signs of sexual assault
          were found. In the light of the findings, the
          district procurator's office decided not to
          institute criminal proceedings. The material in
          question was examined by the Jalalabad
          provincial procurator's office, which found
          that the decision taken was justified. The
          allegation that Ms. A. was raped by staff of the
          Aksyisky district internal affairs office has
          thus been found to be unreliable. Furthermore.
          Ms. A. has not filed a statement with the
          national Procurator-General's Office. It should
          be noted that the entire investigation of
          Ms. A. ‘s case took place with the participation
          of defence counsel. The assertions that the
          investigator submitted for signature documents
          in Russian, without making them public, are
          untnie: the proceedings in the criminal case
          were conducted in the national language.
          There were no violations of the legislation on
          criminal procedure during the handling of the
          case, nor were there any violations of Ms. A.'s
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Erkin Kholikov, Uzbek national, currently
          detained at Osh pre-trial detention facility
          (SIZO) n. 5. Mr.Kholikov was arrested on
          21 August 2007 in Jalal-Abad. Three weeks after
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          the arrest, the Uzbek authorities requested his
          extradition for alleged involvement in religious
          extreniisni and anti-constitutional activities,
          which has been granted by the Prosecutor General
          of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan in April 2008. On
          6 March 2008, Jalal-Abad City Court sentenced
          Mr.Kholikov to four years of imprisonment under
          article 339 of the Criminal Code and illegal
          border crossing under article 346 of the Criminal
          Code. On 30 April 2008, Mr.Kholikov's lawyer
          attempted to register Mr.Kholikov with
          Kyrgyzstan' s State Commission for Migration.
          However, the Commission refused to do so. An
          appeal against the refusal is scheduled for
          22 May 2008. Given reliable reports that on
          12 May 2008 Uzbek officials attempted to bring
          Erkin Kholikov from the SIZO to Uzbekistan,
          concern is expressed that his hand-over to Uzbek
          authorities might be imniinent .
          134. 20/08/08 AL TOR Gairat Torakeldiev. aged 22. Bazarkorgon
          village. Bazarkorgon District. On 25 May 2006,
          he was called to serve in military unit 2022 of the
          frontier service of the National Security Service,
          in Kok Tash village, Batken Oblast. In early July
          he began to experience harassment, intimidation —
          and beatings at the hands of personnel of his unit
          allegedly because of his Uzbek ethnicity. He was
          told by Commander Abdulaev that Uzbeks could
          not become soldiers. He was subjected to beatings
          all over his body, including his head and groin,
          and reportedly suffered broken ribs after being
          stnick with a billiard cue. He received treatment
          at the military hospital in Osh as well as the local
          hospital in Bazarkorgon. Appeals for investigation
          were sent to the Military Prosecutor's Office and
          the Minister of Defence.
          Similar allegations were received in relation to
          Kamalov Erkin Egamberdievich. aged 21,
          Cholok-Terek village, Suzak District. Between
          27 September and 1 November 2006, he was
          subjected to harassment and beatings by
          personnel of military unit 9284, Gulcha village,
          Osh Oblast. An ethnic-Uzbek,
          Mr. Egamberdievich was forced to sing insulting
          songs, and was subjected to beatings all over his
          body, had cigarettes stubbed out on his arn s. legs
          and lips, and had needles inserted in his palms.
          He reportedly suffered a broken nose. bniises, and
          cigarette bunis. He suffers from symptoms of
          post-traumatic stress. He escaped from the unit on
          1 November, and between 6 to 18 November he
          received treatment at the regional hospital.
          Appeals were made to the Military Prosecutor's
          Ms. Ibragimova Rukia Abdumomunova.
          aged 23, Kuznechna a St. Jalalabad. On
          ii July 2006, she was arrested and detained in the
          Municipal Department of Internal Affairs
          (GOVD) and transferred to the temporary
          detention cell (IVS). An officer from Jalabad
          GOVD, allegedly beat her in detention with his
          hands all over her body, stnick her head against
          the wall, and kicked her, including in her
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          stoniach. She was also threatened with being
          disrobed and raped. She was beaten in order to
          obtain inforn ation about her husband's suspected
          terrorist activities. Ms. Abdurnornunova sustained
          bniises. and was denied medical treatment at the
          tinie. On the third day of her arrest, she was
          appointed a lawyer by a policeman from GOVD
          without her consent. On 8 August. she was taken
          to the Kvzvl-Djar Psychiatric Hospital for
          examination and remained there until
          20 September. before being returned to the WS.
          On 26 August she suffered a miscarriage and later
          went on to develop a uterine cyst.
          Ms. Abdumomunova reportedly suffers symptoms
          of post-traumatic stress following her beatings.
          Appeals were made to the Jalabad Oblast
          prosecutor's office to investigate the allegations,
          however, no response has been received to date.
          Tahir Kimsanbaevich Adashev, aged 35,
          Abduraimova village, Bazarkorgon District. On
          20 September 2006, he was arrested by
          ROVD officers and detained for 10 days in the
          WS of the Department of Internal Affairs of
          Bazarkorgon District. When his brother visited
          him one month later on 29 November, —
          Mr. Adashev reported that he was tortured by —
          UVD officers of Jalalabad Oblast in order to
          confess to a murder. A gas mask was placed over
          Mr. Adashev's head with the valve closed, and he
          was beaten with a baton all over his body. The
          perpetrators told him that it was better to confess
          than to become an invalid. He was beaten until he
          C D
          c c
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          eventually confessed. Mr. Adashev was not
          examined by a medical doctor and no treatment
          was rendered. Appeals for investigation were sent
          to the district prosecutor, the Prosecutor General.
          It is reported that Mr. Adashev was sentenced at
          first instance to 17 years' imprisonment and his
          appeal is pending.
          Ms. N. T., aged 18, resident in Talas. She was
          arrested at her home on 22 July 2008 by members
          of the Talas police on suspicion of theft. At the
          Talas Police Department, although she admitted
          having stolen a mobile phone, members of the
          police attempted to force her to confess to other
          thefts, which she denied. Ms. T. was undressed by
          a female police officer in front of male officers,
          who then severely beat her on the head, stomach
          and kidney. They also insulted her and threatened
          her with rape. On 26 July, a human rights
          defender submitted a written complaint on
          Ms. T.'s behalf to the Office of the Prosecutor,
          asking for a medical examination and for an
          investigation into the harm Ms. T. had allegedly
          suffered. The resulting medical report confirmed
          the beatings she had suffered. Despite the
          complaint, the medical evidence and the fact that
          Ms. T. identified one of the policemen who
          mistreated her, no investigation has so far been
          ordered into these events. At the time of writing,
          Ms. T. remained in pre-trial detention in a cell at
          the Talas Police Department, awaiting trial in
          connection with the theft of the mobile phone.
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          to earlier
          Yakub Tashbayev, Rasul Pirmatov. Jahongir
          Maksudov and Odiljan Rahimov
          (A/HRC/4/33/Add.i. paras. 126 and 128,
          E/CN.4/2006/6/Add.i, para. 135)
          See para. 261 below.
          Lao People's
          Pastor Sompong Supatto, and two secondary
          school students, B. C. and K. C. On
          3 August 2008 between 10 and ii am.. they were
          arrested in the village of Boukham by members of
          the district police of Ad-Sapangthong District.
          Savannakhet Province, and transferred to
          Ad-Sapangthong District Police Station. At the
          station they were handcuffed as well as restrained
          with wooden stocks and were told, “This is the
          consequence of not signing documents to
          renounce your faith. We have already given ou
          three opportunities to sign these documents but
          you have refused.” The three were told that they
          would be released if they signed the documents,
          renouncing their Christian faith. On 2 September,
          B. C. ‘s legs became infected because of the
          wooden stocks, rendering him unable to walk. He
          is therefore in urgent need of medical treatment.
          By letter dated 22/09/08, the Government
          informed that they carried out a careful
          investigation with the Local Authority, the
          District Police of Ad-saphangthong District.
          Savanhakhet Province, and found that the
          inforn ation was completely false and
          groundless. The Local Authority detained the
          three persons from 20 to 22 July for carrying
          out activities which violated the order and
          security of the district. However, no torture or
          ill-treament was inflicted upon them. After the
          investigations were conducted, they were
          released and returned to their parents.
          to earlier
          Vasiliy Grilyanov (A/HRC/7/3/Add.i, para. 128)
          By letter dated 10/03/08, the Government
          informed that an individual by the name
          “Vasiliy Grilyan” was not recognized by the
          competent authorities. However the correct
          name of the alleged aplicant might possible by
          “Vasilij s Grigj ans”, who was detained in the
          Riga Central Prison between 30 October 2006
          and 13 April 2007 in cell No. 215 (from
          1 November 2006 to 3 January 2007: and from
          15 January to April 2007). On the latter day.
          Par lettre datée du 07/01/08. le Gouvernement
          a présenté des infon ations générales. avant
          d'apporter des réponses concernant le cas
          précis. Le Code penal libanais contient un
          article explicit sur le crime de torture. et les
          tribunaux libanais n'hésitent pas a l'appliquer
          chaque fois que les conditions prévues par cet
          article sont réunies. Les aveux extorqués sous
          la torture ne sont pas utilisés cornrne preuves
          devant les tribunaux. Le Ministère de la
          defense n'a procede a aucune arrestation ni
          detention secrete ou arbitraire. et les
          procedures generales appliquees dans ce
          rninistère sont les rnêrnes que celles en vigueur
          dans tous les cas et lieux de garde a vue ou
          d' enquête. La justice n'ouvre une enquête
          concernant des violences psvchiques ou
          phvsiques qui auraient été exercées pour
          extorquer des inforniations ou des aveux que
          sur dépôt d'une plainte par la victime. La
          justice n'a pas manqué d'ouvrir une enquête
          pour établir la véracité des griefs visant des
          organes de sécurité chaque fois qu'une
          personne interrogée par ces organes a déclaré
          avoir été soumise a de telles pratiques. et elle a
          toujours laissé l'affaire suivre son cours
          jusqu'au bout sur le plan juridique.
          139. Lebanon
          to earlier
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          pursuant to the judgment of the Riga Regional
          Court, the security measure previously applied
          with regard to Mr. Grigjans was altered and he
          was immediately released from detention.
          Mahmoud Abou Rafeh (A/HRC/7/3/Add. 1.
          para. 133)
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          La prison du Ministère de la defense est légale
          et son existence est nécessaire pour certains
          cas graves, aux fins d'assurer la sécurité des
          personnes placées en garde a vue et de
          prévenir leur fuite. Les personnes détenues
          dans la prison du Ministère de la defense sont
          régulierement soumises a un examen medical
          effectué par le médecin de la prison; Les
          avocats et familles des détenus peuvent leur
          rendre visite.
          En ce qui concerne le cas du dénommé
          Mahmoud Rafeh, son arrestation et
          interrogatoire ont été effectués sur la base
          d'une commission rogatoire délivrée en date
          du 26 mai 2007 par le juge d'instmction
          militaire aux organes de la sécurité, dont la
          Direction des renseignements de l'armée
          libanaise, suite ala decision dujuge d'enquêter
          sur l'assassinat des frères Majzoub dans la
          ville de Tyr. L'arrestation a eu lieu le
          7juin 2006. Pour les besoins de l'enquête,
          l'arrestation n'a été rendue publique qu'après
          que l'enquête préliminaire eut été achevée.
          Mahmoud Rafeh a fait une deposition de son
          plein gre devant le corps d'instmction de la
          Direction des renseignements. Durant
          l'enquête preliminaire, les enquêteurs ont
          entendu le defendeur et de nombreux temoins,
          et ont saisi un grand nombre de preuves. Après
          les investigations preliminaires, le juge
          d'instmction militaire a donne l'ordre d'arrêter
          le défendeur Mahmoud Rafeh, de le déférer
          devant lui, et a demandé le dossier de
          l'enquête, qu'il reçut le l4juin 2006. Lejuge
          d'instmction militaire a soumis le dossier au
          Commissaire du Gouvernement et l'a prié de
          formuler ses demandes concernant ce dossier.
          Le l4juin 2006, le Commissaire du
          Gouvernement a demandé au j uge
          d'instmction militaire de procéder a
          l'interrogatoire de Mahmoud Rafeh et de
          délivrer un mandat d'arrêt a son encontre.
          Avant de commencer l'interrogatoire, le juge
          d'instmction militaire a indiqué Mahmoud
          Rafeh de son droit de mandater un avocat pour
          assurer sa defense, mais le défendeur a déclaré
          qu'il ne souhaitait pas faire appel a un avocat,
          et qu'il était en bonne sante sur le plan
          psychique et physique. Au cours de
          l'interrogatoire, il a confirmé les propos qu'il
          avait tenus durant l'enquête préliminaire,
          avouant de son plein gre les crimes qui lui
          étaient imputes. Le juge d'instmction militaire
          a délivré un mandat d'arrêt en bonne et due
          forme contre le dénommé Rafeh le
          14 juin 2006. Aprés cela, le dénommé Rafeh
          n'a plus été soumis a aucun interrogatoire a
          l'intérieur de la prison, et il est traité comme
          n'importe quel autre prisonnier de justice.
          Le fait que Mahmous Rafeh soit détenu a la
          prison du Ministére de la defense constitue une
          garantie pour sa sécurité personnelle, compte
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          c c
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          tenu de la nature du crime qu'il a commis et
          étant entendu que cette prison est un
          établissement pénitentiaire officiel.
          Depuis qu'il a été déféré devant le juge
          competent, le défendeur Mahmoud Rafeh n'a
          présenté aucune plainte devant lajustice
          compétente en ce qui concerne des actes de
          torture qu'il aurait subis, ce qu'il serait
          autorisé a faire par la loi. Cette affaire relève
          expressément de la competence de lajustice
          militaire, étant donné les accusations portées
          contre le défendeur, qui relèvent de la trahison,
          de l'espionnage et du terrorisme. Nous
          rappelons que lajustice militaire est une
          justice spéciale, comme il a été indiquée
          précédemment. Au cours des perquisitions qui
          ont été opérées au domicile de l'inculpé, des
          armes de guerre avec leurs munitions, du
          materiel de guerre, des dispositifs
          électroniques, des équipements comportant des
          caches secretes et des documents falsifies ont
          été saisis. Ont également été saisis au domicile
          de l'associé de Mahmoud Rafeh du materiel
          electronique, des équipements comportant des
          caches secretes, des plans et des photos
          aeriennes, y compris les coordonnees du
          domicile des deux personnes perfidement
          assassinees, Mahmoud et Nidal al-Majzoub, de
          la place de parking situe près de leur domicile
          et d'une antenne d'un parti politique a Tyr.
          Les locaux de garde a vue du Ministère de la
          defense nationale offrent des conditions
          sanitaires tout a fait satisfaisantes. Le détenu
          Rafeh effectue une promenade quotidienne en
          plein air et sous le ravons du sole ii. en toute
          liberté. En outre, on lui fait parvenir. a sa
          demande. des livres religieux et sur des sujets
          de société ainsi que des revues culturelles. Le
          détenu Mahmoud Rafeh reçoit pénodiquement
          la visite de des parents.Il est soumis chaque
          jour a un examen medical pratiqué par le
          médecin de la prison. Il a été soigné a maintes
          reprises par le dentiste et il jouit d'une bonne
          sante. ii ne souffre actuellernent d'aucun
          problème de sante et ne prend aucun
          Le Comité de la Croix-Rouge libanaise est
          autorisé a se rendre dans tous les lieux de
          detention du pays. v cornpris du Ministère de
          la defense. qui est un établissernent
          pénitentiaire cornrne les autres. si ce n'est que
          la sécurité v est renforcée. comme indique
          precedemment. En date du ii avril 2007. une
          delegation du CICR s'est rendue a la prison du
          Ministère de la defense, en application du
          Protocole signé le 20 février 2007 concernant
          les visites effectuées par les delegues du CICR
          dans les prisons libanaises. La delegation s'est
          rendue dans les différentes parties de la prison.
          auprès de tous les détenus. et a eu un entretien
          personnel avec le détenu Rafeh dans sa cellule
          qui a duré un certain temps.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Fathi al-Jahmi (subject of a previously
          transniitted communication.
          E/CN.4/2005/62/Add.i. para. 890, 891). He is
          detained at an undisclosed location, believed to be
          an Internal Security Agency facility on the
          outskirts of Tripoli. He is in urgent need of
          medical attention. It is reported that he is
          emaciated, lacks the strength to speak, and his
          legs are swollen. Mr. Al-Jahmi has been allowed
          only sporadic visits from his family. Tn 2007 he
          received no visits at all. He is not allowed to
          receive mail, books or newspapers. According to
          reports, the Foreign Ministry stated in July 2006
          that he was being tried on charges of “exchanging
          inforn ation with employees of a foreign state
          causing harn i to the interests of the country and
          providing them with inforn ation with the aim of
          their states attacking LibvaI” and “scheming with
          a foreign state in peacetime”. The Foreign
          Ministry said that Fathi al-Jahmi had access to a
          lawyer, but did not disclose where he was being
          tried. In March 2005, a report by Physicians for
          Human Rights and the International Federation of
          Health and Human Rights Organisations
          concluded after an examination of Fathi al-Jahmi
          that he received only “sporadic and inadequate
          medical treatment”, despite “suffering from
          several chronic conditions (diabetes,
          hypertension, coronary artery disease) that are
          independently life-threatening and difficult to
          Libyan Arab
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Salleh Puteh, Muhammad Haji Yaakub,
          Ms. Marie! Fong, Ms. Hasnah Hashim, Mohd.
          Asri Ahmad, Mohd. a!-Farook, Daud Samad,
          Raja Sa!im (also known as Raja Daud Raja
          Abdullah), Khairu! Anuar Safsie, Khairu!
          Amirin Safsie, Ahmad Asmadi Adnan, Haji
          Abdu! Hamid Baharuddin, Rawandi Repini,
          Sufian Manas, Haji Su!aiman Ahmad, Mohd.
          Harif Fathi!ah, Azhar Yusuf, Zamro! Majid,
          Shaharu! Anuar Abdu! Ghani, Mohd. Abdu!
          Rahman Ariffin, Mohd. Sa!im Yesman, Abdu!
          Rahman Mat Lodin, Khairu! Sa!!eh Ahmad,
          Nasru!!ah bin Ahmad, Taib Abdu!!ah, Ishak
          Othman, Mohd. Shafie Ismai!, Mohd. Nazreen
          bin Mohd Nasir, Mohd Abi Sa!am bin Ariffin,
          Mohd. Zad, Yahya Mohd. Noh, Mohammad
          bin Rifin, Nawi Abdu!!ah, and Fauzi Awang
          Chik. All of the aforementioned individuals are
          human rights activists. On 10 November 2007, a
          peaceful protest was organized by the Gabungan
          Pilihanraya Bersih dan Adil, or Coalition for
          Clean and Fair Elections (BERSII-I), a coalition of
          over eighty civil society groups in Malaysia. The
          protest took place in Dataran Merdeka, in
          Kuala Lumpur, and aimed at calling for free and
          fair elections. A total of 4,000 police personnel
          were deployed to deal with the protestors,
          including the Federal Reserve Unit, as well as
          members of police forces from Sentul, Dang
          Wangi, and Brickfields districts in Kuala Lumpur.
          The officers were armed with shields, batons and
          some with firearms. Police attempted to prevent
          By letter dated 06/10/08, the Government
          informed that the right to physical and mental
          integrity of all persons is guaranteed by the
          Constitution, which also provides that no
          person shall be deprived of his life or personal
          liberty, save in accordance with the law.
          Although Malaysia is not a party to the
          International Covenant on Civil and Politial
          Rights 1966, it fully appreciates that no one
          shall be subjected to torture or to cmel,
          inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment
          as provided under Article 7 of the said
          Covenant. Malaysia also adheres to the
          philosophy and norms set out in the Universal
          Declaration of Human Rights 1948 and the
          United Nations Basic Principles on the Use of
          Force and Firearms by Law Enforcement
          Officials (“UN Basic Principles”), which are
          not legally binding on States. Malaysia also
          asserts that the provisions of the Constitution
          and its legislative framework generally
          conform to the applicable international human
          rights law in this matter. In respect of the
          UN Basic Principles, the Government finds it
          important to reiterate that law enforcement
          officials, in carrying out their duty, may use
          force and firearms if other means remain
          ineffective or without any promise of
          achieving the intended result. In the context of
          the cases mentioned in the communication, the
          Government of Malaysia stresses that the
          141. Malaysia
          22 /02 /08
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          the protest from taking place by setting up road
          blocks in order to monitor all of the vehicles
          entering the area from outside Kuala Lumpur.
          Police also blocked off several of the roads which
          lead to Dataran Merdeka, as well as suspending
          train services and refusing members of the public
          entry to the venue of the protest. Tear gas, water
          cannons, and sprayed water laced with harn ful
          chemicals were used by police in order to disperse
          the crowd even before the protest had begun. The
          34 above mentioned protestors were arrested and
          detained at IPK Jalan Hang Tuah and were
          released by ii p.m. on the same day. The Chief of
          the National Police, Mr. Musa Hassan, threatened
          to charge all parents who took their children to the
          protest with “placing their children's safety at
          risk”. Of those arrested, five protestors are said to
          have sustained injuries: Mohd. Asri Ahmad,
          Mohd al-Farook. Haji Abdul Hamid Bahaniddin.
          Khairul Salleh Ahmad. and Nasnillah bin Ahmad.
          In addition, another protestor, Ale asak Hamid,
          who was not arrested is said to have suffered a
          broken leg due to being stepped on by a police
          officer. He was sent to the General Hospital,
          Kuala Lumpur. for treatment.
          exercise of power by the Malaysian Police is
          reasonable and necessary for the protection of
          national security and public order and for the
          purpose of ensuring protection for everyone.
          The actions surrounding the case are therefore
          compatible with international norms and
          standards, and common in almost all
          jurisdictions worldwide. In view of the above,
          the Government reiterates its observation that
          the summary of the facts is not entirely
          accurate and not reflective of the actual
          situation prevailing during the protest. The
          concern with respect to the allegation of
          excessive use of force employed by members
          of the Police against peaceful protestors, as
          well as the arrests of the protestors, are
          therefore unfounded and baseless. The actions
          undertekan by the relevant authorities in
          Malaysia, including the Police force, are
          within the confines of the international human
          rights regime and national laws. All actions
          taken by the Malaysia Police are reasonable
          and necessary for the protection of national
          security and public order, in accordance with
          the constitutional and legislative framework of
          Malaysia and in line with international law. As
          such, the issue regarding the deprivation of the
          right to physical and mental integrity does not
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          Goh Yan Peaw, Segamat. On 9 January 2008, he
          was arrested with his wife and brother by the
          police at their house in Segamat. They were held
          C D
          under the Emergency Ordinance for illegal
          possession of dnigs, bomb material and fireworks.
          On 10 January. Mr. Goh Yan Peaw was sent to
          Johor Police Headquarters for investigation. On
          16 January. the three were brought to the
          magistrate's court in Segamat. which granted the
          police a remand order of seven days for Mr. Goh
          Yan Peaw and his brother. Mr. Goh Yan Peaw's
          wife was released without charge, and his brother
          was released on bail after the expiration of the
          remand order on 23 January. On 19 January at
          about 4 am.. Mr. Goh Yan Peaw was brought to
          Segamat Police Lock-up. He was later found
          unconscious in his cell, and died at the hospital.
          The police told his family that he had died from a
          fall in the toilet. Mr. Goh Yan Peaw's wife, who
          last met her husband when they were brought to
          the magistrate's court for their remand hearing,
          reported that she found her husband to have lost
          considerable weight, his face was pale, his lips
          were purple in colour, and his eves appeared
          swollen. According to Mr. Goh Yan Peaw's
          medical certificate, dated 1 December 2007,
          Mr. Goh Yan Peaw was in good health.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          2 1/04/08
          P. Uthayakumar, Legal Adviser of the Hindu
          By letter dated 19/12/08, the Government
          Human Rights Action Force (H1INDRAF),
          infon ed that H1NDRAF remains a
          M. Manoharan, counsel of H1NDRAF,
          non-registered society, which in itself is a
          R. Kenghadharan, counsel of H1NDRAF,
          contravention of the Societies Act 1966
          V. Ganabatirau and T. Vasanthakumar,
          FAct 33 I. It has been actively promoting
          members of HINDRAF. Since their arrest on
          etimic Indian issues to an extent that has
          13 December 2007 under Section 8 (1) of the
          incited racial and religious hatred of the
          Internal Security Act for allegedly carrying out
          predominantly Hindu etirnic Indian community
          activities that threatened national security, the
          five persons have been kept in solitary
          confinement for more than 16 hours a day, and
          have been exposed to light continuously in order
          to disorient theni and prevent theni froni sleeping.
          Mr. P. Uthavakumar and Mr. M. Manoharan are
          diabetic and access to appropriate medication has
          been denied. On 7 April 2008, Mr. P.
          Uthavakumar collapsed in his cell and was taken
          to a doctor who diagnosed a heart condition.
          Although they have access to their lawyers, it is
          reported that discussions between the men and
          their lawyers have been monitored by guards.
          Finally, they are denied their right to worship;
          they do not have access to temples and prayer
          rooms, and no time to worship has been allocated
          to them.
          against Malay-Muslims. This is evidenced
          when P. Uthayakumar, M. Manoharan,
          R. Kenghadharan. V. Ganabatirau and
          T. Vasanthakumar “H1NDRAF 5”I through
          H1NDRAF. have resorted to various tactics
          that include holding public rallies, gatherings
          and fonims.
          Leading up to the month of November 2007,
          the H1NDRAF 5 have attended and made
          speeches at a number of HINDRAF-organized
          fonims and gatherings at various public
          venues. During those rallies (which were not
          blocked or forced to disperse by authorities
          and police), inflammatory sentiments were
          widely circulated.
          The HINDRAF 5 were arrested on
          13 December 2007 by Special Branch officers.
          The cumulative actions taken by the
          H1NDRAF S in aggressively inciting feelings
          of ill-will amongst the races in Malaysia with
          deeply hurtful racial and religious rhetoric and
          sowing hatred towards the government have
          resulted in their detention, on the grounds that
          they were a threat to public order and national
          security. The H1NDRAF S were admitted to
          the Detention Protection Centre Kamunting.
          Taiping. Perak from 13 December 2007. Tn the
          early admittance. they were placed in the
          orientation block to pursue orientation
          programme for 3 nionths. In this orientation
          block, they have been placed in a different cell
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          where each cell is equipped with a bed and
          toilet that can also be used to bathe.
          Throughout this orientation programme they
          were confined in their respective cells for
          12 hours. They may, at any time, request the
          wardens to switch their lights on or off Each
          cell is also equipped with a bed lamp.
          However, they did not complete the 3 months
          orientation programme. On 10 January 2008,
          Mr. Uthayakumar was places in the normal
          detention block. He was placed in a block
          where each inmate is placed in a different cell.
          However, there cells are not locked during the
          night to enable the inmates to move freely to
          the general area and toilets. Inmates are free to
          choose whether to have the lights on or off.
          As for Mr. M. Manoharan, Mr. R.
          Kenghadharan, Mr. V. Ganabatirau and Mr. T.
          Vasanthakumar, they were transferred to
          normal detention block from 7 February 2005.
          All four of them were placed in the same
          dormitory. Inmates are free to choose whether
          to have the lights on or off
          Mr. P. Uthayakumar is a diabetic, however,
          Mr. M. Manoharan is not. Nonetheless, Mr. P.
          Uthayakumar was never denied his
          medications. Even at his early stage of
          admission to the Detention Protection Centre
          Kamunting, he was allowed to receive his
          medications, which were supplied by his
          family. There was only one instance which he
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          was not allowed to receive diabetics
          medication from his faniilv as the government
          hospital at Taiping had supplied similar
          medication to him. Mr. P. Uthavakumar
          protested on this matter and, for this reason, he
          was allowed to receive his regular medication.
          The allegation that Mr. P. Uthavakumar
          collapsed in his cell on 7 April 2008 due to
          heart problems is also untnie. By 7 April 2008,
          he was taken to undergo a follow-up medical
          examination at a government clinic in Taiping.
          During his medical examination, he did not
          show any kind of symptoms. However, the
          sugar reading in his blood taken from the
          previous week showed a reading of
          18.8 mmol/I. For this reason. Mr. P.
          Uthavakumar himself applied to be admitted to
          be warded at the Taiping hospital in order to
          stabilize his blood sugar rate.
          In accordance with the existing procedure, the
          prison officers would stay in the meeting room
          during the meeting between the detainee and
          his lawyer. However, the prison officers did
          not record what was said during the meeting.
          However, due to protests by Mr. P.
          Uthayakumar, a directive was issued on
          12 May 2008 requiring meeting surveillance to
          be carried out at a range where the
          conversation could be seen and heard, but the
          prison officers were not necessarily required to
          sit together with the detainee and his lawyer.
          Pursuant to that directive, surveillance has
          been carried out from outside the meeting
          room. All detainees including the H1NDRAF 5
          are allowed to pray and practice their
          respective religion. A religious teacher is also
          available every week for each religion.
          The Internal Security Act 1960 (Act 82)
          provides for the rights of HNDRAF 5 to make
          representation in front of the Advisory Board
          which is also perceived as judiciary inquiry,
          Section 11 of Act 82 provides as follows:
          (1) A copy of every order made by the
          Minister under section 8 (1) shall as soon as
          may be after the making thereof be served on
          the person to whom it relates, and every such
          person shall be entitled to make
          representations against the order to an
          Advisory Board.
          (2) For the purpose of enabling a person to
          make representation under subsection (1) he
          shall, at the time of the service on him of the
          (a) Be informed of his right to make
          representations to an Advisory Board under
          subsection (1); and
          (b) Be furnished by the Minister with a
          statement in writing:
          (i) Of the grounds on which the
          order is made;
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          (ii) Of the allegations of tact on
          which the order is based; and
          (iii) Of such other particular, if any,
          as he may in the opinion of the
          Minister reasonably require in
          order to make his
          representations against the order
          to the Advisory Board;
          (iv) The Yang di-Pertua Agong may
          make rules as to the manner in
          which representations may be
          made under this section and for
          regulating the procedure of
          Advisory Boards.
          By virtue of these rights, on 12 and
          14 Febmary 2008, the Advisory Board had
          convened a sitting to hear the representations
          by HNDRAF 5 based on the Rule 10 of the
          Rules of Internal Security (advisory board's
          procedures) 1972. When the sitting was held,
          the Advisory Board had complied with the
          above mles strictly where HNDRAF 5 were
          permitted to be represented by between S and
          7 lawyers of their own choice and to call for
          witnesses to support their defence. Apart from
          that, on 1 July 2008, the Advisory Board
          reviewed the detention order made on
          H1NDRAF 5. The representations or judicial
          enquiry relating to HNDRAF 5 and other
          detention orders will be a continuing process
          until a different order is made by the
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          Minister.The H1NDRAF 5 filed an application
          for a Writ of Habeas Corpus to the High
          Court 5. Kuala Lumpur. However, the High
          Court S rejected the H1NDRAF S's application
          on the ground that all the procedures have been
          complied with and the H1NDRAF S were
          detained on the basis of legitimate executive
          power as provided under Section 8, Act 82.
          The H1NDRAF S was not satisfied with this
          decision and appealed to the Federal Court.
          However, the Federal Court maintained the
          High Court decision and rejected the appeal of
          the H1NDRAF S. For its part, the Malaysian
          Human Rights Commission (SUHAKAM) has
          visited the accused three times, on 26 January.
          4 Febrnar and 22 April 2008.
          to earlier
          Practice of caning (A/HRCI7I3IAdd. 1. para. 141)
          By letter dated 22/02/08. the Government
          inforn ed that the sentence of caning, which is
          known as whipping in Malaysia. is imposed
          either as a supplementary or alternative to the
          punishment of imprisonment or fine for certain
          criminal offences. The punishment of
          whipping may also be imposed in cases where
          a person is found guilty of repeat offences.
          Whipping is only executed against male
          prisoners. There has been no execution of
          whipping of women prisoners or young
          prisoners under the age of 18. Tn most cases
          the sentence is not mandatory but is imposed at
          the discretion of the court taking into
          consideration matters such as the gravity of the
          offence and whether the offender is a repeat
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          offender. A mandatory sentence of whipping is
          only imposed for grave crimes and crimes
          which involve infliction of injuries to the
          victim or victims. A number of safeguards
          contained in sections 286-290 of the Criminal
          Procedure Code (CPC) are to be adhered to,
          such as: prohibition of the sentence upon
          females, males sentenced to death, and males
          considered to be more than 50 years of age,
          except those convicted of certain sexual
          offences; court instniction as to place and time
          of execution; where imprisonment is also
          imposed, expiration of at least seven da/ s from
          the date of sentence; the sentence shall specify
          the number of strokes, and even in relation to
          multiple offences, shall not exceed 24 for an
          adult offender, or ten for a youthful offender
          (from 18 to less than 21 years of age), for
          whom whipping shall be inflicted in the way of
          school discipline with a light rattan; the part of
          the body subjected to whipping is designated
          by the Government; and the whipping is
          conducted under the supervision of a doctor. A
          male child under 18 may be subject to
          whipping up to ten strokes under section 91 of
          the Child Act 2001. The whipping will take
          place with a light cane within the court
          premises, and in the presence of a parent or
          guardian, if the child so wishes. Safeguards
          provided for under article 92 of the Act
          include: supervision of the whipping by a
          medical doctor: mnanner of whipping: whipping
          on any part of the body except the face, head,
          stomach, chest or private parts; and the child
          shall wear clothes. In fulfilling the obligations
          under the Convention on the Rights of the
          Child, the Government is in the process of
          amending the Child Act to abolish the
          punishment of whipping of children.
          With respect to illegal entry into Malaysia, any
          person found guilty of having committed any
          of the offences of illegal entry, unlawful return
          after removal, and section orgery or alteration
          of endorsement or document may be subject to
          whipping. As a large number of illegal
          immigrants enter Malaysia on a daily basis, it
          is impossible to determine who among them is
          entering for economic purposes or otherwise.
          These provisions were introduced into the Act
          to deter the influx of illegal immigrants into
          Malaysia. The punishment of whipping on
          drug-related offences is also a form of
          deterrent for those contemplating committing a
          similar offence. This is to control the
          trafficking of certain dangerous dmgs in
          Malaysia. The Government provided relevant
          legislation, annexed to its response.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          — n
          M. Abdelkrim Ben Fraj Bouraoui aurait été
          arrété a Nouakchott par les services de la süreté
          de l'Etat (Amn Eddaoula) le 18 janvier 2008. Il
          aurait été détenu en garde a vue pendant un mois.
          Présenté devant le procureur de la république du
          Tribunal de Nouakchott le 18 février 2008, il
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          aurait été libéré sans avoir fait l'objet de
          poursuites judiciaires. Le 3 mai 2008,
          M. Bouraoui aurait été de nouveau arrété par des
          agents des services de süreté de l'Etat avec de
          nombreuses autres personnes. près d'une
          centaine, dans une operation présentée
          officiellement par les autorités comme rentrant
          dans le cadre de la lutte antiterroriste suite a
          l'attentat perpétré contre l'ambassade d'Israël le
          2 février 2008. Il aurait été détenu au secret
          pendant 25 jours dans une petite cellule de
          i metre sur 2 metres. insalubre et sans ouverture.
          dans laquelle régnait une chaleur suffocante.
          M. Bouraoui aurait été déshabillé. battu. prive de
          faire ses besoins naturels ainsi que de sornrneil
          pendant plusieurs jours consécutifs. Il aurait
          egalement été attaché par des menottes derriere le
          dos et suspendu. Présenté le 28 mai 2008 devant
          le juge d'instniction de la 3èrne charnbre du
          tribunal de 1 ère Instance de Nouakchott.
          M. Bouraoui aurait présenté des traces évidentes
          de tortures. Accuse dans l'affaire de l'attentat
          contre l'ambassade d'Israël survenu le
          2 février 2008. alors qu'à cette date il se trouvait
          détenu dans les locaux des services de süreté de
          l'Etat depuis plus de 15 jours. lejuge
          d'instniction M. Ould Yemeh devant
          l'inconsistance de l'accusation décida de le placer
          sous contrôle judicaire. Sur opposition du parquet.
          M. Bouraoui n'aurait pas été libéré et aurait été
          conduit dans une casenie militaire relevant de
          1 ‘état maj or de 1' aniiée oü il serait détenu a ce
          Sra. Ana Maria Velasco Rodriguez v las demás
          muj eres supuestamente vIctimas de violencia
          sexual por parte de agentes de policla durante los
          incidentes en San Salvador Atenco el 3 v 4 de
          mayo de 2006 (A/HRC/7/3/Add.1. parr. 144). Los
          hechos ocurridos en San Salvador Atenco fueron
          obj eto de una comunicación el 18 de diciembre de
          2006 por parte del Relator Especial sobre la
          tortura v la Relatora Especial sobre la violencia
          contra la mujer. El Gobierno de su Excelencia
          respondió a dicha comunicación a través de una
          carta con fecha de 17 de mayo de 2007, en la cual
          se da noticia de la existencia de investigaciones
          en curso en relación a los casos de denuncias de
          abusos o violaciones de derechos humanos por
          parte de las autoridades. Segün la inforn ación
          adicional recibida, el dIa 3 de mayo del 2006. la
          Sra. A. M. V. R. fine detenida por la Policla en
          San Salvador Atenco. Estado de Mexico. La
          Sra. A. M. V. R. habrIa sido transportada en un
          camión. junto con otros detenidos. al penal de
          “Santiaguito”. En el trayecto. varios policlas
          habrIan comenzado a tocarle los senos y a
          introducirle los dedos en la vagina. Se infon a
          que dos de los policlas la habrIan forzado a
          practicarles sexo oral y a tragar su semen.
          mientras el resto continuaban tocándola e
          insultándola. A pesar de que fine obligada a
          146. Mexico
          28/01/08 JAL
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          jour. Au vu de sa detention a un lieu non prévu a
          cet effet et les allegations des mauvais
          traitements. des craintes sont exprimées pour
          l'intégrité physique et mentale de M. Bouraoui.
          C D
          mantener la cabeza agachada, ella habrIa logrado
          reconocer a uno de los oficiales que
          supuestamente la obligó a realizarle sexo oral. El
          28 de agosto de 2006. habrIa sido dictado el auto
          de fon al prisión en contra de dicho policla por el
          delito de “actos libidinosos” en contra de
          A. M. V. R. Sin embargo. se alega que este delito
          no refleja la magnitud ni la gravedad de las
          violaciones sufridas por la Sra. A. M. V. R., va
          que contempla una pena menor a la prevista para
          el delito de violación sexual. También se inforn a
          que el delito de “actos libidinosos” no es
          considerado como grave. por lo tanto el policla se
          encontrarla en libertad bajo caución. Segün las
          alegaciones. al menos 17 mujeres habrIan sido
          sometidas a abusos sexuales como los sufridos
          por la Sra. A. M. V. R. durante los incidentes en
          Salvador de Atenco. Sin embargo. ningün agente
          policial habrIa sido consignado por el delito de
          violación sexual. Hasta la fecha. solo un policla
          ha sido fon almente acusado por abusos sexuales
          cometidos el 3 v 4 de mayo en San Salvador
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          El Sr. Miguel Angel Tornez Hernández fine
          Mediante carta de fecha 31/07/08. el Gobierno
          arrestado el 2 de abril de 2008 cuando se presentó
          indicó que de acuerdo al infonne presentado
          voluntariamente a los locales de la Policla
          por el Coordinador de Zona de la Policla
          Judicial del Estado de Guerrero en el Municipio
          Ministerial de Avutla de los Libres. Guerrero.
          de Avutla de los Libres para aclarar su
          el 3 de abril de 2008 el señor Tornez se
          participación en un caso de asesinato v robo de
          presentó de manera voluntaria a rendir su
          cuatro agentes policiales V un funcionario
          declaración en calidad de testigo ocular.
          püblico. El Sr. Tornez habrIa sido detenido sin
          cargos. interrogado con los oj os vendados v
          Debido a que se requenan de mavores
          C D
          habrIa sufrido agresiones verbales v amenazas. asI
          como descargas eléctricas v golpes con el puño.
          principalmente en la cabeza, para obligarle a
          confesar su participación en dichos crImenes.
          Posteriorn ente. un juez autorizó su puesta en
          “arraigo” en el estado de Guerrero. El 5 de abril
          de 2008 fue trasladado a otro centro de arraigo
          gestionado por la Procuradurla General de la
          Repüblica en la Ciudad de Mexico. sin que su
          familia fuese infon ada de dicho traslado. Sus
          posibilidades de comunicarse con sus familiares o
          con el mundo exterior habrIan sido seriamente
          limitadas por estas medidas. Se infonna también
          que no se ha pennitido que el Sr. Tornez
          Hernández sea representado por abogados de una
          organización local no-gubernamental de derechos
          hurnanos v que en su lugar se le ha designado un
          abogado de oficio. Los malos tratos habrIan sido
          confinnados por un tribunal local al momento de
          resolver en vista urgente una diligencia de
          exhibición de persona. La Comisión Estatal de
          Derechos hunianos ha confinnado también los
          malos tratos con base en un infonne medico. Se
          infonna asimismo que el dIa anterior al arresto de
          esta persona. su niadre. su tIa. sus dos hennanas v
          tres de los hijos de éstas. de corta edad, fueron
          también arrestadas en el domicilio del Sr. Tornez
          Hernández v conducidas a la comisarla local. Una
          de las hennanas del Sr. Tornez Hernández. la Sra.
          Yesenia Tornez Hernández. fue interrogada bajo
          tortura para obligarla a declarar dónde se
          encontraba su hennano. Cinco agentes de la
          elementos para comprobar su presunta
          responsabilidad v por considerar que existla el
          temor fundado de que el señor Tornez se
          ausentara o se ocultara antes de que las
          investigaciones concluveran. el 4 de
          abril de 2008. el Ministerio Püblico solicitó al
          Juez Penal del Distrito Judicial de Allende. una
          orden de arraigo por el ténnino de 30 dIas:
          medida que fine ampliada por 30 dIas más.
          Las diligencias practicadas por el Ministerio
          Püblico dentro de la averiguación previa,
          fueron las siguientes: levantarniento e
          identificación de cadáveres, certificación de la
          causa de muerte. inspección ocular v
          recolección de objetos hallados en el lugar de
          los hechos. La averiguación previa v las quejas
          aün se encuentran en la etapa de análisis.
          El 2 de abril de 2008. representantes de una
          organización civil solicitaron ante la Comisión
          de Defensa de los Derechos Humanos del
          Estado de Guerrero (CDDH Gro.), su
          intervención por presuntos actos de tortura en
          contra de Yesenia Tornez Hernández.
          cometidos por elementos de la policla
          ministerial del estado de Guerrero.
          El representante de la CDDH Gro.. en
          compañIa de un perito medico de la citada
          institución se trasladaron al domicilio de la
          señora Tornez para ofrecerle asesorla.
          documentar el hecho para dar inicio a un
          expediente de queja v dar fe de las lesiones
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Policla Jnvestigadora Ministerial (PIM) la ataron
          a una silla, la golpearon v le vendaron los ojos.
          colocándole una bolsa en la cabeza. Tanto ella
          como los otros familiares del Sr. Tornez
          Hernández fueron liberados a! final del dIa. Se ha
          expresado temor que los malos tratos sufridos por
          el Sr. Tornez Hernández puedan repetirse V que
          esta persona. dado el grado de imposibilidad de
          comunicación con el mundo exterior que le afecta
          v las dificultades para preparar su defensa, sea
          suj eto de un proceso judicial que no reüna las
          condiciones necesarias del debido proceso legal ni
          las garantlas judiciales suficientes. El Sr. Tornez
          Hernández no ha sido todavIa fon almente
          acusado. La PGR sin embargo investiga el
          asesinato de los agentes policiales v del
          funcionario püblico: el robo de 600,000 pesos
          (aproximadamente 57,000 dólares de los Estados
          Unidos) de los fondos federales de avuda que
          estaban siendo distribuidos v el robo de las arrnas
          de los agentes policiales. Segün el Sr. Tornez
          Heniández. si bien estuvo en el lugar del crimen.
          fine porque habla sido secuestrado por los
          delincuentes. quienes le obligaron a sacarlos del
          lugar en su vehIculo. Al estropearse la camioneta,
          fine golpeado por los delincuentes V arroj ado a un
          barranco. pero pudo salir por sus propios medios.
          a pesar de estar herido.
          que supuestamente presentaba.
          Ella manifesto que no era su deseo presentar
          una quej a V solicitó en cambio la intervención
          de la institución a favor de su hennano Miguel
          Angel Tornez. por considerar que podlan
          existir posibles actos de tortura V detención
          Los representantes de la CDDH Gro. brindaron
          apovo a! señor Miguel Tornez Mayo (padre)
          para que promoviera recurso extraordinario de
          exhibición de persona ante el Juez Mixto de
          Primera Instancia del Distrito Judicial de
          Los presentantes de la CDDH Gro.. el Juez
          Mixto. familiares de Tornez V representantes
          de una organización civil. se trasladaron a la
          Coordinación de Zona de la Policla Ministerial
          de Avutla de los Libres. para solicitar que
          presentaran de inmediato a! señor Tornez.
          El Coordinador de la Policla Ministerial
          presentó a! señor Tornez. aclarando que su
          presencia se debla ünicamente a que debla
          rendir su declaración y no se encontraba
          Contrariamente a lo señalado. el señor Tornez
          manifesto ante el Juez Mixto haber sido
          vIctima de actos de tortura por parte de
          elementos de la Policla Ministerial. Se le
          elaboró un examen para certificar su estado de
          salud. en el que se concluvó que hablan signos
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          de tortura psIquica con multitraumas fisicos.
          Con los elementos recabados la CDDH Gro.
          inició el expediente de queja
          CODDEHUM-VG/065/2008-V. El
          7 de abril de 2008. una asociación civil recibió
          dos quejas más presentadas por las sefloras
          Yesenia y MarIa del Socorro Tornez
          Hernández. Juana v Mercedes Hernández
          Garibav. Ninfa Sanchez Sierra v Dorotea
          Hernández Garibav mediante las cuales
          denuncian al coordinador v elementos de la
          Policla Ministerial del estado. por presuntas
          violaciones a sus derechos hunianos
          consistentes en arnenazas. allanarniento de
          morada. detención arbitraria. tortura perpetrada
          en contra de Yesenia Tornez. dando inicio a
          dos expedientes.
          Debido a los hechos denunciados. el
          8 de abril de 2008. la CDDH Gro. solicitó al
          Procurador General de Justicia v al Secretario
          de Seguridad Püblica v Protección Civil del
          estado de Guerrero la adopción de medidas
          cautelares en favor de Miguel Angel. Yesenia
          v MarIa del Socorro Tornez Hernández. Juana
          v Mercedes Hernández Garibav. Ninfa
          Sanchez Sierra v Dorotea Hernández Garibav.
          a fin de que las policlas ministerial v
          preventiva del estado se abstengan de incurrir
          en actos de tortura. hostigamiento. amenazas e
          intimidación. El 15 de abril de 2008, las
          medidas fueron adoptadas por ambas
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          En el mes de abril de 2008. la Comisión
          Nacional de los Derechos Humanos inicio un
          expediente de queja a del señor Tornez.
          148. 01/07/08 JUA WGAD: José Domingo Menendez Velasco. ciudad de
          FRDX; Tuxtla Gutiérrez. Estado de Chiapas, Mexico. El
          TOR Sr. José Domingo Menendez Velasco fue
          detenido el 25 de junio de 2008, a las 12h30
          horas, por cerca de cien agentes identificados
          como miembros de la Policla sectorial que sallan
          del Palacio del Gobierno. v fue subido a una
          camioneta con nimbo desconocido. Estos hechos
          se produjeron unos minutos después de que cuatro
          elementos de la Policla judicial hablan salido del
          Palacio del Gobierno para dirigirse hacia los
          habitantes de Villa de Rosa reunidos en este lugar
          desde el 24 dejunio de 2008. Las denuncias
          agregan que las autoridades no les proporcionaron
          ni a los familiares ni a los compafieros la
          infonnación precisa sobre el paradero del
          Sr. Menendez Velasco. Segün las inforniaciones.
          un equipo de abogados se trasladó
          inmediatamente hacia la Procuradurla para
          interponer un juicio de amparo a favor del Sr.
          Menendez Velasco. El 26 de mayo de 2008, los
          habitantes del municipio de Villa de la Rosa.
          Chiapas. iniciaron un plantón indefinido en la
          presidencia municipal junto con comisariatos
          ejidales. organizaciones sociales v comunidades.
          ante las actitudes represivas. Los integrantes del
          Frente de Lucha Popular en Resistencia “10 de
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          julio” del municipio de Villa de la Rosa se
          trasladaron el dIa 24 de junio a la capital del
          Estado ante la falta de resultado del conflicto v se
          concentraron ante el Palacio de Gobierno de la
          ciudad de Tuxtla Gutiérrez para lograr alcanzar el
          dialogo ante la problemática vivida en su
          El Sr. Enrique GOmez Hernández. indIgena
          tsotsil. se encuentra actualmente preso en el
          Centro Estatal para la Resinserción Social de
          Sentenciados No. 5 (CERSS No. 5), en San
          Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas.
          Al momento de su ingreso a ese penal. fine
          golpeado en varias partes del cuerpo por 5 o
          6 custodios. quienes vestlan ropa deportiva. Le
          hicieron correr descalzo por el patio de piedras. v
          si se detenla. era golpeado por uno de los
          custodios con un palo. Después de hacerlo correr.
          le echaron agua frIa. le taparon la cara v le
          rociaron gas lacrimogeno por el cuerpo. Fue
          golpe ado nuevamente. v cuando cavó al suelo. le
          patearon la espalda v las piernas. Los custodios lo
          amenazaron con más golpes V con amarrarlo a
          una de las mallas del penal si presentaba una
          queja con algün organismo de derechos humanos.
          Debido al dolor que presentaba. fine llevado a los
          servicios medicos del centro de detención. pero
          debido a que se encontraban presentes sus
          golpeadores. negó que éstos le hubieran pegado.
          Un medico independiente se presentó en el centro
          de detención para investigar al Sr. Gómez v
          hacerle la valoración médica de acuerdo con el
          Protocolo de Estambul. pero el director del penal
          obstaculizó su ingreso.
          El Sr. Gómez se fugó de la cárcel en diciembre
          del 2004 v fine reaprendido el 20 de junio
          de 2008. El dIa de su traslado al CERSS No. 5. el
          Departamento de Medicina Legal de la Dirección
          de Servicios de Técnica Forense v CriminalIstica
          del Ministerio de Justicia del Estado indicó que
          no presentaba huellas de lesiones recientes
          externas visibles. mientras que la nota médica de
          ingreso dice que presenta disuria (micción dificil,
          dolorosa e incompleta de la orina) v hematuria
          macroscópica (orina con sangre). va que en el
          momento de su reaprensión fine golpeado.
          Las denuncias agregan que el Sr. Gómez se
          encuentra en el area de la prisión conocida como
          Celdas de Observación v Conducta, en donde se
          encuentra amenazado por otros presos v personal
          de custodia de ese centro penitenciario.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          Alcaraz Vielman (A/HRCI7I3IAdd.1.
          Mediante carta de fecha 14/01/08. el Gobierno
          to earlier
          indicó que el 19 de Julio de 2004. la
          Procuradurla General de Justicia Militar
          remitió a la Policla Judicial Federal Militar, un
          escrito del juez So Militar adscrito a la
          I Region Militar, mediante el cual libró orden
          de aprehensión en contra del cadete de primera
          Giovanni Alcaraz Vielman. como probable
          responsable del delito de insubordinación con
          vIas de de hecho causando la muerte al
          C D
          De conformidad con to establecido en el
          convenio de colaboración celebrado entre las
          Procuradurlas Generates de ta Repüblica,
          Generat de Justicia Militar, det Distrito Federat
          y de tos estados, se estabteció una
          coordinación con ta Procuradurla Generat de ta
          Repüblica y ta Agencia Federat de
          Investigaciones para tograr ta ejecución de ta
          orden de aprehensión.
          Como resultado, a las 20:35 hrs. del 23 de
          octubre de 2007, agentes federates de
          investigación entregaron a los agentes de la
          policlajudicial federal militar comisionados
          para cumplimentar dicha orden de
          aprehensión, el señor Alcaraz Vielman en las
          oficinas de la Policla Judicial Federal Militar
          con objeto de ponerlo a disposición deljuez
          militar. Una vez que se identificaron
          plenamente los agentes de la policla judicial
          federal militar ante el señor Alcaraz Vie lman,
          le mostraron la orden de aprehensión librada
          en su contra. Pposteriormente fue trasladado a
          la enfermerla militar del Campo Militar
          nümero 1-A, D.F., a efecto de que se
          certificara su estado de salud y después fue
          internado en la prisión militar.
          Durante el tiempo en que quedó a disposición
          de los agentes policlacos, el señor Alcaraz
          Vielman no se le recabó ningün tipo de
          declaración o interrogatorio, y por to que
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          State of emergency which was implemented by
          the Government on 1 July 2008, and the killings
          of Mr. Dorjsuren Enkhbayar, Mr.
          Munkh-Erdene Renchindagva, Mr. Batsaikhan
          Togtokh and Mr. Enkhbaatar Tseregjav. On
          1 July 2008, approximately 700 people were
          arrested and many others injured during
          post-election protests in Ulaanbaatar. A four-day
          state of emergency was declared by the
          Government when rioting empted in the capital
          sparked by allegations of election fraud. The
          protests police used tear gas, rubber bullets and
          water cannons to disperse the crowds. A number
          of individuals reportedly lost their sight or
          suffered serious eye injuries as a result. ‘When the
          state of emergency was declared sufficient
          measures had not been taken to inform citizens of
          the curfew, and those individuals who were on the
          streets at the time were arrested. In the early hours
          of the morning of 2 July, Mr. Dorjsuren
          Enkhbayar, Mr. Munkherdene Renchindagva,
          respeta a la actuaciOn de personal militar, sOlo
          se limitO a cumplir la orden de aprensiOn en
          contra del entonces cadete de primera
          Giovanni Alcaraz Vielman.
          Se presentO una queja en la ComisiOn Nacional
          de Derechos Humanos, la cual iniciO el
          expediente de queja 2007/4609-2 -SQ. La
          investigaciOn del caso está a cargo de la
          Segunda Visitadurla General de dicha
          By letter dated 13/10/08, the Government
          informed that on 1st July, they received a call
          indicating that a group of people was
          organizing an unauthorized demonstration, and
          that the demonstrators were attacking the
          Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party
          Headquarters, causing unrest and damaging
          property. A police regiment was sent there for
          the purpose of securing the safety of the people
          involved and enforcing public order. They
          threw bricks, “Molotov cocktails” and iron
          sticks, wounding several officers. They
          vandalized property and set fire to the
          building. In order to stop this unrest and
          prevent the broadening of its scope and further
          damages, the President of Mongolia declared a
          State of emergency for four days in
          Ulaanbaatar city, which authorized the police
          to forcefully disperse the people, adhering to
          the requirements of the relevant laws and
          regulations. The police was equipped with
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          151. Mongolia
          C D
          Mr. Enkhbaatar Tserenjav and Mr. Batsaikhan
          Togtokh were shot dead in a central street in
          Ulaanbaatar. at a short distance from where the
          main protests were taking place. Reports claim
          that their injuries show that they had been
          severely beaten before being shot. An official
          police investigation has reportedly been launched
          into the incident. However the results have vet to
          be made public. Numerous complaints have also
          been made regarding alleged mistreatment of
          those detained for questioning after the protests,
          including women and children. many of whom
          were subjected to beatings, detained in cramped
          cells without food and water, and forced to sign
          statements implicating themselves in violent
          activities during the protests. According to the
          Mongolian Criminal Procedures Code individuals
          can be detained without charges for a period of up
          to 72 hours. The majority of those who were
          detained were released within 72 hours. However
          legal counsel was not made available during
          detention. Reports also claim that following the
          protests, new arrests may have been made based
          on the identification of individuals through video
          footage recorded during the demonstrations. Since
          4 July, silent protests have been held on a daily
          basis in Sukhbaatar Square by citizens collecting
          signatures for the release of approximate ly
          200 individuals who remain in detention. To date
          there are no reports of any security incidents;
          however, two of the organizers of the protests
          have been summoned by the authorities to make
          shields and tnincheons, used tear gas and fired
          nibber bullets completely in accordance with
          the regulations. During these events, persons
          suspected of criminal activities, those without
          proper identification during curfew hours, and
          those possessing criminally acquired itenis
          were detained at the Metropolitan Police
          Department Custody Center. In order to
          conduct the investigations of the detainees
          speedily and not to cause any hindrance to
          their dependants, the police established a
          special working group for their investigation,
          organized food supply and medical services.
          Thus, 23 1 people underwent medical
          check-ups, first aid was delivered to
          39 persons and five persons were hospitalized.
          As the custody center became overpopulated,
          the rooms there were aired every two hours.
          During this time, representatives from the
          prosecutor's office of the capital city and
          Chingeltei District, Mongolian Attorney's
          Association, the National Human Rights
          Commission, journalists, reporters and
          members of Parliament visited the Custody
          center and met the detainees in person.
          As a result of the criminal investigations,
          731 persons were detained in accordance with
          administrative regulations, 157 persons were
          left in custody as suspects, and 574 persons
          were released on bail. During the unrest, a total
          of 532 police were attacked; 471 of them
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          an appearance at Sukhbaatar District Court. They
          were held in preventive detention for 14 days and
          face charges of disnipting the peace.
          sustained injuries of various severity.
          However. only 5 persons among the
          demonstrators were wounded.
          As for the death of 4 demonstrators dunng the
          unrest, the Investigation Unit of the State
          Prosecutor's office, by instnictions from the
          National Security Council of Mongolia,
          interrogated 106 officers of the Patrol Unit of
          the General Police Authority and detained
          10 officers as suspects.
          Magnai Otgonjargal. born on 11 January 1982,
          Mongolian citizen, Deputy Chairnrnn of the Civic
          Movement Party, usually residing at Sukhbaatar
          District, 3 Horoo, S Horoolol. Bldg. 43. Apt. 39.
          Mr. Magnai Otgonjargal was arrested on
          7 July 2008 at the National Criminal Investigation
          Authority's head office by a senior criminal
          investigator based on a warrant issued by the
          Capital City Prosecution Office, pursuant to
          sections 68.1, 68.7 and 69.1 of the Criminal
          Procedure Code. He is currently being detained at
          the detention centre at Gants Hudag, Unit 0461 of
          the Judicial Decision Enforcement Agency. His
          detention was authorized by the Sukhbaatar
          District Judge in order to prevent possible
          obstniction of a criminal investigationl. The
          decision is currently on appeal before the Chief
          Judge of Chingeltei District Court. At the time of
          arrest Mr. Magnai Otgonj argal was still a
          candidate for the Parliamentary elections,
          enjoying immunity under article 35.2 of the State
          Great Hural Election Law. His arrest was carried
          out without the necessary notification and
          pennission of the Songino-Khairhan District
          Election Committee. After 14 days of detention a
          criminal offence case in tenns of Articles 177
          (banditry - anned. intended, planned) and 179
          (encouraging, guiding others to an unlawful act)
          of the Criminal Code of Mongolia was filed
          against Mr. Magnai Otgonjargal. The opening of
          a criminal investigation against him has been
          challenged before the criminal investigator in
          charge of this case and all appeals level
          prosecutors. Mr. Magnai Otgonj argal suffers from
          chronic bronchial asthma. Sections 68.2 and 68.9
          of the Criminal Procedure Code provide that “it is
          prohibited to detain or apply restraint methods on
          persons with serious medical conditions” as
          specified in Joint Ministerial Order of Ministry of
          Justice and Home Affairs and Ministry of Health
          #313/316 dated 31 December 2002. Due to the
          poor standard air and lighting in the cell
          Mr. Magnai Otgonj argal' s chronic bronchial
          asthma deteriorated to a 57 percent loss of lung
          breathing capacity. His lawyers, family and civil
          society activists appealed to all relevant levels of
          the justice system, the Human Rights
          Commission and other decision-makers without
          result. For several days he has not been provided
          with the food that he has purchased from an
          external food caterer on the pretext that the person
          responsible for delivering the food has too many
          people to serve and did not make it to his cell. It
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Yahya Mohamed el Hafed Aaza. un membre de
          l'Association Marocaine des Droits de l'Homme
          (AMDH) et membre de l'Assemblée Constitutive
          du Collectif des Défenseurs Sahraouis des Droits
          de l'Homme (CODESA). Le 29 février 2008,
          M. Yahva Mohamed el Hafed Aaza aurait été
          arrété alors qu'il travaillait dans son magasin de
          Tan-Tan. dans le sud du pays. Cette arrestation
          serait liée a des manifestations pro-indépendance
          qui se seraient déroulées le 27 février dans la
          yule. M. Yahva Mohamed el Hafed Aaza serait
          détenu au poste de police de Tan-Tan pour
          interrogation. mais il n'aurait pas encore été
          inculpé et il n'aurait pas eu accès a son avocat
          ainsi qu'à sa farnille. M. Yahva Mohanied el
          Hafed Aaza aurait par le passé déjà été arrété par
          les services de renseignement de l'an ée
          marocaine en 2004 et 2006. et qu'en 2005. ces
          mémes services l'auraient kidnappé et retenu
          pendant deux semaines. au cours desquelles il
          aurait été soumis a la torture.
          Par lettre date du 20/06/08. le Gouvernement a
          indiqué que le 26 février 2008. une quarantaine
          de jeunes cagoulés ont organisé un
          attroupement an é au quartier Am Errahma au
          centre ville de Tan Tan. et ont installé des
          obstacles entravant la circulation sur la voie
          publique et se sont attaqués. par des jets de
          pierres. aux forces de l'ordre blessant. ainsi,
          grièvement. au niveau du crane. le gardien de
          la paix Abdelaziz Meski qui a succombé a ses
          blessures a l'hôpital. le 3 mars 2008.
          L'enquête menée. dans ce cadre, a pen is
          l'arrestation des dénommés Lahcen Lafkir,
          Naj em Bouba. Mohamed Salmi. Mevara
          Moujahid. Mahmoud Barkaoui et Yahva Aaza.
          Le dénommé Lahcen Lafkir a déclaré que
          Yahva Mohamed El Hafed Aaza était le
          commanditaire principal desdits troubles de
          l'ordre public. Ce dernier avait demandé, a
          Lahcen Lafkir. Mevara Mouj ahid et Naj em
          Bouba, a travers Mahmoud Barkaoui,
          d'organiser un rassemblement sur la voie
          publique en vue de porter atteinte a la sécurité
          dans la region, en recompense d'une soninie
          d'argent. Ceci a été confinné par Mevara
          Moujahid et Najem Bouba lors des
          Pour sa part, Yahva Mohamed El Hafed Aava
          a déclaré qu'il recevait des sommes d'argent
          du Ornar Boulsane, soi-disant représentant du
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          is reported that he has now gone on hunger strike.
          C D
          <> a Las Palmas en Espagne, pour
          financer ses activités visant a perpétrer des
          actes portant atteinte a l'ordre public.
          Le 4 mars 2008. les mis en cause ont été
          traduits devant la cour d'appel d'Agadir pour
          attroupement anne sur la voie publique et
          violence a l'encontre d'un fonctionnaire de
          police dans l'exercice de ses fonctions avant
          entraIné la mort. Il convient de préciser que
          l'interpellation et la mise en garde a vue de
          l'intéressé ont été effectuées dans le respect
          total des procedures et lois en vigueur. Compte
          tenu de ce qui precede. les personnes avant fait
          l'objet de ces deux appels urgents ont été
          interpelles. non pas pour leurs activités de
          defense des droits de l'Homme. lors d'une
          manifestation dite pacifique. rnais
          principalement pour des actes criminels avant
          cause la mort d'un policier en exercice de sa
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Enaâma Asfari. co-président du Comité pour le
          Par lettre datée du 20/06/08. le Gouvernement
          respect des libertés et des droits humains au
          a indiqué que dans la soirée du 15 avril 2008.
          Sahara occidental (CORELSO). Dans la soirée du
          le dénommé Enaâma Asfari. qui était en état
          13 avril 2008. M. Enaâma Asfari aurait été arrété
          d'ivresse. a eu une altercation avec une jeune
          et agressé phvsiquement par cinq agents de police
          femme enceinte. en lui assénant un violent
          en civil a Marrakech. M. Asfari aurait ensuite été
          coup au visage qui lui a cause une hemorrage
          emmené. les veux bandés et menotté. vers une
          nasale. puis un autre coup au niveau du ventre
          destination inconnue. oü il aurait été dévétu.
          avant nécessité son evacuation a l'hôpital en
          attaché a un arbre et battu. M. Asfari aurait perdu
          presence de trois témoins oculaires. Le
          connaissance des suites de ses blessures et
          coupable a cause également beaucoup de
          conduit a l'hôpital. Le 14 avril au matin.
          dégâts matériels au véhicule des agents de
          M. Asfari aurait été conduit au poste de police a
          la place Jamaa Elafha et aurait été interrogé sur
          ses activités de militant des droits de l'hornrne.
          Dans la matinée du 15 avril. M. Asfari aurait été
          présenté devant le Procureur général de
          Marrakech. qui aurait décidé de le traduire devant
          une cour de premiere instance le même jour pour
          conduite en état d'ivresse, tabassage et blessure,
          et possession d'une arnie blanche. La cour aurait
          alors décidé de reporter son audience au 17 avril
          pour pern ettre a M. Asfari de trouver un avocat.
          Le 17 avril. son audience aurait été rep ortée au
          21 avril. Lors de l'audience du 21 avril. M. Asfari
          aurait déclaré qu'au moment de son arrestation. il
          était suivi depuis 3 jours par les services de
          police. Il aurait également montré a la cour les
          traces des violences dont il aurait été l'objet avant
          et pendant sa detention. Il aurait également
          déclaré être victime d'un coup monte. expliquant
          que tous les premiers interrogatoires conduits par
          la police auraient porte exclusivement sur ses
          activités de defense des droits de l'homme en
          relation avec la situation du Sahara occidental. La
          cour aurait ensuite appele a la bane la plaignante
          et un des témoins. La plaignante aurait déclaré
          que M. Asfari l'avait frappée d'un coup de poing
          a l' il gauche, alors que le témoin aurait déclaré
          que ce dernier 1 ‘avait frappé d'un coup de tête.
          Ces contradictions auraient conduit la cour a
          reporter l'examen des faits au 28 avril 2008. Les
          observateurs internationaux presents a 1 ‘audience
          auraient constaté qu'aucune arnie n'avait été
          police qui ont réussi, après son arrestation, a
          lui enlever une anne blanche en sa possession.
          Sur instniction du parquet. le mis en cause a
          été mis en garde a vue et a été présenté a la
          justice, le 28 avril 2008, qui l'a condamné a
          2 mois de prison fen e et 3700 Dhs d'amende
          pour << coups et blessures. ivresse manifeste.
          conduite en était d'ivresse et dégâts matériels
          causes a un bien d'utilité publique >>. Ces actes
          sont sanctionnés par les dispositions de
          l'Article 6 de la decision 24-1-195 3 et les
          Articles 303 bis, 400 et 595 du Code Penal
          marocain. Ont été presents a cette audience, en
          tant qu'observateurs. un juge italien. une
          avocate française, l'epouse de l'intéressé. et
          deux autres personnes représentant des ONGs
          en matière des droits de 1 ‘Homme. Concernant
          les allegations de mauvais traitements qui
          auraient été perpetres a l'intéressé durant son
          ane station. elles sont dénuées de tout
          fondement et demeurent de simples
          allegations. D'ailleurs. le procureur du Roi
          près du tribunal de 1 ere instance de Manakech
          a adressé. le 21 avril 2008. une conespondance
          au procureur general dans laquelle il precise
          que l'accusé ne portait aucune trace de tortue
          durant son audience.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          saisie; que l'état d'ivresse allégué n'aurait fait
          l'objet d'aucun constat ou contrôle medical ; que
          la plaignante et le témoin a charge seraient en
          désaccord sur le déroulement des faits et
          qu'aucune enquête n'aurait été rnenée sur les
          bnitalités dont M. Asfari aurait été victime.
          Depuis le 15 avril. M. Asfari serait détenu a la
          prison de Boulemharez a Marrakech. Sa famille
          n'aurait pas été indiquée officiellement de son
          arrestation. iii du lieu de sa detention .
          Abdelkrim Hakkou. âgé de 30 ans, ressortissant
          marocain. Le 16 mai 2008. sur le chemin a son
          lieu de travail. M. Hakkou aurait été arrété sans
          mandat d'arrêt et détenu au secret par les forces
          de sécurité marocaines. M. Hakkou aurait déjà été
          arrété et détenu au secret en juillet 2005. A cette
          occasion. il serait resté en detention pendant cinq
          mois j usqu'à sa comparntion devant la justice. qui
          l'a innocenté. Le 20 mai 2008. la disparition de
          M. Hakkou aurait été signalee au commissariat de
          police qui aurait nié l'arrestation et déclaré qu'il
          ne faisait pas l'objet de recherche. Le
          29 mai 2008. le procureur general du tribunal
          d'appel de Meknès aurait été saisi. Le Ministre de
          lajustice. le Ministre de l'inténeur et la
          primature. ainsi que le directeur general de la
          süreté nationale auraient egalement été saisis. Le
          30 mai 2008. une plainte a été déposée auprès du
          Ministre de la justice qui a repondu qu'il ne
          disposait d' aucune infon ation. Le commissariat
          de police. le procureur general du tribunal d'appel
          de Meknès. le Ministre de la justice. le Ministre
          Par lettre datée du 06/08/08. le Gouvernement
          a indique que dans le cadre du démantèlement
          d'une cellule terroriste liée a Al Qaida. la
          police judiciaire a procede. le 1 juillet 2008. a
          l'arrestation de 35 personnes dans plusieurs
          villes du Rovaurne dont le dénornmé
          Abdelkrim Hakkou.
          Cette cellule est impliquee dans le
          recnitement. l'encadrement et la fonnation des
          volontaires. candidats aux operations
          kamikazes. soit pour les envover en Irak soit
          pour rejoindre les campements militaires lies
          au réseau << Al Qaida dans le Maghreb
          islamique >> et revenir ensuite au Maroc pour v
          mener des attentats terroristes contre les
          intéréts nationaux. Après deux prorogations de
          la penode de sa garde a vue. M. Hakkou a été
          présenté au Procureur Général du Roi près la
          Court d'appel de Rabat le 11 juillet 2008. Sa
          famille a été notifiée de cette procedure.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Il convient de signaler que la durée de la garde
          de l'intérieur et la prirnature. ainsi que le directeur
          général de la süreté nationale. ont été contactés
          sur le cas de disparition de M. Hakkou. Le
          3 juillet 2008. les autorités marocaines auraient
          annoncé a la presse qu'ils avaient procédé. le ler
          juillet. a l'arrestation de 35 persoimes dans le
          cadre d'une enquête sur le démantèlement d'un
          réseau terroriste lie a Al Qaida Maghreb. Le
          3 juillet. un avocat designe par la famille Hakkou
          aurait contacté le Procureur Général pour lui
          demander une réponse écrite sur la detention
          effective. le statut judiciaire de M. Hakkou.
          l'autorisation de rendre visite a son client et la
          consultation de son dossier. Le ii juillet.
          M. Hakkou aurait été présenté aujuge
          d'instniction de la Cour d'Appel de Sale en
          presence de son avocat qui aurait pu consulter son
          dossier. puis M. Hakkou aurait été conduit a la
          prison Zaki de Sale. C'est a cette date que la
          faniille Hakkou aurait finalement eu confinnation
          de la detention de M. Hakkou par les autorités
          marocaines. Lors d'entretiens. M. Hakkou aurait
          alors pu confinner qu'il a été détenu au centre de
          detention secret de la DST (Defense et
          surveillance du territoire) a Temara pendant
          47jours durant lesquels il aurait fait l'objet
          d'actes de niauvais traitenient notarnnient la
          privation de sommeil. de coups de baton au corps
          et a la tête. de tentatives de viol par les
          enquêteurs. et ceci dans le but de lui extorquer des
          aveux. Il aurait été transféré par la suite a la
          brigade nationale de police judiciaire de
          a vue pour les crimes lies au terrorisme est de
          96 heures. renouvelables deux fois. sur
          autonsation écrite du Procureur general du Roi
          (Article 66 de code penal). Par ailleurs,
          l'avocat de l'intéressé pouvait prendre attache
          avec ce dernier des la premiere heure de la
          prorogation de la periode de sa garde a vue. Il
          était egalement possible a l'inculpe de
          demander a l'officier de police judiciaire de
          contacter son avocat durant la periode de
          prorogation selon la loi en vigueur.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          Casablanca. oü des agents de police auraient
          tenté. sans succès. de lui faire signer un procès
          verbal contenant des aveux. Les agents auraient
          alors menace de le renvover au centre de
          detention secret a Temara. M. Hakkou serait
          actuellement touj ours détenu a la prison de Zaki a
          Sale; et a ce jour. aucune poursuite judiciaires a
          son encontre n'aurait commence.
          to earlier
          Rachid et Oulhadj Mohamed; Addouch
          Hamid. Alt Lbacha Youssef, Ait-Lkaid Idir.
          Chami Mohamed. Hjja Younes. Noun
          Mohamed, Oussay Mustapha. Ouddi Amer.
          Taghlaoui Amer et Zaddou Mohamed;
          (A/HRC/7/3/Add.i. para. 156).
          Par lettre datée du 20/06/08, le Gouvernement
          a indiqué que le 10 mai 2007, des étudiants
          membres du << Mouvement Culturel Amazigh>>
          se sont affrontés avec des étudiants se
          réclamant du Nahj Addimoqrati Al Qaidi de
          <>. dans l'enceinte de
          l'Université Moulav Ismail de Meknès. Avant
          subi des blessures suite a ce affrontements.
          l'étudiant Mostapha Oussavi. membre du
          << Mouvernent Culturel Arnazigh >> a décidé.
          lors d'une reunion tenue a son domicile avec
          d'autres membres. de se venger des étudiants
          du Nahj Addimoqrati Al Qaidi.
          Lors de cette reunion. l'acquisition et la
          distribution d'armes blanches ainsi que la
          repartition des taches pour 1' accomplissement
          des faits envisages a été décidé. Ainsi. il a été
          demandé aux étudiants Ouadi Omar. Taghlaoui
          Omar. Ait Al Qaid Idrir et Zeddou Mohamed
          d'attendre que d'autres étudiants du
          Mouvement puissent provoquer des
          affrontements avec les étudiants du Nahj
          Addimoqrati. pour passer a l'attaque et
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          executer leurs actes de vengeance.
          Lors de ces affrontements, les deux groupes
          antagonistes se sont échangés des jet de pierres
          qui ont occasionné la chute de l'étudiant
          Sassioui Tahar, membre tu Nahj Addimoqrati
          Al Qaidi, qui a été attaqué avec des armes
          blanches, par les étudiants Mostapha Ouassai,
          Hamid Attouche, Mohamed Annouari,
          Youssef Ait Lbacha, Younès Hajj i Mohamed
          Constatant les graves consequences de leur
          attaque, ceux-ci se sont enfuis laissant la
          victime gieant dans le sang au milieu d'un
          groupe de personnes dont quatre témoins
          oculaires. La victime n'a pas pu,
          malheureusement, être sauvée en dépit de tous
          les efforts déployés.
          Sur le lieu du crime, Il a été procédé a
          l'arrestation de Moutapha Zemzoumi, Hafid
          Inou, Khalid Elmahi, Moussa Ikourachen et
          Jalal Merouani, membres du Nahj Addimoqrati
          Al Qaidi en possession d'armes blanches.
          Les enquêtes diligentées, basées, entre autres,
          sur les declarations des quatre témoins presents
          lors de ces affrontements, ont abouti a
          l'arrestation des dénommés:
          • Moustapha Oussay, Hamid Addouch,
          Mohamed Noun, YoussefAit-Lbacha,
          Younes Hjja, Mohamed Chami, du
          <>, qui
          ont été poursuivi pour formation d'une
          bande criminelle et pour homicide
          volontaire avec préméditation
          Ouddi Amer, Taghlaoui Amer, Idir
          Ait-Lkaid et Mohammed Zeddou, du
          <>, ont
          été, de leur part, poursuivis pour
          appartenance a une bande criminelle et
          la participation a un homicide volontaire
          avec préméditation
          Moutapha Zemzoumi, Hafid Jnou,
          Khalid Elmahi, Moussa Ikourachen et
          Jalal Merouani, du << Mouvement
          Bassiste >> ont été poursuivis pour
          possession d'armes blanches dans des
          circonstances pouvant constituer un
          danger a la sécurité d'autrui
          En date du 13 mai 2007, des affrontements ont
          eu lieu entre un group d'étudiants appartenant
          au Nahj Addimoqrati Al Qaidi et un autre
          groupe d'Amazighs qui ont occasionné la mort
          de l'étudiant Abderahmane Hasnaoui. Lors de
          ces événements, l'étudiant Rachid Kadiri qui a
          été transféré a l'Hôpital de Meknès en raison
          de la gravité de ses blessures, n'a pas pu être
          sauvé et est décédé par la suite. Des dizaines
          d'autres étudiants ont été blesses a des degres
          Suite a ces affrontements, un groupe
          d'étudiants a été arrété et déféré devant le Juge
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          d'Jnstmction qui a décidé de les poursuivre
          pour crime, suite a des coupes et blessures, et
          pour homicide involontaire.
          Sur la base des enquêtes diligentées a ce sujet,
          en particulier les declarations du gardien de
          l'Université qui a assisté a ces affrontements,
          des étudiants ont été arrétés, et ont été
          poursuivis pour coups et blessures ayant
          entraIné la mort sans préméditation.
          En date du 25 octobre 2007, la chambre
          criminelle a décidé de poursuivre les
          • Sekkou Mohamed et Soulaimane Ouali
          pour coups et blessures ayant entraIné la
          mort sans préméditation et les a
          condamné a 5 ans de prison ferme
          • Abdelaziz Saidi, Mohamed Oulhaj,
          Rachid Hachami et Noureddine Azakou
          pour participation a une bagarre ayant
          entraIné la mort et les a condamné a
          2 ans de prison ferme
          Cette decision a été contestée en appel.
          En date du 11 décembre 2007, la Chambre
          criminelle de la Cour d'Appel a confirmé le
          jugement du Tribunal de Premiere instance en
          réduisant les peines pour: .
          • Sekkou Mohamed et Soulaimane Ouali a -
          deux ans de prison ferme
          • Noureddine Azakou a un an de prison
          • Mohamed Oulhaj, Rachid Hachami a
          sept mois de prison ferme
          • Liberation des autres inculpés
          Par la suite, le Procureur Général a formulé le
          recours en cassation.
          Concernant les allegations faisant état de
          mauvais traitement a l'égard des étudiants
          arrétés suite aux événements de Meknès, après
          leur comparution devant le Procureur Général,
          aucune trace de torture ou de mauvais
          traitement n'a été signalee sur les étudiants
          arrétés suite aux événements de Meknès. De
          méme, aucune plainte de torture ou de mauvais
          traitement n'a été déposée. Il parait clairement
          et sans aucune ambigUite que les étudiantes en
          question ont été incarcérées non pas pour leur
          origine amazighe mais en raison de leur haine
          a l'egard des étudiants appartenant au Courant
          Democratique qui les a poussés a commettre
          un double meurtre. La legislation marocaine
          sanctionne ce genre d'actes produits par la
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Ms. Khin Sanda Win, a 21-year-old university
          student. On 29 September 2007, a group of men
          in plain clothes stopped Ms. Win and searched
          her bag, tied her hands behind her back and took
          her to the Yangon Town Hall. She was detained
          with ten unknown men and photographed
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          alongside various weapons. The plain-clothed
          men forced the detainees to sign confessions that
          the weapons had been found in their possession.
          Ms. Win refused to sign and was subsequently
          stnick on the head with a bamboo rod. That night
          Ms. Win was sent to Kyaikkasan Interrogation
          Camp. where she was kept without charge or
          warrant until 7 October. She was transferred to
          Jnsein Prison and held there until 25 October. On
          25 October, she was sent to the Hlaing Township
          Peace and Development Council office where she
          was told to sign a pledge that she would not take
          part in any anti-state activities, after which she
          was released. During the 26 days of her detention,
          she was denied access to a lawyer and not
          allowed to contact her family. On 1 November,
          two police officers from Kvauktada Township
          Station came to her house and informed her that
          she would be charged with illegal possession of
          amis as per section 19 (e) of the Anus Act,
          although the “arn s” they claimed to have found
          were a slingshot and some pellets, which are not
          listed under the act. When Ms. Win went to court
          the next day, the charge put against her was acting
          “to endanger human life or the personal safety of
          others” under section 336/511 of the Penal Code.
          She was granted bail for five million kyat, an
          amount that exceeds what a judge can legally
          order in such a case. On 12 November, the judge
          unilaterally revoked the bail on the grounds that
          Ms. Win constituted a threat to security forces
          personnel because the charge against her relates to
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          the disturbances of September 2007. Since then,
          she has been held in Insein Prison in solitary
          Paw U Tun (alias Mm Ko Naing) (subject of
          previously transmitted communications,
          A/HRC/7/24. para. 30. A/HRC/4/3 3/Add. 1.
          para. 153). Since late March 2008, he has
          reportedly been suffering from a severe eve
          infection. Mr. Paw U Tun requested to visit an
          ophthalmologist, but the prison authorities refused
          this request. claiming that an eve doctor would
          not be available before May 2008. According to
          reports, his eve condition prevents him from
          eating and sleeping because of the acute pain.
          Win Tin (subject of previously transmitted
          communications. E/CN.4/200 1/66;
          E/CN.4/2003/68/Add. 1, paras. 984-985;
          E/CN.4/2006/6/Add.i, para. 165; and
          A/HRC/4/28/Add.1, para. 32). Since June 2008.
          Mr. Win Tin's health has been progressively
          deteriorating. He suffers from heart disease and
          spondylitis (a condition which causes
          inflammation of the joints of the spine), and in
          recent months Mr. Win Tin has been experiencing
          severe asthma attacks and lung problems. In late
          June 2008, a family member who visited Mr. Win
          Tin in prison reportedly found him thin and weak.
          His current health problems are also preventing
          him from eating and sleeping properly. Mr. Win
          Tin is allowed to see a doctor on a regular basis
          and has been prescribed medication, however the
          treatment he is receiving has apparently done
          little to prevent further deterioration of his
          condition. Since October 1997, Mr. Win Tin has
          been treated repeatedly in the prison hospital,
          most recently in January 2008 when he underwent
          a hernia operation. Mr. Win Tin's poor health has
          been exacerbated by his alleged ill treatment in
          prison, which has included TOR, inadequate
          access to medical treatnient and detention in a cell
          designed for military dogs, with concrete floors
          and without bedding. He has for long periods of
          time been deprived of food and water and has
          spent much of his prison term in solitary
          confinement. In July 2005. Mr. Win was informed
          by prison authorities that he would be released,
          together with more than 100 political prisoners in
          Jnsein Prison. The majority of the group was
          freed, but Mr. Win Tin and around a dozen other
          detainees were returned to their cells. Mr. Win
          Tin was apparently due for early release in 2006.
          His release date is now understood to be planned
          for June 2009.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          Mr. Zaw Mm. a human rights defender, was
          reportedly physically and psychologically tortured
          during his detention in Insein Prison between
          August and October 2007. After his release,
          Mr. Zaw Mm documented human rights abuses
          which he had witnessed in prison.
          In late November 2007, Mr. Zaw Mm was
          detained under section 505 of the M anmar Penal
          Code for sending false information abroad.
          Before his case was brought to court, on
          C D
          26 March 2008, he was reportedly detained
          illegally by military intelligence. All witnesses in
          the trial were Special Branch police officers
          whose identities are known to us. One of these
          witnesses told the court that he got inforn ation
          about Mr. Zaw Mm's activities when
          interrogating him. It is suspected that torture may
          have been used during these interrogations. No
          independent witnesses appeared in court .
          Aung Zaw Oo (A/HRC/7/3/Add.l. para. 163)
          By letter dated 14/02/08, the Government
          inforn ed that he had illegal contact with
          Fonim for Democracy in Burn ia. which is an
          unlawful anti-government organization based
          in Thailand. It was found that he had received
          financial assistance from that organization and
          attended training organized by them. He
          illegally left M anmar for Thailand. and then
          returned illegally to Myanmar. It was found
          that he provided distorted information to
          foreign news agencies with the intention to
          destroy the interests of the M anmar people.
          He was therefore arrested on 3 December 2007
          and legal proceedings have been instituted
          under section 17(1) of the Unlawful
          Associations Act 1908. section 13(1) of
          Immigration (Emergency Provisions) Act 1947
          and section 505(b) of the Penal Code.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          to earlier
          C D
          Tsering Dhundup (also called Kanuyin),
          aged 27. Tibetan national. Qinghai Province. On
          23 Febniary 2008, he was arrested by the Nepal
          Police in a late-night raid on the Tibetan Refugee
          Reception Centre. Kathmandu. Around 10.30 p nt
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          between 50 and 60 police officers, some in plain
          clothes, entered and searched the male
          dorn itories where the refugees were sleeping
          until they located Mr. Tsering Dhundup. He was
          handcuffed and taken to Hanuman Dhoka Police
          Station. where he was held for one night. On the
          next day he was transferred to the Immigration
          Office. It was reported that on 25 Febniarv he was
          handed over to the Chinese authorities at the
          Tibet-Nepal border at 4.15 p.m. Tsering Dhundup
          is alleged to have been involved in the killing of a
          Chinese official. It is reported that Mr. Tsering
          Dhundup was returned to China without any
          judicial decision or appeal thereof, and concern is
          expressed that he may be subj ect to torture or
          ill-treatment .
          163. 29/04/08 UA TOR Umesh Lama. aged 28, residing at
          New Baneshwor. in Kathmandu district. currently
          hospitalized at Bir Hospital under police
          supervision. Around 4 p.m. on 1 April 2008, he
          was arrested by about seven plain-clothed police
          officers of Metropolitan Police Range. Hanuman
          Dhoka, Kathmandu, at Kamalpokhari,
          Kathrnandu district. After the arrest he was
          transferred to Hanuman Dhoka, where he was
          taken to the top floor of the building. There, about
          five plain-clothed officers, including the police
          inspector, the police sub-inspector, and an
          assistant sub inspector, beat Umesh Lama with
          sticks and boots. They staniped on his chest and
          abdomen with their boots. They cut the skin of his
          fingers and other parts of his body with a razor
          blade. After about five hours he lost
          consciousness. Subsequently he was transferred to
          Metropolitan Police Sector, Budanilkantha,
          Kathmandu. No medical treatment was provided.
          From 2 April, when relatives attempted to visit
          him, the police denied that he was in detention.
          Only on 8 April was the family allowed to meet
          him. Because of his severe injuries, his family
          asked the police that he be taken to the hospital,
          but the officers declined. On 9 April, Mr. Lama
          was finally taken to Om Hospital and Research
          Center, Chabahil, and further referred to Bir
          Hospital, when his health deteriorated. The
          9 April report issued by the doctor at Bir Hospital
          stated that Mr. Lama had fever for seven days. he
          suffered from abdominal pain and vomiting, and
          the colouring of his skin and eyes was yellowish.
          He was therefore taken to the police hospital and
          found to have jaundice. The doctor's examination
          also indicated that he had several marks and that
          his legs and fingers were swollen. In accordance
          with a referral by Bir Hospital. following a
          diagnosis of a severe kidney problem, since
          12 April Mr. Lama has regularly been taken to the
          National Kidney Centre, Balaju Kathmandu. He
          returns to Bir Hospital every da after treatment.
          The victim's family submitted an application
          requesting medical support as they have no means
          to cover the medical expenses. The deputy
          superintendent of police assured them that the
          police would take care of it. The family was
          offered money by some policemen but it has
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          received phone calls asking it to withdraw the
          application. On 15 April. relatives of Umesh
          Lama filed a writ of habeas corpus in Appellate
          Court Patan, Lalitpur. The police infon ed the
          court that they had remanded him as absentee as
          he was hospitalized, but police records show that
          they had submitted the case for remand on the
          same day. 15 April. The writ is still pending
          before the court. The police's Human Rights Cell
          reported that on 21 April, they requested officers
          of Hanuman Dhoka to issue a detailed report on
          the incident .
          164. 17/11/08 AL TOR Ms. S. K., aged 19, Ms. M. K.urisi. aged 13, and
          Ms. G. K., aged 13, Birendranagar-6, Surkhet
          District. Around 10.30 am. on 14 May 2008, they
          were brought to the Surkhet District Police
          Office, accused of theft. Around 11 am., three
          police officers kicked and stnick S. K. with a
          plastic pipe on her back, hands and legs for
          30 minutes in order to obtain a confession. She
          was then taken to another room where the
          policemen continued to beat her with a pipe, a
          stick, rested her bound feet on a chair and beat the
          soles of her feet for about 10 minutes, inserted a
          pin into a toenail, and shocked her right hand. The
          beatings continued until 9 p.m. and resumed —
          between 10 and ii p.m. at which time she was
          released without charge. The officers also slapped
          and beat M. and G. K., and released them around
          6p.m . __________________________________
          Shekhar Gurung, aged 35, Ward No. 32,
          Maitidevi. On 31 May 2008, he was arrested by
          officers of the Singhadarbar Metropolitan Police
          at the Helambu Restaurant on suspicion of
          hooliganism, and taken the police station. Five
          policemen (a sub-inspector, an assistant
          sub-inspector, and three constables) beat him on
          the soles of his feet, ankles, behind the knees, and
          on his thighs with batons. He was also beaten
          with a bamboo stick on the side of his stomach.
          He was treated on 10 June for his injuries and
          later detained at Hanuman Dhoka District Police
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          a f l
          Zahid Masih, a member of the Regiment/Unit 4
          Commando Battalion (Special Service Group)
          Chirat. Mr. Zahid Masih was sentenced to death
          by hanging by a military court on 10 March 2006
          for sodomy and murder of a nine-year-old boy on
          1 March 2005. He was held in incommunicado
          military pre-trial detention and allegedly
          subjected to torture in order to force him to
          confess. His appeal of clemency to the President
          was turned down, and he is scheduled to be
          executed on 12 March 2008.
          Ms. S. N. and her husband, in Lahore, Pakistan.
          Tn July 2004, the husband had been kidnapped
          and detained in Faisalabad by the ‘Bajwa gang',
          and some police officers. Upon receipt of Rupees
          (Rs.) 2.2 million, he was released. Both
          complained to the police about the kidnapping but
          instead of opening a case, the police officers
          arrested the husband, illegally detained him and
          By letter dated 24/06/08, the Government
          informed that the husband of Ms. S. N. was an
          employee of the Excise Department, and
          involved in the registration of stolen vehicles.
          He was suspected in relation to a number of
          criminal cases and was taken into custody,
          more than one year ago, but escaped. He has
          been declared a fugitive. During the judicial
          asked him for Rs. 1.4 million. When they
          demanded an additional Rs. 5 millions. Ms. S. N.
          filed a writ at the Lahore High Court for her
          husband's release, but without success. It is
          alleged that the Chief Justice of Lahore High
          Court is a close relative of the policeman who
          refused to act on the complaint. Ms. S. N. also
          complained to the national accountability bureau,
          but the officers there refused to register her case.
          All of Ms. S. N.' s property was confiscated. The
          husband was finally released. In April 2005,
          Ms. S. N. went to Parliament to make a complaint
          but she was taken to jail. She was subsequently
          released on bail, and a few days later kidnapped
          by four persons outside her house in Johar Town.
          Lahore. She was taken to an unknown place and
          allegedly raped and ill-treated by the policeman
          who had refused to register her complaint in the
          presence of several other persons. On
          2 September 2005, Ms. S. N. recorded her
          statement before the inquiry committee at the
          Office of the Human Rights Commission of
          Pakistan (HRCP). On that occasion, Ms. S. N.
          presented some evidence, such as her clothes,
          which the perpetrators had torn apart, several
          marks on her body and eye witnesses who saw
          her injured after she had been ill-treated.
          Subsequently, Ms. S. N. ‘s lawyer filed a writ
          petition at the judicial tribunal in the Supreme
          Court of Pakistan, which ordered the police to
          register Ms. S. N's First Jnfon ation Report. The
          police only registered it three months later and
          inquiry, sufficient evidence was provided to
          show that he is still alive and was in contact
          with his wife, and a few other individuals,
          during the last year. The allegation that
          Ms. S. N's husband has been killed is
          therefore incorrect. Ms. S. N. also filed a
          petition before the High Court, Lahore. The
          court dismissed the petition on 13 July 2005.
          Neither Ms. S. N. nor her husband have ever
          appeared before any court or tribunal after
          leveling the allegations of atrocities, high
          handedness and gang rape committed by police
          officials. Ms. S. N. regularly met with the
          process server on each hearing date of the
          tribunal but did not appear before it. On
          30 August 2005, it was reported in the media
          that Ms. S. N. was abducted by the police in
          the first week of Ma 2005 and raped. She
          never leveled such allegations during the
          hearing before the High Court. Both. shef and
          her husband made the allegations before the
          media but avoided the proceedings of the
          tribunal. These allegations have not been
          proved. Among the recommendations of the
          tribunal, Ms. S. N. should be prosecuted for
          publishing accusations of Zinc, without proof
          and thereby han ing the reputation of the
          accused; and her husband should be subjected
          to disciplinary sanctions and a high-level
          inquiry into his corrnption activites.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          offered no protection to Ms. S. N. At that point,
          judicial proceedings on the case began at the trial
          court. On 17 October 2005. the Supreme Court
          ordered the immediate arrest of the policemen
          mentioned above on charges of abduction, torture
          and rape. On 24 November 2005. the district and
          sessions court in Lahore granted bail to the
          perpetrators. The victim's lawyer wrote many
          letters to the Government requesting protection
          for Ms. S. N., but no protection was made
          available and she and her children have been
          regularly ill-treated or attacked by by members of
          the police. The same group of persons also
          prevented her from physically reaching the Court
          in January 2007, so that in March 2007 the case
          was dismissed. On 7 May 2007, Ms. S. N. was
          going to her lawyer's office to prepare an appeal
          to be lodged at the High Court but some police
          officers, under the orders of Punj ab Chief
          Minister Pervaiz Elahi, kidnapped her in front of
          her lawyer's office and kept her in an unknown
          location for approximately six months. During
          that period, Ms. S. N. was filmed and
          photographed naked, was buried in a grave, and
          was allegedly raped by the policeman who had
          refused to register her complaint, his two
          sons-in-law, a Federal Minister and a Provincial
          Minister, both close relatives of Punjab Chief
          Minister Pervaiz Elahi. S. N. was finally released
          and is currently in hiding. She fears being taken
          and ill-treated by the police if she tries to contact
          her lawyer again.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          167. 07/04/08 AL TOR M. S. R., a 13-year-old fifth grade student at the
          Government Primary School Saifal Lark,
          Ubavro village, Karachi. On 21 February 2008
          around 10 a.m., he was beaten by his teacher.
          S's father mshed his son to the nearby Dharki
          Hospital after being informed about his injuries.
          The boy was transferred to Rahim Yar Khan
          Hospital due to his injuries and died shortly after.
          The family demanded that the police and the
          authorities concerned take strict action against the
          teacher involved in S's death. The family also
          requested the Sindh High Court chiefjustice and
          the provincial ombudsman to take suo motu
          notice of the case and provide justice to the
          victim's family. No action has been taken so far
          neither by the police, nor by the education
          department. It is reported that the tacher has a past
          record of inflicting corporal punishment on
          students, and had previously broken the arm of a
          student. Despite an increasing number of cases of
          corporal punishment in schools the authorities
          concerned have so far ignored the implementation
          of the ban on corporal punishment in schools.
          Soomar Kaihoro, a 33-year-old labourer, Abran
          village, Naushahro Feroze, Nawabshah, Sindh. a Q
          On 25 Febmary 2008, he was arrested and
          detained at Naushahro Feroze Police Station for
          three days on suspicion of theft. During this
          period he was beaten and tortured with petrol and ft
          chillies by the investigation police. He was
          examined at a hospital in Naushahro Feroze, but
          168. 17/06/08 JAL FRDX: Abdul Wahab Baloch. Chief organiser of the
          HRD; Bculoch Rights Council and well known peace
          TOR activist, and Mr.Gulam Mohammad Baloch.
          President of the Bcilochistcin Ncitioncil Movement.
          Both organisations are based in Karachi, Pakistan.
          In the afternoon of 28 May 2008, Mr. Abdul
          Wahab Baloch and Mr. Gulam Mohammad
          Baloch were arrested while returning from a
          peaceful demonstration in Karachi. The protest
          had been organized by the Baloch National Front,
          to mark the tenth anniversary of nuclear tests
          carried out by Pakistan in the southern province
          of Chaghi. Balochistan in 1998, and to call for
          respect for basic human rights for the local
          population. Both, Mr. Wahab Baloch and
          Mr. Mohammad Baloch, were speakers at the
          event. After the demonstration. Mr. Wahab
          Baloch and Mr. Mohaniniad Baloch went to the
          Human Rights Commission of Pakistan in
          Karachi, where they were due to attend a meeting
          to discuss the issue of disappearances in
          Balochistan. Before reaching the Commission.
          they were arrested by a number of individuals
          who covered their heads before forcing them into
          heavy duty jeeps. Mr. Mohammad Baloch and
          Mr. Wahab Baloch were taken to the Central
          Crime Investigation unit in Karachi, where they
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          due to his poor condition and the nature of his
          injuries on his head, legs, arms, backside, and
          knees, he was referred to the NMC Hospital in
          Nawabshah. No action has reportedly been taken
          against the perpetrators.
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          were detained overnight. In the early hours of the
          following morning. Mr. Mohammad Baloch was
          relocated to Frere Police station where he was
          detained for a number of hours before being
          released on bail later that day. He was charged
          with delivering a provocative speech. Mr. Wahab
          Baloch was beaten repeatedly with fists, boots
          and sticks during the night of 28 May. whilst
          being interrogated about bombings in
          Balochistan. On the morning of 29 May.
          Mr. Wahab Baloch was transferred to an
          unknown location in an unregistered vehicle
          linked to several cases of missing persons. Later
          that same da he was injected with an unknown
          dnig which invoked feelings of numbness, and
          subsequently fell unconscious for a number of
          hours. On 31 May. Mr. Wahab Baloch was again
          transferred to another location, where he was
          interrogated about the Watan Brigade, an
          unknown militant organization. During his
          detention Mr. Wahab Baloch was moved on a
          number of occasions, subjected to ill-treatment.
          held in solitary confinement in small dark cells
          and severely beaten. His whereabouts were not
          known until 2 June 2008. when he was
          transported by jeep to Kala Pull Bndge in Karachi -
          and thrown out of the vehicle. He did not sustain
          any injuries on this occasion and was able to then
          make his way home .
          169. 08/09/08 JAL SUMX; Ms. Fatima, aged 45; Jannat Bibi, aged 38; and
          TOR; three children, aged between 16 and 18 years old,
          VAW F., H. and R., belonging to the Umrani tribe,
          Baba Kot village, 80 kilometers from Usta
          Mohammad City, Jafferabad District, Balochistan
          Province. On 14 July 2008, Ms. Fatima, Jannat
          Bibi, and F., H. and R., were about to leave for a
          civil court so that the three girls could marry the
          men of their choice. Their decision to be married
          in court was the result of several days of
          discussions with the elders of the tribe, who
          refused them permission to marry. As the news of
          their plans leaked out, seven men abducted the
          five women at gun point. In a Land Cmiser
          bearing a registration number plate of the
          Balochistan government, they were taken to a
          deserted area, Nau Abadi, in the vicinity of
          Baba Kot. Upon arrival the men took the three
          children out of the jeep and beat them before
          shooting them, leaving them with serious injuries.
          The men buried the girls in a wide ditch and
          covered them with earth and stones. When the
          two older women tried to intervene, the attackers
          pushed them into the ditch as well and buried
          them alive. The incident was debated in the
          Senate, the National Assembly and the Provincial
          Assembly of Sindh. In the Senate, Senator
          Israrullah Zehri tried to defend the burials stating
          that the killings were part of tribal traditions and
          that the incident should not be mentioned in the
          Upper House. No action has been taken to
          conduct criminal investigations into the matter.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          a f l
          170. 21/11/08 AL TOR On 22 January 2007, Mr. H. B. M. was arrested
          for not possessing a national identity card by the
          market police near Resham Gali market, Larkana,
          Larkana District, and taken to Market Police
          Station. Late in the night of 25 January 2007, the
          Station Head Officer came in dmnk to the police
          station and ordered police officers to fasten the
          victim with ropes and chains. The Station Head
          Officer then allegedly severed Mr. H. B. M 's
          penis with a sharp-edged knife. Early the
          following morning, Mr. H. B. M. was found
          unconscious lying in the police lock-up in a pool
          of blood. The police took him to Chandka
          Medical College and Hospital for treatment. The
          police allegedly registered an attempted suicide
          case, filed a First Information Report No. 17/2007
          against Mr. H. B. M., and claimed that he was
          mentally ill. It is alleged that Federal Minister
          Ghous Bux Mahar called a meeting between the
          victim and the alleged perpetrators at his
          residence on 12 March to persuade Mr. H. B. M.
          to withdraw his complaint against the police
          officers in exchange for a cash settlement.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          Mr. Ghulam Nabi, (A/HRC/7/3/Add. 1,
          By letter dated 28/08/08, the Government
          to earlier
          para. 175)
          responded that Mr. Ghulam Nabi has no
          initiated any proceedings for legal remedy in
          relation to torture allegations. Such
          proceedings normally include a First
          Information Report, a writ petition or a
          complaint with the Court Administration.
          C D
          a f l
          Ms. S. C., Ms. K. E., and Mr. Manuel Merino
          (subjects of a previously transmitted
          communication. A/HRC/7/2 8/Add. 1. para. 1618).
          Ms. C. and Ms. E. are currently detained at Camp
          Tecson barracks in San Miguel, Bulacan. Ms. C.,
          in addition to being forced to do the laundry for
          the camp every day, was sexually assaulted by
          several soldiers. One of them is a suspect in the
          killing of hunian rights defender and community
          leader, Eddie Gumanoy. in April 2003. He is
          believed to be identifiable by the tattoo “24th TB”
          on his shoulder. Previously the three persons were
          held at the 24th Infantry Batallion (TB) camp in
          Limay. Bataan. There Ms. C. was tied to a bench
          while her feet were raised and soldiers poured
          water over her and electrocuted her. When she
          admitted that Ms. E. helped her write a letter to
          her mother-in-law. Ms. E. was taken outside by
          soldiers and raped with wooden sticks. Ms. C. and
          Ms. E. have not been seen since June 2007. On
          21 November 2007, Ms. C's mother-in-law
          testified that she received death threats from
          soldiers who visited her home and interrogated
          her. Manuel Merino was killed on the basis of an
          order issued by a retired Major General that he be
          burned to death.
          By letters dated 9/10/07, 8/11/07 and 26/02/08,
          the Government informed that, according to a
          witness, the three persons were abducted by
          six unidentified men believed to military
          elements. The abduction took place in Puork 6,
          Barangay San Miguel. Hagonoy, Bulacan on
          26 June 2006 at about 2 am. At about
          3.20 p.m., the incident was reported to the
          Hagonoy, Bulacan Police Station, and initial
          investigations were carried out. On
          17 July 2006, a writ of habeas corpus was filed
          by relatives of Ms. C. and Ms. E. before the
          Supreme Court against four members of the
          military. This was dismissed on 29 Ma 2007
          because the evidence that the missing persons
          were in their custody was not strong enough.
          Attempts by the Provincial Intelligence and
          Investigation Branch of Bulacan poice
          Provincial Office to contact the family of S. C.
          were unsuccessful. The press in Calumpit,
          Bulacan reported that Ms. C. had been seen on
          2 and 4 June 2007. On 25 September 2007, a
          case conference was conducted at the Task
          Force Usig Secretariat and directed the
          investigators to exert more efforts.
          172. Philippines
          2 1/02/08
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          The details provided in the letter of the Special
          Rapporteur are therefore presumably based on
          press reports and have not been substantiated.
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          173. 30/04/08 JAL FRDX: Violent dispersal of a demonstration. On
          HRD: 6 March at about 3 p.m.. approximately
          TOR 500 protestors from the region of Southern
          Tagalog. arrived in front of the Department of
          Labour and Employment (DOLE) in Intramuros
          in Manila, after a four-day march. The march was
          organized by a group of labour organisations. the
          Pagkakaisa ng Manggagawa sa Timog
          Katagalugan-Kilusang Mayo Uno
          (PAMANTIK-KMU). the Anakpawis (Toiling
          Masses) and the Bagong Alyansang Makaba an
          (BAYAN-Southern Tagalog). in order to protest
          against delays by the DOLE in addressing
          pending labour cases. The Labour Secretary
          refused to meet with representatives of the
          protestors. so they decided to stay in front of the
          building and voice their grievances. At around
          7 p ni., two fire tnicks from the Manila Fire
          Station were positioned close to the protestors.
          while forces from the Manila Police District
          (MPD) were stationed in front of the DOLE
          building. The protestors requested the MPD that
          they be allowed to stay until the next day. At
          8.45 p.m.. the chief superintendent ordered his
          policemen to disperse the protest. The police used
          water cannons. tnmcheons. clubs and bladed
          weapons against the protesters. Six persons -
          Marlon V. Torres. Nestor A. Villanueva. Philip
          S. Nardo. Jason A. Hega. Emmanuel J.
          Dioneda and Jay D. Aban. were arrested by the
          police, taken to the Manila Hospital and then to
          the Manila Police District at the United Nations
          Avenue. On 7 March they were transferred to the
          Regional Trial Court in Manila, where they were
          charged with “tumults and other disturbance of
          public order” and “direct assaults to persons in
          authority” under Batas Pambansa (BP 880) or the
          Public Assembly Act of 1985 and the Revised
          Penal Code. They were then released “for further
          investigation” by the prosecutor. Marion V.
          Torres, 35. Public Inforn ation Officer for
          PAMANTIK-KMU, a resident of Jude St,
          Cabuyao. Laguna, suffered injuries to his head
          and a fractured right anm as stated in the Medical
          Certificate from the Opital ng Maynila; Nestor A.
          Viiianueva. 50. a member of Samahang ng
          Magsasaka sa Buntog (SAMANA-PUMALAG),
          sustained a fractured finger and head injuries;
          Jason A. Hega. 26, a member of
          KASAMA-TK-KMP and a political party
          Anakpawis. sustained bniises on various parts of
          his body, and cuts and abrasions to his upper
          buttock: Phiiip S. Nardo. 23, a member of a
          political party Anakba an (Youth of the Nation)
          in Cavite, a resident of Barangay (village) Fatima.
          Santos, Dasmarinas. Cavite, suffered injuries to
          his head and left leg; Emmanuei J. Dioneda, 43.
          director for the Labor Education Advocacy
          Development and Services and Research Institute
          (LEADER), a resident of No. 992 P Vallejo.
          Sta. Rosa, Laguna; Jay D. Aban, 28, a resident of
          No. 1039 Guevarra Street. Sta. Cniz Manila;
          Leo Fuentes, 20, a student of the University of
          the Philippines Los Banos (UPLB) and
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          chairperson of the University Student Council
          (USC), suffered a contusion and a swollen right
          anm Joseph Doinarsi, 27, a member of
          ANAKPUSO. a resident of San Pedro. Laguna,
          suffered eve injuries; Rolando Gonzales, 36, a
          member of ANAKPUSO, a resident of San Pedro,
          Laguna, was stnick on the head and back;
          Joe Francisco, 26. a member of ANAKPUSO. a
          resident of San Pedro. Laguna, sustained a
          swollen right anm Luis Arikaya, 41, a member
          of Kalipunan ng Damavang Mahihirap
          (Kadamay), a resident of Sta. Rosa, Laguna,
          suffered injuries to his left shoulder;
          Jhun Torres, 19, a member of Kadamav. a
          resident of Sta. Rosa, Laguna, suffered cuts, and
          injuries to his left hand and right knee:
          Tirso Bautista, 35, a member of Kadamay. a
          resident of Sta. Rosa, Laguna, sustained injuries
          to his abdomen; Jay Fabella, 41, a staff member
          of Cabuvao Workers Alliance (Cawal). had
          contusions to his head, abdomen. arni and leg;
          Lucresio Baril, 46, a worker for Toyota Motor
          Philippines, a member of the Toyota Motor
          Philippines Corporation Workers Association
          (TMPCWA), Kadamav National Office, was hit
          on his chest, mouth, right shoulder and the
          forehead, and his left little finger was cut off by a
          sharp weapon; Virgilio C. Clandog, 33, a worker
          for Toyota Motor Philippines and a member of
          the TMPCWA, had injuries to his head, left-hand
          finger and knee: Neil Nacario, 28, a worker for
          Hanj in Garments, a member of Aniban ng
          Manggagawang Inaapi sa Hanj in (AMIHAN), a
          member of Cawal. suffered abrasions to his right
          elbow and left hand: Rommel Mariano, 40, a
          worker for Toyota Motors Philippines, a member
          of the TMPCWA, suffered injuries to his left
          hand, head and back; Federico Torres. 33. a
          worker for Toyota Motor Philippines, a member
          of the board of the TMPCWA-PAMANTIK.
          suffered injuries to his left palm, pelvis, right
          knee and fingers; Francisco Jose, 26, a member
          of the Pamprobinsvang Ugnavan ng mga
          Magsasaka sa Laguna (PUMALAG),was hit on
          his right hand and elbow; Rolando Gonzales, 36,
          a member of the Pumalag. was injured on his left
          hand, and the left portion of his back: Ronald
          Balcunit. 19, a member of the Solidarity of
          Cavite Workers (SCW), suffered injuries to his
          lips, left leg, right-hand fingers, and hearing in his
          right ear; Reden Busadre, 33, a member of the
          National Coalition for the Protection of Workers
          Rights Southern Tagalog (NCPWR-ST), suffered
          injuries to his back and right-hand fingers;
          Mark Anthony Baculo. 22, a member of the
          Southern Tagalog Cultural Network (STCN), a
          resident of No. 409 Jude Street, Barangav Sala,
          Cabuvao. Laguna, suffered injuries to his left
          hand and back; Noel Sanchez, 41, a chief steward
          of the Union of Filipro Employees Dnig Food
          Alliance-Kilusang Mayo Uno (UFE-DFA-KMU),
          coordinator for the Cawal. suffered abdominal
          injuries; Noel Alemania, 43, acting president of
          the UFE-DFA-KMU, deputy secretary general of
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          the PAMANTIK- KMU, suffered injuries on his
          back, left leg and stomach; E. D. Cubelo. 36, a
          worker at the Toyota Motor Philippines, president
          of the TMPCWA, suffered contusions on his
          back; Wenacito Urge!, 35, a worker of the
          Toyota Motor Philippines, vice president of the
          TMPCWA, suffered injuries on his left anm right
          elbow, left leg, and abdomen: Roderick Vida!.
          25. a worker for the Toyota Motor Philippines, a
          member of the TMPCWA, suffered a broken
          index finger: Rowe!! De!gado. 24, a worker for
          Toyota Motor Philippines, a member of the
          TMPCWA, suffered abrasions to his body;
          Ro!ando Mingo, 52. chairn an of the Southern
          Tagalog Region Transport Sector Organization
          (STARTER) and Vice- Chairman ng Pinag-isang
          Lakas ng Transport Organization (PISTON),
          sustained injuries on his head, right leg and right
          wrist; Romeo Legaspi, 46, chairman of the
          Pamantik. chairman of a political party
          Anakpawis in Southern Tagalog, president of the
          Organized Labor Association in Line Industries
          and Agriculture (OLALIA-KMU), president of
          the Lakas ng Manggagawa Nagkakaisa ng Honda
          Cars Phils (LMNH-OLALIA-KMU), suffered
          bniises on his forehead and chest;
          J.M. Pamu!ak!akin, 24, a resident of Los Banos,
          Laguna; Edgardo Laresma, 28, a member of the
          ROTOR- STARTER; Jero!d Rosa!es, 26, a staff ________________________________________
          174. 21/11/08 JUA TOR, P. I. has three children. A fourth child, her eldest
          VAW daughter E., died on 16 July 1994, when she was
          18 months old, as a result of profuse bleeding
          arising from the forcible perpetration of female
          genital mutilation (FGM) on her. P.'s husband's
          family had insisted on carrying out FGM on E.
          On at least three occasions, members of the
          extended family tried to kidnap the two remaining
          girls, N., and J. On the last occasion, Mrs. I's
          husband was injured when he stmggled with
          relatives to prevent them from taking her children.
          It was after this incident that Mrs. I. and her
          husband decided that she and the children should
          leave Nigeria for their safety. As a result, P. I.,
          together with her two daughters, claimed asylum
          in Ireland in January 2005 on the basis that she
          feared for the safety of her two younger
          P. I 's application for asylum was rejected by both
          the Office of the Refugee Applications
          Commissioner and the Refugee Appeals Tribunal.
          Deportation orders were issued for her and her
          two daughters in November 2005. Upon her arrest
          for deportation, a solicitor brought an application
          for judicial review in the high court, challenging
          the Minister for Justice's refusal to allow Mrs. I.
          to remain in Ireland on humanitarian grounds.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          of the LEADER; Riza; and Janet Barrientos, 44,
          member of the Gabriela Women's Party
          (GWP-ST), sustained bmises and a swollen left
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          These proceedings were concluded on
          30 January 2008, resulting in a refusal to accept
          P.,s application for judicial review.
          Mrs. I. then applied for subsidiary protection,
          which was refused by the Minister for Justice.
          This refusal was again challenged for judicial
          review, which was granted on 19 March 2008. An
          injunction on their deportation orders was also
          placed until 12 November 2008, pending a full
          hearing of her judicial review. The case
          was due to be heard in the high court on
          6 November 2008. As a case with similar points
          of law was recently decided in the high court and
          appealed to the Supreme Court. it was agreed that
          P.'s case should await the outcome of the
          Supreme Court decision. However, at the time of
          writing P. had still not been given a definite date
          for the judicial review and the State has explicitly
          refused to agree to extend the stay on their
          deportation orders until the hearing. In light of
          this, an application was made to the European
          Court of Human Rights under Article 34 to
          review the case of Mrs. I. The Court has
          apparently agreed to hear the case.
          It is alleged that the case was never subject to
          effective judicial scnitiny and that at no point in
          the appeal or judicial review of the asylum
          decision was a fresh or comprehensive review of
          the facts undertaken. Mrs. I. and her two
          daughters are facing deportation back to Nigeria.
          Ongoing candlelit protests and the following
          human rights defenders and lawyers:
          Ms. Jae-Jung Lee, Ms. Young-Gu Kang,
          Mr.Joon-Hyeong, Ms. Jae-Jeong Lee and
          Mr.Gwang-Joong Kim, members of Lawyers for
          a Democratic Society (MINBYUN); Mr. Jin-Geol
          Ahn, member of People ‘ Solidarity for
          Pardcipatory Democracy and team manager with
          the People ‘s Association forMeasures against
          Mad Cow Disease (an organization made up of
          1700 south Korean NGO's); Ms. Hee Sook Yoon,
          Vice-Chairperson of the Korea Youth Movement
          Council and Ms. Nae Rae Lee, a 21 year old
          student. In May 2008, candlelit vigils began
          against the Government's decision to resume
          US beef imports, amid public concerns related to
          health and food-safety. Since they began, the
          protests have taken place every night in major
          cities across South Korea. The protest movement,
          which started as a way of demanding that beef
          imports from the United States to the Republic of
          South Korea be re-negotiated, has since become a
          stage for a broad range of political grievances,
          from high fuel prices to health care privatization
          and the cost of education. Since 4 May, over
          1,000 protesters have reportedly been anested and
          there have been numerous complaints related to
          the excessive use of force by riot police and
          violations of the right to assemble during the
          candlelight vigil. Reports claim that on 31 May
          and 1 June, police used fire extinguishers and
          water cannons fired at close range against largely
          By letter dated 15/10/08, the Government
          indicated that the four NGOs mentioned in the
          letter alleged that the Government restricted
          their right to freedom of opinion and
          expression and to freedom of assembly and
          demonstration during the candlelight
          demonstrations. Their allegations are based on
          incorrect and misleading facts. The
          Government protects the right to freedom of
          opinion and expression and the right to
          freedom of lawful and peaceful assembly and
          demonstration. In order to protect public order
          and the rights of other citizens, however, a
          minimum of measures against unlawful violent
          demonstrations as well as abusive exercise of
          the right to freedom of opinion and expression
          are necessary in accordance with international
          human rights laws and domestic laws.
          Articles 19 (3) and 22 of the International
          Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
          prescribe that the exercise of rights may be
          subject to certain restriction for respect of the
          rights or reputation of others and for the
          protection of public order.
          Republic of
          28/07 /08
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          t )
          c , ' 0
          0 -
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          peaceful demonstrators, causing serious injuries
          such as blindness, broken bones and concussions.
          On 17 July 2008, riot police reportedly dispersed
          thousands of citizens who were participating in
          candlelit protests, with water canons containing
          florescent material, apparently to identify
          protesters for arrest. Furthermore, in the morning
          of 26 June 2008, Mr. Joon-Hyeong Lee was
          monitoring one of the protests on behalf of
          M1NBYIJN's Human Rights Infringement
          Monitoring Team in Seoul. At the time, Mr. Lee
          was reportedly wearing ajacket which clearly
          indicated that he was attending the protest in his
          capacity as a monitor. At approximately 1 a.m.,
          police officers purportedly attempted to disperse
          the crowd with water canons and a short time
          later used their shields to force an end to the
          protest. One of the police officers reportedly
          stmck Mr.Lee on the head with his shield, causing
          him to fall to the ground unconscious. Mr. Lee
          was transferred to Seoul National University
          Hospital, where he was treated for a fractured
          skull and internal bleeding. In the evening of
          25 June 2008, Ms. Jae-Jung Lee and
          Ms. Young-Gu Kang were involved in monitoring
          one of the candlelit protests, when they
          intercepted police reportedly arresting individuals
          who had failed to comply with demands to
          disperse. Ms. Lee and Ms. Kang were
          subsequently arrested by the police and taken to
          Ganbug Police Station in Seoul, where they were
          detained for 24 hours. Earlier the same day, at
          approximately 4 p.m. Mr. Jin Geol Ahn and
          Ms. Hee Sook Yun were arrested for allegedly
          “obstnicting police in the course of duty”. At the
          time. Mr. Jin Geol Ahn and Ms. Hee Sook Yun
          were participating in a demonstration outside
          Kyong-bok Palace in Seoul, when police
          reportedly began to arrest protesters on the spot.
          When Mr. Jin Geol Ahn attempted to prevent the
          arrest of a minor, a number of police officers
          reportedly seized him from behind, while one of
          them forced him to the ground by the neck.
          Mr. Geol Ahn reportedly suffered bniising as a
          result of the incident and was taken to Jong-ro
          police Station along with 30 others. According to
          reports. M1NBYIJN lawyers Ms. Jae-Jeong Lee
          and Mr. Gwang-Joong Kim were arrested on
          1 June 2008 and detained for 6 hours by police
          officers. Mr. Kim's arni was reportedly twisted
          during the interrogation, while Ms. Lee was
          apparently stnick in the chest with a shield. On
          the same day. Ms. Na Rae Lee, who was
          participating in a candlelit protest, fell in front of
          a police convoy vehicle. A riot police officer who
          was close to Ms. Lee at the time reportedly began
          to kick Ms. Lee in the head while she was still on
          the ground. Ms. Lee managed to seek temporary
          cover under the vehicle, but was forced to roll out
          again because of the engine. She was reportedly
          treated for concussion in the local hospital. The
          assault on Ms. Lee was captured on video and has
          been aired on Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation
          (MBC). one of South Korea's main TV stations.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Mukhammadsolikh Abutov. aged 38, an Uzbek
          national from Karakalpakstan and forn er Islamic
          teacher, residing in Krasnogorsk since
          Febniary 2007. On 13 June 2007. he received a
          call from an unknown Uzbek who wanted to meet
          him. When he left the house, four men in civilian
          clothes, who were members of the National
          Security Service of Uzbekistan, were waiting for
          him on the street. They forcibly took him to the
          Krasnogorsk Department of the Ministry of
          Internal Affairs for the purpose of processing his
          return to Uzbekistan. However, the Uzbek
          officers had no arrest warrant for Mr. Abutov and
          he was not listed on any international arrest
          warrants. The Uzbek officers quickly produced an
          Uzbek arrest warrant, dated 26 Febniarv 2007, in
          connection with setting up a religious extremist
          organization, and on 26 June 2007, the City Court
          of Krasnogorsk niled that Mr. Abutov should be
          detained for the purpose of his extradition to
          Uzbekistan. Mr. Abutov's lawyer appealed, but
          the appeal court dismissed his complaint. On
          27 June 2007, Abutov was transferred to the
          50/10 probationary ward in Mozj aisk. Mr. Abutov
          remains in an overcrowded cell. He has chronic
          liver disease but has only been seen by a doctor
          once, in July, following several requests. He has
          asked for further medical attention but to no avail.
          At the end of June 2007, Mr. Abutov sent an
          asylum application requesting to be recognized as
          a refugee on the territory of the Russian
          Federation to the department of the Moscow
          By letter dated 28/02/08, the Government
          informed that Mr. Mukhammadsolikh
          Matyakubovich Abutov, a national of the
          Republic of Uzbekistan, was detained by law
          enforcement agents on 13 June 2007 on the
          basis of article 61 of the Commonwealth of
          Independent States (CIS) Convention on Legal
          Assistance and Legal Relations in Civil,
          Family, and Criminal Matters, of
          22 January 1993 (“the Minsk Convention”)
          and conveyed to the headquarters of the
          Ministry for Internal Affairs for Krasnogorsk
          municipal district, Moscow region. The
          inquiry about Mr. Abutov's detention is based
          on a decision issued on 26 Febniarv 2007 in
          relation to Criminal Case No. 197-07 by the
          Public Prosecutor of the Surkhandarva region
          of the Republic of Uzbekistan, stating that he
          was under international investigation and
          should be held in custody under a pretrial
          restraining order. Mr. Abutov is accused of
          having comniitted crimes against the
          constitutional order of the Republic,
          production or dissemination of material
          constituting a threat to public security and
          public order, and establishment, leadership or
          membership of religious extremist,
          fundamentalist or other prohibited
          organizations. On 13 June 2007, Mr. Abutov
          was taken into police custody at the
          Krasnogorsk headquarters of the Ministry for
          Internal Affairs on the basis of an investigation
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          regional department of the Federal Migration
          Service. In September 2007, a representative of
          the Migration service visited hini for an interview.
          Currently, the Moscow Regional department of
          the Migration Department is reportedly
          considering his asylum application on its merits.
          At present, the extradition case is under
          consideration by the office of the General
          Prosecutor of the Russian Federation. In
          July 1996, Mr. Abutov had been sentenced to
          seven years in prison on charges of deliberate
          destniction and damage to property, for burning
          down the home of the imam of the Turtkul
          mosque. In detention he was subject to regular
          beatings by the guards and some of the prisoners
          working for them. He was put in solitary
          confinement for long periods. In winter he was
          subjected to extreme cold, and he was not given
          enough to eat. His access to toilets was restricted,
          his sleeping quarters were overcrowded, he had to
          perform hard labour, which included carrying
          very heavy loads, and he was subjected to regular
          punishment for following his religious rituals
          (i.e. sleep deprivation, mocking of his religious
          convictions, placed with persons seriously ill with
          tuberculosis). The overall conditions of
          imprisonment led him to attempt suicide twice. In
          2000 his term of imprisonment was extended by
          three years for “contemptuous violation of the
          prison regime”. In total he spent eight and a half
          years in prison. In May 2004, Mr. Abutov was
          released and he regularly went to Kazakhstan for
          order under Case No. 1488 of 15 Ma 2007.
          Before being placed in custody, he was
          examined by a doctor from Krasnogorsk City
          Hospital No. 1. No physical injuries of any
          kind were found and no urgent medical
          attention was required. On 14 June 2007,
          Mr. Abutov complained of pain in the lumbar
          region and also informed the management of
          the detention unit that he would refuse food,
          on the grounds that his detention was
          unlawful. The same day, Mr. Abutov was
          examined by the police medical officer. As a
          result of the examination, symptomatic
          anti-inflammatory treatment was carried out to
          deal with chronic pyelonephritis. X-rays
          conducted on 18 June 2007 revealed no
          pathological change. Medical staff concluded
          that Mr. Abutov' s state of health was currently
          satisfactory and he did not require medical
          assistance. The management of the detention
          unit and a representative of the Krasnogorsk
          public prosecutor's office held discussions
          with Mr. Abutov, in which it was established
          that there were no grounds for his plairned
          hunger strike. The detained man therefore
          abandoned his hunger strike and, from
          14 June 2007, received the regulatory three
          meals a day. For the whole period of his
          detention, Mr. Abutov was not held in solitary
          confinement, his cell measured 4 square
          metres as required by the regulations, and no
          physical force was used against him. In the
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          work. His family was frequently harassed by
          plain-clothed officers asking for his whereabouts
          during his absences, and fearing that he would be
          sent back to prison, he decided to flee to the
          Russian Federation.
          course of the daily checks of the detention unit
          carried out by staff of the Krasnogorsk
          municipal public prosecutor's office, no
          complaints about the conditions or actions of
          police officers were received from
          Mr. Abutov. On 14 June 2007, Mr. Abutov
          was questioned by the Krasnogorsk First
          Deputy Public Prosecutor, who, on
          15 June 2007, concluded that, in accordance
          with the Minsk Convention and the legislation
          of the Russian Federation, Mr. Abutov should
          be handed over to the law enforcement
          agencies of the Republic of Uzbekistan. On
          25 June 2007, the Krasnogorsk public
          prosecutor's office issued a decision that an
          application should be made to the courts so
          that Mr. Abutov should be held in custody
          under a pretrial restraining order. On
          26 June 2007, Judge E.V. Isaeva of the
          Krasnogorsk municipal court ordered
          Mr. Abutov to be held in custody in pretrial
          detention. On 2 July 2007, Mr. Abutov was
          transferred to Federal State Pretrial Detention
          Centre 50/10 of the federal headquarters of the
          Russian Federal Corrections Service for the
          Moscow region. On 29 June 2007, the
          Moscow region public prosecutor's office
          received representations from Mr. Abutov' s
          lawyer requesting an investigation into the
          lawfulness of the actions of the staff of the
          headquarters of the Ministry for Internal
          Affairs for the Krasnogorsk municipal district,
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Moscow region. An official investigation
          established that the activities of the police
          officers were lawful; no breaches of the law
          were found. On 12 September 2007, the
          Moscow regional department of the
          Russian Federal Migration Service received an
          application from Mr. Abutov to be recognized
          as a refugee on the territory of the
          Russian Federation, on the grounds that he
          feared political and religious persecution in the
          Republic of Uzbekistan. On 31 January 2008,
          the Migration Service decided to refuse
          Mr. Abutov's recognition as a refugee, on the
          grounds that he did not meet the criteria
          established in the definition of a refugee.
          Notification of the decision was sent to
          Mr. Abutov on 3 1 January 2008, together with
          an explanation of the appeal procedure.
          Mr. Abutov has the right to appeal against the
          decision of the Migration Service. Under
          article 10 of the Federal Refugees Act, this
          currently precludes the possibility of him being
          returned against his will to the territory of his
          State of nationality.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Vasily Aleksanyan, aged 36. On 5 April 2006, he
          By letter dated 12/03/08. the Government
          was arrested and is currently held at the
          infon ed that in accordance with the Federal
          investigation isolator (SIZO) of MatrosskaIa
          legislation in force and the instnictions of the
          Tichina in Moscow. He is suffering from
          Procurator General of the Russian Federation,
          HIV/AIDS, for which prison doctors prescribed
          the procuratorial authorities systematically
          urgent therapy and medication 14 months ago, but
          monitor the lawfulness of the custody of
          he has not received any treatment to date. When
          persons suspected of or charged with offences.
          he was transferred to a prison hospital in
          Several such checks have been conducted in
          November 2007, he contracted tuberculosis. As a
          result of his illness and the lack of treatment. he
          has become almost blind. Repeated requests by
          the European Court of Human Rights to transfer
          Mr. Aleksanvan to a clinic where proper
          treatment could be administered have been
          ignored and he remains at the detention facility.
          respect of Mr. Aleksanvan. including at the
          request of the European Court of Human
          Rights, the Russian Human Rights
          Commissioner, as well as in response to
          articles in the press. As a result of these
          checks, it was established that Mr. Aleksanvan
          is charged with offences under article 160,
          paragraphs 3 (a) and 3 (b), article 174,
          paragraph 3. and article 198, paragraph 2, of
          the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
          On 7 April 2006, the Basmannv district court
          in Moscow decided to apply the preventive
          measure of remand in custody. From
          7 April 2006 to 26 October 2007, he was held
          in the Federal Penal Correction Service's
          remand centre IZ-99/1. According to
          infon ation provided by the Federal Penal
          Correction Service, on 7 April 2006, he
          underwent a routine preliminary medical
          examination but categorically refused to
          submit to blood tests. Mr. Aleksanvan was
          placed under clinical observation in the
          medical wing of facility IZ-99/i, since he was
          suffering from a number of chronic diseases.
          In accordance with the therapeutic standards
          for such diseases, on 15 September 2006,
          following diagnosis, he was prescribed
          treatment, which he refused, as is noted in his
          medical records. The reports that
          Mr. Aleksanvan contracted tuberculosis while
          in the remand centre's hospital are unfounded.
          According to inforn ation provided by the
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Federal Penal Correction Service, a medical
          examination and laboratory tests conducted by
          specialists showed that he was not suffering
          from any infectious lung disease. The
          allegation that, as a result of illness and the
          lack of essential treatment. Mr. Aleksanvan
          went blind is also unfounded. As stated in
          conclusion No. 509 of the Moscow Health
          Department's Forensic Medical Office, the
          myopia in Mr. Aleksanyan's left eve was
          diagnosed in childhood. The deterioration in
          Mr. Aleksanvan's eyesight began in 1977 and
          was not caused by conditions in custody. The
          assertion that many requests have been made
          by the European Court of Human Rights for
          Mr. Aleksanvan's transfer to a specialized
          clinic where he would be able to receive the
          appropriate medical care is also incorrect. The
          European Court of Human Rights applied
          Rule 39 of the Rules of the Court only once in
          respect of Application No. 46468/06. In the
          light of Mr. Aleksanvan's concerns about his
          state of health, the Court invited the
          Government of the Russian Federation to
          imniediately secure the treatment of the
          applicant in a specialized hospital. The Court's
          decision was transmitted to the Federal Penal
          Correction Service on 30 November 2007.
          However. owing to the deterioration of
          Mr. Aleksanvan's health, on 26 October 2007,
          his treating physicians had decided that he
          should be transferred for inpatient treatment to
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          the infectious diseases unit at remand centre
          No. 1 (IZ-77/i) of the Federal Penal
          Correction Service's department for Moscow.
          which has the clearance and the conditions and
          facilities necessary for the inpatient treatment
          of persons suffering from such illnesses.
          Mr. Aleksan an continued to refuse the
          therapy prescribed by the specialists of the
          infectious diseases unit at facility IZ-77/i.
          Pursuant to the Russian Legislation on Public
          Health No. 5487-i of 22 July 1993, citizens or
          their legal representatives have the right to
          refuse medical intervention or request that it be
          discontinued. Specialists from the State
          health-care system have held a total of nine
          consultations and panel meetings. The most
          recent panel meeting, involving specialists
          from the Moscow Health Department, took
          place on 20 December 2007: Mr. Aleksan an
          consented to undergo laboratory and
          instnimental tests, and recommendations for
          further tests were made. The panel of
          specialists noted that Mr. Aleksan an
          continued to refuse the recommended
          medication. While being held in facility
          IZ-7711. Mr. Aleksanyan submitted three
          applications through the facility's
          administration: a request to the Investigative
          Committee of the Russian Federation
          Procurator's Office to provide a copy of the
          Moscow municipal court's decision of
          15 November 2007; a cassational appeal to the
          Supreme Court of the Russian Federation
          against the Moscow municipal court's decision
          of 15 November 2007; and a cassational
          appeal to the Moscow municipal court against
          the Basmannv district court's decision of
          19 December 2008. On 23 January 2008, the
          criminal case against Mr. Aleksan an was
          referred to the Simonov district court in
          Moscow. On 24 January 2008, the court
          decided to schedule a pretrial hearing for
          30 January 2008; at the sanie time, it sent a
          letter to Mr. F.G. Tagiev, the director of
          facility IZ-77/i. enquiring about
          Mr. Aleksanyan's state of health and his
          fitness to participate in judicial proceedings.
          On 28 January 2008, the court received a reply
          signed by the director of facility IZ-77/i.
          stating that Mr. Aleksan an was undergoing
          medical tests, was suffering from a number of
          illnesses and, consequently, had been in the
          infectious diseases unit since 26 October 2006;
          he had been diagnosed with HIV infection and
          had a fever of unknown origin. From the time
          of his admission until 20 December 2007. he
          had refused to undergo any medical
          examination or test in the infectious diseases
          unit. In Mr. Tagiev's opinion, the question of
          Mr. Aleksanyan's fitness to participate in
          proceedings must be decided following a
          preliminary medical examination on the da of
          the hearing. On 30 January 2008, the Office of
          the Procurator-General of the
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          Russian Federation carried out a check of the
          conditions in which Mr. Aleksanvan was being
          held in the general hospital at remand centre
          No. 1 in Moscow. It was found that he was in a
          private room measuring 17 m2. which meets
          all international standards and regulations. The
          room had a television. fridge and all the
          necessary facilities, including a shower with
          hot and cold water. The room temperature was
          in line with the relevant standards and
          regulations. No violations of the legislation
          governing conditions for the custody of
          persons suspected of or charged with offences
          were found. As part of the check carried out on
          30 January 2008, Mr. Aleksan an was
          examined by medical staff who declared him
          fit to participate in judicial proceedings. At the
          pretrial hearing, held on 30 Janua 2008 with
          the participation of a procurator from the
          Office for the conduct of prosecutions of the
          Central Department responsible for the
          participation of procurators in the hearing of
          criminal cases attached to the Office of the
          Procurator-General of the Russian Federation.
          the defence counsel and the defendant himself.
          the court was provided with a medical
          certificate issued by the duty doctor at
          facility IZ-77/i on 30 January 2008, which
          described Mr. Aleksan an as fit enough to
          participate in the proceedings. At the pretrial
          hearing, the defence counsel requested the
          modification of the preventive measure
          imposed against Mr. Aleksanvan and the
          suspension of the criminal case on the ground
          that he was seriously ill; however, no medical
          documentation was submitted to the court by
          the defence. When Mr. Aleksanvan
          complained of a deterioration in his health in
          the course of the pretrial hearing, the court
          called the ambulance service. Following the
          examination of the defendant by
          Mr. A.V. Kabanov, the ambulance doctor,
          recommended that the hearing not continue.
          the court declared an adjournment until
          31 January 2008. On 31 January 2008. when
          Mr. Aleksanvan was brought to court, medical
          certificates were produced, issued by the duty
          doctor and physician at facility IZ-7711, and
          describing Mr. Aleksan an as fit enough to
          participate in the proceedings. On
          3 1 January 2008, the court withdrew to prepare
          its decision on the outcome of the pretrial
          hearing and to nile on the requests made by the
          defence. On 1 Febniarv 2008, when
          Mr. Aleksan an was brought to court, a
          medical certificate was produced stating that
          he was fit to participate in the proceedings.
          The court handed down its decision on the
          outcome of the pretrial hearing, scheduling a
          further hearing for 5 Febrnar 2008. On the
          same day, following Mr. Aleksanyan' s
          announcement that he was suffering from
          cancer, the court sent a letter to the director of
          facility IZ-771 1. requesting him to confirn the
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          above diagnosis. On 4 Febniarv 2008,
          Mr. Aleksan an was transferred to a
          specialized health institution, the Botkin
          Municipal Hospital, for tests and consultations
          with specialists. According to infon ation
          provided by the Federal Penal Correction
          Service, a panel of specialists comprising the
          director of the Municipal Haematology Centre
          and a candidate of medical sciences, drew the
          following conclusion: “On the basis of
          Mr. Aleksanyan's clinical profile and the
          histological and immunohistochemical results
          of a lymph node biopsy, a diagnosis of stage
          3B T-cell lymphoma associated with HIV
          infection has been established.
          Polychemotherapy in combination with anti
          retroviral therapy as an inpatient in a
          haematology unit is indicated.” On the same
          day, a joint consultation took place with the
          Deputy Director of the Federal Aids
          Prevention Centre and the Director of the
          Centre for the Treatment of Tuberculosis in
          HW-Infected Persons, who drew the following
          conclusions: “Treatment for T-cell lymphoma
          must be prescribed by a haematologist. A
          programme of anti retroviral therapy will be
          drawn up after the results of laboratory tests
          have been received and cytostatic therapy has
          been prescribed, for which a further
          consultation will be carried out by an
          infectious diseases specialist.” This
          infonnation was transmitted to the
          Sirnonov district court in the southern
          administrative area of Moscow. The hearing
          was held on 5 Febniarv 2008 with the
          participation of a procurator from the Office
          for the conduct of prosecutions of the Central
          Department responsible for the participation of
          procurators in the hearing of criminal cases
          attached to the Office of the
          Procurator-General of the Russian Federation,
          e defendant, his defence counsel and the
          aggrieved parties. When Mr. Aleksanvan was
          brought to court, a medical certificate was
          produced, issued the same day by a doctor at
          facility IZ-77/i and describing Mr. Aleksanvan
          as fit enough to participate in the proceedings.
          On 5 Febniarv 2008, at the hearing,
          Mr. Aleksanvan consented to the
          recommended treatment. In addition, his
          lawyers requested that the preventive measure
          should be modified so that he could follow the
          recommended course of treatment. On
          6 Febniary 2008, the court decided to suspend
          the criniinal case until Mr. Aleksanvan had
          completed the recommended course of
          treatment. The preventive measure of remand
          in custody remained in place. In accordance
          with the court's decision of 6 Febniarv 2008
          and the specialists' recommendations, on
          8 Febniarv 2008, Mr. Aleksanvan was
          transferred to Moscow municipal clinic No. 60
          for the necessary treatment and has remained
          there to this date. During the investigation into
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Isa Khalitov. On 27 May 2008, at approximately
          10:00 p.m.. Mr. Isa Khalitov was taken away by
          arn ed personnel in camouflage gear, near the
          village of Goragorsk in the Chechen Republic.
          Mr. Isa Khalitov is believed to have been detained
          by officers from a police department known as
          ORB-2. based in Grozny. His current location and
          reasons for arrest are not known. A criminal
          investigation has reportedly been opened into his
          disappearance. On 27 May 2008 in the morning.
          Mr. Isa Khalitov' s father, Mr. Lechi Khalitov had
          been arrested by ORB-2 officials. He was
          released on 28 May 2008.
          the criminal case and his remand in custody.
          Mr. Aleksan an was not subjected to any
          humiliating or degrading acts or to treatment
          that endangered his life or health. Under the
          circumstances, no follow-up action by the
          Office of the Procurator-General is warranted.
          In the course of the internal investigation
          conducted, it was established that Mr.
          Aleksanyan's allegations regarding the
          institutions and authorities of the Penal
          Correction System were unfounded. No
          disciplinary, criminal or administrative
          sanctions were taken against the staff of the
          Penal Correction Service.
          By letter dated 04/08/08, the Government
          informed that the Nadterechn district
          procurator's office in the Chechen Republic
          received a complaint by Mr. Khalitov' s family
          concerning his unlawful detention on
          27 Ma 2008 near the village of Goragorsk in
          Nadterechn District in the Chechen Republic.
          During the investigation conducted by the
          Naursk interdistrict investigative department of
          the investigative committee attached to the
          Office of the Procurator of the Russian
          Federation for the Chechen Republic,
          Mr. Khalitov stated that, on 27 Ma 2008, he
          and K. Mitaev were driving home from
          Cherkessk in the Karachai-Cherkes Republic.
          In the village of Goragorsk in Nadterechn
          district of the Chechen Republic, they were
          stopped by militia officers and were requested
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          to proceed to the local militia office since it
          was suspected that they were driving a stolen
          car. Mr. Khalitov explained how he had
          acquired the car, after which the militia
          officers apologized and released him.
          Mr. Khalitov was worried that he might be
          summoned to appear before a law enforcement
          agency and, without inforn ing his relatives,
          immediately left for Nalchik in a car headed in
          that direction. In Nalchik, he staved with his
          aunt, whom he requested not to inforn anyone
          of his whereabouts. At present. Mr. Khalitov is
          at home. During his entire absence, he acted
          and moved about of his own free will. The
          complainant wrote a statement in which he
          requested the tern ination of the investigation
          into the complaint, since he no longer had any
          grievances. Mr. Khalitov himself submitted a
          similar statement. During the investigation it
          was established that the family had every
          reason to believe Mr. Khalitov had been the
          victim of a crime, since no infonnation
          concerning his whereabouts was available. As
          a result of the investigation it was established
          that the case did not involve an offence
          covered by article 126 (Abduction),
          paragraph 1. of the Criminal Code of the
          Russian Federation, since evidence of such an
          offence was not objectively confirmed.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Zurab Tsetchoev, member of the “Mashr”
          human rights group. an organization which
          provides support to relatives of people who have
          A reply was received from the Government on
          21/10/08. but could not be translated in time
          for inclusion in this report.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          suffered involuntary disappearances and
          ill-treatment at the hands of unidentified security
          servicemen in Jngushetia. On 25 July 2008, at
          approximately 6 am., several vehicles, including
          three “Gazelle” minibuses and three vehicles for
          armed troops, stopped before Mr. Zurab
          Tsetchoev' s house. Around 50 security officers
          approached the gate. When Mr. Tsetchoev opened
          the door. they held him at gunpoint and forced
          him to la face-down on the ground. Some
          servicemen went into the house without showing
          any identification or search warrant. They
          searched the house, confiscated one computer and
          two mobile phones and drove Mr. Zurab
          Tsetchoev away in one of the minibuses.
          Subsequently, Mr. Zurab Tsetchoev was
          interrogated for about five hours. He was accused
          of sending lists containing the personal addresses
          of law enforcers to the website Ingushet/yct Ru.
          When he denied sending these lists, he was beaten
          and asked to give the names of the persons who
          had sent them. At approximately 12.10 p ni..
          Mr. Zurab Tsetchoev was left on a road in
          Jngushetia. He was picked up by colleagues and
          taken to hospital where he was treated for a
          broken leg, as well as bniising to both of his
          kidneys and both of his amis. During Mr. Zurab
          Tsetchoev' s detention, his whereabouts were not
          known. The Ministry of Internal Affairs and the
          Prosecutor's Office denied any knowledge about
          Mr. Zurab Tsetchoev's detention or the grounds
          on which he had been detained.
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          Abdumutallib Karimov, Uzbek citizen, and
          asylum seeker. On ii June 2008, was arrested in
          Yoshkar-Ola in connection with an extradition
          request by Uzbekistan and is currently detained in
          SIZO-i of Yoshkar-Oly. On 1 August, the Mary
          El Department of the Federal Migration Service
          (FMS) rejected Mr. Karimov's motion to have his
          asylum request considered on its nierits. He
          appealed against this decision to the next instance.
          the FMS, and has not et received a response.
          However, in spite of the lack of response from the
          FMS and without taking into account the three
          month period provided by law for a judicial
          appeal against a negative asylum decision,
          Mr. Karimov learned on 25 September that the
          Deputy Prosecutor General had signed an
          extradition decision on 18 September.
          Mr. Karimov had witnessed the shootings in
          Andijan of 13 Ma 2005, and escaped shortly
          after to the Russian Federation, where he settled
          in Yoshkar-Ola.
          to earlier
          Oleg Orlov, Artem Vysotskii, Karen Sakhinov
          and Stanislav Goriachikh (A/HRC/7/3/Add.1.
          para. 184)
          By letter dated 16/01/08, the Government
          informed that on 24 November 2007. they
          were abducted from the Hotel Assa in the town
          of Nazran by unidentified armed individuals
          and driven away in a white Gazel car with no
          registration plates. They were subsequently
          released near the village ofNesterovskaya. All
          four citizens had been assaulted by the
          criminals. In connection with this incident, on
          24 November 2007, the Nazran unit of the
          investigative office of the Investigative
          Committee within the Office of the Procurator
          of the Russian Federation for the Republic of
          Ingushetia opened criminal case
          No. 200707560126 on the basis of evidence of
          the offenses of unlawful entry into a residence
          involving the use or threat of force, obstmction
          of the lawful professional activities of
          journalists through coercion to disseminate or
          refrain from disseminating information, and
          robbery committed by a group of persons by
          prior conspiracy and involving the use of force
          such as not to endanger life or health or the
          threat of such force. A temporary response unit
          of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the
          Russian Federation in the Republic of
          Ingushetia is conducting complex inquiries
          with a view to identifiying and apprehending
          the individuals involved in committing the
          crime. The investigation of the case is
          continuing under the supervision of the
          Ministry of Internal Affairs of the
          Russian Federation and the Office of the
          Procurator-General of the Russian Federation.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          Saudi Arabia
          Fouad Ahmad al-Farhan, owner of a small
          IT company, and an Internet “blogger”. On
          10 December 2007, he was arrested by security
          agents at his office and taken to his home, which
          was subsequently searched. It is believed that he
          is held in connection with his criticism of
          Government policies. The Ministry of
          Interior acknowledged his detention on
          31 December 2007, but the exact reasons for his
          C D
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          arrest have not been specified. Mr. Fouad Ahmad
          al-Farhan is currently being held in
          incommunicado detention at Dhaban Prison in
          Jeddah. Prior to his arrest he was warned by an
          official from the Ministry of the Interior that he
          was at risk of being interrogated, believed to be in
          connection with his writings on prisoners in his
          web journal.
          Mahmoud Badr Hozbor, born in Al-Ghoutah
          al-Sharquia in Syria and resident of Sekaka
          (Al-Jouf). On 3 July 2003, he was arrested by the
          security services (Al-Mabahit al-Aama) when he
          was on his wa to Syria together with his wife
          and four children. He was ordered to stop his car,
          forced to get out, beaten and taken to an unknown
          place. He was held in solitary confinement for
          several months. During this period, Mr. Hozbor
          was repeatedly beaten on different parts of his
          body, suspended from his wrists, deprived of
          sleep and threatened with being killed. For six
          months after his arrest, in spite of many attempts
          to find out, his family had no information about
          his whereabouts from the Saudi authorities. They
          later learned that he was held at the prison of
          Al-Hayr. not far from Riyadh. One night,
          Mr. Hozbor was taken out of his cell and taken to
          an office where several persons were present for
          what appeared to be a trial. One of them, to whom
          he mentioned that he had been ill-treated, told
          him to shut up and said that he would merit
          hanging. This person, presumably the judge,
          sentenced him to 18 months' imprisonment. After
          sentencing, he was transferred to the detention
          centre in Al-Jouf. No one has been able to visit
          Mr. Hozbor. He has not had access to any lawyer.
          Despite the fact that his prison tern ended on
          3 January 2005. Mr. Hozbor has not been
          released. It is reported that he was again
          transferred to another unknown location. Since
          Mr. Hozbor's arrest, his four children have not
          been allowed to attend school, and the family has
          been deprived of access to certain basic services .
          Muhammad ‘All Abu Raziza, professor of
          psychology at the University of Um al-Qura in
          Mecca, and Mr. Khalid al-Zahrani, a
          biocheniistrv lecturer. After a meeting with a
          young woman in a coffee shop. Mr. Muhammad
          ‘Ali Abu Raziza was arrested for being alone in
          the company of an unrelated member of the
          opposite sex by officials from the Committee for
          the Propagation of Virtue and Prevention of Vice.
          On 3 March 2008, he was sentenced to eight
          months' imprisonment and 150 lashes by a
          Criminal Court in Mecca. The sentence was
          upheld on appeal by the Court of Cassation at the
          end of April. He is at imminent risk of flogging.
          In a separate case, in November 2007, Mr. Khalid
          al-Zahrani and an unnamed female academic.
          were sentenced to flogging and imprisonment by
          a court in the town of Al-Mandaq in the Al-Baha
          region of western Saudi Arabia for having a
          relationship. Mr. Khalid al-Zahrani was sentenced
          to 600 lashes and eight months' imprisonment,
          while the unnamed female academic received a
          By letter dated 28/10/08, the Government
          informed that under the terms of Shari'a Court
          judgment No. 95/3 of 24/3/1429 AH
          (1 April 2008). which was duly ratified,
          Mr. Muhammad Ali Abu Raziza was
          sentenced to eight months' imprisonment,
          from which the time that he had already spent
          in detention was to be deducted, and
          150 lashes.
          The case file of Mr. Khalid al-Zahrani has
          been referred to the Court of Cassation. The
          measures taken in these two cases are ftill in
          accordance with the provisions of the Code of
          Criminal Procedure.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          JUA TOR
          C D
          185. 27/05/08 JUA WGAD: Matrouk al-Faleh, an academic and human
          FRDX; rights defender in Saudi Arabia. He was the
          HRD; subject of previous correspondence
          IJL; (E/CN.4/2005/62/Add. 1, paras 1439-1441). On
          TOR 19 May 2008, officers from the secret police
          arrested Mr. Matrouk al-Faleh on the premises of
          King Saud University in Riyadh. where he
          teaches. Whereas his family was inforn ed of his
          arrest later that same day. Mr. Matrouk al-Faleh
          has not been given access to a law/er or allowed
          any visit since then. Mr. Matrouk al-Faleh's
          family has not been inforn ed of the reasons for
          his detention or what the charges are, and his
          whereabouts are currently unknown. Two days
          before his arrest, on 17 Ma 2008, Mr. Matrouk
          al-Faleh had publicly criticized the harsh prison
          conditions in the overcrowded Buraida General
          Prison, where two other Saudi human rights
          defenders, Mr. Abdullah al-Hamid and
          Mr. ‘Isa al-Hamid. are serving prison sentences.
          Mr. Abdullah al-Hamid and Mr. ‘Isa al-Hamid
          were found guilty of “incitement to protest”,
          charges that were brought against them after they
          had supported and taken part in a reportedly
          peaceful demonstration outside the Buraida
          General Prison. The demonstrators called for their
          relatives' rights to being promptly inforn ed about
          the charges brought against them and to a fair trial
          to be respected or, alternatively, to release them.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          sentence of 350 lashes and a four-month prison
          sentence. Their cases are currently under review
          by the Court of Cassation.
          C D
          Mr. Al-Faleh's statement criticized the restrictive
          procedures in relation to visits, the unhygienic
          conditions, the overcrowding, and the bad quality
          of medical services in the prison. His statement
          was later reproduced on
          http://www.menber-alhewar.info. a Saudi
          website. According to the inforn ation received,
          on 19 May 2008, access to this site was blocked
          for persons in Saudi Arabia. Mr. Matrouk
          al-Faleh had previously been arrested in
          March 2004 after calling for political reforn , and
          was sentenced to six years' imprisonment in
          May 2005 on charges that included “sowing
          dissent and disobeying the niler”. He was released
          after having been granted a royal pardon by His
          Majesty King Abdullah on 8 August 2005. Since
          his release he has reportedly not been pern itted to
          travel abroad.
          Saleh Awad Saleh Al Hweiti, aged 62, born in
          Riyad, where he studied and lived, stateless and
          therefore without any identity documents, a poet
          critical of the Government. who denounced
          poverty and the marginalisation of << Bidune >>.
          His poems have been published and broadcast on
          several saudi and international web-sites and
          radio programmes. Mr. Saleh Al Hweiti was
          arrested on 27 October 2004. For one month his
          whereabouts were unknown. Then it turned out
          that, following an allegedly unfair trial, he had
          been sentenced to 21 months of imprisonment for
          defamation of Government officials and was held
          in Al Alicha prison not far from Riyad. During
          By letter dated 25/11/08, the Government
          responded that the competent authorities in the
          Kingdom of Saudi Arabia have indicated that
          Awad Saleh Al-Hweiti was detained on
          30 April 2003 on the basis of a security related
          charge (relevant to terrorism activities) and
          subsequently released on 23 April 2007. New
          accusations made against him then
          necessitated his detention on 29 April 2007 for
          the purpose of questioning. Since his detention
          he has been treated in accordance with the
          judicial regulations in the Kingdom, which
          respect human rights and comply with the
          International Covenants and other conventions.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          22/07/08 JUA
          C D
          the interrogations leading to the verdict, he had
          repeatedly been beaten. Mr. Saleh Al Hweiti was
          then transferred to Al Hayr. from where he should
          have been released on 27 September 2005.
          Although his family intervened on his behalf, he
          was released only 18 months later, on
          5 April 2007 in Tabuk. Since he has no identity
          documents, the secret service ordered him to stay
          in the city and wait for clarification of his
          administrative situation. Six days later he was
          called in by the security services who arrested
          him again. He was then held secretly in different
          prisons until 20 January 2008, when he was
          allowed to make a phone call from Ta'ef prison.
          On 1 July 2008, he was again allowed to call from
          a prison in Jeddah. He has not et been brought
          before a judicial authority and has routinely been
          subjected to beatings and other fon s of
          ill-treatnient during interrogations. As a result
          several of his face bones are fractured .
          187. 13/08/08 JUA SUMX: All Hassan ‘Issa al-Burl. Qassim Bin Rida Bin
          TOR Sulayman al Mahdi and Khalid Bin
          Muhammad ‘Issa al-Qadih, who have
          reportedly been sentenced to death and are at
          imminent risk of execution. Ali Hassan ‘Issa
          al-Bun. Qassim Bin Rida Bin Sula man al Mahdi
          and Khalid Bin Muhammad ‘Issa al-Qadih. were
          arrested in 2004 on charges of dnig smuggling.
          Qassini Bin Rida Bin Sula man al Mahdi and
          Khalid Bin Muhammad ‘Issa al-Qadih were
          sentenced to death, and Ali Hassan ‘Issa al-Buri
          was sentenced to 20 years of imprisonment and
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          5,000 lashes. However, it is reported that during
          their interrogation they were held incommunicado
          and that their confessions, on which their
          convictions are based, were extracted under
          torture. In addition, allegedly, they were
          convicted following a trial during which they
          were not legally represented. The Court of
          Cassation reviewed the case and requested a
          reduction in the men's sentence. Despite this
          niling the Lower Court reportedly maintained the
          death penalty for Qassim Bin Rida Bin Sula man
          al Mahdi and Khalid Bin Muhammad ‘Issa
          al-Qadih and increased Ali Hassan ‘Issa al-Buri's
          sentence by sentencing him to death .
          188. 14/08/08 JUA IJL; Sentences imposed against seven Filipino migrant
          MIG; workers found guilty of a triple murder. Three of
          SUMX; them were sentenced to death and four to eight
          TOR years' imprisonment and one thousand lashes
          each. Edison Gonzales, Rolando Manaloto
          Gonzales, Eduardo Arcilla, Victoriano
          Alfonso, Efren Francisco Dimaun, Omar
          Basillo and Joel Sinamban were arrested in
          April 2006 on charges of having murdered three
          other Filipino nationals. The seven men were tried
          by a General Court in Jeddah and sentenced in
          July 2007. Eduardo Arcilla, Edison Gonzales and
          Rolando Manaloto Gonzales were sentenced to
          death. Victoriano Alfonso, Efren Francisco
          Dirnaun, Omar Basillo, and Joel Sinamban were
          sentenced to eight years' imprisonment and one
          thousand lashes each. The seven men were held
          incommunicado and were not given access to
          lawyers until April 2008, i.e. eight months after
          their conviction and sentencing in first instance.
          Allegedly, they were also tortured during
          interrogation, including by being beaten on the
          soles of their feet, in order to force them to
          confess to the murders. The seven men are
          currently held at Briman Prison in Jeddah. It
          would appear that their appeals are still pending
          before the second instance court .
          189. 15/08/08 JUA SUMX; Sentences imposed against seven persons,
          TOR including four who were children at the time of
          the offences, found guilty of theft, robbery and
          assault. Five of them were sentenced to death and
          two to flogging and imprisonment. Sultan Bin
          Khalid Mahmud al-Maskati, Yusef Bin Hassan
          Bin Salman al-Muwallad, Qassim Bin ‘Ali Bin
          Ibrahim Al Nakhli, Sultan Bin Sulayman Bin
          Muslim al Muwallad,'Issa bin Muhammad
          ‘Umar Muhammad, Bilal Bin Muslih Bin Jabir
          al Muwallad and Ahmad Hamid Muhammad
          Sabir were arrested in 2004 and charged with
          theft, robbery and assault. Bilal Bin Muslih Bin
          Jabir al-Muwallad and Abmad Hamid
          Muhammad Sabir were aged 15 and 13
          respectively at the time of the offences. Sultan
          Bin Sulayman Bin Muslim al-Muwallad and ‘Issa
          bin Muhammad ‘Umar Muhammad were both
          aged 17 when the offences were committed. ‘Issa
          bin Muhammad ‘Umar Muhammad and Ahmad
          Hamid Muhammad Sabir are citizens of Chad, the
          other five of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
          Following their arrest, they were held
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          N .
          incommunicado at police stations in the city of
          Madina. There they were allegedly beaten in an
          attempt to make them confess. In Febniarv 2008
          the General Court in Madina sentenced Sultan
          Bin Khalid Mahmud al-Maskati. Yusef Bin
          Hassan Bin Salman al-Muwallad. Qassim Bin
          ‘Ali Bin Ibrahim Al-Nakhli. Sultan Bin Sulavman
          Bin Muslim al-Muwallad and ‘Issa bin
          Muhammad ‘Umar Muhammad to death. The two
          youngest ones. Bilal Bin Muslih Bin Jabir
          al-Muwallad and Ahmad Hamid Muhammad
          Sabir. were sentenced to “severe flogging” and a
          tern of imprisonment. In July 2008, the Court of
          Cassation in Mecca upheld the sentences. The
          cases are currently before the Supreme Judicial
          Council. Allegedly, the seven convicts and their
          relatives might not be infon ed of the outcome of
          review by the Supreme Judicial Council and of
          the date set for the execution of the sentences
          until the day that the executions and floggings are
          to be carried out.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          2 1/08/08
          Sentences imposed against three foreign
          By letter dated 27/11/08, the Government
          nationals. The three were charged with the
          infon ed that Jeddah police transmitted the
          murder of a boy who died in a fight in
          suit of these persons to the Commission for
          January 2007. Following their arrest, they were
          Investigation and General Prosecution (Mecca
          held incommunicado for approximately one and a
          Branch), regarding a mass quarrel resulting in
          half months. They were allegedly beaten in an
          the assassination of a Syrian citizen. The
          attempt to make them confess. In March 2008,
          inquiry and the interrogations made with these
          two of them were sentenced to death. Their trial
          persons revealed their involvement in the
          had taken place over nine sessions, but their
          incident, so they were indicted on charges of
          lawyer was allowed to attend only the last one or
          intentional assassination, after beating him
          two, and was allegedly not allowed to challenge
          until he died. A charge was also raised against
          C D
          the evidence brought against his clients. The
          Court of Cassation subsequently reviewed the
          case and sent it back to the General Court with
          recommendations to review the sentence. On
          9 August 2008, the General Court rejected the
          recommendations of the Court of Cassation
          and/or sentenced the two men to death again. The
          case is now again before the Court of Cassation.
          If upheld, the death sentences would be submitted
          to the Supreme Judicial Council for approval. The
          third subj ect was sentenced to 200 lashes and one
          year's imprisonment by a Summary Court in
          April 2008. Tn his case, the Court of Cassation
          recommended that the case be re-tried by a
          General Court. which has the power to pass the
          death sentence against hint His case is now
          awaiting retrial at a General Court.
          another man for taking part in the assault and
          for making improper advances to a girl,
          uttering vulgar and dirty words and for his
          complicity and incitement of the quarrel. The
          lawsuit was transmitted to the General Court in
          Jeddah in order to be examined with regard to
          public and private rights. A legal judgment of
          4 March 2008 comprised a death sentence
          against two men, which was transmitted to the
          Court of Cassation. A legal judgment against a
          minor was issued, comprising of one year
          imprisonment and 200 lashes.
          The two adults were held incommunicado.
          without any violation of their rights to contact
          their lawyers, in the interest of the
          investigation, for a period not exceeding
          60 days. They were not subjected to torture
          and their confessions and avowals were
          registered and checked up in the presence of
          their lawyer and endorsed by the General
          Court in Jeddah.
          The governing niles in the Kingdom of Saudi
          Arabia is the Sharia which prohibits torture
          and the extraction of any confession under
          torture. The Sharia proscribes harming any
          person held in custody either physically or
          morally, and forbids torture or degrading
          During the first hearing with each of the
          accused and before starting the interrogation, a
          reading of the guarantees took place, regarding
          Allegations transmitted
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          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          their right to call upon the assistance of a
          lawyer. They appointed a lawyer who was
          present at the hearing and examined the entire
          to earlier
          Saad Ben Zair (A/HRC/7/3/Add.i. para. 197)
          By letter dated 22/01/08, the Government
          infon ed that he was detained under the
          provisions of article 35 of the Code of
          Criminal Procedure, and in accordance with an
          arrest warrant issued by the competent
          authoritiy, for involvement in the crime of
          conspiring to blow up the Abqaiq refinery. The
          investigating authority deemed it advisable to
          extend his detention, in accordance with
          article 114 of the same Code, and with
          Royal Order No. 7560/MB of 5/6/142 AH.
          providing for extension of the period of
          detention by up to one year in crimes involving
          terrorism and State security, in the interests of
          the investigation, and in the light of his
          association with other parties in this case. He
          is being well treated in confon ity with the
          safeguards provided for in article 2 of the Code
          of Criminal Procedure, which prohibits torture
          or degrading treatment, and in accordance with
          his rights guaranteed by the Prison and
          Detention Regulations. and the International
          Convention against Torture.
          Cage beds are widely used in all Slovak
          psychiatric hospitals, and psychiatric wards of
          general hospitals. Depending on the institution.
          there are, however, large differences in the
          number of beds and the frequency with which
          By letter dated 08/04/08 the Government
          replied that the Slovak Republic considers
          torture and other cniel. inhuman or degrading
          treatment or punishment one of the most
          serious violations of human rights and
          they are used. The ones which use cage beds most
          often are: Pezinok (Bratislava region), the
          University Hospital (Miczkiewiczova Street,
          Bratislava), Ru inov (Bratislava), Sokolovce
          (Trnava region) and Hronovce (Nitra region). The
          use of physical restraints in psychiatric
          institutions is governed by guidelines prepared by
          the Health Ministry in April 2004. The guidelines
          do not constitute a legal act and provide no
          enforceable rights to victims. They also do not
          require specific registers of restraint use,
          independent monitoring, or any other method of
          supervision. These guidelines allow the use of
          cage beds “as a measure of protection for acute
          patients, mostly adults and elderly in deliria”, and
          also “for the agitated states of patients with
          mental retardation”. Further, the guidelines
          require that a doctor order the use of the beds “if
          the pharmacotherapy is not effective or has little
          effect.” The guidelines do not specify what is
          meant by the “necessary time” for which cage
          beds can be used. Moreover, deviation from these
          guidelines appears to occur frequently. The use of
          cage beds during the night is still frequent. They
          are often used to confine even non-violent
          patients. Some patients are forced to stay in a
          cage bed for up to 3-4 weeks.
          fundamental freedoms and takes all necessary
          steps in tern s of prevention. The Slovak
          legislation distinguishes between the ten s
          “cage bed” and “net bed”. The use of
          cage-beds as means of restraint in healthcare
          facilities is prohibited. Based on a
          2005 recommendation of the Committee for
          the Prevention of Torture of the Council of
          Europe (CPT), the Ministry of Health issued
          methodological guidelines for all relevant
          healthcare facilities outlining the criteria for
          indication and use of means of restraint in
          medical facilities and specifying the
          record-keeping requirements. The means of
          restraint, which can be used in healthcare
          facilities, are net-beds, belts and isolation
          rooms. These guidelines stipulate that the
          means of restraint may only be used in case of
          imniediate danger to the life or health of the
          patient or his/her surroundings due to the
          patient's agitation or aggressiveness that
          cannot be controlled by other means. The
          attending physician is obliged to record the use
          of the means of restraint, speci ing the date,
          type of restraint, its reason, duration, and the
          checks on the patient's vital functions and
          overall condition by a nurse. The nurse also
          keeps a record on restraints in a nursing file.
          The commencement and the tennination of
          restraint, its type, and the data on the patient's
          condition are recorded. The use of the means
          of restraint must be recorded in a special
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          logbook kept at each nursing station. Each
          entry must include: the serial number in the
          year concerned, the patient's name and
          surname, the number of the patient's file, the
          date and time of restraint (from-to), the type of
          the means of restraint used, the physician's and
          nurse's names and surnames, and the signature
          of the nurse who made the entry. The logbook
          shall be produced upon request for control
          purposes - to a superior, to the head of the
          internal control unit, or to an official
          performing an inspection under a mandate
          from the Ministry of Health of the
          Slovak Republic.
          Information concerning social services homes
          under the competence of the Ministry of
          Labour, Social Affaires and Family of the
          Slovak Republic is added as well. Based on the
          finding of the CPT, a new Section 1 8a was
          inserted into amended Act n. 195/1998 Coll.
          on Social Assistance, reading as follows: “No
          physical or other means of restraint may be
          used when providing care in social services
          homes to persons with mental or behavioural
          disorders, not even at an acute stage of the
          disorder. Under Section 69 a) of the Social
          Assistance Act, the state performs supervision
          over the provision of social services, in
          particular as regards the respect for
          fundamental human rights of citizens in the
          provision of social services in the
          establishments nm by the Ministry of Labour.
          Social Affairs and Family of the
          Slovak Republic. Since no complaints about
          the use of net beds have been filed, no
          investigation has been carried out on the use of
          net-beds in healthcare establishments of the
          Slovak Republic. Notwithstanding, any
          involuntary hospitalization in a psychiatric
          establishment (which is most often connected
          with placement in a protective net-bed) is
          subject to a specific examination by an
          independent judge of the competent district
          court within five working days. Pursuant to
          Section 18 of Act 153/2001 Coll. on
          Prosecution as amended, the competent
          prosecutor makes quarterly inspections of
          these hospitalizations and oversees the legality
          of the treatment of patients at psychiatric
          departments. The prosecutor produces a
          written report on the results of the inspection
          for the management of the establishment.
          Allegations transmitted
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          C D
          About 40 youths detained at an Ethiopian
          military camp in north Mogadishu. On
          19 April 2008. Ethiopian forces raided Al-Hidya
          mosque in Mogadishu. seizing over 40 students.
          all under 18. who were undertaking religious
          studies at the mosque. The minors were then
          transferred to an Ethiopian military camp in north
          Mogadishu. Whereas some of the minors have
          been released, Ethiopian soldiers have indicated
          that they would release the others once they had
          been investigated and if they were not terrorists.
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          Ms. Aisha Ibrahim Dhuhulow was found guilty
          of adultery, an act considered against Islamic law.
          by the Kismayo Sharia court, and sentenced to
          death by stoning.
          On 27 October 2008, on one of the main squares
          of Kismayo. she had her hands and feet tied
          together, was then buried up to her neck and
          stoned to death by around 50 men, while
          thousands of persons watched. She was pulled out
          three times to see whether she was dead. When a
          relative and others ran towards her, guards opened
          fire, killing a child. Since then. Islamist leaders
          have promised to punish the guard who had shot
          the child.
          Allegedly, the accusation against Ms. Aisha
          Ibrahim Dhuhulow of adultery was only made as
          she attempted to report to the al-Shahab militia
          controlling Kismayo that she had been raped by
          three men. None of the men she accused of rape
          were arrested.
          Murad Gasayev. de nacionalidad Rusa y origen
          étnico Chechenio, quien, de acuerdo con
          infon ación recibida, se encuentra actualmente
          detenido en la prisión Mansilla de las Mulas en
          Leon. El Sr. Gasa ev fue detenido en Agosto
          de 2004 en Ingushetia con relación a un ataque
          contra un edificio gubernamental por parte de un
          gnipo an ado de esa misma localidad sucedido en
          junio de 2004. Durante tres dIas el Sr. Gasa ev
          fine maltratado durante el interrogatorio acerca de
          los ataques de Junio, posteriormente fine puesto en
          libertad sin que se le levantaran cargos de manera
          forn al. Después de to sucedido el Sr. Gasavev se
          refugio en Espafla donde se encuentra
          actualmente a la espera de ser deportado a Rusia.
          El 8 de Febrero de 2008. la Audiencia Nacional
          sentenció que el Sr. Gasavev podrá ser deportado
          de una manera segura con base en las garantlas
          diplomáticas recibidas de parte de Rusia. Rusia
          aseguró que el Sr. Gasavev no será sujeto a la
          pena capital o a la cadena perpetua sin posibilidad
          de libertad condicional. también aseguró que las
          condiciones de detención no serán inhumanas ni
          degradantes v que serán compatibles con el
          artIculo 3ro de la Convención Europea de
          Derechos Humanos. Además Rusia garantizó que
          miembros del Comité de la Naciones Unidas
          contra la Tortura podrán visitar el Sr. Gasavev v
          conversar con él en privado. La decision con
          respecto a la deportación del Sr. Gasavev queda
          ahora en manos del Consejo de Ministros. ültima
          autoridad en cuestiones de deportación.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Sri Lanka
          Peer Adumai Mohamed Rafeek. On
          20 March 2008, at around 9:30 pm. seven
          plain-clothes officers, one of whom later
          identified himself as belonging to the
          Headquarters of the Criminal Investigation
          Division (CID) in Colombo. and an eighth official
          wearing the uniform of the Special Task Force
          (STF). all armed, entered the home of Mr. Peer
          Adumai Mohamed Rafeek. Without providing
          specific reasons for his arrest, they took
          Mr. Rafeek in a white van to the Slave Island
          Police Station for questioning. His wife was
          invited to come to the police station the following
          morning. When she arrived there on 21 March,
          she was told by police officers that they were
          unaware of the arrest of her husband or of his
          case. Mr. Rafeek' s wife has inforn ed the Human
          Rights Commission, the Presidential Commission
          and the C.I.D. Police Headquarters about the
          incident; however. Mr. Rafeek's whereabouts
          remain unknown. In view of Mr. Rafeek' s
          reported incommunicado detention at an unknown
          place of detention, grave concerns are expressed
          for his physical and mental integrity .
          Gunasundaram Jayasundaram, a dual
          Sri Lankan-Irish citizen, usually residing in
          Singapore. On 4 September 2007, he was arrested
          by Terrorist Investigation Division (TID) officers
          at the airport upon arrival from Singapore. He
          was arrested without a warrant and on the orders
          of the Secretary of Defence. Mr. Javasundaram
          has been allowed access to his lawyers twice, in
          October and December 2007, despite numerous
          written requests to the authorities for access to
          legal counsel. The Honorary Consul of the
          Republic of Ireland in Colombo has been allowed
          to visit him once, on 14 December 2007. On
          29 October 2007, a writ of habeas corpus was
          filed by his lawyer and four court hearings have
          taken place since then: on 23 January. 5 and
          26 March, and 11 June 2008. No decision has et
          been taken by the court, and Mr. Jayasundaram
          has never been presented before the court in
          By letter dated 23/07/08, the Government
          informed that he was arrested on
          5 September 2007 upon his arrival in
          Sri Lanka at the Colombo International Airport
          on suspicion of his involvement in LTTE
          terrorist activities. Preliminary inquiries have
          revealed that he was actively engaged in LTTE
          activities and, on the direction of the LTTE
          hierarchy, has acted as its representative,
          raised funds for the LTTE, and purchased
          communications equipment from foreign
          sources on its behalf. Because the
          investigations are not complete, further
          information pertaining to the pending
          investigations cannot be revealed at this stage.
          Mr. Ja asundaram is currently held on a
          Detention Order under the provisions of
          Regulation 19 (1) of the Emergency
          Regulations at Boossa Detention Camp. He is
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          C D
          c c
          N .
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          persona. The next hearing is scheduled for
          27 June 2008. No charges have been brought
          against Mr. Jayasundaram and no trial date has
          been scheduled yet. Mr. Jayasundaram has
          recently been transfened from the detention
          facilities of TID to Boossa Prison, where he spent
          16 days in solitary confinement. One of his
          relatives was allowed to visit him on 13 June.
          Mr. Jayasundaram suffers from high blood
          pressure and has mn a fever for about four days,
          which has caused muscle spasms, making
          movements in his cell difficult. He has to sleep on
          the floor, is not provided with any reading
          material, and has not been allowed to buy any
          food in the canteen.
          periodically examined by a Judicial Medical
          Officer to review his health and visits are
          permitted on a regular and periodic basis to the
          next of kin. He was also visited by the
          International Committee of the Red Cross, and
          the representatives of the Honorary Consulate
          for Ireland in Sri Lanka. The right to be
          assisted by a lawyer of his choice at a criminal
          trial against him at all stages of criminal
          proceedings is a right guaranteed to all persons
          subject to criminal trials in Sri Lanka. Further,
          such trials can be observed by any member of
          the public. Inquiries are being continued to
          obtain requisite documentary material
          cone sponding to the purchases and relevant to
          his complicity in other issues related to LTTE
          activities, including fundraising and
          procurement. The Tenorist Investigation
          Division of the Sri Lanka police proposes to
          conclude these inquiries expeditiously and
          seek the advice of the Attorney General to
          consider the possibility of criminal charges, in
          accordance with the law.
          M.A. Prasantha Ruwan Kumara, a 35-year-old
          lance corporal (S/404896) of the Sri Lanka Army,
          Horamula, Demuwatha, Rakwana, Ratnapura
          District. On 9 October 2007, around 9 p.m. he
          was travelling by motorcycle to a garage when he
          was stopped for a traffic infraction by five police
          officers from Rakwana Police Station. When he
          refused to pay a bribe to the policemen, they
          pulled him off his motorcycle and beat and kicked
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          hint En route to the Rakwana Police Station he
          was beaten again. During his detention at the
          police station he was denied food, water, and was
          unable to infon his family. Following an
          appearance at the Rakwana Magistrate Court he
          was released on bail and sought treatment at
          Ratnapura Hospital for his injuries.
          Ediriweera Arukpatabadige Sugath Rohana
          Jayasuriya, aged 31. Polgaha Welana.
          Dembarawewa. Tissamaharama. On
          29 December 2007, at a road-side hotel, he was
          slapped, stnick on his head with a T-56 rifle and
          beaten unconscious by officers of Tissamaharama
          Police Station. He was taken to the hospital for
          treatment and returned to Tissamaharama Police
          A. V. A. U. C., aged 16, Migahajadura,
          Soorivawewa Town. On 20 January 2008, around
          2.30 p.m. he presented himself at Soorivawewa
          Police Station pursuant to a suninions. He was
          taken into a room and was beaten with a wooden
          stick about the shoulders in order to obtain a
          confession relating to a theft and damage to
          school property. Later another officer joined in
          and beat and slapped him. His friends (N., L. and
          C. M.) were rounded up by the police and beaten
          in front of villagers with a wooden pole. On
          23 January, the boys were remanded to
          Hambanthota Prison. The next day at the prison
          A. V. A. U. C. was beaten with hosepipes and held
          under a table in the guard's room. The boys were
          released on bail on 25 January.
          Dodampe Gamage Asantha Aravinda and K.J.
          Thusara Chaminda. On 28 Febniarv in the
          vicinity of Pitabaddara, were involved in an
          accident with a tnick as they were riding on their
          motorcycle. The tnick driver together with
          officers of Pitabaddara Police Station beat the
          men. The tnick driver threw acid in
          Mr. Aravinda's face resulting in blindness in his
          left eye. They were taken to Pitabaddara Police
          Station where they continued to be beaten by
          officers and the tnick driver, and alcohol was
          poured on Mr. Aravinda's acid burns. The two
          men were treated at Matara Hospital, and
          Mr. Aravinda also received treatment at the
          Colombo E e Hospital.
          Milton Alovisious Basil Perera, Albert Mawatha.
          Thudella. Ja-ela. On 6 March 2008, he was
          arrested and taken to Kandana Police Station.
          While recording a statement, an officer stnick him
          over his right eve and his face. He was told not to
          file a complaint and released upon the arrival of
          the Officer-in-Charge. Mr. Perera was treated at
          Ragama Hospital for his injuries.
          Nanda Kumar. a 32-year-old security guard, and
          his brother Ramesh Kumar. a 28-year-old
          three-wheeler driver, Wijesirigama, Digana,
          Rajawella. On 17 April 2008. Nanda Kumar was
          arrested by officers of Kand Police Station. At
          the station, he was stripped naked and beaten
          while suspended upside-down by about five
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          officers. On 19 April. Ramesh Kumar was
          arrested. In detention, eight officers stripped him
          naked, and beat him on the soles of his feet as
          well as his ears with an iron bar. The officers
          further humiliated him by fondling his genitals.
          Malik Roshan Wijayaratne, aged 22,
          Ihalagama-Kakirawa. On 2 May 2008. at around
          3 p.m. he appeared at Kekirawa Police Station
          pursuant to a summons. He was slapped by a
          sub-inspector (SI) and questioned about a theft.
          The SI and a sergeant took him to a room inside
          the station where his hands and legs were tied
          using his shirt. A pole was inserted between his
          bound hands and legs and the pole was suspended
          between two chairs. In this position the officers
          beat the soles of his feet, as well as his body. He
          fell to the floor when his bindings loosened and
          he lost consciousness. Petrol was poured on his
          face to revive him. The officers forced him to
          jump. and run around the room as they stnick him
          with his own belt. The officers forced
          Mr. Wij ayartane to sign a statement. He was
          released around 4.30 p.m.. and later sought
          treatment for his injuries at Darnbulla Hospital.
          Solomons Caspas Poul, aged 33, Ambakotte,
          Kengalle, Kandy. On 31 May 2008, he was
          arrested by officers of Nawalapitiya Police Station
          and beaten with batons. On 1 June, he was
          transferred to Theldeniya Police Station. On
          3 June, about six officers tied his legs and
          suspended him from a ceiling. For about two
          hours he was beaten all over his bod/ including
          the soles of his feet.
          Shanthigara Suresh Kumar. a 29-year-old
          teacher at Trinity College Kandv. On
          11 March 2008, around 2.30 p.m. he presented
          himself at Kandv Police Station pursuant to a
          police request. He was arrested and placed in a
          police cell. During interrogations on 30 and
          3 1 March he was stripped naked, hung from the
          ceiling and was beaten by six officers. He was
          also kicked, burned with cigarette butts on his
          head, subjected to chili smoke and electric
          shocks. He was told to implicate the school
          principal in terrorist activities and to commit
          suicide. On 3 1 March he was remanded to
          Bogambara Prison and was released on bail on
          18 July.
          Sarath Kumar Naidos, a 38-year-old
          constniction worker. Moragodawatee. Kaspave,
          Piliyandale. On 5 July 2008, he was arrested and
          taken to Moratuwa Police Station on suspicion of
          theft. Repeatedly until 13 July, he was beaten by
          an officer named Damith in order to demand the
          whereabouts of missing property.
          Channa Duminda, a three-wheeler driver. On
          23 July 2008. in the late morning, as he was
          travelling towards the Main Road, he was
          confronted by a sub-inspector and officer of
          Ja-Ela Police Station. He was ordered to get out
          of the three-wheeler and was stnick on the legs by
          an iron bar. As he fell to the ground he was beaten
          Allegations transmitted
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          Government response
          on the hips and knees. Other police officers joined
          in the beating. He was taken away to Ekala
          Industrial Zone where he was beaten again in
          front of witnesses, including his family, near
          Lordstar Industries. Gallawatta. He was later
          taken to Ja-Ela Police Station, where he continued
          to be beaten. He received treatment at Ragama
          Hospital for his injuries. On 24 July. Mr. Duminda
          was remanded into custody until 30 July and
          ordered to be held under medical supervision at
          the prison hospital .
          199. 23/09/08 AL TOR H. T. N., an il-year-old student of St. Lukes
          Maha Viduhala. Ratnapura. On 6 Ma 2008, he
          was beaten by a teacher upon returning to class
          from the toilet. The teacher who is known for
          beating his students with a wooden pole, beat the
          bo on the back with the pole, as well as his
          palms when he tried to defend himself. The
          teacher took a bottle of ointment and instnicted
          another student to apply it to his palms. H. T. N.
          was later treated at Ratnapura Hospital by his
          family. This was the second occasion where he
          was beaten by the same teacher. Despite a
          complaint filed at Ratnapura Police Station on
          9 Ma 2008, no action has been taken.
          D. K. A:, a 13-year-old student of Ambalanthota
          Maha Viduhala. On 13 Febniary 2008, on the wa
          to his classroom, he was repeatedly stnick on the
          head with a cane by the school principal. Later
          when he returned home he complained to his
          mother of a headache and fainted. He was taken
          to Ambalanthota General Hospital where he
          received medical treatment for four days. A
          complaint by his mother to the principal was
          dismissed by him, and she subsequently filed a
          complaint at Ambalanthota Police. The police
          originally tried to persuade the family to drop the
          complaint. Later inquiries carried out by them
          have led nowhere. When the bo returned to the
          school, the principal instnicted the other children
          to ignore him or otherwise face beatings
          themselves. The family has faced harassment by
          the principal and his associates .
          200. 30/10/08 JAL SUMX: Mr. Seynool Miswar died in Negombo prison on
          TOR 3 July 2008 shortly after 4 p.m. Around 3 p.m. on
          that day. Seynool Miswar had told his brother,
          Mr. Se nool Arbdeen Se nool Aswar, who was
          visiting him in prison, that prison officers had
          threatened to assault him unless he paid
          Rs. 25,000 (approximately USD 232). An hour
          later, Seynool Miswar was seen holding his chest
          and abdomen in pain and told another prison.
          Mr. Se edu Mohmad Ubeyda. that he had been
          assaulted by three prison guards. Soon thereafter.
          Se nool Miswar fell dead on the floor.
          In the subsequent investigation. Abhu Ubeyda
          testified to officers from the Crime Section of the
          Negombo Police Station. Two prison guards were
          taken into remand custody. Back in Negombo
          prison after he made his statement to the police,
          Abhu Ubeyda was approached by two inmates
          who pretended to hit him and pushed him to the
          Allegations transmitted
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          Government response
          floor. He was admitted to the prison hospital.
          When he was discharged from the hospital, the
          Chief Jailor of the prison called him to his office,
          asked questions about the incident, and inforn ed
          him that he had been released on bail. The Chief
          Jailor also told him “we will come and see you at
          home. I will give ou Rs. 150.000 if you do not
          mention my name in the incident”. Abhu Ubevda
          did not accept this offer. On 17 July 2008, at
          around 9:45 p.m.. four men in helmets came to his
          house, tied him to the window grille and beat him
          with a pole for some time. They warned him not
          to testify before the court in the case Se nool
          Miswar. Abhu Ube da recognized two of the
          aggressors as prison guards.
          Mr. Siyaguna Kosgodage Anton Sugath
          Nishantha Fernando was the complainant in a
          fundamental rights case before the Supreme Court
          of Sri Lanka (Case No. SCFR. 446/07), in which
          he alleged that he had been tortured by policemen
          at Negombo Police Station, as well as in a bribery
          case in the High Court. He was killed by
          unidentified gunmen on 20 September 2008.
          Nishantha Fernando had repeatedly complained to
          the Inspector General of Police, the Attorney
          General, the National Police Commission (NPC) —
          and the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka.
          about the constant threats of assassination he and
          his family had been receiving. On 23 June 2008
          four men, believed by him to be hired by the
          police, arrived at his house and told him to
          withdraw the case before the Supreme Court.
          They stated that if within 24 hours he did not do
          so, he and his family would be killed. Nishantha
          Fernando and his family went into hiding and
          informed the relevant authorities of the threat. He
          returned to his home after a period in hiding
          shortly before his death on 20 September 2008.
          The police officers named as perpetrators of
          torture in his fundamental rights case remain on
          patrol in the area.
          Mr. Lalith Rajapakse, a torture victim, is the
          complainant in a fundamental rights application
          before the Supreme Court (filed six years ago, in
          2002) and the main witness in a torture case
          (Act No. 22 of 1994) against a Sub Inspector of
          Police from Kandana Police Station filed by the
          Attorney General's Department. On
          25 May 2008, at around midnight, three persons,
          two of them armed with pistols, arrived near his
          house. Lalith Rajapakse saw them approaching
          and fled. When he thereafter made a complaint to
          the Human Rights Commission about the
          incident, he learned that officers of Kandana
          Police Station had been spreading the mmour that
          he was a notorious criminal, although the Wattala
          magistrate's court had already acquitted him in
          three criminal cases brought against him by the
          Kandana Police after he complained of being
          tortured. This - allegedly completely
          unsubstantiated - labeling as “notorious criminal”,
          combined with the nightly visit by armed men,
          Allegations transmitted
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          raises concerns that Lalith Rajapakse might be at
          risk of becoming the victim of a fabricated
          “shoot-out” with the police or killing while
          escaping arrest.
          On 9 October 2008, the High Court trying the
          criminal case against the policeman accused of
          subjecting Lalith Raj apakse to torture acquitted
          the defendant. It would appear that the judge. who
          reportedly is the same judge who acquitted the
          defendant in the case regarding the torture of
          Gerald Mervin Perera, found that the evidence
          was insufficient to establish that Mr. Lalith
          Rajapakse had been tortured. This conclusion was
          reached in spite of medical evidence allegedly
          indicating that Lalith Raj apakse (who spent
          16 days in hospital at the time of the alleged
          torture incident in 1992) had injuries on the soles
          of his feet and a cerebral contusion which had
          _________ caused edema to the brain.
          IJL; Marhul Gbryrham. Fitouy Fshai Yingbr
          TOR; Mikaeel. Disiby Tsfa Brhan Hagoss and Ablom
          WGAD Tfisty Gbry Slasy. all of whom are Eritrean
          nationals, and Haroun Idriss. Abdala Suliman.
          Badreldin All. Mohamed Amin Nardi. Ibrahim
          Atbana. and Argana Slfim. all of whom are
          Ethiopian nationals. The Eritreans are currently
          detained by the security forces at Port Sudan State
          Prison in Eastern Sudan after apparently evading
          compulsory military service in Eritrea. They were
          arrested around 2 November 2007 at the Sudanese
          border and are held without charge pursuant to the
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          201. Sudan
          C D
          National Security Forces Act of 1999. Lawyers
          have been denied access to them. The Ethiopians
          have been detained at Dabak Prison in Khartoum
          since 21 December 2007 under the National
          Security Forces Act. They were arrested in their
          homes in July 2007 together with three other
          individuals, Adam Pasilio. Minika Hailo. and
          Faisal Mohamed Osman. These three were
          deported to Ethiopia on 27 September 2007
          following a niling by the Khartoum North
          Criminal Court after they had confessed to
          residing illegally in Sudan. They have since then
          been detained by Ethiopian authorities at an
          unknown location. The Ethiopians have been able
          to meet with at least one family member.
          however. they have been refused access to legal
          representation. Some of them have enjoyed
          refugee status in Sudan since 2004 and were
          granted pen ission to remain in the country,
          which was renewed periodically. All of the
          Ethiopians arrested are Muslims belonging to the
          Oromo ethnic group. Mr. Idriss suffers from
          irritable bowel syndrome. Mr. Suliman from
          diabetes mellitus. Mr. Ali from rheumatism, and
          Mr. Amin Nardi from diabetes mellitus.
          hypertension and a skin allergy. The fact that the
          ten individuals have been detained under the
          National Security Forces Act and that
          deportations have already taken place indicate a
          high risk that removal to their respective countries
          of origin is imniinent.
          Allegations transmitted
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          C D
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          Government response
          Al-Tayeb Abdel Aziz, Ishaq Mohammed
          Sanousi, Abdel Hay Omar. Mustafa Adam,
          Mohammed Birgid, Hassan Adam Fade!,
          Adam Ibrahim. Jama!eddin Isa. Abde! Magid
          A!i Abde! Magid and Saibr Hassan, who
          reportedly have been sentenced to death b/ the
          Khartoum-North Court of Appeal for the murder
          of Mohammed Taha. Editor of Al-Wifaq
          newspaper, in September 2006. Al-Tayeb Abdel
          Aziz was only 15 years old at the time of the
          murder. All those sentenced to death said they
          were tortured in order to confess to the crime and
          had been forced to sign confessions, which were
          later produced in court. They retracted their
          confessions in court, but the Appeal Court
          accepted the confessions as evidence against
          them. The case has been brought before the
          Supreme Court, where a panel of three judges will
          hear the appeal. A further appeal is possible to the
          Constitutional Court, whose final decision has to
          be ratified by the president.
          Daoud Ahmed A!tahier (chairperson of the
          Wade Hauer University Students ‘Association);
          Mohmed A!i Hmado; Esmai! Ebaid Abakr;
          Adem Babkr Naie!: Ahmed Abdien Hamad
          Younies; A!fade! Omer Shamo, student of
          Al-Delng University; Mubark Bakhiet
          Ebrahim, student of Al-Delng University;
          Mahmud Naie! Mohamed: and K. A. M.. a
          1 6-year-old high school student in al-Delng.
          These nine Darfuris, all members of the Sudan
          Liberation Movement, were arrested in a house in
          the Hay al-Buga area of the town of El-Obeid in
          Northern Kordofan State on 23 Febniarv 2008.
          The arrests took place in the context of violence
          following the elections for the Kordofan
          University Students Union. between Darftiri
          students, who claimed that the elections were
          rigged, and students affiliated with the niling
          National Congress Party. The nine were initially
          kept in the custody of the Security Agents Office
          for approximately 35 hours, and were then
          transferred to Shortat al-Qism al-Awsat Police
          Station. While in custody. Esmail Ebaid Abakr
          lost his eyesight for several days following severe
          beatings by officers, and Daoud Ahmed Altahier
          bore marks where he had been hung by a rope.
          Alfadel Omer Shamo. Mubark Bakhiet Ebrahim.
          Mahmud Naiel Mohamed and Khalid Ahrned
          Mansor were released without charges on
          26 Febniarv. while the other five men were
          released on 4 March and charged with illegal
          possession of weapons. rioting and penalty of
          rioting under articles 67 and 68 of the
          1991 Criminal Act. The court dismissed the first
          charge at a hearing on 14 March, and a second
          hearing scheduled to take place on 24 April to
          decide on the second charges was postponed to
          22 May. If found guilty under articles 67 and 68
          of the Criminal Act. they face imprisonment of up
          to six months, a fine or up to 20 lashes.
          Allegations transmitted
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          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          Mustafa Nasir Al Din Tambor. aged 27,
          student, Gamar Eldin Abaker Abu Alkhairat,
          aged 27. student. Al Sadiq Abdalla Bashir.
          contractor, and Arbab Hussein Abudi Mula
          Ibrahim. aged 40, staff member of International
          Medical Corps. The four men were arrested by
          National Intelligence and Security Services
          officers between 13 and 15 April in Zalingei.
          West Darfur. Al Sadiq Abdalla Bashir was
          arrested on 13 April 2008 and Gamar Eldin
          Abaker and Mustafa Nasir Al Din Tambor were
          arrested on 15 April 2008 at the market in
          Zalingei. During the arrest Ganiar Eldin was
          beaten with wooden sticks. Arbab Hussein was
          arrested at his home. They have all remained in
          the custody of the National Intelligence and
          Security Services in Zalingei since then. Arbab
          Hussein has not received any visits, while the
          other three men have seen their relatives twice.
          Witnesses report that the men niight have suffered
          ill-treatment. No charges have been laid against
          any of the above mentioned individuals and none
          of them has been allowed to see a lawyer.
          Hassan Eltaib Yassin, a human rights defender
          operating in Port Sudan, and Mr. Faries Abd
          Aihay Mohmed Au. student of al-Bahr al-Ahmar
          University and member of a student political body
          called the Democratic Front, in Port Sudan.In the
          evening of 13 Ma 2008, members of the
          National Security and Intelligence Service (NISS)
          twice visited the house of Mr.Hassan Eltaib
          Yassin in Port Sudan, with the intention of
          arresting him. However. Mr.Hassan Eltaib Yassin
          was not present at these times. It is alleged that
          these two attempts to arrest him are linked to his
          activities in assisting students who were arrested
          and detained by the NISS after clashes between
          students at the al-B ahr al-Ahmar University in
          Port Sudan on ii May 2008, such as Faries Abd
          Alhav Mohmed Ali. who was arrested at the gates
          of the Port Sudan Hospital when he was taking
          wounded students for treatment. During his
          detention Mr.Faries Abd Alhav Mohmed Ali was
          beaten with water pipes and kicked with boots by
          members of NISS. He was released on 12 May
          after being warned that, should he be detained
          again, it would be for a much longer period .
          206. 27/05/08 JUA WGAD: More than 230 individuals of mainly Darfuri
          IJL; origin, including Mr. Adam Ali Shurtai, aged 25.
          M1N: from the Fur ethnic tribe, Mr. Al Nour Adam Ali.
          RACE; aged 35. Fur, Mr. Mohmed Adam Yagoub,
          TOR aged 24, from the Zaghawa ethnic tribe,
          Mr. Yagoub Ahmed Ali. aged 30. Zaghawa,
          Mr. Mohamed Mohamadain Alnour, aged 35,
          Fur, Mr. Ibrahim Mohamed Adam, aged 22,
          Mr. Suleiman Ishag Ahmed, aged 23,
          Mr. Abaker Haroun Ali. aged 25.
          Mr. Abdelrahman Ahmed Jabir, aged 36, Fur,
          Mr. Adam Abdelrahman Fadil. student,
          Mr. Mubarak Ahmed Bakhat, student,
          Mr. Ahmed Orshi, student, Mr. Abdelshakur
          Hashim Derar, aged 35, lawyer and member of
          the Darfur Bar Association, Mr. Al Ghali Yahya
          Shegifat, aged 32, journalist and President of the
          Allegations transmitted
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          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          Association of Darfur Journalists. Mr. Abakar
          Bakheet. Mr. Abaker Abbas Hussein,
          Mr. Abaker Boura Nourain Kirsho, Mr. Abbas
          Au Musa, Mr. Abdallah Adam Kiter,
          Mr. Abdallah Adam Nahar, Mr. Abdallah Au
          Hassan Kendek, Mr. Abdallah Gabar Dousa,
          Mr. Abdallah Guma Adam Ghani, Mr. Abdallah
          Hassan Jalalledin. Mr. Abdallah Mohamed
          Hussein, Mr. Abdallah Saleh Adam Ghani,
          Mr. Abdelaziz Osman Sam, Mr. Abdeihaleem
          Abdallah Husein, Mr. Abdelkarim Adam
          Ibrahim. Mr. Abdelmajeed Mohamed Ahmed,
          Mr. Abdelmajeed Mohamed Ishag.
          Mr. Abdelmajeed Mohamed Yagoub,
          Mr. Abdelmajeed Yahya Ahmed Minnawi,
          Mr. Abdelnaser Mohamadain Garannabi,
          Mr. Abdeirahim Mohamed Adam,
          Mr. Abdelrahman Biringi, Mr. Abdelrahman
          Imam Ghaid, Mr. Abdelrahman Mohamed
          Jabir, Mr. Abdelrahman Mohamed Khalil.
          Mr. Abdeirazeg Ismaiel Hamad,
          Mr. Abdeiwahab Mohamed Ahmed, Mr. Aboud
          Ibrahim Mohamed, Mr. Aboud Mohamed
          Adam Ghani, Mr. Abubakr Khayati, Mr. Adam
          Abdallah Abakar, Mr. Adam Abdelrahman
          Satour. Mr. Adam Al Tahir Bakheet.
          Mr. Adam Bakheet Mohamad, Mr. Adam
          Dawood Gerda. Mr. Adam El Thom Guma.
          Mr. Adam Fadol. Mr. Adam Guma Seneen.
          Mr. Adam Ibrahim Abdelmajeed. Mr. Adam
          Ishag Abdou, Mr. Adam Saleh Adam Ghani,
          Mr. Adam Siliman. Mr. Adam Yagoub Haroun,
          Mr. Adam Yousif Husein. Mr. Adel Elsa
          Ibrahim, Mr. Ahmad All. Mr. Ahmed
          Abdelkarim, Mr. Ahmed Dawood Gerda,
          Mr. Ahmed Hussein, Mr. Ahmed Mohamed
          Mujair. Mr. Ahmed Sharaf Al Deen Mohamed
          Ahmed, Mr. Ahmed Tougut, Mr. Ahmed Yahya
          Abdualla. Mr. Al Bakr Abdelrahman. Mr. Al
          Bakr Mohamed Guma. Mr. All Abakar Elsa.
          Mr. All Hamed Douda, Mr. All Haroun
          Abakar, Mr. Alqeen Yousif Guma Alqeen.
          Mr. Alsadig All Kambo, Mr. Anwar Musfafa,
          Mr. Anwar Yagoub Rahma, Mr. Assadig
          Yousif Mursal. Mr. Azhari Mohamed Idris.
          Mr. Azzain Ishag Suleiman. Mr. Azzain Yousif
          Suleiman. Mr. Bahar Aldeen Adam All,
          Mr. Bahar Aldeen Barood, Mr. Bahar Aldeen
          Dawood Ismalel. Mr. Bahar Mohamed All,
          Mr. Bakhet Hendega, Mr. Bakhet Salim.
          Mr. Bakrl Bashir. Mr. Barood Adam Jaro,
          Mr. Busharra Adam Dawood, Mr. Dawood
          Sallh. Mr. Derrar Nour Al Deen Mohamed,
          Dr. Musa Targouni. Mr. Draig Ibrahim.
          Mr. Elsa Abdallah Mohamed. Mr. Elsa
          Abdelkarim Ghanl. Mr. Elsa Sulelman Sallh.
          Mr. El Thom Duda Khamls. Mr. Fadlallah Al
          Hadi Fadlallah. Mr. Faghareldin Haroun
          Abdelrahman. Mr. Falsal Hassan Wadi.
          Mr. Falsal Ismall Rahma. Ms. Fatma Han.
          Ms. Fatma Sabir Bint Gasda. Mr. Gamal
          Ahmed Haroun, Mr. Gamal Mohamad
          Ibrahim. Mr. Guma Mango Adam Ghanl.
          Mr. Guma Shanif Jar al Nabi. Mr. Habib
          Allegations transmitted
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          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          Mursal Ahmad, Mr. Hafiz Abdelkarim Idris,
          Mr. Hamid Gourni, Mr. Hamid Hassan,
          Mr. Hamid Idris Abdeirasoul, Mr. Hamsa
          Nasreddin Khamis, Mr. Haroun All Mukhtar,
          Mr. Haroun Salih, Mr. Harry Ishag, Mr. Harry
          Mahmoud Ibrahim, Mr. Harry Mustafa,
          Mr. Hassan Bargo, Mr. Hassan El Thom
          Guma, Mr. Hassan Fadil, Mr. Hassan
          Mohamed Saboon, Mr. Higazi Abdallah
          Hamad, Ms. Hilal Suleiman Osman,
          Mr. Hussein Musa, Mr. Hussein Suleiman
          Abdelrahman, Mr. Ibrahim Abdelrahm an
          Ibrahim, Mr. Ibrahim Dawood All,
          Mr. Ibrahim Gibril Sabon (Tager),
          Mr. Ibrahim Idris Osman, Mr. Ibrahim
          Mohamadain Garannabi, Mr. Ibrahim
          Mohamed Idris, Mr. Ibrahim Musa Ibrahim,
          Mr. Ibrahim Mustafa Haggar, Mr.Ibrahim
          Tahir Guma, Ms. Idris Musa Altag, Ms .Idris
          Salim, Mr. Ismail Adam Mohamed Bakhit,
          Mr. Ismail Mohamadain Bakhat, Mr. Ismail
          Salim, Mr. Izzedin Abdollah Garannabi,
          Mr. Jaafar Abaker Mohamed Osman,
          Mr. Jabir Yousif Al Tahir, Mr. Kamal Dawood
          Yousif, Mr. Khalid Mohamed Ahmed,
          Mr. Khahl Abdelhahm, Mr. Khamees
          Mohamadain Bakhat, Mr. Mahdi Ahmed
          Ishag, Mr. Malik All Haroun, Mr. Mansour
          Ibrahim Mohamadain, Mr. Mansour Ibrahim
          Mohamadain Adam Sebi, Mr. Moatasim
          Khatir Bahkat, Mr. Moatasim Mahmood a
          Omer, Mr. Moawia Mustafa Shareef,
          Mr. Mohamed Abakar Hagar, Mr. Mohamed
          Abaker Neeyam All, Mr. Mohamed Abdalla
          Gibreel, Mr. Mohamed Abdelgadir,
          Mr. Mohamed Abdelrahman Ferdi,
          Mr. Mohamed Abdollatif, Mr. Mohamed
          Adam, Mr. Mohamed Ahmed Alkalas,
          Mr. Mohamed Ahmed Haroun, Mr. Mohamed
          Ahmed Muaz, Mr. Mohamed Bahar Aldeen,
          Mr. Mohamed Bashar Ahmed Rajab,
          Mr. Mohamed Bashir. Mr. Mohamed Dawood,
          Mr. Mohamed Hasaballah Osman.
          Mr. Mohamed Mahmoud Abdelrahm an,
          Mr. Mohamed Mansour Keter, Mr. Mohamed
          Musa Abdallah, Mr. Mohamed Musa Ibrahim,
          Mr. Mohamed Mustafa, Mr. Mohamed Omer
          Bahr Al Deen, Mr. Mohamed Osman Adam,
          Mr. Mohamed Sabir. Mr. Mohamed Saleh
          Musa, Mr. Mohamed Sharif. Mr. Mohamed
          Suleiman Ahmed, Mr. Mohamed Yagoub
          Musa, Mr. Mostafa Musa All, Mr. Mubarak
          Hassan Arkou Ghani, Mr. Mubarak Mandy
          Bakheet, Mr. Mursal Mohamed Ahmed,
          Mr. Murtada Abdalla Musa, Mr. Musa
          Mohamad, Mr. Musa Tougut, Mr. Mustafa
          Haroun Mustafa, Mr. Nasr Abdelah All,
          Mr. Nasr Mohamed Ishag, Mr. Neel Taj
          Eldeen. Mr. Nour Eldeen Adam All, Mr. Nour
          Eldeen Ahmed Mohamadain. Mr. Nour Eldeen
          Idris, Mr. Nour Eldeen Mohamed Mahmoud,
          Mr. Nour Idris Ibrahim, Mr. Nourein Salim,
          Mr. Omar Abdellatif Mohamed Madani,
          Mr. Omar Mohamed Abdallah, Mr. Omar
          Allegations transmitted
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          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          Saleh, Mr. Omar Yassin Ibrahim, Mr. Osman
          Hamadi Batali, Mr. Osman Ishag Khamees,
          Mr. Osman Mohamed Musa, Mr. Osman Salih
          Ibrahim, Mr. Saif Eldeen Mohamed Mahmoud,
          Mr. Saif Eldeen Osman Idris, Mr. Saleh Al
          Nour, Mr. Saleh Gabgab, Mr. Sharif Adam,
          Mr. Sharif Omda. Mr. Suleiman Abdallah
          Mustafa, Mr. Suleiman Dubo, Mr. Suleiman
          Mohamed Adam Yagoub, Mr. Taj Eldeen
          Mahmood Ibrahim. Mr. Taj Eldeen Yahia
          Tagabo, Mr. Taj Harry Khamis, Mr. Tibin
          Hussein Osman, Mr. Tigani Bashir, Mr. Turabi
          Abakar Gerou, Mr. Walid Ahmed Abdallah.
          Mr. Yagoub Basher Hagar, Mr. Yasin Au
          Adam Sabon, Mr. Younus Mohamed Sharif,
          Mr. Yousif Adam Nahar, and Mr. Yousif
          Mohamed Hamed; as well as the following
          affiliates of the unregistered “Popular Congress
          Party”: Mr. Khatir Jaly Fourawi, Fur,
          Mr. Ahmed Altahir Hamdon, Mr. Barood
          Sandal Rajab, and Mr. Ibrahim Abd Elrhman.
          In connection with an an ed attack by fighters of
          the “Justice and Equality Movement”, an an ed
          opposition group based in the Darfur provinces,
          on the outskirts of Khartoum on 10 May 2008,
          more than 200 people, including the
          above-mentioned civilians, have been arrested by
          the Sudanese Police and officers of the National
          Intelligence and Security Services (NISS)
          between 9 and 23 May. It appears that the arrests
          in the vast majority target Darfuri individuals,
          specifically members of the Zaghawa ethnic tribe.
          dwelling mainly in the Umbadda district of
          Omdurman. While around 500 individuals,
          including Mr. Amin Mahmoud Osman, member
          of the Fur ethnic tribe and brother of human rights
          defender and parliamentarian Mr. Salih Mahmoud
          Osman, may, according to unconfirmed reports,
          be in the process of being released, more than 230
          are still believed to be detained incommunicado at
          undisclosed places of detention without charge or
          access to lawyers and families. It is believed that
          some of them are detained at NISS detention
          facilities in Khartoum and at Kober Prison in the
          Sudanese capital. However, their exact
          whereabouts remain unknown. The
          above-mentioned members of the unregistered
          “Popular Congress Party” have also been arrested
          following the attacks. Their current whereabouts
          are unknown. The party's leader, Mr. Hassan Al
          Turabi, and Mr. Al-Nagi Abdullah (also known as
          Al-Nagi Dahab), Mr. Abubkr Abdalrazeg,
          Mr. Albusairy, Mr. Hassen Gubara,
          Mr. Tageldien Banaga, Dr. Bashir Adam Rahman,
          Mr. Hassan Satti, and around ten other members
          have since been released. The majority of arrests
          are believed to have been carried out on the basis
          of the provisions of the National Security Forces
          Act (NSFA), which allows for detention without
          charge for up to nine months. During the first six
          months, the detainee is denied applications for
          review of the legality of detention. The NSFA
          reportedly does not provide legal safeguards to
          Allegations transmitted
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          C D
          — n
          N .
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          the detained individuals and effectively provides
          for immunity from prosecution for officials who
          resort to ill-treatment in detention.
          207. 11/08/08 JUA IJL; Death sentences imposed against 30 men
          SUD; convicted on charges connected to the attack on
          SUMX: Omdun an on 10 May 2008 led by the Justice
          TERR; and Equality Movement. Kamal Mohamed
          TOR Sabun, Musa Hamid Osman Katar, Yunis
          Abdallah Al Nedif Bahar El Deen, a national of
          Chad. Musa Adam Hassan Omar. Bahar El
          Deen Beshir Idriss. Bushara Abdullah Eissa,
          Ibrahim Al Nur Zakaria, Shumu Osman Ishaq
          Gibril. Fadul Hussain Rezeg Allah. Mohamed
          Arabi Ism all Ahmed, Mahmoud Abaker
          Mursal Yahia, Bushara Eissa Mohamed Salih.
          Mohamed Adam Abdallah Mohamed,
          Mohamed Hashim All Abdu, Haitham Adam
          All Adam. Awad Mohamed Hussein, Adam
          Abdallah. Haroun Abdelgadir. Mohamed
          Mansour Eissa. Osman Rabeh Mursal. Adam
          Mohamed Eissa Adam. Ibrahim Abaker
          Hashim, Mohamed Sharif Abdallah Suleiman.
          Mahmoud Adam, Adam Al Nour
          Abdelrahman Osman. Bashir Adam Mohamed
          Saleh. Abubaker Ibrahim Breima. Abdallah
          Adam Ibrahim Al Duma, Ibrahim All Rashid.
          Bashir Adam Sanusi Hashim and Mustafa
          Adam Sabun were arrested in the days following
          the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) attack
          on Omdunnan on 10 May 2008. Following their
          apprehension. they were held without access to
          the outside world for over one month and were
          not given access to lawyers until after the trial
          proceedings opened. As of 18 June 2008, these
          30 men and other defendants were presented
          before newly created counter-terrorism courts in
          greater Khartoum. Five special courts were
          created in early June in response to the attack on
          Omdun an and these 30 men and other
          defendants were brought before three of these
          special courts. Observers noticed that the
          defendants looked tired and appeared to be in
          pain. The defendants complained that they were
          subjected to torture or ill-treatment, but the court
          did not investigate these allegations and refused
          to grant requests by the defendants' lawyers for
          independent medical examinations. On 29 and
          31 July 2008, the courts airnounced their verdicts.
          They sentenced the 30 above-named defendants
          to death, acquitted one, and ordered the transfer of
          four minors to a detention facility where more
          than 90 children captured after the attacks are
          being held. One of those sentenced to death,
          M. A. Z., is reportedly a minor of 16 years of age,
          but his age was not deten ined by a medical
          examination. The 30 defendants were found
          guilty of a range of criminal charges
          defined in the 1991 Criminal Act, the
          2001 Counter-Terrorism Act and the 1986 Anus,
          Ammunitions and Explosives Act. The charges
          included terrorist acts, participation in a terrorist
          criminal organization (respectively sections 5 and
          6 of the Counter-Terrorism Act), as well as
          criminal conspiracy, waging war against the state
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          and sedition (respectively sections 24, 51 and 63
          of the Criminal Act). In reaching their verdicts,
          the courts relied on confessions by the defendants
          as the primary evidence, which the defendants
          said they were forced to make under torture and
          ill-treatment and which they retracted in court.
          The court made reference to the Sudanese
          Evidence Act which pern its the admission to
          judicial proceedings of statements obtained by
          unlawful means. The court also relied on the
          testimonies by children who have been detained
          since the attacks and who stated in court that they
          recognized the defendants as having been among
          the attackers. We understand that judgments in
          respect of 28 further defendants are expected to
          be announced shortly, and that charges may be
          brought against others currently held without
          charge or trial .
          208. 22/08/08 JAL MIG: On 23 June 2008 at about 9:00, a Criminal
          TOR; Investigation Department Officer (CID)
          VAW accompanied by two Southern Sudan Police
          Service (SSPS) officers arrested five Ugandan
          female traders at a Ugandan Bar in Malakal
          (Upper Nile State) and took them for interrogation
          to Malakal Police Station. Six other Ugandan
          women were arrested in another bar in Malakal.
          At the time of the arrest. none of the eleven
          women were informed about the reasons for their
          arrest. The eleven Ugandan women were detained
          at the Malakal police station and only released at
          16:30 on 23 June 2008. While in detention, the
          women were severely beaten by CID and SSPS
          officers and suffered visible physical injuries.
          which were seen by IJNMIS Human Rights
          Officers. Police officers accused the women of
          engaging in prostitution, while at the same time
          allegedly trying to force them to have sex with the
          officers. Before their release, the women were
          threatened and warned not to report this incident
          to anybody. The Director of the CID in Malakal
          told IJNMIS Human Rights officers that the
          eleven women had been arrested because they
          were reportedly engaging in immoral activities.
          He denied allegations that police officers had
          physically abused the women in the process of
          interrogation or tried to force them to have sex
          with police officers.
          We would also like to bring to Your
          Government's attention the alleged gang rape of
          Ms. A. N., aged 40. Ms. I. U., aged 21,
          Ms. A. B., aged 19, Ms. S. L., aged 40, four
          Ugandan nationals, by Southern Sudan Police
          Service (SSPS) officers in Bor, Jonglei State.
          According to information received, three armed
          SSPS Officers forced open the door of A. N. ‘s
          market shop at around 2 1:30 on 26 June 2008.
          Ms. A. N. ‘s housemate S. L. was present in the
          shop at the time. The policemen brought along
          I. U. and A. B. When A. N. asked the policemen
          what they wanted, she was chained to a chair. The
          policemen held the four women captive in the
          shop and took turns raping them. S. L. had her
          arm broken during the attack. It is also alleged
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          that the SSPS Officers stole a mobile phone and
          1,400 SDG from the women. The policemen left
          the shop at 22:30, leaving A. N. chained to the
          chair. When A. N. and S. L. went to Bor Police
          Station to report the crime on 27 June 2008, the
          SSPS Officers present refused to file a case. Only
          the woman with the broken arm was provided
          with a “fon 8”, on which doctors can note results
          of a medical forensic examination. Two of the
          rapists were reportedly present at Bor Police
          Station when the women attempted to report the
          crime. When the women pointed out the alleged
          rapists to the duty officer at the Police Station, he
          refused to take action .
          209. 24/09/08 JUA IJL; Death sentences imposed by counter-terrorism
          SUMX; courts. Abdelaziz Al Nour Aousher Fedail. A.,
          TERR; Al Taib Abdelkarim Idris Adam. Bashir Adam
          TOR Aousher Fedail, Hamid Hassan Hamid Ahmed,
          Malik Adam Ahmed Mohamed, Mohamed
          Bahar Au Hamadeen, and Tag Al Deen
          Mahmoud Abdurahman Au. On
          17 August 2008, they were found guilty by a
          counter-terrorism court in Khartoum of a range of
          offences under the 1991 Criminal Act, the
          1986 Arms, Ammunitions and Explosives Act an
          and the 2001 Counter-Terrorism Act. They were
          sentenced to death. On 20 August, a
          counter-terrorism court in Omdurman sentenced
          another twelve men to death on similar charges:
          Azrag Daldoum Adam. Yahia Fade! Abaker
          Adam. Musa Abda!!ah A!i Shugar. Mohamed
          Abaker Naser Hussein, Ibrahim Sa!eh A!i,
          Idriss Omar Mohamed Ahmed. Mahjoub
          Suleiman Adam, Naser Jibreel Adam,
          Abdallah Mursal Tour, Adam Ibrahim Nur
          Mohamed, James Bol Francis, and Adam
          Suleiman Abaker. The court also acquitted four
          defendants and referred four others to be tried by
          juvenile courts. The defendants were arrested in
          the days following the Justice and Equality
          Movement (JEM) attack on Omdurn an on
          10 May 2008. They were held without access to
          the outside world by the National Intelligence and
          Security Service (NISS), and were not given
          access to lawyers until after the trial proceedings
          opened. In reaching their verdicts, the Khartoum
          and Omdurn ian counter-terrorism courts appear to
          have relied primarily on confessions by the
          defendants as evidence. Most of the defendants
          said they were forced to make these confessions
          under torture and ill-treatment and retracted them
          in court. No investigations were opened to
          investigate these allegations. One of the
          defendants sentenced to death by the Khartoum
          counter-terrorism court on 17 August 2008 is a
          child. A. is 17 years old and the court accepted his
          birth certificate as valid documentation of his age.
          It found, however, that since A. was found guilty
          of hiraba, or bngandage (Article 167 of the
          Criminal Act), a hudud offence, he could
          nevertheless be sentenced to death. Article 27 (2)
          of the Sudanese Criminal Act allows the death
          penalty to be applied for hudud crimes regardless
          of age.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          210. 07/10/08 JAL HOUS; Attacks against the civilian population of the
          SUMX; villages Logurony and Iloli in Eastern Equatoria
          VAW; State by the Sudan People's Liberation Arni
          TOR which resulted in the killing and beating of
          civilians and destruction of dwellings and
          livelihoods on 4 June 2008 and in the following
          days. The villages of Logurony and Iloli. located
          near Hiyala. in Torit count/ Eastern Equatoria
          State, Southern Sudan, have a history of
          occasionally tense relationships, due primarily to
          cattle raiding incidents. In early June 2008, the
          Governor of Eastern Equatoria State dispatched
          the Sudan People's Liberation Arnw (SPLA) to
          the two villages, apparently with orders to carry
          out arrests and disarn the population. On
          4 June 2008 at around 4 am. in the morning.
          SPLA forces surrounded Logurony. While it was
          still completely dark. they started shooting, at first
          aiming in the air. The villagers, who were on high
          alert due to an expected attack from Iloli. returned
          fire. Only when it became light, they realized that
          they had killed SPLA soldiers. Fearing retaliation
          by the SPLA, they fled into the bush. SPLA
          soldiers shot at Logurony villagers, reportedly
          killing four: Tome Marcello, the headmaster of
          the primary school; Ogesa Orlando, a police
          officer; Oreste Ogubung, and Origo Agala. They
          also started burning down the village. Two elderly
          people, Ojeno Itak and his wife Amisia Itak, died
          in their dwelling during the fire. On 21 June 2008.
          another elderly woman, Anisa Anohira Oteng,
          succumbed to the burn injuries sustained at the
          hospital to which she had been taken by SPLA
          soldiers. Also on 4 June 2008. SPLA forces
          (reportedly counting 300 men) surrounded Iloli.
          The soldiers took the inhabitants outside the
          village and then started burning down the village,
          which killed one woman. Abung Elizabeth. The
          SPLA also arrested five men and tied their hands
          behind their backs. When news of the SPLA
          members killed in Loguronv reached Iloli, the
          SPLA Operational Commander came to Iloli and
          allegedly ordered the soldiers to execute those
          arrested. The five men were led back to Iloli.
          Three men, named Bertino Odiongo. Angelo
          Otuno Ogede and Francesco Asai Omudek. were
          executed on the spot in front of the remaining
          village community. One of those arrested was
          injured but managed to escape. As the fifth man
          was beaten by the soldiers and chased awa/ the
          population started running towards the bush. The
          SPLA opened fire on them, injuring another man.
          The bodies of two children, aged 5 and 6 (R. J.
          and 0. L.), were found in the bush surrounding
          the village on 9 June 2008, as were the mortal
          remains of a woman suffering from epilepsy.
          Kelenga Obong. who probably did not survive the
          stress resulting from her flight. Iloli village was
          burned to the ground. Soldiers gathered the
          remaining Iloli and Logurony villagers,
          approximately one thousand persons, and brought
          them to the SPLA barracks in Ramshel. There
          they spent the remainder of the da under the
          trees. Women were reportedly beaten with sticks.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          In the evening of 4 June 2008 they were released,
          apparently on orders of the Torit County
          Commissioner. Twelve male villagers, five from
          Logurony and seven from Iloli. remained in SPLA
          detention until 7 June 2008 (one of them seven
          days longer). Some were allegedly held in a tukul.
          while others were kept in a hole in the ground. All
          were beaten on their head and stomach with gun
          barrels and other wooden and iron objects. Two
          Logurony detainees sustained severe head
          injuries, while another had whipping marks on his
          buttocks. These men did not report the ill-
          treatment to the police as they feared re-arrest by
          the SPLA. On 10 June 2008, a young man from
          Hiyala was arrested on suspicion of involvement
          in the shooting that led to the death of SPLA
          soldiers. He was taken to the SPLA barracks and
          severely beaten. He was released following a
          meeting between the Hiyala Head Chief and the
          SPLA. and had to be taken to Hiyala Hospital for
          medical treatment. SPLA retaliation against the
          civilian population of Logurony. Iloli and Hiyala
          continued in the days following 4 June 2008. On
          6 June 2008. SPLA men shot at Hiyala villagers
          who were working in the field. A man and a
          woman were killed (Oronjo Safarino and Odiongo
          Salvatore). and another woman injured. On
          7 June 2008. Omudek Alajut. a man from Iloli.
          returned to the village. was apprehended by SPLA
          soldiers, tied up and executed on the spot. On
          10 June 2008. Omunong Ohisa Ernaldo and
          Oreste Ohuro. two Logurony villagers. were
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          found shot dead near Hivala village square. These
          events resulted in major displacement froni Iloli
          and Loguronv villages. Approximately
          2,800 inhabitants of Logurony and approximately
          1.500 of Iloli were displaced. Their dwellings
          were destroyed and they lacked the materials to
          rebuild them. Moreover, on 4 June 2008, the
          SPLA seized the cattle belonging to the Iloli and
          Logurony villages, on which the population relied
          for their livelihood. Additionally, SPLA soldiers
          destroyed or took away the solar panels operating
          the Iloli water boreholes. Government
          representatives from Eastern Equatoria State have
          visited the area and submitted reports to both the
          President and Vice-President of the Government
          of Southern Sudan. The Eastern Equatoria State
          authorities and the Ministry of SPLA Affairs have
          announced that a high-level Committee will be
          investigating the incidents.
          The use of the death penalty. According to the
          infornrntion received, most of the condemned
          prisoners do not have legal counsel, and even
          more did not have legal counsel during the trial in
          which they were sentenced to death. In Juba
          Central Prison, for instance, it would appear that
          the following prisoners sentenced to death are not
          assisted by legal counsel (and most probably were
          not assisted during their trial): Balla Kamal Tahir,
          Gabriel Nyara Pio, Moses Ohiti Lowa, Charles
          Lokudu Remeo. Mauro Ohisa Ogotow. Mario
          Oburau Okoloputa. Peter Jutti Budenga. Thiplious
          Tongun /Vusang, Abdauraman Marino Lwarene,
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          Sejeriwa Poni Tombe. Bol Makol Malual, Gabriel
          Sule Jada, Joseph Ladu Kamuka. Simplisio Ataka
          Adelio, Tadeo Lodu wani. Bulli Jelly Kewyi.
          Emanuel Gift Repent. Simon Mavuong Akoon.
          and Lojere Lorot Loseriko. Most tragically, it
          would appear that Joseph Jelly Morgo, who was
          reportedly executed in Juba Central Prison on
          27 June 2008, did not have legal counsel.
          Wilson Elisa Basangi. who was found guilty of
          murder and sentenced to death by the Western
          Equatoria State High Court in Yambio on
          30 November 2007 and is currently detained in
          Yambio Central Prison, was reportedly not
          assisted by legal counsel at his trial and was not
          infon ed on his constitutional right to obtain legal
          aid. He is cunentl/ at the appeals stage, assisted
          pro bono by an advocate in private practice.
          In Upper Nile State. Nig Mashar, Khamis Joseph
          Lugi, Mohamed Adeng, Wier Quench Kwangang,
          Abiel Otuang, Mohamed Saleh Hassan and Tut
          Dol Rut were all allegedly not assisted by legal
          counsel at the time of the trial in which they were
          sentenced to death. Two of them are reported to
          now have retained advocates against a fee, while
          the other five have been able to secure assistance
          pro bono by an advocate in private practice for the
          appeals stage through the intervention of the
          IJNMIS Human Rights Section.
          There are reportedly eight prisoners sentenced to
          death in Bentiu Central Prison in Unity State.
          Allegedly, none of them was represented by a
          lawyer at the time of trial. Two of them appear to
          have secured the assistance of an advocate for the
          appeals proceedings. In Bor, Jonglei State, there is
          one condemned prisoner. He was not assisted by a
          lawyer at the time of his trial.
          In Wau, a prisoner named Jacob Makoi Majok
          was reportedly executed in Wau Central Prison on
          24 July 2008. The nine remaining condemned
          prisoners include two women. Nvanthuoi Ater
          Matim and Akoi Bol Manding Lual and seven
          men: Guriguri Andrea Akot, James Nvon Koch
          (aged 72). Wol Akolino Akoi, Issaa Abdul Hamid.
          Alfred Share Guer, Lawrence Wol Maven, and
          Marial Mol Kon. Issaa Abdul Hamid, who was
          sentenced to death in August 2007, was reportedly
          temporarily assisted by an advocate, but as he had
          no money to pay him, the advocate did not assist
          him throughout the trial. None of the other
          condemned prisoners were assisted by legal
          counsel at any time of the proceedings in their
          Our infon ation indicates that in Aweil Central
          Prison, three prisoners are sentenced to death:
          Malik Ayi. Dut Ahoev, and Makol Malong.
          Neither were they assisted by legal counsel at any
          time of the proceedings in their case, nor were
          they inforn ed or otherwise aware of their right to
          be assisted.
          In Rumbek Central Prison as well, there are three
          condemned prisoners: Chagao Mwopor Akech,
          Majur Manvur Mayom. and Chol Kor Dit Majok.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          None of them was assisted by legal counsel at any
          time of the proceedings in their case.
          212. 28/11/08 JUA FRDX, On 24 November 2008 at around noon, Abdel
          HRD, Monim Elgak and Osman All Hummaida,
          TOR human rights defenders, were arrested by officers
          of the National Intelligence and Security Services
          (NISS) outside the offices of the Sudanese
          non-governmental organization 511 - IA in
          Khartoum 3. On the same day, Amir Mohamed
          Suliman, another human rights defender, was
          also arrested by NISS officers. All three men
          were taken to the political department of the NISS
          in Bahri (Khartoum North) for interrogation and
          were reportedly questioned on their human rights
          activities, in particular suspected cooperation with
          the International Criminal Court (ICC), which is
          currently investigating a request by the prosecutor
          for an arrest warrant against the Sudanese
          President on charges of war crimes, crimes
          against humanity and genocide.
          Messrs. Amir Mohamed Suliman and Abdel
          Monim Elgak were released without charge in the
          evening of 24 November and early hours of
          25 November respectively. On 25 November,
          Abdel Monim Elgak made a statement to a 2
          Sudanese online news outlet in which he
          criticized the arrests as a means to seek to
          intimidate Sudanese human rights defenders. That
          day, the NISS summoned him once more and ft
          detained him until the early hours of
          26 November. About two hours after his release
          he was again arrested and detained until the early
          hours of the following day. Amir Mohamed
          Suliman and Abdel Monim Elgak were both
          summoned to return to the NISS office on
          27 November at ii am. to hand over bags and
          computers which NISS officers said they needed
          to examine. Amir Mohamed Suliman turned in
          the equipment and was allowed to leave.
          Mr. Osman Ali Hummaida remained in detention
          without charge and without contact with the
          outside world until 1 am. on 28 November. at
          which point he was released without charge. The
          da after his arrest, members of his family
          brought clothes and medicine for his asthma and
          high blood pressure to the office of the NISS but
          were not allowed to see him.
          On 25 and 26 November. both Abdel Monim
          Elgak and Osman Ali Hummaida were reportedly
          subjected to different forms of torture and other
          ill-treatment in order to force them to hand over
          their computers and other belongings which the
          NIS S officers sought to confiscate. They were
          asked repeatedly whether they had cooperated
          with the ICC prosecutor and told to disclose
          details of the infonnation passed on to the
          prosecutor's office. Abdel Monim Elgak was
          reportedly so severely beaten on various parts of
          his body, including his head, and subjected to
          other forms of ill-treatment that he required
          medical treatment following his release. In an
          apparent effort to force Osman Ali Hummaida to
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          turn over his electronic equipment, he was
          reportedly made to witness Abdel Monim El Gak
          being beaten and ill-treated so severely that he
          Osman Ali Hummaida was reportedly also
          subjected to beatings with black plastic pipes on
          his shins and feet, humiliated and subjected to
          serious threats, such as the threat of rape. He was
          detained in different detention facilities of the
          NISS in Khartoum. blindfolded during transports
          between detention facilities and subjected to sleep
          deprivation and 18-hour long interrogations.
          During the fourth da of his detention he was
          reportedly twice hospitalized in the Amal hospital
          belonging to the NISS because his blood pressure
          had increased so severely that it required to be
          treated. Doctors in the hospital reportedly did not
          respond to his complaints that he had been
          subjected to beatings and sleep deprivation in
          NISS detention.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          Adel Abdul Hakim. an ethnic Uyghur from
          China, who, we understand, is already physically
          present in Sweden. In relation to the specific case
          of Mr. Hakim and to the resettlement of other
          Guantanamo Bay detainees, in appropriate cases,
          the Special Rapporteurs would like to encourage
          the practice of other countries to facilitate
          resettlement, including by being a receiver
          country in order to create a resettlement
          framework in conforn ity with human rights. To
          further encourage and support the process of
          C D
          third-party resettlement in cases of detainees for
          whoni no criminal charges were initiated, and
          particularly where there is a real risk of torture. or
          of any forn of cniel. inhuman or degrading
          treatnient if returned to the country of origin, the
          Special Rapporteurs would like to draw the
          Government's attention to reports by the Special
          Rapporteur on hunian rights and counter-terrorism
          on refugees and asylum in the context of
          countering terrorism (A1621263. paras. 54-64 and
          83). a mission report to the USA (A/6/17/Add.3.
          paras. 16-17 and 57). and a report of the Special
          Rapporteur on torture on his country visit to
          China (E/CN.4/2006/6/Add.6).
          J. M. B., aged 24, currently detained at the
          detention centre in Ostemker. He was born and
          raised in Saudi Arabia to Eritrean parents, who
          are still living there. It is unknown what
          nationality or citizenship he holds, however, he
          has no right of entry to Saudi Arabia. Mr. J. M. B.
          entered Sweden in August 2002 and sought
          asylum. He is a member of a political
          organisation and has participated in several
          demonstrations in Sweden against the policy of
          the Eritrean Government. It is believed that
          Mr. J. M. B. was being photographed by
          personnel of the Eritrean embassy in Stockholm
          while demonstrating. He has also been
          interviewed on Swedish television. His
          application for asylum was rejected on
          23 December 2003. His appeal against this
          decision was dismissed on 27 October 2004 SO
          By letter dated 04/04/2008, the Government
          indicated that the Swedish Migration Board
          and the Migration Courts handle applications
          for asylum and residence permits
          independently from the Government. Thus, the
          Government cannot intervene in the case
          concerning Mr.B. The Ministry accordingly
          has provided the Migration Board with a copy
          of the letter.
          Under Swedish law, persons who are not
          convention refugees may also qualify for
          protection. This category is described in the
          law as ‘persons in need of protection'
          (skyddsbehovande) and include, inter alia.
          those who have left their native country and
          have a well-grounded fear of suffering the
          death penalty or being subjected to corporal
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          that he has been liable for removal from Sweden.
          His appeal was dismissed on the grounds that by
          his own account he had never been to Eritrea.
          Hence he would be of no interest to the Eritreans
          authorities if deported and therefore his physical
          or mental integrity would not be at risk. Tn 2008,
          Swedish authorities have already attempted twice
          to deport Mr. J. M. B. to Eritrea. The deportation
          of 23 January 2008 failed since the pilot of the
          plane refused to take Mr. J. M. B. on board as he
          was protesting loudly for fear of being removed to
          Eritrea. On 13 Febniarv 2008 he was flown to
          Eritrea on a chartered flight, however. Eritrean
          authorities did not recognise his identity
          documents and refused entry. Mr. J. M. B.
          returned to Sweden the following day. Swedish
          authorities are at present trying to obtain the
          necessary documentation from the Eritrean
          embassy. Given these circumstances it is believed
          that Mr. J. M. B's removal from Sweden is
          imminent. The enforced removal attempt of
          13 Febniary 2008 and especially his return to
          Sweden the next day featured prominently in the
          Swedish media, making him a public figure also
          well known to Eritrean authorities. A nile 39
          application before the European Court of
          Human Rights was rejected mid-Febniary 2008
          and a complementary submission rejected on
          28 Febniary 2008. The currently applicable
          advice from the Office of the United Nations
          High Commissioner for Refugees to all
          Governments is to “refrain from all forced returns
          punishment, torture or other inhuman or
          degrading treatnient or punishment. The
          correspondence between national legislation
          and article 3 of the Convention against Torture
          is emphasized as a result.
          If a residence permit cannot be awarded on
          other grounds, a permit may be granted to an
          alien if, on an overall assessment of the alien's
          situation, circumstances so exceptionally
          distressing are found that he or she should be
          allowed to stay in Sweden. If an application
          for a residence permit is rejected. a
          refusal-of-entry or expulsion order shall be
          issued at the same time. When a question of
          refusal of entry or expulsion is examined.
          account shall be taken of whether the alien
          cannot be sent to a certain country. A refusal
          of entry and expulsion of an alien may thus
          never be enforced to a country where there is
          fair reason to assume that the alien would be in
          danger of suffering the death penalty or being
          subjected to corporal punishment, torture or
          other inhuman or degrading treatment or
          punishment. Nor may it. in principle, be
          enforced if the alien risks being subjected to
          persecution in that country.
          If new circumstances come to light that mean
          that there is such an impediment to
          enforcement as described above, or there is
          reason to assume that the intended country of
          return will not be willing to accept the alien or
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          The Board may however turn over a
          refusal-of-entry or expulsion case to the police
          authority for enforcement if the alien
          concerned has gone into hiding or if it can be
          assumed that force will be needed to enforce
          the decision. The use of coercive measures
          shall be strictly limited to what is necessary
          and proportionate. The authority responsible
          for the implementation shall take due account
          of humanitarian considerations and respect for
          the personal integrity.
          Under the Aliens Act, an alien who has
          attained the age of 18 may be detained if, inter
          alia, the purpose is to enforce a
          refusal-of-entry or expulsion order and if there
          is reason on account of the alien's personal
          situation or the other circumstances to assume
          that the alien may otherwise go into hiding or
          pursue criminal activities in Sweden. In such
          cases, the alien may be detained for not more
          than two months unless there are exceptional
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          of rejected asylum-seekers to Eritrea and grant
          them complementary fon s of protection
          there are medical or other special grounds wh
          the order should not be enforced, the Migration
          Board may grant a permanent residence permit
          if the impediment is of a lasting nature, or
          order a stay of enforcement. Under certain
          conditions, when an alien invokes new
          circumstances, the Migration Board shall
          re-examine the matter of a residence permit
          and issue an order staying the enforcement
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          grounds for a longer period. The detention
          order shall be re-exaniined within two months
          from the date on which enforcement of the
          order began. If the alien is retained in
          detention, the order shall be re-examined
          regularly within the same intervals and shall be
          preceded by an oral hearing. A detention order
          shall be set aside immediately if there are no
          longer any grounds for the order.
          A detention order made by a police authority
          or the Swedish Migration Board may be
          appealed to a migration court without
          limitation to a certain period of time. A
          decision of a migration court on detention may
          be appealed to the Migration Court of Appeal,
          also without limitation to a certain period of
          time. In cases concerning enforcement of a
          refusal-of-entry or expulsion order, where the
          alien has been held in detention for more than
          three days. a public counsel shall be appointed
          concerning the question of detention, unless it
          must be assumed that there is no need for
          The information concerning Mr. B's personal
          circumstances is confidential, due to the fear
          that he might be at risk of being seriously
          harmed, should the information be disclosed.
          Hence, the Ministry is prohibited from
          comnmnenting on the whether the facts
          concerning the authorities' handling of his
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          case, as related in the letter of
          29 Febniarv 2008, are accurate, or indicate the
          basis for any legal actions against him.
          Syrian Arab
          Fayez Sara, a contributorto several newspapers.
          including the Lebanese daily Assafir and the
          pan-Arab daily Al-Hayat, and a member of the
          network called “Committees for the Revival of
          the Civil Society (CRCS)”, which engages in
          human rights and political discussions. On
          3 January 2008, Mr. Sara was arrested by the
          security forces after appearing in response to a
          summons. His detention is believed to be related
          to his participation in a meeting of the National
          Council of the network “Damascus Declaration
          for Democratic National Change” held on
          1 December 2007. which called for democratic
          change and political openness in Syria, and
          statements related thereto made by Mr. Sara
          during a TV programme on 1 January 2008.
          Moreover, Mr. Sara is the eighth signatory of the
          “Damascus Declaration” to be detained by the
          authorities without any specific reasons given. He
          is being held incommunicado without charge and
          access to legal counsel or his family at the
          detention facilities of the State Security Branch in
          Damascus. Mr. Sara is suffering from a
          mnalfunctioning thyroid gland which requires
          constant observation and medical treatment.
          Please see below.
          Marwan al-'Ush, a geology engineer, Riad Self,
          former member of the Syrian Parliament and
          ‘Damascus Spring' figurehead, Mohammed Haj
          Darwish. a member of the Human Rights
          By letter dated 0 1/07/08, the Government
          infon ed that Ms. Fida' al-Hurani.
          Mr. Marwan al-Ush, Mr. Walid al-Bunni,
          Mr. Jabir al-Shufi. Mr. Akram al-Buimi.
          Association in Syria and a founding member of
          the Committees for Revitalizing Civil Society in
          Syria. Ahmad Tohme. a dentist, Fayez Sarah
          (the latter was the subject of a previously
          transmitted communication, see above para. 215).
          Walid al-Bunni. Jaber al-Shoufi. a member of
          the executive board of the Committees for the
          Defence of Freedoms and Human Rights in Syria.
          Akram al-Bunni. a member and founder of the
          Committee for the Revitalization of Civil Society
          in Syria and All al-Abdullah. founder-member
          and member respectively of the Committee for
          the Revitalisation of Civil Society in Syria. Ms.
          Fida al-Hurani. recently elected President of the
          National Council of the Damascus Declaration,
          and Yasser Tayser Aleiti. an intellectual. On
          15 January. Marwan al-' Ush was arrested by State
          Security officials. Since then. Riad Seif has also
          been detained. The aforementioned persons
          attended a meeting of 163 activists in Damascus
          on 1 December 2007, organized by the Damascus
          Declaration for Democratic and National Change
          to address the issue of political refonn in Syria.
          The meeting resulted in the creation of the
          National Council of the Damascus Declaration, a
          collective movement of political activists and
          human rights defenders calling for the
          establishment of a democratic system that
          respects citizens' rights, ensures freedom of
          speech and association, and ends discrimination
          based on religious or political beliefs. On
          27 January 2008. Walid al-Bunni. Yasser al-'Eiti.
          Mr. Ali al-Abdullah and Mr. Yassir Taysir
          al-Ayti, clearly sought to exploit and hide
          behind the principles of democracy and human
          rights in order to engage in activities
          prohibited in the Syrian Arab Republic under
          ordinary law, which was established in 1949
          and has been updated on a number of
          occasions to bring it into line with changes at
          the national and the international levels.
          Interviews with these persons confirn ed that
          they had violated the regulations and laws in
          force in the Syrian Arab Republic. The facts
          were confirmed in writing in their confessions,
          during the police inquiry and also during the
          examination conducted by the investigating
          judge in the presence of their defence lawyers.
          The Damascus Public Prosecutor instituted
          proceedings against them under ordinary law.
          With regard to the findings of the
          investigation, the transcripts of the interviews
          with these persons confirm that they
          committed the offence of membership in an
          unauthorized association, the obj ectif of which
          is to alter the character of the State, and that
          they had issued a statement which aimed to
          incite sectarian and racial conflict and spread
          false information. They did so under the cover
          of disseniinating deniocratic ideas, whereas in
          fact they violated articles 206, 285, 286 and
          327 of the Criminal Code of 1949, as
          amended. On the basis of the above, the
          investigating judge in Damascus took the
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          Fida' al-Horani, Akram al-Bunni, Ahmad
          To'meh, Jabr al-Shoufi, Ali al-'Abdullah, Fayez
          Sarah, and Marwan al-'Ush were transferred to
          ‘Adra Prison in Damascus. Ms. Fida'a al-Horani
          was transferred to the women's prison in Douma,
          on the outskirts of Damascus. Riad Seif was
          transferred to ‘Adra Prison following his
          appearance before the investigating judge on
          29 January. The detainees have reportedly been
          detained on charges including “weakening
          national sentiments”, “broadcasting false or
          exaggerated news which would affect the morale
          of the country”, and joining an “organization
          formed with the purpose of changing the financial
          or social status of the state”. All those detained
          are reported to have been ill-treated while in the
          custody of State Security officials at their base in
          Damascus. Ali al-'Abdullah is alleged to have
          been so severely beaten that he sustained a serious
          injury to his oesophagus and it is not known if he
          has received medical treatment. Furthermore,
          Riad Seif is reported to be suffering from
          advanced prostate cancer and urgently requires
          specialist treatment only available outside Syria.
          decision to refer the case to the judge to indict
          them for the aforementioned crimes. The judge
          read out the charges against them. The
          indictment judge referred the case to the
          Damascus Criminal Court for trial. Since the
          decision of the judge is subject to appeal, their
          defence counsel appealed and the case is under
          consideration before the Trial Division of the
          Court of Cassation. The legal basis for their
          continued detention is the aforementioned
          indictment decision. Syrian law provides, in
          such cases, that the concerned individuals must
          be remanded in custody and brought to trial
          before a criminal court in the first instance.
          That court then considers whether to release
          Ms. ‘Aisha Afandi, aged 48, and Ms. Kawthar
          Taifour, aged 50, both members of the Kurdish
          minority, and members of an organization called
          “Democratic Union Party (PYD)”. Ms. Aisha
          Afandi's husband, Saleh Muslim, is a leading
          member of the “PYD”. On 28 November 2007,
          the two women were arrested by members of
          State Security Services. Ms. ‘Aisha Afandi was
          arrested at 4 am. at her home in ‘Em al-'Arab
          (Qoubani). The place and exact time of the arrest
          of Ms. Kawthar Taifour is not known. Both
          women are believed to be currently held in
          incommunicado detention at the women's wing of
          Al-Maslamieh Prison in Aleppo. Neither have
          access to legal counsel or contact with their
          families. They are being held together with
          convicted criminals and pre-trial detainees. The
          authorities have not vet disclosed the reason for
          their arrest and detention. It is believed that these
          measures might be linked to non-violent
          demonstrations by members of the Kurdish
          minority on 2 November 2007 in the cities of
          Qamishli and ‘Em al-'Arab (Qoubani).
          Ms. Afandi suffers from a brain cyst which
          affects blood flow to the brain and which can
          cause loss of consciousness, especially in stressful
          Jean Rassoul. a member of the Committee of the
          Cereal Trade Union Branch in Tal Ziwan. On
          26 Febniarv 2008, he was on his way to work
          when he was arrested without warrant by a State
          Security patrol. He was then taken to an unknown
          location. No inforniation is currently available as
          to his place of detention.
          By letters dated 12/03/08 and 3/06/08, the
          Govenirnent infonned that Mr. Rassoul was
          arrested for inciting racist acts likely to cause
          strife among citizens and to expose national
          security to the risk of the disintegration of
          national unity and civil war. The laws in force
          in the Syrian Arab Republic do not punish
          people for exercising their right to freedom of
          expression; the Constitution guarantees the
          rights and freedoms of all citizens, while the
          Criminal Code stipulates that any State
          employee who arrests or detains a person in
          circumstances not sanctioned by law shall be
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          punished by a ten of imprisonment with hard
          labour. The Code also states that any warden
          or guard of a prison, a disciplinary institution
          or a correctional facility and any official
          perfon ing such functions who admits a
          prisoner to a facility without a court order or
          continues to hold a prisoner after the end of the
          legally prescribed ten shall be liable to a
          penalty of from one to three years'
          imprisonment. We should point out that the
          practice in the Syrian Arab Republic is
          consistent with its laws and does not allow
          anyone to be subjected to physical or mental
          torture or humiliating treatment. Anyone who
          subjects a person to unlawful beating with a
          view to extracting a confession to. or
          infon ation about a crime shall be punished by
          a ten of three months to three years'
          imprisonment. Prosecutions have been
          initiated against a number of persons for
          breaching these provisions, either on the basis
          of a complaint from an aggrieved party or
          through proceedings initiated by the
          Department of Public Prosecutions.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Karam Ibrahim Yousef. a writer and human
          rights defender from the Kurdish community in
          Syria. On 20 March 2008, he was shot in the head
          by Syrian security forces whilst he was
          photographing the national Kurdish celebrations
          of their traditional new year in the city of
          Qarnishli. Due to his injuries he had to be
          hospitalized. His health condition remains critical.
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          Karam Ibrahim Yousef has been interrogated
          repeatedly by the authorities, but no charges have
          been brought against him.
          Mohammed Badih al-Bab, a member of the
          National Organisation for Human Rights in Syria.
          On 2 March 2008, he was arrested by military
          security forces in Damascus and his whereabouts
          are unknown. He has been denied access to a
          lawyer and is not allowed any visitors. No
          charges have et been brought against him. The
          reasons for his arrest remain unclear, but it
          appears to be in relation to articles he has recently
          written, in which he criticized the Minister for
          Jnfornrntion. Mr. Mohsen Bilal. Tn 2000,
          Mr. Mohammed Badih al-Bab had been sentenced
          to 15 years' imprisonment. He had been released
          in 2005 following a presidential amnesty.
          Hammam Haddad. a university student, author
          of a magazine and writer of internet articles. On
          S Ma 2008. Mr. Hammam Haddad was arrested
          at his home in Damascus by state security forces.
          Although no reason was given for his arrest it is
          believed that it was carried out to prevent him
          from giving further publicity to cases of human
          rights violations in the Syrian Arab Republic in
          his publications. Mr.Haddad' s current
          whereabouts are unknown.
          A reply was received from the Government on
          10/09/08, but could not be translated in time
          for inclusion in this report.
          to earlier
          Abdul Moez Salem (A/HRC/7/3/Add. 1.
          para. 221)
          By letter dated 27/02/08, the Government
          indicated that Mr. Abd al-Mu azz Salim was
          taken into custody on 23 December 2006 and
          charged with membership in Al-Qaida. He
          was. in fact, a member of the organization.
          Kuyi Etae. Amisi Manak. Abdullah Doloh.
          Ishmael Tae. Ahama Bodong, Sobri Kasor. and
          Abdolasis Arong, university students, and
          volunteers at the Legal and Human Rights
          Training Project of the Students Federation of
          Thailand (SFT), which address violence in the
          southern provinces, and the Working Group on
          Justice for Peace (WGJP), which conducts
          training programmes on issues like the imposition
          of martial law, the Internal Security Law, and the
          rights of villagers in southern provinces. On
          27 January 2008. a group of plain-clothed men
          from the 11th Special Branch Forces arrested the
          having participated with a number of others in
          unlawful terrorist activities. Five days later, on
          28 December 2006, while the investigation
          was still under way. Mr. Salim. who had been
          subjected to no form of physical or mental
          coercion, hanged himself. He was nished to
          the Military Hospital where all the requisite
          emergency procedures were carried out, but to
          no avail. He died. His body was delivered to
          his family for burial. Attached to this note ou
          will find details of the investigation conducted
          by the Office of the Military Prosecutor, which
          examined the circumstances and the cause of
          death and which confirms that the allegations
          received by the two Special Rapporteurs are
          untnie. The Government can confirm that
          Mr. Salim was not subjected to torture.
          Everything possible was done to protect his
          physical and psychological welfare .
          By letter dated 3 October 2008, the
          Government reported that on 27 January 2008,
          officers of Yala Task Force ii conducted a
          search at a rented house in Muang District,
          Yala Province, which was suspected of being
          an assembly place of perpetrators of violence.
          Five persons, namely Mr. Kuyi Etae,
          Mr. Amisi Manak. Mr. Abdullah Doloh.
          Mr. Ishmael Tae and Mr. Ahama Bodong.
          were found in the house together with a
          computer containing security-related
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          223. Thailand
          first five individuals in the university dorniitorv
          and seized a desktop computer, a laptop, seven
          mobile phones and one camera. The five men
          were sent to Inkavutaburiharn Arn v Camp.
          Before being sent to the camp, they were beaten
          all over their bodies with a metal bar wrapped
          with cloth and were forced to stand out in the sun
          for several hours. While in detention they were
          blindfolded with their aims tied behind their back,
          kicked all over their bodies, including in their
          faces, by soldiers wearing combat boots, punched
          in their stomachs and faces, slapped in their faces,
          had their heads covered with a sack, and were hit
          on their backs. On 28 January, soldiers from the
          11th Special Branch Camp arrested Sobri Kasor
          and Abdulasis Arong at Yala Raj abhat University.
          The two men were then taken to the 11th Special
          Branch Camp. Kuyi Etae, Amisi Manak,
          Abdullah Doloh. Ishmael Tae and Ahama Bodong
          were released on 5 Febniarv but Sobri Kasor and
          Abdolasis Arong remain in detention at the 11th
          Special Branch Camp. It is not known whether
          any charges have been brought against any of the
          Mr. Doloh admitted that all the documents and
          infoimation contained in the computer
          belonged to him. Accordingly, the officers
          confiscated one desktop computer, one laptop
          computer, seven mobile phones, and one
          camera for further investigation and invited
          those five persons to the Jnka uthboriharn
          An iy Camp for further inquiry. For security
          reasons, the proceedings of search, invitation,
          confiscation, detention and inquiry were
          conducted in accordance with the Martial Law
          Act, B. E. 2457 (1914). Before being sent to
          the camp and while in detention, none of the
          five were beaten or tortured. This was
          conflimed by the reports of of-site
          search/on-site confiscation and the invitation
          for further inquiry with the signatures of all
          five men, certifying that the officers perforn ed
          their duties under the law and did not threaten,
          coerce, promise, harn them physically or
          mentally, destroy or take their belongings for
          personal material gains in anyway.
          On 4 Febniarv 2008, all men were released
          without charge and their computers and
          camera returned to them. Upon their request,
          they were delivered to the Yala Central
          Mosque. Furthermore, the Yala Task Force
          11 officers invited a group of professors from
          the Yala Raj abhat University, the village chief,
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          villagers from Muang District, and police
          officers to be present as witnesses of the
          Mr. Sobri Kasor and Mr. Abdolasis Arong are
          not bona fide human rights defenders seeking
          to address the violence and protect the rights of
          villagers in the Southern Border Provinces of
          Thailand. Two men are currently being
          prosecuted for committing serious crimes
          ranging from theft and robbery to felony
          murders. While in detention at the Yala
          Provincial Penitentiary, they are assured of
          receiving just treatment and all the guarantees
          necessary for their defence.
          According to information from the Ministry of
          Justice, no complaint has been lodged by or on
          behalf of these five men. If they would like to
          receive assistance such as legal advice, witness
          protection or financial assistance for those
          under criminal proceedings, they can submit
          such requests under the Victim Compensation
          and Remuneration and Defendant Expense in
          Criminal Justice Proceedings Act of
          B. E. 2544 (2001), or lodge a complaint
          regarding official misconduct at the Ministry
          of Justice and its provincial offices across the
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          0 1/04/08
          Yapa Kaseng, an imam, Ban Kor Tor, Rueso
          district, Narathiwat. On 19 March 2008, he and
          his two sons, Anand and Aaming, were arrested
          during a village raid before the morning prayer.
          By letter dated 09/04/08, the Government
          expressed its regret for the death of Yapha
          Kaseng. It infon ed that he had been arrested
          on 19 March 2008 due to suspicion of
          The police officers did not produce any arrest
          warrants before taking the men away. They were
          taken to Special Taskforce 39 camp. Wat Suan
          Tham. Rueso District. The men were detained
          inside a tnick with two small windows together
          with four men from nearby villages. The daughter
          and wife of Mr. Kaseng tried to visit the detainees
          on that day, but they were only allowed to see
          them through the tnick' s window. The women
          tried to communicate with them by shouting to
          them from the neighbouring bus station. On
          21 March, one of Mr. Kaseng's sons shouted
          back, “Father is dead.” The body was taken to
          Rueso Hospital, where a medical examination,
          including an x-ray, revealed broken ribs and teeth.
          No proper autopsy was conducted. A villager took
          photos at the hospital which showed bniises on
          his eyes, mouth and face, and burn marks all over
          his body. When his body was taken away by
          officials for burial, the villagers intervened and
          took the body from the vehicle and carried it back
          to the village about 20 minutes away by foot. It is
          reported that 600 people had gathered at the
          hospital and accompanied the body to the burial.
          On 21 March, the sons of Mr. Kaseng were
          transferred to Jnka uth camp. The daughter and
          mother went to visit them and were informed that
          Mr. Kaseng was interrogated overnight three
          times for hour long sessions. The sons saw him
          being hit and kicked on his wa to the
          interrogation. When he returned from the second
          involvement in militant activities. According
          to the Govennnent, the Royal Thai Army
          (RTA) spokesperson confirmed that the
          Comniander-in-Chief of the Fourth Anny
          Region set up a committee to investigate the
          death of Mr. Kaseng and gave assurances that
          the investigation would be conducted in a fair
          and transparent manner. The RTA also met
          with and assisted the relatives of Mr. Kaseng
          to pay for his funeral. The Government assured
          the Special Rapporteur that, should it be
          established that the death of Mr. Kaseng was a
          result of mistreatment by the authorities, those
          responsible would be held accountable without
          exception. During his visit to the Southern
          Border Provinces on 22 March 2008, General
          Anuphong Phaochinda. Commander-in-Chief
          of the RTA, met with the commander of
          Narathiwas Civilian-Police-Military (CPM)
          Task Force and other local commanders, and
          raised this issue. He stated that the
          investigation must bring about the tnith and
          clarify the case. Those found to be responsible
          would first be transferred out of the area and
          will be prosecuted in accordance with the Thai
          law and there will be no reduction of
          punishment for actions taken outside the
          bounds of the law. The Government reiterated
          that it will not tolerate any abuse of authority
          by state persoimel. However, while the distress
          of the families of the deceased is
          understandable and deserves the greatest
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          interrogation, Mr. Kaseng was very weak and
          could barely walk. The soldiers tossed him into
          the truck. After the third interrogation, he could
          no longer walk and the soldiers dragged him by
          his feet back into the tmck. One of the sons put
          Mr. Kaseng's head in his lap, pleading to the
          soldiers to send him to the hospital. Yapa Kaseng
          died shortly thereafter. The family lodged a
          complaint at Rueso Police Station and the case
          was reported in the news. The family said that he
          was strong and had not been sick for years. The
          military argued in a press release that Mr. Kaseng
          was sick and his ribs were broken when the
          doctors tried to resuscitate him at the hospital.
          The soldiers also claimed that he was no longer
          an imam, but rather an insurgent. However, his
          family pointed out that he continued to receive his
          monthly salary of 500 baht from the government
          office for his work. The family has been
          threatened since reporting the case.
          Self-proclaimed Peace Ambassador, Suriya
          Tawanchai, a Buddhist singer from Isaan, went to
          see the family to convince them to drop the case,
          as did the chief of the Narathiwat Special
          Taskforce. The army paid the family 20,000 baht
          for the loss. The two sons were released on
          27 March 2008. Their village is still surrounded
          by soldiers. Allegations were also received
          concerning Sukri Salae. He was also detained in
          the truck at Special Taskforce 39 camp. On
          18 March, he was working with his father-in-law
          in the mbber field, when a group of 30 soldiers
          sympathy, the causes of Mr. Kaseng's death
          should first be confirmed by the investigating
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          a f l
          N .
          shot at them. Sukri lay on the ground while his
          father ran away and was shot dead 600 meters
          away. Mr. Salae was arrested and brought to the
          camp. He was interrogated and tortured overnight
          on 18 March and again on 19 and 20 March. On
          21 March, following the imam's death, he was
          taken to Rue so Police Station and then to
          Tanyong army camp in Narathiwat. When his
          mother visited him, she saw that his face was
          bmised and red, but she could not talk to him as
          soldiers were present. ‘When she wanted to sleep
          in front of the camp, the soldiers said that her son
          would be tortured more if she stayed. She was not
          allowed to see him on the second day. She learned
          that the soldiers used needles to pierce his body
          and under his fingernails. Mr. Salae has not been
          taken to a hospital for an examination. He
          remains imprisoned at Tanyong army camp .
          Forcible return of Lao Hmong from Thailand
          to Laos. 837 ethnic Lao Hmongs were forcibly
          returned to Laos by Thai governmental authorities
          on 22 June 2008. This followed a protest march
          held on 20 June against an agreement between the
          Thai and Lao Governments to send them back to
          Laos, in which they had participated. No
          independent monitoring of the process and no
          duly completed status determination process or
          individual verification of the voluntary nature of
          return were allowed. The exact number of Hmong
          who are still in Thailand but have not returned to
          the camp is unclear, as are their whereabouts.
          By letter dated 03/07/08, the Government
          reported that, since December 2003, many
          groups of Hmongs from the Lao PDR have
          been crossing the border into Thailand. The
          Government considers these Laotian Hmongs
          “illegal immigrants”, subject to judicial
          process in accordance with the Immigration
          Act of 1979. At the same time, Thailand has
          provided them with shelter at the temporary
          shelter area in Petchaboon Province as well as
          assistance and care on a humanitarian basis.
          The Government has placed a high priority on
          resolving the issue of more than 7,000 Laotian
          Hmongs in Pethaboon. Although the
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          a f l
          Government believes that the vast majority of
          this group is composed of economic migrants
          who have violated the Thai immigration law
          and must be repatriated to the Lao PDR with
          the cooperation of the latter, the Government is
          setting up a screening mechanism to properly
          verify the nationality of these Hmongs and to
          screen for persons with genuine fear of
          persecution. Those who have violated the
          immigration law for economic reasons will be
          repatriated to the Lao PDR in accordance with
          Thai law. The Government respects the
          principle of non-refoulement and has treated
          these illegal immigrants and displaced persons
          on the basis of humanitarian principles. In
          addition, Thailand continues to cooperate with
          the relevant international humanitarian
          organizations, UN special agencies, as well as
          international humanitarian NGOs, on a
          case-by-case basis, in promoting and
          protecting these illegal immigrants' rights. On
          20 June 2008, a large number of Laotian
          Hmongs destroyed the fence encompassing
          their temporary shelter area in Petchaboon
          Province and walked out in protest, with the
          intent of travelling all the way to the UINHCR
          office in Bangkok. The Thai officials exercised
          the utmost restraint, and allowed the protesters
          to continue their walk. After long hours of
          negotiations between the Laotian Hmongs and
          the Thai side and after many hardcore
          protesters threatened other Laotian Hmongs
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          a f l
          not to return to the shelter area, most Laotian
          Hmongs realized that there was no use to
          continue protesting. At that time, the Thai side
          offered the protestors to return to the shelter
          area without any forn i of punishment; return to
          Laos and receive financial assistance for
          re-integration from the Thai Government as
          had been the case for prior groups of voluntary
          returnees; or acquiesce to being dealt with in
          accordance with Thai immigration law. More
          than 800 Laotian Hmongs chose to return to
          Laos. The rest chose to return to the temporary
          shelter. All clearly expressed the wish to return
          of their own accord after negotiations with the
          Thai officials proved that their demands could
          not be met. The Thai side thereafter facilitated
          their return in accordane with the Immigration
          Act in a dignified and humane maimer. The
          forn ial return ceremony was attended by Thai
          and Laotian media and the entire process was
          witnessed by Thai diplomatic officials who
          served as additional witnesses to the
          transparency and smooth conduct of the entire
          return process. Such return on a large scale
          was impossible to be forcibly conducted,
          especially in front of so many witnesses and
          without physical means.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          Alleged forcible return on 11 July 2008 of 391
          By letter dated 07/08/08, the Government
          Hmong individuals to the Lao People's
          inforn ed that the return process and handover
          Democratic Republic, some of whom may be
          ceremony of the 391 Laotian Hmongs to the
          considered refugees. This situation was subject of
          Lao People's Democratic Republic was
          a previously transmitted communication and
          officially held on 10 July 2008. The ceremony
          C D
          response (see para. 225). New information
          indicates that a further 391 Lao Hmong were
          returned to the Lao People's Democratic Republic
          from a camp in northern Thailand on
          11 July 2008, some of them against their will. We
          also have learned that the procedures in place to
          assess the cases of Hmong in Thailand might not
          be in conformity with requirements under
          international law and that there is no independent
          monitoring of the return process.
          was not only monitored by the Thai and
          Laotian Ministries of Foreign Affairs, but it
          was also covered by both the Thai and Laotian
          media, who were able to interview some
          Laotian Hmongs and take footage of the
          crossing into Laos and the handover ceremony.
          The Government has formally established a
          domestic status determination process or
          screening mechanism for the Laotian Hmongs.
          The process not only involves interviews at the
          local level, but also contains safeguards with
          further consideration at the national level. The
          return of the group of 391 Laotian Hmongs
          was undertaken in response to an expression of
          their wish to return home to Laos. That wish
          was expressed freely and without any form of
          coercion, prompting the Thai side to respond
          swiftly and accomodate their wish by
          facilitating their smooth return to Laos. The
          Thai authorities informed the Laotian Hmongs
          that they had the opportunity to change their
          minds at all times. Had any person decided not
          to return Laos that time, the Thai authorities
          would have accomodated that decision.
          Besides, all of them signed the affidavit
          document confirming their voluntary decision
          to return to Laos. In keeping with the Thai
          humanitarian tradition, each and every member
          of the group was screened and determined to
          be economic migran whose illegal entry into
          Thailand was in violation of Thai immigration
          laws. Therefore, in keeping with the sovereign
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          a f l
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          right and prerogative of each country,
          excercised all over the world in a similar
          manner, the return to Laos was conducted in
          cooperation with the Laotian authorities. There
          was also a member of the first group of
          11 returnees who greeted this group of Laotian
          Hmongs on their return.
          227. Follow-up Sukri Ar-dam (A/HRCI7I3IAdd. 1, para. 224) By letter dated 25/06/08, the Government
          to earlier informed that, on 14 April 2007, four days
          cases after the arrest of Mr. Sukri Ar-dam, his family
          members visited him at the Inkayuth army
          camp. Camp officials took him to the visiting
          area where his family was able to see him and
          talk to him via internal telephone. His family
          was thus assured that Mr. Sukri Ar-dam was
          actually detained in the camp and was still in
          normal condition.
          On 21 April 2007, his family revisited
          Mr. Sukri Ar-dam at the camp. His family
          believed that Mr. Sukri Ar-dam had been
          assaulted because he had a bmise on his upper
          lip. On 23 April 2007, his family lodged a
          complaint with the National Commission on
          Human Rights, following which a member of
          the Commission together with one medical Q
          doctor came to see Mr. Sukri Ar-dam at the
          camp and provided him with the services of a
          On 6 May 2007, four days after Mr. Surki
          Ar-dam was transferred from the Inkayuth a
          army camp to Kokpo District Police Station,
          the police undertook on inquiry before
          Mr. Sukri Ar-dam's lawyer and his elder sister.
          During the inquiry, neither Mr. Sukri Ar-darn
          nor his family members availed themselves of
          the opportunity to lodge a complaint with the
          police concerning the alleged assault while
          being detained in the arniv camp. The
          inquiring officer did not also note any
          evidence of injury on Mr. Sukri Ar-dam.
          On 8 May 2007. Mr. Sukri Ar-dam was
          transferred to Pattani Provincial Penitentiary.
          where he underwent a physical examination, in
          accordance with the regulation of the
          Department of Corrections that evefl new
          detainee must be physically examined upon
          arrival. The technical nurse of the Pattani
          Provincial Penitentiary who conducted the
          physical examination of Mr. Sukri Ar-dam
          confirmed that he did not see any scars nor
          marks of severe injury on his body. No
          medical treatment was requested by
          Mr. Sukri Ar-dam at any stage.
          In the meantime, the National Commission on
          Human Rights continued to pursue the case on
          behalf of Mr. Sukri Ar-dam's family, and a
          complaint was filed with the commander of
          Inkavuth arniy camp to investigate the alleged
          assault. In response to that complaint, the
          camp set up an investigation committee on
          14 Ma 2007. The committee found that a
          certain official did slap Mr. Sukri Ar-dam once
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          on his mouth because he got into temper after
          being heavily insulted by the latter. That
          official was given a warning notice in response
          to his misconduct, which was in contravention
          of the established procedures, and was
          subsequently punished by being transferred out
          of the area. This disciplinary punishment
          represented the official accountability and
          awareness that the right of any person in
          detention must be equally respected without
          discrimination. It also reflected the camp's
          adherence to its own rules and regulations that
          take into account the rights as well as cultural
          sensitivity of every detainee.
          The Royal Thai Government would like to
          emphasize that just treatment will continue to
          be accorded to Mr. Sukri Ar-dam who is now
          being detained in the Pattani Provincial
          Penitentiary. The Department of Corrections
          has issued an order to all provincial
          penitentiaries to place utmost importance to
          the right and welfare of every person in
          detention in compliance with human rights
          principles, the laws on correction, the
          United Nations minimum standards on the C
          treatment of persons in detention and the —
          obligations under the International Covenant
          on Civil and Political Rights.
          It is important to note that Mr. Sukri Ar-dam
          has been indicted for committing serious a
          crimes and for behaviour which is allegedly
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          detrimental to public peace and security. The
          allegations have been preliminary supported
          by oral material as well as forensic evidence
          which instituted the basis for the Court's
          decision not to grant bail. Mr. Sukri Ar-dam
          will certainly be provided with all the
          guarantees necessary for his defense as well as
          an independent and impartial judicial process.
          Mmes Fatma Ksila et SamiaAbbou.
          respectivement secrétaire générale du Comité
          pour le respect des libertés et des droits de
          l'Homme en Tunisie (CRLDHT) et membre de
          l'Associcttion de lutte contre ict torture en Tunis/c
          (ALTT). Mmes Ksila etAbbou s'occupent de la
          collecte de témoignages de victimes de torture en
          vue de la redaction d'un rapport conjoint
          CRLDHT/ALTT sur le recours a la torture et aux
          mauvais traitements en Tunisie dans le cadre
          d'affaires jugées sur la base de la loi
          anti-terroriste. Le 14 février 2008. Mme Ksila
          aurait été empêchée d'accéder au domicile de
          Mme Fatma Tlili par des policiers en civil qui
          l'auraient insultée. Mine Tlili aurait annoncé la
          veille son intention d'entamer une grève de la
          faim en solidarité avec son fils Abderrahmane.
          lui-même en grève de la faim depuis le
          15 janvier 2008 afin de dénoncer les mauvaises
          conditions dans lesquelles il serait détenu et les
          mauvais traitements dont il ferait l'objet a la
          prison de Mornaguia. dans la banlieue de Tunis.
          Le 15 février. Mme Ksila aurait été empêchée par
          des policiers en civil de se rendre au cabinet de
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          Me Radhia Nasraoui, présidente de 1'ALTT afin
          de rencontrer des familles de prisonniers pour
          recueillir leur témoignage. Les policiers auraient
          insulté Mine Ksila. Le 16 février. Mmes Ksila et
          Abbou auraient dü rencontrer les familles des
          membres du groupe Soliman condamnés a
          perpétuité et a de lourdes peines de prison, a Sidi
          Bouzid. Quelques minutes après leur arrivée au
          domicile de l'une de ces familles. de nombreux
          policiers auraient envahi la nie. conduits par le
          chef de la police du district de Sidi Bouzid. Mmes
          Ksila et Abbou aurait alors été contraintes de
          quitter la ville. et la police les aurait suivies
          jusqu'à la sortie de l'aggloniération. Enfin. le
          18 février. après s'être rendues chez les parents de
          M. Imed Ben Amer. condamné a la peine capitale
          dans l'affaire du groupe de Soliman. a Sousse,
          Mines Ksila et Abbou auraient été phvsiquement
          agressées. traInees par terre et rouées de coups par
          de nombreux policiers en civil. qui auraient
          egalement profere a leur encontre des injures
          obscènes. Mme Ksila aurait alors perdu
          connaissance. La police aurait ensuite
          complètement vidé les sacs a main des deux
          femmes. confisquant de l'argent liquide. un
          appareil photo et un magnetophone appartenant a
          Mme Ksila. Mmes Ksila et Abbou auraient
          ensuite été contraintes de prendre une voiture de
          location a huit places. dont six occupées par des
          agents de la police politique en civil, a destination
          de Tunis. Une fois arrivées. Mmes Fatma Ksila et
          Samia Abbou se seraient rendues au cabinet de
          C D
          N .
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          Me Mohamed Abbou. Ce dernier aurait alors
          également fait l'objet d'insultes et de
          provocations, puis menace d'aggression.
          Adnane Haji, secrétaire général du Syndicat de
          l'enseignement de base de Redeyef, Foued
          Khenaissi, membre de l'Union locale du travail
          de Redeyef, TaeIb Ben Othmane, membre du
          Syndicat de l'enseignement de base de Redeyef,
          et Boujomâa ChraIti, secrétaire général du
          Syndicat de la sante de Redeyef. Le 7 avril 2008,
          MM. Haji, Khenaissi, Ben Othmane et ChraIti
          auraient été violemment interpellés par la police,
          au lendemain de leur participation a une reunion,
          a Tunis, portant sur la question du chômage des
          travailleurs du bassin minier de Gafsa, dans le
          sud-ouest de la Tunisie. Cette reunion serait
          intervenue dans un contexte oü, depuis le debut
          du mois de janvier 2008, un mouvement de
          protestation aurait vu le jour dans la region de
          Gafsa et environ 30 syndicalistes, étudiants et
          chômeurs auraient et e arrêtés depuis le
          6 avril 2008. M. Haji, qui souffre d'une
          insuffisance rénale, ainsi que MM. Khenaissi,
          Ben Othmane et ChraIti auraient été frappés avant
          d'être arrêtés. Ils auraient ensuite été transférés au
          commissariat de Gasfa et l'accês a leurs avocats
          leur aurait été refuse.
          Mme Sihem Bensedrine, porte-parole et
          fondatrice du Conseil national pour les libertés en
          Tunis/c, secrétaire générale de l'Observatoire pour
          la Liberté de la presse, d'édition et de creation en
          Tunisie et laureate du Prix de la Paix 2008
          Par lettre datée du 13/06/08, le Gouvernement
          a indiqué que les investigations diligentées au
          sujet du mauvais traitement que les intéressés
          aurait subi, ont révélé qu'ils sont arrives au
          port de La Goulette le 3 mars 2008 a bord d'un
          décerné par la Fondation danoise pour la paix,
          ainsi que M. Omar Mestiri, directeur de la
          redaction du journal en ligne Kculimci. Dans la
          matinée du 3 mars 2008. Mme Bensedrine et
          M. Mestiri. a leur retour a Tunis en provenance
          d'Europe par le port de La Goulette. auraient été
          soumis a une fouille corporelle. retenus a la
          douane durant six heures et phvsiquement
          agressés par des agents de la police. Ils auraient
          ensuite été conduits dans le bureau de la douane
          et, une fois a l'intérieur. auraient été frappes.
          Mine Bensednne souffrirait notarnrnent de
          plusieurs hématomes sur le corps et d'entorses au
          poignet gauche et au coude. Leurs vétements et
          leurs sacs auraient egalement été déchirés au
          cours de l'agression et leurs telephones portables
          et leurs cartes bancaires. ainsi que plusieurs
          docunients n'existant qu'en un seul exemplaire.
          auraient ete confisques par ces mémes agents.
          Enfin, ces derniers auraient egalement copié les
          disques durs des ordinateurs portables de
          Mme Bensedrine et M. Mestiri.
          bateau Italien en provenance de Genes. qui
          transportait egalement une automobile
          d' immatriculation étrangère appartenant au
          couple. et remplie de marchandises diverses en
          grandes quantités. Conforn ément aux
          procedures douanières, le véhicule est passé
          devant le détecteur des substances interdites,
          qui aussitôt émis un signal, a plusieurs
          reprises. contraignant l'agent de douane a
          inviter le conducteur a faire descendre les
          effets pour inspection. Une fois l'inspection
          terniinée. les effets ont été remis dans le
          véhicule. Aucun effet n'a été saisi. Mine. Ben
          Sedrine s'est illustrée. lors de cette banale
          procedure douanière d' inspection de
          marchandises. par un comportement agressif et
          violent. vociférant continuellement des propos
          haineux a l'encontre du douanier et portant
          sans cesse des coups au tableau de bord de leur
          voiture. Mme. Ben Sedrine et son époux n'ont
          subi aucun mauvais traitement. encore moms
          aucune violence. D ‘ailleurs. aucune plainte
          pour mauvais traitement n'a été déposée. a ce
          jour. dans aucune juridiction en Tunisie par les
          deux époux. Ce qui denote le manque de
          crédibilité des allegations de Mme. Ben
          Sedrine destinées manifestement a manipuler
          1 ‘opinion publique.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          Slim Boukhdir. âgé de 39 ans. correspondant du
          journal panarabe base a Londres Al Quds AlArcibi
          et du site internet de la chaIne de télévision
          satellitaire A/-A rctb/yct. Il publie aussi des articles
          C D
          sur plusieurs sites Internet dont Tunisnews et
          Kantara. Depuis son incarceration a la prison de
          Sfax, M. Boukhdir aurait contracté la gale en
          raison de conditions de detention précaires,
          notamment l'insalubrité de sa cellule et la
          privation de douche depuis un mois et demi, et les
          soins fournis par les autorités pénitentiaires
          s'avêreraient insuffisants. Par ailleurs, il est
          allégué que les provisions que l'épouse de
          M. Boukhdir lui apporterait seraient confisquées
          par les autorités pénitentiaires. Enfin, l'avocat de
          M. Boukhdir et la famille ne seraient plus
          autorisés a lui rendre visite depuis mi-avril 2008 .
          232. 08/07/08 JUA WGAD; Ziad Fakraoui. M. Ziad Fakraoui a été l'objet
          IJL; des communications antérieures
          TOR (E/CN.4/2006/6/Add.1, para. 496;
          A/HRC/7/3/Add.1, para. 229) appel urgent
          envoyé par le Rapporteur special sur
          l'indépendance des juges et des avocats et le
          Rapporteur special sur la torture, le 19 aoüt 2005;
          ainsi que d'une lettre d'allégation envoyée par le
          Rapporteur special sur la torture, le 14 mai 2007.
          Aucune réponse a ces communications n'a été
          reçue. Le 25 juin 2008, M. Ziad Fakraoui aurait
          et e arrété par des agents de sécurité en civil et
          aurait été emmené au Ministére de l'Intérieur. La
          famille de M. Ziad Fakraoui serait sans nouvelles
          de lui. L'arrestation de M. Ziad Fakraoui ferait
          suite a la publication récente d'un rapport de
          1 ‘organisation non-gouvernementale Amnesty
          International intitulé <> (In the Name of
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Security: Routine Abuses in Tunisia). Ce rapport
          évoquerait notamment le cas de M. Ziad
          Fakraoui, détenu de 2005 a 2007. qui aurait subi
          des actes de torture le laissant sexuellement
          impuissant. En mars 2007, M. Ziad Fakraoui
          aurait indiqué un juge de ces actes de torture et
          aurait demandé qu'un médecin l'examine et que
          les responsables soient traduits en justice. Or. le
          juge aurait refuse que les allegations de M. Ziad
          Fakraoui soient enregistrées par le greffier et les
          plaintes subsequentes des avocats de M. Ziad
          Fakraoui déposées devant le Procureur public en
          avril 2007 n'auraient pas été instniites. M. Ziad
          Fakraoui aurait alors entamé une grève de la faim
          qui aurait duré deux mois au cours desquels ses
          avocats et les rnernbres de sa farnille n'auraient pu
          lui rendre visite a de nombreuses reprises. En
          décembre 2007. M. Ziad Fakraoui aurait été
          condamné a 12 ans d'emprisoimement pour
          appartenance a une mouvance terroriste et
          incitation au terrorisme. La sentence aurait été
          réduite en appel. et M. Ziad Fakraoui aurait été
          libéré le 24 mai 2008 après avoir purge sa peine.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          Mme Z. D., membre de l'Association de lutte
          contre la torture en Tunisie, de la section de
          Kairouan de la Ligue tunisienne des droits de
          l'Homme et du Fonim democratique pour le
          travail et les libertés; M. Abdelaziz Ahmadi.
          enseignant; M. Mammar Amidi. instituteur;
          M. Fawzi Al Mas, technicien; M. Abdessalem
          Dhaouadi. enseignant: M. Kamel Ben Othmane,
          enseignant et M. Nizar Chebil. ouvrier.
          C D
          Mme Z. D. a fait 1' objet d'une communication
          transmise antérieurement (EICN.412006161Add. 1.
          para. 499). Le 27 juillet 2008. Mme Z. D.,
          MM. Abdelaziz Ahmadi. Mammar Amidi. Fawzi
          Al Mas, Abdessalem Dhaouadi, Kamel Ben
          Othmane et Nizar Chebil auraient participé a
          Redevef a une manifestation présentée comme
          pacifique dont le but était de dénoncer des actes
          de repression. notamment des arrestations. de la
          part des forces de l'ordre a l'encontre des
          habitants du bassin minier de Redevev.
          Mme Z. D. aurait pris la parole au cours de cette
          manifestation. Le 14 aoüt 2008. Mme Z. D. aurait
          été condamnée par le Tribunal de premiere
          instance de Gafsa a huit mois de prison fern e
          pour <>. MM. Abdelaziz
          Ahrnadi. Mammar Arnidi. Fawzi Al Mas.
          Abdessalem Dhaouadi. Kamel Ben Othmane et
          Nizar Chebil auraient. quant a eux. été condamnés
          pour les mémes charges a six mois de prison
          ferme. Des accusations de harcèlement sexuel et
          de menace de viol auraient été fon ulées au cours
          du procès par Mme Z. D. a l'encontre du chef du
          district policier de Gafsa. mais celles-ci n'auraient
          pas ete retenues. De méme. MM. Abdelaziz
          Ahrnadi. Mammar Arnidi. Fawzi Al Mas.
          Abdessalem Dhaouadi. Kamel Ben Othmane et
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          Nizar Chebi auraient accuse ce méme chef de leur
          avoir extorqués des aveux sous la torture, ce qui
          n'aurait également pas été pris en compte par le
          234. 03/09/08 JAL FRDX; Mme Z. D., membre de l'Association de lutte
          HRD; contre la torture en Tunisie, de la section de
          IJL; Kairouan de la Ligue tunisienne des droits de
          TOR; l'Homme et du Fomm démocratique pour le
          VAW travail et les libertés; M. Abdelaziz Ahmadi,
          enseignant; M. Mammar Amidi, instituteur;
          M. Fawzi Al Mas, technicien; M. Abdessalem
          Dhaouadi, enseignant; M. Kamel Ben Othmane,
          enseignant et M. Nizar Chebil, ouvrier.
          Mme Z. D. a fait l'objet d'une communication
          transmise antérieurement (para. 232 ci-dessus).
          Le 27juillet 2008, Mme Z. D., MM. Abdelaziz
          Ahmadi, Mammar Amidi, Fawzi Al Mas,
          Abdessalem Dhaouadi, Kamel Ben Othmane et
          Nizar Chebil auraient participé a Redeyef a une
          manifestation présentée comme pacifique dont le
          but était de dénoncer des actes de repression,
          notamment des arrestations, de la part des forces
          de l'ordre a l'encontre des habitants du bassin
          minier de Redeyev. Mme Z. D. aurait pris la
          parole au cours de cette manifestation. Le
          14 aoüt 2008, Mme Z. D. aurait été condamnée
          par le Tribunal de premiere instance de Gafsa a
          huit mois de prison ferme pour << insubordination,
          troubles de l'ordre public, entraves a un
          fonctionnaire dans l'exercice de ses fonctions,
          détérioration des biens d'autmi et atteinte aux a
          bonnes mc urs >>. MM. Abdelaziz Ahmadi,
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          Mammar Amidi. Fawzi Al Mas, Abdessalem
          Dhaouadi. Kamel Ben Otbmane et Nizar Chebil
          auraient. quant a eux. été condamnés pour les
          mémes charges a six mois de prison ferme. Des
          accusations de harcèlement sexuel et de menace
          de viol auraient été fon ulées au cours du procès
          par Mme Z. D. a 1' encontre du chef du district
          policier de Gafsa, mais celles-ci n'auraient pas été
          retenues. De méme. MM. Abdelaziz Ahmadi.
          Mammar Amidi. Fawzi Al Mas, Abdessalem
          Dhaouadi. Kamel Ben Othmane et Nizar Chebi
          auraient accuse ce méme chef de leur avoir
          extorqués des aveux sous la torture. ce qui
          n'aurait egalement pas été pris en compte par le
          M. Tarek Soussi, membre de l'Association
          internationale de soutien aux prisonniers
          politiques. Le 27 aoüt 2008. une dizaine de
          policiers en civil auraient interpelle M. Soussi a
          son domicile a Bizerte et l'auraient conduit vers
          un lieu inconnu. L'arrestation de M. Soussi ferait
          suite a son intervention par téléphone sur la
          chaine de télévision satellitaire Al-Jazira au cours
          de laquelle il avait dénoncé l'interpellation
          abusive de sept individus.
          Par lettre datée du 12/01/08. le Gouvernement
          a indique que les poursuites penales engagées
          contrre M. Tarak Soussi trouvent leur
          fondement dans un texte du droit tunisien qui
          interdit la diffusion de fausses nouvelles. Le
          procureur de la Republique a ordonné
          l'ouverture d'une enquête preliminaire a
          l'encontre de M. Soussi aux fins de proceder a
          tous les actes nécessaires a la manifestation de
          la vérité. Après cloture de l'enquête
          preliminaire. M. Soussi a été référé au parquet.
          Le procureur de la Republique a ordonné, au
          vu des éléments de l'enquête. l'ouverture
          d'une instniction préparatoire a l'encontre du
          prévenu du chef de diffusion de fausses
          nouvelles de nature a troubler l'ordre public
          confon ément au Code de la presse.
          Le juge d'instniction. avant estimé que les faits
          reprochés a M. Soussi sont suffisamment
          graves pour justifier son arrestation, a décidé.
          après interrogatoire du prévenu. de le mettre en
          detention preventive. M. Soussi a sollicité. par
          le biais de son avocat, sa remise en liberté
          provisoire. Le juge d'instniction a décidé de
          remettre l'inculpe en liberté jugeant ainsi que
          cette mesure n'est pas de nature a entraver le
          déroulement nonnal de l'instniction. Une fois
          la procedure achevée. le juge d'instniction a
          décidé de déférer M. Soussi devant la
          juridiction compétente pour répondre du chef
          de diffusion de fausses nouvelles de nature a
          troubler l'ordre public.
          Par lettre datée du 01/02/08. le Gouvernement
          a indiqué que M. Abdallah Hajii.
          précédemment détenu a Guantanarno et rernis
          le 18 juin 2007 aux autorités judiciaires
          tunisiennes. était responsable des programmes
          rnilitaires a l'etranger du << Front islamique
          tunisien >>. branche secrete du niouvenient
          terroriste interdit << Ennabdha >>. Ce groupe
          prônait. dans son texte fondateur de 1989. la
          guerre sainte. l'action année et la violence
          révolutionnaire et s'emplovait a renverser le
          gouvernement en place par la violence.
          M. Hajji a eu. en outre. des activités
          d'entraInement au maniement des annes en
          Afghanistan. Il a été condamné par contumace
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          to earlier
          Abdullah Bin Omar a! Hajji et Lutfi Ben Swei
          Lagha (A/HRC/7/3/Add. 1. para. 230)
          C D
          par lajustice tunisienne a dix ans
          d'emprisonnement pour appartenance a une
          organisation terroriste, et est recherché depuis
          lors pour purger sa peine.
          Des sa remise a lajustice tunisienne, la police
          judiciaire a établi un procès verbal constatant
          l'arrestation de l'intéressé avant de le déférer,
          conformément a la loi, devant le tribunal qui
          1 ‘avait condamné. L' intéressé a fait opposition
          aujugement eta compam le jour méme,
          assisté de son avocat, devant la cour qui a
          décidé de reporter l'affaire au
          26 septembre 2007, et d'émettre un mandat de
          dépôt contre lui. Le procès a été renvoyé au
          31 octobre 2007, puis au 14 novembre 2007. Il
          a été condamné a sept ans d'emprisonnement
          pour appartenance en temps de paix a une
          organisation terroriste operant a l'étranger.
          L'audience s'est déroulée en presence
          notamment de diplomates étrangers, d'un
          responsable de l'organisation << Reprieve >> et
          de journalistes.
          L'intéressé s'est pourvu en cassation et
          l'affaire flit enrôlée sous le no. 29311/2007. En
          date du 2 juin 2008, le pourvoi fut rejeté quand
          au fond.
          Pour ce qui est des conditions de detention,
          M. Hajji est détenu dans des conditions
          normales et reçoit regulierement la visite de sa
          famille et de son avocat. Il a egalement reçu la
          visite du Comité international de la Croix
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          Rouge. Il n'a subi, contrairement aux
          allegations qui vous sont parvenues, aucun
          mauvais traitement. Aucune menace n'ajamais
          ete proférée contre sa personne ni contra sa
          M. Lotfi Lagha, lui aussi ancien détenu de la
          prison de Guantanamo, a été incarcéré a la
          prison civile d'El Mornaguia le 21 juin 2007
          en application d'un mandat de dépôt établi a
          son encontre par le juge d'instmction auprès
          du Tribunal de premiere instance de Tunis
          pour perpetration d'actes terroristes. Il a été
          ensuite déféré devant la Chambre d'accusation
          de la Cour d'Appel de Tunis pour constitution
          de bande de malfaiteurs ayant pour but de
          porter atteinte aux personnes et aux biens. Les
          autres chefs d'accusation retenus a son
          encontre par le Ministère public ont été
          Comparu devant le tribunal le 24 octobre 2007,
          il a été condamné a trois ans
          Pour ce qui est des conditions de detention de
          M. Lagha, il convient de préciser que
          l'intéressé bénéficie de toutes les garanties
          d'un traitement humain et conforme a la
          legislation en vigueur. Il a egalement reçu la
          visite du Comité international de la Croix
          Sayfallah Ben Omar Ben Hassine
          (A/HRC/7/3/Add. 1, para. 231)
          Par lettre datée du 01/02/08, le Gouvernement
          a indiqué que M. Ben Hassine, incarcéré
          depuis le 3 mai 2003, a été condamné dans
          cinq affaires a 68 ans d'emprisonnement pour
          perpetration d'actes terroristes dans le cadre
          d'une organisation terroriste operant a
          Pour ce qui est des conditions de detention de
          l'intéressé, M. Ben Hassine purge sa peine
          dans des conditions normales et bénéficie de
          toutes les garanties prévues par la legislation
          régissant les prisons, y compris le droit au
          suivi medical regulier.
          L'intéressé a déclaré lors de son admission a la
          prison qu' ii était atteint de paludisme. Il a subi
          alors au service des maladies transmissibles
          plusieurs examens médicaux ayant révélé sa
          guérison de cette maladie. Il a été ensuite
          examine par des médecins specialistes en
          allergologie, en orthopedie et en
          ophtalmologie. Des médicaments lui ont ete
          prescrits et son état de sante est normale.
          L'intéressé a pris coutume de transgresser les
          reglements carcéraux et de s ‘ addoner a une
          attitude provocatrice a l'égard des gardiens de
          la prison. Il s'est exposé, par son attitude
          récidiviste, a des sanctions disciplinaires
          prononcées a son encontre, a plusieurs
          reprises, par la commission de discipline de la
          prison, consistant dans le confinement en
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Abdullah Ocalan (subject of a previously
          transmitted communication. EICN.41200019,
          para. 1058-1059). currently detained in Imrali
          Island High Security Closed Prison, since
          15 Febniary 1999. The total isolation of
          Mr. Ocalan, the sole inniate at Irnrali Island-for
          almost ten years. has resulted in severe
          deterioration of his mental health. Results of
          psychiatric examination have showed that this
          deterioration is linked with situations of chronic
          stress and prolonged social and emotional
          isolation, along with feelings of abandonment and
          disappointment. Mr. Ocalan inhabits a 12 square
          meter cell with a table, chair, bed, wash basin,
          toilet and a shower cabin. He is confined to his
          cellule individuelle et l'interdiction des visites
          familiales pour une période ne dépassant pas
          quinze j ours.
          Il convient de noter, a ce propos, que le
          confinement en cellule individuelle est une
          sanction disciplinaire exceptioimelle qui
          comporte la remise du détenu contrevenant
          dans une cellule individuelle équipée des
          installations sanitaires nécessaires et dotée de
          fenétres pern ettant 1 ‘éclairage et 1' aeration
          nécessaire, pour une période qui ne doit guère
          dépasser dix jours. Pendant cette période, le
          détenu contrevenant continue a bénéficier de
          ses droits. Il demeure obligatoirement sous le
          contrôle du médecin qui peut, pour des raisons
          de sante, demander la remise de la sanction .
          By letter dated 27/20/08, the Government
          informed that the terrorist organization
          PKKIKONGRA-GEL had previously
          orchestrated campaigns aiming to place the
          convict Ocalan on the agenda of the
          international community. Various claims
          concerning his situation used during such
          smear campaigns were later proved to be
          groundless. In fact, the recent allegations
          constitute another attempt by the supporters
          of the terrorist organization
          PKKIKONGRA-GEL to bring this matter to
          the international agenda by exploiting the
          UN human rights mechanisms.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          238. Turkey
          C D
          cell for 23 hours per day under round-the-clock
          video surveillance. Except for consultations, he
          has no access to the adjoining room. The exercise
          yard. which he can use for one hour per day is
          45 square meters. covered by wire netting, and is
          surrounded by a 4 m high wall.
          He has no access to basic fitness or sports
          equipment. There is no availability of other types
          of activities, nor access to a television. Contact
          with prison staff is minimal and perfunctory.
          Visits by his lawyers are restricted to Wednesdays
          only and are recorded. Although he is allowed
          two visits per month (one separating panel visit
          and one table visit, each of one hour's duration on
          a Wednesday), it is reported that table visits are
          effectively denied because of the restricted class
          of visitors perniitted. He does not have monitored
          access to a telephone. According to the European
          Committee for the Prevention of Torture, “there
          had been no favourable response from the Turkish
          authorities to the various recommendations made
          by the CPT as early as 1999, and subsequently
          expanded on, to alleviate the harn ftil effects of
          his detention” (Report to the Turkish Government
          on the visit to Turkey carried out by the European
          Committee for the Prevention of Torture and
          Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or
          Punishment (CPT) from 19 to 22 Ma 2007,
          CPT/Inf (2008) 13). According to the Special
          Rapporteurs, the weight of accumulated evidence
          to date points to the serious and adverse health
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          effects of the use of solitary confinement. The key
          adverse factor is that socially and psychologically
          meaningful contact is reduced to the absolute
          minimum, to the point that it is insufficient for
          most detainees to remain mentally
          well-functioning. Regardless of the specific
          circumstances of its use, effort is required to raise
          the level of social contacts for prisoners: prisoner
          - prison staff contact, allowing access to social
          activities with other prisoners, allowing more
          visits, and providing access to mental health
          Mr. Sazak Durdymuradov, a contributing
          reporter for the Turkmen Service Radio Free
          Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL), in Bakhaden.
          On 20 June 2008, Mr. Sazak Durdymuradov was
          forcibly removed from his home in Bakhaden by
          members of the National Security Ministry
          (MNB). He was then transferred to a local
          psychiatric hospital located between the cities of
          Bakhaden and Ashgabat, before being taken to an
          MNB station in Bakhaden where he was severely
          beaten with a pipe, subjected to electroshocks and
          forced to sign a letter which stated that he agreed
          to stop reporting for RFE/RL.
          Mr. Durdamuradov' s wife managed to see him at
          the MNB station on 24 June 2008. He told her
          that he had been diagnosed with mental instability
          at the psychiatric hospital. Mr. Durdymuradov is
          reportedly in good health and had never
          previously suffered from a mental disease.
          Mr. Sazak Durdymuradov may then have been
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          239. Turkmenistan 02/07/08
          C D
          240. Uganda 12/08/08 JAL HRD: U. M., aged 26, 0. P., V. K., and J. 0.. all
          IJL; members of Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG),
          TOR a local organization advocating on behalf of
          Uganda's lesbian. gay, bisexual, and transgender
          (LGBT) people and on HW/AIDS issues in
          Uganda: and N. M., programme coordinator of
          Transgender, Jntersex. Transsexual (TIT). an
          organization that supports the needs of
          transgender, transsexual, and intersex Ugandans.
          On 4 June 2008, police arrested U. M., 0. P., and
          V. K. in Kampala, after a protest at the 2008
          “HIV/AIDS Implementers Meeting”. The
          activists were protesting against statements made
          by Kihumuro Apuuli, director general of the
          Uganda AIDS Commission, who on
          2 June declared that “gays are one of the drivers
          of HIV in Uganda, but because of meagre
          resources we cannot direct our programmes at
          them at this time”. Police took the three activists
          to the Jinj a Road Police Station and detained them
          until 6 June. Authorities finally released the
          activists on bail after charging them with criminal
          trespass, under Section 302 of the Uganda Penal
          Code, despite the fact that sponsors of the
          Implementers Meeting had invited the activists to
          attend the conference. The defendants then
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          relocated to a psychiatric hospital in the Lebap
          region, where critics of the Government are
          alleged to be forcibly abducted. However,
          Mr. Durdymuradov' s whereabouts have not been
          confirmed. When contacted by RFE/RL staff
          1/'INB authorities denied knowledge of the case.
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          appeared before a Kampala court on 25 July.
          where several witnesses of the State (mainly
          police officers) and the defendants were
          cross-examined. The judge adjourned the hearing
          until 1 August. At previous hearings held on
          9 and 10 July. the judge adjourned the case
          following the public prosecutor's request to give
          police additional time to locate new witnesses.
          After the court hearing, a patrol car stopped the
          taxi U. M. was riding in. and four men identifying
          themselves as police officers, three of them in
          uniforms and the fourth dressed in plain clothes.
          detained him and put him in the police's pickup
          tnick. The police officers drove towards Jinja
          Road where a civilian car with tinted screens was
          waiting for them parked in front of Shoprite.
          Police officers forced U. M. into the other car
          with three other policemen; two wore suits and
          one wore a police unifonm The men drove around
          for about 30 minutes and took U. M. to an
          undisclosed location. Two female and one male
          police officer were waiting. The police
          confiscated U. M. ‘5 mobile phone, which
          contained contact names and numbers of
          members of SMUG and other LGBT rights
          organizations. The police asked U. M. if he was
          N.. and when he said that he was not. they asked
          for his name. The three police officers then
          pushed him through a dark corridor into a room
          where they made him sit on a chair. U. M.. saw
          four other mnen around his age in the room. One
          had a broken leg and the other three appeared to
          have been beaten. One of the women officers
          scraped his knuckles with a razor-like obj ect. His
          abductors asked him questions in Luganda, a local
          language, about the activists' funders and
          supporters, and about his own role “among the
          homosexuals”. They also demanded inforn ation
          about P. and N. They demanded the address of the
          SMUG office, as well as the residence and office
          of U. M. ‘s lawyer. Before dawn, they forced him
          to strip to his underwear, asked him if he was a
          man or a woman, and made him walk around the
          room in his underwear. In the room, there was a
          device above a cushioned bench into which a
          person's arms could be locked. As the device was
          lowered by a switch, tbe arms got stretched.
          U. M. was ordered by a policeman to lie on the
          bench face-up, threatened, and asked to provide
          information on the organization's sources of
          funds. U. M. said nothing and his arms were
          stretched, leaving him with intense pain. After
          about 15 minutes. the machine was turned off and
          he was asked how much he was paid to be a
          homosexual. When he did not answer, they left
          him sleeping on the bench. On the following day.
          26 July. the police dropped U. M. off at Mulago
          round-about in central Kampala. On 28 July,
          activists accompanied U. M. to file an official
          complaint before the Uganda Human Rights
          Commission (UHRC). He also visited a doctor
          who documented the ill-treatment. On 29 July he
          went to the African Centre for Torture Victims
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          (ACTV) to receive psychological support. As of
          today, police have not detained the people
          responsible for M. ‘s torture.
          241. Ukraine Follow-up Igor Koktysh (A/HRC/7/3/Add.i. para. 184) By letter dated 21/01/08, the Government
          to earlier infonned that the Belanisian citizen Igor
          cases Gennadievich Koktysh. is sought by the
          criminal investigation department of the
          internal affairs administration of the Brest
          province executive committee, for the
          commission of the offences of murder and
          robbery. He was also the subject of search
          operation No. 07128 of 6 August 2002:
          international search warrant No. 2002/499;
          criminal case No. 0102207001: and a
          preventive measure of arrest approved on
          27 January 2001 by the procurator of
          Gantsevichi district in Brest province.
          Mr. Kokt sh was detained on 25 June 2007
          and placed in a temporary holding facility of
          the administration of the Ministry of Internal
          Affairs of Ukraine in Sevastopol. On the basis
          of the decision of 27 June 2007 by a judge of
          the Balaklava district court in Sevastopol the
          preventive measure of remand in custody was C
          chosen for Mr. Koktysh. On 6 July 2007,
          Mr. Kokt sh arrived at the Simferopol remand
          centre in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.
          On 24 July 2007, the Office of the
          Procurator-Gene ral of Ukraine infonned the
          Sevastopol procurator's office that the Office
          of the Procurator-General of Belanis had
          requested that Mr. Kokt sh be handed over to
          the Belamsian law enforcement authorities for
          criminal prosecution.
          On 3 August 2007, the judge of the Balaklava
          district court in Sevastopol issued a decision
          on the remand in custody of Belamsian citizen
          Igor Koktysh in order to ensure his extradition
          to Belamsian law enforcement authorities.
          Mr. Koktysh was taken from the Simferopol
          remand centre to appear at the court hearing.
          During his detention at the Simferopol remand
          centre, Mr. Koktysh was twice taken to the
          temporary holding facility of the
          administration of the Ukrainian Ministry of
          Internal Affairs in Sevastopol.
          According to the register of communications
          and complaints of the Simferopol remand
          centre, since 6 July 2007 Mr. Koktysh has
          sent: a complaint against the Sevastopol court
          of appeals (ref No. K-493); a petition to the
          Balaklava district court in Sevastopol
          (ref No. K 496); and a complaint
          (ref No. K-502) to the Office of the
          Procurator-General of Ukraine. With the
          consent of the Office of the Procurator-General
          of Ukraine (ref No. 14/2-30255-07), a lawyer
          is currently representing the interests of
          Mr. Igor Koktysh in the European Court of
          Human Rights.
          At present, Mr. Koktysh is in the Simferopol
          remand centre in the Autonomous Republic of
          Crimea. According to information from the
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          Security Service of Ukraine, Belanisian citizen
          Igor Kokt/sh was not arrested by officials of
          the Security Service of Ukraine, no criminal
          proceedings have been instituted against him,
          there has been no criminal investigation, and
          no complaints from him or on his behalf have
          been received by the Security Service of
          The decision to extradite Belanisian citizen
          Mr. Koktvsh falls within the competence of the
          Office of the Procurator-General of Ukraine. It
          has stated that it received a request from the
          Office of the Procurator-General of Belanis for
          the extradition of Mr. Koktvsh for the purpose
          of criminal prosecution for murder. robbery
          and deliberate destniction of property.
          At the request of the Office of the
          Procurator-General of Ukraine, the Belanisian
          side gave guarantees that, if Mr. Koktvsh is
          extradited, he will not be subject to capital
          punishment, and that the provisions of article 3
          of the Convention for the Protection of
          Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
          will be observed. He will not be subjected to
          torture, inhuman or degrading treatment or
          punishment. He will also be guaranteed the
          right to a fair trial, and the criminal
          proceedings against him will not be
          discriminatory. If necessary, Mr. Koktysh will
          be offered the necessary medical treatment and
          medical assistance.
          The Office of the Procurator-General of
          Ukraine has no inforn ation that unlawful
          investigative methods were used against
          Mr. Koktvsh in Belanis.
          With regard to the communications sent by
          Mr. Koktvsh's wife. Ms. Irma Tvutvunnik. and
          his parents to the Office of the
          Procurator-General of Ukraine concerning the
          illegal prosecution of Mr. Koktvsh. it should
          be pointed out that the Office of the
          Procurator-General of Ukraine does not have
          the competence to consider the substance of
          such communications and were forwarded to
          the Office of the Procurator-General of
          Belanis. The Belanisian side has stated that the
          petitioners' arguments will be verified during
          the trial of the criminal case, and that the
          petitioners have been infon ed accordingly.
          Ukrainian law enforcement agencies have not
          conducted any investigation in connection with
          the criminal case against Mr. Koktvsh. since
          this is the exclusive prerogative of the
          competent authorities of Belanis. On
          instnictions from the Office of the
          Procurator-General of Ukraine, the existence
          of any circumstances that might make it
          impossible to extradite Mr. Koktvsh was
          Bearing in mind that Mr. Koktvsh filed an
          application against Ukraine with the
          European Court of Human Rights, in order to
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          United Arab
          Cherif Mohammed Haidara (subject of a
          previously transmitted communication.
          A/HRC/7/3/Add.l, para. 241). On
          10 January 2008. Mr. Haidara was called to one
          of the head offices in the Central Prison, where an
          officer inforn ed him about the Special
          Rapporteur' s coniniunication on his allegations.
          dated 7 December 2007 (see above). When
          Mr. Haidara left the office, two police officers
          who had previously worked at the prison, awaited
          him and threatened to send him to a prison in Abu
          Dhabi's desert to be tortured if he did not
          withdraw his complaint.
          By letter dated 18/03/08, the Government
          inforn ied that the competent authorities in the
          United Arab Emirates have investigated the
          credibility of the inforn ation provided in
          relation to Mr. Haidara and found that he is
          being held in Dubai Central Prison, pursuant to
          a decision of the Dubai Court, on civil and
          criminal charges. Mr. Haidara has not lodged
          any complaint about being beaten or tortured
          with the Human Rights Department in Dubai.
          although ambassadors and consuls of
          accredited States frequently visit the prison as
          part of the Central Prison's visits programme.
          as do human rights officials as part of the visits
          programme of the Human Rights Departnient
          under the scheme for protection of prisoners'
          rights. Furthern ore. Mr. Haidara receives
          regular treatment, free of charge, at Dubai
          Hospital for the illnesses from which he
          suffers, which include gastritis, oesophageal
          reflux and knee problems. He has not
          complained of any chronic or incurable
          diseases when attending government hospitals.
          His most recent medical examination did not
          show any sign of torture or beating. We
          enclose herewith a medical report dated
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          halt the extradition procedure, the Office of the
          Procurator-General of Ukraine can guarantee
          that no decision concerning Belanis'
          extradition request will be taken until the
          European Court has considered the substance
          of Mr. Koktysh's application.
          C D
          21 January 2008, issued by the health-care
          section of the Department of Penitentiary and
          Correctional Institutions of the Dubai Police.
          According to the note of the Special
          Rapporteur on the question of torture,
          Mr. Haidara complained that he was
          threatened with torture, not that he suffered
          actual torture. Moreover, Mr. Haidara is still in
          the Dubai Central Prison and has not been
          transferred to a prison in Abu Dhabi, as stated
          in the aforenientioned note. In this respect, we
          note that the Department of Health, in
          cooperation with the Central Prison
          administration, conducts periodic examinations
          of all prisoners in order to safeguard the health
          of prison inmates and provide theni with health
          care and advice. Moreover, a medical
          professional within the prison provides
          day-to-day treatment for general conditions.
          Medical emergencies are transferred to the
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          A. J. K. and Iyyad Salem Hannoun
          By letter dated 11/02/05. the Government
          Kingdom of
          to earlier
          (EICN.4120051621Add.i, para.
          infon ed that these allegations have been the
          Great Britain
          subject of an official investigation. which has
          and Northern
          now been completed. The case papers are with
          the Anny Prosecuting Authority. who are
          considering whether to bring prosecutions
          against a number of individuals suspected of
          involvemnent in the case.
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          Baha Dawood Salem al-Maliki, Kifah Taha
          Moussa, Baha Shehab, Dhaher ‘Abdallah ‘All.
          Mohand Dhaher ‘All. Jawad Kadhem, Radeef
          Taha Muslim, and Sattar (Ibid. para. 1850).
          By letter dated 11/02/05. the Government
          inforn ed that these allegations have been
          subject of an official investigation, which has
          now been completed. The Arniv Prosecuting
          Authority are considering whether to prosecute
          individuals suspected of involvement.
          Following a compensation claim, the
          Government has already made a goodwill
          payment ot the family of Baha al-Maliki.
          ‘Abd al-Jabbar Moussa ‘All (ibid, para. 1851)
          By letter dated 11/02/05, the Government
          informed that the Special Investigation Branch
          (SIB) of the Royal Military Police initiated an
          investigation in response to these allegations.
          Following these initial steps, the
          SIB investigators told the family that an
          autopsy was cnicial for their investigation to
          continue. The family refused to have the body
          exhumed. The Government decided to close
          the investigation in Febniarv 2004 due to lack
          of corroborative evidence and the refusal of
          the faniily to pennit an autopsy. It was
          suspected that Mr. Ali had died due to cardiac
          United States
          of America
          Onsy Zakhary, aged 63, an Egyptian national,
          Coptic Christian, currently detained at Plymouth
          County Correctional Facility, Massachusetts.
          Mr. Zakhar is at imminent risk of forcible return
          to Egypt. Tn 1968, while he was doing his military
          service, an Ann Commander attempted to
          forcibly convert him to Islam and ordered his
          subordinates to beat Mr. Zakharv and subject him
          to other fonns of ill-treatment when he refused.
          Mr. Zakharv then escaped from the arniv and fled
          Egypt using false papers. He spent about 20 years
          in Italy before moving to the United States in
          1997. Mr. Zakharv was ordered to be deported by
          the United States. He filed for asylum and relief
          from deportation based on U.S. laws and the
          Convention Against Torture, but was denied.
          In 2005. a Massachusetts court convicted
          Mr. Zakharv of assault with intent to rape a
          minor, and he served a sentence of five years.
          Mr. Zakharv would face criminal prosecution in
          Egypt for leaving the Egyptian arnw without
          permission, using false papers, and possibly also
          in connection with the alleged abuse of a minor.
          for which he was convicted in the U.S .
          247. 25/02/08 JAL ilL: Khalid Sheikh Mohammad. Mohammad
          TERR; al-Qahtani, Ramzi bin al-Shibh, All Abd
          TOR al-Aziz All (also known as Ammar al-Baluchi),
          Mustafa Ahmed al-Hawsawi. and Walid bin
          Attash (also known as Khallad), currently
          detained at the military detention facility at
          Guantanamo Bay. Pursuant to the Military
          Commissions Act of 2006 (MCA), all six will
          shortly be brought before military commissions
          on charges of conspiracy, murder in violation of
          the laws of war, attacking civilians, attacking
          civilian objects, intentionally causing serious
          bodily injury, destniction of property in violation
          of the laws of war, terrorism, and providing
          material support for terrorism. It is long overdue
          for Guantanamo Ba detainees allegedly
          responsible for or involved in the 9/il attacks in
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          the United States to be finally charged and
          prosecuted. However, the commissions
          established under the MCA lack the legal
          competence and procedural guarantees to conduct
          fair trials in accordance with international legal
          standards. This case highlights a number of
          concerns that have already been raised in the
          mission report of the Special Rapporteur on
          human rights and counter terrorism to the U.S.
          (A/HRCI6I 17/Add. 3) regarding the jurisdiction
          and composition of the military commissions, the
          use of evidence, the imposition of the death
          penalty for certain offences, and shortcomings in
          securing a fair trial. On the issue of the use of
          evidence, we are concerned about allegations that
          some, or even all, of the six detainees have been
          subjected to highly abusive interrogation
          techniques that may have amounted to torture, or
          to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, equally
          prohibited under the non-derogable guarantees
          provided by article 7 of the ICCPR and under
          article 15 of the Convention against Torture. The
          domestic law definition of torture for the purpose
          of the proceedings before the military commission
          is restricted, not catching all forms of coercion
          that amount to torture or cmel, inhuman or
          degrading treatment equally prohibited under the
          non-derogable terms of the above named articles.
          On 5 February 2008 Central Intelligence Agency
          Director-General Michael Hayden advised
          Congress that Mr. Khalid Sheikh Mohammad had a
          been subjected to “waterboarding”. There is
          reportedly other evidence contained in
          interrogation logs that may confinn that some, or
          perhaps all, of the six detainees were subjected to
          abusive interrogation techniques, including stress
          positions and sleep deprivation. The wording of
          the MCA allows testimony obtained through
          abusive interrogation techniques that were used
          prior to the Detainee Act of 2005 if such evidence
          is found to be “reliable” and its use “in the
          interests of justice”. This is contrary to the clear
          and well established principle of international law
          that excludes the use of evidence obtained by
          torture or cniel. inhuman or degrading treatment
          for the purpose of trying and punishing a person.
          Concern is expressed for the use of evidence
          based on classified information and by the
          admission of hearsay evidence in proceedings
          before military commissions, in the fonn of a
          written summary of the evidence, if the military
          judges consider it to be “reliable” and
          “probative”. The admissibility of such evidence
          presents serious problems with regard to the right
          to fair trial since the accused is not secured the
          possibility of cross-exanlination of witnesses, as
          foreseen under article 14, paragraph 3 (e) of the
          ICCPR. If hearsay evidence was obtained through
          torture or coercion in respect of other persons and
          the interrogation techniques applied were
          themselves classified, the defendant would not
          know whether the evidence was obtained by such
          methods and therefore should be subject to a legal
          challenge. Against this background, strong
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          concern is expressed regarding the intention of
          the Government to request the death penalty
          regarding the six detainees on grounds of
          conspiracy and murder. The proceedings
          governed by the MCA seriously undermine the
          right to a fair trial provided under article 14 of the
          ICCPR. Furthern ore. the right to appeal is limited
          to matters of law. Thus, in the context of fair trial
          concerns this means that the imposition of the
          death penalty, in the event of a conviction or
          convictions by the military commission in this
          case, is likely to be in violation of Article 6 of the
          ICCPR .
          248. 27/03/08 UA TOR Frank Igwebuike Enwonwu. aged 58. a
          Nigerian national. Mr. Enwonwu faces imniinent
          deportation to Nigeria. He is currently on
          supervised release from detention. He has
          exhausted all domestic legal remedies and the
          only obstacle to effectuating his deportation is
          that the Nigerian Ernbass has et to issue his
          travel documents. In 1986, the U.S. Dnig
          Enforcement Administration (DEA) induced him
          to become an informant for them after he was
          found with five ounces of heroin at a Boston
          airport. In 1996. new legislation made all
          immigrants with convictions for certain crimes
          retroactively removable, no matter how much
          time had passed since the crime was committed.
          Mr. Enwonwu applied for protection under the
          Convention Against Torture (CAT) Act. An
          immigration judge found it was “more likely than
          not” that Mr. Enwonwu would be tortured by the
          dnig traffickers he had exposed if returned to
          Nigeria. Accordingly, in 1999, the immigration
          judge granted Mr. Enwonwu CAT relief. The
          United States appealed to the Board of
          Immigration Appeals (BIA). but failed to serve
          proper notice on Mr. Enwonwu. The BIA later
          granted the appeal. When, in 2003, Mr. Enwonwu
          visited an immigration office in Boston to renew
          his work visa, he was taken into custody for
          removal to Nigeria. Mr. Enwonwu filed a habeas
          corpus petition alleging due process violations. A
          U.S. District Court Judge was preparing to grant
          him habeas relief and a stay of removal, also
          finding it “more likely than not” that
          Mr. Enwonwu would be subj ect to torture upon
          return to Nigeria, when the REAL ID Act stripped
          that court of jurisdiction to hear the habeas claims
          of non-citizens in removal proceedings with
          criminal convictions. If deported to Nigeria,
          Mr. Enwonwu would be imprisoned for five years
          in a Nigerian jail. The dnig traffickers who work
          and live in Nigeria might seek retribution for
          Mr. Enwonwu's cooperation with the
          U.S. Government.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          2 1/08/08
          Correctional Emergency Response Teams
          (CERT) in Georgia State prisons. Numerous
          instances have been documented between 2003
          and 2006 relating to beatings meted out on
          inmates by CERT in Georgia prisons. The prisons
          identified include Valdosta State Prison, Rogers
          State Prison, Augusta State Medical Prison, Costal
          State Prison, Ray James Prison, Georgia State
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          Prison. Telfair State Prison. Autrv State Prison.
          Bostic State Prison, Calhoun State Prison,
          Georgia Diagnostic and Classification Prison,
          Lee State Prison, Macon State Prison, Pulaski
          State Prison. Rivers State Prison, Philips State
          Prison and Haves State Prison. The CERT Teams.
          with the knowledge and acquiescence of the
          prison administrations, including medical staff,
          allegedly carry out severe summary punishment
          of physical beatings on inmates while they are
          restrained handcuffed behind their backs. The
          prisoners are kicked, slapped, as well as beaten
          with black leather gloves padded on the knuckles,
          which are issued by the Georgia Department of
          In addition to the beatings, various techniques are
          also used as summary punishment. Known as the
          “Georgia motorcycle”, stripped inmates are
          strapped onto an iron bed or chair with four or
          five point restraints for 24 or more hours, often
          without food, water, or bathroom breaks. A
          football helmet is put on their heads to keep them
          from beating their unrestrained heads in
          fnistration. Another technique, the “Georgia
          g-string”, consists of a chain nm through the
          buttocks and crotch of a stripped inmate and
          tightly cinched up for varying lengths of time . ___________________________________________________
          250. 12/12/08 JAL HLTH. Mr. Coleman was arrested on 4 October 2002
          TOR and incarcerated on 24 Febniarv 2005. He went
          on hunger strike in late 2007. As a result, he has
          lost weight (he is currently underweight for a
          healthy adult with his body type). Consequently.
          on the basis of a broad temporary court order
          granted in early 2008, which pen its intravenous
          and nasal-gastric feeding, he has been force-fed.
          Between 22 September and 22 October 2008,
          Mr. Coleman was force-fed intravenously
          approximately ten times. On 23 October,
          employees of the Connecticut Department of
          Corrections (CDOC), including medical staff,
          placed Mr. Coleman in an isolated area, where
          they locked him down in four-point restraints and
          inserted a nasogastric feeding tube into his nose
          and down his throat.
          With Mr. Coleman's body weakened from a
          year-long hunger strike, the above described
          force-feeding procedure carries the following
          risks: major infection, pneumonia, or a collapsed
          lung. Immediately after the procedure,
          Mr. Coleman began sneezing up blood. He is
          suffering from the psychological impact of the
          force-feeding. Mr. Coleman is being monitored
          by CDOC medical staff.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Ra'ouf Omar Mohammed Abu
          By letter dated 11/04/08, the Government
          to earlier
          (A/HRC/7/3/Add. 1, para. 251)
          responded that U.S. officials from all
          government agencies are prohibited from
          engaging in torture, at all times, and in all
          places. All U.S. officials, wherever they may
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          be, are also prohibited from engaging in cniel.
          inhuman and degrading treatment or
          punishment against any person in
          U.S. custody, as defined by obligations under
          the Convention against Torture. More details
          are contained in a 2005 report to the
          Committee against Torture (CAT/C/4 8/Add. 3).
          That report also reiterates that, as a matter of
          policy, the United Sates does not transfer
          persons to third countries where it determines
          that it is more likely than not that they would
          be tortured, even though, as a matter of law,
          the non-refoulement obligation under article 3
          of the Convention Against Torture doe not
          apply outside of the territory of a State Party
          and article 7 of the International Covenant on
          Civil and Political Rights does not contain a
          non-refoulement obligation. With regard to
          your questions concerning Mr. Qassim, the
          United States is not in a position to discuss
          specific bilateral arrangements with Libya or
          the transfer prospects for any particular
          detainee. We can confinm however, that
          consistent with our humane treatment policy,
          the Department of State obtains appropriate
          diplomatic assurances from countries to which
          transfers are being considered. The credibility
          of diplomatic assurances is evaluated
          considering the identity, position, or other
          information regarding the official making the
          assurances, as well as relevant political, legal
          and diplomatic circumstances, in appropriate
          Walid Muhammad Shahir Muhammad
          Al-Qadasi (E/CN.4/2006/6/Add.i. para. 527)
          cases the United States seeks access by
          governmental or non-governmental entities to
          verify the treatment of those who are
          transferred. The United States transfer
          procedures include appropriate post-transfer
          follow up. Where we receive credible reports
          that a country has abused a transferred
          detainee, we investigate those reports by
          engaging government representatives and other
          groups and individuals with relevant
          knowledge. These groups and individuals may
          include members of the NGO community, and
          representatives or associates of the individual
          in question. An detennination that a
          government failed to comply with its
          assurances would constitute a serious issue in
          the context of our bilateral relationship with
          that government and would, of course, have an
          adverse impact on the U.S.' ability to do future
          By letters dated 11/04/08 and 11/07/08, the
          Government responded that U.S. officials from
          all government agencies are prohibited from
          engaging in torture, at all times, and in all
          places. All U.S. officials, wherever they may
          be, are also prohibited from engaging in cniel.
          inhuman and degrading treatment or
          punishment against any person in
          U.S. custody, as defined by obligations under
          the Convention against Torture. More details
          are contained in a 2005 report to the
          Committee against Torture (CAT/C/4 8/Add. 3).
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          That report also reiterates that, as a matter of
          policy, the United States does not transfer
          persons to third countries where it detern iines
          that it is more likely than not that they would
          be tortured, even though, as a matter of law,
          the non-refoulement obligation under article 3
          of the Convention Against Torture doe not
          apply outside of the territory of a State Party
          and article 7 of the International Covenant on
          Civil and Political Rights does not contain a
          non-refoulement obligation. In general.
          transfer procedures include appropriate
          post-transfer follow up. Where the U.S.
          receives credible reports that a country has
          abused a transferred detainee, these reports are
          investigated by engaging government
          representatives and other groups and
          individuals with relevant knowledge. These
          groups and individuals may include members
          of the NGO community, and representatives or
          associates of the individual in question. An
          determination that a government failed to
          comply with its assurances would constitute a
          serious issue in the context of our bilateral
          relationship with that government and would,
          of course, have an adverse impact on the U.S.'
          ability to do future transfers.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          Bensayah Belkacem, Hadj Boudellaa, Saber
          By letter dated 11/04/08, the Government
          Lahmar, Mustafa Alt Idir, Boumediene
          responded that the United States detained these
          Lakhdar and Mohamed Nechie
          individuals under the laws of war as enemy
          (A/HRC/7/3/Add. 1. para. 248)
          combatants in the ogoing armed conflict with
          al-Qaida and the Taliban. Like all Guantanamo
          C D
          detainees, these individuals received a
          Combatant Status Review Tribunal (CSRT).
          The Tribunal detern ined that these Algerian
          nationals are enenw combatants and the
          detainees are entitled to challenge that
          determination in the U.S. federal courts. Each
          enemy conibatant also receives an annual
          review to detern ine whether the United States
          needs to continue detention in order to manage
          the threat they pose. An Administrative
          Review Board (ARE) conducts this review.
          and to date. ARB's have detern ined all six
          detainees should remain in U.S. custody.
          U.S. officials from all government agencies are
          prohibited from engaging in torture, at all
          times, and in all places. All U.S. officials,
          wherever they may be, are also prohibited
          from engaging in cniel. inhuman and
          degrading treatment or punishment against any
          person in U.S. custody, as defined by
          obligations under the Convention against
          Torture. More details are contained in a
          2005 report to the Committee against Torture
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Samil al-Haj (A/HRCI7I3IAdd.i, para. 254)
          By letter dated 17/07/08, the Government
          informed that he was transferred from
          Guantanamo Bay to his home country of
          Sudan in May 2008, and future questions
          regarding this individual should be referred to
          the Government of Sudan. Prior to his transfer,
          Mr. Al-Haj was detained by the Department of
          Defense at Guantanamo Ba because he was
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          detern ined to be an enemy combatant. Under
          the law of war. countries may lawfully detain
          enenw combantants until the cessation of
          active hostilities. The Govenirnent would like
          to emphasize that Mr. Al-Haj was not detained
          because he worked as a cameraman for
          Al-Jazeera. Members of the media are not
          targeted as such by U.S. or allied forces.
          Commitment to freedom of the press and
          freedom of expression is embodied in the
          Constitution and is central to American values.
          and the U.S. will continue to promote those
          freedoms internationally. With respect to the
          allegations, the Government has no evidence
          to substantiate the claims that Mr. Al-Haj was
          mistreated in Guantanamo. The U.S.
          investigates claims of abuse, and where those
          allegations are deemed credible, those
          responsible are held accountable. U.S. officials
          from all government agencies are prohibited
          from engaging in torture, at all times, and in all
          places. All U.S. officials, wherever they may
          be, are also prohibited from engaging in cniel,
          inhuman, or degrading treatment or
          punishment against any person in
          U.S. custody, as defined by our obligations
          under the Convention against Torture. Further,
          the U.S. Supreme Court has held that Common
          Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions applies in
          our aniied conflict with Al-Qaeda. The U.S.
          applies these protections to all detained
          unlawful enemy combatants.
          Abdugani Tursinov Kamaliev. aged 50.
          currently detained in the investigative prison
          (SIZO) of Namangansk. During his detention by
          Uzbek authorities, Mr. Kamaliev. has been
          suspended by his feet, beaten with steel rods, and
          had his teeth filed in order to obtain a confession.
          On 5 December 2007, he had been deported from
          Tumen in Russia to Tashkent. Mr. Kamaliev was
          charged with several crimes in Uzbekistan
          (art. 156, 159, 242-2 of the Criminal Code),
          which he was alleged to have “committed
          together with the adherents of religious extremist
          organisation ‘wahhabi'. A. Yuldashev amongst
          By letter dated 22/04/08, the Government
          infon ed that the arguments advanced about
          Mr. Tursinov having been subjected to torture
          and other unlawful methods of investigation
          for the purpose of obtaining a confession from
          him have not been corroborated. From the time
          of his arrest and throughout the subsequent
          period of his pretrial detention and the judicial
          examination of the case, Mr. Tursinov
          voluntarily and with exceptional consistency
          gave self-incriminatory evidence that was
          objectively confirmed by other proof collected.
          All legal proceedings with regard to
          Mr. Tursinov were carried out with the
          participation of his counsel, who made no
          complaints of unlawful tecimiques of
          investigation during the conduct of the trial or
          afterwards. By decision of the Namangan
          provincial criminal court dated
          27 Febniary 2008, Mr. Tursinov was convicted
          of multiple offences under articles 156 (3) (e)
          and 159 (3) (b) of the Uzbek Criminal Code
          and sentenced to serve ii years under an
          ordinary penal regime. The verdict entered into
          force on 11 March 2008 but no appeal or
          application for cassation or judicial review was
          submitted by Mr. Tursinov or his counsel. The
          court correctly characterized Mr. Tursinov's
          criminal activity, and the punishment imposed
          255. Uzbekistan
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          in the light of circumstances that aggravated or
          mitigated his guilt was suited to the acts. No
          grounds have been found for objecting to the
          court's decision.
          256. 31/03/08 JUA HRD. Yusuf Juma. a prominent writer and
          IJL. pro-democracy activist, his two sons. Bobur and
          FRDX. Mashrab Juma. and Ruhiddin Kamilov. their
          TOR lawyer. Yusuf. Bobur and Mashrab Juma are
          detained in Otbozor Prison in the Bukhara region.
          They have been subject to verbal abuse and
          beatings on a daily basis by prison authorities
          since their arrest in mid-December 2007. Yusuf
          Juma was recently examined at Bukhara's
          Medical Law Centre after he fainted from the
          torture he was subjected to. He was found to be
          suffering from heart and respiratory problems and
          had injuries from the beatings. Yusuf and
          Bobur Juma are being denied access to food and
          prevented from writing letters and meeting with
          their lawyer. Mashrab Juma was detained on
          allegedly fabricated charges in the run-up to the
          re-election of President Karimov. and was
          sentenced to three years' imprisonment. Yusuf
          and Bobur Juma have been charged under two
          articles of the Criminal Code with “insulting” and
          “resisting representatives of power”. Yusuf Juma
          has been openly critical of President Islam
          Karimov in his writings. Mr. Kamilov was
          threatened by the prison governor that he would
          soon be killed because he and Yusuf Juma were
          serving the interests of US imperialism. Concern
          is expressed for the physical and mental integrity
          Sanjar G. Umarov. He was the subject of
          previous correspondence (see A/HRC/7/3/Add. 1,
          para. 258). Mr.Umarov has suffered from
          dramatic weight loss (more than 30 kg). Also, his
          psychological condition has seriously
          deteriorated. He is withdrawn and does not react
          to questions. His body carries visible niarks that
          appear to result from beatings.
          By letter dated 21/08/08, the Government
          indicated that on his admission to the remand
          centre and on his transfer to the penal colony.
          convict S.G. Umarov underwent a general
          examination carried out by medical staff
          He has been held in prison No. 64/47 of the
          Central Penal Correction Department of the
          Ministry of Internal Affairs of Uzbekistan (in
          the town of Kiziltep. Navoi province) since
          23 May 2006. While serving his sentence,
          Mr. Umarov has undergone thorough and
          comprehensive examinations and, in
          accordance with recommendations made by
          medical specialists, has received qualified
          medical care, both as an outpatient and in the
          prison clinic. He receives periodic check-ups
          from the prison doctors and is therefore under
          active observation. Several tests were
          conducted, such as as a complex serologic
          reaction test, general and H1V blood test,
          general urine analysis, biochemical blood
          analysis, chest fluorography,
          electrocardiogram and Oesophageal
          gastroduodenoscopy. The results of all tests
          were non al. He also received outpatient care
          several times. Mr. Urnarov is listed in the
          medical records with a diagnosis of ischaemic
          heart disease, stable angina and first degree
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          of Yusuf. Bobur and Mashrab Juma. and in
          relation to acts of intimidation against their
          lawyer, Mr. Kamilov.
          C D
          Akzam Turgunov, executive director of
          Mazlum, a non-governmental organization
          dedicated to the defence of human rights, has
          worked as a public defender in cases involving
          human rights violations, and Salijon
          Abdurahmanov (subject of a previously
          transmitted communication, A/HRC/7/28/Add. 1,
          paras. 1917-1921). On 11 July2008,
          Mr. Turgunov was arrested in Manget,
          Karakalpakstan, on charges of extortion. While
          being held at a police detention centre in Nukus,
          he was taken to an investigator's office on
          14 July, where boiling water was poured on his
          back. On 4 September, Mr. Turgunov's trial
          began at the Amudarya District Court in Nukus,
          and it resumed on 16 September. He may face up
          Doctors from the local clinics of the Ministry
          of Health of Uzbekistan have been enlisted to
          conduct the necessary consultations.
          The prison's medical staff deems
          Mr. Umarov' s current state of health to be
          satisfactory. Pursuant to article 10 of the
          Uzbek Penal Enforcement Code, Mr. Umarov
          will be granted legal assistance on applying in
          writing to the prison administration.
          The rights of convicts, including
          Mr. S .G. Umarov, are guaranteed in
          accordance with the legislation in force in
          A reply was received from the Government on
          10/11/08, but could not be translated in time
          for inclusion in this report.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          c c
          to 15 years' imprisonment. The next hearing will
          be scheduled once a medical report on his alleged
          ill-treatment is available. On 7 June 2008,
          Mr. Abdurahmanov was arrested, after dnigs had
          reportedly been planted in his car. His trial before
          the Tahtakupir District Court coninienced on
          12 September. The hearing was not open to the
          public. The police officers and the sniffer-dog
          specialist who had reported finding illegal dnigs
          in Mr. Abdurahmanov' s car were not present at
          the trial. Mr. Abdurahmanov has now been
          charged with “selling dnigs in large
          consignment”, which could result in a sentence of
          up to 20 years' imprisonment .
          259. 27/10/08 UA HRD: Mr. Norboy Kholigitov. On 18 October 2005. he
          TOR was sentenced to ten years' imprisonment by the
          Samarkand Regional Criminal Court. He is now
          detained at Prison 64/49 in Karshi. He suffers
          from diabetes, but has not been allowed access to
          adequate medical treatment. Although he had not
          committed any disciplinary violation, he was
          recently given a warning by prison authorities.
          which means that he cannot benefit from any
          amnesty. Concern was expressed for
          Mr. Kholigitov' s physical and psychological
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Salijon Abdurahmanov and Akzam Turgunov
          A reply was received from the Government on
          (subject of previously transmitted
          10/11/08, but could not be translated in time
          communications, see above para. 258). On
          for inclusion in this report.
          10 October 2008, Mr. Abdurahmanov was
          sentenced to ten years' imprisonment by Nukus
          Court under charges of “selling dnigs in large
          consignment” (Article 25-273. Part S of the
          Uzbek Criminal Code). These charges were
          different from the original charges brought
          against Mr. Salijon Abdurahmonov according to
          your Government's response to the
          coniniunication sent by mandate-holders, received
          on 19 July 2008. In this response it was stated that
          “on 9 June 2008, Mr. Abdurakhmonov was
          indicted . . .1 under article 276, paragraph 2 (a)
          (Unlawful production, storage, purchase, carriage
          or transmission of narcotic or psychotropic
          substances in large quantities, without the purpose
          of sale) of the Criminal Code of Uzbekistan”. It is
          believed that the charges brought against
          Mr. Salijon Abdurahmanov may have been
          fabricated and that the evidence used against him
          may be based on the discovery of dnigs which
          were planted in his car. The place where
          Mr. Abdurahmanov is currently detained is
          unknown. On 23 October 2008, Mr. Turgunov
          was sentenced to ten years' imprisonment by a
          court in Manget, Karakalpakstan, on charges of
          extortion (Article 165, Part 3 of the Criminal
          Code of Uzbekistan). He is currently in detention
          in colony 64/9, Nukus. Mr. Turgunov has
          reportedly been subjected to ill-treatment while in
          detention since 11 July 2008.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          Yakub Tashbayev, Rasul Pirmatov,
          By letter dated 09/01/08, the Government
          to earlier
          Maksudov and Odiljan Rahimov
          provided the following information on
          (A/HRCI4I3 3/Add. 1, paras. 126 and
          judgements pronounced by the Tashkent
          E/CN.4/2006/6/Add. 1. para. 135)
          Regional Criminal Court on 13 August 2007.
          Rasulzhon Raimdzhanovich Pirmatov was
          C D
          found guilty and sentenced to 20 years'
          deprivation of life, based on the partial
          cumulation of sentences, to be served in
          general-regime penal colonies.
          Zhakhongir Yuldashevich Maksudov was
          found guilty and sentenced to 11 years'
          deprivation of life, based on the partial
          cumulation of sentences, to be served in
          general-regime penal colonies.
          Odilzhon Mashrabzhanovich Rakhimov was
          found guilty and sentenced to 13 years'
          deprivation of life, based on the partial
          cumulation of sentences, to be served in
          general-regime penal colonies.
          Faezbek Komilzhanovich Tadzhikhalilov was
          found guilty and sentenced to 3 years' punitive
          work, with 30 per cent deduction of earnings
          to be paid to the State. In accordance with
          article 61 of the Criminal Code, the sentence
          was deemed to have been served, the
          preventive measure was rescinded and
          Tadzhikhalilov was released from custody in
          the courtroom.
          During the course of the trial, the prisoners
          under sentence openly acknowledged their
          guilt, gave detailed evidence on the substance
          of the charges and replied to the questions put
          by the prosecutor, defence lawyers, victims
          and civil claimants. No appeal was made or
          objection lodged against the sentences, which
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          have entered into legal force and are currently
          being served. Ekub Tashbaev was found guilty
          by the Andijan Regional Criminal Court on
          27 November 2006 and sentenced to 6 years'
          deprivation of liberty. This sentence was set
          aside by the Cassational College of the court
          on 25 October 2007 and, in accordance with
          article 60 of the Criminal Code relating to
          sentencing for multiple offences. he was
          finally sentenced to 17 years' deprivation of
          liberty. During the course of the trial
          proceedings, the convicted man,
          Ekub Tashbaev, partially admitted his guilt,
          gave evidence on the substance of the charges,
          replied to all the questions by the prosecutor
          and the defence and lodged no complaint
          against the court's decision. The sentence has
          entered into legal force and is currently being
          Republic of)
          El Sr. Yean Manuel Mijares fine detenido el
          23 dejunio de 2008, alas 13.30 horas, por varios
          agentes uniformados de la Policla Metropolitana
          en su lugar de trabajo. un taller mecánico ubicado
          en la Calle Los Cedros con CaronI, Avenida
          principal de San Andrés del Valle, Caracas.
          Durante su arresto, fine herido en el brazo
          izquierdo con un objeto contundente. Luego de
          serle confiscados sus documentos de identidad
          personal, fue conducido a la Estación Policial de
          San Andrés de El Valle, donde fue esposado e
          interrogado por agente policiales quienes le
          habrIan insultado y amenazado con trasladarle a
          Mediante carta de fecha de 10/09/08, el
          Gobierno indicó que el 15 de agosto de 2006,
          Ligia Coromoto Vargas Sanchez, madre de
          Yean Manuel Mij ares Vargas compareció ante
          el Ministerio Püblico, manifestasndo que cinco
          funcionarios adscritos a la Policla
          Metropolitana le hablan causado lesiones y
          torturas a su hijo, el 7 de agosto de 2006,
          cuando fue detenido en su residencia por estar
          presuntamente incurso en los delitos de Porte
          ilIcito de Arma de Fuego, Aprovechamiento de
          Cosas Provenientes del Delito
          Aprovechamiento de VehIculo Proveniente de
          un centro penitenciario para ser obj eto de
          violación sexual. Funcionarios de la estación
          policial habrlan infon ado posteriorn ente que
          esta persona fine detenida porque se habia recibido
          una llamada telefónica anónima denunciándole
          por yenta de drogas. Ningün fiscal ha sido
          notificado de la detención, lo que constituirla una
          violación grave del procedimiento establecido por
          el Código Organico Procesal Penal. Se afin a
          que, en realidad, se trataria de una detención
          motivada por represalias v con el objeto de
          impedir la actuación de un procedimiento judicial
          por torturas. Esta persona denunció judicialmente
          haber sido torturado por cinco funcionarios del
          mismo cuerpo policial, la Policia Metropolitana,
          durante una detención anterior ocurrida en agosto
          de 2006. Su actual detención se produjo a pocos
          dias de celebrarse la audiencia preliminar (acto
          durante el cual el Juez del Tribunal de control
          admitirá o rechazará la acusación por torturas). Se
          afinna además que los hechos se remontan a
          agosto de 2006. V que tuvieron lugar en la
          estación Policial de la Zona 10. El Sr. Mij ares fine
          suj eto entonces a la colocación de un trozo de tela
          v de cinta adhesiva en los ojos. sufriendo golpes
          de pie. puflos. v de un palo de madera envuelto en
          tela. Los golpes se dirigieron contra su cabeza,
          especificamente contra la region mastoidea
          izquierda: la cara (region orbitaria del ojo): el
          tórax delantero. en sus dos intercostales. en la
          region postcodo v ole craneana; el tórax posterior
          a nivel de la Inter escapular. Además le fine
          Robo v Hurto. previstos V sancionados en el
          Codigo Penal v la Lev sobre Hurto v Robo de
          Vehiculo Automotor.
          En fecha 8 de agosto de 2006. se celebró ante
          el Tribunal Décimo Octavo de Primera
          Instancia en Funciones de Control del Circuito
          Judicial Penal del Area Metropolitana de
          Caracas. la Audiencia de Presentación del
          Aprehendido, decretándose en dicho acto, la
          nulidad absoluta del procedimiento en
          cuestión. Igualmente. por no considerarse los
          hechos como flagrantes se acordó continuar las
          investigaciones por la via del Procedimiento
          Ordinano. Por otra parte. en la respectiva
          Audiencia, fine desestimada la precalificación
          Fiscal por los delitos antes seflalados,
          negandose además. la imposición de Medidas
          Cautelares Sustitutivas de Libertad v. en
          consecuencia, se decretó la libertad sin
          restricciones. ordenándose la apertura de una
          averiguación penal en virtud de las lesiones
          que presuntamente le ocasionaron los
          funcionarios al Sr. Mijares Vargas.
          En virtud de lo expuesto. fine comisionada para
          actuar en la presente causa la Fiscalia
          Octogésima Tercera del Ministerio Püblico de
          la Circunscripción Judicial del Area
          Metropolitana de Caracas. quien ordenó el
          inicio de la correspondiente investigación el
          8 de agosto de 2006. realizando las diligencias
          ütiles v necesarias. a los fines de establecer las
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          colocada una bolsa plástica en la cara con una
          sustancia tóxica. Se afin a que a! momento en el
          que le colocaron la bolsa con dicha sustancia, el
          Sr. Mij ares se encontraba en posición decübito
          abdominal. esposado con los brazos hacia el tórax
          posterior. Al momento en que uno de los
          funcionarios le presionaba con el dedo pulgar la
          region media del cuello. le indicaba que le avisase
          con los dedos con un toque entre las piernas
          cuando sintiese que va no podia respirar. Le fine
          aplicada una sustancia tóxica en la lengua. lo que
          le produjo quemaduras de primer grado en los
          laterales de la lengua v en las fosas nasales. Sufrió
          además amenazas de muerte. Posteriorn iente fine
          trasladado hasta un lugar en Petare, cercano a
          unos edificios, donde un funcionario le colocó un
          arma de finego dentro de la boca v le amenazó con
          ejecutarle. El 9 de mayo de 2008. el Sr. Mijares
          denunció fon almente ante la Fiscalia N° 83 a
          cinco funcionarios de la Policia Metropolitana,
          por torturas v privación ilegitima de libertad.
          responsabilidades a que hava lugar. entre las
          cuales se mencionan: Reconocimiento Medico
          Legal practicado a! ciudadano en cuestión,
          diversas citaciones libradas a testigos
          presenciales v referenciales del hecho.
          Asimismo. rindieron declaraciones los
          funcionarios policiales actuantes en el
          procedimiento donde resultara aprehendido el
          Sr. Mij ares Vargas.
          Posterion ente. el 7 de mayo de 2008. la
          Fiscalia comisionada interpuso escrito
          acusatorio contra un policia por los delitos de
          Lesiones Intencionales Personales Leves. en
          Grado de Complicidad Correspectiva. asi
          como el delito de Tortura v Privación Ilegitima
          de Libertad. Igualmente. resultaron acusados
          cuatro personas más por la comisión de los
          delitos de Lesiones Personales Intencionales
          Leves en Grado de Complicidad
          Correspectiva. Torturas. Violación de
          Domicilio v Privación Ilegitima de Libertad.
          La Fiscalia Comisionada recibió Boleta de
          Notificación procedente del Juzgado
          Cuadragésimo Cuarto de Primera Jnstancia en
          Funciones de Control de este Circuito Judicial
          Penal. fechada 18 dejunio de 2008. mediante
          la cual participaban que ése Organo
          Jurisdiccional acordó declinar el conocimiento
          de la causa seguida contra dos ciudadanos. a!
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          263. 22/10/08 JAL HRD; Sras. Kelys Amundaray. Maryluz Coromoto
          TOR Guillén Rodriguez. v Maria de los Angeles
          Peña Fonseca. v el Sr. Tomas Antonio Becerra
          Ramirez. defensores de los derechos de los
          pueblos indIgenas. en particular los derechos de la
          comunidad indIgena Yukpa Chaktapa. Segün nos
          infonnan. esta comunidad ha venido reclamando
          el proceso de demarcación de sus territorios
          ancestrales tal como lo establece la Constitución
          PolItica de Venezuela. El 23 de agosto de 2008,
          las Sras. Kelvs Amundarav. Marvluz Coromoto
          Guillén RodrIguez. v MarIa de los Angeles Pefla
          Fonseca. v el Sr. Tomas Antonio Becerra RamIrez
          viaj aban en autobüs con el obj eto de participar en
          una acción humanitaria junto con otras personas
          para promocionar el respecto de los derechos de
          la comunidad Yukpa Chaktapa. Sin embargo. la
          Guardia Nacional v el Ejército les impidió el
          paso, los detuvo v condujo ante un tribunal. El
          Sr. Becerra RamIrez habrla intentado impedir que
          un militar suj etara a una compafiera que
          participaba en la acción humanitaria. Un teniente
          le agarró v le colocó una pistola en la cabeza. Un
          gnipo de aproximadamente diez soldados le
          rodearon lanzándole al piso v propinándole golpes
          de pie. Fue trasladado a una unidad móvil militar
          donde le pegaron con cascos. robs v botas. A
          causa de estos malos tratos. el Sr. Becerra
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          Tribunal Trigésimo Octavo de Primera
          Instancia en Funciones de Control del Circuito
          Judicial Penal del Area Metropolitana de
          C D
          RamIrez sufrió hematomas en la espalda v en los
          brazos, asI como varias cortaduras en la cabeza
          que ameritaron puntos de sutura. perdiendo el
          conocirniento. Pennaneció en la unidad rnilitar
          entre las ocho de la tarde v las tres de la mañana
          del dIa siguiente. siendo entonces trasladado a un
          hospital. En el hospital no le suturaron las
          cortaduras. limitándose a limpiarle la sangre.
          Tampoco le sometieron a exámenes medicos. Se
          infonna que las personas que fueron detenidas se
          encuentran actualrnente su etos a un regimen de
          comparecencia. debiendo presentarse cada 45 dIas
          ante un tribunal. bajo cargos de lesiones
          personales. resistencia a la autoridad v daflo a la
          propiedad püblica.
          Yahya Ghaleb Ahmed, All Dahmas,
          Abdelhameed Taleb Muthana, all three
          members of the Yemeni Socialist Party Central
          Committee in Dhaleh, Hassan Baa'um, member
          of the Political Bureau of the Yemeni Socialist
          Party, his son, Salem Hassan Baa' urn, Ahmed
          Omar bin Fareed. All Haitham Al-Ghareeb.
          Jamal Obadi, Hassan Zeid Yahya,
          representative of Hizb al-Haq in Abvan. Amer
          Al-Sun, Muham ad Aidanus Al-Nakhli,
          Muhamad Jazem, Nakhla All Oman, Said All
          Oman. Husine Fadhl Amzib. Ahmed Hanmal.
          journalist, Jameel Qasem Muhamad,
          Muhamad Obadi Musa, Abdelqawi Najeeb,
          Abdelkanim Obayd Al-Tihami, Muhamad All
          Fatini. As'ad Muthana Saleh. Muhamad Naji
          Husein, All Muhamad Sweileh, Mohsen
          By letter dated 06/05/08 the Government
          responded that the persons mentioned in the
          UA were arrested based on instnictions from
          the Office of the Attorney General and the
          cases filed against them have been forwarded
          to the Office of the Attorney General for legal
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          264. Yemen
          C D
          Hameli Saad, Fadhi Muhamad Muqbel,
          Khaled Muthana Obadi, Omar All Abdallah,
          Samed Ahmed Qasem, Abdallah Hamud,
          Muhamad Saleh Hamadi, Qaed Said,
          Muhamad All Said, Fawaz All, Akram
          Al-Qubbati. Najeeb Al-Mikhlafi. Mansour
          Abdelmula. Ahmed Al-Tamimi. Amin All
          Farhan, Fahd Al-Yusufi, Muhamad
          Al-Shamiri. Abdu Muhamad Al-Rasani. Amin
          Abdu All. Bashir Al-Raymi. and Omar
          Al-Murshidi. The persons mentioned above and
          others, whose identity could not vet be
          ascertained, have been arrested by Yemeni
          security forces on 31 March and 1 April 2008 in
          the cities of Aden, al-Dhali', Abyan, and Taez, as
          well as in the region of Radfan, the main city of
          which is Habilayn. A number of the detainees are
          held incommunicado at unknown places of
          detention. Several of the arrests took place with
          uimecessarv violence in the middle of the night at
          some of these persons' homes. The reasons for
          their arrests remain unclear. However, it is
          reported that the above-mentioned persons
          support the protests and activities of retired
          soldiers and would-be recniits from the Southern
          Governorates of Yemen who have raised concern
          about discrimination when seeking employment
          and with respect to salaries and pensions in
          comparison to retired soldiers from the North of
          the country. The situation of retired soldiers was
          the subject matter of previously transmitted
          communication (A/HRCI7I3IAdd. 1. para. 278).
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Mr. Akram Al-Qubbati. Mr. Naj eeb Al-Mikhlafi.
          Mr. Mansour Abdelrnula. Mr. Ahrned Al-Tarnirni.
          Mr. Amin Au Farhan. Mr. Fahd Al-Yusufi.
          Mr. Muharnad Al-Sharniri. Mr. Abdu Muharnad
          Al-Rasani. Mr. Amin Abdu Au. Mr. Bashir
          Al-Raymi. and Dr. Omar Al-Murshidi were
          arrested on 1 April in Taez after a demonstration
          of solidarity with the arrests carried out on the
          previous day. They reportedly remain in
          detention. Some of the persons had been
          previously arrested in the months of August and
          September 2007 for taking part in protests at
          Liberty Square, Aden, and in al-Mukalla. In view
          of the reported incommunicado detention at
          unknown places of detention of some of the
          detainees, concerns are expressed that they might
          be at risk of ill-treatment.
          Louay Abduiwahab All Al- Mouayyad.
          aged 24, residing at Freedom Avenue, journalist
          and human rights defender, member of the
          “Organisation for democratic rights and liberties”,
          executive director of the portal “Free Yemen”.
          M. Loua Abdulwahab Ali Al-Mouayyad was
          arrested at his home on 20 June 2008 by several
          security services (Al Amn Assiyassi) officers in
          civil clothes acconipanied by some militaries.
          They did not present any arrest warrant and did
          not explain the reasons for arrest. They then took
          him to an unknown place. That evening the
          family was advised to prepare his laptop and the
          medicine he needs. The family was also able to
          speak to Mr. Al-Mouayyad. Since then the family
          By letter dated 22/10/08, the Government
          indicated that Loua Abdulwahab Ali
          Al-Mouayyad had been released.
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          has not had any infornrntion about his
          whereabouts in spite of many attempts to find out
          where he is with the security services and the
          Prosecutor's office.
          to earlier
          Abdel Karim al-Khaiwani (A/HRC/7/3/Add.l.
          para. 279)
          By letter dated 24/01/08, the Government
          indicated that the inforn ation they received on
          the abduction, detention, threatening. etc. of
          Mr. Al-Kahiwani is untnie. He has been
          arrested to be brought to justice.
          Intimidation, violence and torture in the
          aftermath of recent elections. Between
          29 March and 14 Apnl 2008 160 cases of injur
          resulting from organized violence and torture
          have been treated by various doctors with many
          of the patients still remaining in hospital. One
          third of the patients were women. A fifth of the
          victims were members of the opposition
          Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) and
          another 20% were involved in the elections for
          the Zimbabwe Electoral Comniission (ZEC).
          Nine patients sustained broken bones, typical of
          . .
          defence injunes resultmg from the victim
          raising his or her hands and arms to protect the
          face and upper body from assault. This penod
          saw at least two politically-motivated murders.
          - .
          1 abductions of women, and 288 cases of homes
          destroyed through politically-motivated arson
          leaving 175 families and 14 persons displaced.
          The majority of persons displaced are said to be
          women and children. About 70 MDC members
          have been arrested in the last few days. The
          above-described violence has been perpetrated by
          By letter dated 11/06/08, the Government
          responded that the President, the Cabinet of
          Ministers Service Chiefs and various niling
          party functionaries before, during and after the
          29 March Harn onised Elections, have
          repeatedly publicly declared their disapproval
          for violence and warned all
          would-be-perpetrators of the full consequences
          of the law.
          On the eve of the election, Police
          .. .
          Comniissioner General Augustine Chihun.
          . . .
          flanked by his fellow Service Chiefs, issued
          . . .
          his most stern warning against violence. A
          copy of this statement has been provided to the
          Special Rapporteurs. This policy has been and
          continues to be enforced without
          . .
          discnmination. fear or favour.
          The Government also informed that all cases
          that have been reported to the police are the
          subject of investigations as part of the due
          processes of the law. In Zimbabwe, a report by
          an aggrieved party or reasonable suspicion of a
          police officers, soldiers and members of the niling
          Zanu PF party as part of a retributive and reprisal
          campaign mainly in niral areas, where people
          have voted for opposition candidates. In many
          instances victims were told that they were being
          victimized because they support the opposition;
          they were accused of “celebrating the MDC
          victory”. “of selling the country to the whites”
          and/or “of being responsible for the rigging of
          elections in favour of the MDC”. Reports also
          indicate that the authorities are targeting the
          independent local and foreign media, attempting
          to impede reporting on the current situation and
          the afiern ath of the election, by resorting
          increasingly to police harassment and the arrest
          and detention of journalists.
          crime having been committed or about to be
          comniitted is a critical step in launching this
          due process of the law. Once reported, the
          Zimbabwean Republic Police (ZRP) would
          then exercise its mandate to docket, investigate
          and bring suspects before the courts of law for
          prosecution and, ultimately, judgment.
          Where no report has been made to the police,
          as appears to be the case regarding the
          3 1 politically motivated murders claimed by
          the MDC-T as having occurred since
          29 March 2008, the Police would find it
          impossible to take the initial steps to launch
          the due process described above, bearing in
          mind that, according to Zimbabwean law, a
          person is presumed innocent until proven
          The eight murders officially attributed to the
          two sides fall far below the 3 1 claimed by
          MDC-T. It is impossible to verify the
          MDC-T's claims, particularly because it
          appears to be complaining to the press before
          reporting them to the police. Even then, of the
          six murders allegedly committed by ZANU-PF
          supporters, subject to ongoing investigations,
          at least two do not seem to have been
          politically motivated. One of these was the
          case of Clemence Dube, who MDC-T's
          Anton Chamisa claimed to have been
          murdered in Shunigwi by a ZANU-PF
          supporter on 27 April 2008. According to
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          established facts, however. Dube died of
          immuno-suppression and tuberculosis at Mpilo
          Hospital, in Bulawavo. on 27 April 2008.
          Incidentally, on 11 April 2008. he had fought
          with a ZANU-PF supporter at a local township
          over money, but eve witnesses say the two
          later went their separate ways.
          In the other case, the alleged victim, a teacher
          in Muzarabani area, has turned out ta be alive.
          He has actually denounced the MDC-T for
          using his name to justify “dubious statistics”.
          It seems, from these two cases alone, that the
          MDC-T is fabricating and exaggerating its
          tally of victims in order to give substance to its
          claims that there is a raging civil war in
          Zimbabwe. Some of the alleged crimes in the
          MDC-T's tally, such as politically motivated
          rape, are completely alien and unheard of in
          Zimbabwe's political culture. However, every
          complaint received will be investigated and
          pursued to its logical conclusion, with all
          perpetrators facing the full wrath of the law. It
          has never been Government's policy to support
          or condone violence or impunity.
          it is unfortunate that, quite to the contrary of
          the objective reality on the ground, all the
          ‘evidence' cited by the Rapporteurs paints the
          MDC-T as the victim and implicates
          ZANU-PF as the principal perpetrator of
          violence. During the ‘mass action' called by
          the MDC-T on 15 March 2008. marauding
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          gangs of MDC-T DRCs (Democratic
          Restistance Committees) burnt to ashes one
          conventional 77-seater bus belonging to the
          Nyamweda Bus Company which was full of
          cross-border traders en route from Botswana,
          stoned another bus belonging to the
          state-owned Zimbabwe United Passenger
          Company (ZUPCO) and two private motor
          vehicles, and also committed a wide range of
          other crimes ranging from dismpting traffic
          through makeshift road blockades to attempted
          murder. Police arrested 76 activists who have
          all confessed to be hired members of the
          As a result of the ongoing investigations
          pertaining to electoral fraud, close to
          100 arrests have been made. Five of these have
          already been convicted for contravening
          Section 87 of the Electoral Act Chapter 2: 13
          and sentenced to fines ranging between
          ZW$12 billion and ZW$30 billion. The
          remaining cases are either at various stages of
          investigation or before the courts.
          This is not victimization of ‘human rights
          defenders' as the MDC-T claims. No one is
          above the law in Zimbabwe. Where a crime is
          suspected to have been committed, the
          perpetrator will be brought to justice regardless
          of his or her race, colour, religion or political
          affiliation. This principle demands that the law
          must be allowed to take its course. Much as
          some quarters may advocate the invocation of
          the ‘responsibility to protect' principle against
          Zimbabwe on the basis of the MDC-T's litany
          of fabrications and exaggerations, it is equally
          important to understand that the Constitution
          of Zimbabwe demarcates the sovereign
          boundaries of responsibility within which the
          Government must protect its citizens.
          Regarding questions of compensation for
          alleged victims which are also raised in the
          communication. Government submits that the
          victims are receiving the usual basic assistance
          from the the Civil Protection Department and
          the resident humanitarian agencies in the
          country. However, contrary to the over
          5,000 ‘IDPs' that the MDC-T claims to have
          registered, the Government, with the support
          of non-partisan civil society, are attending to
          no more than 100 households comprising
          700 people. There are no new cases. Besides, it
          is still too early to start talking about long-tenn
          resettiement support at this stage when the
          problem is still being quantified, the victims
          screened and registered according to their
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Mr. Lovemore Matombo and Mr. Wellington
          By letter dated 0 1/07/08, the Government
          Chibebe (or Chibhebhe), respectively President
          inforn ed that the correct facts are that
          and Secretary General of the Zimbabwe Congress
          Raymond Majongwe, Bwandarika, Janat
          of Trade Unions (ZCTU), and Mr. Raymond
          Hillary, Takavarika Zhou, Benard Zhou,
          Majongwe, General Secretary of the
          Leviciuos Ziunde, Harrison Mudzur, Oswald
          Progressive Teachers' Union of Zimbabwe
          Madziva, and Linda Fumaphanda are indeed
          (PTUZ). Both Mr. Matombo and Mr. Chibebe
          were the subjects of a previously transmitted
          communication (A/HRC/4/3 3/Add. 1. para. 340).
          On 8 May 2008, Mr. Lovemore Motombo and
          Mr. Wellington Chibebe were both arrested
          allegedly in connection with May Day speeches.
          during which they spoke about the political crisis
          due to the postponement of the announcement of
          the election results, and the ensuing wave of
          violent intimidation of opposition supporters.
          They were charged with “inciting people to rise
          against the Government and reporting falsehoods
          about people being killed”. On 6 May. heavily
          arn ed police personnel had come to their homes
          to search them. On 7 May. they voluntarily
          reported to the police station, but were not taken
          in before 8 Ma 2008. They are currently held at
          the Harare Remand Prison. They have applied for
          release on bail, but the High Court of Zimbabwe
          will not deliver its judgment on this application
          until 19 Ma 2008. On 16 Ma 2008,
          Mr. Raymond Maj ongwe was arrested by the
          police at the High Court of Zimbabwe in Harare
          while he was attending the bail hearing of
          Mr. Lovemore Matombo and Mr. Wellington
          Chibebe. This arrest is allegedly in connection
          with the work of PTUZ in documenting the
          harassment of teachers at their workplace within
          the context of the current political violence in the
          members of the Progressive Teachers
          Association of Zimbabwe (PTUZ). On
          19 Febniarv. PTUZ members went to ZANU
          PF Harare Provincial Headquarters whereupon
          they threw flyers within the party premises.
          The flyers contained abusive political
          messages and this did not go down well with
          the ZANU PF youths who were there.
          Subsequently a skirn ish ensued between the
          youths and members of PTUZ led by
          Raymond Majongwe. The police got wind of
          the disturbances and, upon arrival at the party
          headquarters, arrested nine members of PTUZ
          and two ZANU PF youths. Observations made
          by the police during the time of arrest were
          that some of the members of PTUZ had
          sustained injuries as a result of the scuffle. All
          suspects were taken to the police station where
          the initial documentation was done and
          arrangements made for the injured to be taken
          to hospital. At no time were the suspects
          subjected to any forn of ill-treatment. It was
          important for suspects to be taken to a
          government hospital first, to facilitate
          obtaining a medical report that would be
          acceptable in court, since the injuries were as a
          result of an assault that was subject to
          investigation. It is therefore not tnie that they
          were assaulted by unidentified youths. Two
          ZANU PF youths are facing assault charges. It
          is also not tnie that the injured were denied
          access to medical attention, as it is the police
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Mr. Michael Dubem (Shunigwi district), died on
          1 May 2008 after being assaulted by Zanu
          PF supporters. Mr. Tapiwa Meda, Mr. Alex
          Chiriseri and Mr. Joseph Madzuramhende
          (Centenary district), died on 5 May 2008 after
          being assaulted by a youth gang and a soldier,
          Mr. Crispen Taero (Mt Darwin district), died in
          April 2008 after having been attacked by
          members of the Central Intelligence Organization
          and Zanu PF supporters. Mr. Biggie Zhuwawo
          (Muzarabani district), died in April 2008 after
          being abducted by Zanu PF youths. Mr. Crispen
          who ferried the suspects in a police vehicle to
          a government hospital. It is unfair to suggest
          that the delay in attending to the suspects at the
          hospital is attributable to the police. We do not
          run hospitals but police stations. We did our
          part by taking them to the hospital. In
          Zimbabwe most of our operation vehicles are
          pick-ups and to infer that we should have used
          a more comfortable vehicle is also misplaced.
          It is a blatant lie that the accused were released
          without any charge. All were discharged from
          the Avenues Clinic and appeared in court on
          5 March. Members of PTUZ were charged for
          contravening Chapter 46 of the Criminal
          Codification Reform Act Chapter 9.23,
          Criminal nuisance, and were released on
          50 million Zimbabwe dollars bail each, while
          the two youth were also released on the same
          bail conditions. The matter is still pending at
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          Chiutsi (Gunive district), died in April 2008 after
          being attacked by Zanu PF youths. Ms. Tatenda
          Chibika (Mutoko district), died in April 2008
          after being beaten by Zanu PF youths and war
          veterans, Mr. Tapiwa Mbwanda (Huningwe
          district), died on 5 April 2008 after an attack by
          Zanu PF youths. Mr. Marunde Tembo (Mudzi
          district), died in April 2008 after being assaulted
          by Zanu PF youths. Mr. Moses Bashitiayo
          (Mutoko district), died in April 2008 after being
          attacked by soldiers and Zanu PF youths, B. M.,
          aged 4 (Murehwa district), burnt in April 2008
          after the parents were assaulted and their house
          was set on fire by Zanu PF supporters,
          Mr. Manyimo Tennyson (Muzarabani districted),
          was ill-treated as a result of which he died at
          Bakasa Base on 24 April 2008, Mr. Tabitha
          Marume (Makoni west district), was shot by
          government agents on 1 April 2008. Mr. Moses
          Makewa (Wedza district), died on 1 April 2008
          after being attacked by Zanu PF supporters,
          Mr. Peter Tom Butao (Mudzi North district),
          died on 29 April 2008 after being tortured by
          Zanu PF members. Mr. Sage Muza (Hovuyu
          2 Mutoko district), died on 8 Ma 2008 after an -
          attack by Zanu PF supporters, Mr. Manuel
          Nelson Hopley/Harare). died on 9 Ma 2008
          after an attack by Zanu PF youths, Mr. Godfrey
          Jemedze (Mazowe district), died on 9 May 2008
          after being attacked by Zanu PF supporters and
          members of the army, Mr. Elias Madzivanzira
          (Kahari.Shamva district), died on ii Ma 2008
          after an axe attack on him and his wife by Zanu
          PF supporters. Temba Muronde (Mudzi north).
          was abducted at Vhombozi river, taken to
          Magwada Base where he was given rat poison
          and pesticide and killed, with an axe after a week
          by Zanu PF youths and militia on 14 April 2008,
          Ms. Ratidzai Dzenga (pregnant) (Muzarabani
          district), died on 1 April 2008 after being heavily
          assaulted by Zanu PF youth, Mr. Better
          Chokururama, Mr. Cain Nyevhe and
          Mr. Godrey Kauzani (Murehwa district), died on
          14 Ma 2008 after an attack by Zanu
          PF supporters, Mr. Abia Chaparira (Mt Darwin
          district), died on 11 May 2008 after being
          assaulted and tortured by Zanu PF youths and war
          veterans, Ms. Gloria Mukaiwa (Centenary
          district), died on 17 May 2008 after being
          assaulted by Zanu PF youths, Mr. Tonderayi
          Ndira (Harare), killed in Ma 2008 after having
          been abducted from his home by an an ed Zanu
          PF gang, Mr. Manyuke Nyamukapa (Murehwa
          district), died on 20 May 2008 after being
          abducted by Zanu PF youths, Ms. Rosemary
          Maramba (UMP district), died on 20 May 2008
          after being assaulted by Zanu PF supporters,
          Mr. Action Nyadedzi (UMP district), died on
          20 Ma 2008 after being abducted by Zanu
          PF youths, Mr. Chitsungo (Headman)
          (UMP district), died on 20 May 2008 after being
          abducted by Zanu PF youths, Mr. Taurai
          Matanda (Buhera district), died on 24 May 2008
          after being shot by a soldier, Mr. Edson Zaya
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          (Shamva district), died on 16 May 2008 after
          being assaulted by Zanu PF youths and war
          veterans, Mr. Besta Bakari (Shamva district).
          died on 16 Ma 2008 after being attacked by
          Zanu PF youths. Mr. Phanuel Mubaira
          (Mt Darwin district), died on 19 Ma 2008 after
          being abducted and ill-treated by Zanu PF, Elias
          Madzivanzira (Shamva district), was fatally
          assaulted with an axe by Zanu PF youths and war
          veterans on ii Ma 2008, Ms. Edna Lunga
          (Kwekwe district), died on 11 April 2008
          abducted and assaulted by Zanu PF youths,
          Mr. Marera (Mutoko district), died on
          15 April 2008 after being abducted and beaten by
          Zanu PF youths and arniy members, Mr.
          Wiseman Tapera (Mutoko district), died on
          08 April 2008 after being assaulted by Zanu PF
          youths and war veterans, Mr. Lever Katsande
          (Mudzi district), died on 27 April 2008 after
          being abducted and beaten by Zanu PF members,
          Ms. Nancy Chidzidzi and Mr. Taurai Chihuri
          (Mutoko district), died on 31 May 2008 after
          being shot by a government agent, Mr. Mariseni
          Kasambarare (UMP distnct) was killed on
          13 Ma 2008 by Zanu PF supporters, -
          Mr. Norman Mabhoyi (UMP district), was killed
          on 28 Ma 2008 by Zanu PF supporters,
          Ms. Patricia Matonganhau (Mutoko district),
          was killed on 20 Ma 2008 by Zanu PF
          supporters, Gibson Nyandoro (Zvimba Norton),
          was abducted by war veterans and Zanu PF
          youths and later found dead close to Norton,
          Mr. Washington Nyangwa. Mr. Chrison Mbano
          (Zaka district), died on 4 June 2008 after an attack
          by soldiers on their MDC office at Jerera Growth
          point, Mr. Owen Hativagone (Marondera
          district), died on 16 May 2008 after being tortured
          for two days by Zanu PF supporters. Mr. Bloke
          Kanyemba (Harare), died on 5 June 2008 after
          being attacked by Chipangano Zanu PF gang,
          Ms. P. G. (Dube) and her child M., aged 6
          (Harare), burned on 8 June 2008 when their house
          was set on fire by Zanu PF supporters. Mr. Farai
          Gambe (Rusape district), died on 15 June 2008
          after being shot by a soldier close range,
          Mr. Daniel Nhende (Epworth district), died on
          8 June 2008 after being abducted and assaulted by
          Zanu PF youths. Mr. Delite Mushonga (Epworth
          district), died on 11 June 2008 after being beaten
          up by Zanu PF youths. Fushirayi Dofo
          (Mazowe). was assaulted and so badly injured by
          local Zanu PF youths accompanied by members
          of the arniy in civilian clothes that he was
          admitted at Howard hospital, where he died on
          10 Ma 2008, Dumihasani Hapazari (Chiredzi)
          was abducted on 4 June by army members based
          in Chiredzi at buffalo range and found dead on
          6 June 2008. Kenedy Dube (Mwenezi),
          kidnapped by a gang of Zanu PF supporters riding
          in Zanu vehicles and found dead on 14 June 2008.
          Ms. Sophia Chingozho (Buhera), was beaten by
          a Zanu Pf youth gang and war veterans in Buhera
          and died in the hospital, Ms. Dadirayi Chipiro
          (Mhondoro district) died on 8 June 2008 after
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          being mutilated and burned by Zanu PF members.
          Mr. Victor Mungazi (Magunje district), died on
          14 June 2008 after being abducted by Zanu
          PF youths. Mr. Simba Chikova (Zaka district).
          was tortured to death by Zanu PF youths on
          13 June 2008, Mr. Elliot Machipisa (Huningwe
          district), died on 17 June 2008 after being
          abducted by by Zanu PF youths. Mr. Morgan
          Chishamba (Harare), died on 19 June 2008 after
          an attack by Zanu PF supporters. Simba Magetsi
          (Gokwe). was abducted by local war veterans and
          Zanu PF youths and found dead on 19 June 2008,
          Mr. Yuana Jenti, Mr. Archford Chipiyo,
          Mr. Ngoni Knight and Mr. Tyson (Chitungwiza
          district), died on 19 June 2008 after being
          abducted by Zanu PF youths and State agents .
          270. 27/10/08 JUA EDU: On 14 October 2008, at approximately 2.15 p.m..
          FRDX; over 500 demonstrators gathered outside
          HRD; August House to present a petition to the
          IJL; Government of Zimbabwe in defence of their
          TOR right to education. The petition reportedly
          addressed sanitation problems in colleges,
          uninhabitable student residences, educational
          materials, access to education and quality of
          education, academic freedom and institutional -
          autonomy, and the closures of schools in
          Zimbabwe. The demonstrations included a march
          which was disnipted four times by armed riot
          police from the Zimbabwe Republic Police
          (ZRP). The President of the Zimbabwe National
          Students Union (Z1NASU). Mr. Clever Bere; the
          Secretary General, Mr. Lovemore Chinoputsa;
          the Legal and Social Affairs Secretary.
          Mr. Courage Ngwarai: a General Councillor,
          Ms. Edwina Burira; and a Youth Fonim
          member. Mr. Tawanda Mutema, were all
          arrested. Some demonstrators were also
          hospitalized because of police violence. The
          Gender and Human Rights Secretary.
          Ms. Priviledge Mutanga was assaulted,
          sustaining head injuries and a swollen anm
          Mr. Obert Masaraura, a General Councillor
          froni Midlands State University. also sustained
          serious head injuries.
          On 16 October 2008, a different peaceful
          demonstration was organized by the “Women of
          Zimbabwe Arise” (WOZA) to call for food to be
          provided for all Zimbabweans. Police reportedly
          used force against demonstrators, including the
          co-leader of WOZA. Ms. Magodonga
          Mahiangu. with batons breaking one woman's
          finger and causing bniises to another two women.
          Nine arrests were made in total. Seven protesters,
          who had been arrested before the demonstrations
          began, were released on the same day without
          charge after the intervention of a lawyer.
          However, on 17 October, Ms. Jenni Williams,
          the National Coordinator of WOZA. and
          Ms. Magodonga Mahlangu were remanded in
          custody until 21 October 2008. Neither of the
          women was present for the bail hearing because.
          according to the State, there was no transport
          available to take them there. They were charged
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          C D
          Allegations transmitted
          Government response
          with “disturbing the peace, security or order of
          the public” under Section 37 1(a) of the Criminal
          Law (Codification and Reform) Act. They are
          reportedly being held at Bulawayo Remand
          Prison. It is unclear whether they have had access
          to a lawyer.
          C D
          — n
          A!HRC/1 0/44/Add.4
          page 418
          Information on the torture of a person should be transmitted to the Special Rapporteur in
          written form and sent to:
          Special Rapporteur on Torture
          do Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
          United Nations Office at Geneva
          CH-121 1 Geneva 10, Switzerland
          E-mail: urgent-action ohchr.org
          Although it is important to provide as much detail as possible, the lack of a comprehensive
          accounting should not necessarily preclude the submission of reports. However, the Special
          Rapporteur can only deal with clearly identified individual cases containing the following
          minimum elements of information.
          I. Identity of the person(s) subjected to torture
          A. Family Name.
          B. First and other names.
          C. Sex: Male Female.
          D. Birthdateorage.
          E. Nationality.
          F. Occupation.
          G. Identity card number (if applicable).
          F. Activities (trade union, political, religious, humanitarian/solidarity, press, etc.).
          G. Residential and/or work address.
          II. Circumstances surrounding torture
          A. Date and place of arrest and subsequent torture.
          B. Identity of force(s) carrying out the initial detention and/or torture (police,
          intelligence services, armed forces, paramilitary, prison officials, other).
          C. Were any person, such as a lawyer, relatives or friends, permitted to see the victim
          during detention? If so, how long after the arrest?
          A!HRC/1 O/44/Add.4
          page 419
          D. Describe the methods of torture used.
          E. What injuries were sustained as a result of the torture?
          F. What was believed to be the purpose of the torture?
          G. Was the victim examined by a doctor at any point during or after his/her ordeal? If
          so, when? Was the examination performed by a prison or government doctor?
          H. Was appropriate treatment received for injuries sustained as a result of the torture?
          I. Was the medical examination performed in a manner which would enable the doctor
          to detect evidence of injuries sustained as a result of the torture? Were any medical reports or
          certificates issued? If so, what did the reports reveal?
          J. If the victim died in custody, was an autopsy or forensic examination performed and
          which were the results?
          III. Remedial action
          Were any domestic remedies pursued by the victim or his/her family or representatives
          (complaints with the forces responsible, the judiciary, political organs, etc.)? If so, what was the
          IV. Information concerning the author of the present report
          A. Family Name.
          B. First Name.
          C. Relationship to victim.
          D. Organization represented, if any.
          E. Present full address.

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