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Latest Reports on Political Prisoners October 27th : Families of Political Prisoners to Stage Protest outside Prosecutor’s Office

          Latest Reports on Political Prisomrs October 27th: Families of Political http://hra-irannet/indexphp?view—article&catid—66%3A304&ic l—1980
          Latest Reports on Political Prisoners October 27th: Families of Political Prisoners to Stage Protest outside Prosecutor's Office
          21:08' 1388 LP5 ‘ .# ‘ -“
          Hengameh Shahidi continues her hunger strike;
          Abolfazl Abedini was released on bail;
          The cases of Messier Saeed Laylaz, Mohammad-Reza Moghieseh and Bahman Amoui remain undecided;
          Interrogators did not let Zaidabadi' s family to visit him despite the authorization by the prosecutor.
          Negar Sayeh, freelancer and a Mousavi campaign worker was arrested last week. Sayeh' s husband, Saeed Ghoreishi was also arrested last week during a
          Komail prayer ceremony which was held at the house of Shahab Tabatabi's father in law. The couple is detained at Evin Pnson.
          Intelligence Ministry agents in Mahabad raided the residence of a political prisoner named Jahangir Badorzadeh. The agents intended to arrest Badorzadeh's
          family. Touran Badorzadeh and her teenage son fled to the nearby mountains before the agents could arrest them. HRA reports that the agents took with
          them the family's personal belongings and books. Previously the family's eldest son, Razgar, was shot and killed in downtown Mahabad by local intelligence
          agents who were acting on their own.
          Kfluzestani journalist and head of public relations department of HRA, Abolfazl Abedini was released on bail yesterday after much effort by his lawyer. The
          defense lawyer, Oliyaifar argued that his client suffered from a heart condition that could not be treated in prison. The bail was set at S 300,000. Abedini has
          been conditionally released pending court's ruling. He was arrested on June 30th 2009.
          Hengameh Shahidi' s lawyer, Mohammad Mostafaie said:” Hengameh Shahidi has been on hunger strike for 48 hours. She called me this morning from Evin
          and said she can't stand her detention anymore and is on hunger strike. She also said that she is being held in a section where criminals and convicts are
          detained. Unfortunately the way Hangameh's case is being handled by the officials is very worrisome.”
          Zahra Jabbari who is among the people arrested after the election, has broken her hunger strike after her condition became critical. Prison officials have
          transferred her from solitary to a cell she shares with another prisoner. Last Monday Zahra' s family went to ward 209's visitation room to see her but the
          interrogator only allowed Zahra's young child to meet with her. Zahra's mother believes that the visit was canceled after she made interviews about her
          detained daughter. Zahra was arrested during Quds day rally and had been on hunger strike for over two weeks.
          Mohammad-Reza Moghieseh who is a member of the Mousavi Campaign HQs is still being held at Evin. Moghieseh who was also a member of the
          Mousavi's prisoner's affairs committee, has not yet been allowed to have prison visits. The interrogator in charge of his case has reportedly advised the
          family to keep a low profile since Moghieseh could be released shortly. Moghieseh has been detained since October 14th.
          The family of Saeed Laylaz visited him yesterday. His wife, Sepehrnaz Oanahi-Abouzar, has described his situation:” he is being kept in a cell he shares with
          a few common prisoners. Saeed has objected to the hygienic conditions of his fellow cell-mates and has asked to be transferred but his requests have been
          neglected so far”. The family has been told by officials from the judiciary that his file has been sent to Tehran Prosecutor who will decide about the file.
          Jila Bani-Yaghoub visited her husband, Bahman Amoui, yesterday. The visit which took place at Evin was reportedly very short. The families of political
          prisoners have repeatedly complained in the past about the short duration of visits. Amoui has been detained for four months and his fate remains undecided.
          Ahamad Zaidabadi's wife who could not meet him yesterday says that Tehran Prosecutor had approved yesterday's visit. Nevertheless, the interrogator
          refused to allow the visit. Mahdieh Mohammadi has not been able to visit her husband for several weeks.
          In other news, Ali Khari who is the head of Mousavi Campaign in Golestan province was arrested after being summoned by the Intelligence Ministry branch
          in Golestan.
          Unconfirmed reports suggest that preliminary verdicts have been issued for 64 defendants who were arrested after the election.
          Meanwhile, Farhad Tajjari, a member of Majlis who is also in the special Majhs committee for the post election detainees commented on the possibility of
          conditional release for defendants who have received their verdicts. Tajjari said:” for those who were accused and convicted of committing serious offenses
          during the recent riots the possibility of release is slim; even though their investigation have concluded. If released, they could instigate further riots”.
          The families of pohtical pnsoners have announced that they plan to protest the ongoing detention their loved ones. The families, who say the rights of their
          loved ones have been violated, will gather outside the Prosecutor' Office at 15 Khordad Square on Wednesday, October 28th, at 11 am.
          1 of 2 10/28/2009 10:08 AM
          Latest Reports on Political Prisoners October 27th: Families of Political ... http://hra-iran.net/inclex.php?view=article&catid=66%3A304&id= 1980...
          2 of 2 10/28/2009 10:08 AM

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